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Unified Diff: Source/core/rendering/RenderMultiColumnSet.cpp

Issue 883293004: [New Multicolumn] Preparatory work for nested multicol support. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Place the new files in ../layout/ , since that's where they'll end up soon anyway. Created 5 years, 10 months ago
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Index: Source/core/rendering/RenderMultiColumnSet.cpp
diff --git a/Source/core/rendering/RenderMultiColumnSet.cpp b/Source/core/rendering/RenderMultiColumnSet.cpp
index 7d53c06537eb2e609e40a57a550c6038e808daee..0ed1a9dba234316f28173a28844b46913c0cb36b 100644
--- a/Source/core/rendering/RenderMultiColumnSet.cpp
+++ b/Source/core/rendering/RenderMultiColumnSet.cpp
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include "config.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderMultiColumnSet.h"
+#include "core/layout/MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup.h"
#include "core/paint/MultiColumnSetPainter.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderMultiColumnFlowThread.h"
@@ -33,10 +34,7 @@ namespace blink {
RenderMultiColumnSet::RenderMultiColumnSet(RenderFlowThread* flowThread)
: RenderRegion(0, flowThread)
- , m_columnHeight(0)
- , m_maxColumnHeight(RenderFlowThread::maxLogicalHeight())
- , m_minSpaceShortage(RenderFlowThread::maxLogicalHeight())
- , m_minimumColumnHeight(0)
+ , m_fragmentainerGroups(*this)
@@ -49,6 +47,25 @@ RenderMultiColumnSet* RenderMultiColumnSet::createAnonymous(RenderFlowThread& fl
return renderer;
+MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup& RenderMultiColumnSet::fragmentainerGroupAtFlowThreadOffset(LayoutUnit)
+ // FIXME: implement this, once we have support for multiple rows.
+ return m_fragmentainerGroups.first();
+const MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup& RenderMultiColumnSet::fragmentainerGroupAtFlowThreadOffset(LayoutUnit) const
+ // FIXME: implement this, once we have support for multiple rows.
+ return m_fragmentainerGroups.first();
+LayoutUnit RenderMultiColumnSet::pageLogicalHeight() const
+ // FIXME: pageLogicalHeight() needs to take a flow thread offset parameter, so that we can
+ // locate the right row.
+ return firstFragmentainerGroup().logicalHeight();
RenderMultiColumnSet* RenderMultiColumnSet::nextSiblingMultiColumnSet() const
for (LayoutObject* sibling = nextSibling(); sibling; sibling = sibling->nextSibling()) {
@@ -67,24 +84,14 @@ RenderMultiColumnSet* RenderMultiColumnSet::previousSiblingMultiColumnSet() cons
return 0;
-void RenderMultiColumnSet::setLogicalTopInFlowThread(LayoutUnit logicalTop)
+LayoutUnit RenderMultiColumnSet::logicalTopInFlowThread() const
- LayoutRect rect = flowThreadPortionRect();
- if (isHorizontalWritingMode())
- rect.setY(logicalTop);
- else
- rect.setX(logicalTop);
- setFlowThreadPortionRect(rect);
+ return firstFragmentainerGroup().logicalTopInFlowThread();
-void RenderMultiColumnSet::setLogicalBottomInFlowThread(LayoutUnit logicalBottom)
+LayoutUnit RenderMultiColumnSet::logicalBottomInFlowThread() const
- LayoutRect rect = flowThreadPortionRect();
- if (isHorizontalWritingMode())
- rect.shiftMaxYEdgeTo(logicalBottom);
- else
- rect.shiftMaxXEdgeTo(logicalBottom);
- setFlowThreadPortionRect(rect);
+ return lastFragmentainerGroup().logicalBottomInFlowThread();
bool RenderMultiColumnSet::heightIsAuto() const
@@ -105,245 +112,79 @@ bool RenderMultiColumnSet::heightIsAuto() const
LayoutSize RenderMultiColumnSet::flowThreadTranslationAtOffset(LayoutUnit blockOffset) const
- unsigned columnIndex = columnIndexAtOffset(blockOffset);
- LayoutRect portionRect(flowThreadPortionRectAt(columnIndex));
- flipForWritingMode(portionRect);
- LayoutRect columnRect(columnRectAt(columnIndex));
- flipForWritingMode(columnRect);
- return toLayoutPoint(contentBoxOffset()) + columnRect.location() - portionRect.location();
-LayoutUnit RenderMultiColumnSet::heightAdjustedForSetOffset(LayoutUnit height) const
- // Adjust for the top offset within the content box of the multicol container (containing
- // block), unless this is the first set. We know that the top offset for the first set will be
- // zero, but if the multicol container has non-zero top border or padding, the set's top offset
- // (initially being 0 and relative to the border box) will be negative until it has been laid
- // out. Had we used this bogus offset, we would calculate the wrong height, and risk performing
- // a wasted layout iteration. Of course all other sets (if any) have this problem in the first
- // layout pass too, but there's really nothing we can do there until the flow thread has been
- // laid out anyway.
- if (previousSiblingMultiColumnSet()) {
- RenderBlockFlow* multicolBlock = multiColumnBlockFlow();
- LayoutUnit contentLogicalTop = logicalTop() - multicolBlock->borderAndPaddingBefore();
- height -= contentLogicalTop;
- }
- return max(height, LayoutUnit(1)); // Let's avoid zero height, as that would probably cause an infinite amount of columns to be created.
+ const MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup& row = fragmentainerGroupAtFlowThreadOffset(blockOffset);
+ return row.offsetFromColumnSet() + row.flowThreadTranslationAtOffset(blockOffset);
-LayoutUnit RenderMultiColumnSet::pageLogicalTopForOffset(LayoutUnit offset) const
+void RenderMultiColumnSet::updateMinimumColumnHeight(LayoutUnit offsetInFlowThread, LayoutUnit height)
- unsigned columnIndex = columnIndexAtOffset(offset, AssumeNewColumns);
- return logicalTopInFlowThread() + columnIndex * pageLogicalHeight();
+ fragmentainerGroupAtFlowThreadOffset(offsetInFlowThread).updateMinimumColumnHeight(height);
-void RenderMultiColumnSet::setAndConstrainColumnHeight(LayoutUnit newHeight)
- m_columnHeight = newHeight;
- if (m_columnHeight > m_maxColumnHeight)
- m_columnHeight = m_maxColumnHeight;
- // FIXME: the height may also be affected by the enclosing pagination context, if any.
-unsigned RenderMultiColumnSet::findRunWithTallestColumns() const
+LayoutUnit RenderMultiColumnSet::pageLogicalTopForOffset(LayoutUnit offset) const
- unsigned indexWithLargestHeight = 0;
- LayoutUnit largestHeight;
- LayoutUnit previousOffset = logicalTopInFlowThread();
- size_t runCount = m_contentRuns.size();
- ASSERT(runCount);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < runCount; i++) {
- const ContentRun& run = m_contentRuns[i];
- LayoutUnit height = run.columnLogicalHeight(previousOffset);
- if (largestHeight < height) {
- largestHeight = height;
- indexWithLargestHeight = i;
- }
- previousOffset = run.breakOffset();
- }
- return indexWithLargestHeight;
-void RenderMultiColumnSet::distributeImplicitBreaks()
- // There should be no implicit breaks assumed at this point.
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_contentRuns.size(); i++)
- ASSERT(!m_contentRuns[i].assumedImplicitBreaks());
-#endif // ENABLE(ASSERT)
- // Insert a final content run to encompass all content. This will include overflow if this is
- // the last set.
- addContentRun(logicalBottomInFlowThread());
- unsigned columnCount = m_contentRuns.size();
- // If there is room for more breaks (to reach the used value of column-count), imagine that we
- // insert implicit breaks at suitable locations. At any given time, the content run with the
- // currently tallest columns will get another implicit break "inserted", which will increase its
- // column count by one and shrink its columns' height. Repeat until we have the desired total
- // number of breaks. The largest column height among the runs will then be the initial column
- // height for the balancer to use.
- while (columnCount < usedColumnCount()) {
- unsigned index = findRunWithTallestColumns();
- m_contentRuns[index].assumeAnotherImplicitBreak();
- columnCount++;
- }
-LayoutUnit RenderMultiColumnSet::calculateColumnHeight(BalancedHeightCalculation calculationMode) const
- if (calculationMode == GuessFromFlowThreadPortion) {
- // Initial balancing. Start with the lowest imaginable column height. We use the tallest
- // content run (after having "inserted" implicit breaks), and find its start offset (by
- // looking at the previous run's end offset, or, if there's no previous run, the set's start
- // offset in the flow thread).
- unsigned index = findRunWithTallestColumns();
- LayoutUnit startOffset = index > 0 ? m_contentRuns[index - 1].breakOffset() : logicalTopInFlowThread();
- return std::max<LayoutUnit>(m_contentRuns[index].columnLogicalHeight(startOffset), m_minimumColumnHeight);
- }
- if (actualColumnCount() <= usedColumnCount()) {
- // With the current column height, the content fits without creating overflowing columns. We're done.
- return m_columnHeight;
- }
- if (m_contentRuns.size() >= usedColumnCount()) {
- // Too many forced breaks to allow any implicit breaks. Initial balancing should already
- // have set a good height. There's nothing more we should do.
- return m_columnHeight;
- }
- // If the initial guessed column height wasn't enough, stretch it now. Stretch by the lowest
- // amount of space shortage found during layout.
- ASSERT(m_minSpaceShortage > 0); // We should never _shrink_ the height!
- ASSERT(m_minSpaceShortage != RenderFlowThread::maxLogicalHeight()); // If this happens, we probably have a bug.
- if (m_minSpaceShortage == RenderFlowThread::maxLogicalHeight())
- return m_columnHeight; // So bail out rather than looping infinitely.
- return m_columnHeight + m_minSpaceShortage;
+ return fragmentainerGroupAtFlowThreadOffset(offset).columnLogicalTopForOffset(offset);
void RenderMultiColumnSet::addContentRun(LayoutUnit endOffsetFromFirstPage)
if (!heightIsAuto())
- if (!m_contentRuns.isEmpty() && endOffsetFromFirstPage <= m_contentRuns.last().breakOffset())
- return;
- // Append another item as long as we haven't exceeded used column count. What ends up in the
- // overflow area shouldn't affect column balancing.
- if (m_contentRuns.size() < usedColumnCount())
- m_contentRuns.append(ContentRun(endOffsetFromFirstPage));
+ fragmentainerGroupAtFlowThreadOffset(endOffsetFromFirstPage).addContentRun(endOffsetFromFirstPage);
-bool RenderMultiColumnSet::recalculateColumnHeight(BalancedHeightCalculation calculationMode)
+bool RenderMultiColumnSet::recalculateColumnHeight(BalancedColumnHeightCalculation calculationMode)
- LayoutUnit oldColumnHeight = m_columnHeight;
- m_maxColumnHeight = calculateMaxColumnHeight();
- if (heightIsAuto()) {
- if (calculationMode == GuessFromFlowThreadPortion) {
- // Post-process the content runs and find out where the implicit breaks will occur.
- distributeImplicitBreaks();
- }
- LayoutUnit newColumnHeight = calculateColumnHeight(calculationMode);
- setAndConstrainColumnHeight(newColumnHeight);
- // After having calculated an initial column height, the multicol container typically needs at
- // least one more layout pass with a new column height, but if a height was specified, we only
- // need to do this if we think that we need less space than specified. Conversely, if we
- // determined that the columns need to be as tall as the specified height of the container, we
- // have already laid it out correctly, and there's no need for another pass.
- } else {
- // The position of the column set may have changed, in which case height available for
- // columns may have changed as well.
- setAndConstrainColumnHeight(m_columnHeight);
- }
- // We can get rid of the content runs now, if we haven't already done so. They are only needed
- // to calculate the initial balanced column height. In fact, we have to get rid of them before
- // the next layout pass, since each pass will rebuild this.
- m_contentRuns.clear();
- if (m_columnHeight == oldColumnHeight)
- return false; // No change. We're done.
- m_minSpaceShortage = RenderFlowThread::maxLogicalHeight();
- return true; // Need another pass.
+ bool changed = false;
+ for (auto& group : m_fragmentainerGroups)
+ changed = group.recalculateColumnHeight(calculationMode) || changed;
+ return changed;
-void RenderMultiColumnSet::recordSpaceShortage(LayoutUnit spaceShortage)
+void RenderMultiColumnSet::recordSpaceShortage(LayoutUnit offsetInFlowThread, LayoutUnit spaceShortage)
- if (spaceShortage >= m_minSpaceShortage)
- return;
- // The space shortage is what we use as our stretch amount. We need a positive number here in
- // order to get anywhere.
- ASSERT(spaceShortage > 0);
- m_minSpaceShortage = spaceShortage;
+ fragmentainerGroupAtFlowThreadOffset(offsetInFlowThread).recordSpaceShortage(spaceShortage);
void RenderMultiColumnSet::resetColumnHeight()
- // Nuke previously stored minimum column height. Contents may have changed for all we know.
- m_minimumColumnHeight = 0;
- m_maxColumnHeight = calculateMaxColumnHeight();
- LayoutUnit oldColumnHeight = pageLogicalHeight();
- if (heightIsAuto())
- m_columnHeight = 0;
- else
- setAndConstrainColumnHeight(heightAdjustedForSetOffset(multiColumnFlowThread()->columnHeightAvailable()));
+ m_fragmentainerGroups.deleteExtraGroups();
+ m_fragmentainerGroups.first().resetColumnHeight();
- if (pageLogicalHeight() != oldColumnHeight)
- setChildNeedsLayout(MarkOnlyThis);
+void RenderMultiColumnSet::beginFlow(LayoutUnit offsetInFlowThread)
+ // At this point layout is exactly at the beginning of this set. Store block offset from flow
+ // thread start.
+ m_fragmentainerGroups.first().setLogicalTopInFlowThread(offsetInFlowThread);
- // Content runs are only needed in the initial layout pass, in order to find an initial column
- // height, and should have been deleted afterwards. We're about to rebuild the content runs, so
- // the list needs to be empty.
- ASSERT(m_contentRuns.isEmpty());
+void RenderMultiColumnSet::endFlow(LayoutUnit offsetInFlowThread)
+ // At this point layout is exactly at the end of this set. Store block offset from flow thread
+ // start. This set is now considered "flowed", although we may have to revisit it later (with
+ // beginFlow()), e.g. if a subtree in the flow thread has to be laid out over again because the
+ // initial margin collapsing estimates were wrong.
+ m_fragmentainerGroups.last().setLogicalBottomInFlowThread(offsetInFlowThread);
void RenderMultiColumnSet::expandToEncompassFlowThreadContentsIfNeeded()
ASSERT(multiColumnFlowThread()->lastMultiColumnSet() == this);
- LayoutRect rect(flowThreadPortionRect());
- // Get the offset within the flow thread in its block progression direction. Then get the
- // flow thread's remaining logical height including its overflow and expand our rect
- // to encompass that remaining height and overflow. The idea is that we will generate
- // additional columns and pages to hold that overflow, since people do write bad
- // content like <body style="height:0px"> in multi-column layouts.
- bool isHorizontal = flowThread()->isHorizontalWritingMode();
- LayoutUnit logicalTopOffset = isHorizontal ? rect.y() : rect.x();
- LayoutRect layoutRect = flowThread()->layoutOverflowRect();
- LayoutUnit logicalHeightWithOverflow = (isHorizontal ? layoutRect.maxY() : layoutRect.maxX()) - logicalTopOffset;
- setFlowThreadPortionRect(LayoutRect(rect.x(), rect.y(), isHorizontal ? rect.width() : logicalHeightWithOverflow, isHorizontal ? logicalHeightWithOverflow : rect.height()));
+ // FIXME: this may result in the need for creating additional rows, since there may not be
+ // enough space remaining in the currently last row.
+ m_fragmentainerGroups.last().expandToEncompassFlowThreadOverflow();
void RenderMultiColumnSet::computeLogicalHeight(LayoutUnit, LayoutUnit logicalTop, LogicalExtentComputedValues& computedValues) const
- computedValues.m_extent = m_columnHeight;
+ LayoutUnit logicalHeight;
+ for (const auto& group : m_fragmentainerGroups)
+ logicalHeight += group.logicalHeight();
+ computedValues.m_extent = logicalHeight;
computedValues.m_position = logicalTop;
-LayoutUnit RenderMultiColumnSet::calculateMaxColumnHeight() const
- RenderBlockFlow* multicolBlock = multiColumnBlockFlow();
- const LayoutStyle& multicolStyle = multicolBlock->styleRef();
- LayoutUnit availableHeight = multiColumnFlowThread()->columnHeightAvailable();
- LayoutUnit maxColumnHeight = availableHeight ? availableHeight : RenderFlowThread::maxLogicalHeight();
- if (!multicolStyle.logicalMaxHeight().isMaxSizeNone()) {
- LayoutUnit logicalMaxHeight = multicolBlock->computeContentLogicalHeight(multicolStyle.logicalMaxHeight(), -1);
- if (logicalMaxHeight != -1 && maxColumnHeight > logicalMaxHeight)
- maxColumnHeight = logicalMaxHeight;
- }
- return heightAdjustedForSetOffset(maxColumnHeight);
LayoutUnit RenderMultiColumnSet::columnGap() const
RenderBlockFlow* parentBlock = multiColumnBlockFlow();
@@ -354,110 +195,9 @@ LayoutUnit RenderMultiColumnSet::columnGap() const
unsigned RenderMultiColumnSet::actualColumnCount() const
- // We must always return a value of 1 or greater. Column count = 0 is a meaningless situation,
- // and will confuse and cause problems in other parts of the code.
- if (!pageLogicalHeight())
- return 1;
- // Our portion rect determines our column count. We have as many columns as needed to fit all the content.
- LayoutUnit logicalHeightInColumns = flowThread()->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? flowThreadPortionRect().height() : flowThreadPortionRect().width();
- if (!logicalHeightInColumns)
- return 1;
- unsigned count = ceil(logicalHeightInColumns.toFloat() / pageLogicalHeight().toFloat());
- ASSERT(count >= 1);
- return count;
-LayoutRect RenderMultiColumnSet::columnRectAt(unsigned index) const
- LayoutUnit colLogicalWidth = pageLogicalWidth();
- LayoutUnit colLogicalHeight = pageLogicalHeight();
- LayoutUnit colLogicalTop = borderBefore() + paddingBefore();
- LayoutUnit colLogicalLeft = borderAndPaddingLogicalLeft();
- LayoutUnit colGap = columnGap();
- if (multiColumnFlowThread()->progressionIsInline()) {
- if (style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
- colLogicalLeft += index * (colLogicalWidth + colGap);
- else
- colLogicalLeft += contentLogicalWidth() - colLogicalWidth - index * (colLogicalWidth + colGap);
- } else {
- colLogicalTop += index * (colLogicalHeight + colGap);
- }
- if (isHorizontalWritingMode())
- return LayoutRect(colLogicalLeft, colLogicalTop, colLogicalWidth, colLogicalHeight);
- return LayoutRect(colLogicalTop, colLogicalLeft, colLogicalHeight, colLogicalWidth);
-unsigned RenderMultiColumnSet::columnIndexAtOffset(LayoutUnit offset, ColumnIndexCalculationMode mode) const
- LayoutRect portionRect(flowThreadPortionRect());
- // Handle the offset being out of range.
- LayoutUnit flowThreadLogicalTop = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? portionRect.y() : portionRect.x();
- if (offset < flowThreadLogicalTop)
- return 0;
- // If we're laying out right now, we cannot constrain against some logical bottom, since it
- // isn't known yet. Otherwise, just return the last column if we're past the logical bottom.
- if (mode == ClampToExistingColumns) {
- LayoutUnit flowThreadLogicalBottom = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? portionRect.maxY() : portionRect.maxX();
- if (offset >= flowThreadLogicalBottom)
- return actualColumnCount() - 1;
- }
- if (LayoutUnit pageLogicalHeight = this->pageLogicalHeight())
- return (offset - flowThreadLogicalTop).toFloat() / pageLogicalHeight.toFloat();
- return 0;
-LayoutRect RenderMultiColumnSet::flowThreadPortionRectAt(unsigned index) const
- LayoutRect portionRect = flowThreadPortionRect();
- if (isHorizontalWritingMode())
- portionRect = LayoutRect(portionRect.x(), portionRect.y() + index * pageLogicalHeight(), portionRect.width(), pageLogicalHeight());
- else
- portionRect = LayoutRect(portionRect.x() + index * pageLogicalHeight(), portionRect.y(), pageLogicalHeight(), portionRect.height());
- return portionRect;
-LayoutRect RenderMultiColumnSet::flowThreadPortionOverflowRect(const LayoutRect& portionRect, unsigned index, unsigned colCount, LayoutUnit colGap) const
- // This function determines the portion of the flow thread that paints for the column. Along the inline axis, columns are
- // unclipped at outside edges (i.e., the first and last column in the set), and they clip to half the column
- // gap along interior edges.
- //
- // In the block direction, we will not clip overflow out of the top of the first column, or out of the bottom of
- // the last column. This applies only to the true first column and last column across all column sets.
- //
- // FIXME: Eventually we will know overflow on a per-column basis, but we can't do this until we have a painting
- // mode that understands not to paint contents from a previous column in the overflow area of a following column.
- // This problem applies to regions and pages as well and is not unique to columns.
- bool isFirstColumn = !index;
- bool isLastColumn = index == colCount - 1;
- bool isLeftmostColumn = style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? isFirstColumn : isLastColumn;
- bool isRightmostColumn = style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? isLastColumn : isFirstColumn;
- // Calculate the overflow rectangle, based on the flow thread's, clipped at column logical
- // top/bottom unless it's the first/last column.
- LayoutRect overflowRect = overflowRectForFlowThreadPortion(portionRect, isFirstColumn && isFirstRegion(), isLastColumn && isLastRegion());
- // Avoid overflowing into neighboring columns, by clipping in the middle of adjacent column
- // gaps. Also make sure that we avoid rounding errors.
- if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
- if (!isLeftmostColumn)
- overflowRect.shiftXEdgeTo(portionRect.x() - colGap / 2);
- if (!isRightmostColumn)
- overflowRect.shiftMaxXEdgeTo(portionRect.maxX() + colGap - colGap / 2);
- } else {
- if (!isLeftmostColumn)
- overflowRect.shiftYEdgeTo(portionRect.y() - colGap / 2);
- if (!isRightmostColumn)
- overflowRect.shiftMaxYEdgeTo(portionRect.maxY() + colGap - colGap / 2);
- }
- return overflowRect;
+ // FIXME: remove this method. It's a meaningless question to ask the set "how many columns do
+ // you actually have?", since that may vary for each row.
+ return firstFragmentainerGroup().actualColumnCount();
void RenderMultiColumnSet::paintObject(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
@@ -467,125 +207,21 @@ void RenderMultiColumnSet::paintObject(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutP
void RenderMultiColumnSet::collectLayerFragments(LayerFragments& fragments, const LayoutRect& layerBoundingBox, const LayoutRect& dirtyRect)
- // |layerBoundingBox| is in the flow thread coordinate space, relative to the top/left edge of
- // the flow thread, but note that it has been converted with respect to writing mode (so that
- // it's visual/physical in that sense).
- //
- // |dirtyRect| is visual, relative to the multicol container.
- //
- // Then there's the output from this method - the stuff we put into the list of fragments. The
- // fragment.paginationOffset point is the actual visual translation required to get from a
- // location in the flow thread to a location in a given column. The fragment.paginationClip
- // rectangle, on the other hand, is in flow thread coordinates.
- //
- // All other rectangles in this method are sized physically, and the inline direction coordinate
- // is physical too, but the block direction coordinate is "logical top". This is the same as
- // e.g. RenderBox::frameRect(). These rectangles also pretend that there's only one long column,
- // i.e. they are for the flow thread.
- // Put the layer bounds into flow thread-local coordinates by flipping it first. Since we're in
- // a renderer, most rectangles are represented this way.
- LayoutRect layerBoundsInFlowThread(layerBoundingBox);
- flowThread()->flipForWritingMode(layerBoundsInFlowThread);
- // Now we can compare with the flow thread portions owned by each column. First let's
- // see if the rect intersects our flow thread portion at all.
- LayoutRect clippedRect(layerBoundsInFlowThread);
- clippedRect.intersect(RenderRegion::flowThreadPortionOverflowRect());
- if (clippedRect.isEmpty())
- return;
- // Now we know we intersect at least one column. Let's figure out the logical top and logical
- // bottom of the area we're checking.
- LayoutUnit layerLogicalTop = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? layerBoundsInFlowThread.y() : layerBoundsInFlowThread.x();
- LayoutUnit layerLogicalBottom = (isHorizontalWritingMode() ? layerBoundsInFlowThread.maxY() : layerBoundsInFlowThread.maxX()) - 1;
- // Figure out the start and end columns and only check within that range so that we don't walk the
- // entire column set.
- unsigned startColumn = columnIndexAtOffset(layerLogicalTop);
- unsigned endColumn = columnIndexAtOffset(layerLogicalBottom);
- LayoutUnit colLogicalWidth = pageLogicalWidth();
- LayoutUnit colGap = columnGap();
- unsigned colCount = actualColumnCount();
- RenderMultiColumnFlowThread* flowThread = multiColumnFlowThread();
- bool progressionIsInline = flowThread->progressionIsInline();
- bool leftToRight = style()->isLeftToRightDirection();
- LayoutUnit initialBlockOffset = logicalTop() - flowThread->logicalTop();
- for (unsigned i = startColumn; i <= endColumn; i++) {
- // Get the portion of the flow thread that corresponds to this column.
- LayoutRect flowThreadPortion = flowThreadPortionRectAt(i);
- // Now get the overflow rect that corresponds to the column.
- LayoutRect flowThreadOverflowPortion = flowThreadPortionOverflowRect(flowThreadPortion, i, colCount, colGap);
- // In order to create a fragment we must intersect the portion painted by this column.
- LayoutRect clippedRect(layerBoundsInFlowThread);
- clippedRect.intersect(flowThreadOverflowPortion);
- if (clippedRect.isEmpty())
- continue;
- // We also need to intersect the dirty rect. We have to apply a translation and shift based off
- // our column index.
- LayoutPoint translationOffset;
- LayoutUnit inlineOffset = progressionIsInline ? i * (colLogicalWidth + colGap) : LayoutUnit();
- if (!leftToRight)
- inlineOffset = -inlineOffset;
- translationOffset.setX(inlineOffset);
- LayoutUnit blockOffset;
- if (progressionIsInline) {
- blockOffset = initialBlockOffset + (isHorizontalWritingMode() ? -flowThreadPortion.y() : -flowThreadPortion.x());
- } else {
- // Column gap can apply in the block direction for page fragmentainers.
- // There is currently no spec which calls for column-gap to apply
- // for page fragmentainers at all, but it's applied here for compatibility
- // with the old multicolumn implementation.
- blockOffset = i * colGap;
- }
- if (isFlippedBlocksWritingMode(style()->writingMode()))
- blockOffset = -blockOffset;
- translationOffset.setY(blockOffset);
- if (!isHorizontalWritingMode())
- translationOffset = translationOffset.transposedPoint();
- // FIXME: The translation needs to include the multicolumn set's content offset within the
- // multicolumn block as well. This won't be an issue until we start creating multiple multicolumn sets.
- // Shift the dirty rect to be in flow thread coordinates with this translation applied.
- LayoutRect translatedDirtyRect(dirtyRect);
- translatedDirtyRect.moveBy(-translationOffset);
- // See if we intersect the dirty rect.
- clippedRect = layerBoundingBox;
- clippedRect.intersect(translatedDirtyRect);
- if (clippedRect.isEmpty())
- continue;
- // Something does need to paint in this column. Make a fragment now and supply the physical translation
- // offset and the clip rect for the column with that offset applied.
- LayerFragment fragment;
- fragment.paginationOffset = translationOffset;
- LayoutRect flippedFlowThreadOverflowPortion(flowThreadOverflowPortion);
- // Flip it into more a physical (Layer-style) rectangle.
- flowThread->flipForWritingMode(flippedFlowThreadOverflowPortion);
- fragment.paginationClip = flippedFlowThreadOverflowPortion;
- fragments.append(fragment);
- }
+ for (const auto& group : m_fragmentainerGroups)
+ group.collectLayerFragments(fragments, layerBoundingBox, dirtyRect);
void RenderMultiColumnSet::addOverflowFromChildren()
- unsigned colCount = actualColumnCount();
- if (!colCount)
- return;
- LayoutRect lastRect = columnRectAt(colCount - 1);
- addLayoutOverflow(lastRect);
+ LayoutRect overflowRect;
+ for (const auto& group : m_fragmentainerGroups) {
+ LayoutRect rect = group.calculateOverflow();
+ rect.move(group.offsetFromColumnSet());
+ overflowRect.unite(rect);
+ }
+ addLayoutOverflow(overflowRect);
if (!hasOverflowClip())
- addVisualOverflow(lastRect);
+ addVisualOverflow(overflowRect);
const char* RenderMultiColumnSet::renderName() const
@@ -630,4 +266,12 @@ void RenderMultiColumnSet::detachRegion()
+LayoutRect RenderMultiColumnSet::flowThreadPortionRect() const
+ LayoutRect portionRect(LayoutUnit(), logicalTopInFlowThread(), pageLogicalWidth(), logicalHeightInFlowThread());
+ if (!isHorizontalWritingMode())
+ return portionRect.transposedRect();
+ return portionRect;

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