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Unified Diff: include/gpu/GrEffect.h

Issue 582963002: Solo gp (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: rebase Created 6 years, 3 months ago
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Index: include/gpu/GrEffect.h
diff --git a/include/gpu/GrEffect.h b/include/gpu/GrEffect.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e9259979f0af3946deddf5523ed93d2fd194ecce..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/include/gpu/GrEffect.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
- *
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- * found in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#ifndef GrEffect_DEFINED
-#define GrEffect_DEFINED
-#include "GrColor.h"
-#include "GrEffectUnitTest.h"
-#include "GrProgramElement.h"
-#include "GrShaderVar.h"
-#include "GrTextureAccess.h"
-#include "GrTypesPriv.h"
-#include "SkString.h"
-class GrBackendEffectFactory;
-class GrContext;
-class GrCoordTransform;
-/** Provides custom vertex shader, fragment shader, uniform data for a particular stage of the
- Ganesh shading pipeline.
- Subclasses must have a function that produces a human-readable name:
- static const char* Name();
- GrEffect objects *must* be immutable: after being constructed, their fields may not change.
- Dynamically allocated GrEffects are managed by a per-thread memory pool. The ref count of an
- effect must reach 0 before the thread terminates and the pool is destroyed. To create a static
- effect use the macro GR_CREATE_STATIC_EFFECT declared below.
- */
-class GrEffect : public GrProgramElement {
- virtual ~GrEffect();
- /**
- * This function is used to perform optimizations. When called the color and validFlags params
- * indicate whether the input components to this effect in the FS will have known values.
- * validFlags is a bitfield of GrColorComponentFlags. The function updates both params to
- * indicate known values of its output. A component of the color param only has meaning if the
- * corresponding bit in validFlags is set.
- */
- virtual void getConstantColorComponents(GrColor* color, uint32_t* validFlags) const = 0;
- /** Will this effect read the source color value? */
- bool willUseInputColor() const { return fWillUseInputColor; }
- /** This object, besides creating back-end-specific helper objects, is used for run-time-type-
- identification. The factory should be an instance of templated class,
- GrTBackendEffectFactory. It is templated on the subclass of GrEffect. The subclass must have
- a nested type (or typedef) named GLEffect which will be the subclass of GrGLEffect created
- by the factory.
- Example:
- class MyCustomEffect : public GrEffect {
- ...
- virtual const GrBackendEffectFactory& getFactory() const SK_OVERRIDE {
- return GrTBackendEffectFactory<MyCustomEffect>::getInstance();
- }
- ...
- };
- */
- virtual const GrBackendEffectFactory& getFactory() const = 0;
- /** Returns true if this and other effect conservatively draw identically. It can only return
- true when the two effects are of the same subclass (i.e. they return the same object from
- from getFactory()).
- A return value of true from isEqual() should not be used to test whether the effects would
- generate the same shader code. To test for identical code generation use the effects' keys
- computed by the GrBackendEffectFactory.
- */
- bool isEqual(const GrEffect& other) const {
- if (&this->getFactory() != &other.getFactory()) {
- return false;
- }
- bool result = this->onIsEqual(other);
-#ifdef SK_DEBUG
- if (result) {
- this->assertEquality(other);
- }
- return result;
- }
- /** Human-meaningful string to identify this effect; may be embedded
- in generated shader code. */
- const char* name() const;
- int numTransforms() const { return fCoordTransforms.count(); }
- /** Returns the coordinate transformation at index. index must be valid according to
- numTransforms(). */
- const GrCoordTransform& coordTransform(int index) const { return *fCoordTransforms[index]; }
- int numTextures() const { return fTextureAccesses.count(); }
- /** Returns the access pattern for the texture at index. index must be valid according to
- numTextures(). */
- const GrTextureAccess& textureAccess(int index) const { return *fTextureAccesses[index]; }
- /** Shortcut for textureAccess(index).texture(); */
- GrTexture* texture(int index) const { return this->textureAccess(index).getTexture(); }
- /** Will this effect read the destination pixel value? */
- bool willReadDstColor() const { return fWillReadDstColor; }
- /** Will this effect read the fragment position? */
- bool willReadFragmentPosition() const { return fWillReadFragmentPosition; }
- /** Will this effect emit custom vertex shader code?
- (To set this value the effect must inherit from GrEffect.) */
- bool requiresVertexShader() const { return fRequiresVertexShader; }
- static const int kMaxVertexAttribs = 2;
- typedef SkSTArray<kMaxVertexAttribs, GrShaderVar, true> VertexAttribArray;
- const VertexAttribArray& getVertexAttribs() const { return fVertexAttribs; }
- void* operator new(size_t size);
- void operator delete(void* target);
- void* operator new(size_t size, void* placement) {
- return ::operator new(size, placement);
- }
- void operator delete(void* target, void* placement) {
- ::operator delete(target, placement);
- }
- /**
- * Helper for down-casting to a GrEffect subclass
- */
- template <typename T> const T& cast() const { return *static_cast<const T*>(this); }
- /**
- * Subclasses call this from their constructor to register coordinate transformations. The
- * effect subclass manages the lifetime of the transformations (this function only stores a
- * pointer). The GrCoordTransform is typically a member field of the GrEffect subclass. When the
- * matrix has perspective, the transformed coordinates will have 3 components. Otherwise they'll
- * have 2. This must only be called from the constructor because GrEffects are immutable.
- */
- void addCoordTransform(const GrCoordTransform* coordTransform);
- /**
- * Subclasses call this from their constructor to register GrTextureAccesses. The effect
- * subclass manages the lifetime of the accesses (this function only stores a pointer). The
- * GrTextureAccess is typically a member field of the GrEffect subclass. This must only be
- * called from the constructor because GrEffects are immutable.
- */
- void addTextureAccess(const GrTextureAccess* textureAccess);
- GrEffect()
- : fWillReadDstColor(false)
- , fWillReadFragmentPosition(false)
- , fWillUseInputColor(true)
- , fRequiresVertexShader(false) {}
- /**
- * If the effect subclass will read the destination pixel value then it must call this function
- * from its constructor. Otherwise, when its generated backend-specific effect class attempts
- * to generate code that reads the destination pixel it will fail.
- */
- void setWillReadDstColor() { fWillReadDstColor = true; }
- /**
- * If the effect will generate a backend-specific effect that will read the fragment position
- * in the FS then it must call this method from its constructor. Otherwise, the request to
- * access the fragment position will be denied.
- */
- void setWillReadFragmentPosition() { fWillReadFragmentPosition = true; }
- /**
- * If the effect will generate a result that does not depend on the input color value then it must
- * call this function from its constructor. Otherwise, when its generated backend-specific code
- * might fail during variable binding due to unused variables.
- */
- void setWillNotUseInputColor() { fWillUseInputColor = false; }
- SkDEBUGCODE(void assertEquality(const GrEffect& other) const;)
- /** Subclass implements this to support isEqual(). It will only be called if it is known that
- the two effects are of the same subclass (i.e. they return the same object from
- getFactory()).*/
- virtual bool onIsEqual(const GrEffect& other) const = 0;
- friend class GrGeometryProcessor; // to set fRequiresVertexShader and build fVertexAttribTypes.
- SkSTArray<4, const GrCoordTransform*, true> fCoordTransforms;
- SkSTArray<4, const GrTextureAccess*, true> fTextureAccesses;
- VertexAttribArray fVertexAttribs;
- bool fWillReadDstColor;
- bool fWillReadFragmentPosition;
- bool fWillUseInputColor;
- bool fRequiresVertexShader;
- typedef GrProgramElement INHERITED;
- * This creates an effect outside of the effect memory pool. The effect's destructor will be called
- * at global destruction time. NAME will be the name of the created GrEffect.
- */
-static SkAlignedSStorage<sizeof(EFFECT_CLASS)> g_##NAME##_Storage; \
-static GrEffect* NAME SkNEW_PLACEMENT_ARGS(g_##NAME##_Storage.get(), EFFECT_CLASS, ARGS); \
-static SkAutoTDestroy<GrEffect> NAME##_ad(NAME);
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