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Unified Diff: content/browser/frame_host/

Issue 92153003: Rename RenderViewHostManager to RenderFrameHostManager. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Rebase Created 7 years, 1 month ago
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Index: content/browser/frame_host/
diff --git a/content/browser/frame_host/ b/content/browser/frame_host/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f46c7335ef98fcbf725260d000a86907dc49061..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/content/browser/frame_host/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1319 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
-#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_controller_impl.h"
-#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_entry_impl.h"
-#include "content/browser/frame_host/render_view_host_manager.h"
-#include "content/browser/renderer_host/test_render_view_host.h"
-#include "content/browser/site_instance_impl.h"
-#include "content/browser/webui/web_ui_controller_factory_registry.h"
-#include "content/common/view_messages.h"
-#include "content/public/browser/notification_details.h"
-#include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h"
-#include "content/public/browser/notification_source.h"
-#include "content/public/browser/notification_types.h"
-#include "content/public/browser/render_process_host.h"
-#include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host_iterator.h"
-#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_delegate.h"
-#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
-#include "content/public/browser/web_ui_controller.h"
-#include "content/public/common/bindings_policy.h"
-#include "content/public/common/javascript_message_type.h"
-#include "content/public/common/page_transition_types.h"
-#include "content/public/common/url_constants.h"
-#include "content/public/common/url_utils.h"
-#include "content/public/test/mock_render_process_host.h"
-#include "content/public/test/test_notification_tracker.h"
-#include "content/test/test_content_browser_client.h"
-#include "content/test/test_content_client.h"
-#include "content/test/test_web_contents.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace content {
-namespace {
-class RenderViewHostManagerTestWebUIControllerFactory
- : public WebUIControllerFactory {
- public:
- RenderViewHostManagerTestWebUIControllerFactory()
- : should_create_webui_(false) {
- }
- virtual ~RenderViewHostManagerTestWebUIControllerFactory() {}
- void set_should_create_webui(bool should_create_webui) {
- should_create_webui_ = should_create_webui;
- }
- // WebUIFactory implementation.
- virtual WebUIController* CreateWebUIControllerForURL(
- WebUI* web_ui, const GURL& url) const OVERRIDE {
- if (!(should_create_webui_ && HasWebUIScheme(url)))
- return NULL;
- return new WebUIController(web_ui);
- }
- virtual WebUI::TypeID GetWebUIType(BrowserContext* browser_context,
- const GURL& url) const OVERRIDE {
- return WebUI::kNoWebUI;
- }
- virtual bool UseWebUIForURL(BrowserContext* browser_context,
- const GURL& url) const OVERRIDE {
- return HasWebUIScheme(url);
- }
- virtual bool UseWebUIBindingsForURL(BrowserContext* browser_context,
- const GURL& url) const OVERRIDE {
- return HasWebUIScheme(url);
- }
- private:
- bool should_create_webui_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RenderViewHostManagerTestWebUIControllerFactory);
-class BeforeUnloadFiredWebContentsDelegate : public WebContentsDelegate {
- public:
- BeforeUnloadFiredWebContentsDelegate() {}
- virtual ~BeforeUnloadFiredWebContentsDelegate() {}
- virtual void BeforeUnloadFired(WebContents* web_contents,
- bool proceed,
- bool* proceed_to_fire_unload) OVERRIDE {
- *proceed_to_fire_unload = proceed;
- }
- private:
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BeforeUnloadFiredWebContentsDelegate);
-} // namespace
-class RenderViewHostManagerTest
- : public RenderViewHostImplTestHarness {
- public:
- virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
- RenderViewHostImplTestHarness::SetUp();
- WebUIControllerFactory::RegisterFactory(&factory_);
- }
- virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE {
- RenderViewHostImplTestHarness::TearDown();
- WebUIControllerFactory::UnregisterFactoryForTesting(&factory_);
- }
- void set_should_create_webui(bool should_create_webui) {
- factory_.set_should_create_webui(should_create_webui);
- }
- void NavigateActiveAndCommit(const GURL& url) {
- // Note: we navigate the active RenderViewHost because previous navigations
- // won't have committed yet, so NavigateAndCommit does the wrong thing
- // for us.
- controller().LoadURL(url, Referrer(), PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK, std::string());
- TestRenderViewHost* old_rvh = test_rvh();
- // Simulate the ShouldClose_ACK that is received from the current renderer
- // for a cross-site navigation.
- if (old_rvh != active_rvh())
- old_rvh->SendShouldCloseACK(true);
- // Commit the navigation with a new page ID.
- int32 max_page_id = contents()->GetMaxPageIDForSiteInstance(
- active_rvh()->GetSiteInstance());
- // Simulate the SwapOut_ACK that fires if you commit a cross-site
- // navigation.
- if (old_rvh != active_rvh())
- old_rvh->OnSwappedOut(false);
- active_test_rvh()->SendNavigate(max_page_id + 1, url);
- }
- bool ShouldSwapProcesses(RenderViewHostManager* manager,
- const NavigationEntryImpl* current_entry,
- const NavigationEntryImpl* new_entry) const {
- return manager->ShouldSwapBrowsingInstancesForNavigation(current_entry,
- new_entry);
- }
- // Creates a test RenderViewHost that's swapped out.
- TestRenderViewHost* CreateSwappedOutRenderViewHost() {
- const GURL kChromeURL("chrome://foo");
- const GURL kDestUrl("");
- // Navigate our first tab to a chrome url and then to the destination.
- NavigateActiveAndCommit(kChromeURL);
- TestRenderViewHost* ntp_rvh = static_cast<TestRenderViewHost*>(
- contents()->GetRenderManagerForTesting()->current_host());
- // Navigate to a cross-site URL.
- contents()->GetController().LoadURL(
- kDestUrl, Referrer(), PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK, std::string());
- EXPECT_TRUE(contents()->cross_navigation_pending());
- // Manually increase the number of active views in the
- // SiteInstance that ntp_rvh belongs to, to prevent it from being
- // destroyed when it gets swapped out.
- static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(ntp_rvh->GetSiteInstance())->
- increment_active_view_count();
- TestRenderViewHost* dest_rvh = static_cast<TestRenderViewHost*>(
- contents()->GetRenderManagerForTesting()->pending_render_view_host());
- CHECK(dest_rvh);
- EXPECT_NE(ntp_rvh, dest_rvh);
- // BeforeUnload finishes.
- ntp_rvh->SendShouldCloseACK(true);
- // Assume SwapOutACK times out, so the dest_rvh proceeds and commits.
- dest_rvh->SendNavigate(101, kDestUrl);
- EXPECT_TRUE(ntp_rvh->is_swapped_out());
- return ntp_rvh;
- }
- private:
- RenderViewHostManagerTestWebUIControllerFactory factory_;
-// Tests that when you navigate from a chrome:// url to another page, and
-// then do that same thing in another tab, that the two resulting pages have
-// different SiteInstances, BrowsingInstances, and RenderProcessHosts. This is
-// a regression test for bug 9364.
-TEST_F(RenderViewHostManagerTest, NewTabPageProcesses) {
- set_should_create_webui(true);
- const GURL kChromeUrl("chrome://foo");
- const GURL kDestUrl("");
- // Navigate our first tab to the chrome url and then to the destination,
- // ensuring we grant bindings to the chrome URL.
- NavigateActiveAndCommit(kChromeUrl);
- EXPECT_TRUE(active_rvh()->GetEnabledBindings() & BINDINGS_POLICY_WEB_UI);
- NavigateActiveAndCommit(kDestUrl);
- // Make a second tab.
- scoped_ptr<TestWebContents> contents2(
- TestWebContents::Create(browser_context(), NULL));
- // Load the two URLs in the second tab. Note that the first navigation creates
- // a RVH that's not pending (since there is no cross-site transition), so
- // we use the committed one.
- contents2->GetController().LoadURL(
- kChromeUrl, Referrer(), PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK, std::string());
- TestRenderViewHost* ntp_rvh2 = static_cast<TestRenderViewHost*>(
- contents2->GetRenderManagerForTesting()->current_host());
- EXPECT_FALSE(contents2->cross_navigation_pending());
- ntp_rvh2->SendNavigate(100, kChromeUrl);
- // The second one is the opposite, creating a cross-site transition and
- // requiring a beforeunload ack.
- contents2->GetController().LoadURL(
- kDestUrl, Referrer(), PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK, std::string());
- EXPECT_TRUE(contents2->cross_navigation_pending());
- TestRenderViewHost* dest_rvh2 = static_cast<TestRenderViewHost*>(
- contents2->GetRenderManagerForTesting()->pending_render_view_host());
- ASSERT_TRUE(dest_rvh2);
- ntp_rvh2->SendShouldCloseACK(true);
- ntp_rvh2->OnSwappedOut(false);
- dest_rvh2->SendNavigate(101, kDestUrl);
- // The two RVH's should be different in every way.
- EXPECT_NE(active_rvh()->GetProcess(), dest_rvh2->GetProcess());
- EXPECT_NE(active_rvh()->GetSiteInstance(), dest_rvh2->GetSiteInstance());
- EXPECT_FALSE(active_rvh()->GetSiteInstance()->IsRelatedSiteInstance(
- dest_rvh2->GetSiteInstance()));
- // Navigate both to the new tab page, and verify that they share a
- // RenderProcessHost (not a SiteInstance).
- NavigateActiveAndCommit(kChromeUrl);
- contents2->GetController().LoadURL(
- kChromeUrl, Referrer(), PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK, std::string());
- dest_rvh2->SendShouldCloseACK(true);
- dest_rvh2->OnSwappedOut(false);
- static_cast<TestRenderViewHost*>(contents2->GetRenderManagerForTesting()->
- pending_render_view_host())->SendNavigate(102, kChromeUrl);
- EXPECT_NE(active_rvh()->GetSiteInstance(),
- contents2->GetRenderViewHost()->GetSiteInstance());
- EXPECT_EQ(active_rvh()->GetSiteInstance()->GetProcess(),
- contents2->GetRenderViewHost()->GetSiteInstance()->GetProcess());
-// Ensure that the browser ignores most IPC messages that arrive from a
-// RenderViewHost that has been swapped out. We do not want to take
-// action on requests from a non-active renderer. The main exception is
-// for synchronous messages, which cannot be ignored without leaving the
-// renderer in a stuck state. See
-TEST_F(RenderViewHostManagerTest, FilterMessagesWhileSwappedOut) {
- const GURL kChromeURL("chrome://foo");
- const GURL kDestUrl("");
- // Navigate our first tab to a chrome url and then to the destination.
- NavigateActiveAndCommit(kChromeURL);
- TestRenderViewHost* ntp_rvh = static_cast<TestRenderViewHost*>(
- contents()->GetRenderManagerForTesting()->current_host());
- // Send an update title message and make sure it works.
- const string16 ntp_title = ASCIIToUTF16("NTP Title");
- blink::WebTextDirection direction = blink::WebTextDirectionLeftToRight;
- EXPECT_TRUE(ntp_rvh->OnMessageReceived(
- ViewHostMsg_UpdateTitle(rvh()->GetRoutingID(), 0, ntp_title, direction)));
- EXPECT_EQ(ntp_title, contents()->GetTitle());
- // Navigate to a cross-site URL.
- contents()->GetController().LoadURL(
- kDestUrl, Referrer(), PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK, std::string());
- EXPECT_TRUE(contents()->cross_navigation_pending());
- TestRenderViewHost* dest_rvh = static_cast<TestRenderViewHost*>(
- contents()->GetRenderManagerForTesting()->pending_render_view_host());
- ASSERT_TRUE(dest_rvh);
- EXPECT_NE(ntp_rvh, dest_rvh);
- // Create one more view in the same SiteInstance where dest_rvh2
- // exists so that it doesn't get deleted on navigation to another
- // site.
- static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(ntp_rvh->GetSiteInstance())->
- increment_active_view_count();
- // BeforeUnload finishes.
- ntp_rvh->SendShouldCloseACK(true);
- // Assume SwapOutACK times out, so the dest_rvh proceeds and commits.
- dest_rvh->SendNavigate(101, kDestUrl);
- // The new RVH should be able to update its title.
- const string16 dest_title = ASCIIToUTF16("Google");
- EXPECT_TRUE(dest_rvh->OnMessageReceived(
- ViewHostMsg_UpdateTitle(rvh()->GetRoutingID(), 101, dest_title,
- direction)));
- EXPECT_EQ(dest_title, contents()->GetTitle());
- // The old renderer, being slow, now updates the title. It should be filtered
- // out and not take effect.
- EXPECT_TRUE(ntp_rvh->is_swapped_out());
- EXPECT_TRUE(ntp_rvh->OnMessageReceived(
- ViewHostMsg_UpdateTitle(rvh()->GetRoutingID(), 0, ntp_title, direction)));
- EXPECT_EQ(dest_title, contents()->GetTitle());
- // We cannot filter out synchronous IPC messages, because the renderer would
- // be left waiting for a reply. We pick RunBeforeUnloadConfirm as an example
- // that can run easily within a unit test, and that needs to receive a reply
- // without showing an actual dialog.
- MockRenderProcessHost* ntp_process_host =
- static_cast<MockRenderProcessHost*>(ntp_rvh->GetProcess());
- ntp_process_host->sink().ClearMessages();
- const string16 msg = ASCIIToUTF16("Message");
- bool result = false;
- string16 unused;
- ViewHostMsg_RunBeforeUnloadConfirm before_unload_msg(
- rvh()->GetRoutingID(), kChromeURL, msg, false, &result, &unused);
- // Enable pumping for check in BrowserMessageFilter::CheckCanDispatchOnUI.
- before_unload_msg.EnableMessagePumping();
- EXPECT_TRUE(ntp_rvh->OnMessageReceived(before_unload_msg));
- EXPECT_TRUE(ntp_process_host->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching(IPC_REPLY_ID));
- // Also test RunJavaScriptMessage.
- ntp_process_host->sink().ClearMessages();
- ViewHostMsg_RunJavaScriptMessage js_msg(
- rvh()->GetRoutingID(), msg, msg, kChromeURL,
- js_msg.EnableMessagePumping();
- EXPECT_TRUE(ntp_rvh->OnMessageReceived(js_msg));
- EXPECT_TRUE(ntp_process_host->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching(IPC_REPLY_ID));
-TEST_F(RenderViewHostManagerTest, WhiteListSwapCompositorFrame) {
- TestRenderViewHost* swapped_out_rvh = CreateSwappedOutRenderViewHost();
- TestRenderWidgetHostView* swapped_out_rwhv =
- static_cast<TestRenderWidgetHostView*>(swapped_out_rvh->GetView());
- EXPECT_FALSE(swapped_out_rwhv->did_swap_compositor_frame());
- MockRenderProcessHost* process_host =
- static_cast<MockRenderProcessHost*>(swapped_out_rvh->GetProcess());
- process_host->sink().ClearMessages();
- cc::CompositorFrame frame;
- ViewHostMsg_SwapCompositorFrame msg(rvh()->GetRoutingID(), 0, frame);
- EXPECT_TRUE(swapped_out_rvh->OnMessageReceived(msg));
- EXPECT_TRUE(swapped_out_rwhv->did_swap_compositor_frame());
-TEST_F(RenderViewHostManagerTest, WhiteListDidActivateAcceleratedCompositing) {
- TestRenderViewHost* swapped_out_rvh = CreateSwappedOutRenderViewHost();
- MockRenderProcessHost* process_host =
- static_cast<MockRenderProcessHost*>(swapped_out_rvh->GetProcess());
- process_host->sink().ClearMessages();
- ViewHostMsg_DidActivateAcceleratedCompositing msg(
- rvh()->GetRoutingID(), true);
- EXPECT_TRUE(swapped_out_rvh->OnMessageReceived(msg));
- EXPECT_TRUE(swapped_out_rvh->is_accelerated_compositing_active());
-// Test if RenderViewHost::GetRenderWidgetHosts() only returns active
-// widgets.
-TEST_F(RenderViewHostManagerTest, GetRenderWidgetHostsReturnsActiveViews) {
- TestRenderViewHost* swapped_out_rvh = CreateSwappedOutRenderViewHost();
- EXPECT_TRUE(swapped_out_rvh->is_swapped_out());
- scoped_ptr<RenderWidgetHostIterator> widgets(
- RenderWidgetHost::GetRenderWidgetHosts());
- // We know that there is the only one active widget. Another view is
- // now swapped out, so the swapped out view is not included in the
- // list.
- RenderWidgetHost* widget = widgets->GetNextHost();
- EXPECT_FALSE(widgets->GetNextHost());
- RenderViewHost* rvh = RenderViewHost::From(widget);
- EXPECT_FALSE(static_cast<RenderViewHostImpl*>(rvh)->is_swapped_out());
-// Test if RenderViewHost::GetRenderWidgetHosts() returns a subset of
-// RenderViewHostImpl::GetAllRenderWidgetHosts().
-// RenderViewHost::GetRenderWidgetHosts() returns only active widgets, but
-// RenderViewHostImpl::GetAllRenderWidgetHosts() returns everything
-// including swapped out ones.
- GetRenderWidgetHostsWithinGetAllRenderWidgetHosts) {
- TestRenderViewHost* swapped_out_rvh = CreateSwappedOutRenderViewHost();
- EXPECT_TRUE(swapped_out_rvh->is_swapped_out());
- scoped_ptr<RenderWidgetHostIterator> widgets(
- RenderWidgetHost::GetRenderWidgetHosts());
- while (RenderWidgetHost* w = widgets->GetNextHost()) {
- bool found = false;
- scoped_ptr<RenderWidgetHostIterator> all_widgets(
- RenderWidgetHostImpl::GetAllRenderWidgetHosts());
- while (RenderWidgetHost* widget = all_widgets->GetNextHost()) {
- if (w == widget) {
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- EXPECT_TRUE(found);
- }
-// Test if SiteInstanceImpl::active_view_count() is correctly updated
-// as views in a SiteInstance get swapped out and in.
-TEST_F(RenderViewHostManagerTest, ActiveViewCountWhileSwappingInandOut) {
- const GURL kUrl1("");
- const GURL kUrl2("");
- // Navigate to an initial URL.
- contents()->NavigateAndCommit(kUrl1);
- TestRenderViewHost* rvh1 = test_rvh();
- SiteInstanceImpl* instance1 =
- static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(rvh1->GetSiteInstance());
- EXPECT_EQ(instance1->active_view_count(), 1U);
- // Create 2 new tabs and simulate them being the opener chain for the main
- // tab. They should be in the same SiteInstance.
- scoped_ptr<TestWebContents> opener1(
- TestWebContents::Create(browser_context(), instance1));
- contents()->SetOpener(opener1.get());
- scoped_ptr<TestWebContents> opener2(
- TestWebContents::Create(browser_context(), instance1));
- opener1->SetOpener(opener2.get());
- EXPECT_EQ(instance1->active_view_count(), 3U);
- // Navigate to a cross-site URL (different SiteInstance but same
- // BrowsingInstance).
- contents()->NavigateAndCommit(kUrl2);
- TestRenderViewHost* rvh2 = test_rvh();
- SiteInstanceImpl* instance2 =
- static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(rvh2->GetSiteInstance());
- // rvh2 is on which is different from on
- // which other tabs are.
- EXPECT_EQ(instance2->active_view_count(), 1U);
- // There are two active views on now.
- EXPECT_EQ(instance1->active_view_count(), 2U);
- // Navigate to the original origin (
- contents()->NavigateAndCommit(kUrl1);
- EXPECT_EQ(instance1->active_view_count(), 3U);
-// This deletes a WebContents when the given RVH is deleted. This is
-// only for testing whether deleting an RVH does not cause any UaF in
-// other parts of the system. For now, this class is only used for the
-// next test cases to detect the bug mentioned at
-class RenderViewHostDestroyer : public WebContentsObserver {
- public:
- RenderViewHostDestroyer(RenderViewHost* render_view_host,
- WebContents* web_contents)
- : WebContentsObserver(WebContents::FromRenderViewHost(render_view_host)),
- render_view_host_(render_view_host),
- web_contents_(web_contents) {}
- virtual void RenderViewDeleted(
- RenderViewHost* render_view_host) OVERRIDE {
- if (render_view_host == render_view_host_)
- delete web_contents_;
- }
- private:
- RenderViewHost* render_view_host_;
- WebContents* web_contents_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RenderViewHostDestroyer);
-// Test if ShutdownRenderViewHostsInSiteInstance() does not touch any
-// RenderWidget that has been freed while deleting a RenderViewHost in
-// a previous iteration. This is a regression test for
- DetectUseAfterFreeInShutdownRenderViewHostsInSiteInstance) {
- const GURL kChromeURL("chrome://newtab");
- const GURL kUrl1("");
- const GURL kUrl2("");
- // Navigate our first tab to a chrome url and then to the destination.
- NavigateActiveAndCommit(kChromeURL);
- TestRenderViewHost* ntp_rvh = static_cast<TestRenderViewHost*>(
- contents()->GetRenderManagerForTesting()->current_host());
- // Create one more tab and navigate to kUrl1. web_contents is not
- // wrapped as scoped_ptr since it intentionally deleted by destroyer
- // below as part of this test.
- TestWebContents* web_contents =
- TestWebContents::Create(browser_context(), ntp_rvh->GetSiteInstance());
- web_contents->NavigateAndCommit(kUrl1);
- RenderViewHostDestroyer destroyer(ntp_rvh, web_contents);
- // This causes the first tab to navigate to kUrl2, which destroys
- // the ntp_rvh in ShutdownRenderViewHostsInSiteInstance(). When
- // ntp_rvh is destroyed, it also destroys the RVHs in web_contents
- // too. This can test whether
- // SiteInstanceImpl::ShutdownRenderViewHostsInSiteInstance() can
- // touch any object freed in this way or not while iterating through
- // all widgets.
- contents()->NavigateAndCommit(kUrl2);
-// When there is an error with the specified page, renderer exits view-source
-// mode. See WebFrameImpl::DidFail(). We check by this test that
-// EnableViewSourceMode message is sent on every navigation regardless
-// RenderView is being newly created or reused.
-TEST_F(RenderViewHostManagerTest, AlwaysSendEnableViewSourceMode) {
- const GURL kChromeUrl("chrome://foo");
- const GURL kUrl("view-source:http://foo");
- // We have to navigate to some page at first since without this, the first
- // navigation will reuse the SiteInstance created by Init(), and the second
- // one will create a new SiteInstance. Because current_instance and
- // new_instance will be different, a new RenderViewHost will be created for
- // the second navigation. We have to avoid this in order to exercise the
- // target code patch.
- NavigateActiveAndCommit(kChromeUrl);
- // Navigate.
- controller().LoadURL(
- kUrl, Referrer(), PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED, std::string());
- // Simulate response from RenderView for FirePageBeforeUnload.
- base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::Now();
- test_rvh()->OnMessageReceived(ViewHostMsg_ShouldClose_ACK(
- rvh()->GetRoutingID(), true, now, now));
- ASSERT_TRUE(pending_rvh()); // New pending RenderViewHost will be created.
- RenderViewHost* last_rvh = pending_rvh();
- int32 new_id = contents()->GetMaxPageIDForSiteInstance(
- active_rvh()->GetSiteInstance()) + 1;
- pending_test_rvh()->SendNavigate(new_id, kUrl);
- EXPECT_EQ(controller().GetLastCommittedEntryIndex(), 1);
- ASSERT_TRUE(controller().GetLastCommittedEntry());
- EXPECT_TRUE(kUrl == controller().GetLastCommittedEntry()->GetURL());
- EXPECT_FALSE(controller().GetPendingEntry());
- // Because we're using TestWebContents and TestRenderViewHost in this
- // unittest, no one calls WebContentsImpl::RenderViewCreated(). So, we see no
- // EnableViewSourceMode message, here.
- // Clear queued messages before load.
- process()->sink().ClearMessages();
- // Navigate, again.
- controller().LoadURL(
- kUrl, Referrer(), PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED, std::string());
- // The same RenderViewHost should be reused.
- EXPECT_FALSE(pending_rvh());
- EXPECT_TRUE(last_rvh == rvh());
- test_rvh()->SendNavigate(new_id, kUrl); // The same page_id returned.
- EXPECT_EQ(controller().GetLastCommittedEntryIndex(), 1);
- EXPECT_FALSE(controller().GetPendingEntry());
- // New message should be sent out to make sure to enter view-source mode.
- EXPECT_TRUE(process()->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching(
- ViewMsg_EnableViewSourceMode::ID));
-// Tests the Init function by checking the initial RenderViewHost.
-TEST_F(RenderViewHostManagerTest, Init) {
- // Using TestBrowserContext.
- SiteInstanceImpl* instance =
- static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(SiteInstance::Create(browser_context()));
- EXPECT_FALSE(instance->HasSite());
- scoped_ptr<TestWebContents> web_contents(
- TestWebContents::Create(browser_context(), instance));
- RenderViewHostManager manager(web_contents.get(), web_contents.get(),
- web_contents.get());
- manager.Init(browser_context(), instance, MSG_ROUTING_NONE, MSG_ROUTING_NONE);
- RenderViewHost* host = manager.current_host();
- ASSERT_TRUE(host);
- EXPECT_EQ(instance, host->GetSiteInstance());
- EXPECT_EQ(web_contents.get(), host->GetDelegate());
- EXPECT_TRUE(manager.GetRenderWidgetHostView());
- EXPECT_FALSE(manager.pending_render_view_host());
-// Tests the Navigate function. We navigate three sites consecutively and check
-// how the pending/committed RenderViewHost are modified.
-TEST_F(RenderViewHostManagerTest, Navigate) {
- TestNotificationTracker notifications;
- SiteInstance* instance = SiteInstance::Create(browser_context());
- scoped_ptr<TestWebContents> web_contents(
- TestWebContents::Create(browser_context(), instance));
- Source<WebContents>(web_contents.get()));
- // Create.
- RenderViewHostManager manager(web_contents.get(), web_contents.get(),
- web_contents.get());
- manager.Init(browser_context(), instance, MSG_ROUTING_NONE, MSG_ROUTING_NONE);
- RenderViewHost* host;
- // 1) The first navigation. --------------------------
- const GURL kUrl1("");
- NavigationEntryImpl entry1(
- NULL /* instance */, -1 /* page_id */, kUrl1, Referrer(),
- string16() /* title */, PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED,
- false /* is_renderer_init */);
- host = manager.Navigate(entry1);
- // The RenderViewHost created in Init will be reused.
- EXPECT_TRUE(host == manager.current_host());
- EXPECT_FALSE(manager.pending_render_view_host());
- // Commit.
- manager.DidNavigateMainFrame(host);
- // Commit to SiteInstance should be delayed until RenderView commit.
- EXPECT_TRUE(host == manager.current_host());
- ASSERT_TRUE(host);
- EXPECT_FALSE(static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(host->GetSiteInstance())->
- HasSite());
- static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(host->GetSiteInstance())->SetSite(kUrl1);
- // 2) Navigate to next site. -------------------------
- const GURL kUrl2("");
- NavigationEntryImpl entry2(
- NULL /* instance */, -1 /* page_id */, kUrl2,
- Referrer(kUrl1, blink::WebReferrerPolicyDefault),
- string16() /* title */, PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK,
- true /* is_renderer_init */);
- host = manager.Navigate(entry2);
- // The RenderViewHost created in Init will be reused.
- EXPECT_TRUE(host == manager.current_host());
- EXPECT_FALSE(manager.pending_render_view_host());
- // Commit.
- manager.DidNavigateMainFrame(host);
- EXPECT_TRUE(host == manager.current_host());
- ASSERT_TRUE(host);
- EXPECT_TRUE(static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(host->GetSiteInstance())->
- HasSite());
- // 3) Cross-site navigate to next site. --------------
- const GURL kUrl3("");
- NavigationEntryImpl entry3(
- NULL /* instance */, -1 /* page_id */, kUrl3,
- Referrer(kUrl2, blink::WebReferrerPolicyDefault),
- string16() /* title */, PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK,
- false /* is_renderer_init */);
- host = manager.Navigate(entry3);
- // A new RenderViewHost should be created.
- EXPECT_TRUE(manager.pending_render_view_host());
- ASSERT_EQ(host, manager.pending_render_view_host());
- notifications.Reset();
- // Commit.
- manager.DidNavigateMainFrame(manager.pending_render_view_host());
- EXPECT_TRUE(host == manager.current_host());
- ASSERT_TRUE(host);
- EXPECT_TRUE(static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(host->GetSiteInstance())->
- HasSite());
- // Check the pending RenderViewHost has been committed.
- EXPECT_FALSE(manager.pending_render_view_host());
- // We should observe a notification.
-// Tests the Navigate function. In this unit test we verify that the Navigate
-// function can handle a new navigation event before the previous navigation
-// has been committed. This is also a regression test for
-TEST_F(RenderViewHostManagerTest, NavigateWithEarlyReNavigation) {
- TestNotificationTracker notifications;
- SiteInstance* instance = SiteInstance::Create(browser_context());
- scoped_ptr<TestWebContents> web_contents(
- TestWebContents::Create(browser_context(), instance));
- Source<WebContents>(web_contents.get()));
- // Create.
- RenderViewHostManager manager(web_contents.get(), web_contents.get(),
- web_contents.get());
- manager.Init(browser_context(), instance, MSG_ROUTING_NONE, MSG_ROUTING_NONE);
- // 1) The first navigation. --------------------------
- const GURL kUrl1("");
- NavigationEntryImpl entry1(NULL /* instance */, -1 /* page_id */, kUrl1,
- Referrer(), string16() /* title */,
- false /* is_renderer_init */);
- RenderViewHost* host = manager.Navigate(entry1);
- // The RenderViewHost created in Init will be reused.
- EXPECT_TRUE(host == manager.current_host());
- EXPECT_FALSE(manager.pending_render_view_host());
- // We should observe a notification.
- notifications.Reset();
- // Commit.
- manager.DidNavigateMainFrame(host);
- // Commit to SiteInstance should be delayed until RenderView commit.
- EXPECT_TRUE(host == manager.current_host());
- ASSERT_TRUE(host);
- EXPECT_FALSE(static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(host->GetSiteInstance())->
- HasSite());
- static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(host->GetSiteInstance())->SetSite(kUrl1);
- // 2) Cross-site navigate to next site. -------------------------
- const GURL kUrl2("");
- NavigationEntryImpl entry2(
- NULL /* instance */, -1 /* page_id */, kUrl2, Referrer(),
- string16() /* title */, PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED,
- false /* is_renderer_init */);
- RenderViewHostImpl* host2 = static_cast<RenderViewHostImpl*>(
- manager.Navigate(entry2));
- int host2_process_id = host2->GetProcess()->GetID();
- // A new RenderViewHost should be created.
- EXPECT_TRUE(manager.pending_render_view_host());
- ASSERT_EQ(host2, manager.pending_render_view_host());
- EXPECT_NE(host2, host);
- // Check that the navigation is still suspended because the old RVH
- // is not swapped out, yet.
- EXPECT_TRUE(host2->are_navigations_suspended());
- MockRenderProcessHost* test_process_host2 =
- static_cast<MockRenderProcessHost*>(host2->GetProcess());
- test_process_host2->sink().ClearMessages();
- host2->NavigateToURL(kUrl2);
- EXPECT_FALSE(test_process_host2->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching(
- ViewMsg_Navigate::ID));
- // Allow closing the current Render View (precondition for swapping out
- // the RVH): Simulate response from RenderView for ViewMsg_ShouldClose sent by
- // FirePageBeforeUnload.
- TestRenderViewHost* test_host = static_cast<TestRenderViewHost*>(host);
- MockRenderProcessHost* test_process_host =
- static_cast<MockRenderProcessHost*>(test_host->GetProcess());
- EXPECT_TRUE(test_process_host->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching(
- ViewMsg_ShouldClose::ID));
- test_host->SendShouldCloseACK(true);
- // CrossSiteResourceHandler::StartCrossSiteTransition triggers a
- // call of RenderViewHostManager::SwapOutOldPage before
- // RenderViewHostManager::DidNavigateMainFrame is called.
- // The RVH is not swapped out until the commit.
- manager.SwapOutOldPage();
- EXPECT_TRUE(test_process_host->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching(
- ViewMsg_SwapOut::ID));
- test_host->OnSwappedOut(false);
- EXPECT_EQ(host, manager.current_host());
- EXPECT_FALSE(static_cast<RenderViewHostImpl*>(
- manager.current_host())->is_swapped_out());
- EXPECT_EQ(host2, manager.pending_render_view_host());
- // There should be still no navigation messages being sent.
- EXPECT_FALSE(test_process_host2->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching(
- ViewMsg_Navigate::ID));
- // 3) Cross-site navigate to next site before 2) has committed. --------------
- const GURL kUrl3("");
- NavigationEntryImpl entry3(NULL /* instance */, -1 /* page_id */, kUrl3,
- Referrer(), string16() /* title */,
- false /* is_renderer_init */);
- test_process_host->sink().ClearMessages();
- RenderViewHost* host3 = manager.Navigate(entry3);
- // A new RenderViewHost should be created. host2 is now deleted.
- EXPECT_TRUE(manager.pending_render_view_host());
- ASSERT_EQ(host3, manager.pending_render_view_host());
- EXPECT_NE(host3, host);
- EXPECT_NE(host3->GetProcess()->GetID(), host2_process_id);
- // Navigations in the new RVH should be suspended, which is ok because the
- // old RVH is not yet swapped out and can respond to a second beforeunload
- // request.
- EXPECT_TRUE(static_cast<RenderViewHostImpl*>(
- host3)->are_navigations_suspended());
- EXPECT_EQ(host, manager.current_host());
- EXPECT_FALSE(static_cast<RenderViewHostImpl*>(
- manager.current_host())->is_swapped_out());
- // Simulate a response to the second beforeunload request.
- EXPECT_TRUE(test_process_host->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching(
- ViewMsg_ShouldClose::ID));
- test_host->SendShouldCloseACK(true);
- // CrossSiteResourceHandler::StartCrossSiteTransition triggers a
- // call of RenderViewHostManager::SwapOutOldPage before
- // RenderViewHostManager::DidNavigateMainFrame is called.
- // The RVH is not swapped out until the commit.
- manager.SwapOutOldPage();
- EXPECT_TRUE(test_process_host->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching(
- ViewMsg_SwapOut::ID));
- test_host->OnSwappedOut(false);
- // Commit.
- manager.DidNavigateMainFrame(host3);
- EXPECT_TRUE(host3 == manager.current_host());
- ASSERT_TRUE(host3);
- EXPECT_TRUE(static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(host3->GetSiteInstance())->
- HasSite());
- // Check the pending RenderViewHost has been committed.
- EXPECT_FALSE(manager.pending_render_view_host());
- // We should observe a notification.
-// Tests WebUI creation.
-TEST_F(RenderViewHostManagerTest, WebUI) {
- set_should_create_webui(true);
- SiteInstance* instance = SiteInstance::Create(browser_context());
- scoped_ptr<TestWebContents> web_contents(
- TestWebContents::Create(browser_context(), instance));
- RenderViewHostManager manager(web_contents.get(), web_contents.get(),
- web_contents.get());
- manager.Init(browser_context(), instance, MSG_ROUTING_NONE, MSG_ROUTING_NONE);
- EXPECT_FALSE(manager.current_host()->IsRenderViewLive());
- const GURL kUrl("chrome://foo");
- NavigationEntryImpl entry(NULL /* instance */, -1 /* page_id */, kUrl,
- Referrer(), string16() /* title */,
- false /* is_renderer_init */);
- RenderViewHost* host = manager.Navigate(entry);
- // We commit the pending RenderViewHost immediately because the previous
- // RenderViewHost was not live. We test a case where it is live in
- // WebUIInNewTab.
- EXPECT_TRUE(host);
- EXPECT_EQ(host, manager.current_host());
- EXPECT_FALSE(manager.pending_render_view_host());
- // It's important that the site instance get set on the Web UI page as soon
- // as the navigation starts, rather than lazily after it commits, so we don't
- // try to re-use the SiteInstance/process for non Web UI things that may
- // get loaded in between.
- EXPECT_TRUE(static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(host->GetSiteInstance())->
- HasSite());
- EXPECT_EQ(kUrl, host->GetSiteInstance()->GetSiteURL());
- // The Web UI is committed immediately because the RenderViewHost has not been
- // used yet. UpdateRendererStateForNavigate() took the short cut path.
- EXPECT_FALSE(manager.pending_web_ui());
- EXPECT_TRUE(manager.web_ui());
- // Commit.
- manager.DidNavigateMainFrame(host);
- EXPECT_TRUE(host->GetEnabledBindings() & BINDINGS_POLICY_WEB_UI);
-// Tests that we can open a WebUI link in a new tab from a WebUI page and still
-// grant the correct bindings.
-TEST_F(RenderViewHostManagerTest, WebUIInNewTab) {
- set_should_create_webui(true);
- SiteInstance* blank_instance = SiteInstance::Create(browser_context());
- // Create a blank tab.
- scoped_ptr<TestWebContents> web_contents1(
- TestWebContents::Create(browser_context(), blank_instance));
- RenderViewHostManager manager1(web_contents1.get(), web_contents1.get(),
- web_contents1.get());
- manager1.Init(
- browser_context(), blank_instance, MSG_ROUTING_NONE, MSG_ROUTING_NONE);
- // Test the case that new RVH is considered live.
- manager1.current_host()->CreateRenderView(string16(), -1, -1);
- // Navigate to a WebUI page.
- const GURL kUrl1("chrome://foo");
- NavigationEntryImpl entry1(NULL /* instance */, -1 /* page_id */, kUrl1,
- Referrer(), string16() /* title */,
- false /* is_renderer_init */);
- RenderViewHost* host1 = manager1.Navigate(entry1);
- // We should have a pending navigation to the WebUI RenderViewHost.
- // It should already have bindings.
- EXPECT_EQ(host1, manager1.pending_render_view_host());
- EXPECT_NE(host1, manager1.current_host());
- EXPECT_TRUE(host1->GetEnabledBindings() & BINDINGS_POLICY_WEB_UI);
- // Commit and ensure we still have bindings.
- manager1.DidNavigateMainFrame(host1);
- SiteInstance* webui_instance = host1->GetSiteInstance();
- EXPECT_EQ(host1, manager1.current_host());
- EXPECT_TRUE(host1->GetEnabledBindings() & BINDINGS_POLICY_WEB_UI);
- // Now simulate clicking a link that opens in a new tab.
- scoped_ptr<TestWebContents> web_contents2(
- TestWebContents::Create(browser_context(), webui_instance));
- RenderViewHostManager manager2(web_contents2.get(), web_contents2.get(),
- web_contents2.get());
- manager2.Init(
- browser_context(), webui_instance, MSG_ROUTING_NONE, MSG_ROUTING_NONE);
- // Make sure the new RVH is considered live. This is usually done in
- // RenderWidgetHost::Init when opening a new tab from a link.
- manager2.current_host()->CreateRenderView(string16(), -1, -1);
- const GURL kUrl2("chrome://foo/bar");
- NavigationEntryImpl entry2(NULL /* instance */, -1 /* page_id */, kUrl2,
- Referrer(), string16() /* title */,
- true /* is_renderer_init */);
- RenderViewHost* host2 = manager2.Navigate(entry2);
- // No cross-process transition happens because we are already in the right
- // SiteInstance. We should grant bindings immediately.
- EXPECT_EQ(host2, manager2.current_host());
- EXPECT_TRUE(host2->GetEnabledBindings() & BINDINGS_POLICY_WEB_UI);
- manager2.DidNavigateMainFrame(host2);
-// Tests that we don't end up in an inconsistent state if a page does a back and
-// then reload.
-TEST_F(RenderViewHostManagerTest, PageDoesBackAndReload) {
- const GURL kUrl1("");
- const GURL kUrl2("");
- // Navigate to a safe site, then an evil site.
- // This will switch RenderViewHosts. We cannot assert that the first and
- // second RVHs are different, though, because the first one may be promptly
- // deleted.
- contents()->NavigateAndCommit(kUrl1);
- contents()->NavigateAndCommit(kUrl2);
- RenderViewHost* evil_rvh = contents()->GetRenderViewHost();
- // Now let's simulate the evil page calling history.back().
- contents()->OnGoToEntryAtOffset(-1);
- // We should have a new pending RVH.
- // Note that in this case, the navigation has not committed, so evil_rvh will
- // not be deleted yet.
- EXPECT_NE(evil_rvh, contents()->GetRenderManagerForTesting()->
- pending_render_view_host());
- // Before that RVH has committed, the evil page reloads itself.
- ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params params;
- params.page_id = 1;
- params.url = kUrl2;
- params.should_update_history = false;
- params.gesture = NavigationGestureAuto;
- params.was_within_same_page = false;
- params.is_post = false;
- params.page_state = PageState::CreateFromURL(kUrl2);
- contents()->DidNavigate(evil_rvh, params);
- // That should have cancelled the pending RVH, and the evil RVH should be the
- // current one.
- EXPECT_TRUE(contents()->GetRenderManagerForTesting()->
- pending_render_view_host() == NULL);
- EXPECT_EQ(evil_rvh, contents()->GetRenderManagerForTesting()->current_host());
- // Also we should not have a pending navigation entry.
- EXPECT_TRUE(contents()->GetController().GetPendingEntry() == NULL);
- NavigationEntry* entry = contents()->GetController().GetVisibleEntry();
- ASSERT_TRUE(entry != NULL);
- EXPECT_EQ(kUrl2, entry->GetURL());
-// Ensure that we can go back and forward even if a SwapOut ACK isn't received.
-// See
-TEST_F(RenderViewHostManagerTest, NavigateAfterMissingSwapOutACK) {
- const GURL kUrl1("");
- const GURL kUrl2("");
- // Navigate to two pages.
- contents()->NavigateAndCommit(kUrl1);
- TestRenderViewHost* rvh1 = test_rvh();
- // Keep active_view_count nonzero so that no swapped out views in
- // this SiteInstance get forcefully deleted.
- static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(rvh1->GetSiteInstance())->
- increment_active_view_count();
- contents()->NavigateAndCommit(kUrl2);
- TestRenderViewHost* rvh2 = test_rvh();
- static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(rvh2->GetSiteInstance())->
- increment_active_view_count();
- // Now go back, but suppose the SwapOut_ACK isn't received. This shouldn't
- // happen, but we have seen it when going back quickly across many entries
- // (
- contents()->GetController().GoBack();
- EXPECT_TRUE(rvh2->is_waiting_for_beforeunload_ack());
- contents()->ProceedWithCrossSiteNavigation();
- EXPECT_FALSE(rvh2->is_waiting_for_beforeunload_ack());
- rvh2->SwapOut();
- EXPECT_TRUE(rvh2->is_waiting_for_unload_ack());
- // The back navigation commits. We should proactively clear the
- // is_waiting_for_unload_ack state to be safe.
- const NavigationEntry* entry1 = contents()->GetController().GetPendingEntry();
- rvh1->SendNavigate(entry1->GetPageID(), entry1->GetURL());
- EXPECT_TRUE(rvh2->is_swapped_out());
- EXPECT_FALSE(rvh2->is_waiting_for_unload_ack());
- // We should be able to navigate forward.
- contents()->GetController().GoForward();
- contents()->ProceedWithCrossSiteNavigation();
- const NavigationEntry* entry2 = contents()->GetController().GetPendingEntry();
- rvh2->SendNavigate(entry2->GetPageID(), entry2->GetURL());
- EXPECT_EQ(rvh2, rvh());
- EXPECT_FALSE(rvh2->is_swapped_out());
- EXPECT_TRUE(rvh1->is_swapped_out());
-// Test that we create swapped out RVHs for the opener chain when navigating an
-// opened tab cross-process. This allows us to support certain cross-process
-// JavaScript calls (
-TEST_F(RenderViewHostManagerTest, CreateSwappedOutOpenerRVHs) {
- const GURL kUrl1("");
- const GURL kUrl2("");
- const GURL kChromeUrl("chrome://foo");
- // Navigate to an initial URL.
- contents()->NavigateAndCommit(kUrl1);
- RenderViewHostManager* manager = contents()->GetRenderManagerForTesting();
- TestRenderViewHost* rvh1 = test_rvh();
- // Create 2 new tabs and simulate them being the opener chain for the main
- // tab. They should be in the same SiteInstance.
- scoped_ptr<TestWebContents> opener1(
- TestWebContents::Create(browser_context(), rvh1->GetSiteInstance()));
- RenderViewHostManager* opener1_manager =
- opener1->GetRenderManagerForTesting();
- contents()->SetOpener(opener1.get());
- scoped_ptr<TestWebContents> opener2(
- TestWebContents::Create(browser_context(), rvh1->GetSiteInstance()));
- RenderViewHostManager* opener2_manager =
- opener2->GetRenderManagerForTesting();
- opener1->SetOpener(opener2.get());
- // Navigate to a cross-site URL (different SiteInstance but same
- // BrowsingInstance).
- contents()->NavigateAndCommit(kUrl2);
- TestRenderViewHost* rvh2 = test_rvh();
- EXPECT_NE(rvh1->GetSiteInstance(), rvh2->GetSiteInstance());
- EXPECT_TRUE(rvh1->GetSiteInstance()->IsRelatedSiteInstance(
- rvh2->GetSiteInstance()));
- // Ensure rvh1 is placed on swapped out list of the current tab.
- EXPECT_TRUE(manager->IsOnSwappedOutList(rvh1));
- EXPECT_EQ(rvh1,
- manager->GetSwappedOutRenderViewHost(rvh1->GetSiteInstance()));
- // Ensure a swapped out RVH is created in the first opener tab.
- TestRenderViewHost* opener1_rvh = static_cast<TestRenderViewHost*>(
- opener1_manager->GetSwappedOutRenderViewHost(rvh2->GetSiteInstance()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(opener1_manager->IsOnSwappedOutList(opener1_rvh));
- EXPECT_TRUE(opener1_rvh->is_swapped_out());
- // Ensure a swapped out RVH is created in the second opener tab.
- TestRenderViewHost* opener2_rvh = static_cast<TestRenderViewHost*>(
- opener2_manager->GetSwappedOutRenderViewHost(rvh2->GetSiteInstance()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(opener2_manager->IsOnSwappedOutList(opener2_rvh));
- EXPECT_TRUE(opener2_rvh->is_swapped_out());
- // Navigate to a cross-BrowsingInstance URL.
- contents()->NavigateAndCommit(kChromeUrl);
- TestRenderViewHost* rvh3 = test_rvh();
- EXPECT_NE(rvh1->GetSiteInstance(), rvh3->GetSiteInstance());
- EXPECT_FALSE(rvh1->GetSiteInstance()->IsRelatedSiteInstance(
- rvh3->GetSiteInstance()));
- // No scripting is allowed across BrowsingInstances, so we should not create
- // swapped out RVHs for the opener chain in this case.
- EXPECT_FALSE(opener1_manager->GetSwappedOutRenderViewHost(
- rvh3->GetSiteInstance()));
- EXPECT_FALSE(opener2_manager->GetSwappedOutRenderViewHost(
- rvh3->GetSiteInstance()));
-// Test that we clean up swapped out RenderViewHosts when a process hosting
-// those associated RenderViews crashes.
-TEST_F(RenderViewHostManagerTest, CleanUpSwappedOutRVHOnProcessCrash) {
- const GURL kUrl1("");
- const GURL kUrl2("");
- // Navigate to an initial URL.
- contents()->NavigateAndCommit(kUrl1);
- TestRenderViewHost* rvh1 = test_rvh();
- // Create a new tab as an opener for the main tab.
- scoped_ptr<TestWebContents> opener1(
- TestWebContents::Create(browser_context(), rvh1->GetSiteInstance()));
- RenderViewHostManager* opener1_manager =
- opener1->GetRenderManagerForTesting();
- contents()->SetOpener(opener1.get());
- // Make sure the new opener RVH is considered live.
- opener1_manager->current_host()->CreateRenderView(string16(), -1, -1);
- // Use a cross-process navigation in the opener to swap out the old RVH.
- EXPECT_FALSE(opener1_manager->GetSwappedOutRenderViewHost(
- rvh1->GetSiteInstance()));
- opener1->NavigateAndCommit(kUrl2);
- EXPECT_TRUE(opener1_manager->GetSwappedOutRenderViewHost(
- rvh1->GetSiteInstance()));
- // Fake a process crash.
- RenderProcessHost::RendererClosedDetails details(
- rvh1->GetProcess()->GetHandle(),
- 0);
- NotificationService::current()->Notify(
- Source<RenderProcessHost>(rvh1->GetProcess()),
- Details<RenderProcessHost::RendererClosedDetails>(&details));
- rvh1->set_render_view_created(false);
- // Ensure that the swapped out RenderViewHost has been deleted.
- EXPECT_FALSE(opener1_manager->GetSwappedOutRenderViewHost(
- rvh1->GetSiteInstance()));
- // Reload the initial tab. This should recreate the opener's swapped out RVH
- // in the original SiteInstance.
- contents()->GetController().Reload(true);
- EXPECT_EQ(opener1_manager->GetSwappedOutRenderViewHost(
- rvh1->GetSiteInstance())->GetRoutingID(),
- test_rvh()->opener_route_id());
-// Test that RenderViewHosts created for WebUI navigations are properly
-// granted WebUI bindings even if an unprivileged swapped out RenderViewHost
-// is in the same process (
-TEST_F(RenderViewHostManagerTest, EnableWebUIWithSwappedOutOpener) {
- set_should_create_webui(true);
- const GURL kSettingsUrl("chrome://chrome/settings");
- const GURL kPluginUrl("chrome://plugins");
- // Navigate to an initial WebUI URL.
- contents()->NavigateAndCommit(kSettingsUrl);
- // Ensure the RVH has WebUI bindings.
- TestRenderViewHost* rvh1 = test_rvh();
- EXPECT_TRUE(rvh1->GetEnabledBindings() & BINDINGS_POLICY_WEB_UI);
- // Create a new tab and simulate it being the opener for the main
- // tab. It should be in the same SiteInstance.
- scoped_ptr<TestWebContents> opener1(
- TestWebContents::Create(browser_context(), rvh1->GetSiteInstance()));
- RenderViewHostManager* opener1_manager =
- opener1->GetRenderManagerForTesting();
- contents()->SetOpener(opener1.get());
- // Navigate to a different WebUI URL (different SiteInstance, same
- // BrowsingInstance).
- contents()->NavigateAndCommit(kPluginUrl);
- TestRenderViewHost* rvh2 = test_rvh();
- EXPECT_NE(rvh1->GetSiteInstance(), rvh2->GetSiteInstance());
- EXPECT_TRUE(rvh1->GetSiteInstance()->IsRelatedSiteInstance(
- rvh2->GetSiteInstance()));
- // Ensure a swapped out RVH is created in the first opener tab.
- TestRenderViewHost* opener1_rvh = static_cast<TestRenderViewHost*>(
- opener1_manager->GetSwappedOutRenderViewHost(rvh2->GetSiteInstance()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(opener1_manager->IsOnSwappedOutList(opener1_rvh));
- EXPECT_TRUE(opener1_rvh->is_swapped_out());
- // Ensure the new RVH has WebUI bindings.
- EXPECT_TRUE(rvh2->GetEnabledBindings() & BINDINGS_POLICY_WEB_UI);
-// Test that we reuse the same guest SiteInstance if we navigate across sites.
-TEST_F(RenderViewHostManagerTest, NoSwapOnGuestNavigations) {
- TestNotificationTracker notifications;
- GURL guest_url(std::string(kGuestScheme).append("://abc123"));
- SiteInstance* instance =
- SiteInstance::CreateForURL(browser_context(), guest_url);
- scoped_ptr<TestWebContents> web_contents(
- TestWebContents::Create(browser_context(), instance));
- // Create.
- RenderViewHostManager manager(web_contents.get(), web_contents.get(),
- web_contents.get());
- manager.Init(browser_context(), instance, MSG_ROUTING_NONE, MSG_ROUTING_NONE);
- RenderViewHost* host;
- // 1) The first navigation. --------------------------
- const GURL kUrl1("");
- NavigationEntryImpl entry1(
- NULL /* instance */, -1 /* page_id */, kUrl1, Referrer(),
- string16() /* title */, PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED,
- false /* is_renderer_init */);
- host = manager.Navigate(entry1);
- // The RenderViewHost created in Init will be reused.
- EXPECT_TRUE(host == manager.current_host());
- EXPECT_FALSE(manager.pending_render_view_host());
- EXPECT_EQ(manager.current_host()->GetSiteInstance(), instance);
- // Commit.
- manager.DidNavigateMainFrame(host);
- // Commit to SiteInstance should be delayed until RenderView commit.
- EXPECT_EQ(host, manager.current_host());
- ASSERT_TRUE(host);
- EXPECT_TRUE(static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(host->GetSiteInstance())->
- HasSite());
- // 2) Navigate to a different domain. -------------------------
- // Guests stay in the same process on navigation.
- const GURL kUrl2("");
- NavigationEntryImpl entry2(
- NULL /* instance */, -1 /* page_id */, kUrl2,
- Referrer(kUrl1, blink::WebReferrerPolicyDefault),
- string16() /* title */, PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK,
- true /* is_renderer_init */);
- host = manager.Navigate(entry2);
- // The RenderViewHost created in Init will be reused.
- EXPECT_EQ(host, manager.current_host());
- EXPECT_FALSE(manager.pending_render_view_host());
- // Commit.
- manager.DidNavigateMainFrame(host);
- EXPECT_EQ(host, manager.current_host());
- ASSERT_TRUE(host);
- EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(host->GetSiteInstance()),
- instance);
-// Test that we cancel a pending RVH if we close the tab while it's pending.
-TEST_F(RenderViewHostManagerTest, NavigateWithEarlyClose) {
- TestNotificationTracker notifications;
- SiteInstance* instance = SiteInstance::Create(browser_context());
- BeforeUnloadFiredWebContentsDelegate delegate;
- scoped_ptr<TestWebContents> web_contents(
- TestWebContents::Create(browser_context(), instance));
- web_contents->SetDelegate(&delegate);
- Source<WebContents>(web_contents.get()));
- // Create.
- RenderViewHostManager manager(web_contents.get(), web_contents.get(),
- web_contents.get());
- manager.Init(browser_context(), instance, MSG_ROUTING_NONE, MSG_ROUTING_NONE);
- // 1) The first navigation. --------------------------
- const GURL kUrl1("");
- NavigationEntryImpl entry1(NULL /* instance */, -1 /* page_id */, kUrl1,
- Referrer(), string16() /* title */,
- false /* is_renderer_init */);
- RenderViewHost* host = manager.Navigate(entry1);
- // The RenderViewHost created in Init will be reused.
- EXPECT_EQ(host, manager.current_host());
- EXPECT_FALSE(manager.pending_render_view_host());
- // We should observe a notification.
- notifications.Reset();
- // Commit.
- manager.DidNavigateMainFrame(host);
- // Commit to SiteInstance should be delayed until RenderView commit.
- EXPECT_EQ(host, manager.current_host());
- EXPECT_FALSE(static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(host->GetSiteInstance())->
- HasSite());
- static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(host->GetSiteInstance())->SetSite(kUrl1);
- // 2) Cross-site navigate to next site. -------------------------
- const GURL kUrl2("");
- NavigationEntryImpl entry2(
- NULL /* instance */, -1 /* page_id */, kUrl2, Referrer(),
- string16() /* title */, PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED,
- false /* is_renderer_init */);
- RenderViewHostImpl* host2 = static_cast<RenderViewHostImpl*>(
- manager.Navigate(entry2));
- // A new RenderViewHost should be created.
- ASSERT_EQ(host2, manager.pending_render_view_host());
- EXPECT_NE(host2, host);
- EXPECT_EQ(host, manager.current_host());
- EXPECT_FALSE(static_cast<RenderViewHostImpl*>(
- manager.current_host())->is_swapped_out());
- EXPECT_EQ(host2, manager.pending_render_view_host());
- // 3) Close the tab. -------------------------
- Source<RenderWidgetHost>(host2));
- manager.ShouldClosePage(false, true, base::TimeTicks());
- EXPECT_FALSE(manager.pending_render_view_host());
- EXPECT_EQ(host, manager.current_host());
-} // namespace content
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