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Unified Diff: test/cctest/

Issue 653093002: Test monotonicity of expression typings. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Adressed comments. Created 6 years, 2 months ago
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diff --git a/test/cctest/ b/test/cctest/
index e9122b1c650e6e50b01552af32fbd9750655d7f9..a80045b4fb465071d2e7fd44a6afc46982d3ac45 100644
--- a/test/cctest/
+++ b/test/cctest/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "src/isolate-inl.h"
#include "src/types.h"
#include "test/cctest/cctest.h"
+#include "test/cctest/types.h"
using namespace v8::internal;
@@ -90,273 +91,6 @@ struct HeapRep {
-template<class Type, class TypeHandle, class Region>
-class Types {
- public:
- Types(Region* region, Isolate* isolate)
- : region_(region), rng_(isolate->random_number_generator()) {
- #define DECLARE_TYPE(name, value) \
- name = Type::name(region); \
- types.push_back(name);
- object_map = isolate->factory()->NewMap(
- JS_OBJECT_TYPE, JSObject::kHeaderSize);
- array_map = isolate->factory()->NewMap(
- JS_ARRAY_TYPE, JSArray::kSize);
- number_map = isolate->factory()->NewMap(
- HEAP_NUMBER_TYPE, HeapNumber::kSize);
- uninitialized_map = isolate->factory()->uninitialized_map();
- ObjectClass = Type::Class(object_map, region);
- ArrayClass = Type::Class(array_map, region);
- NumberClass = Type::Class(number_map, region);
- UninitializedClass = Type::Class(uninitialized_map, region);
- maps.push_back(object_map);
- maps.push_back(array_map);
- maps.push_back(uninitialized_map);
- for (MapVector::iterator it = maps.begin(); it != maps.end(); ++it) {
- types.push_back(Type::Class(*it, region));
- }
- smi = handle(Smi::FromInt(666), isolate);
- signed32 = isolate->factory()->NewHeapNumber(0x40000000);
- object1 = isolate->factory()->NewJSObjectFromMap(object_map);
- object2 = isolate->factory()->NewJSObjectFromMap(object_map);
- array = isolate->factory()->NewJSArray(20);
- uninitialized = isolate->factory()->uninitialized_value();
- SmiConstant = Type::Constant(smi, region);
- Signed32Constant = Type::Constant(signed32, region);
- ObjectConstant1 = Type::Constant(object1, region);
- ObjectConstant2 = Type::Constant(object2, region);
- ArrayConstant = Type::Constant(array, region);
- UninitializedConstant = Type::Constant(uninitialized, region);
- values.push_back(smi);
- values.push_back(signed32);
- values.push_back(object1);
- values.push_back(object2);
- values.push_back(array);
- values.push_back(uninitialized);
- for (ValueVector::iterator it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it) {
- types.push_back(Type::Constant(*it, region));
- }
- integers.push_back(isolate->factory()->NewNumber(-V8_INFINITY));
- integers.push_back(isolate->factory()->NewNumber(+V8_INFINITY));
- integers.push_back(isolate->factory()->NewNumber(-rng_->NextInt(10)));
- integers.push_back(isolate->factory()->NewNumber(+rng_->NextInt(10)));
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
- double x = rng_->NextInt();
- integers.push_back(isolate->factory()->NewNumber(x));
- x *= rng_->NextInt();
- if (!IsMinusZero(x)) integers.push_back(isolate->factory()->NewNumber(x));
- }
- NumberArray = Type::Array(Number, region);
- StringArray = Type::Array(String, region);
- AnyArray = Type::Array(Any, region);
- SignedFunction1 = Type::Function(SignedSmall, SignedSmall, region);
- NumberFunction1 = Type::Function(Number, Number, region);
- NumberFunction2 = Type::Function(Number, Number, Number, region);
- MethodFunction = Type::Function(String, Object, 0, region);
- for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i) {
- types.push_back(Fuzz());
- }
- }
- Handle<i::Map> object_map;
- Handle<i::Map> array_map;
- Handle<i::Map> number_map;
- Handle<i::Map> uninitialized_map;
- Handle<i::Smi> smi;
- Handle<i::HeapNumber> signed32;
- Handle<i::JSObject> object1;
- Handle<i::JSObject> object2;
- Handle<i::JSArray> array;
- Handle<i::Oddball> uninitialized;
- #define DECLARE_TYPE(name, value) TypeHandle name;
- TypeHandle ObjectClass;
- TypeHandle ArrayClass;
- TypeHandle NumberClass;
- TypeHandle UninitializedClass;
- TypeHandle SmiConstant;
- TypeHandle Signed32Constant;
- TypeHandle ObjectConstant1;
- TypeHandle ObjectConstant2;
- TypeHandle ArrayConstant;
- TypeHandle UninitializedConstant;
- TypeHandle NumberArray;
- TypeHandle StringArray;
- TypeHandle AnyArray;
- TypeHandle SignedFunction1;
- TypeHandle NumberFunction1;
- TypeHandle NumberFunction2;
- TypeHandle MethodFunction;
- typedef std::vector<TypeHandle> TypeVector;
- typedef std::vector<Handle<i::Map> > MapVector;
- typedef std::vector<Handle<i::Object> > ValueVector;
- TypeVector types;
- MapVector maps;
- ValueVector values;
- ValueVector integers; // "Integer" values used for range limits.
- TypeHandle Of(Handle<i::Object> value) {
- return Type::Of(value, region_);
- }
- TypeHandle NowOf(Handle<i::Object> value) {
- return Type::NowOf(value, region_);
- }
- TypeHandle Class(Handle<i::Map> map) {
- return Type::Class(map, region_);
- }
- TypeHandle Constant(Handle<i::Object> value) {
- return Type::Constant(value, region_);
- }
- TypeHandle Range(Handle<i::Object> min, Handle<i::Object> max) {
- return Type::Range(min, max, region_);
- }
- TypeHandle Context(TypeHandle outer) {
- return Type::Context(outer, region_);
- }
- TypeHandle Array1(TypeHandle element) {
- return Type::Array(element, region_);
- }
- TypeHandle Function0(TypeHandle result, TypeHandle receiver) {
- return Type::Function(result, receiver, 0, region_);
- }
- TypeHandle Function1(TypeHandle result, TypeHandle receiver, TypeHandle arg) {
- TypeHandle type = Type::Function(result, receiver, 1, region_);
- type->AsFunction()->InitParameter(0, arg);
- return type;
- }
- TypeHandle Function2(TypeHandle result, TypeHandle arg1, TypeHandle arg2) {
- return Type::Function(result, arg1, arg2, region_);
- }
- TypeHandle Union(TypeHandle t1, TypeHandle t2) {
- return Type::Union(t1, t2, region_);
- }
- TypeHandle Intersect(TypeHandle t1, TypeHandle t2) {
- return Type::Intersect(t1, t2, region_);
- }
- template<class Type2, class TypeHandle2>
- TypeHandle Convert(TypeHandle2 t) {
- return Type::template Convert<Type2>(t, region_);
- }
- TypeHandle Random() {
- return types[rng_->NextInt(static_cast<int>(types.size()))];
- }
- TypeHandle Fuzz(int depth = 4) {
- switch (rng_->NextInt(depth == 0 ? 3 : 20)) {
- case 0: { // bitset
- #define COUNT_BITSET_TYPES(type, value) + 1
- // Pick a bunch of named bitsets and return their intersection.
- TypeHandle result = Type::Any(region_);
- for (int i = 0, m = 1 + rng_->NextInt(3); i < m; ++i) {
- int j = rng_->NextInt(n);
- #define PICK_BITSET_TYPE(type, value) \
- if (j-- == 0) { \
- TypeHandle tmp = Type::Intersect( \
- result, Type::type(region_), region_); \
- if (tmp->Is(Type::None()) && i != 0) { \
- break; \
- } { \
- result = tmp; \
- continue; \
- } \
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- case 1: { // class
- int i = rng_->NextInt(static_cast<int>(maps.size()));
- return Type::Class(maps[i], region_);
- }
- case 2: { // constant
- int i = rng_->NextInt(static_cast<int>(values.size()));
- return Type::Constant(values[i], region_);
- }
- case 3: { // range
- int i = rng_->NextInt(static_cast<int>(integers.size()));
- int j = rng_->NextInt(static_cast<int>(integers.size()));
- i::Handle<i::Object> min = integers[i];
- i::Handle<i::Object> max = integers[j];
- if (min->Number() > max->Number()) std::swap(min, max);
- return Type::Range(min, max, region_);
- }
- case 4: { // context
- int depth = rng_->NextInt(3);
- TypeHandle type = Type::Internal(region_);
- for (int i = 0; i < depth; ++i) type = Type::Context(type, region_);
- return type;
- }
- case 5: { // array
- TypeHandle element = Fuzz(depth / 2);
- return Type::Array(element, region_);
- }
- case 6:
- case 7: { // function
- TypeHandle result = Fuzz(depth / 2);
- TypeHandle receiver = Fuzz(depth / 2);
- int arity = rng_->NextInt(3);
- TypeHandle type = Type::Function(result, receiver, arity, region_);
- for (int i = 0; i < type->AsFunction()->Arity(); ++i) {
- TypeHandle parameter = Fuzz(depth / 2);
- type->AsFunction()->InitParameter(i, parameter);
- }
- return type;
- }
- default: { // union
- int n = rng_->NextInt(10);
- TypeHandle type = None;
- for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- TypeHandle operand = Fuzz(depth - 1);
- type = Type::Union(type, operand, region_);
- }
- return type;
- }
- }
- }
- Region* region() { return region_; }
- private:
- Region* region_;
- v8::base::RandomNumberGenerator* rng_;
template<class Type, class TypeHandle, class Region, class Rep>
struct Tests : Rep {
typedef Types<Type, TypeHandle, Region> TypesInstance;
@@ -2179,6 +1913,13 @@ TEST(NowOf) {
+TEST(MinMax) {
+ CcTest::InitializeVM();
+ ZoneTests().MinMax();
+ HeapTests().MinMax();
TEST(BitsetGlb) {
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