5 years, 10 months ago by Primiano Tucci (use gerrit) Modified:
5 years, 7 months ago CC:
chromium-reviews, cmp-cc_chromium.org, dpranke+depot_tools_chromium.org, iannucci+depot_tools_chromium.org, picksi1 Base URL:
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Description[download_from_google_storage] Don't list ALL objects to check for ACLs
Currently check_bucket_permissions() in download_from_google_storage.py
performs a gsutil ls gs://bucket to determine whether the user has access
to the bucket or not.
This can be an EXTREMELY expensive operation (~minutes) if the bucket in
question has a lot of objects in the root (real case: chrome-telemetry).
It is worth noting that check_bucket_permissions() is not called just for
uploads but also for downloads, hence this is slowing down all invocations
of gclient sync on users and bots machine.
Removing the check_bucket_permissions() and let gsutil fail with an
Unauthorized error message if ACLs are not met.
Committed: http://src.chromium.org/viewvc/chrome?view=rev&revision=294083
Patch Set 1 #
Total comments: 2
Patch Set 2 : Remove check_bucket_permission entirelly #
Total comments: 2
Patch Set 3 : Remove spurious sha1 #
Total messages: 26 (8 generated)
primiano@chromium.org changed reviewers: + hinoka@chromium.org, mmoss@chromium.org
PTAL to this minutes-saving 3 characters CL :)
On 2015/02/12 at 11:46:26, primiano wrote: > PTAL to this minutes-saving 3 characters CL :) Neat trick! Non-owner LGTM. Please link this to BUG=458059.
for what its worth gsutil.py ls gs://chrome-telemetry works fine, but: gsutil.py ls gs://chrome-telemetry/.. Doesn't, it gives me: GSResponseError: status=401, code=AuthenticationRequired, reason=Unauthorized. This might be because I ctrl-C out of the first ls? Also following this error all subsequent ls's fail too. I assume this is a security thing.
Actually self NOT LGTM This doesn't seem to work with all buckets. We need to figure out something smarter.
On 2015/02/12 13:59:50, Primiano Tucci wrote: > Actually self NOT LGTM > This doesn't seem to work with all buckets. We need to figure out something > smarter. I see the problem. This trick actually works with the gsutil binary in my PATH (version: 4.6) but not with the gsutil checked into depot toosl (3.25). Is there any chance that gsutil in depot_tools can be updated?
https://codereview.chromium.org/923473002/diff/1/download_from_google_storage.py File download_from_google_storage.py (right): https://codereview.chromium.org/923473002/diff/1/download_from_google_storage... download_from_google_storage.py:109: code, _, ls_err = gsutil.check_call('ls', base_url + '/..') Based on your description of "only ls the bucket itself, and not its contents", it sounds like 'ls -b' might be the proper solution.
On 2015/02/12 16:39:22, Michael Moss wrote: > https://codereview.chromium.org/923473002/diff/1/download_from_google_storage.py > File download_from_google_storage.py (right): > > https://codereview.chromium.org/923473002/diff/1/download_from_google_storage... > download_from_google_storage.py:109: code, _, ls_err = gsutil.check_call('ls', > base_url + '/..') > Based on your description of "only ls the bucket itself, and not its contents", > it sounds like 'ls -b' might be the proper solution. Oh, I missed that (and I spent some good 15 minutes on the help page). Unfortunately, I just checked and this has a similar problem of "..": works as expected in the new gsutil (4.6), but sucks (doesn't do any remote check) in the current one checked in depot-tools (3.25): $ gsutil ls -b gs://non-existent-blah/ # this is 4.6 NotFoundException: 404 gs://non-existent-blah bucket does not exist. $ /s/infra/depot_tools/third_party/gsutil/gsutil ls -b gs://non-existent-blah/ gs://non-existent-blah/
fwiw this script uses gsutil 4.7. The incantation is "gsutil.py --force-version 4.7 ls ..." https://codereview.chromium.org/923473002/diff/1/download_from_google_storage.py File download_from_google_storage.py (right): https://codereview.chromium.org/923473002/diff/1/download_from_google_storage... download_from_google_storage.py:108: def check_bucket_permissions(base_url, gsutil): I'd actually be okay with removing this entirely. The intention for this was to early exit if it detects the lack of permissions. In reality, bucket and object acls are separate, so having bucket permission doesn't necessarily mean we have object permissions, and vice verca. Its good enough to see if "gsutil cp x y" fails later on, and produce a good message on 403.
New patchsets have been uploaded after l-g-t-m from skyostil@chromium.org
Thanks. Agree with you, removing the check comletely. PTAL to the new patchset. P.S. While testing this I also found out a bug in gsutil. See https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/gsutil/pull/251 If the PR is accepted you should probably cherry-pick that and roll gsutil in depot_tools ;-)
lgtm https://codereview.chromium.org/923473002/diff/20001/gcl.sha1 File gcl.sha1 (right): https://codereview.chromium.org/923473002/diff/20001/gcl.sha1#newcode1 gcl.sha1:1: a77e5cab00cef6aac88e16f4e7889c796a0eeb3a This supposed to be here?
New patchsets have been uploaded after l-g-t-m from hinoka@chromium.org
https://codereview.chromium.org/923473002/diff/20001/gcl.sha1 File gcl.sha1 (right): https://codereview.chromium.org/923473002/diff/20001/gcl.sha1#newcode1 gcl.sha1:1: a77e5cab00cef6aac88e16f4e7889c796a0eeb3a On 2015/02/13 21:17:47, hinoka wrote: > This supposed to be here? Oh good catch, no that was a spurious result of an experiment :)
The CQ bit was checked by primiano@chromium.org
CQ is trying da patch. Follow status at https://chromium-cq-status.appspot.com/patch-status/923473002/40001
The CQ bit was unchecked by commit-bot@chromium.org
Presubmit check for 923473002-40001 failed and returned exit status 1. Running presubmit commit checks ... Checking out rietveld... Running save-description-on-failure.sh Running push-basic.sh Running upstream.sh Running submit-from-new-dir.sh Running abandon.sh Running submodule-merge-test.sh Running upload-local-tracking-branch.sh Running hooks.sh Running post-dcommit-hook-test.sh Running upload-stale.sh Running patch.sh Running basic.sh ** Presubmit ERRORS ** Missing LGTM from an OWNER for these files: depot_tools/download_from_google_storage.py depot_tools/upload_to_google_storage.py Presubmit checks took 166.8s to calculate.
primiano@chromium.org changed reviewers: + szager@chromium.org - mmoss@chromium.org
+szager for OWNERS stamp.
The CQ bit was checked by primiano@chromium.org
CQ is trying da patch. Follow status at https://chromium-cq-status.appspot.com/patch-status/923473002/40001
Message was sent while issue was closed.
Committed patchset #3 (id:40001) as http://src.chromium.org/viewvc/chrome?view=rev&revision=294083
Message was sent while issue was closed.
angiegvalg@gmail.com changed reviewers: + angiegvalg@gmail.com
Message was sent while issue was closed.