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Unified Diff: build/android/devil/android/

Issue 1770943003: [Android] Remove chromium version of devil. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: rebase Created 4 years, 9 months ago
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Index: build/android/devil/android/
diff --git a/build/android/devil/android/ b/build/android/devil/android/
deleted file mode 100644
index 71ccff4572ae31005a8b13e03ac0a17881a4f12a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/build/android/devil/android/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2180 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Provides a variety of device interactions based on adb.
-Eventually, this will be based on adb_wrapper.
-# pylint: disable=unused-argument
-import collections
-import itertools
-import json
-import logging
-import multiprocessing
-import os
-import posixpath
-import re
-import shutil
-import tempfile
-import time
-import zipfile
-from devil import base_error
-from devil import devil_env
-from devil.utils import cmd_helper
-from import apk_helper
-from import device_signal
-from import decorators
-from import device_errors
-from import device_temp_file
-from import install_commands
-from import logcat_monitor
-from import md5sum
-from import adb_wrapper
-from import gce_adb_wrapper
-from import intent
-from import keyevent
-from import split_select
-from import version_codes
-from devil.utils import host_utils
-from devil.utils import parallelizer
-from devil.utils import reraiser_thread
-from devil.utils import timeout_retry
-from devil.utils import zip_utils
-# A sentinel object for default values
-# TODO(jbudorick,perezju): revisit how default values are handled by
-# the timeout_retry decorators.
-DEFAULT = object()
- trap '' HUP
- trap '' TERM
- trap '' PIPE
- function restart() {
- stop adbd
- start adbd
- }
- restart &
-# Not all permissions can be set.
- 'android.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION',
- 'android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE',
- 'android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS',
- 'android.permission.BLUETOOTH',
- 'android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN',
- 'android.permission.INTERNET',
- 'android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS',
- 'android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS',
- 'android.permission.NFC',
- 'android.permission.READ_SYNC_SETTINGS',
- 'android.permission.READ_SYNC_STATS',
- 'android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED',
- 'android.permission.RUN_INSTRUMENTATION',
- 'android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS',
- 'android.permission.VIBRATE',
- 'android.permission.WAKE_LOCK',
- 'android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- 'com.sec.enterprise.knox.MDM_CONTENT_PROVIDER',
- '',
- '',
- '',
-_CURRENT_FOCUS_CRASH_RE = re.compile(
- r'\s*mCurrentFocus.*Application (Error|Not Responding): (\S+)}')
-_GETPROP_RE = re.compile(r'\[(.*?)\]: \[(.*?)\]')
-_IPV4_ADDRESS_RE = re.compile(r'([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\:[0-9]{4,5}')
-def GetAVDs():
- """Returns a list of Android Virtual Devices.
- Returns:
- A list containing the configured AVDs.
- """
- lines = cmd_helper.GetCmdOutput([
- os.path.join(devil_env.config.LocalPath('android_sdk'),
- 'tools', 'android'),
- 'list', 'avd']).splitlines()
- avds = []
- for line in lines:
- if 'Name:' not in line:
- continue
- key, value = (s.strip() for s in line.split(':', 1))
- if key == 'Name':
- avds.append(value)
- return avds
-def RestartServer():
- """Restarts the adb server.
- Raises:
- CommandFailedError if we fail to kill or restart the server.
- """
- def adb_killed():
- return not adb_wrapper.AdbWrapper.IsServerOnline()
- def adb_started():
- return adb_wrapper.AdbWrapper.IsServerOnline()
- adb_wrapper.AdbWrapper.KillServer()
- if not timeout_retry.WaitFor(adb_killed, wait_period=1, max_tries=5):
- # TODO(perezju): raise an exception after fixng
- logging.warning('Failed to kill adb server')
- adb_wrapper.AdbWrapper.StartServer()
- if not timeout_retry.WaitFor(adb_started, wait_period=1, max_tries=5):
- raise device_errors.CommandFailedError('Failed to start adb server')
-def _GetTimeStamp():
- """Return a basic ISO 8601 time stamp with the current local time."""
- return time.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S', time.localtime())
-def _JoinLines(lines):
- # makes sure that the last line is also terminated, and is more memory
- # efficient than first appending an end-line to each line and then joining
- # all of them together.
- return ''.join(s for line in lines for s in (line, '\n'))
-def _IsGceInstance(serial):
- return _IPV4_ADDRESS_RE.match(serial)
-def _CreateAdbWrapper(device):
- if _IsGceInstance(str(device)):
- return gce_adb_wrapper.GceAdbWrapper(str(device))
- else:
- if isinstance(device, adb_wrapper.AdbWrapper):
- return device
- else:
- return adb_wrapper.AdbWrapper(device)
-class DeviceUtils(object):
- _LAUNCHER_FOCUSED_RE = re.compile(
- r'\s*mCurrentFocus.*(Launcher|launcher).*')
- _VALID_SHELL_VARIABLE = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$')
- LOCAL_PROPERTIES_PATH = posixpath.join('/', 'data', 'local.prop')
- # Property in /data/local.prop that controls Java assertions.
- JAVA_ASSERT_PROPERTY = 'dalvik.vm.enableassertions'
- def __init__(self, device, enable_device_files_cache=False,
- default_timeout=_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
- default_retries=_DEFAULT_RETRIES):
- """DeviceUtils constructor.
- Args:
- device: Either a device serial, an existing AdbWrapper instance, or an
- an existing AndroidCommands instance.
- enable_device_files_cache: For PushChangedFiles(), cache checksums of
- pushed files rather than recomputing them on a subsequent call.
- default_timeout: An integer containing the default number of seconds to
- wait for an operation to complete if no explicit value is provided.
- default_retries: An integer containing the default number or times an
- operation should be retried on failure if no explicit value is provided.
- """
- self.adb = None
- if isinstance(device, basestring):
- self.adb = _CreateAdbWrapper(device)
- elif isinstance(device, adb_wrapper.AdbWrapper):
- self.adb = device
- else:
- raise ValueError('Unsupported device value: %r' % device)
- self._commands_installed = None
- self._default_timeout = default_timeout
- self._default_retries = default_retries
- self._enable_device_files_cache = enable_device_files_cache
- self._cache = {}
- self._client_caches = {}
- assert hasattr(self, decorators.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_ATTR)
- assert hasattr(self, decorators.DEFAULT_RETRIES_ATTR)
- self._ClearCache()
- def __eq__(self, other):
- """Checks whether |other| refers to the same device as |self|.
- Args:
- other: The object to compare to. This can be a basestring, an instance
- of adb_wrapper.AdbWrapper, or an instance of DeviceUtils.
- Returns:
- Whether |other| refers to the same device as |self|.
- """
- return self.adb.GetDeviceSerial() == str(other)
- def __lt__(self, other):
- """Compares two instances of DeviceUtils.
- This merely compares their serial numbers.
- Args:
- other: The instance of DeviceUtils to compare to.
- Returns:
- Whether |self| is less than |other|.
- """
- return self.adb.GetDeviceSerial() < other.adb.GetDeviceSerial()
- def __str__(self):
- """Returns the device serial."""
- return self.adb.GetDeviceSerial()
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def IsOnline(self, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Checks whether the device is online.
- Args:
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Returns:
- True if the device is online, False otherwise.
- Raises:
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- """
- try:
- return self.adb.GetState() == 'device'
- except base_error.BaseError as exc:
-'Failed to get state: %s', exc)
- return False
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def HasRoot(self, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Checks whether or not adbd has root privileges.
- Args:
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Returns:
- True if adbd has root privileges, False otherwise.
- Raises:
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- try:
- self.RunShellCommand('ls /root', check_return=True)
- return True
- except device_errors.AdbCommandFailedError:
- return False
- def NeedsSU(self, timeout=DEFAULT, retries=DEFAULT):
- """Checks whether 'su' is needed to access protected resources.
- Args:
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Returns:
- True if 'su' is available on the device and is needed to to access
- protected resources; False otherwise if either 'su' is not available
- (e.g. because the device has a user build), or not needed (because adbd
- already has root privileges).
- Raises:
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- if 'needs_su' not in self._cache:
- try:
- self.RunShellCommand(
- '%s && ! ls /root' % self._Su('ls /root'), check_return=True,
- timeout=self._default_timeout if timeout is DEFAULT else timeout,
- retries=self._default_retries if retries is DEFAULT else retries)
- self._cache['needs_su'] = True
- except device_errors.AdbCommandFailedError:
- self._cache['needs_su'] = False
- return self._cache['needs_su']
- def _Su(self, command):
- if self.build_version_sdk >= version_codes.MARSHMALLOW:
- return 'su 0 %s' % command
- return 'su -c %s' % command
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def EnableRoot(self, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Restarts adbd with root privileges.
- Args:
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Raises:
- CommandFailedError if root could not be enabled.
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- """
- if self.IsUserBuild():
- raise device_errors.CommandFailedError(
- 'Cannot enable root in user builds.', str(self))
- if 'needs_su' in self._cache:
- del self._cache['needs_su']
- self.adb.Root()
- self.WaitUntilFullyBooted()
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def IsUserBuild(self, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Checks whether or not the device is running a user build.
- Args:
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Returns:
- True if the device is running a user build, False otherwise (i.e. if
- it's running a userdebug build).
- Raises:
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- return self.build_type == 'user'
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def GetExternalStoragePath(self, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Get the device's path to its SD card.
- Args:
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Returns:
- The device's path to its SD card.
- Raises:
- CommandFailedError if the external storage path could not be determined.
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- if 'external_storage' in self._cache:
- return self._cache['external_storage']
- value = self.RunShellCommand('echo $EXTERNAL_STORAGE',
- single_line=True,
- check_return=True)
- if not value:
- raise device_errors.CommandFailedError('$EXTERNAL_STORAGE is not set',
- str(self))
- self._cache['external_storage'] = value
- return value
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def GetApplicationPaths(self, package, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Get the paths of the installed apks on the device for the given package.
- Args:
- package: Name of the package.
- Returns:
- List of paths to the apks on the device for the given package.
- """
- return self._GetApplicationPathsInternal(package)
- def _GetApplicationPathsInternal(self, package, skip_cache=False):
- cached_result = self._cache['package_apk_paths'].get(package)
- if cached_result is not None and not skip_cache:
- if package in self._cache['package_apk_paths_to_verify']:
- self._cache['package_apk_paths_to_verify'].remove(package)
- # Don't verify an app that is not thought to be installed. We are
- # concerned only with apps we think are installed having been
- # uninstalled manually.
- if cached_result and not self.PathExists(cached_result):
- cached_result = None
- self._cache['package_apk_checksums'].pop(package, 0)
- if cached_result is not None:
- return list(cached_result)
- # 'pm path' is liable to incorrectly exit with a nonzero number starting
- # in Lollipop.
- # TODO(jbudorick): Check if this is fixed as new Android versions are
- # released to put an upper bound on this.
- should_check_return = (self.build_version_sdk < version_codes.LOLLIPOP)
- output = self.RunShellCommand(
- ['pm', 'path', package], check_return=should_check_return)
- apks = []
- for line in output:
- if not line.startswith('package:'):
- raise device_errors.CommandFailedError(
- 'pm path returned: %r' % '\n'.join(output), str(self))
- apks.append(line[len('package:'):])
- self._cache['package_apk_paths'][package] = list(apks)
- return apks
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def GetApplicationVersion(self, package, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Get the version name of a package installed on the device.
- Args:
- package: Name of the package.
- Returns:
- A string with the version name or None if the package is not found
- on the device.
- """
- output = self.RunShellCommand(
- ['dumpsys', 'package', package], check_return=True)
- if not output:
- return None
- for line in output:
- line = line.strip()
- if line.startswith('versionName='):
- return line[len('versionName='):]
- raise device_errors.CommandFailedError(
- 'Version name for %s not found on dumpsys output' % package, str(self))
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def GetApplicationDataDirectory(self, package, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Get the data directory on the device for the given package.
- Args:
- package: Name of the package.
- Returns:
- The package's data directory, or None if the package doesn't exist on the
- device.
- """
- try:
- output = self._RunPipedShellCommand(
- 'pm dump %s | grep dataDir=' % cmd_helper.SingleQuote(package))
- for line in output:
- _, _, dataDir = line.partition('dataDir=')
- if dataDir:
- return dataDir
- except device_errors.CommandFailedError:
- logging.exception('Could not find data directory for %s', package)
- return None
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def WaitUntilFullyBooted(self, wifi=False, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Wait for the device to fully boot.
- This means waiting for the device to boot, the package manager to be
- available, and the SD card to be ready. It can optionally mean waiting
- for wifi to come up, too.
- Args:
- wifi: A boolean indicating if we should wait for wifi to come up or not.
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Raises:
- CommandFailedError on failure.
- CommandTimeoutError if one of the component waits times out.
- DeviceUnreachableError if the device becomes unresponsive.
- """
- def sd_card_ready():
- try:
- self.RunShellCommand(['test', '-d', self.GetExternalStoragePath()],
- check_return=True)
- return True
- except device_errors.AdbCommandFailedError:
- return False
- def pm_ready():
- try:
- return self._GetApplicationPathsInternal('android', skip_cache=True)
- except device_errors.CommandFailedError:
- return False
- def boot_completed():
- return self.GetProp('sys.boot_completed', cache=False) == '1'
- def wifi_enabled():
- return 'Wi-Fi is enabled' in self.RunShellCommand(['dumpsys', 'wifi'],
- check_return=False)
- self.adb.WaitForDevice()
- timeout_retry.WaitFor(sd_card_ready)
- timeout_retry.WaitFor(pm_ready)
- timeout_retry.WaitFor(boot_completed)
- if wifi:
- timeout_retry.WaitFor(wifi_enabled)
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance(
- min_default_timeout=REBOOT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
- def Reboot(self, block=True, wifi=False, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Reboot the device.
- Args:
- block: A boolean indicating if we should wait for the reboot to complete.
- wifi: A boolean indicating if we should wait for wifi to be enabled after
- the reboot. The option has no effect unless |block| is also True.
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Raises:
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- def device_offline():
- return not self.IsOnline()
- self.adb.Reboot()
- self._ClearCache()
- timeout_retry.WaitFor(device_offline, wait_period=1)
- if block:
- self.WaitUntilFullyBooted(wifi=wifi)
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance(
- min_default_timeout=INSTALL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
- def Install(self, apk, allow_downgrade=False, reinstall=False,
- permissions=None, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Install an APK.
- Noop if an identical APK is already installed.
- Args:
- apk: An ApkHelper instance or string containing the path to the APK.
- allow_downgrade: A boolean indicating if we should allow downgrades.
- reinstall: A boolean indicating if we should keep any existing app data.
- permissions: Set of permissions to set. If not set, finds permissions with
- apk helper. To set no permissions, pass [].
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Raises:
- CommandFailedError if the installation fails.
- CommandTimeoutError if the installation times out.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- self._InstallInternal(apk, None, allow_downgrade=allow_downgrade,
- reinstall=reinstall, permissions=permissions)
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance(
- min_default_timeout=INSTALL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
- def InstallSplitApk(self, base_apk, split_apks, allow_downgrade=False,
- reinstall=False, allow_cached_props=False,
- permissions=None, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Install a split APK.
- Noop if all of the APK splits are already installed.
- Args:
- base_apk: An ApkHelper instance or string containing the path to the base
- APK.
- split_apks: A list of strings of paths of all of the APK splits.
- allow_downgrade: A boolean indicating if we should allow downgrades.
- reinstall: A boolean indicating if we should keep any existing app data.
- allow_cached_props: Whether to use cached values for device properties.
- permissions: Set of permissions to set. If not set, finds permissions with
- apk helper. To set no permissions, pass [].
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Raises:
- CommandFailedError if the installation fails.
- CommandTimeoutError if the installation times out.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- DeviceVersionError if device SDK is less than Android L.
- """
- self._InstallInternal(base_apk, split_apks, reinstall=reinstall,
- allow_cached_props=allow_cached_props,
- permissions=permissions,
- allow_downgrade=allow_downgrade)
- def _InstallInternal(self, base_apk, split_apks, allow_downgrade=False,
- reinstall=False, allow_cached_props=False,
- permissions=None):
- if split_apks:
- self._CheckSdkLevel(version_codes.LOLLIPOP)
- base_apk = apk_helper.ToHelper(base_apk)
- all_apks = [base_apk.path]
- if split_apks:
- all_apks += split_select.SelectSplits(
- self, base_apk.path, split_apks, allow_cached_props=allow_cached_props)
- if len(all_apks) == 1:
- logging.warning('split-select did not select any from %s', split_apks)
- package_name = base_apk.GetPackageName()
- device_apk_paths = self._GetApplicationPathsInternal(package_name)
- apks_to_install = None
- host_checksums = None
- if not device_apk_paths:
- apks_to_install = all_apks
- elif len(device_apk_paths) > 1 and not split_apks:
- logging.warning(
- 'Installing non-split APK when split APK was previously installed')
- apks_to_install = all_apks
- elif len(device_apk_paths) == 1 and split_apks:
- logging.warning(
- 'Installing split APK when non-split APK was previously installed')
- apks_to_install = all_apks
- else:
- try:
- apks_to_install, host_checksums = (
- self._ComputeStaleApks(package_name, all_apks))
- except EnvironmentError as e:
- logging.warning('Error calculating md5: %s', e)
- apks_to_install, host_checksums = all_apks, None
- if apks_to_install and not reinstall:
- self.Uninstall(package_name)
- apks_to_install = all_apks
- if apks_to_install:
- # Assume that we won't know the resulting device state.
- self._cache['package_apk_paths'].pop(package_name, 0)
- self._cache['package_apk_checksums'].pop(package_name, 0)
- if split_apks:
- partial = package_name if len(apks_to_install) < len(all_apks) else None
- self.adb.InstallMultiple(
- apks_to_install, partial=partial, reinstall=reinstall,
- allow_downgrade=allow_downgrade)
- else:
- self.adb.Install(
- base_apk.path, reinstall=reinstall, allow_downgrade=allow_downgrade)
- if (permissions is None
- and self.build_version_sdk >= version_codes.MARSHMALLOW):
- permissions = base_apk.GetPermissions()
- self.GrantPermissions(package_name, permissions)
- # Upon success, we know the device checksums, but not their paths.
- if host_checksums is not None:
- self._cache['package_apk_checksums'][package_name] = host_checksums
- else:
- # Running adb install terminates running instances of the app, so to be
- # consistent, we explicitly terminate it when skipping the install.
- self.ForceStop(package_name)
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def Uninstall(self, package_name, keep_data=False, timeout=None,
- retries=None):
- """Remove the app |package_name| from the device.
- This is a no-op if the app is not already installed.
- Args:
- package_name: The package to uninstall.
- keep_data: (optional) Whether to keep the data and cache directories.
- timeout: Timeout in seconds.
- retries: Number of retries.
- Raises:
- CommandFailedError if the uninstallation fails.
- CommandTimeoutError if the uninstallation times out.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- installed = self._GetApplicationPathsInternal(package_name)
- if not installed:
- return
- try:
- self.adb.Uninstall(package_name, keep_data)
- self._cache['package_apk_paths'][package_name] = []
- self._cache['package_apk_checksums'][package_name] = set()
- except:
- # Clear cache since we can't be sure of the state.
- self._cache['package_apk_paths'].pop(package_name, 0)
- self._cache['package_apk_checksums'].pop(package_name, 0)
- raise
- def _CheckSdkLevel(self, required_sdk_level):
- """Raises an exception if the device does not have the required SDK level.
- """
- if self.build_version_sdk < required_sdk_level:
- raise device_errors.DeviceVersionError(
- ('Requires SDK level %s, device is SDK level %s' %
- (required_sdk_level, self.build_version_sdk)),
- device_serial=self.adb.GetDeviceSerial())
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def RunShellCommand(self, cmd, check_return=False, cwd=None, env=None,
- as_root=False, single_line=False, large_output=False,
- timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Run an ADB shell command.
- The command to run |cmd| should be a sequence of program arguments or else
- a single string.
- When |cmd| is a sequence, it is assumed to contain the name of the command
- to run followed by its arguments. In this case, arguments are passed to the
- command exactly as given, without any further processing by the shell. This
- allows to easily pass arguments containing spaces or special characters
- without having to worry about getting quoting right. Whenever possible, it
- is recomended to pass |cmd| as a sequence.
- When |cmd| is given as a string, it will be interpreted and run by the
- shell on the device.
- This behaviour is consistent with that of command runners in cmd_helper as
- well as Python's own subprocess.Popen.
- TODO(perezju) Change the default of |check_return| to True when callers
- have switched to the new behaviour.
- Args:
- cmd: A string with the full command to run on the device, or a sequence
- containing the command and its arguments.
- check_return: A boolean indicating whether or not the return code should
- be checked.
- cwd: The device directory in which the command should be run.
- env: The environment variables with which the command should be run.
- as_root: A boolean indicating whether the shell command should be run
- with root privileges.
- single_line: A boolean indicating if only a single line of output is
- expected.
- large_output: Uses a work-around for large shell command output. Without
- this large output will be truncated.
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Returns:
- If single_line is False, the output of the command as a list of lines,
- otherwise, a string with the unique line of output emmited by the command
- (with the optional newline at the end stripped).
- Raises:
- AdbCommandFailedError if check_return is True and the exit code of
- the command run on the device is non-zero.
- CommandFailedError if single_line is True but the output contains two or
- more lines.
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- def env_quote(key, value):
- if not DeviceUtils._VALID_SHELL_VARIABLE.match(key):
- raise KeyError('Invalid shell variable name %r' % key)
- # using double quotes here to allow interpolation of shell variables
- return '%s=%s' % (key, cmd_helper.DoubleQuote(value))
- def run(cmd):
- return self.adb.Shell(cmd)
- def handle_check_return(cmd):
- try:
- return run(cmd)
- except device_errors.AdbCommandFailedError as exc:
- if check_return:
- raise
- else:
- return exc.output
- def handle_large_command(cmd):
- if len(cmd) < self._MAX_ADB_COMMAND_LENGTH:
- return handle_check_return(cmd)
- else:
- with device_temp_file.DeviceTempFile(self.adb, suffix='.sh') as script:
- self._WriteFileWithPush(, cmd)
-'Large shell command will be run from file: %s ...',
- return handle_check_return('sh %s' % script.name_quoted)
- def handle_large_output(cmd, large_output_mode):
- if large_output_mode:
- with device_temp_file.DeviceTempFile(self.adb) as large_output_file:
- cmd = '( %s )>%s' % (cmd,
- logging.debug('Large output mode enabled. Will write output to '
- 'device and read results from file.')
- handle_large_command(cmd)
- return self.ReadFile(, force_pull=True)
- else:
- try:
- return handle_large_command(cmd)
- except device_errors.AdbCommandFailedError as exc:
- if exc.status is None:
- logging.exception('No output found for %s', cmd)
- logging.warning('Attempting to run in large_output mode.')
- logging.warning('Use RunShellCommand(..., large_output=True) for '
- 'shell commands that expect a lot of output.')
- return handle_large_output(cmd, True)
- else:
- raise
- if not isinstance(cmd, basestring):
- cmd = ' '.join(cmd_helper.SingleQuote(s) for s in cmd)
- if env:
- env = ' '.join(env_quote(k, v) for k, v in env.iteritems())
- cmd = '%s %s' % (env, cmd)
- if cwd:
- cmd = 'cd %s && %s' % (cmd_helper.SingleQuote(cwd), cmd)
- if as_root and self.NeedsSU():
- # "su -c sh -c" allows using shell features in |cmd|
- cmd = self._Su('sh -c %s' % cmd_helper.SingleQuote(cmd))
- output = handle_large_output(cmd, large_output).splitlines()
- if single_line:
- if not output:
- return ''
- elif len(output) == 1:
- return output[0]
- else:
- msg = 'one line of output was expected, but got: %s'
- raise device_errors.CommandFailedError(msg % output, str(self))
- else:
- return output
- def _RunPipedShellCommand(self, script, **kwargs):
- script += '; echo "%s${PIPESTATUS[@]}"' % PIPESTATUS_LEADER
- kwargs['check_return'] = True
- output = self.RunShellCommand(script, **kwargs)
- pipestatus_line = output[-1]
- if not pipestatus_line.startswith(PIPESTATUS_LEADER):
- logging.error('Pipe exit statuses of shell script missing.')
- raise device_errors.AdbShellCommandFailedError(
- script, output, status=None,
- device_serial=self.adb.GetDeviceSerial())
- output = output[:-1]
- statuses = [
- int(s) for s in pipestatus_line[len(PIPESTATUS_LEADER):].split()]
- if any(statuses):
- raise device_errors.AdbShellCommandFailedError(
- script, output, status=statuses,
- device_serial=self.adb.GetDeviceSerial())
- return output
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def KillAll(self, process_name, exact=False, signum=device_signal.SIGKILL,
- as_root=False, blocking=False, quiet=False,
- timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Kill all processes with the given name on the device.
- Args:
- process_name: A string containing the name of the process to kill.
- exact: A boolean indicating whether to kill all processes matching
- the string |process_name| exactly, or all of those which contain
- |process_name| as a substring. Defaults to False.
- signum: An integer containing the signal number to send to kill. Defaults
- to SIGKILL (9).
- as_root: A boolean indicating whether the kill should be executed with
- root privileges.
- blocking: A boolean indicating whether we should wait until all processes
- with the given |process_name| are dead.
- quiet: A boolean indicating whether to ignore the fact that no processes
- to kill were found.
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Returns:
- The number of processes attempted to kill.
- Raises:
- CommandFailedError if no process was killed and |quiet| is False.
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- procs_pids = self.GetPids(process_name)
- if exact:
- procs_pids = {process_name: procs_pids.get(process_name, [])}
- pids = set(itertools.chain(*procs_pids.values()))
- if not pids:
- if quiet:
- return 0
- else:
- raise device_errors.CommandFailedError(
- 'No process "%s"' % process_name, str(self))
- 'KillAll(%r, ...) attempting to kill the following:', process_name)
- for name, ids in procs_pids.iteritems():
- for i in ids:
-' %05s %s', str(i), name)
- cmd = ['kill', '-%d' % signum] + sorted(pids)
- self.RunShellCommand(cmd, as_root=as_root, check_return=True)
- def all_pids_killed():
- procs_pids_remain = self.GetPids(process_name)
- return not pids.intersection(itertools.chain(*procs_pids_remain.values()))
- if blocking:
- timeout_retry.WaitFor(all_pids_killed, wait_period=0.1)
- return len(pids)
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def StartActivity(self, intent_obj, blocking=False, trace_file_name=None,
- force_stop=False, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Start package's activity on the device.
- Args:
- intent_obj: An Intent object to send.
- blocking: A boolean indicating whether we should wait for the activity to
- finish launching.
- trace_file_name: If present, a string that both indicates that we want to
- profile the activity and contains the path to which the
- trace should be saved.
- force_stop: A boolean indicating whether we should stop the activity
- before starting it.
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Raises:
- CommandFailedError if the activity could not be started.
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- cmd = ['am', 'start']
- if blocking:
- cmd.append('-W')
- if trace_file_name:
- cmd.extend(['--start-profiler', trace_file_name])
- if force_stop:
- cmd.append('-S')
- cmd.extend(intent_obj.am_args)
- for line in self.RunShellCommand(cmd, check_return=True):
- if line.startswith('Error:'):
- raise device_errors.CommandFailedError(line, str(self))
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def StartInstrumentation(self, component, finish=True, raw=False,
- extras=None, timeout=None, retries=None):
- if extras is None:
- extras = {}
- cmd = ['am', 'instrument']
- if finish:
- cmd.append('-w')
- if raw:
- cmd.append('-r')
- for k, v in extras.iteritems():
- cmd.extend(['-e', str(k), str(v)])
- cmd.append(component)
- # Store the package name in a shell variable to help the command stay under
- # the _MAX_ADB_COMMAND_LENGTH limit.
- package = component.split('/')[0]
- shell_snippet = 'p=%s;%s' % (package,
- cmd_helper.ShrinkToSnippet(cmd, 'p', package))
- return self.RunShellCommand(shell_snippet, check_return=True,
- large_output=True)
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def BroadcastIntent(self, intent_obj, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Send a broadcast intent.
- Args:
- intent: An Intent to broadcast.
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Raises:
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- cmd = ['am', 'broadcast'] + intent_obj.am_args
- self.RunShellCommand(cmd, check_return=True)
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def GoHome(self, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Return to the home screen and obtain launcher focus.
- This command launches the home screen and attempts to obtain
- launcher focus until the timeout is reached.
- Args:
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Raises:
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- def is_launcher_focused():
- output = self.RunShellCommand(['dumpsys', 'window', 'windows'],
- check_return=True, large_output=True)
- return any(self._LAUNCHER_FOCUSED_RE.match(l) for l in output)
- def dismiss_popups():
- # There is a dialog present; attempt to get rid of it.
- # Not all dialogs can be dismissed with back.
- self.SendKeyEvent(keyevent.KEYCODE_ENTER)
- self.SendKeyEvent(keyevent.KEYCODE_BACK)
- return is_launcher_focused()
- # If Home is already focused, return early to avoid unnecessary work.
- if is_launcher_focused():
- return
- self.StartActivity(
- intent.Intent(action='android.intent.action.MAIN',
- category='android.intent.category.HOME'),
- blocking=True)
- if not is_launcher_focused():
- timeout_retry.WaitFor(dismiss_popups, wait_period=1)
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def ForceStop(self, package, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Close the application.
- Args:
- package: A string containing the name of the package to stop.
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Raises:
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- cmd = 'p=%s;if [[ "$(ps)" = *$p* ]]; then am force-stop $p; fi'
- self.RunShellCommand(cmd % package, check_return=True)
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def ClearApplicationState(
- self, package, permissions=None, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Clear all state for the given package.
- Args:
- package: A string containing the name of the package to stop.
- permissions: List of permissions to set after clearing data.
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Raises:
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- # Check that the package exists before clearing it for android builds below
- # JB MR2. Necessary because calling pm clear on a package that doesn't exist
- # may never return.
- if ((self.build_version_sdk >= version_codes.JELLY_BEAN_MR2)
- or self._GetApplicationPathsInternal(package)):
- self.RunShellCommand(['pm', 'clear', package], check_return=True)
- self.GrantPermissions(package, permissions)
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def SendKeyEvent(self, keycode, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Sends a keycode to the device.
- See the module for suitable keycode values.
- Args:
- keycode: A integer keycode to send to the device.
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Raises:
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- self.RunShellCommand(['input', 'keyevent', format(keycode, 'd')],
- check_return=True)
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance(
- def PushChangedFiles(self, host_device_tuples, timeout=None,
- retries=None, delete_device_stale=False):
- """Push files to the device, skipping files that don't need updating.
- When a directory is pushed, it is traversed recursively on the host and
- all files in it are pushed to the device as needed.
- Additionally, if delete_device_stale option is True,
- files that exist on the device but don't exist on the host are deleted.
- Args:
- host_device_tuples: A list of (host_path, device_path) tuples, where
- |host_path| is an absolute path of a file or directory on the host
- that should be minimially pushed to the device, and |device_path| is
- an absolute path of the destination on the device.
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- delete_device_stale: option to delete stale files on device
- Raises:
- CommandFailedError on failure.
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- all_changed_files = []
- all_stale_files = []
- missing_dirs = []
- cache_commit_funcs = []
- for h, d in host_device_tuples:
- assert os.path.isabs(h) and posixpath.isabs(d)
- changed_files, up_to_date_files, stale_files, cache_commit_func = (
- self._GetChangedAndStaleFiles(h, d, delete_device_stale))
- all_changed_files += changed_files
- all_stale_files += stale_files
- cache_commit_funcs.append(cache_commit_func)
- if (os.path.isdir(h) and changed_files and not up_to_date_files
- and not stale_files):
- missing_dirs.append(d)
- if delete_device_stale and all_stale_files:
- self.RunShellCommand(['rm', '-f'] + all_stale_files,
- check_return=True)
- if all_changed_files:
- if missing_dirs:
- self.RunShellCommand(['mkdir', '-p'] + missing_dirs, check_return=True)
- self._PushFilesImpl(host_device_tuples, all_changed_files)
- for func in cache_commit_funcs:
- func()
- def _GetChangedAndStaleFiles(self, host_path, device_path, track_stale=False):
- """Get files to push and delete
- Args:
- host_path: an absolute path of a file or directory on the host
- device_path: an absolute path of a file or directory on the device
- track_stale: whether to bother looking for stale files (slower)
- Returns:
- a three-element tuple
- 1st element: a list of (host_files_path, device_files_path) tuples to push
- 2nd element: a list of host_files_path that are up-to-date
- 3rd element: a list of stale files under device_path, or [] when
- track_stale == False
- """
- try:
- # Length calculations below assume no trailing /.
- host_path = host_path.rstrip('/')
- device_path = device_path.rstrip('/')
- specific_device_paths = [device_path]
- ignore_other_files = not track_stale and os.path.isdir(host_path)
- if ignore_other_files:
- specific_device_paths = []
- for root, _, filenames in os.walk(host_path):
- relative_dir = root[len(host_path) + 1:]
- specific_device_paths.extend(
- posixpath.join(device_path, relative_dir, f) for f in filenames)
- def calculate_host_checksums():
- return md5sum.CalculateHostMd5Sums([host_path])
- def calculate_device_checksums():
- if self._enable_device_files_cache:
- cache_entry = self._cache['device_path_checksums'].get(device_path)
- if cache_entry and cache_entry[0] == ignore_other_files:
- return dict(cache_entry[1])
- sums = md5sum.CalculateDeviceMd5Sums(specific_device_paths, self)
- cache_entry = [ignore_other_files, sums]
- self._cache['device_path_checksums'][device_path] = cache_entry
- return dict(sums)
- host_checksums, device_checksums = reraiser_thread.RunAsync((
- calculate_host_checksums,
- calculate_device_checksums))
- except EnvironmentError as e:
- logging.warning('Error calculating md5: %s', e)
- return ([(host_path, device_path)], [], [], lambda: 0)
- to_push = []
- up_to_date = []
- to_delete = []
- if os.path.isfile(host_path):
- host_checksum = host_checksums.get(host_path)
- device_checksum = device_checksums.get(device_path)
- if host_checksum == device_checksum:
- up_to_date.append(host_path)
- else:
- to_push.append((host_path, device_path))
- else:
- for host_abs_path, host_checksum in host_checksums.iteritems():
- device_abs_path = posixpath.join(
- device_path, os.path.relpath(host_abs_path, host_path))
- device_checksum = device_checksums.pop(device_abs_path, None)
- if device_checksum == host_checksum:
- up_to_date.append(host_abs_path)
- else:
- to_push.append((host_abs_path, device_abs_path))
- to_delete = device_checksums.keys()
- def cache_commit_func():
- new_sums = {posixpath.join(device_path, path[len(host_path) + 1:]): val
- for path, val in host_checksums.iteritems()}
- cache_entry = [ignore_other_files, new_sums]
- self._cache['device_path_checksums'][device_path] = cache_entry
- return (to_push, up_to_date, to_delete, cache_commit_func)
- def _ComputeDeviceChecksumsForApks(self, package_name):
- ret = self._cache['package_apk_checksums'].get(package_name)
- if ret is None:
- device_paths = self._GetApplicationPathsInternal(package_name)
- file_to_checksums = md5sum.CalculateDeviceMd5Sums(device_paths, self)
- ret = set(file_to_checksums.values())
- self._cache['package_apk_checksums'][package_name] = ret
- return ret
- def _ComputeStaleApks(self, package_name, host_apk_paths):
- def calculate_host_checksums():
- return md5sum.CalculateHostMd5Sums(host_apk_paths)
- def calculate_device_checksums():
- return self._ComputeDeviceChecksumsForApks(package_name)
- host_checksums, device_checksums = reraiser_thread.RunAsync((
- calculate_host_checksums, calculate_device_checksums))
- stale_apks = [k for (k, v) in host_checksums.iteritems()
- if v not in device_checksums]
- return stale_apks, set(host_checksums.values())
- def _PushFilesImpl(self, host_device_tuples, files):
- if not files:
- return
- size = sum(host_utils.GetRecursiveDiskUsage(h) for h, _ in files)
- file_count = len(files)
- dir_size = sum(host_utils.GetRecursiveDiskUsage(h)
- for h, _ in host_device_tuples)
- dir_file_count = 0
- for h, _ in host_device_tuples:
- if os.path.isdir(h):
- dir_file_count += sum(len(f) for _r, _d, f in os.walk(h))
- else:
- dir_file_count += 1
- push_duration = self._ApproximateDuration(
- file_count, file_count, size, False)
- dir_push_duration = self._ApproximateDuration(
- len(host_device_tuples), dir_file_count, dir_size, False)
- zip_duration = self._ApproximateDuration(1, 1, size, True)
- if dir_push_duration < push_duration and dir_push_duration < zip_duration:
- self._PushChangedFilesIndividually(host_device_tuples)
- elif push_duration < zip_duration:
- self._PushChangedFilesIndividually(files)
- elif self._commands_installed is False:
- # Already tried and failed to install unzip command.
- self._PushChangedFilesIndividually(files)
- elif not self._PushChangedFilesZipped(
- files, [d for _, d in host_device_tuples]):
- self._PushChangedFilesIndividually(files)
- def _MaybeInstallCommands(self):
- if self._commands_installed is None:
- try:
- if not install_commands.Installed(self):
- install_commands.InstallCommands(self)
- self._commands_installed = True
- except device_errors.CommandFailedError as e:
- logging.warning('unzip not available: %s', str(e))
- self._commands_installed = False
- return self._commands_installed
- @staticmethod
- def _ApproximateDuration(adb_calls, file_count, byte_count, is_zipping):
- # We approximate the time to push a set of files to a device as:
- # t = c1 * a + c2 * f + c3 + b / c4 + b / (c5 * c6), where
- # t: total time (sec)
- # c1: adb call time delay (sec)
- # a: number of times adb is called (unitless)
- # c2: push time delay (sec)
- # f: number of files pushed via adb (unitless)
- # c3: zip time delay (sec)
- # c4: zip rate (bytes/sec)
- # b: total number of bytes (bytes)
- # c5: transfer rate (bytes/sec)
- # c6: compression ratio (unitless)
- # All of these are approximations.
- ADB_CALL_PENALTY = 0.1 # seconds
- ADB_PUSH_PENALTY = 0.01 # seconds
- ZIP_PENALTY = 2.0 # seconds
- ZIP_RATE = 10000000.0 # bytes / second
- TRANSFER_RATE = 2000000.0 # bytes / second
- COMPRESSION_RATIO = 2.0 # unitless
- adb_call_time = ADB_CALL_PENALTY * adb_calls
- adb_push_setup_time = ADB_PUSH_PENALTY * file_count
- if is_zipping:
- zip_time = ZIP_PENALTY + byte_count / ZIP_RATE
- transfer_time = byte_count / (TRANSFER_RATE * COMPRESSION_RATIO)
- else:
- zip_time = 0
- transfer_time = byte_count / TRANSFER_RATE
- return adb_call_time + adb_push_setup_time + zip_time + transfer_time
- def _PushChangedFilesIndividually(self, files):
- for h, d in files:
- self.adb.Push(h, d)
- def _PushChangedFilesZipped(self, files, dirs):
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.zip') as zip_file:
- zip_proc = multiprocessing.Process(
- target=DeviceUtils._CreateDeviceZip,
- args=(, files))
- zip_proc.start()
- try:
- # While it's zipping, ensure the unzip command exists on the device.
- if not self._MaybeInstallCommands():
- zip_proc.terminate()
- return False
- # Warm up NeedsSU cache while we're still zipping.
- self.NeedsSU()
- with device_temp_file.DeviceTempFile(
- self.adb, suffix='.zip') as device_temp:
- zip_proc.join()
- self.adb.Push(,
- quoted_dirs = ' '.join(cmd_helper.SingleQuote(d) for d in dirs)
- self.RunShellCommand(
- 'unzip %s&&chmod -R 777 %s' % (, quoted_dirs),
- as_root=True,
- env={'PATH': '%s:$PATH' % install_commands.BIN_DIR},
- check_return=True)
- finally:
- if zip_proc.is_alive():
- zip_proc.terminate()
- return True
- @staticmethod
- def _CreateDeviceZip(zip_path, host_device_tuples):
- with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'w') as zip_file:
- for host_path, device_path in host_device_tuples:
- zip_utils.WriteToZipFile(zip_file, host_path, device_path)
- # TODO(nednguyen): remove this and migrate the callsite to PathExists().
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def FileExists(self, device_path, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Checks whether the given file exists on the device.
- Arguments are the same as PathExists.
- """
- return self.PathExists(device_path, timeout=timeout, retries=retries)
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def PathExists(self, device_paths, as_root=False, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Checks whether the given path(s) exists on the device.
- Args:
- device_path: A string containing the absolute path to the file on the
- device, or an iterable of paths to check.
- as_root: Whether root permissions should be use to check for the existence
- of the given path(s).
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Returns:
- True if the all given paths exist on the device, False otherwise.
- Raises:
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- paths = device_paths
- if isinstance(paths, basestring):
- paths = (paths,)
- condition = ' -a '.join('-e %s' % cmd_helper.SingleQuote(p) for p in paths)
- cmd = 'test %s' % condition
- try:
- self.RunShellCommand(cmd, as_root=as_root, check_return=True,
- timeout=timeout, retries=retries)
- return True
- except device_errors.CommandFailedError:
- return False
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def PullFile(self, device_path, host_path, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Pull a file from the device.
- Args:
- device_path: A string containing the absolute path of the file to pull
- from the device.
- host_path: A string containing the absolute path of the destination on
- the host.
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Raises:
- CommandFailedError on failure.
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- """
- # Create the base dir if it doesn't exist already
- dirname = os.path.dirname(host_path)
- if dirname and not os.path.exists(dirname):
- os.makedirs(dirname)
- self.adb.Pull(device_path, host_path)
- def _ReadFileWithPull(self, device_path):
- try:
- d = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- host_temp_path = os.path.join(d, 'tmp_ReadFileWithPull')
- self.adb.Pull(device_path, host_temp_path)
- with open(host_temp_path, 'r') as host_temp:
- return
- finally:
- if os.path.exists(d):
- shutil.rmtree(d)
- _LS_RE = re.compile(
- r'(?P<perms>\S+) +(?P<owner>\S+) +(?P<group>\S+) +(?:(?P<size>\d+) +)?'
- + r'(?P<date>\S+) +(?P<time>\S+) +(?P<name>.+)$')
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def ReadFile(self, device_path, as_root=False, force_pull=False,
- timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Reads the contents of a file from the device.
- Args:
- device_path: A string containing the absolute path of the file to read
- from the device.
- as_root: A boolean indicating whether the read should be executed with
- root privileges.
- force_pull: A boolean indicating whether to force the operation to be
- performed by pulling a file from the device. The default is, when the
- contents are short, to retrieve the contents using cat instead.
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Returns:
- The contents of |device_path| as a string. Contents are intepreted using
- universal newlines, so the caller will see them encoded as '\n'. Also,
- all lines will be terminated.
- Raises:
- AdbCommandFailedError if the file can't be read.
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- def get_size(path):
- # TODO(jbudorick): Implement a generic version of Stat() that handles
- # as_root=True, then switch this implementation to use that.
- ls_out = self.RunShellCommand(['ls', '-l', device_path], as_root=as_root,
- check_return=True)
- for line in ls_out:
- m = self._LS_RE.match(line)
- if m and'name') == posixpath.basename(device_path):
- return int('size'))
- logging.warning('Could not determine size of %s.', device_path)
- return None
- if (not force_pull
- and 0 < get_size(device_path) <= self._MAX_ADB_OUTPUT_LENGTH):
- return _JoinLines(self.RunShellCommand(
- ['cat', device_path], as_root=as_root, check_return=True))
- elif as_root and self.NeedsSU():
- with device_temp_file.DeviceTempFile(self.adb) as device_temp:
- cmd = 'SRC=%s DEST=%s;cp "$SRC" "$DEST" && chmod 666 "$DEST"' % (
- cmd_helper.SingleQuote(device_path),
- cmd_helper.SingleQuote(
- self.RunShellCommand(cmd, as_root=True, check_return=True)
- return self._ReadFileWithPull(
- else:
- return self._ReadFileWithPull(device_path)
- def _WriteFileWithPush(self, device_path, contents):
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as host_temp:
- host_temp.write(contents)
- host_temp.flush()
- self.adb.Push(, device_path)
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def WriteFile(self, device_path, contents, as_root=False, force_push=False,
- timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Writes |contents| to a file on the device.
- Args:
- device_path: A string containing the absolute path to the file to write
- on the device.
- contents: A string containing the data to write to the device.
- as_root: A boolean indicating whether the write should be executed with
- root privileges (if available).
- force_push: A boolean indicating whether to force the operation to be
- performed by pushing a file to the device. The default is, when the
- contents are short, to pass the contents using a shell script instead.
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Raises:
- CommandFailedError if the file could not be written on the device.
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- if not force_push and len(contents) < self._MAX_ADB_COMMAND_LENGTH:
- # If the contents are small, for efficieny we write the contents with
- # a shell command rather than pushing a file.
- cmd = 'echo -n %s > %s' % (cmd_helper.SingleQuote(contents),
- cmd_helper.SingleQuote(device_path))
- self.RunShellCommand(cmd, as_root=as_root, check_return=True)
- elif as_root and self.NeedsSU():
- # Adb does not allow to "push with su", so we first push to a temp file
- # on a safe location, and then copy it to the desired location with su.
- with device_temp_file.DeviceTempFile(self.adb) as device_temp:
- self._WriteFileWithPush(, contents)
- # Here we need 'cp' rather than 'mv' because the temp and
- # destination files might be on different file systems (e.g.
- # on internal storage and an external sd card).
- self.RunShellCommand(['cp',, device_path],
- as_root=True, check_return=True)
- else:
- # If root is not needed, we can push directly to the desired location.
- self._WriteFileWithPush(device_path, contents)
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def Ls(self, device_path, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Lists the contents of a directory on the device.
- Args:
- device_path: A string containing the path of the directory on the device
- to list.
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Returns:
- A list of pairs (filename, stat) for each file found in the directory,
- where the stat object has the properties: st_mode, st_size, and st_time.
- Raises:
- AdbCommandFailedError if |device_path| does not specify a valid and
- accessible directory in the device.
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- return self.adb.Ls(device_path)
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def Stat(self, device_path, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Get the stat attributes of a file or directory on the device.
- Args:
- device_path: A string containing the path of from which to get attributes
- on the device.
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Returns:
- A stat object with the properties: st_mode, st_size, and st_time
- Raises:
- CommandFailedError if device_path cannot be found on the device.
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- dirname, target = device_path.rsplit('/', 1)
- for filename, stat in self.adb.Ls(dirname):
- if filename == target:
- return stat
- raise device_errors.CommandFailedError(
- 'Cannot find file or directory: %r' % device_path, str(self))
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def SetJavaAsserts(self, enabled, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Enables or disables Java asserts.
- Args:
- enabled: A boolean indicating whether Java asserts should be enabled
- or disabled.
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Returns:
- True if the device-side property changed and a restart is required as a
- result, False otherwise.
- Raises:
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- """
- def find_property(lines, property_name):
- for index, line in enumerate(lines):
- if line.strip() == '':
- continue
- key_value = tuple(s.strip() for s in line.split('=', 1))
- if len(key_value) != 2:
- continue
- key, value = key_value
- if key == property_name:
- return index, value
- return None, ''
- new_value = 'all' if enabled else ''
- # First ensure the desired property is persisted.
- try:
- properties = self.ReadFile(self.LOCAL_PROPERTIES_PATH).splitlines()
- except device_errors.CommandFailedError:
- properties = []
- index, value = find_property(properties, self.JAVA_ASSERT_PROPERTY)
- if new_value != value:
- if new_value:
- new_line = '%s=%s' % (self.JAVA_ASSERT_PROPERTY, new_value)
- if index is None:
- properties.append(new_line)
- else:
- properties[index] = new_line
- else:
- assert index is not None # since new_value == '' and new_value != value
- properties.pop(index)
- self.WriteFile(self.LOCAL_PROPERTIES_PATH, _JoinLines(properties))
- # Next, check the current runtime value is what we need, and
- # if not, set it and report that a reboot is required.
- value = self.GetProp(self.JAVA_ASSERT_PROPERTY)
- if new_value != value:
- self.SetProp(self.JAVA_ASSERT_PROPERTY, new_value)
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def GetLanguage(self, cache=False):
- """Returns the language setting on the device.
- Args:
- cache: Whether to use cached properties when available.
- """
- return self.GetProp('persist.sys.language', cache=cache)
- def GetCountry(self, cache=False):
- """Returns the country setting on the device.
- Args:
- cache: Whether to use cached properties when available.
- """
- return self.GetProp('', cache=cache)
- @property
- def screen_density(self):
- """Returns the screen density of the device."""
- 120: 'ldpi',
- 160: 'mdpi',
- 240: 'hdpi',
- 320: 'xhdpi',
- 480: 'xxhdpi',
- 640: 'xxxhdpi',
- }
- return DPI_TO_DENSITY.get(self.pixel_density, 'tvdpi')
- @property
- def pixel_density(self):
- return int(self.GetProp('ro.sf.lcd_density', cache=True))
- @property
- def build_description(self):
- """Returns the build description of the system.
- For example:
- nakasi-user 4.4.4 KTU84P 1227136 release-keys
- """
- return self.GetProp('', cache=True)
- @property
- def build_fingerprint(self):
- """Returns the build fingerprint of the system.
- For example:
- google/nakasi/grouper:4.4.4/KTU84P/1227136:user/release-keys
- """
- return self.GetProp('', cache=True)
- @property
- def build_id(self):
- """Returns the build ID of the system (e.g. 'KTU84P')."""
- return self.GetProp('', cache=True)
- @property
- def build_product(self):
- """Returns the build product of the system (e.g. 'grouper')."""
- return self.GetProp('', cache=True)
- @property
- def build_type(self):
- """Returns the build type of the system (e.g. 'user')."""
- return self.GetProp('', cache=True)
- @property
- def build_version_sdk(self):
- """Returns the build version sdk of the system as a number (e.g. 19).
- For version code numbers see:
- For named constants see
- Raises:
- CommandFailedError if the build version sdk is not a number.
- """
- value = self.GetProp('', cache=True)
- try:
- return int(value)
- except ValueError:
- raise device_errors.CommandFailedError(
- 'Invalid build version sdk: %r' % value)
- @property
- def product_cpu_abi(self):
- """Returns the product cpu abi of the device (e.g. 'armeabi-v7a')."""
- return self.GetProp('ro.product.cpu.abi', cache=True)
- @property
- def product_model(self):
- """Returns the name of the product model (e.g. 'Nexus 7')."""
- return self.GetProp('ro.product.model', cache=True)
- @property
- def product_name(self):
- """Returns the product name of the device (e.g. 'nakasi')."""
- return self.GetProp('', cache=True)
- @property
- def product_board(self):
- """Returns the product board name of the device (e.g. 'shamu')."""
- return self.GetProp('ro.product.board', cache=True)
- def GetProp(self, property_name, cache=False, timeout=DEFAULT,
- retries=DEFAULT):
- """Gets a property from the device.
- Args:
- property_name: A string containing the name of the property to get from
- the device.
- cache: Whether to use cached properties when available.
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Returns:
- The value of the device's |property_name| property.
- Raises:
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- """
- assert isinstance(property_name, basestring), (
- "property_name is not a string: %r" % property_name)
- prop_cache = self._cache['getprop']
- if cache:
- if property_name not in prop_cache:
- # It takes ~120ms to query a single property, and ~130ms to query all
- # properties. So, when caching we always query all properties.
- output = self.RunShellCommand(
- ['getprop'], check_return=True, large_output=True,
- timeout=self._default_timeout if timeout is DEFAULT else timeout,
- retries=self._default_retries if retries is DEFAULT else retries)
- prop_cache.clear()
- for key, value in _GETPROP_RE.findall(''.join(output)):
- prop_cache[key] = value
- if property_name not in prop_cache:
- prop_cache[property_name] = ''
- else:
- # timeout and retries are handled down at run shell, because we don't
- # want to apply them in the other branch when reading from the cache
- value = self.RunShellCommand(
- ['getprop', property_name], single_line=True, check_return=True,
- timeout=self._default_timeout if timeout is DEFAULT else timeout,
- retries=self._default_retries if retries is DEFAULT else retries)
- prop_cache[property_name] = value
- return prop_cache[property_name]
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def SetProp(self, property_name, value, check=False, timeout=None,
- retries=None):
- """Sets a property on the device.
- Args:
- property_name: A string containing the name of the property to set on
- the device.
- value: A string containing the value to set to the property on the
- device.
- check: A boolean indicating whether to check that the property was
- successfully set on the device.
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Raises:
- CommandFailedError if check is true and the property was not correctly
- set on the device (e.g. because it is not rooted).
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- """
- assert isinstance(property_name, basestring), (
- "property_name is not a string: %r" % property_name)
- assert isinstance(value, basestring), "value is not a string: %r" % value
- self.RunShellCommand(['setprop', property_name, value], check_return=True)
- prop_cache = self._cache['getprop']
- if property_name in prop_cache:
- del prop_cache[property_name]
- # TODO(perezju) remove the option and make the check mandatory, but using a
- # single shell script to both set- and getprop.
- if check and value != self.GetProp(property_name, cache=False):
- raise device_errors.CommandFailedError(
- 'Unable to set property %r on the device to %r'
- % (property_name, value), str(self))
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def GetABI(self, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Gets the device main ABI.
- Args:
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Returns:
- The device's main ABI name.
- Raises:
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- """
- return self.GetProp('ro.product.cpu.abi', cache=True)
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def GetPids(self, process_name, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Returns the PIDs of processes with the given name.
- Note that the |process_name| is often the package name.
- Args:
- process_name: A string containing the process name to get the PIDs for.
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Returns:
- A dict mapping process name to a list of PIDs for each process that
- contained the provided |process_name|.
- Raises:
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- procs_pids = collections.defaultdict(list)
- try:
- ps_output = self._RunPipedShellCommand(
- 'ps | grep -F %s' % cmd_helper.SingleQuote(process_name))
- except device_errors.AdbShellCommandFailedError as e:
- if e.status and isinstance(e.status, list) and not e.status[0]:
- # If ps succeeded but grep failed, there were no processes with the
- # given name.
- return procs_pids
- else:
- raise
- for line in ps_output:
- try:
- ps_data = line.split()
- if process_name in ps_data[-1]:
- pid, process = ps_data[1], ps_data[-1]
- procs_pids[process].append(pid)
- except IndexError:
- pass
- return procs_pids
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def TakeScreenshot(self, host_path=None, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Takes a screenshot of the device.
- Args:
- host_path: A string containing the path on the host to save the
- screenshot to. If None, a file name in the current
- directory will be generated.
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Returns:
- The name of the file on the host to which the screenshot was saved.
- Raises:
- CommandFailedError on failure.
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- DeviceUnreachableError on missing device.
- """
- if not host_path:
- host_path = os.path.abspath('screenshot-%s-%s.png' % (
- self.adb.GetDeviceSerial(), _GetTimeStamp()))
- with device_temp_file.DeviceTempFile(self.adb, suffix='.png') as device_tmp:
- self.RunShellCommand(['/system/bin/screencap', '-p',],
- check_return=True)
- self.PullFile(, host_path)
- return host_path
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def GetMemoryUsageForPid(self, pid, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Gets the memory usage for the given PID.
- Args:
- pid: PID of the process.
- timeout: timeout in seconds
- retries: number of retries
- Returns:
- A dict containing memory usage statistics for the PID. May include:
- Size, Rss, Pss, Shared_Clean, Shared_Dirty, Private_Clean,
- Private_Dirty, VmHWM
- Raises:
- CommandTimeoutError on timeout.
- """
- result = collections.defaultdict(int)
- try:
- result.update(self._GetMemoryUsageForPidFromSmaps(pid))
- except device_errors.CommandFailedError:
- logging.exception('Error getting memory usage from smaps')
- try:
- result.update(self._GetMemoryUsageForPidFromStatus(pid))
- except device_errors.CommandFailedError:
- logging.exception('Error getting memory usage from status')
- return result
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def DismissCrashDialogIfNeeded(self, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Dismiss the error/ANR dialog if present.
- Returns: Name of the crashed package if a dialog is focused,
- None otherwise.
- """
- def _FindFocusedWindow():
- match = None
- # TODO(jbudorick): Try to grep the output on the device instead of using
- # large_output if/when DeviceUtils exposes a public interface for piped
- # shell command handling.
- for line in self.RunShellCommand(['dumpsys', 'window', 'windows'],
- check_return=True, large_output=True):
- match = re.match(_CURRENT_FOCUS_CRASH_RE, line)
- if match:
- break
- return match
- match = _FindFocusedWindow()
- if not match:
- return None
- package =
- logging.warning('Trying to dismiss %s dialog for %s', *match.groups())
- self.SendKeyEvent(keyevent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT)
- self.SendKeyEvent(keyevent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT)
- self.SendKeyEvent(keyevent.KEYCODE_ENTER)
- match = _FindFocusedWindow()
- if match:
- logging.error('Still showing a %s dialog for %s', *match.groups())
- return package
- def _GetMemoryUsageForPidFromSmaps(self, pid):
- 'Size', 'Rss', 'Pss', 'Shared_Clean', 'Shared_Dirty', 'Private_Clean',
- 'Private_Dirty')
- showmap_out = self._RunPipedShellCommand(
- 'showmap %d | grep TOTAL' % int(pid), as_root=True)
- split_totals = showmap_out[-1].split()
- if (not split_totals
- or len(split_totals) != 9
- or split_totals[-1] != 'TOTAL'):
- raise device_errors.CommandFailedError(
- 'Invalid output from showmap: %s' % '\n'.join(showmap_out))
- return dict(itertools.izip(SMAPS_COLUMNS, (int(n) for n in split_totals)))
- def _GetMemoryUsageForPidFromStatus(self, pid):
- for line in self.ReadFile(
- '/proc/%s/status' % str(pid), as_root=True).splitlines():
- if line.startswith('VmHWM:'):
- return {'VmHWM': int(line.split()[1])}
- raise device_errors.CommandFailedError(
- 'Could not find memory peak value for pid %s', str(pid))
- def GetLogcatMonitor(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Returns a new LogcatMonitor associated with this device.
- Parameters passed to this function are passed directly to
- |logcat_monitor.LogcatMonitor| and are documented there.
- """
- return logcat_monitor.LogcatMonitor(self.adb, *args, **kwargs)
- def GetClientCache(self, client_name):
- """Returns client cache."""
- if client_name not in self._client_caches:
- self._client_caches[client_name] = {}
- return self._client_caches[client_name]
- def _ClearCache(self):
- """Clears all caches."""
- for client in self._client_caches:
- self._client_caches[client].clear()
- self._cache = {
- # Map of packageId -> list of on-device .apk paths
- 'package_apk_paths': {},
- # Set of packageId that were loaded from LoadCacheData and not yet
- # verified.
- 'package_apk_paths_to_verify': set(),
- # Map of packageId -> set of on-device .apk checksums
- 'package_apk_checksums': {},
- # Map of property_name -> value
- 'getprop': {},
- # Map of device_path -> [ignore_other_files, map of path->checksum]
- 'device_path_checksums': {},
- }
- def LoadCacheData(self, data):
- """Initializes the cache from data created using DumpCacheData."""
- obj = json.loads(data)
- self._cache['package_apk_paths'] = obj.get('package_apk_paths', {})
- # When using a cache across script invokations, verify that apps have
- # not been uninstalled.
- self._cache['package_apk_paths_to_verify'] = set(
- self._cache['package_apk_paths'].iterkeys())
- package_apk_checksums = obj.get('package_apk_checksums', {})
- for k, v in package_apk_checksums.iteritems():
- package_apk_checksums[k] = set(v)
- self._cache['package_apk_checksums'] = package_apk_checksums
- device_path_checksums = obj.get('device_path_checksums', {})
- self._cache['device_path_checksums'] = device_path_checksums
- def DumpCacheData(self):
- """Dumps the current cache state to a string."""
- obj = {}
- obj['package_apk_paths'] = self._cache['package_apk_paths']
- obj['package_apk_checksums'] = self._cache['package_apk_checksums']
- # JSON can't handle sets.
- for k, v in obj['package_apk_checksums'].iteritems():
- obj['package_apk_checksums'][k] = list(v)
- obj['device_path_checksums'] = self._cache['device_path_checksums']
- return json.dumps(obj, separators=(',', ':'))
- @classmethod
- def parallel(cls, devices, async=False):
- """Creates a Parallelizer to operate over the provided list of devices.
- Args:
- devices: A list of either DeviceUtils instances or objects from
- from which DeviceUtils instances can be constructed. If None,
- all attached devices will be used.
- async: If true, returns a Parallelizer that runs operations
- asynchronously.
- Returns:
- A Parallelizer operating over |devices|.
- Raises:
- device_errors.NoDevicesError: If no devices are passed.
- """
- if not devices:
- raise device_errors.NoDevicesError()
- devices = [d if isinstance(d, cls) else cls(d) for d in devices]
- if async:
- return parallelizer.Parallelizer(devices)
- else:
- return parallelizer.SyncParallelizer(devices)
- @classmethod
- def HealthyDevices(cls, blacklist=None, **kwargs):
- blacklisted_devices = blacklist.Read() if blacklist else []
- def blacklisted(adb):
- if adb.GetDeviceSerial() in blacklisted_devices:
- logging.warning('Device %s is blacklisted.', adb.GetDeviceSerial())
- return True
- return False
- devices = []
- for adb in adb_wrapper.AdbWrapper.Devices():
- if not blacklisted(adb):
- devices.append(cls(_CreateAdbWrapper(adb), **kwargs))
- return devices
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def RestartAdbd(self, timeout=None, retries=None):
-'Restarting adbd on device.')
- with device_temp_file.DeviceTempFile(self.adb, suffix='.sh') as script:
- self.WriteFile(, _RESTART_ADBD_SCRIPT)
- self.RunShellCommand(['source',], as_root=True)
- self.adb.WaitForDevice()
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def GrantPermissions(self, package, permissions, timeout=None, retries=None):
- # Permissions only need to be set on M and above because of the changes to
- # the permission model.
- if not permissions or self.build_version_sdk < version_codes.MARSHMALLOW:
- return
- # TODO(rnephew): After permission blacklist is complete, switch to using
- # &&s instead of ;s.
- cmd = ''
-'Setting permissions for %s.', package)
- permissions = [p for p in permissions if p not in _PERMISSIONS_BLACKLIST]
- if ('android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE' in permissions
- and 'android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE' not in permissions):
- permissions.append('android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE')
- cmd = ';'.join('pm grant %s %s' % (package, p) for p in permissions)
- if cmd:
- output = self.RunShellCommand(cmd)
- if output:
- logging.warning('Possible problem when granting permissions. Blacklist '
- 'may need to be updated.')
- for line in output:
- logging.warning(' %s', line)
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def IsScreenOn(self, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Determines if screen is on.
- Dumpsys input_method exposes screen on/off state. Below is an explination of
- the states.
- Pre-L:
- On: mScreenOn=true
- Off: mScreenOn=false
- L+:
- On: mInteractive=true
- Off: mInteractive=false
- Returns:
- True if screen is on, false if it is off.
- Raises:
- device_errors.CommandFailedError: If screen state cannot be found.
- """
- if self.build_version_sdk < version_codes.LOLLIPOP:
- input_check = 'mScreenOn'
- check_value = 'mScreenOn=true'
- else:
- input_check = 'mInteractive'
- check_value = 'mInteractive=true'
- dumpsys_out = self._RunPipedShellCommand(
- 'dumpsys input_method | grep %s' % input_check)
- if not dumpsys_out:
- raise device_errors.CommandFailedError(
- 'Unable to detect screen state', str(self))
- return check_value in dumpsys_out[0]
- @decorators.WithTimeoutAndRetriesFromInstance()
- def SetScreen(self, on, timeout=None, retries=None):
- """Turns screen on and off.
- Args:
- on: bool to decide state to switch to. True = on False = off.
- """
- def screen_test():
- return self.IsScreenOn() == on
- if screen_test():
-'Screen already in expected state.')
- return
- self.RunShellCommand('input keyevent 26')
- timeout_retry.WaitFor(screen_test, wait_period=1)
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