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Unified Diff: build/android/devil/android/

Issue 1770943003: [Android] Remove chromium version of devil. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: rebase Created 4 years, 9 months ago
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Index: build/android/devil/android/
diff --git a/build/android/devil/android/ b/build/android/devil/android/
deleted file mode 100755
index d4b823df4b847f71b90896a45c89acc967ce7098..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/build/android/devil/android/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-Unit tests for the contents of (mostly DeviceUtils).
-The test will invoke real devices
-import os
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-from import device_utils
-from import adb_wrapper
-from devil.utils import cmd_helper
-_OLD_CONTENTS = "foo"
-_NEW_CONTENTS = "bar"
-_DEVICE_DIR = "/data/local/tmp/device_utils_test"
-_SUB_DIR = "sub"
-_SUB_DIR1 = "sub1"
-_SUB_DIR2 = "sub2"
-class DeviceUtilsPushDeleteFilesTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- devices = adb_wrapper.AdbWrapper.Devices()
- assert devices, 'A device must be attached'
- self.adb = devices[0]
- self.adb.WaitForDevice()
- self.device = device_utils.DeviceUtils(
- self.adb, default_timeout=10, default_retries=0)
- @staticmethod
- def _MakeTempFile(contents):
- """Make a temporary file with the given contents.
- Args:
- contents: string to write to the temporary file.
- Returns:
- the tuple contains the absolute path to the file and the file name
- """
- fi, path = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True)
- with os.fdopen(fi, 'w') as f:
- f.write(contents)
- file_name = os.path.basename(path)
- return (path, file_name)
- @staticmethod
- def _MakeTempFileGivenDir(directory, contents):
- """Make a temporary file under the given directory
- with the given contents
- Args:
- directory: the temp directory to create the file
- contents: string to write to the temp file
- Returns:
- the list contains the absolute path to the file and the file name
- """
- fi, path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=directory, text=True)
- with os.fdopen(fi, 'w') as f:
- f.write(contents)
- file_name = os.path.basename(path)
- return (path, file_name)
- @staticmethod
- def _ChangeTempFile(path, contents):
- with, 'w') as f:
- f.write(contents)
- @staticmethod
- def _DeleteTempFile(path):
- os.remove(path)
- def testPushChangedFiles_noFileChange(self):
- (host_file_path, file_name) = self._MakeTempFile(_OLD_CONTENTS)
- device_file_path = "%s/%s" % (_DEVICE_DIR, file_name)
- self.adb.Push(host_file_path, device_file_path)
- self.device.PushChangedFiles([(host_file_path, device_file_path)])
- result = self.device.RunShellCommand(['cat', device_file_path],
- single_line=True)
- self.assertEqual(_OLD_CONTENTS, result)
- cmd_helper.RunCmd(['rm', host_file_path])
- self.device.RunShellCommand(['rm', '-rf', _DEVICE_DIR])
- def testPushChangedFiles_singleFileChange(self):
- (host_file_path, file_name) = self._MakeTempFile(_OLD_CONTENTS)
- device_file_path = "%s/%s" % (_DEVICE_DIR, file_name)
- self.adb.Push(host_file_path, device_file_path)
- with open(host_file_path, 'w') as f:
- f.write(_NEW_CONTENTS)
- self.device.PushChangedFiles([(host_file_path, device_file_path)])
- result = self.device.RunShellCommand(['cat', device_file_path],
- single_line=True)
- self.assertEqual(_NEW_CONTENTS, result)
- cmd_helper.RunCmd(['rm', host_file_path])
- self.device.RunShellCommand(['rm', '-rf', _DEVICE_DIR])
- def testDeleteFiles(self):
- host_tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- (host_file_path, file_name) = self._MakeTempFileGivenDir(
- host_tmp_dir, _OLD_CONTENTS)
- device_file_path = "%s/%s" % (_DEVICE_DIR, file_name)
- self.adb.Push(host_file_path, device_file_path)
- cmd_helper.RunCmd(['rm', host_file_path])
- self.device.PushChangedFiles([(host_tmp_dir, _DEVICE_DIR)],
- delete_device_stale=True)
- result = self.device.RunShellCommand(['ls', _DEVICE_DIR], single_line=True)
- self.assertEqual('', result)
- cmd_helper.RunCmd(['rm', '-rf', host_tmp_dir])
- self.device.RunShellCommand(['rm', '-rf', _DEVICE_DIR])
- def testPushAndDeleteFiles_noSubDir(self):
- host_tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- (host_file_path1, file_name1) = self._MakeTempFileGivenDir(
- host_tmp_dir, _OLD_CONTENTS)
- (host_file_path2, file_name2) = self._MakeTempFileGivenDir(
- host_tmp_dir, _OLD_CONTENTS)
- device_file_path1 = "%s/%s" % (_DEVICE_DIR, file_name1)
- device_file_path2 = "%s/%s" % (_DEVICE_DIR, file_name2)
- self.adb.Push(host_file_path1, device_file_path1)
- self.adb.Push(host_file_path2, device_file_path2)
- with open(host_file_path1, 'w') as f:
- f.write(_NEW_CONTENTS)
- cmd_helper.RunCmd(['rm', host_file_path2])
- self.device.PushChangedFiles([(host_tmp_dir, _DEVICE_DIR)],
- delete_device_stale=True)
- result = self.device.RunShellCommand(['cat', device_file_path1],
- single_line=True)
- self.assertEqual(_NEW_CONTENTS, result)
- result = self.device.RunShellCommand(['ls', _DEVICE_DIR], single_line=True)
- self.assertEqual(file_name1, result)
- self.device.RunShellCommand(['rm', '-rf', _DEVICE_DIR])
- cmd_helper.RunCmd(['rm', '-rf', host_tmp_dir])
- def testPushAndDeleteFiles_SubDir(self):
- host_tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- host_sub_dir1 = "%s/%s" % (host_tmp_dir, _SUB_DIR1)
- host_sub_dir2 = "%s/%s/%s" % (host_tmp_dir, _SUB_DIR, _SUB_DIR2)
- cmd_helper.RunCmd(['mkdir', '-p', host_sub_dir1])
- cmd_helper.RunCmd(['mkdir', '-p', host_sub_dir2])
- (host_file_path1, file_name1) = self._MakeTempFileGivenDir(
- host_tmp_dir, _OLD_CONTENTS)
- (host_file_path2, file_name2) = self._MakeTempFileGivenDir(
- host_tmp_dir, _OLD_CONTENTS)
- (host_file_path3, file_name3) = self._MakeTempFileGivenDir(
- host_sub_dir1, _OLD_CONTENTS)
- (host_file_path4, file_name4) = self._MakeTempFileGivenDir(
- host_sub_dir2, _OLD_CONTENTS)
- device_file_path1 = "%s/%s" % (_DEVICE_DIR, file_name1)
- device_file_path2 = "%s/%s" % (_DEVICE_DIR, file_name2)
- device_file_path3 = "%s/%s/%s" % (_DEVICE_DIR, _SUB_DIR1, file_name3)
- device_file_path4 = "%s/%s/%s/%s" % (_DEVICE_DIR, _SUB_DIR,
- _SUB_DIR2, file_name4)
- self.adb.Push(host_file_path1, device_file_path1)
- self.adb.Push(host_file_path2, device_file_path2)
- self.adb.Push(host_file_path3, device_file_path3)
- self.adb.Push(host_file_path4, device_file_path4)
- with open(host_file_path1, 'w') as f:
- f.write(_NEW_CONTENTS)
- cmd_helper.RunCmd(['rm', host_file_path2])
- cmd_helper.RunCmd(['rm', host_file_path4])
- self.device.PushChangedFiles([(host_tmp_dir, _DEVICE_DIR)],
- delete_device_stale=True)
- result = self.device.RunShellCommand(['cat', device_file_path1],
- single_line=True)
- self.assertEqual(_NEW_CONTENTS, result)
- result = self.device.RunShellCommand(['ls', _DEVICE_DIR])
- self.assertIn(file_name1, result)
- self.assertIn(_SUB_DIR1, result)
- self.assertIn(_SUB_DIR, result)
- self.assertEqual(3, len(result))
- result = self.device.RunShellCommand(['cat', device_file_path3],
- single_line=True)
- self.assertEqual(_OLD_CONTENTS, result)
- result = self.device.RunShellCommand(["ls", "%s/%s/%s"
- single_line=True)
- self.assertEqual('', result)
- self.device.RunShellCommand(['rm', '-rf', _DEVICE_DIR])
- cmd_helper.RunCmd(['rm', '-rf', host_tmp_dir])
- def testRestartAdbd(self):
- old_adbd_pid = self.device.RunShellCommand(
- ['ps', '|', 'grep', 'adbd'])[1].split()[1]
- self.device.RestartAdbd()
- new_adbd_pid = self.device.RunShellCommand(
- ['ps', '|', 'grep', 'adbd'])[1].split()[1]
- self.assertNotEqual(old_adbd_pid, new_adbd_pid)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()
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