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Unified Diff: ash/wm/lock_state_controller.h

Issue 24980006: ash: Remove old lock animation implementation. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: merge again Created 7 years, 3 months ago
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Index: ash/wm/lock_state_controller.h
diff --git a/ash/wm/lock_state_controller.h b/ash/wm/lock_state_controller.h
index 10fce263f78087cbd5d71ffbffb47059bb7e9414..66c8ceb1e9b2261c425972313c225388c7676aad 100644
--- a/ash/wm/lock_state_controller.h
+++ b/ash/wm/lock_state_controller.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class Layer;
namespace ash {
namespace test {
-class LockStateControllerImpl2Test;
+class LockStateControllerTest;
class PowerButtonControllerTest;
@@ -47,6 +47,27 @@ class ASH_EXPORT LockStateControllerDelegate {
// Displays onscreen animations and locks or suspends the system in response to
// the power button being pressed or released.
+// Lock workflow:
+// Entry points:
+// * StartLockAnimation (bool shutdown after lock) - starts lock that can be
+// cancelled.
+// * StartLockAnimationAndLockImmediately - starts uninterruptible lock
+// animation.
+// This leads to call of either StartImmediatePreLockAnimation or
+// StartCancellablePreLockAnimation. Once they complete
+// PreLockAnimationFinished is called, and system lock is requested.
+// Once system locks and lock UI is created, OnLockStateChanged is called, and
+// StartPostLockAnimation is called. In PostLockAnimationFinished two
+// things happen : EVENT_LOCK_ANIMATION_FINISHED notification is sent (it
+// triggers third part of animation within lock UI), and check for continuing to
+// shutdown is made.
+// Unlock workflow:
+// WebUI does first part of animation, and calls OnLockScreenHide(callback) that
+// triggers StartUnlockAnimationBeforeUIDestroyed(callback). Once callback is
+// called at the end of the animation, lock UI is deleted, system unlocks, and
+// OnLockStateChanged is called. It leads to
+// StartUnlockAnimationAfterUIDestroyed.
class ASH_EXPORT LockStateController : public aura::RootWindowObserver,
public ShellObserver {
@@ -71,65 +92,186 @@ class ASH_EXPORT LockStateController : public aura::RootWindowObserver,
// the animation time to finish.
static const int kShutdownRequestDelayMs;
+ // Helper class used by tests to access internal state.
+ class ASH_EXPORT TestApi {
+ public:
+ explicit TestApi(LockStateController* controller);
+ virtual ~TestApi();
+ bool lock_fail_timer_is_running() const {
+ return controller_->lock_fail_timer_.IsRunning();
+ }
+ bool lock_to_shutdown_timer_is_running() const {
+ return controller_->lock_to_shutdown_timer_.IsRunning();
+ }
+ bool shutdown_timer_is_running() const {
+ return controller_->pre_shutdown_timer_.IsRunning();
+ }
+ bool real_shutdown_timer_is_running() const {
+ return controller_->real_shutdown_timer_.IsRunning();
+ }
+ bool is_animating_lock() const {
+ return controller_->animating_lock_;
+ }
+ bool is_lock_cancellable() const {
+ return controller_->CanCancelLockAnimation();
+ }
+ void trigger_lock_fail_timeout() {
+ controller_->OnLockFailTimeout();
+ controller_->lock_fail_timer_.Stop();
+ }
+ void trigger_lock_to_shutdown_timeout() {
+ controller_->OnLockToShutdownTimeout();
+ controller_->lock_to_shutdown_timer_.Stop();
+ }
+ void trigger_shutdown_timeout() {
+ controller_->OnPreShutdownAnimationTimeout();
+ controller_->pre_shutdown_timer_.Stop();
+ }
+ void trigger_real_shutdown_timeout() {
+ controller_->OnRealShutdownTimeout();
+ controller_->real_shutdown_timer_.Stop();
+ }
+ private:
+ LockStateController* controller_; // not owned
+ };
virtual ~LockStateController();
+ // Takes ownership of |delegate|.
void SetDelegate(LockStateControllerDelegate* delegate);
+ void AddObserver(LockStateObserver* observer);
+ void RemoveObserver(LockStateObserver* observer);
+ bool HasObserver(LockStateObserver* observer);
// Starts locking (with slow animation) that can be cancelled.
// After locking and |kLockToShutdownTimeoutMs| StartShutdownAnimation()
// will be called unless CancelShutdownAnimation() is called, if
// |shutdown_after_lock| is true.
- virtual void StartLockAnimation(bool shutdown_after_lock) = 0;
+ void StartLockAnimation(bool shutdown_after_lock);
// Starts shutting down (with slow animation) that can be cancelled.
- virtual void StartShutdownAnimation() = 0;
+ void StartShutdownAnimation();
// Starts usual lock animation, but locks immediately.
// Unlike StartLockAnimation it does no lead to StartShutdownAnimation.
- virtual void StartLockAnimationAndLockImmediately() = 0;
+ void StartLockAnimationAndLockImmediately();
// Returns true if we have requested system to lock, but haven't received
// confirmation yet.
- virtual bool LockRequested() = 0;
+ bool LockRequested();
// Returns true if we are shutting down.
- virtual bool ShutdownRequested() = 0;
+ bool ShutdownRequested();
// Returns true if we are within cancellable lock timeframe.
- virtual bool CanCancelLockAnimation() = 0;
+ bool CanCancelLockAnimation();
// Cancels locking and reverts lock animation.
- virtual void CancelLockAnimation() = 0;
+ void CancelLockAnimation();
// Returns true if we are within cancellable shutdown timeframe.
- virtual bool CanCancelShutdownAnimation() = 0;
+ bool CanCancelShutdownAnimation();
// Cancels shutting down and reverts shutdown animation.
- virtual void CancelShutdownAnimation() = 0;
+ void CancelShutdownAnimation();
// Called when Chrome gets a request to display the lock screen.
- virtual void OnStartingLock() = 0;
+ void OnStartingLock();
// Displays the shutdown animation and requests shutdown when it's done.
- virtual void RequestShutdown() = 0;
+ void RequestShutdown();
// Called when ScreenLocker is ready to close, but not yet destroyed.
// Can be used to display "hiding" animations on unlock.
// |callback| will be called when all animations are done.
- virtual void OnLockScreenHide(base::Closure& callback) = 0;
+ void OnLockScreenHide(base::Closure& callback);
// Sets up the callback that should be called once lock animation is finished.
// Callback is guaranteed to be called once and then discarded.
- virtual void SetLockScreenDisplayedCallback(base::Closure& callback) = 0;
+ void SetLockScreenDisplayedCallback(base::Closure& callback);
- virtual void AddObserver(LockStateObserver* observer);
- virtual void RemoveObserver(LockStateObserver* observer);
- virtual bool HasObserver(LockStateObserver* observer);
+ // RootWindowObserver override:
+ virtual void OnRootWindowHostCloseRequested(
+ const aura::RootWindow* root) OVERRIDE;
- protected:
+ // ShellObserver overrides:
+ virtual void OnLoginStateChanged(user::LoginStatus status) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnAppTerminating() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnLockStateChanged(bool locked) OVERRIDE;
+ private:
friend class test::PowerButtonControllerTest;
- friend class test::LockStateControllerImpl2Test;
+ friend class test::LockStateControllerTest;
+ struct UnlockedStateProperties {
+ bool background_is_hidden;
+ };
+ // Reverts the pre-lock animation, reports the error.
+ void OnLockFailTimeout();
+ // Starts timer for gap between lock and shutdown.
+ void StartLockToShutdownTimer();
+ // Calls StartShutdownAnimation().
+ void OnLockToShutdownTimeout();
+ // Starts timer for undoable shutdown animation.
+ void StartPreShutdownAnimationTimer();
+ // Calls StartRealShutdownTimer().
+ void OnPreShutdownAnimationTimeout();
+ // Starts timer for final shutdown animation.
+ // If |with_animation_time| is true, it will also include time of "fade to
+ // white" shutdown animation.
+ void StartRealShutdownTimer(bool with_animation_time);
+ // Requests that the machine be shut down.
+ void OnRealShutdownTimeout();
+ // Starts shutdown animation that can be cancelled and starts pre-shutdown
+ // timer.
+ void StartCancellableShutdownAnimation();
+ // If |request_lock_on_completion| is true, a lock request will be sent
+ // after the pre-lock animation completes. (The pre-lock animation is
+ // also displayed in response to already-in-progress lock requests; in
+ // these cases an additional lock request is undesirable.)
+ void StartImmediatePreLockAnimation(bool request_lock_on_completion);
+ void StartCancellablePreLockAnimation();
+ void CancelPreLockAnimation();
+ void StartPostLockAnimation();
+ // This method calls |callback| when animation completes.
+ void StartUnlockAnimationBeforeUIDestroyed(base::Closure &callback);
+ void StartUnlockAnimationAfterUIDestroyed();
+ // These methods are called when corresponding animation completes.
+ void LockAnimationCancelled();
+ void PreLockAnimationFinished(bool request_lock);
+ void PostLockAnimationFinished();
+ void UnlockAnimationAfterUIDestroyedFinished();
+ // Stores properties of UI that have to be temporarily modified while locking.
+ void StoreUnlockedProperties();
+ void RestoreUnlockedProperties();
+ // Fades in background layer with |speed| if it was hidden in unlocked state.
+ void AnimateBackgroundAppearanceIfNecessary(
+ ash::internal::SessionStateAnimator::AnimationSpeed speed,
+ ui::LayerAnimationObserver* observer);
+ // Fades out background layer with |speed| if it was hidden in unlocked state.
+ void AnimateBackgroundHidingIfNecessary(
+ ash::internal::SessionStateAnimator::AnimationSpeed speed,
+ ui::LayerAnimationObserver* observer);
scoped_ptr<internal::SessionStateAnimator> animator_;
@@ -137,7 +279,47 @@ class ASH_EXPORT LockStateController : public aura::RootWindowObserver,
ObserverList<LockStateObserver> observers_;
- private:
+ // The current login status, or original login status from before we locked.
+ user::LoginStatus login_status_;
+ // Current lock status.
+ bool system_is_locked_;
+ // Are we in the process of shutting the machine down?
+ bool shutting_down_;
+ // Indicates whether controller should proceed to (cancellable) shutdown after
+ // locking.
+ bool shutdown_after_lock_;
+ // Indicates that controller displays lock animation.
+ bool animating_lock_;
+ // Indicates that lock animation can be undone.
+ bool can_cancel_lock_animation_;
+ scoped_ptr<UnlockedStateProperties> unlocked_properties_;
+ // Started when we request that the screen be locked. When it fires, we
+ // assume that our request got dropped.
+ base::OneShotTimer<LockStateController> lock_fail_timer_;
+ // Started when the screen is locked while the power button is held. Adds a
+ // delay between the appearance of the lock screen and the beginning of the
+ // pre-shutdown animation.
+ base::OneShotTimer<LockStateController> lock_to_shutdown_timer_;
+ // Started when we begin displaying the pre-shutdown animation. When it
+ // fires, we start the shutdown animation and get ready to request shutdown.
+ base::OneShotTimer<LockStateController> pre_shutdown_timer_;
+ // Started when we display the shutdown animation. When it fires, we actually
+ // request shutdown. Gives the animation time to complete before Chrome, X,
+ // etc. are shut down.
+ base::OneShotTimer<LockStateController> real_shutdown_timer_;
+ base::Closure lock_screen_displayed_callback_;
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