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Unified Diff: content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h

Issue 88503002: Have the unload event execute in background on cross-site navigations (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Addressed Charlie's comments Created 6 years, 10 months ago
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Index: content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h
diff --git a/content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h b/content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h
index f185fad883b99ad10431dafa1c058a73a38ca44a..27115a53963a4805f504755aeb79faf7fe6d8a72 100644
--- a/content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h
+++ b/content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <string>
#include <vector>
+#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ class RenderWidgetHostDelegate;
class SessionStorageNamespace;
class SessionStorageNamespaceImpl;
class TestRenderViewHost;
+class TimeoutMonitor;
struct FileChooserParams;
struct Referrer;
struct ShowDesktopNotificationHostMsgParams;
@@ -98,6 +100,39 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderViewHostImpl
: public RenderViewHost,
public RenderWidgetHostImpl {
+ // Keeps track of the state of the RenderViewHostImpl, particularly with
+ // respect to swap out.
+ enum RenderViewHostImplState {
+ // The standard state for a RVH handling the communication with a
+ // RenderView.
+ // The RVH has sent the SwapOut request to the renderer, but has not
+ // received the SwapOutACK yet. The new page has not been committed yet
+ // either.
+ // The RVH received the SwapOutACK from the RenderView, but the new page has
+ // not been committed yet.
+ // The RVH is waiting for the CloseACK from the RenderView.
+ // The RVH has not received the SwapOutACK yet, but the new page has
+ // committed in a different RVH. The number of active views of the RVH
+ // SiteInstanceImpl is not zero. Upon reception of the SwapOutACK, the RVH
+ // will be swapped out.
+ // The RVH has not received the SwapOutACK yet, but the new page has
+ // committed in a different RVH. The number of active views of the RVH
+ // SiteInstanceImpl is zero. Upon reception of the SwapOutACK, the RVH will
+ // be shutdown.
+ // The RVH is swapped out, and it is being used as a placeholder to allow
+ // for cross-process communication.
+ };
+ // Helper function to determine whether the RVH state should contribute to the
+ // number of active views of a SiteInstance or not.
+ static bool IsRVHStateActive(RenderViewHostImplState rvh_state);
// Convenience function, just like RenderViewHost::FromID.
static RenderViewHostImpl* FromID(int render_process_id, int render_view_id);
@@ -279,7 +314,10 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderViewHostImpl
// Whether this RenderViewHost has been swapped out to be displayed by a
// different process.
- bool is_swapped_out() const { return is_swapped_out_; }
+ bool IsSwappedOut() const { return rvh_state_ == STATE_SWAPPED_OUT; }
+ // The current state of this RVH.
+ RenderViewHostImplState rvh_state() const { return rvh_state_; }
// Called on the pending RenderViewHost when the network response is ready to
// commit. We should ensure that the old RenderViewHost runs its unload
@@ -312,11 +350,15 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderViewHostImpl
// out.
void OnSwappedOut(bool timed_out);
- // Called to notify the renderer that it has been visibly swapped out and
- // replaced by another RenderViewHost, after an earlier call to SwapOut.
- // It is now safe for the process to exit if there are no other active
- // RenderViews.
- void WasSwappedOut();
+ // Called when the RenderFrameHostManager has swapped in a new
+ // RenderFrameHost. Should |this| RVH switch to the pending shutdown state,
+ // |pending_delete_on_swap_out| will be executed upon reception of the
+ // SwapOutACK, or when the unload timer times out.
+ void WasSwappedOut(const base::Closure& pending_delete_on_swap_out);
+ // Set |this| as pending shutdown. |on_swap_out| will be called
+ // when the SwapOutACK is received, or when the unload timer times out.
+ void SetPendingShutdown(const base::Closure& on_swap_out);
// Close the page ignoring whether it has unload events registers.
// This is called after the beforeunload and unload events have fired
@@ -450,9 +492,8 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderViewHostImpl
return is_waiting_for_beforeunload_ack_;
- bool is_waiting_for_unload_ack() {
- return is_waiting_for_unload_ack_;
- }
+ // Whether the RVH is waiting for the unload ack from the renderer.
+ bool IsWaitingForUnloadACK() const;
// Returns whether the given URL is allowed to commit in the current process.
// This is a more conservative check than RenderProcessHost::FilterURL, since
@@ -476,6 +517,18 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderViewHostImpl
bool main_frame,
const GURL& url);
+ // Increases the refcounting on this RVH. This is done by the FrameTree on
+ // creation of a RenderFrameHost.
+ void increment_ref_count() { ++frames_ref_count_; }
+ // Decreases the refcounting on this RVH. This is done by the FrameTree on
+ // destruction of a RenderFrameHost.
+ void decrement_ref_count() { --frames_ref_count_; }
+ // Returns the refcount on this RVH, that is the number of RenderFrameHosts
+ // currently using it.
+ int ref_count() { return frames_ref_count_; }
// NOTE: Do not add functions that just send an IPC message that are called in
// one or two places. Have the caller send the IPC message directly (unless
// the caller places are in different platforms, in which case it's better
@@ -591,12 +644,15 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderViewHostImpl
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderViewHostTest, BasicRenderFrameHost);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderViewHostTest, RoutingIdSane);
- // Sets whether this RenderViewHost is swapped out in favor of another,
- // and clears any waiting state that is no longer relevant.
- void SetSwappedOut(bool is_swapped_out);
+ // Updates the state of this RenderViewHost and clears any waiting state
+ // that is no longer relevant.
+ void SetState(RenderViewHostImplState rvh_state);
bool CanAccessFilesOfPageState(const PageState& state) const;
+ // The number of RenderFrameHosts which have a reference to this RVH.
+ int frames_ref_count_;
// Our delegate, which wants to know about changes in the RenderView.
RenderViewHostDelegate* delegate_;
@@ -631,9 +687,8 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderViewHostImpl
// first commit.
bool has_accessed_initial_document_;
- // Whether this RenderViewHost is currently swapped out, such that the view is
- // being rendered by another process.
- bool is_swapped_out_;
+ // The current state of this RVH.
+ RenderViewHostImplState rvh_state_;
// The frame id of the main (top level) frame. This value is set on the
// initial navigation of a RenderView and reset when the RenderView's
@@ -652,20 +707,15 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderViewHostImpl
// Set to true when there is a pending ViewMsg_ShouldClose message. This
// ensures we don't spam the renderer with multiple beforeunload requests.
- // When either this value or is_waiting_for_unload_ack_ is true, the value of
+ // When either this value or IsWaitingForUnloadACK is true, the value of
// unload_ack_is_for_cross_site_transition_ indicates whether this is for a
// cross-site transition or a tab close attempt.
+ // TODO(clamy): Remove this boolean and add one more state to the state
+ // machine.
bool is_waiting_for_beforeunload_ack_;
- // Set to true when there is a pending ViewMsg_Close message. Also see
- // is_waiting_for_beforeunload_ack_, unload_ack_is_for_cross_site_transition_.
- bool is_waiting_for_unload_ack_;
- // Set to true when waiting for ViewHostMsg_SwapOut_ACK has timed out.
- bool has_timed_out_on_unload_;
// Valid only when is_waiting_for_beforeunload_ack_ or
- // is_waiting_for_unload_ack_ is true. This tells us if the unload request
+ // IsWaitingForUnloadACK is true. This tells us if the unload request
// is for closing the entire tab ( = false), or only this RenderViewHost in
// the case of a cross-site transition ( = true).
bool unload_ack_is_for_cross_site_transition_;
@@ -700,6 +750,17 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderViewHostImpl
scoped_ptr<BrowserMediaPlayerManager> media_player_manager_;
+ // Used to swap out or shutdown this RVH when the unload event is taking too
+ // long to execute, depending on the number of active views in the
+ // SiteInstance.
+ scoped_ptr<TimeoutMonitor> unload_event_monitor_timeout_;
+ // Called after receiving the SwapOutACK when the RVH is in state pending
+ // shutdown. Also called if the unload timer times out.
+ base::Closure pending_shutdown_on_swap_out_;
+ base::WeakPtrFactory<RenderViewHostImpl> weak_factory_;
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