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Unified Diff: build/android/devil/android/

Issue 1770943003: [Android] Remove chromium version of devil. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: rebase Created 4 years, 9 months ago
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Index: build/android/devil/android/
diff --git a/build/android/devil/android/ b/build/android/devil/android/
deleted file mode 100755
index 659cea79fcc3aad63a23e178d6cc00998586cf7c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/build/android/devil/android/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2291 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-Unit tests for the contents of (mostly DeviceUtils).
-# pylint: disable=protected-access
-# pylint: disable=unused-argument
-import logging
-import unittest
-from devil import devil_env
-from import device_errors
-from import device_signal
-from import device_utils
-from import adb_wrapper
-from import intent
-from import version_codes
-from devil.utils import cmd_helper
-from devil.utils import mock_calls
-with devil_env.SysPath(devil_env.PYMOCK_PATH):
- import mock # pylint: disable=import-error
-class _MockApkHelper(object):
- def __init__(self, path, package_name, perms=None):
- self.path = path
- self.package_name = package_name
- self.perms = perms
- def GetPackageName(self):
- return self.package_name
- def GetPermissions(self):
- return self.perms
-class DeviceUtilsInitTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def testInitWithStr(self):
- serial_as_str = str('0123456789abcdef')
- d = device_utils.DeviceUtils('0123456789abcdef')
- self.assertEqual(serial_as_str, d.adb.GetDeviceSerial())
- def testInitWithUnicode(self):
- serial_as_unicode = unicode('fedcba9876543210')
- d = device_utils.DeviceUtils(serial_as_unicode)
- self.assertEqual(serial_as_unicode, d.adb.GetDeviceSerial())
- def testInitWithAdbWrapper(self):
- serial = '123456789abcdef0'
- a = adb_wrapper.AdbWrapper(serial)
- d = device_utils.DeviceUtils(a)
- self.assertEqual(serial, d.adb.GetDeviceSerial())
- def testInitWithMissing_fails(self):
- with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
- device_utils.DeviceUtils(None)
- with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
- device_utils.DeviceUtils('')
-class DeviceUtilsGetAVDsTest(mock_calls.TestCase):
- def testGetAVDs(self):
- mocked_attrs = {
- 'android_sdk': '/my/sdk/path'
- }
- with mock.patch('devil.devil_env._Environment.LocalPath',
- mock.Mock(side_effect=lambda a: mocked_attrs[a])):
- with self.assertCall(
- [mock.ANY, 'list', 'avd']),
- 'Available Android Virtual Devices:\n'
- ' Name: my_android5.0\n'
- ' Path: /some/path/to/.android/avd/my_android5.0.avd\n'
- ' Target: Android 5.0 (API level 21)\n'
- ' Tag/ABI: default/x86\n'
- ' Skin: WVGA800\n'):
- self.assertEquals(['my_android5.0'], device_utils.GetAVDs())
-class DeviceUtilsRestartServerTest(mock_calls.TestCase):
- @mock.patch('time.sleep', mock.Mock())
- def testRestartServer_succeeds(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- ['pgrep', 'adb']),
- (1, '')),
- (
- ['pgrep', 'adb']),
- (1, '')),
- (
- ['pgrep', 'adb']),
- (0, '123\n'))):
- device_utils.RestartServer()
-class MockTempFile(object):
- def __init__(self, name='/tmp/some/file'):
- self.file = mock.MagicMock(spec=file)
- = name
- self.file.name_quoted = cmd_helper.SingleQuote(name)
- def __enter__(self):
- return self.file
- def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
- pass
- @property
- def name(self):
- return
-class _PatchedFunction(object):
- def __init__(self, patched=None, mocked=None):
- self.patched = patched
- self.mocked = mocked
-def _AdbWrapperMock(test_serial, is_ready=True):
- adb = mock.Mock(spec=adb_wrapper.AdbWrapper)
- adb.__str__ = mock.Mock(return_value=test_serial)
- adb.GetDeviceSerial.return_value = test_serial
- adb.is_ready = is_ready
- return adb
-class DeviceUtilsTest(mock_calls.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.adb = _AdbWrapperMock('0123456789abcdef')
- self.device = device_utils.DeviceUtils(
- self.adb, default_timeout=10, default_retries=0)
- self.watchMethodCalls(, ignore=['GetDeviceSerial'])
- def AdbCommandError(self, args=None, output=None, status=None, msg=None):
- if args is None:
- args = ['[unspecified]']
- return mock.Mock(side_effect=device_errors.AdbCommandFailedError(
- args, output, status, msg, str(self.device)))
- def CommandError(self, msg=None):
- if msg is None:
- msg = 'Command failed'
- return mock.Mock(side_effect=device_errors.CommandFailedError(
- msg, str(self.device)))
- def ShellError(self, output=None, status=1):
- def action(cmd, *args, **kwargs):
- raise device_errors.AdbShellCommandFailedError(
- cmd, output, status, str(self.device))
- if output is None:
- output = 'Permission denied\n'
- return action
- def TimeoutError(self, msg=None):
- if msg is None:
- msg = 'Operation timed out'
- return mock.Mock(side_effect=device_errors.CommandTimeoutError(
- msg, str(self.device)))
-class DeviceUtilsEqTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testEq_equal_deviceUtils(self):
- other = device_utils.DeviceUtils(_AdbWrapperMock('0123456789abcdef'))
- self.assertTrue(self.device == other)
- self.assertTrue(other == self.device)
- def testEq_equal_adbWrapper(self):
- other = adb_wrapper.AdbWrapper('0123456789abcdef')
- self.assertTrue(self.device == other)
- self.assertTrue(other == self.device)
- def testEq_equal_string(self):
- other = '0123456789abcdef'
- self.assertTrue(self.device == other)
- self.assertTrue(other == self.device)
- def testEq_devicesNotEqual(self):
- other = device_utils.DeviceUtils(_AdbWrapperMock('0123456789abcdee'))
- self.assertFalse(self.device == other)
- self.assertFalse(other == self.device)
- def testEq_identity(self):
- self.assertTrue(self.device == self.device)
- def testEq_serialInList(self):
- devices = [self.device]
- self.assertTrue('0123456789abcdef' in devices)
-class DeviceUtilsLtTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testLt_lessThan(self):
- other = device_utils.DeviceUtils(_AdbWrapperMock('ffffffffffffffff'))
- self.assertTrue(self.device < other)
- self.assertTrue(other > self.device)
- def testLt_greaterThan_lhs(self):
- other = device_utils.DeviceUtils(_AdbWrapperMock('0000000000000000'))
- self.assertFalse(self.device < other)
- self.assertFalse(other > self.device)
- def testLt_equal(self):
- other = device_utils.DeviceUtils(_AdbWrapperMock('0123456789abcdef'))
- self.assertFalse(self.device < other)
- self.assertFalse(other > self.device)
- def testLt_sorted(self):
- devices = [
- device_utils.DeviceUtils(_AdbWrapperMock('ffffffffffffffff')),
- device_utils.DeviceUtils(_AdbWrapperMock('0000000000000000')),
- ]
- sorted_devices = sorted(devices)
- self.assertEquals('0000000000000000',
- sorted_devices[0].adb.GetDeviceSerial())
- self.assertEquals('ffffffffffffffff',
- sorted_devices[1].adb.GetDeviceSerial())
-class DeviceUtilsStrTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testStr_returnsSerial(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, '0123456789abcdef')):
- self.assertEqual('0123456789abcdef', str(self.device))
-class DeviceUtilsIsOnlineTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testIsOnline_true(self):
- with self.assertCall(, 'device'):
- self.assertTrue(self.device.IsOnline())
- def testIsOnline_false(self):
- with self.assertCall(, 'offline'):
- self.assertFalse(self.device.IsOnline())
- def testIsOnline_error(self):
- with self.assertCall(, self.CommandError()):
- self.assertFalse(self.device.IsOnline())
-class DeviceUtilsHasRootTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testHasRoot_true(self):
- with self.assertCall('ls /root'), 'foo\n'):
- self.assertTrue(self.device.HasRoot())
- def testHasRoot_false(self):
- with self.assertCall('ls /root'), self.ShellError()):
- self.assertFalse(self.device.HasRoot())
-class DeviceUtilsEnableRootTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testEnableRoot_succeeds(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, False),
- self.device.EnableRoot()
- def testEnableRoot_userBuild(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, True)):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.CommandFailedError):
- self.device.EnableRoot()
- def testEnableRoot_rootFails(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, False),
- (, self.CommandError())):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.CommandFailedError):
- self.device.EnableRoot()
-class DeviceUtilsIsUserBuildTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testIsUserBuild_yes(self):
- with self.assertCall(
-'', cache=True), 'user'):
- self.assertTrue(self.device.IsUserBuild())
- def testIsUserBuild_no(self):
- with self.assertCall(
-'', cache=True), 'userdebug'):
- self.assertFalse(self.device.IsUserBuild())
-class DeviceUtilsGetExternalStoragePathTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testGetExternalStoragePath_succeeds(self):
- with self.assertCall(
-'echo $EXTERNAL_STORAGE'), '/fake/storage/path\n'):
- self.assertEquals('/fake/storage/path',
- self.device.GetExternalStoragePath())
- def testGetExternalStoragePath_fails(self):
- with self.assertCall('echo $EXTERNAL_STORAGE'), '\n'):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.CommandFailedError):
- self.device.GetExternalStoragePath()
-class DeviceUtilsGetApplicationPathsInternalTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testGetApplicationPathsInternal_exists(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('', cache=True), '19'),
- (
- ['pm', 'path', 'android'], check_return=True),
- ['package:/path/to/android.apk'])):
- self.assertEquals(['/path/to/android.apk'],
- self.device._GetApplicationPathsInternal('android'))
- def testGetApplicationPathsInternal_notExists(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('', cache=True), '19'),
- (
- ['pm', 'path', ''], check_return=True),
- '')):
- self.assertEquals([],
- self.device._GetApplicationPathsInternal(''))
- def testGetApplicationPathsInternal_fails(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('', cache=True), '19'),
- (
- ['pm', 'path', 'android'], check_return=True),
- self.CommandError('ERROR. Is package manager running?\n'))):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.CommandFailedError):
- self.device._GetApplicationPathsInternal('android')
-class DeviceUtils_GetApplicationVersionTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def test_GetApplicationVersion_exists(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('dumpsys package'),
- 'Packages:\n'
- ' Package [] (3901ecfb):\n'
- ' userId=1234 gids=[123, 456, 789]\n'
- ' pkg=Package{1fecf634}\n'
- ' versionName=45.0.1234.7\n')):
- self.assertEquals('45.0.1234.7',
- self.device.GetApplicationVersion(''))
- def test_GetApplicationVersion_notExists(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('dumpsys package'), '')):
- self.assertEquals(None,
- self.device.GetApplicationVersion(''))
- def test_GetApplicationVersion_fails(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('dumpsys package'),
- 'Packages:\n'
- ' Package [] (3901ecfb):\n'
- ' userId=1234 gids=[123, 456, 789]\n'
- ' pkg=Package{1fecf634}\n')):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.CommandFailedError):
- self.device.GetApplicationVersion('')
-class DeviceUtilsGetApplicationDataDirectoryTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testGetApplicationDataDirectory_exists(self):
- with self.assertCall(
- 'pm dump | grep dataDir='),
- ['dataDir=/data/data/']):
- self.assertEquals(
- '/data/data/',
- self.device.GetApplicationDataDirectory(''))
- def testGetApplicationDataDirectory_notExists(self):
- with self.assertCall(
- 'pm dump | grep dataDir='),
- self.ShellError()):
- self.assertIsNone(self.device.GetApplicationDataDirectory(''))
-@mock.patch('time.sleep', mock.Mock())
-class DeviceUtilsWaitUntilFullyBootedTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testWaitUntilFullyBooted_succeedsNoWifi(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- # sd_card_ready
- (, '/fake/storage/path'),
- ('test -d /fake/storage/path'), ''),
- # pm_ready
- ('android',
- skip_cache=True),
- ['package:/some/fake/path']),
- # boot_completed
- ('sys.boot_completed', cache=False), '1')):
- self.device.WaitUntilFullyBooted(wifi=False)
- def testWaitUntilFullyBooted_succeedsWithWifi(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- # sd_card_ready
- (, '/fake/storage/path'),
- ('test -d /fake/storage/path'), ''),
- # pm_ready
- ('android',
- skip_cache=True),
- ['package:/some/fake/path']),
- # boot_completed
- ('sys.boot_completed', cache=False), '1'),
- # wifi_enabled
- ('dumpsys wifi'),
- 'stuff\nWi-Fi is enabled\nmore stuff\n')):
- self.device.WaitUntilFullyBooted(wifi=True)
- def testWaitUntilFullyBooted_deviceNotInitiallyAvailable(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- # sd_card_ready
- (, self.AdbCommandError()),
- # sd_card_ready
- (, self.AdbCommandError()),
- # sd_card_ready
- (, self.AdbCommandError()),
- # sd_card_ready
- (, self.AdbCommandError()),
- # sd_card_ready
- (, '/fake/storage/path'),
- ('test -d /fake/storage/path'), ''),
- # pm_ready
- ('android',
- skip_cache=True),
- ['package:/some/fake/path']),
- # boot_completed
- ('sys.boot_completed', cache=False), '1')):
- self.device.WaitUntilFullyBooted(wifi=False)
- def testWaitUntilFullyBooted_sdCardReadyFails_noPath(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- # sd_card_ready
- (, self.CommandError())):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.CommandFailedError):
- self.device.WaitUntilFullyBooted(wifi=False)
- def testWaitUntilFullyBooted_sdCardReadyFails_notExists(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- # sd_card_ready
- (, '/fake/storage/path'),
- ('test -d /fake/storage/path'), self.ShellError()),
- # sd_card_ready
- (, '/fake/storage/path'),
- ('test -d /fake/storage/path'), self.ShellError()),
- # sd_card_ready
- (, '/fake/storage/path'),
- ('test -d /fake/storage/path'),
- self.TimeoutError())):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.CommandTimeoutError):
- self.device.WaitUntilFullyBooted(wifi=False)
- def testWaitUntilFullyBooted_devicePmFails(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- # sd_card_ready
- (, '/fake/storage/path'),
- ('test -d /fake/storage/path'), ''),
- # pm_ready
- ('android',
- skip_cache=True),
- self.CommandError()),
- # pm_ready
- ('android',
- skip_cache=True),
- self.CommandError()),
- # pm_ready
- ('android',
- skip_cache=True),
- self.TimeoutError())):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.CommandTimeoutError):
- self.device.WaitUntilFullyBooted(wifi=False)
- def testWaitUntilFullyBooted_bootFails(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- # sd_card_ready
- (, '/fake/storage/path'),
- ('test -d /fake/storage/path'), ''),
- # pm_ready
- ('android',
- skip_cache=True),
- ['package:/some/fake/path']),
- # boot_completed
- ('sys.boot_completed', cache=False), '0'),
- # boot_completed
- ('sys.boot_completed', cache=False), '0'),
- # boot_completed
- ('sys.boot_completed', cache=False),
- self.TimeoutError())):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.CommandTimeoutError):
- self.device.WaitUntilFullyBooted(wifi=False)
- def testWaitUntilFullyBooted_wifiFails(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- # sd_card_ready
- (, '/fake/storage/path'),
- ('test -d /fake/storage/path'), ''),
- # pm_ready
- ('android',
- skip_cache=True),
- ['package:/some/fake/path']),
- # boot_completed
- ('sys.boot_completed', cache=False), '1'),
- # wifi_enabled
- ('dumpsys wifi'), 'stuff\nmore stuff\n'),
- # wifi_enabled
- ('dumpsys wifi'), 'stuff\nmore stuff\n'),
- # wifi_enabled
- ('dumpsys wifi'), self.TimeoutError())):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.CommandTimeoutError):
- self.device.WaitUntilFullyBooted(wifi=True)
-@mock.patch('time.sleep', mock.Mock())
-class DeviceUtilsRebootTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testReboot_nonBlocking(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, True),
- (, False)):
- self.device.Reboot(block=False)
- def testReboot_blocking(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, True),
- (, False),
- self.device.Reboot(block=True)
- def testReboot_blockUntilWifi(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, True),
- (, False),
- self.device.Reboot(block=True, wifi=True)
-class DeviceUtilsInstallTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- mock_apk = _MockApkHelper('/fake/test/app.apk', 'test.package', ['p1'])
- def testInstall_noPriorInstall(self):
- with self.patch_call(, return_value=23):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('test.package'), []),
-'/fake/test/app.apk', reinstall=False,
- allow_downgrade=False),
- ('test.package', ['p1']), [])):
- self.device.Install(DeviceUtilsInstallTest.mock_apk, retries=0)
- def testInstall_permissionsPreM(self):
- with self.patch_call(, return_value=20):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('test.package'), []),
- ('/fake/test/app.apk', reinstall=False,
- allow_downgrade=False))):
- self.device.Install(DeviceUtilsInstallTest.mock_apk, retries=0)
- def testInstall_findPermissions(self):
- with self.patch_call(, return_value=23):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('test.package'), []),
- ('/fake/test/app.apk', reinstall=False,
- allow_downgrade=False)),
- ('test.package', ['p1']), [])):
- self.device.Install(DeviceUtilsInstallTest.mock_apk, retries=0)
- def testInstall_passPermissions(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('test.package'), []),
- ('/fake/test/app.apk', reinstall=False,
- allow_downgrade=False)),
- ('test.package', ['p1', 'p2']), [])):
- self.device.Install(DeviceUtilsInstallTest.mock_apk, retries=0,
- permissions=['p1', 'p2'])
- def testInstall_differentPriorInstall(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('test.package'),
- ['/fake/data/app/test.package.apk']),
- ('test.package',
- ['/fake/test/app.apk']),
- (['/fake/test/app.apk'], None)),
-'/fake/test/app.apk', reinstall=False,
- allow_downgrade=False)):
- self.device.Install(DeviceUtilsInstallTest.mock_apk, retries=0,
- permissions=[])
- def testInstall_differentPriorInstall_reinstall(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('test.package'),
- ['/fake/data/app/test.package.apk']),
- ('test.package',
- ['/fake/test/app.apk']),
- (['/fake/test/app.apk'], None)),
-'/fake/test/app.apk', reinstall=True,
- allow_downgrade=False)):
- self.device.Install(DeviceUtilsInstallTest.mock_apk,
- reinstall=True, retries=0, permissions=[])
- def testInstall_identicalPriorInstall_reinstall(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('test.package'),
- ['/fake/data/app/test.package.apk']),
- ('test.package',
- ['/fake/test/app.apk']),
- ([], None)),
- ('test.package'))):
- self.device.Install(DeviceUtilsInstallTest.mock_apk,
- reinstall=True, retries=0, permissions=[])
- def testInstall_fails(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('test.package'), []),
- ('/fake/test/app.apk', reinstall=False,
- allow_downgrade=False),
- self.CommandError('Failure\r\n'))):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.CommandFailedError):
- self.device.Install(DeviceUtilsInstallTest.mock_apk, retries=0)
- def testInstall_downgrade(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('test.package'),
- ['/fake/data/app/test.package.apk']),
- ('test.package',
- ['/fake/test/app.apk']),
- (['/fake/test/app.apk'], None)),
-'/fake/test/app.apk', reinstall=True,
- allow_downgrade=True)):
- self.device.Install(DeviceUtilsInstallTest.mock_apk,
- reinstall=True, retries=0, permissions=[], allow_downgrade=True)
-class DeviceUtilsInstallSplitApkTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- mock_apk = _MockApkHelper('base.apk', 'test.package', ['p1'])
- def testInstallSplitApk_noPriorInstall(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (,
- (
- self.device, 'base.apk',
- ['split1.apk', 'split2.apk', 'split3.apk'],
- allow_cached_props=False),
- ['split2.apk']),
- ('test.package'), []),
- (
- ['base.apk', 'split2.apk'], partial=None, reinstall=False,
- allow_downgrade=False))):
- self.device.InstallSplitApk(DeviceUtilsInstallSplitApkTest.mock_apk,
- ['split1.apk', 'split2.apk', 'split3.apk'], permissions=[], retries=0)
- def testInstallSplitApk_partialInstall(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (,
- (
- self.device, 'base.apk',
- ['split1.apk', 'split2.apk', 'split3.apk'],
- allow_cached_props=False),
- ['split2.apk']),
- ('test.package'),
- ['base-on-device.apk', 'split2-on-device.apk']),
- ('test.package',
- ['base.apk', 'split2.apk']),
- (['split2.apk'], None)),
- (
- ['split2.apk'], partial='test.package', reinstall=True,
- allow_downgrade=False))):
- self.device.InstallSplitApk(DeviceUtilsInstallSplitApkTest.mock_apk,
- ['split1.apk', 'split2.apk', 'split3.apk'],
- reinstall=True, permissions=[], retries=0)
- def testInstallSplitApk_downgrade(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (,
- (
- self.device, 'base.apk',
- ['split1.apk', 'split2.apk', 'split3.apk'],
- allow_cached_props=False),
- ['split2.apk']),
- ('test.package'),
- ['base-on-device.apk', 'split2-on-device.apk']),
- ('test.package',
- ['base.apk', 'split2.apk']),
- (['split2.apk'], None)),
- (
- ['split2.apk'], partial='test.package', reinstall=True,
- allow_downgrade=True))):
- self.device.InstallSplitApk(DeviceUtilsInstallSplitApkTest.mock_apk,
- ['split1.apk', 'split2.apk', 'split3.apk'],
- reinstall=True, permissions=[], retries=0,
- allow_downgrade=True)
-class DeviceUtilsUninstallTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testUninstall_callsThrough(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('test.package'),
- ['/path.apk']),
-'test.package', True)):
- self.device.Uninstall('test.package', True)
- def testUninstall_noop(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('test.package'), [])):
- self.device.Uninstall('test.package', True)
-class DeviceUtilsSuTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testSu_preM(self):
- with self.patch_call(
- return_value=version_codes.LOLLIPOP_MR1):
- self.assertEquals('su -c foo', self.device._Su('foo'))
- def testSu_mAndAbove(self):
- with self.patch_call(
- return_value=version_codes.MARSHMALLOW):
- self.assertEquals('su 0 foo', self.device._Su('foo'))
-class DeviceUtilsRunShellCommandTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def setUp(self):
- super(DeviceUtilsRunShellCommandTest, self).setUp()
- self.device.NeedsSU = mock.Mock(return_value=False)
- def testRunShellCommand_commandAsList(self):
- with self.assertCall('pm list packages'), ''):
- self.device.RunShellCommand(['pm', 'list', 'packages'])
- def testRunShellCommand_commandAsListQuoted(self):
- with self.assertCall("echo 'hello world' '$10'"), ''):
- self.device.RunShellCommand(['echo', 'hello world', '$10'])
- def testRunShellCommand_commandAsString(self):
- with self.assertCall('echo "$VAR"'), ''):
- self.device.RunShellCommand('echo "$VAR"')
- def testNewRunShellImpl_withEnv(self):
- with self.assertCall(
-'VAR=some_string echo "$VAR"'), ''):
- self.device.RunShellCommand('echo "$VAR"', env={'VAR': 'some_string'})
- def testNewRunShellImpl_withEnvQuoted(self):
- with self.assertCall(
-'PATH="$PATH:/other/path" run_this'), ''):
- self.device.RunShellCommand('run_this', env={'PATH': '$PATH:/other/path'})
- def testNewRunShellImpl_withEnv_failure(self):
- with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
- self.device.RunShellCommand('some_cmd', env={'INVALID NAME': 'value'})
- def testNewRunShellImpl_withCwd(self):
- with self.assertCall('cd /some/test/path && ls'), ''):
- self.device.RunShellCommand('ls', cwd='/some/test/path')
- def testNewRunShellImpl_withCwdQuoted(self):
- with self.assertCall(
-"cd '/some test/path with/spaces' && ls"), ''):
- self.device.RunShellCommand('ls', cwd='/some test/path with/spaces')
- def testRunShellCommand_withHugeCmd(self):
- payload = 'hi! ' * 1024
- expected_cmd = "echo '%s'" % payload
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- self.adb, suffix='.sh'), MockTempFile('/sdcard/')),
-'/sdcard/', expected_cmd),
- ('sh /sdcard/'), payload + '\n')):
- self.assertEquals([payload],
- self.device.RunShellCommand(['echo', payload]))
- def testRunShellCommand_withHugeCmdAndSU(self):
- payload = 'hi! ' * 1024
- expected_cmd_without_su = """sh -c 'echo '"'"'%s'"'"''""" % payload
- expected_cmd = 'su -c %s' % expected_cmd_without_su
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, True),
- (, expected_cmd),
- (
- self.adb, suffix='.sh'), MockTempFile('/sdcard/')),
-'/sdcard/', expected_cmd),
- ('sh /sdcard/'), payload + '\n')):
- self.assertEquals(
- [payload],
- self.device.RunShellCommand(['echo', payload], as_root=True))
- def testRunShellCommand_withSu(self):
- expected_cmd_without_su = "sh -c 'setprop service.adb.root 0'"
- expected_cmd = 'su -c %s' % expected_cmd_without_su
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, True),
- (, expected_cmd),
- (, '')):
- self.device.RunShellCommand('setprop service.adb.root 0', as_root=True)
- def testRunShellCommand_manyLines(self):
- cmd = 'ls /some/path'
- with self.assertCall(, 'file1\nfile2\nfile3\n'):
- self.assertEquals(['file1', 'file2', 'file3'],
- self.device.RunShellCommand(cmd))
- def testRunShellCommand_singleLine_success(self):
- cmd = 'echo $VALUE'
- with self.assertCall(, 'some value\n'):
- self.assertEquals('some value',
- self.device.RunShellCommand(cmd, single_line=True))
- def testRunShellCommand_singleLine_successEmptyLine(self):
- cmd = 'echo $VALUE'
- with self.assertCall(, '\n'):
- self.assertEquals('',
- self.device.RunShellCommand(cmd, single_line=True))
- def testRunShellCommand_singleLine_successWithoutEndLine(self):
- cmd = 'echo -n $VALUE'
- with self.assertCall(, 'some value'):
- self.assertEquals('some value',
- self.device.RunShellCommand(cmd, single_line=True))
- def testRunShellCommand_singleLine_successNoOutput(self):
- cmd = 'echo -n $VALUE'
- with self.assertCall(, ''):
- self.assertEquals('',
- self.device.RunShellCommand(cmd, single_line=True))
- def testRunShellCommand_singleLine_failTooManyLines(self):
- cmd = 'echo $VALUE'
- with self.assertCall(,
- 'some value\nanother value\n'):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.CommandFailedError):
- self.device.RunShellCommand(cmd, single_line=True)
- def testRunShellCommand_checkReturn_success(self):
- cmd = 'echo $ANDROID_DATA'
- output = '/data\n'
- with self.assertCall(, output):
- self.assertEquals([output.rstrip()],
- self.device.RunShellCommand(cmd, check_return=True))
- def testRunShellCommand_checkReturn_failure(self):
- cmd = 'ls /root'
- output = 'opendir failed, Permission denied\n'
- with self.assertCall(, self.ShellError(output)):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.AdbCommandFailedError):
- self.device.RunShellCommand(cmd, check_return=True)
- def testRunShellCommand_checkReturn_disabled(self):
- cmd = 'ls /root'
- output = 'opendir failed, Permission denied\n'
- with self.assertCall(, self.ShellError(output)):
- self.assertEquals([output.rstrip()],
- self.device.RunShellCommand(cmd, check_return=False))
- def testRunShellCommand_largeOutput_enabled(self):
- cmd = 'echo $VALUE'
- temp_file = MockTempFile('/sdcard/temp-123')
- cmd_redirect = '( %s )>%s' % (cmd,
- with self.assertCalls(
- (,
- temp_file),
- (,
- (, force_pull=True),
- 'something')):
- self.assertEquals(
- ['something'],
- self.device.RunShellCommand(
- cmd, large_output=True, check_return=True))
- def testRunShellCommand_largeOutput_disabledNoTrigger(self):
- cmd = 'something'
- with self.assertCall(, self.ShellError('')):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.AdbCommandFailedError):
- self.device.RunShellCommand(cmd, check_return=True)
- def testRunShellCommand_largeOutput_disabledTrigger(self):
- cmd = 'echo $VALUE'
- temp_file = MockTempFile('/sdcard/temp-123')
- cmd_redirect = '( %s )>%s' % (cmd,
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, self.ShellError('', None)),
- (,
- temp_file),
- (,
- (, force_pull=True),
- 'something')):
- self.assertEquals(['something'],
- self.device.RunShellCommand(cmd, check_return=True))
-class DeviceUtilsRunPipedShellCommandTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testRunPipedShellCommand_success(self):
- with self.assertCall(
- 'ps | grep foo; echo "PIPESTATUS: ${PIPESTATUS[@]}"',
- check_return=True),
- ['This line contains foo', 'PIPESTATUS: 0 0']):
- self.assertEquals(['This line contains foo'],
- self.device._RunPipedShellCommand('ps | grep foo'))
- def testRunPipedShellCommand_firstCommandFails(self):
- with self.assertCall(
- 'ps | grep foo; echo "PIPESTATUS: ${PIPESTATUS[@]}"',
- check_return=True),
- ['PIPESTATUS: 1 0']):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.AdbShellCommandFailedError) as ec:
- self.device._RunPipedShellCommand('ps | grep foo')
- self.assertEquals([1, 0], ec.exception.status)
- def testRunPipedShellCommand_secondCommandFails(self):
- with self.assertCall(
- 'ps | grep foo; echo "PIPESTATUS: ${PIPESTATUS[@]}"',
- check_return=True),
- ['PIPESTATUS: 0 1']):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.AdbShellCommandFailedError) as ec:
- self.device._RunPipedShellCommand('ps | grep foo')
- self.assertEquals([0, 1], ec.exception.status)
- def testRunPipedShellCommand_outputCutOff(self):
- with self.assertCall(
- 'ps | grep foo; echo "PIPESTATUS: ${PIPESTATUS[@]}"',
- check_return=True),
- [''] * 256 + ['']):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.AdbShellCommandFailedError) as ec:
- self.device._RunPipedShellCommand('ps | grep foo')
- self.assertIs(None, ec.exception.status)
-@mock.patch('time.sleep', mock.Mock())
-class DeviceUtilsKillAllTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testKillAll_noMatchingProcessesFailure(self):
- with self.assertCall('test_process'), {}):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.CommandFailedError):
- self.device.KillAll('test_process')
- def testKillAll_noMatchingProcessesQuiet(self):
- with self.assertCall('test_process'), {}):
- self.assertEqual(0, self.device.KillAll('test_process', quiet=True))
- def testKillAll_nonblocking(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('some.process'),
- {'some.process': ['1234'], 'some.processing.thing': ['5678']}),
- ('kill -9 1234 5678'), '')):
- self.assertEquals(
- 2, self.device.KillAll('some.process', blocking=False))
- def testKillAll_blocking(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('some.process'),
- {'some.process': ['1234'], 'some.processing.thing': ['5678']}),
- ('kill -9 1234 5678'), ''),
- ('some.process'),
- {'some.processing.thing': ['5678']}),
- ('some.process'),
- {'some.process': ['1111']})): # Other instance with different pid.
- self.assertEquals(
- 2, self.device.KillAll('some.process', blocking=True))
- def testKillAll_exactNonblocking(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('some.process'),
- {'some.process': ['1234'], 'some.processing.thing': ['5678']}),
- ('kill -9 1234'), '')):
- self.assertEquals(
- 1, self.device.KillAll('some.process', exact=True, blocking=False))
- def testKillAll_exactBlocking(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('some.process'),
- {'some.process': ['1234'], 'some.processing.thing': ['5678']}),
- ('kill -9 1234'), ''),
- ('some.process'),
- {'some.process': ['1234'], 'some.processing.thing': ['5678']}),
- ('some.process'),
- {'some.processing.thing': ['5678']})):
- self.assertEquals(
- 1, self.device.KillAll('some.process', exact=True, blocking=True))
- def testKillAll_root(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('some.process'), {'some.process': ['1234']}),
- (, True),
- ("sh -c 'kill -9 1234'"),
- "su -c sh -c 'kill -9 1234'"),
- ("su -c sh -c 'kill -9 1234'"), '')):
- self.assertEquals(
- 1, self.device.KillAll('some.process', as_root=True))
- def testKillAll_sigterm(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('some.process'),
- {'some.process': ['1234']}),
- ('kill -15 1234'), '')):
- self.assertEquals(
- 1, self.device.KillAll('some.process', signum=device_signal.SIGTERM))
- def testKillAll_multipleInstances(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('some.process'),
- {'some.process': ['1234', '4567']}),
- ('kill -15 1234 4567'), '')):
- self.assertEquals(
- 2, self.device.KillAll('some.process', signum=device_signal.SIGTERM))
-class DeviceUtilsStartActivityTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testStartActivity_actionOnly(self):
- test_intent = intent.Intent(action='android.intent.action.VIEW')
- with self.assertCall(
-'am start '
- '-a android.intent.action.VIEW'),
- 'Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW }'):
- self.device.StartActivity(test_intent)
- def testStartActivity_success(self):
- test_intent = intent.Intent(action='android.intent.action.VIEW',
- package='test.package',
- activity='.Main')
- with self.assertCall(
-'am start '
- '-a android.intent.action.VIEW '
- '-n test.package/.Main'),
- 'Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW }'):
- self.device.StartActivity(test_intent)
- def testStartActivity_failure(self):
- test_intent = intent.Intent(action='android.intent.action.VIEW',
- package='test.package',
- activity='.Main')
- with self.assertCall(
-'am start '
- '-a android.intent.action.VIEW '
- '-n test.package/.Main'),
- 'Error: Failed to start test activity'):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.CommandFailedError):
- self.device.StartActivity(test_intent)
- def testStartActivity_blocking(self):
- test_intent = intent.Intent(action='android.intent.action.VIEW',
- package='test.package',
- activity='.Main')
- with self.assertCall(
-'am start '
- '-W '
- '-a android.intent.action.VIEW '
- '-n test.package/.Main'),
- 'Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW }'):
- self.device.StartActivity(test_intent, blocking=True)
- def testStartActivity_withCategory(self):
- test_intent = intent.Intent(action='android.intent.action.VIEW',
- package='test.package',
- activity='.Main',
- category='android.intent.category.HOME')
- with self.assertCall(
-'am start '
- '-a android.intent.action.VIEW '
- '-c android.intent.category.HOME '
- '-n test.package/.Main'),
- 'Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW }'):
- self.device.StartActivity(test_intent)
- def testStartActivity_withMultipleCategories(self):
- test_intent = intent.Intent(action='android.intent.action.VIEW',
- package='test.package',
- activity='.Main',
- category=['android.intent.category.HOME',
- 'android.intent.category.BROWSABLE'])
- with self.assertCall(
-'am start '
- '-a android.intent.action.VIEW '
- '-c android.intent.category.HOME '
- '-c android.intent.category.BROWSABLE '
- '-n test.package/.Main'),
- 'Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW }'):
- self.device.StartActivity(test_intent)
- def testStartActivity_withData(self):
- test_intent = intent.Intent(action='android.intent.action.VIEW',
- package='test.package',
- activity='.Main',
- data='')
- with self.assertCall(
-'am start '
- '-a android.intent.action.VIEW '
- '-d '
- '-n test.package/.Main'),
- 'Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW }'):
- self.device.StartActivity(test_intent)
- def testStartActivity_withStringExtra(self):
- test_intent = intent.Intent(action='android.intent.action.VIEW',
- package='test.package',
- activity='.Main',
- extras={'foo': 'test'})
- with self.assertCall(
-'am start '
- '-a android.intent.action.VIEW '
- '-n test.package/.Main '
- '--es foo test'),
- 'Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW }'):
- self.device.StartActivity(test_intent)
- def testStartActivity_withBoolExtra(self):
- test_intent = intent.Intent(action='android.intent.action.VIEW',
- package='test.package',
- activity='.Main',
- extras={'foo': True})
- with self.assertCall(
-'am start '
- '-a android.intent.action.VIEW '
- '-n test.package/.Main '
- '--ez foo True'),
- 'Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW }'):
- self.device.StartActivity(test_intent)
- def testStartActivity_withIntExtra(self):
- test_intent = intent.Intent(action='android.intent.action.VIEW',
- package='test.package',
- activity='.Main',
- extras={'foo': 123})
- with self.assertCall(
-'am start '
- '-a android.intent.action.VIEW '
- '-n test.package/.Main '
- '--ei foo 123'),
- 'Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW }'):
- self.device.StartActivity(test_intent)
- def testStartActivity_withTraceFile(self):
- test_intent = intent.Intent(action='android.intent.action.VIEW',
- package='test.package',
- activity='.Main')
- with self.assertCall(
-'am start '
- '--start-profiler test_trace_file.out '
- '-a android.intent.action.VIEW '
- '-n test.package/.Main'),
- 'Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW }'):
- self.device.StartActivity(test_intent,
- trace_file_name='test_trace_file.out')
- def testStartActivity_withForceStop(self):
- test_intent = intent.Intent(action='android.intent.action.VIEW',
- package='test.package',
- activity='.Main')
- with self.assertCall(
-'am start '
- '-S '
- '-a android.intent.action.VIEW '
- '-n test.package/.Main'),
- 'Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW }'):
- self.device.StartActivity(test_intent, force_stop=True)
- def testStartActivity_withFlags(self):
- test_intent = intent.Intent(action='android.intent.action.VIEW',
- package='test.package',
- activity='.Main',
- flags='0x10000000')
- with self.assertCall(
-'am start '
- '-a android.intent.action.VIEW '
- '-n test.package/.Main '
- '-f 0x10000000'),
- 'Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW }'):
- self.device.StartActivity(test_intent)
-class DeviceUtilsStartInstrumentationTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testStartInstrumentation_nothing(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- 'p=test.package;am instrument "$p"/.TestInstrumentation',
- check_return=True, large_output=True)):
- self.device.StartInstrumentation(
- 'test.package/.TestInstrumentation',
- finish=False, raw=False, extras=None)
- def testStartInstrumentation_finish(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- 'p=test.package;am instrument -w "$p"/.TestInstrumentation',
- check_return=True, large_output=True),
- ['OK (1 test)'])):
- output = self.device.StartInstrumentation(
- 'test.package/.TestInstrumentation',
- finish=True, raw=False, extras=None)
- self.assertEquals(['OK (1 test)'], output)
- def testStartInstrumentation_raw(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- 'p=test.package;am instrument -r "$p"/.TestInstrumentation',
- check_return=True, large_output=True)):
- self.device.StartInstrumentation(
- 'test.package/.TestInstrumentation',
- finish=False, raw=True, extras=None)
- def testStartInstrumentation_extras(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- 'p=test.package;am instrument -e "$p".foo Foo -e bar \'Val \'"$p" '
- '"$p"/.TestInstrumentation',
- check_return=True, large_output=True)):
- self.device.StartInstrumentation(
- 'test.package/.TestInstrumentation',
- finish=False, raw=False, extras={'': 'Foo',
- 'bar': 'Val test.package'})
-class DeviceUtilsBroadcastIntentTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testBroadcastIntent_noExtras(self):
- test_intent = intent.Intent(action='')
- with self.assertCall(
-'am broadcast -a'),
- 'Broadcasting: Intent { } '):
- self.device.BroadcastIntent(test_intent)
- def testBroadcastIntent_withExtra(self):
- test_intent = intent.Intent(action='',
- extras={'foo': 'bar value'})
- with self.assertCall(
- "am broadcast -a --es foo 'bar value'"),
- 'Broadcasting: Intent { } '):
- self.device.BroadcastIntent(test_intent)
- def testBroadcastIntent_withExtra_noValue(self):
- test_intent = intent.Intent(action='',
- extras={'foo': None})
- with self.assertCall(
- 'am broadcast -a --esn foo'),
- 'Broadcasting: Intent { } '):
- self.device.BroadcastIntent(test_intent)
-class DeviceUtilsGoHomeTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testGoHome_popupsExist(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- ['dumpsys', 'window', 'windows'], check_return=True,
- large_output=True), []),
- (
- ['am', 'start', '-W', '-a', 'android.intent.action.MAIN',
- '-c', 'android.intent.category.HOME'], check_return=True),
- 'Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN }\r\n'''),
- (
- ['dumpsys', 'window', 'windows'], check_return=True,
- large_output=True), []),
- (
- ['input', 'keyevent', '66'], check_return=True)),
- (
- ['input', 'keyevent', '4'], check_return=True)),
- (
- ['dumpsys', 'window', 'windows'], check_return=True,
- large_output=True),
- ['mCurrentFocus Launcher'])):
- self.device.GoHome()
- def testGoHome_willRetry(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- ['dumpsys', 'window', 'windows'], check_return=True,
- large_output=True), []),
- (
- ['am', 'start', '-W', '-a', 'android.intent.action.MAIN',
- '-c', 'android.intent.category.HOME'], check_return=True),
- 'Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN }\r\n'''),
- (
- ['dumpsys', 'window', 'windows'], check_return=True,
- large_output=True), []),
- (
- ['input', 'keyevent', '66'], check_return=True,)),
- (
- ['input', 'keyevent', '4'], check_return=True)),
- (
- ['dumpsys', 'window', 'windows'], check_return=True,
- large_output=True), []),
- (
- ['input', 'keyevent', '66'], check_return=True)),
- (
- ['input', 'keyevent', '4'], check_return=True)),
- (
- ['dumpsys', 'window', 'windows'], check_return=True,
- large_output=True),
- self.TimeoutError())):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.CommandTimeoutError):
- self.device.GoHome()
- def testGoHome_alreadyFocused(self):
- with self.assertCall(
- ['dumpsys', 'window', 'windows'], check_return=True,
- large_output=True),
- ['mCurrentFocus Launcher']):
- self.device.GoHome()
- def testGoHome_alreadyFocusedAlternateCase(self):
- with self.assertCall(
- ['dumpsys', 'window', 'windows'], check_return=True,
- large_output=True),
- [' mCurrentFocus .launcher/.']):
- self.device.GoHome()
- def testGoHome_obtainsFocusAfterGoingHome(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- ['dumpsys', 'window', 'windows'], check_return=True,
- large_output=True), []),
- (
- ['am', 'start', '-W', '-a', 'android.intent.action.MAIN',
- '-c', 'android.intent.category.HOME'], check_return=True),
- 'Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN }\r\n'''),
- (
- ['dumpsys', 'window', 'windows'], check_return=True,
- large_output=True),
- ['mCurrentFocus Launcher'])):
- self.device.GoHome()
-class DeviceUtilsForceStopTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testForceStop(self):
- with self.assertCall(
-'p=test.package;if [[ "$(ps)" = *$p* ]]; then '
- 'am force-stop $p; fi'),
- ''):
- self.device.ForceStop('test.package')
-class DeviceUtilsClearApplicationStateTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testClearApplicationState_setPermissions(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('', cache=True), '17'),
- ('this.package.exists'),
- ['/data/app/this.package.exists.apk']),
- (
- ['pm', 'clear', 'this.package.exists'],
- check_return=True),
- ['Success']),
- (
- 'this.package.exists', ['p1']), [])):
- self.device.ClearApplicationState(
- 'this.package.exists', permissions=['p1'])
- def testClearApplicationState_packageDoesntExist(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('', cache=True), '11'),
- ('does.not.exist'),
- [])):
- self.device.ClearApplicationState('does.not.exist')
- def testClearApplicationState_packageDoesntExistOnAndroidJBMR2OrAbove(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('', cache=True), '18'),
- (
- ['pm', 'clear', 'this.package.does.not.exist'],
- check_return=True),
- ['Failed'])):
- self.device.ClearApplicationState('this.package.does.not.exist')
- def testClearApplicationState_packageExists(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('', cache=True), '17'),
- ('this.package.exists'),
- ['/data/app/this.package.exists.apk']),
- (
- ['pm', 'clear', 'this.package.exists'],
- check_return=True),
- ['Success'])):
- self.device.ClearApplicationState('this.package.exists')
- def testClearApplicationState_packageExistsOnAndroidJBMR2OrAbove(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('', cache=True), '18'),
- (
- ['pm', 'clear', 'this.package.exists'],
- check_return=True),
- ['Success'])):
- self.device.ClearApplicationState('this.package.exists')
-class DeviceUtilsSendKeyEventTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testSendKeyEvent(self):
- with self.assertCall('input keyevent 66'), ''):
- self.device.SendKeyEvent(66)
-class DeviceUtilsPushChangedFilesIndividuallyTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testPushChangedFilesIndividually_empty(self):
- test_files = []
- with self.assertCalls():
- self.device._PushChangedFilesIndividually(test_files)
- def testPushChangedFilesIndividually_single(self):
- test_files = [('/test/host/path', '/test/device/path')]
- with self.assertCalls(*test_files[0])):
- self.device._PushChangedFilesIndividually(test_files)
- def testPushChangedFilesIndividually_multiple(self):
- test_files = [
- ('/test/host/path/file1', '/test/device/path/file1'),
- ('/test/host/path/file2', '/test/device/path/file2')]
- with self.assertCalls(
- self.device._PushChangedFilesIndividually(test_files)
-class DeviceUtilsPushChangedFilesZippedTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testPushChangedFilesZipped_noUnzipCommand(self):
- test_files = [('/test/host/path/file1', '/test/device/path/file1')]
- mock_zip_temp = mock.mock_open()
- = '/test/temp/file/'
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('.zip'), mock_zip_temp),
- (
- target=device_utils.DeviceUtils._CreateDeviceZip,
- args=('/test/temp/file/', test_files)), mock.Mock()),
- (, False)):
- self.assertFalse(self.device._PushChangedFilesZipped(test_files,
- ['/test/dir']))
- def _testPushChangedFilesZipped_spec(self, test_files):
- mock_zip_temp = mock.mock_open()
- = '/test/temp/file/'
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('.zip'), mock_zip_temp),
- (
- target=device_utils.DeviceUtils._CreateDeviceZip,
- args=('/test/temp/file/', test_files)), mock.Mock()),
- (, True),
- (, True),
- (,
- suffix='.zip'),
- MockTempFile('/test/sdcard/')),
- '/test/temp/file/', '/test/sdcard/'),
- 'unzip /test/sdcard/ -R 777 /test/dir',
- as_root=True,
- env={'PATH': '/data/local/tmp/bin:$PATH'},
- check_return=True)):
- self.assertTrue(self.device._PushChangedFilesZipped(test_files,
- ['/test/dir']))
- def testPushChangedFilesZipped_single(self):
- self._testPushChangedFilesZipped_spec(
- [('/test/host/path/file1', '/test/device/path/file1')])
- def testPushChangedFilesZipped_multiple(self):
- self._testPushChangedFilesZipped_spec(
- [('/test/host/path/file1', '/test/device/path/file1'),
- ('/test/host/path/file2', '/test/device/path/file2')])
-class DeviceUtilsPathExistsTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testPathExists_pathExists(self):
- with self.assertCall(
- "test -e '/path/file exists'",
- as_root=False, check_return=True, timeout=10, retries=0),
- []):
- self.assertTrue(self.device.PathExists('/path/file exists'))
- def testPathExists_multiplePathExists(self):
- with self.assertCall(
- "test -e '/path 1' -a -e /path2",
- as_root=False, check_return=True, timeout=10, retries=0),
- []):
- self.assertTrue(self.device.PathExists(('/path 1', '/path2')))
- def testPathExists_pathDoesntExist(self):
- with self.assertCall(
- "test -e /path/file.not.exists",
- as_root=False, check_return=True, timeout=10, retries=0),
- self.ShellError()):
- self.assertFalse(self.device.PathExists('/path/file.not.exists'))
- def testPathExists_asRoot(self):
- with self.assertCall(
- "test -e /root/path/exists",
- as_root=True, check_return=True, timeout=10, retries=0),
- self.ShellError()):
- self.assertFalse(
- self.device.PathExists('/root/path/exists', as_root=True))
- def testFileExists_pathDoesntExist(self):
- with self.assertCall(
- "test -e /path/file.not.exists",
- as_root=False, check_return=True, timeout=10, retries=0),
- self.ShellError()):
- self.assertFalse(self.device.FileExists('/path/file.not.exists'))
-class DeviceUtilsPullFileTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testPullFile_existsOnDevice(self):
- with mock.patch('os.path.exists', return_value=True):
- with self.assertCall(
- '/test/file/host/path')):
- self.device.PullFile('/data/app/test.file.exists',
- '/test/file/host/path')
- def testPullFile_doesntExistOnDevice(self):
- with mock.patch('os.path.exists', return_value=True):
- with self.assertCall(
- '/test/file/host/path'),
- self.CommandError('remote object does not exist')):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.CommandFailedError):
- self.device.PullFile('/data/app/test.file.does.not.exist',
- '/test/file/host/path')
-class DeviceUtilsReadFileTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testReadFileWithPull_success(self):
- tmp_host_dir = '/tmp/dir/'
- tmp_host = MockTempFile('/tmp/dir/')
- = 'some interesting contents'
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, tmp_host_dir),
- ('/path/to/device/file', mock.ANY)),
- (, 'r'), tmp_host),
- (, True),
- (, None)):
- self.assertEquals('some interesting contents',
- self.device._ReadFileWithPull('/path/to/device/file'))
- def testReadFileWithPull_rejected(self):
- tmp_host_dir = '/tmp/dir/'
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, tmp_host_dir),
- ('/path/to/device/file', mock.ANY),
- self.CommandError()),
- (, True),
- (, None)):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.CommandFailedError):
- self.device._ReadFileWithPull('/path/to/device/file')
- def testReadFile_exists(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- ['ls', '-l', '/read/this/test/file'],
- as_root=False, check_return=True),
- ['-rw-rw---- root foo 256 1970-01-01 00:00 file']),
- (
- ['cat', '/read/this/test/file'],
- as_root=False, check_return=True),
- ['this is a test file'])):
- self.assertEqual('this is a test file\n',
- self.device.ReadFile('/read/this/test/file'))
- def testReadFile_doesNotExist(self):
- with self.assertCall(
- ['ls', '-l', '/this/file/does.not.exist'],
- as_root=False, check_return=True),
- self.CommandError('File does not exist')):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.CommandFailedError):
- self.device.ReadFile('/this/file/does.not.exist')
- def testReadFile_zeroSize(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- ['ls', '-l', '/this/file/has/zero/size'],
- as_root=False, check_return=True),
- ['-r--r--r-- root foo 0 1970-01-01 00:00 zero_size_file']),
- ('/this/file/has/zero/size'),
- 'but it has contents\n')):
- self.assertEqual('but it has contents\n',
- self.device.ReadFile('/this/file/has/zero/size'))
- def testReadFile_withSU(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- ['ls', '-l', '/this/file/'],
- as_root=True, check_return=True),
- ['-rw------- root root 256 1970-01-01 00:00']),
- (
- ['cat', '/this/file/'],
- as_root=True, check_return=True),
- ['this is a test file', 'read with su'])):
- self.assertEqual(
- 'this is a test file\nread with su\n',
- self.device.ReadFile('/this/file/',
- as_root=True))
- def testReadFile_withPull(self):
- contents = 'a' * 123456
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- ['ls', '-l', '/read/this/big/test/file'],
- as_root=False, check_return=True),
- ['-rw-rw---- root foo 123456 1970-01-01 00:00 file']),
- ('/read/this/big/test/file'),
- contents)):
- self.assertEqual(
- contents, self.device.ReadFile('/read/this/big/test/file'))
- def testReadFile_withPullAndSU(self):
- contents = 'b' * 123456
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- ['ls', '-l', '/this/big/file/'],
- as_root=True, check_return=True),
- ['-rw------- root root 123456 1970-01-01 00:00']),
- (, True),
- (,
- MockTempFile('/sdcard/tmp/on.device')),
- 'SRC=/this/big/file/ DEST=/sdcard/tmp/on.device;'
- 'cp "$SRC" "$DEST" && chmod 666 "$DEST"',
- as_root=True, check_return=True),
- ('/sdcard/tmp/on.device'),
- contents)):
- self.assertEqual(
- contents,
- self.device.ReadFile('/this/big/file/',
- as_root=True))
- def testReadFile_forcePull(self):
- contents = 'a' * 123456
- with self.assertCall(
- contents):
- self.assertEqual(
- contents,
- self.device.ReadFile('/read/this/big/test/file', force_pull=True))
-class DeviceUtilsWriteFileTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testWriteFileWithPush_success(self):
- tmp_host = MockTempFile('/tmp/file/')
- contents = 'some interesting contents'
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, tmp_host),
-'/tmp/file/', '/path/to/device/file')):
- self.device._WriteFileWithPush('/path/to/device/file', contents)
- tmp_host.file.write.assert_called_once_with(contents)
- def testWriteFileWithPush_rejected(self):
- tmp_host = MockTempFile('/tmp/file/')
- contents = 'some interesting contents'
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, tmp_host),
- ('/tmp/file/', '/path/to/device/file'),
- self.CommandError())):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.CommandFailedError):
- self.device._WriteFileWithPush('/path/to/device/file', contents)
- def testWriteFile_withPush(self):
- contents = 'some large contents ' * 26 # 20 * 26 = 520 chars
- with self.assertCalls(
-'/path/to/device/file', contents)):
- self.device.WriteFile('/path/to/device/file', contents)
- def testWriteFile_withPushForced(self):
- contents = 'tiny contents'
- with self.assertCalls(
-'/path/to/device/file', contents)):
- self.device.WriteFile('/path/to/device/file', contents, force_push=True)
- def testWriteFile_withPushAndSU(self):
- contents = 'some large contents ' * 26 # 20 * 26 = 520 chars
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, True),
- (,
- MockTempFile('/sdcard/tmp/on.device')),
-'/sdcard/tmp/on.device', contents),
- ['cp', '/sdcard/tmp/on.device', '/path/to/device/file'],
- as_root=True, check_return=True)):
- self.device.WriteFile('/path/to/device/file', contents, as_root=True)
- def testWriteFile_withEcho(self):
- with self.assertCall(
- "echo -n the.contents > /test/file/to.write"), ''):
- self.device.WriteFile('/test/file/to.write', 'the.contents')
- def testWriteFile_withEchoAndQuotes(self):
- with self.assertCall(
- "echo -n 'the contents' > '/test/file/to write'"), ''):
- self.device.WriteFile('/test/file/to write', 'the contents')
- def testWriteFile_withEchoAndSU(self):
- expected_cmd_without_su = "sh -c 'echo -n contents > /test/file'"
- expected_cmd = 'su -c %s' % expected_cmd_without_su
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, True),
- (, expected_cmd),
- (,
- '')):
- self.device.WriteFile('/test/file', 'contents', as_root=True)
-class DeviceUtilsLsTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testLs_directory(self):
- result = [('.', adb_wrapper.DeviceStat(16889, 4096, 1417436123)),
- ('..', adb_wrapper.DeviceStat(16873, 4096, 12382237)),
- ('testfile.txt', adb_wrapper.DeviceStat(33206, 3, 1417436122))]
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('/data/local/tmp'), result)):
- self.assertEquals(result,
- self.device.Ls('/data/local/tmp'))
- def testLs_nothing(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('/data/local/tmp/testfile.txt'), [])):
- self.assertEquals([],
- self.device.Ls('/data/local/tmp/testfile.txt'))
-class DeviceUtilsStatTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testStat_file(self):
- result = [('.', adb_wrapper.DeviceStat(16889, 4096, 1417436123)),
- ('..', adb_wrapper.DeviceStat(16873, 4096, 12382237)),
- ('testfile.txt', adb_wrapper.DeviceStat(33206, 3, 1417436122))]
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('/data/local/tmp'), result)):
- self.assertEquals(adb_wrapper.DeviceStat(33206, 3, 1417436122),
- self.device.Stat('/data/local/tmp/testfile.txt'))
- def testStat_directory(self):
- result = [('.', adb_wrapper.DeviceStat(16873, 4096, 12382237)),
- ('..', adb_wrapper.DeviceStat(16873, 4096, 12382237)),
- ('tmp', adb_wrapper.DeviceStat(16889, 4096, 1417436123))]
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('/data/local'), result)):
- self.assertEquals(adb_wrapper.DeviceStat(16889, 4096, 1417436123),
- self.device.Stat('/data/local/tmp'))
- def testStat_doesNotExist(self):
- result = [('.', adb_wrapper.DeviceStat(16889, 4096, 1417436123)),
- ('..', adb_wrapper.DeviceStat(16873, 4096, 12382237)),
- ('testfile.txt', adb_wrapper.DeviceStat(33206, 3, 1417436122))]
- with self.assertCalls(
- ('/data/local/tmp'), result)):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.CommandFailedError):
- self.device.Stat('/data/local/tmp/does.not.exist.txt')
-class DeviceUtilsSetJavaAssertsTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testSetJavaAsserts_enable(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (,
- 'some.example.prop=with an example value\n'
- 'some.other.prop=value_ok\n'),
- 'some.example.prop=with an example value\n'
- 'some.other.prop=value_ok\n'
- 'dalvik.vm.enableassertions=all\n'),
- ('dalvik.vm.enableassertions'), ''),
-'dalvik.vm.enableassertions', 'all')):
- self.assertTrue(self.device.SetJavaAsserts(True))
- def testSetJavaAsserts_disable(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (,
- 'some.example.prop=with an example value\n'
- 'dalvik.vm.enableassertions=all\n'
- 'some.other.prop=value_ok\n'),
- 'some.example.prop=with an example value\n'
- 'some.other.prop=value_ok\n'),
- ('dalvik.vm.enableassertions'), 'all'),
-'dalvik.vm.enableassertions', '')):
- self.assertTrue(self.device.SetJavaAsserts(False))
- def testSetJavaAsserts_alreadyEnabled(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (,
- 'some.example.prop=with an example value\n'
- 'dalvik.vm.enableassertions=all\n'
- 'some.other.prop=value_ok\n'),
- ('dalvik.vm.enableassertions'), 'all')):
- self.assertFalse(self.device.SetJavaAsserts(True))
- def testSetJavaAsserts_malformedLocalProp(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (,
- 'some.example.prop=with an example value\n'
- 'malformed_property\n'
- 'dalvik.vm.enableassertions=all\n'
- 'some.other.prop=value_ok\n'),
- ('dalvik.vm.enableassertions'), 'all')):
- self.assertFalse(self.device.SetJavaAsserts(True))
-class DeviceUtilsGetPropTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testGetProp_exists(self):
- with self.assertCall(
- ['getprop', ''], check_return=True, single_line=True,
- timeout=self.device._default_timeout,
- retries=self.device._default_retries),
- 'property_value'):
- self.assertEqual('property_value',
- self.device.GetProp(''))
- def testGetProp_doesNotExist(self):
- with self.assertCall(
- ['getprop', 'property.does.not.exist'],
- check_return=True, single_line=True,
- timeout=self.device._default_timeout,
- retries=self.device._default_retries),
- ''):
- self.assertEqual('', self.device.GetProp('property.does.not.exist'))
- def testGetProp_cachedRoProp(self):
- with self.assertCall(
- ['getprop'], check_return=True, large_output=True,
- timeout=self.device._default_timeout,
- retries=self.device._default_retries),
- ['[]: [userdebug]']):
- self.assertEqual('userdebug',
- self.device.GetProp('', cache=True))
- self.assertEqual('userdebug',
- self.device.GetProp('', cache=True))
- def testGetProp_retryAndCache(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- ['getprop'], check_return=True, large_output=True,
- timeout=self.device._default_timeout,
- retries=3),
- ['[]: [userdebug]'])):
- self.assertEqual('userdebug',
- self.device.GetProp('',
- cache=True, retries=3))
- self.assertEqual('userdebug',
- self.device.GetProp('',
- cache=True, retries=3))
-class DeviceUtilsSetPropTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testSetProp(self):
- with self.assertCall(
- ['setprop', '', 'test value'], check_return=True)):
- self.device.SetProp('', 'test value')
- def testSetProp_check_succeeds(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- ['setprop', '', 'new_value'], check_return=True)),
- ('', cache=False), 'new_value')):
- self.device.SetProp('', 'new_value', check=True)
- def testSetProp_check_fails(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- ['setprop', '', 'new_value'], check_return=True)),
- ('', cache=False), 'old_value')):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.CommandFailedError):
- self.device.SetProp('', 'new_value', check=True)
-class DeviceUtilsGetPidsTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testGetPids_noMatches(self):
- with self.assertCall(
-'ps | grep -F does.not.match'),
- []):
- self.assertEqual({}, self.device.GetPids('does.not.match'))
- def testGetPids_oneMatch(self):
- with self.assertCall(
-'ps | grep -F one.match'),
- ['user 1001 100 1024 1024 ffffffff 00000000 one.match']):
- self.assertEqual(
- {'one.match': ['1001']},
- self.device.GetPids('one.match'))
- def testGetPids_multipleMatches(self):
- with self.assertCall(
-'ps | grep -F match'),
- ['user 1001 100 1024 1024 ffffffff 00000000 one.match',
- 'user 1002 100 1024 1024 ffffffff 00000000 two.match',
- 'user 1003 100 1024 1024 ffffffff 00000000 three.match']):
- self.assertEqual(
- {'one.match': ['1001'],
- 'two.match': ['1002'],
- 'three.match': ['1003']},
- self.device.GetPids('match'))
- def testGetPids_exactMatch(self):
- with self.assertCall(
-'ps | grep -F exact.match'),
- ['user 1000 100 1024 1024 ffffffff 00000000 not.exact.match',
- 'user 1234 100 1024 1024 ffffffff 00000000 exact.match']):
- self.assertEqual(
- {'not.exact.match': ['1000'], 'exact.match': ['1234']},
- self.device.GetPids('exact.match'))
- def testGetPids_quotable(self):
- with self.assertCall(
-"ps | grep -F 'my$process'"),
- ['user 1234 100 1024 1024 ffffffff 00000000 my$process']):
- self.assertEqual(
- {'my$process': ['1234']}, self.device.GetPids('my$process'))
- def testGetPids_multipleInstances(self):
- with self.assertCall(
-'ps | grep -F foo'),
- ['user 1000 100 1024 1024 ffffffff 00000000 foo',
- 'user 1234 100 1024 1024 ffffffff 00000000 foo']):
- self.assertEqual(
- {'foo': ['1000', '1234']},
- self.device.GetPids('foo'))
-class DeviceUtilsTakeScreenshotTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testTakeScreenshot_fileNameProvided(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- self.adb, suffix='.png'),
- MockTempFile('/tmp/path/temp-123.png')),
- ('/system/bin/screencap -p /tmp/path/temp-123.png'),
- ''),
- '/test/host/screenshot.png')):
- self.device.TakeScreenshot('/test/host/screenshot.png')
-class DeviceUtilsGetMemoryUsageForPidTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def setUp(self):
- super(DeviceUtilsGetMemoryUsageForPidTest, self).setUp()
- def testGetMemoryUsageForPid_validPid(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- 'showmap 1234 | grep TOTAL', as_root=True),
- ['100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 TOTAL']),
- ('/proc/1234/status', as_root=True),
- 'VmHWM: 1024 kB\n')):
- self.assertEqual(
- {
- 'Size': 100,
- 'Rss': 101,
- 'Pss': 102,
- 'Shared_Clean': 103,
- 'Shared_Dirty': 104,
- 'Private_Clean': 105,
- 'Private_Dirty': 106,
- 'VmHWM': 1024
- },
- self.device.GetMemoryUsageForPid(1234))
- def testGetMemoryUsageForPid_noSmaps(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- 'showmap 4321 | grep TOTAL', as_root=True),
- ['cannot open /proc/4321/smaps: No such file or directory']),
- ('/proc/4321/status', as_root=True),
- 'VmHWM: 1024 kb\n')):
- self.assertEquals({'VmHWM': 1024}, self.device.GetMemoryUsageForPid(4321))
- def testGetMemoryUsageForPid_noStatus(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- 'showmap 4321 | grep TOTAL', as_root=True),
- ['100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 TOTAL']),
- ('/proc/4321/status', as_root=True),
- self.CommandError())):
- self.assertEquals(
- {
- 'Size': 100,
- 'Rss': 101,
- 'Pss': 102,
- 'Shared_Clean': 103,
- 'Shared_Dirty': 104,
- 'Private_Clean': 105,
- 'Private_Dirty': 106,
- },
- self.device.GetMemoryUsageForPid(4321))
-class DeviceUtilsDismissCrashDialogIfNeededTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testDismissCrashDialogIfNeeded_crashedPageckageNotFound(self):
- sample_dumpsys_output = '''
-WINDOW MANAGER WINDOWS (dumpsys window windows)
- Window #11 Window{f8b647a u0 SearchPanel}:
- mDisplayId=0 mSession=Session{8 94:122} mClient=android.os.BinderProxy@1ba5
- mOwnerUid=100 mShowToOwnerOnly=false appop=NONE
- mAttrs=WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#53 sim=#31 ty=2024 fl=100
- Requested w=1080 h=1920 mLayoutSeq=426
- mBaseLayer=211000 mSubLayer=0 mAnimLayer=211000+0=211000 mLastLayer=211000
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- ['dumpsys', 'window', 'windows'], check_return=True,
- large_output=True), sample_dumpsys_output.split('\n'))):
- package_name = self.device.DismissCrashDialogIfNeeded()
- self.assertIsNone(package_name)
- def testDismissCrashDialogIfNeeded_crashedPageckageFound(self):
- sample_dumpsys_output = '''
-WINDOW MANAGER WINDOWS (dumpsys window windows)
- Window #11 Window{f8b647a u0 SearchPanel}:
- mDisplayId=0 mSession=Session{8 94:122} mClient=android.os.BinderProxy@1ba5
- mOwnerUid=102 mShowToOwnerOnly=false appop=NONE
- mAttrs=WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#53 sim=#31 ty=2024 fl=100
- Requested w=1080 h=1920 mLayoutSeq=426
- mBaseLayer=211000 mSubLayer=0 mAnimLayer=211000+0=211000 mLastLayer=211000
- mHasPermanentDpad=false
- mCurrentFocus=Window{3a27740f u0 Application Error:}
- mFocusedApp=AppWindowToken{470af6f token=Token{272ec24e ActivityRecord{t894}}}
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- ['dumpsys', 'window', 'windows'], check_return=True,
- large_output=True), sample_dumpsys_output.split('\n')),
- (
- ['input', 'keyevent', '22'], check_return=True)),
- (
- ['input', 'keyevent', '22'], check_return=True)),
- (
- ['input', 'keyevent', '66'], check_return=True)),
- (
- ['dumpsys', 'window', 'windows'], check_return=True,
- large_output=True), [])):
- package_name = self.device.DismissCrashDialogIfNeeded()
- self.assertEqual(package_name, '')
-class DeviceUtilsClientCache(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testClientCache_twoCaches(self):
- self.device._cache['test'] = 0
- client_cache_one = self.device.GetClientCache('ClientOne')
- client_cache_one['test'] = 1
- client_cache_two = self.device.GetClientCache('ClientTwo')
- client_cache_two['test'] = 2
- self.assertEqual(self.device._cache['test'], 0)
- self.assertEqual(client_cache_one, {'test': 1})
- self.assertEqual(client_cache_two, {'test': 2})
- self.device._ClearCache()
- self.assertTrue('test' not in self.device._cache)
- self.assertEqual(client_cache_one, {})
- self.assertEqual(client_cache_two, {})
- def testClientCache_multipleInstances(self):
- client_cache_one = self.device.GetClientCache('ClientOne')
- client_cache_one['test'] = 1
- client_cache_two = self.device.GetClientCache('ClientOne')
- self.assertEqual(client_cache_one, {'test': 1})
- self.assertEqual(client_cache_two, {'test': 1})
- self.device._ClearCache()
- self.assertEqual(client_cache_one, {})
- self.assertEqual(client_cache_two, {})
-class DeviceUtilsHealthyDevicesTest(mock_calls.TestCase):
- def testHealthyDevices_emptyBlacklist(self):
- test_serials = ['0123456789abcdef', 'fedcba9876543210']
- with self.assertCalls(
- (,
- [_AdbWrapperMock(s) for s in test_serials])):
- blacklist = mock.NonCallableMock(**{'Read.return_value': []})
- devices = device_utils.DeviceUtils.HealthyDevices(blacklist)
- for serial, device in zip(test_serials, devices):
- self.assertTrue(isinstance(device, device_utils.DeviceUtils))
- self.assertEquals(serial, device.adb.GetDeviceSerial())
- def testHealthyDevices_blacklist(self):
- test_serials = ['0123456789abcdef', 'fedcba9876543210']
- with self.assertCalls(
- (,
- [_AdbWrapperMock(s) for s in test_serials])):
- blacklist = mock.NonCallableMock(
- **{'Read.return_value': ['fedcba9876543210']})
- devices = device_utils.DeviceUtils.HealthyDevices(blacklist)
- self.assertEquals(1, len(devices))
- self.assertTrue(isinstance(devices[0], device_utils.DeviceUtils))
- self.assertEquals('0123456789abcdef', devices[0].adb.GetDeviceSerial())
-class DeviceUtilsRestartAdbdTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testAdbdRestart(self):
- mock_temp_file = '/sdcard/'
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- self.adb, suffix='.sh'), MockTempFile(mock_temp_file)),
-, mock.ANY),
- (
- ['source', mock_temp_file], as_root=True)),
- self.device.RestartAdbd()
-class DeviceUtilsGrantPermissionsTest(DeviceUtilsTest):
- def testGrantPermissions_none(self):
- self.device.GrantPermissions('package', [])
- def testGrantPermissions_underM(self):
- with self.patch_call(,
- return_value=version_codes.LOLLIPOP):
- self.device.GrantPermissions('package', ['p1'])
- def testGrantPermissions_one(self):
- permissions_cmd = 'pm grant package p1'
- with self.patch_call(,
- return_value=version_codes.MARSHMALLOW):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, [])):
- self.device.GrantPermissions('package', ['p1'])
- def testGrantPermissions_multiple(self):
- permissions_cmd = 'pm grant package p1;pm grant package p2'
- with self.patch_call(,
- return_value=version_codes.MARSHMALLOW):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, [])):
- self.device.GrantPermissions('package', ['p1', 'p2'])
- def testGrantPermissions_WriteExtrnalStorage(self):
- permissions_cmd = (
- 'pm grant package android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE;'
- 'pm grant package android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE')
- with self.patch_call(,
- return_value=version_codes.MARSHMALLOW):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, [])):
- self.device.GrantPermissions(
- 'package', ['android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE'])
- def testGrantPermissions_BlackList(self):
- with self.patch_call(,
- return_value=version_codes.MARSHMALLOW):
- self.device.GrantPermissions(
- 'package', ['android.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION'])
-class DeviecUtilsIsScreenOn(DeviceUtilsTest):
- _L_SCREEN_ON = ['test=test mInteractive=true']
- _K_SCREEN_ON = ['test=test mScreenOn=true']
- _L_SCREEN_OFF = ['mInteractive=false']
- _K_SCREEN_OFF = ['mScreenOn=false']
- def testIsScreenOn_onPreL(self):
- with self.patch_call(,
- return_value=version_codes.KITKAT):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- 'dumpsys input_method | grep mScreenOn'), self._K_SCREEN_ON)):
- self.assertTrue(self.device.IsScreenOn())
- def testIsScreenOn_onL(self):
- with self.patch_call(,
- return_value=version_codes.LOLLIPOP):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- 'dumpsys input_method | grep mInteractive'), self._L_SCREEN_ON)):
- self.assertTrue(self.device.IsScreenOn())
- def testIsScreenOn_offPreL(self):
- with self.patch_call(,
- return_value=version_codes.KITKAT):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- 'dumpsys input_method | grep mScreenOn'), self._K_SCREEN_OFF)):
- self.assertFalse(self.device.IsScreenOn())
- def testIsScreenOn_offL(self):
- with self.patch_call(,
- return_value=version_codes.LOLLIPOP):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- 'dumpsys input_method | grep mInteractive'), self._L_SCREEN_OFF)):
- self.assertFalse(self.device.IsScreenOn())
- def testIsScreenOn_noOutput(self):
- with self.patch_call(,
- return_value=version_codes.LOLLIPOP):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (
- 'dumpsys input_method | grep mInteractive'), [])):
- with self.assertRaises(device_errors.CommandFailedError):
- self.device.IsScreenOn()
-class DeviecUtilsSetScreen(DeviceUtilsTest):
- @mock.patch('time.sleep', mock.Mock())
- def testSetScren_alreadySet(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, False)):
- self.device.SetScreen(False)
- @mock.patch('time.sleep', mock.Mock())
- def testSetScreen_on(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, False),
- ('input keyevent 26'), []),
- (, True)):
- self.device.SetScreen(True)
- @mock.patch('time.sleep', mock.Mock())
- def testSetScreen_off(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, True),
- ('input keyevent 26'), []),
- (, False)):
- self.device.SetScreen(False)
- @mock.patch('time.sleep', mock.Mock())
- def testSetScreen_slow(self):
- with self.assertCalls(
- (, True),
- ('input keyevent 26'), []),
- (, True),
- (, True),
- (, False)):
- self.device.SetScreen(False)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- unittest.main(verbosity=2)
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