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Unified Diff: Source/core/platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.cpp

Issue 99103006: Moving GraphicsContext and dependencies from core to platform. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Final patch - fixes Android Created 7 years ago
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Index: Source/core/platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.cpp
diff --git a/Source/core/platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.cpp b/Source/core/platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0be006cf772c58b71df2af4ebfaa4a6f5643aff0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Source/core/platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1974 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#include "core/platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.h"
-#include "core/platform/graphics/BitmapImage.h"
-#include "core/platform/graphics/Gradient.h"
-#include "platform/geometry/IntRect.h"
-#include "platform/geometry/RoundedRect.h"
-#include "platform/graphics/DisplayList.h"
-#include "platform/graphics/TextRunIterator.h"
-#include "platform/text/BidiResolver.h"
-#include "platform/weborigin/KURL.h"
-#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkAnnotation.h"
-#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColorFilter.h"
-#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkData.h"
-#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPicture.h"
-#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRRect.h"
-#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
-#include "third_party/skia/include/effects/SkBlurMaskFilter.h"
-#include "third_party/skia/include/effects/SkCornerPathEffect.h"
-#include "third_party/skia/include/effects/SkLumaColorFilter.h"
-#include "wtf/Assertions.h"
-#include "wtf/MathExtras.h"
-#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
-using namespace std;
-using blink::WebBlendMode;
-namespace WebCore {
-struct GraphicsContext::DeferredSaveState {
- DeferredSaveState(unsigned mask, int count) : m_flags(mask), m_restoreCount(count) { }
- unsigned m_flags;
- int m_restoreCount;
-struct GraphicsContext::RecordingState {
- RecordingState(SkCanvas* currentCanvas, const SkMatrix& currentMatrix, PassRefPtr<DisplayList> displayList)
- : m_savedCanvas(currentCanvas)
- , m_displayList(displayList)
- , m_savedMatrix(currentMatrix)
- {
- }
- SkCanvas* m_savedCanvas;
- RefPtr<DisplayList> m_displayList;
- const SkMatrix m_savedMatrix;
-GraphicsContext::GraphicsContext(SkCanvas* canvas)
- : m_canvas(canvas)
- , m_deferredSaveFlags(0)
- , m_annotationMode(0)
- , m_annotationCount(0)
- , m_layerCount(0)
- , m_trackOpaqueRegion(false)
- , m_trackTextRegion(false)
- , m_useHighResMarker(false)
- , m_updatingControlTints(false)
- , m_accelerated(false)
- , m_isCertainlyOpaque(true)
- , m_printing(false)
- m_stateStack.append(adoptPtr(new GraphicsContextState()));
- m_state = m_stateStack.last().get();
- ASSERT(m_stateStack.size() == 1);
- ASSERT(!m_annotationCount);
- ASSERT(!m_layerCount);
- ASSERT(m_recordingStateStack.isEmpty());
-const SkBitmap* GraphicsContext::bitmap() const
- TRACE_EVENT0("skia", "GraphicsContext::bitmap");
- return &m_canvas->getDevice()->accessBitmap(false);
-const SkBitmap& GraphicsContext::layerBitmap(AccessMode access) const
- return m_canvas->getTopDevice()->accessBitmap(access == ReadWrite);
-SkBaseDevice* GraphicsContext::createCompatibleDevice(const IntSize& size, bool hasAlpha) const
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return 0;
- return m_canvas->createCompatibleDevice(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, size.width(), size.height(), !hasAlpha);
-void GraphicsContext::save()
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- m_stateStack.append(m_state->clone());
- m_state = m_stateStack.last().get();
- m_saveStateStack.append(DeferredSaveState(m_deferredSaveFlags, m_canvas->getSaveCount()));
- m_deferredSaveFlags |= SkCanvas::kMatrixClip_SaveFlag;
-void GraphicsContext::restore()
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- if (m_stateStack.size() == 1) {
- WTF_LOG_ERROR("ERROR void GraphicsContext::restore() stack is empty");
- return;
- }
- m_stateStack.removeLast();
- m_state = m_stateStack.last().get();
- DeferredSaveState savedState = m_saveStateStack.last();
- m_saveStateStack.removeLast();
- m_deferredSaveFlags = savedState.m_flags;
- m_canvas->restoreToCount(savedState.m_restoreCount);
-void GraphicsContext::saveLayer(const SkRect* bounds, const SkPaint* paint, SkCanvas::SaveFlags saveFlags)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- realizeSave(SkCanvas::kMatrixClip_SaveFlag);
- m_canvas->saveLayer(bounds, paint, saveFlags);
- if (bounds)
- m_canvas->clipRect(*bounds);
- if (m_trackOpaqueRegion)
- m_opaqueRegion.pushCanvasLayer(paint);
-void GraphicsContext::restoreLayer()
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- m_canvas->restore();
- if (m_trackOpaqueRegion)
- m_opaqueRegion.popCanvasLayer(this);
-void GraphicsContext::beginAnnotation(const GraphicsContextAnnotation& annotation)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- canvas()->beginCommentGroup("GraphicsContextAnnotation");
- AnnotationList annotations;
- annotation.asAnnotationList(annotations);
- AnnotationList::const_iterator end = annotations.end();
- for (AnnotationList::const_iterator it = annotations.begin(); it != end; ++it)
- canvas()->addComment(it->first, it->second.ascii().data());
- ++m_annotationCount;
-void GraphicsContext::endAnnotation()
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- canvas()->endCommentGroup();
- ASSERT(m_annotationCount > 0);
- --m_annotationCount;
-void GraphicsContext::setStrokeColor(const Color& color)
- m_state->m_strokeData.setColor(color);
- m_state->m_strokeData.clearGradient();
- m_state->m_strokeData.clearPattern();
-void GraphicsContext::setStrokePattern(PassRefPtr<Pattern> pattern)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- ASSERT(pattern);
- if (!pattern) {
- setStrokeColor(Color::black);
- return;
- }
- m_state->m_strokeData.clearGradient();
- m_state->m_strokeData.setPattern(pattern);
-void GraphicsContext::setStrokeGradient(PassRefPtr<Gradient> gradient)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- ASSERT(gradient);
- if (!gradient) {
- setStrokeColor(Color::black);
- return;
- }
- m_state->m_strokeData.setGradient(gradient);
- m_state->m_strokeData.clearPattern();
-void GraphicsContext::setFillColor(const Color& color)
- m_state->m_fillColor = color;
- m_state->m_fillGradient.clear();
- m_state->m_fillPattern.clear();
-void GraphicsContext::setFillPattern(PassRefPtr<Pattern> pattern)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- ASSERT(pattern);
- if (!pattern) {
- setFillColor(Color::black);
- return;
- }
- m_state->m_fillGradient.clear();
- m_state->m_fillPattern = pattern;
-void GraphicsContext::setFillGradient(PassRefPtr<Gradient> gradient)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- ASSERT(gradient);
- if (!gradient) {
- setFillColor(Color::black);
- return;
- }
- m_state->m_fillGradient = gradient;
- m_state->m_fillPattern.clear();
-void GraphicsContext::setShadow(const FloatSize& offset, float blur, const Color& color,
- DrawLooper::ShadowTransformMode shadowTransformMode,
- DrawLooper::ShadowAlphaMode shadowAlphaMode)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- if (!color.isValid() || !color.alpha() || (!offset.width() && !offset.height() && !blur)) {
- clearShadow();
- return;
- }
- DrawLooper drawLooper;
- drawLooper.addShadow(offset, blur, color, shadowTransformMode, shadowAlphaMode);
- drawLooper.addUnmodifiedContent();
- setDrawLooper(drawLooper);
-void GraphicsContext::setDrawLooper(const DrawLooper& drawLooper)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- m_state->m_looper = drawLooper.skDrawLooper();
-void GraphicsContext::clearDrawLooper()
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- m_state->m_looper.clear();
-bool GraphicsContext::hasShadow() const
- return !!m_state->m_looper;
-int GraphicsContext::getNormalizedAlpha() const
- int alpha = roundf(m_state->m_alpha * 256);
- if (alpha > 255)
- alpha = 255;
- else if (alpha < 0)
- alpha = 0;
- return alpha;
-bool GraphicsContext::getClipBounds(SkRect* bounds) const
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return false;
- return m_canvas->getClipBounds(bounds);
-bool GraphicsContext::getTransformedClipBounds(FloatRect* bounds) const
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return false;
- SkIRect skIBounds;
- if (!m_canvas->getClipDeviceBounds(&skIBounds))
- return false;
- SkRect skBounds = SkRect::MakeFromIRect(skIBounds);
- *bounds = FloatRect(skBounds);
- return true;
-SkMatrix GraphicsContext::getTotalMatrix() const
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return SkMatrix::I();
- if (!isRecording())
- return m_canvas->getTotalMatrix();
- const RecordingState& recordingState = m_recordingStateStack.last();
- SkMatrix totalMatrix = recordingState.m_savedMatrix;
- totalMatrix.preConcat(m_canvas->getTotalMatrix());
- return totalMatrix;
-bool GraphicsContext::isPrintingDevice() const
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return false;
- return m_canvas->getTopDevice()->getDeviceCapabilities() & SkBaseDevice::kVector_Capability;
-void GraphicsContext::adjustTextRenderMode(SkPaint* paint)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- if (!paint->isLCDRenderText())
- return;
- paint->setLCDRenderText(couldUseLCDRenderedText());
-bool GraphicsContext::couldUseLCDRenderedText()
- // Our layers only have a single alpha channel. This means that subpixel
- // rendered text cannot be composited correctly when the layer is
- // collapsed. Therefore, subpixel text is disabled when we are drawing
- // onto a layer.
- if (paintingDisabled() || isDrawingToLayer() || !isCertainlyOpaque())
- return false;
- return shouldSmoothFonts();
-void GraphicsContext::setCompositeOperation(CompositeOperator compositeOperation, WebBlendMode blendMode)
- m_state->m_compositeOperator = compositeOperation;
- m_state->m_blendMode = blendMode;
- m_state->m_xferMode = WebCoreCompositeToSkiaComposite(compositeOperation, blendMode);
-SkColorFilter* GraphicsContext::colorFilter()
- return m_state->m_colorFilter.get();
-void GraphicsContext::setColorFilter(ColorFilter colorFilter)
- // We only support one active color filter at the moment. If (when) this becomes a problem,
- // we should switch to using color filter chains (Skia work in progress).
- ASSERT(!m_state->m_colorFilter);
- m_state->m_colorFilter = WebCoreColorFilterToSkiaColorFilter(colorFilter);
-bool GraphicsContext::readPixels(SkBitmap* bitmap, int x, int y, SkCanvas::Config8888 config8888)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return false;
- return m_canvas->readPixels(bitmap, x, y, config8888);
-void GraphicsContext::setMatrix(const SkMatrix& matrix)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- realizeSave(SkCanvas::kMatrix_SaveFlag);
- m_canvas->setMatrix(matrix);
-bool GraphicsContext::concat(const SkMatrix& matrix)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return false;
- realizeSave(SkCanvas::kMatrix_SaveFlag);
- return m_canvas->concat(matrix);
-void GraphicsContext::beginTransparencyLayer(float opacity, const FloatRect* bounds)
- beginLayer(opacity, m_state->m_compositeOperator, bounds);
-void GraphicsContext::beginLayer(float opacity, CompositeOperator op, const FloatRect* bounds, ColorFilter colorFilter)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- // We need the "alpha" layer flag here because the base layer is opaque
- // (the surface of the page) but layers on top may have transparent parts.
- // Without explicitly setting the alpha flag, the layer will inherit the
- // opaque setting of the base and some things won't work properly.
- SkCanvas::SaveFlags saveFlags = static_cast<SkCanvas::SaveFlags>(SkCanvas::kHasAlphaLayer_SaveFlag | SkCanvas::kFullColorLayer_SaveFlag);
- SkPaint layerPaint;
- layerPaint.setAlpha(static_cast<unsigned char>(opacity * 255));
- layerPaint.setXfermode(WebCoreCompositeToSkiaComposite(op, m_state->m_blendMode).get());
- layerPaint.setColorFilter(WebCoreColorFilterToSkiaColorFilter(colorFilter).get());
- if (bounds) {
- SkRect skBounds = WebCoreFloatRectToSKRect(*bounds);
- saveLayer(&skBounds, &layerPaint, saveFlags);
- } else {
- saveLayer(0, &layerPaint, saveFlags);
- }
- ++m_layerCount;
-void GraphicsContext::endLayer()
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- restoreLayer();
- ASSERT(m_layerCount > 0);
- --m_layerCount;
-void GraphicsContext::beginRecording(const FloatRect& bounds)
- RefPtr<DisplayList> displayList = adoptRef(new DisplayList(bounds));
- SkCanvas* savedCanvas = m_canvas;
- SkMatrix savedMatrix = getTotalMatrix();
- IntRect recordingRect = enclosingIntRect(bounds);
- m_canvas = displayList->picture()->beginRecording(recordingRect.width(), recordingRect.height(),
- SkPicture::kUsePathBoundsForClip_RecordingFlag);
- // We want the bounds offset mapped to (0, 0), such that the display list content
- // is fully contained within the SkPictureRecord's bounds.
- if (!toFloatSize(bounds.location()).isZero()) {
- m_canvas->translate(-bounds.x(), -bounds.y());
- // To avoid applying the offset repeatedly in getTotalMatrix(), we pre-apply it here.
- savedMatrix.preTranslate(bounds.x(), bounds.y());
- }
- m_recordingStateStack.append(RecordingState(savedCanvas, savedMatrix, displayList));
-PassRefPtr<DisplayList> GraphicsContext::endRecording()
- ASSERT(!m_recordingStateStack.isEmpty());
- RecordingState recording = m_recordingStateStack.last();
- ASSERT(recording.m_displayList->picture()->getRecordingCanvas());
- recording.m_displayList->picture()->endRecording();
- m_recordingStateStack.removeLast();
- m_canvas = recording.m_savedCanvas;
- return recording.m_displayList.release();
-bool GraphicsContext::isRecording() const
- return !m_recordingStateStack.isEmpty();
-void GraphicsContext::drawDisplayList(DisplayList* displayList)
- ASSERT(!displayList->picture()->getRecordingCanvas());
- if (paintingDisabled() || !displayList)
- return;
- realizeSave(SkCanvas::kMatrixClip_SaveFlag);
- const FloatRect& bounds = displayList->bounds();
- if (bounds.x() || bounds.y())
- m_canvas->translate(bounds.x(), bounds.y());
- m_canvas->drawPicture(*displayList->picture());
- if (bounds.x() || bounds.y())
- m_canvas->translate(-bounds.x(), -bounds.y());
-void GraphicsContext::setupPaintForFilling(SkPaint* paint) const
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- setupPaintCommon(paint);
- setupShader(paint, m_state->m_fillGradient.get(), m_state->m_fillPattern.get(), m_state->m_fillColor.rgb());
-float GraphicsContext::setupPaintForStroking(SkPaint* paint, int length) const
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return 0.0f;
- setupPaintCommon(paint);
- setupShader(paint, m_state->m_strokeData.gradient(), m_state->m_strokeData.pattern(),
- m_state->m_strokeData.color().rgb());
- return m_state->m_strokeData.setupPaint(paint, length);
-void GraphicsContext::drawConvexPolygon(size_t numPoints, const FloatPoint* points, bool shouldAntialias)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- if (numPoints <= 1)
- return;
- SkPath path;
- setPathFromConvexPoints(&path, numPoints, points);
- SkPaint paint;
- setupPaintForFilling(&paint);
- paint.setAntiAlias(shouldAntialias);
- drawPath(path, paint);
- if (strokeStyle() != NoStroke) {
- paint.reset();
- setupPaintForStroking(&paint);
- drawPath(path, paint);
- }
-// This method is only used to draw the little circles used in lists.
-void GraphicsContext::drawEllipse(const IntRect& elipseRect)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- SkRect rect = elipseRect;
- SkPaint paint;
- setupPaintForFilling(&paint);
- drawOval(rect, paint);
- if (strokeStyle() != NoStroke) {
- paint.reset();
- setupPaintForStroking(&paint);
- drawOval(rect, paint);
- }
-void GraphicsContext::drawFocusRing(const Path& focusRingPath, int width, int offset, const Color& color)
- // FIXME: Implement support for offset.
- UNUSED_PARAM(offset);
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- SkPaint paint;
- paint.setAntiAlias(true);
- paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
- paint.setColor(color.rgb());
- drawOuterPath(focusRingPath.skPath(), paint, width);
- drawInnerPath(focusRingPath.skPath(), paint, width);
-void GraphicsContext::drawFocusRing(const Vector<IntRect>& rects, int width, int offset, const Color& color)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- unsigned rectCount = rects.size();
- if (!rectCount)
- return;
- SkRegion focusRingRegion;
- const int focusRingOutset = getFocusRingOutset(offset);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < rectCount; i++) {
- SkIRect r = rects[i];
- r.inset(-focusRingOutset, -focusRingOutset);
- focusRingRegion.op(r, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);
- }
- SkPath path;
- SkPaint paint;
- paint.setAntiAlias(true);
- paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
- paint.setColor(color.rgb());
- focusRingRegion.getBoundaryPath(&path);
- drawOuterPath(path, paint, width);
- drawInnerPath(path, paint, width);
-static inline IntRect areaCastingShadowInHole(const IntRect& holeRect, int shadowBlur, int shadowSpread, const IntSize& shadowOffset)
- IntRect bounds(holeRect);
- bounds.inflate(shadowBlur);
- if (shadowSpread < 0)
- bounds.inflate(-shadowSpread);
- IntRect offsetBounds = bounds;
- offsetBounds.move(-shadowOffset);
- return unionRect(bounds, offsetBounds);
-void GraphicsContext::drawInnerShadow(const RoundedRect& rect, const Color& shadowColor, const IntSize shadowOffset, int shadowBlur, int shadowSpread, Edges clippedEdges)
- IntRect holeRect(rect.rect());
- holeRect.inflate(-shadowSpread);
- if (holeRect.isEmpty()) {
- if (rect.isRounded())
- fillRoundedRect(rect, shadowColor);
- else
- fillRect(rect.rect(), shadowColor);
- return;
- }
- if (clippedEdges & LeftEdge) {
- holeRect.move(-max(shadowOffset.width(), 0) - shadowBlur, 0);
- holeRect.setWidth(holeRect.width() + max(shadowOffset.width(), 0) + shadowBlur);
- }
- if (clippedEdges & TopEdge) {
- holeRect.move(0, -max(shadowOffset.height(), 0) - shadowBlur);
- holeRect.setHeight(holeRect.height() + max(shadowOffset.height(), 0) + shadowBlur);
- }
- if (clippedEdges & RightEdge)
- holeRect.setWidth(holeRect.width() - min(shadowOffset.width(), 0) + shadowBlur);
- if (clippedEdges & BottomEdge)
- holeRect.setHeight(holeRect.height() - min(shadowOffset.height(), 0) + shadowBlur);
- Color fillColor(,,, 255);
- IntRect outerRect = areaCastingShadowInHole(rect.rect(), shadowBlur, shadowSpread, shadowOffset);
- RoundedRect roundedHole(holeRect, rect.radii());
- save();
- if (rect.isRounded()) {
- Path path;
- path.addRoundedRect(rect);
- clipPath(path);
- roundedHole.shrinkRadii(shadowSpread);
- } else {
- clip(rect.rect());
- }
- DrawLooper drawLooper;
- drawLooper.addShadow(shadowOffset, shadowBlur, shadowColor,
- DrawLooper::ShadowRespectsTransforms, DrawLooper::ShadowIgnoresAlpha);
- setDrawLooper(drawLooper);
- fillRectWithRoundedHole(outerRect, roundedHole, fillColor);
- restore();
- clearDrawLooper();
-// This is only used to draw borders.
-void GraphicsContext::drawLine(const IntPoint& point1, const IntPoint& point2)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- StrokeStyle penStyle = strokeStyle();
- if (penStyle == NoStroke)
- return;
- SkPaint paint;
- FloatPoint p1 = point1;
- FloatPoint p2 = point2;
- bool isVerticalLine = (p1.x() == p2.x());
- int width = roundf(strokeThickness());
- // We know these are vertical or horizontal lines, so the length will just
- // be the sum of the displacement component vectors give or take 1 -
- // probably worth the speed up of no square root, which also won't be exact.
- FloatSize disp = p2 - p1;
- int length = SkScalarRound(disp.width() + disp.height());
- setupPaintForStroking(&paint, length);
- if (strokeStyle() == DottedStroke || strokeStyle() == DashedStroke) {
- // Do a rect fill of our endpoints. This ensures we always have the
- // appearance of being a border. We then draw the actual dotted/dashed line.
- SkRect r1, r2;
- r1.set(p1.x(), p1.y(), p1.x() + width, p1.y() + width);
- r2.set(p2.x(), p2.y(), p2.x() + width, p2.y() + width);
- if (isVerticalLine) {
- r1.offset(-width / 2, 0);
- r2.offset(-width / 2, -width);
- } else {
- r1.offset(0, -width / 2);
- r2.offset(-width, -width / 2);
- }
- SkPaint fillPaint;
- fillPaint.setColor(paint.getColor());
- drawRect(r1, fillPaint);
- drawRect(r2, fillPaint);
- }
- adjustLineToPixelBoundaries(p1, p2, width, penStyle);
- SkPoint pts[2] = { (SkPoint)p1, (SkPoint)p2 };
- m_canvas->drawPoints(SkCanvas::kLines_PointMode, 2, pts, paint);
- if (m_trackOpaqueRegion)
- m_opaqueRegion.didDrawPoints(this, SkCanvas::kLines_PointMode, 2, pts, paint);
-void GraphicsContext::drawLineForDocumentMarker(const FloatPoint& pt, float width, DocumentMarkerLineStyle style)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- int deviceScaleFactor = m_useHighResMarker ? 2 : 1;
- // Create the pattern we'll use to draw the underline.
- int index = style == DocumentMarkerGrammarLineStyle ? 1 : 0;
- static SkBitmap* misspellBitmap1x[2] = { 0, 0 };
- static SkBitmap* misspellBitmap2x[2] = { 0, 0 };
- SkBitmap** misspellBitmap = deviceScaleFactor == 2 ? misspellBitmap2x : misspellBitmap1x;
- if (!misspellBitmap[index]) {
- // Match the artwork used by the Mac.
- const int rowPixels = 4 * deviceScaleFactor;
- const int colPixels = 3 * deviceScaleFactor;
- misspellBitmap[index] = new SkBitmap;
- misspellBitmap[index]->setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config,
- rowPixels, colPixels);
- misspellBitmap[index]->allocPixels();
- misspellBitmap[index]->eraseARGB(0, 0, 0, 0);
- const uint32_t transparentColor = 0x00000000;
- if (deviceScaleFactor == 1) {
- const uint32_t colors[2][6] = {
- { 0x2a2a0600, 0x57571000, 0xa8a81b00, 0xbfbf1f00, 0x70701200, 0xe0e02400 },
- { 0x2a0f0f0f, 0x571e1e1e, 0xa83d3d3d, 0xbf454545, 0x70282828, 0xe0515151 }
- };
- // Pattern: a b a a b a
- // c d c c d c
- // e f e e f e
- for (int x = 0; x < colPixels; ++x) {
- uint32_t* row = misspellBitmap[index]->getAddr32(0, x);
- row[0] = colors[index][x * 2];
- row[1] = colors[index][x * 2 + 1];
- row[2] = colors[index][x * 2];
- row[3] = transparentColor;
- }
- } else if (deviceScaleFactor == 2) {
- const uint32_t colors[2][18] = {
- { 0x0a090101, 0x33320806, 0x55540f0a, 0x37360906, 0x6e6c120c, 0x6e6c120c, 0x7674140d, 0x8d8b1810, 0x8d8b1810,
- 0x96941a11, 0xb3b01f15, 0xb3b01f15, 0x6d6b130c, 0xd9d62619, 0xd9d62619, 0x19180402, 0x7c7a150e, 0xcecb2418 },
- { 0x0a020202, 0x33141414, 0x55232323, 0x37161616, 0x6e2e2e2e, 0x6e2e2e2e, 0x76313131, 0x8d3a3a3a, 0x8d3a3a3a,
- 0x963e3e3e, 0xb34b4b4b, 0xb34b4b4b, 0x6d2d2d2d, 0xd95b5b5b, 0xd95b5b5b, 0x19090909, 0x7c343434, 0xce575757 }
- };
- // Pattern: a b c c b a
- // d e f f e d
- // g h j j h g
- // k l m m l k
- // n o p p o n
- // q r s s r q
- for (int x = 0; x < colPixels; ++x) {
- uint32_t* row = misspellBitmap[index]->getAddr32(0, x);
- row[0] = colors[index][x * 3];
- row[1] = colors[index][x * 3 + 1];
- row[2] = colors[index][x * 3 + 2];
- row[3] = colors[index][x * 3 + 2];
- row[4] = colors[index][x * 3 + 1];
- row[5] = colors[index][x * 3];
- row[6] = transparentColor;
- row[7] = transparentColor;
- }
- } else
- // We use a 2-pixel-high misspelling indicator because that seems to be
- // what WebKit is designed for, and how much room there is in a typical
- // page for it.
- const int rowPixels = 32 * deviceScaleFactor; // Must be multiple of 4 for pattern below.
- const int colPixels = 2 * deviceScaleFactor;
- misspellBitmap[index] = new SkBitmap;
- misspellBitmap[index]->setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, rowPixels, colPixels);
- misspellBitmap[index]->allocPixels();
- misspellBitmap[index]->eraseARGB(0, 0, 0, 0);
- if (deviceScaleFactor == 1)
- draw1xMarker(misspellBitmap[index], index);
- else if (deviceScaleFactor == 2)
- draw2xMarker(misspellBitmap[index], index);
- else
- }
- SkScalar originX = WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(pt.x()) * deviceScaleFactor;
- SkScalar originY = WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(pt.y()) * deviceScaleFactor;
- // Make sure to draw only complete dots.
- int rowPixels = misspellBitmap[index]->width();
- float widthMod = fmodf(width * deviceScaleFactor, rowPixels);
- if (rowPixels - widthMod > deviceScaleFactor)
- width -= widthMod / deviceScaleFactor;
- SkScalar originX = WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(pt.x());
- // Offset it vertically by 1 so that there's some space under the text.
- SkScalar originY = WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(pt.y()) + 1;
- originX *= deviceScaleFactor;
- originY *= deviceScaleFactor;
- RefPtr<SkShader> shader = adoptRef(SkShader::CreateBitmapShader(
- *misspellBitmap[index], SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode, SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode));
- SkMatrix matrix;
- matrix.setTranslate(originX, originY);
- shader->setLocalMatrix(matrix);
- SkPaint paint;
- paint.setShader(shader.get());
- SkRect rect;
- rect.set(originX, originY, originX + WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(width) * deviceScaleFactor, originY + SkIntToScalar(misspellBitmap[index]->height()));
- if (deviceScaleFactor == 2) {
- save();
- scale(FloatSize(0.5, 0.5));
- }
- drawRect(rect, paint);
- if (deviceScaleFactor == 2)
- restore();
-void GraphicsContext::drawLineForText(const FloatPoint& pt, float width, bool printing)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- if (width <= 0)
- return;
- int thickness = SkMax32(static_cast<int>(strokeThickness()), 1);
- SkRect r;
- r.fLeft = WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(pt.x());
- // Avoid anti-aliasing lines. Currently, these are always horizontal.
- // Round to nearest pixel to match text and other content.
- r.fTop = WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(floorf(pt.y() + 0.5f));
- r.fRight = r.fLeft + WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(width);
- r.fBottom = r.fTop + SkIntToScalar(thickness);
- SkPaint paint;
- switch (strokeStyle()) {
- case NoStroke:
- case SolidStroke:
- case DoubleStroke:
- case WavyStroke:
- setupPaintForFilling(&paint);
- break;
- case DottedStroke:
- case DashedStroke:
- setupPaintForStroking(&paint);
- break;
- }
- // Text lines are drawn using the stroke color.
- paint.setColor(effectiveStrokeColor());
- drawRect(r, paint);
-// Draws a filled rectangle with a stroked border.
-void GraphicsContext::drawRect(const IntRect& rect)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- ASSERT(!rect.isEmpty());
- if (rect.isEmpty())
- return;
- SkRect skRect = rect;
- SkPaint paint;
- int fillcolorNotTransparent = m_state->m_fillColor.rgb() & 0xFF000000;
- if (fillcolorNotTransparent) {
- setupPaintForFilling(&paint);
- drawRect(skRect, paint);
- }
- if (m_state-> != NoStroke && (m_state->m_strokeData.color().rgb() & 0xFF000000)) {
- // We do a fill of four rects to simulate the stroke of a border.
- paint.reset();
- setupPaintForFilling(&paint);
- // need to jam in the strokeColor
- paint.setColor(this->effectiveStrokeColor());
- SkRect topBorder = { skRect.fLeft, skRect.fTop, skRect.fRight, skRect.fTop + 1 };
- drawRect(topBorder, paint);
- SkRect bottomBorder = { skRect.fLeft, skRect.fBottom - 1, skRect.fRight, skRect.fBottom };
- drawRect(bottomBorder, paint);
- SkRect leftBorder = { skRect.fLeft, skRect.fTop + 1, skRect.fLeft + 1, skRect.fBottom - 1 };
- drawRect(leftBorder, paint);
- SkRect rightBorder = { skRect.fRight - 1, skRect.fTop + 1, skRect.fRight, skRect.fBottom - 1 };
- drawRect(rightBorder, paint);
- }
-void GraphicsContext::drawText(const Font& font, const TextRunPaintInfo& runInfo, const FloatPoint& point)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- font.drawText(this, runInfo, point);
-void GraphicsContext::drawEmphasisMarks(const Font& font, const TextRunPaintInfo& runInfo, const AtomicString& mark, const FloatPoint& point)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- font.drawEmphasisMarks(this, runInfo, mark, point);
-void GraphicsContext::drawBidiText(const Font& font, const TextRunPaintInfo& runInfo, const FloatPoint& point, Font::CustomFontNotReadyAction customFontNotReadyAction)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- // sub-run painting is not supported for Bidi text.
- const TextRun& run =;
- ASSERT((runInfo.from == 0) && ( == run.length()));
- BidiResolver<TextRunIterator, BidiCharacterRun> bidiResolver;
- bidiResolver.setStatus(BidiStatus(run.direction(), run.directionalOverride()));
- bidiResolver.setPositionIgnoringNestedIsolates(TextRunIterator(&run, 0));
- // FIXME: This ownership should be reversed. We should pass BidiRunList
- // to BidiResolver in createBidiRunsForLine.
- BidiRunList<BidiCharacterRun>& bidiRuns = bidiResolver.runs();
- bidiResolver.createBidiRunsForLine(TextRunIterator(&run, run.length()));
- if (!bidiRuns.runCount())
- return;
- FloatPoint currPoint = point;
- BidiCharacterRun* bidiRun = bidiRuns.firstRun();
- while (bidiRun) {
- TextRun subrun = run.subRun(bidiRun->start(), bidiRun->stop() - bidiRun->start());
- bool isRTL = bidiRun->level() % 2;
- subrun.setDirection(isRTL ? RTL : LTR);
- subrun.setDirectionalOverride(bidiRun->dirOverride(false));
- TextRunPaintInfo subrunInfo(subrun);
- subrunInfo.bounds = runInfo.bounds;
- font.drawText(this, subrunInfo, currPoint, customFontNotReadyAction);
- bidiRun = bidiRun->next();
- // FIXME: Have Font::drawText return the width of what it drew so that we don't have to re-measure here.
- if (bidiRun)
- currPoint.move(font.width(subrun), 0);
- }
- bidiRuns.deleteRuns();
-void GraphicsContext::drawHighlightForText(const Font& font, const TextRun& run, const FloatPoint& point, int h, const Color& backgroundColor, int from, int to)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- fillRect(font.selectionRectForText(run, point, h, from, to), backgroundColor);
-void GraphicsContext::drawImage(Image* image, const IntPoint& p, CompositeOperator op, RespectImageOrientationEnum shouldRespectImageOrientation)
- if (!image)
- return;
- drawImage(image, FloatRect(IntRect(p, image->size())), FloatRect(FloatPoint(), FloatSize(image->size())), op, shouldRespectImageOrientation);
-void GraphicsContext::drawImage(Image* image, const IntRect& r, CompositeOperator op, RespectImageOrientationEnum shouldRespectImageOrientation, bool useLowQualityScale)
- if (!image)
- return;
- drawImage(image, FloatRect(r), FloatRect(FloatPoint(), FloatSize(image->size())), op, shouldRespectImageOrientation, useLowQualityScale);
-void GraphicsContext::drawImage(Image* image, const IntPoint& dest, const IntRect& srcRect, CompositeOperator op, RespectImageOrientationEnum shouldRespectImageOrientation)
- drawImage(image, FloatRect(IntRect(dest, srcRect.size())), FloatRect(srcRect), op, shouldRespectImageOrientation);
-void GraphicsContext::drawImage(Image* image, const FloatRect& dest, const FloatRect& src, CompositeOperator op, RespectImageOrientationEnum shouldRespectImageOrientation, bool useLowQualityScale)
- drawImage(image, dest, src, op, blink::WebBlendModeNormal, shouldRespectImageOrientation, useLowQualityScale);
-void GraphicsContext::drawImage(Image* image, const FloatRect& dest)
- if (!image)
- return;
- drawImage(image, dest, FloatRect(IntRect(IntPoint(), image->size())));
-void GraphicsContext::drawImage(Image* image, const FloatRect& dest, const FloatRect& src, CompositeOperator op, WebBlendMode blendMode, RespectImageOrientationEnum shouldRespectImageOrientation, bool useLowQualityScale)
-{ if (paintingDisabled() || !image)
- return;
- InterpolationQuality previousInterpolationQuality = InterpolationDefault;
- if (useLowQualityScale) {
- previousInterpolationQuality = imageInterpolationQuality();
- setImageInterpolationQuality(InterpolationLow);
- }
- image->draw(this, dest, src, op, blendMode, shouldRespectImageOrientation);
- if (useLowQualityScale)
- setImageInterpolationQuality(previousInterpolationQuality);
-void GraphicsContext::drawTiledImage(Image* image, const IntRect& destRect, const IntPoint& srcPoint, const IntSize& tileSize, CompositeOperator op, bool useLowQualityScale, WebBlendMode blendMode, const IntSize& repeatSpacing)
- if (paintingDisabled() || !image)
- return;
- if (useLowQualityScale) {
- InterpolationQuality previousInterpolationQuality = imageInterpolationQuality();
- setImageInterpolationQuality(InterpolationLow);
- image->drawTiled(this, destRect, srcPoint, tileSize, op, blendMode, repeatSpacing);
- setImageInterpolationQuality(previousInterpolationQuality);
- } else {
- image->drawTiled(this, destRect, srcPoint, tileSize, op, blendMode, repeatSpacing);
- }
-void GraphicsContext::drawTiledImage(Image* image, const IntRect& dest, const IntRect& srcRect,
- const FloatSize& tileScaleFactor, Image::TileRule hRule, Image::TileRule vRule, CompositeOperator op, bool useLowQualityScale)
- if (paintingDisabled() || !image)
- return;
- if (hRule == Image::StretchTile && vRule == Image::StretchTile) {
- // Just do a scale.
- drawImage(image, dest, srcRect, op);
- return;
- }
- if (useLowQualityScale) {
- InterpolationQuality previousInterpolationQuality = imageInterpolationQuality();
- setImageInterpolationQuality(InterpolationLow);
- image->drawTiled(this, dest, srcRect, tileScaleFactor, hRule, vRule, op);
- setImageInterpolationQuality(previousInterpolationQuality);
- } else {
- image->drawTiled(this, dest, srcRect, tileScaleFactor, hRule, vRule, op);
- }
-void GraphicsContext::drawImageBuffer(ImageBuffer* image, const IntPoint& p, CompositeOperator op, WebBlendMode blendMode)
- if (!image)
- return;
- drawImageBuffer(image, FloatRect(IntRect(p, image->logicalSize())), FloatRect(FloatPoint(), FloatSize(image->logicalSize())), op, blendMode);
-void GraphicsContext::drawImageBuffer(ImageBuffer* image, const IntRect& r, CompositeOperator op, WebBlendMode blendMode, bool useLowQualityScale)
- if (!image)
- return;
- drawImageBuffer(image, FloatRect(r), FloatRect(FloatPoint(), FloatSize(image->logicalSize())), op, blendMode, useLowQualityScale);
-void GraphicsContext::drawImageBuffer(ImageBuffer* image, const IntPoint& dest, const IntRect& srcRect, CompositeOperator op, WebBlendMode blendMode)
- drawImageBuffer(image, FloatRect(IntRect(dest, srcRect.size())), FloatRect(srcRect), op, blendMode);
-void GraphicsContext::drawImageBuffer(ImageBuffer* image, const IntRect& dest, const IntRect& srcRect, CompositeOperator op, WebBlendMode blendMode, bool useLowQualityScale)
- drawImageBuffer(image, FloatRect(dest), FloatRect(srcRect), op, blendMode, useLowQualityScale);
-void GraphicsContext::drawImageBuffer(ImageBuffer* image, const FloatRect& dest)
- if (!image)
- return;
- drawImageBuffer(image, dest, FloatRect(IntRect(IntPoint(), image->logicalSize())));
-void GraphicsContext::drawImageBuffer(ImageBuffer* image, const FloatRect& dest, const FloatRect& src, CompositeOperator op, WebBlendMode blendMode, bool useLowQualityScale)
- if (paintingDisabled() || !image)
- return;
- if (useLowQualityScale) {
- InterpolationQuality previousInterpolationQuality = imageInterpolationQuality();
- setImageInterpolationQuality(InterpolationLow);
- image->draw(this, dest, src, op, blendMode, useLowQualityScale);
- setImageInterpolationQuality(previousInterpolationQuality);
- } else {
- image->draw(this, dest, src, op, blendMode, useLowQualityScale);
- }
-void GraphicsContext::writePixels(const SkBitmap& bitmap, int x, int y, SkCanvas::Config8888 config8888)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- m_canvas->writePixels(bitmap, x, y, config8888);
- if (m_trackOpaqueRegion) {
- SkRect rect = SkRect::MakeXYWH(x, y, bitmap.width(), bitmap.height());
- SkPaint paint;
- paint.setXfermodeMode(SkXfermode::kSrc_Mode);
- m_opaqueRegion.didDrawRect(this, rect, paint, &bitmap);
- }
-void GraphicsContext::drawBitmap(const SkBitmap& bitmap, SkScalar left, SkScalar top, const SkPaint* paint)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- m_canvas->drawBitmap(bitmap, left, top, paint);
- if (m_trackOpaqueRegion) {
- SkRect rect = SkRect::MakeXYWH(left, top, bitmap.width(), bitmap.height());
- m_opaqueRegion.didDrawRect(this, rect, *paint, &bitmap);
- }
-void GraphicsContext::drawBitmapRect(const SkBitmap& bitmap, const SkRect* src,
- const SkRect& dst, const SkPaint* paint)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- SkCanvas::DrawBitmapRectFlags flags = m_state->m_shouldClampToSourceRect ? SkCanvas::kNone_DrawBitmapRectFlag : SkCanvas::kBleed_DrawBitmapRectFlag;
- m_canvas->drawBitmapRectToRect(bitmap, src, dst, paint, flags);
- if (m_trackOpaqueRegion)
- m_opaqueRegion.didDrawRect(this, dst, *paint, &bitmap);
-void GraphicsContext::drawOval(const SkRect& oval, const SkPaint& paint)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- m_canvas->drawOval(oval, paint);
- if (m_trackOpaqueRegion)
- m_opaqueRegion.didDrawBounded(this, oval, paint);
-void GraphicsContext::drawPath(const SkPath& path, const SkPaint& paint)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- m_canvas->drawPath(path, paint);
- if (m_trackOpaqueRegion)
- m_opaqueRegion.didDrawPath(this, path, paint);
-void GraphicsContext::drawRect(const SkRect& rect, const SkPaint& paint)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- m_canvas->drawRect(rect, paint);
- if (m_trackOpaqueRegion)
- m_opaqueRegion.didDrawRect(this, rect, paint, 0);
-void GraphicsContext::didDrawRect(const SkRect& rect, const SkPaint& paint, const SkBitmap* bitmap)
- if (m_trackOpaqueRegion)
- m_opaqueRegion.didDrawRect(this, rect, paint, bitmap);
-void GraphicsContext::drawPosText(const void* text, size_t byteLength,
- const SkPoint pos[], const SkRect& textRect, const SkPaint& paint)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- m_canvas->drawPosText(text, byteLength, pos, paint);
- didDrawTextInRect(textRect);
- // FIXME: compute bounds for positioned text.
- if (m_trackOpaqueRegion)
- m_opaqueRegion.didDrawUnbounded(this, paint, OpaqueRegionSkia::FillOrStroke);
-void GraphicsContext::drawPosTextH(const void* text, size_t byteLength,
- const SkScalar xpos[], SkScalar constY, const SkRect& textRect, const SkPaint& paint)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- m_canvas->drawPosTextH(text, byteLength, xpos, constY, paint);
- didDrawTextInRect(textRect);
- // FIXME: compute bounds for positioned text.
- if (m_trackOpaqueRegion)
- m_opaqueRegion.didDrawUnbounded(this, paint, OpaqueRegionSkia::FillOrStroke);
-void GraphicsContext::drawTextOnPath(const void* text, size_t byteLength,
- const SkPath& path, const SkRect& textRect, const SkMatrix* matrix, const SkPaint& paint)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- m_canvas->drawTextOnPath(text, byteLength, path, matrix, paint);
- didDrawTextInRect(textRect);
- // FIXME: compute bounds for positioned text.
- if (m_trackOpaqueRegion)
- m_opaqueRegion.didDrawUnbounded(this, paint, OpaqueRegionSkia::FillOrStroke);
-void GraphicsContext::fillPath(const Path& pathToFill)
- if (paintingDisabled() || pathToFill.isEmpty())
- return;
- // Use const_cast and temporarily modify the fill type instead of copying the path.
- SkPath& path = const_cast<SkPath&>(pathToFill.skPath());
- SkPath::FillType previousFillType = path.getFillType();
- SkPath::FillType temporaryFillType = m_state->m_fillRule == RULE_EVENODD ? SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType : SkPath::kWinding_FillType;
- path.setFillType(temporaryFillType);
- SkPaint paint;
- setupPaintForFilling(&paint);
- drawPath(path, paint);
- path.setFillType(previousFillType);
-void GraphicsContext::fillRect(const FloatRect& rect)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- SkRect r = rect;
- SkPaint paint;
- setupPaintForFilling(&paint);
- drawRect(r, paint);
-void GraphicsContext::fillRect(const FloatRect& rect, const Color& color)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- SkRect r = rect;
- SkPaint paint;
- setupPaintCommon(&paint);
- paint.setColor(color.rgb());
- drawRect(r, paint);
-void GraphicsContext::fillRoundedRect(const IntRect& rect, const IntSize& topLeft, const IntSize& topRight,
- const IntSize& bottomLeft, const IntSize& bottomRight, const Color& color)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- if (topLeft.width() + topRight.width() > rect.width()
- || bottomLeft.width() + bottomRight.width() > rect.width()
- || topLeft.height() + bottomLeft.height() > rect.height()
- || topRight.height() + bottomRight.height() > rect.height()) {
- // Not all the radii fit, return a rect. This matches the behavior of
- // Path::createRoundedRectangle. Without this we attempt to draw a round
- // shadow for a square box.
- fillRect(rect, color);
- return;
- }
- SkVector radii[4];
- setRadii(radii, topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft);
- SkRRect rr;
- rr.setRectRadii(rect, radii);
- SkPaint paint;
- setupPaintForFilling(&paint);
- paint.setColor(color.rgb());
- m_canvas->drawRRect(rr, paint);
- if (m_trackOpaqueRegion)
- m_opaqueRegion.didDrawBounded(this, rr.getBounds(), paint);
-void GraphicsContext::fillEllipse(const FloatRect& ellipse)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- SkRect rect = ellipse;
- SkPaint paint;
- setupPaintForFilling(&paint);
- drawOval(rect, paint);
-void GraphicsContext::strokePath(const Path& pathToStroke)
- if (paintingDisabled() || pathToStroke.isEmpty())
- return;
- const SkPath& path = pathToStroke.skPath();
- SkPaint paint;
- setupPaintForStroking(&paint);
- drawPath(path, paint);
-void GraphicsContext::strokeRect(const FloatRect& rect, float lineWidth)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- SkPaint paint;
- setupPaintForStroking(&paint);
- paint.setStrokeWidth(WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(lineWidth));
- // strokerect has special rules for CSS when the rect is degenerate:
- // if width==0 && height==0, do nothing
- // if width==0 || height==0, then just draw line for the other dimension
- SkRect r(rect);
- bool validW = r.width() > 0;
- bool validH = r.height() > 0;
- if (validW && validH) {
- drawRect(r, paint);
- } else if (validW || validH) {
- // we are expected to respect the lineJoin, so we can't just call
- // drawLine -- we have to create a path that doubles back on itself.
- SkPath path;
- path.moveTo(r.fLeft, r.fTop);
- path.lineTo(r.fRight, r.fBottom);
- path.close();
- drawPath(path, paint);
- }
-void GraphicsContext::strokeEllipse(const FloatRect& ellipse)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- SkRect rect(ellipse);
- SkPaint paint;
- setupPaintForStroking(&paint);
- drawOval(rect, paint);
-void GraphicsContext::clipRoundedRect(const RoundedRect& rect)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- SkVector radii[4];
- RoundedRect::Radii wkRadii = rect.radii();
- setRadii(radii, wkRadii.topLeft(), wkRadii.topRight(), wkRadii.bottomRight(), wkRadii.bottomLeft());
- SkRRect r;
- r.setRectRadii(rect.rect(), radii);
- clipRRect(r, AntiAliased);
-void GraphicsContext::clipOut(const Path& pathToClip)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- // Use const_cast and temporarily toggle the inverse fill type instead of copying the path.
- SkPath& path = const_cast<SkPath&>(pathToClip.skPath());
- path.toggleInverseFillType();
- clipPath(path, AntiAliased);
- path.toggleInverseFillType();
-void GraphicsContext::clipPath(const Path& pathToClip, WindRule clipRule)
- if (paintingDisabled() || pathToClip.isEmpty())
- return;
- // Use const_cast and temporarily modify the fill type instead of copying the path.
- SkPath& path = const_cast<SkPath&>(pathToClip.skPath());
- SkPath::FillType previousFillType = path.getFillType();
- SkPath::FillType temporaryFillType = clipRule == RULE_EVENODD ? SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType : SkPath::kWinding_FillType;
- path.setFillType(temporaryFillType);
- clipPath(path, AntiAliased);
- path.setFillType(previousFillType);
-void GraphicsContext::clipConvexPolygon(size_t numPoints, const FloatPoint* points, bool antialiased)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- if (numPoints <= 1)
- return;
- SkPath path;
- setPathFromConvexPoints(&path, numPoints, points);
- clipPath(path, antialiased ? AntiAliased : NotAntiAliased);
-void GraphicsContext::clipOutRoundedRect(const RoundedRect& rect)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- if (!rect.isRounded()) {
- clipOut(rect.rect());
- return;
- }
- Path path;
- path.addRoundedRect(rect);
- clipOut(path);
-void GraphicsContext::canvasClip(const Path& pathToClip, WindRule clipRule)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- // Use const_cast and temporarily modify the fill type instead of copying the path.
- SkPath& path = const_cast<SkPath&>(pathToClip.skPath());
- SkPath::FillType previousFillType = path.getFillType();
- SkPath::FillType temporaryFillType = clipRule == RULE_EVENODD ? SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType : SkPath::kWinding_FillType;
- path.setFillType(temporaryFillType);
- clipPath(path);
- path.setFillType(previousFillType);
-bool GraphicsContext::clipRect(const SkRect& rect, AntiAliasingMode aa, SkRegion::Op op)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return false;
- realizeSave(SkCanvas::kClip_SaveFlag);
- return m_canvas->clipRect(rect, op, aa == AntiAliased);
-bool GraphicsContext::clipPath(const SkPath& path, AntiAliasingMode aa, SkRegion::Op op)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return false;
- realizeSave(SkCanvas::kClip_SaveFlag);
- return m_canvas->clipPath(path, op, aa == AntiAliased);
-bool GraphicsContext::clipRRect(const SkRRect& rect, AntiAliasingMode aa, SkRegion::Op op)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return false;
- realizeSave(SkCanvas::kClip_SaveFlag);
- return m_canvas->clipRRect(rect, op, aa == AntiAliased);
-void GraphicsContext::rotate(float angleInRadians)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- realizeSave(SkCanvas::kMatrix_SaveFlag);
- m_canvas->rotate(WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(angleInRadians * (180.0f / 3.14159265f)));
-void GraphicsContext::translate(float w, float h)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- realizeSave(SkCanvas::kMatrix_SaveFlag);
- m_canvas->translate(WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(w), WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(h));
-void GraphicsContext::scale(const FloatSize& size)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- realizeSave(SkCanvas::kMatrix_SaveFlag);
- m_canvas->scale(WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(size.width()), WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(size.height()));
-void GraphicsContext::setURLForRect(const KURL& link, const IntRect& destRect)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- SkAutoDataUnref url(SkData::NewWithCString(link.string().utf8().data()));
- SkAnnotateRectWithURL(m_canvas, destRect, url.get());
-void GraphicsContext::setURLFragmentForRect(const String& destName, const IntRect& rect)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- SkAutoDataUnref skDestName(SkData::NewWithCString(destName.utf8().data()));
- SkAnnotateLinkToDestination(m_canvas, rect, skDestName.get());
-void GraphicsContext::addURLTargetAtPoint(const String& name, const IntPoint& pos)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- SkAutoDataUnref nameData(SkData::NewWithCString(name.utf8().data()));
- SkAnnotateNamedDestination(m_canvas, SkPoint::Make(pos.x(), pos.y()), nameData);
-AffineTransform GraphicsContext::getCTM(IncludeDeviceScale) const
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return AffineTransform();
- SkMatrix m = getTotalMatrix();
- return AffineTransform(SkScalarToDouble(m.getScaleX()),
- SkScalarToDouble(m.getSkewY()),
- SkScalarToDouble(m.getSkewX()),
- SkScalarToDouble(m.getScaleY()),
- SkScalarToDouble(m.getTranslateX()),
- SkScalarToDouble(m.getTranslateY()));
-void GraphicsContext::fillRect(const FloatRect& rect, const Color& color, CompositeOperator op)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- CompositeOperator previousOperator = compositeOperation();
- setCompositeOperation(op);
- fillRect(rect, color);
- setCompositeOperation(previousOperator);
-void GraphicsContext::fillRoundedRect(const RoundedRect& rect, const Color& color)
- if (rect.isRounded())
- fillRoundedRect(rect.rect(), rect.radii().topLeft(), rect.radii().topRight(), rect.radii().bottomLeft(), rect.radii().bottomRight(), color);
- else
- fillRect(rect.rect(), color);
-void GraphicsContext::fillRectWithRoundedHole(const IntRect& rect, const RoundedRect& roundedHoleRect, const Color& color)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- Path path;
- path.addRect(rect);
- if (!roundedHoleRect.radii().isZero())
- path.addRoundedRect(roundedHoleRect);
- else
- path.addRect(roundedHoleRect.rect());
- WindRule oldFillRule = fillRule();
- Color oldFillColor = fillColor();
- setFillRule(RULE_EVENODD);
- setFillColor(color);
- fillPath(path);
- setFillRule(oldFillRule);
- setFillColor(oldFillColor);
-void GraphicsContext::clearRect(const FloatRect& rect)
- if (paintingDisabled())
- return;
- SkRect r = rect;
- SkPaint paint;
- setupPaintForFilling(&paint);
- paint.setXfermodeMode(SkXfermode::kClear_Mode);
- drawRect(r, paint);
-void GraphicsContext::adjustLineToPixelBoundaries(FloatPoint& p1, FloatPoint& p2, float strokeWidth, StrokeStyle penStyle)
- // For odd widths, we add in 0.5 to the appropriate x/y so that the float arithmetic
- // works out. For example, with a border width of 3, WebKit will pass us (y1+y2)/2, e.g.,
- // (50+53)/2 = 103/2 = 51 when we want 51.5. It is always true that an even width gave
- // us a perfect position, but an odd width gave us a position that is off by exactly 0.5.
- if (penStyle == DottedStroke || penStyle == DashedStroke) {
- if (p1.x() == p2.x()) {
- p1.setY(p1.y() + strokeWidth);
- p2.setY(p2.y() - strokeWidth);
- } else {
- p1.setX(p1.x() + strokeWidth);
- p2.setX(p2.x() - strokeWidth);
- }
- }
- if (static_cast<int>(strokeWidth) % 2) { //odd
- if (p1.x() == p2.x()) {
- // We're a vertical line. Adjust our x.
- p1.setX(p1.x() + 0.5f);
- p2.setX(p2.x() + 0.5f);
- } else {
- // We're a horizontal line. Adjust our y.
- p1.setY(p1.y() + 0.5f);
- p2.setY(p2.y() + 0.5f);
- }
- }
-PassOwnPtr<ImageBuffer> GraphicsContext::createCompatibleBuffer(const IntSize& size, bool hasAlpha) const
- // Make the buffer larger if the context's transform is scaling it so we need a higher
- // resolution than one pixel per unit. Also set up a corresponding scale factor on the
- // graphics context.
- AffineTransform transform = getCTM(DefinitelyIncludeDeviceScale);
- IntSize scaledSize(static_cast<int>(ceil(size.width() * transform.xScale())), static_cast<int>(ceil(size.height() * transform.yScale())));
- OwnPtr<ImageBuffer> buffer = ImageBuffer::createCompatibleBuffer(scaledSize, 1, this, hasAlpha);
- if (!buffer)
- return nullptr;
- buffer->context()->scale(FloatSize(static_cast<float>(scaledSize.width()) / size.width(),
- static_cast<float>(scaledSize.height()) / size.height()));
- return buffer.release();
-void GraphicsContext::addCornerArc(SkPath* path, const SkRect& rect, const IntSize& size, int startAngle)
- SkIRect ir;
- int rx = SkMin32(SkScalarRound(rect.width()), size.width());
- int ry = SkMin32(SkScalarRound(rect.height()), size.height());
- ir.set(-rx, -ry, rx, ry);
- switch (startAngle) {
- case 0:
- ir.offset(rect.fRight - ir.fRight, rect.fBottom - ir.fBottom);
- break;
- case 90:
- ir.offset(rect.fLeft - ir.fLeft, rect.fBottom - ir.fBottom);
- break;
- case 180:
- ir.offset(rect.fLeft - ir.fLeft, rect.fTop - ir.fTop);
- break;
- case 270:
- ir.offset(rect.fRight - ir.fRight, rect.fTop - ir.fTop);
- break;
- default:
- ASSERT(0);
- }
- SkRect r;
- r.set(ir);
- path->arcTo(r, SkIntToScalar(startAngle), SkIntToScalar(90), false);
-void GraphicsContext::setPathFromConvexPoints(SkPath* path, size_t numPoints, const FloatPoint* points)
- path->incReserve(numPoints);
- path->moveTo(WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(points[0].x()),
- WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(points[0].y()));
- for (size_t i = 1; i < numPoints; ++i) {
- path->lineTo(WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(points[i].x()),
- WebCoreFloatToSkScalar(points[i].y()));
- }
- /* The code used to just blindly call this
- path->setIsConvex(true);
- But webkit can sometimes send us non-convex 4-point values, so we mark the path's
- convexity as unknown, so it will get computed by skia at draw time.
- See 108605
- */
- SkPath::Convexity convexity = SkPath::kConvex_Convexity;
- if (numPoints == 4)
- convexity = SkPath::kUnknown_Convexity;
- path->setConvexity(convexity);
-void GraphicsContext::setupPaintCommon(SkPaint* paint) const
-#if defined(SK_DEBUG)
- {
- SkPaint defaultPaint;
- SkASSERT(*paint == defaultPaint);
- }
- paint->setAntiAlias(m_state->m_shouldAntialias);
- if (!SkXfermode::IsMode(m_state->m_xferMode.get(), SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode))
- paint->setXfermode(m_state->m_xferMode.get());
- if (m_state->m_looper)
- paint->setLooper(m_state->m_looper.get());
- paint->setColorFilter(m_state->m_colorFilter.get());
-void GraphicsContext::drawOuterPath(const SkPath& path, SkPaint& paint, int width)
- paint.setAlpha(64);
- paint.setStrokeWidth(width);
- paint.setPathEffect(new SkCornerPathEffect((width - 1) * 0.5f))->unref();
- paint.setStrokeWidth(1);
- paint.setPathEffect(new SkCornerPathEffect(1))->unref();
- drawPath(path, paint);
-void GraphicsContext::drawInnerPath(const SkPath& path, SkPaint& paint, int width)
- paint.setAlpha(128);
- paint.setStrokeWidth(width * 0.5f);
- drawPath(path, paint);
-void GraphicsContext::setRadii(SkVector* radii, IntSize topLeft, IntSize topRight, IntSize bottomRight, IntSize bottomLeft)
- radii[SkRRect::kUpperLeft_Corner].set(SkIntToScalar(topLeft.width()),
- SkIntToScalar(topLeft.height()));
- radii[SkRRect::kUpperRight_Corner].set(SkIntToScalar(topRight.width()),
- SkIntToScalar(topRight.height()));
- radii[SkRRect::kLowerRight_Corner].set(SkIntToScalar(bottomRight.width()),
- SkIntToScalar(bottomRight.height()));
- radii[SkRRect::kLowerLeft_Corner].set(SkIntToScalar(bottomLeft.width()),
- SkIntToScalar(bottomLeft.height()));
-PassRefPtr<SkColorFilter> GraphicsContext::WebCoreColorFilterToSkiaColorFilter(ColorFilter colorFilter)
- switch (colorFilter) {
- case ColorFilterLuminanceToAlpha:
- return adoptRef(SkLumaColorFilter::Create());
- case ColorFilterLinearRGBToSRGB:
- return ImageBuffer::createColorSpaceFilter(ColorSpaceLinearRGB, ColorSpaceDeviceRGB);
- case ColorFilterSRGBToLinearRGB:
- return ImageBuffer::createColorSpaceFilter(ColorSpaceDeviceRGB, ColorSpaceLinearRGB);
- case ColorFilterNone:
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-CGColorSpaceRef deviceRGBColorSpaceRef()
- static CGColorSpaceRef deviceSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
- return deviceSpace;
-void GraphicsContext::draw2xMarker(SkBitmap* bitmap, int index)
- const SkPMColor lineColor = lineColors(index);
- const SkPMColor antiColor1 = antiColors1(index);
- const SkPMColor antiColor2 = antiColors2(index);
- uint32_t* row1 = bitmap->getAddr32(0, 0);
- uint32_t* row2 = bitmap->getAddr32(0, 1);
- uint32_t* row3 = bitmap->getAddr32(0, 2);
- uint32_t* row4 = bitmap->getAddr32(0, 3);
- // Pattern: X0o o0X0o o0
- // XX0o o0XXX0o o0X
- // o0XXX0o o0XXX0o
- // o0X0o o0X0o
- const SkPMColor row1Color[] = { lineColor, antiColor1, antiColor2, 0, 0, 0, antiColor2, antiColor1 };
- const SkPMColor row2Color[] = { lineColor, lineColor, antiColor1, antiColor2, 0, antiColor2, antiColor1, lineColor };
- const SkPMColor row3Color[] = { 0, antiColor2, antiColor1, lineColor, lineColor, lineColor, antiColor1, antiColor2 };
- const SkPMColor row4Color[] = { 0, 0, antiColor2, antiColor1, lineColor, antiColor1, antiColor2, 0 };
- for (int x = 0; x < bitmap->width() + 8; x += 8) {
- int count = std::min(bitmap->width() - x, 8);
- if (count > 0) {
- memcpy(row1 + x, row1Color, count * sizeof(SkPMColor));
- memcpy(row2 + x, row2Color, count * sizeof(SkPMColor));
- memcpy(row3 + x, row3Color, count * sizeof(SkPMColor));
- memcpy(row4 + x, row4Color, count * sizeof(SkPMColor));
- }
- }
-void GraphicsContext::draw1xMarker(SkBitmap* bitmap, int index)
- const uint32_t lineColor = lineColors(index);
- const uint32_t antiColor = antiColors2(index);
- // Pattern: X o o X o o X
- // o X o o X o
- uint32_t* row1 = bitmap->getAddr32(0, 0);
- uint32_t* row2 = bitmap->getAddr32(0, 1);
- for (int x = 0; x < bitmap->width(); x++) {
- switch (x % 4) {
- case 0:
- row1[x] = lineColor;
- break;
- case 1:
- row1[x] = antiColor;
- row2[x] = antiColor;
- break;
- case 2:
- row2[x] = lineColor;
- break;
- case 3:
- row1[x] = antiColor;
- row2[x] = antiColor;
- break;
- }
- }
-const SkPMColor GraphicsContext::lineColors(int index)
- static const SkPMColor colors[] = {
- SkPreMultiplyARGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00), // Opaque red.
- SkPreMultiplyARGB(0xFF, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0) // Opaque gray.
- };
- return colors[index];
-const SkPMColor GraphicsContext::antiColors1(int index)
- static const SkPMColor colors[] = {
- SkPreMultiplyARGB(0xB0, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00), // Semitransparent red.
- SkPreMultiplyARGB(0xB0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0) // Semitransparent gray.
- };
- return colors[index];
-const SkPMColor GraphicsContext::antiColors2(int index)
- static const SkPMColor colors[] = {
- SkPreMultiplyARGB(0x60, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00), // More transparent red
- SkPreMultiplyARGB(0x60, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0) // More transparent gray
- };
- return colors[index];
-void GraphicsContext::setupShader(SkPaint* paint, Gradient* grad, Pattern* pat, SkColor color) const
- RefPtr<SkShader> shader;
- if (grad) {
- shader = grad->shader();
- color = SK_ColorBLACK;
- } else if (pat) {
- shader = pat->shader();
- color = SK_ColorBLACK;
- paint->setFilterBitmap(imageInterpolationQuality() != InterpolationNone);
- }
- paint->setColor(m_state->applyAlpha(color));
- if (!shader)
- return;
- paint->setShader(shader.get());
-void GraphicsContext::didDrawTextInRect(const SkRect& textRect)
- if (m_trackTextRegion) {
- TRACE_EVENT0("skia", "PlatformContextSkia::trackTextRegion");
- m_textRegion.join(textRect);
- }
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