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Unified Diff: pkg/csslib/lib/src/polyfill.dart

Issue 814113004: Pull args, intl, logging, shelf, and source_maps out of the SDK. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Also csslib. Created 6 years ago
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Index: pkg/csslib/lib/src/polyfill.dart
diff --git a/pkg/csslib/lib/src/polyfill.dart b/pkg/csslib/lib/src/polyfill.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index ef3c7b97d455457048a8b974a9a421a8c07d4dd7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/pkg/csslib/lib/src/polyfill.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-part of csslib.parser;
- * CSS polyfill emits CSS to be understood by older parsers that which do not
- * understand (var, calc, etc.).
- */
-class PolyFill {
- final Messages _messages;
- final bool _warningsAsErrors;
- Map<String, VarDefinition> _allVarDefinitions =
- new Map<String, VarDefinition>();
- Set<StyleSheet> allStyleSheets = new Set<StyleSheet>();
- /**
- * [_pseudoElements] list of known pseudo attributes found in HTML, any
- * CSS pseudo-elements 'name::custom-element' is mapped to the manged name
- * associated with the pseudo-element key.
- */
- PolyFill(this._messages, this._warningsAsErrors);
- /**
- * Run the analyzer on every file that is a style sheet or any component that
- * has a style tag.
- */
- void process(StyleSheet styleSheet, {List<StyleSheet> includes: null}) {
- if (includes != null) {
- processVarDefinitions(includes);
- }
- processVars(styleSheet);
- // Remove all var definitions for this style sheet.
- new _RemoveVarDefinitions().visitTree(styleSheet);
- }
- /** Process all includes looking for var definitions. */
- void processVarDefinitions(List<StyleSheet> includes) {
- for (var include in includes) {
- _allVarDefinitions = (new _VarDefinitionsIncludes(_allVarDefinitions)
- ..visitTree(include)).varDefs;
- }
- }
- void processVars(StyleSheet styleSheet) {
- // Build list of all var definitions.
- var mainStyleSheetVarDefs =
- (new _VarDefAndUsage(this._messages, _allVarDefinitions)
- ..visitTree(styleSheet)).varDefs;
- // Resolve all definitions to a non-VarUsage (terminal expression).
- mainStyleSheetVarDefs.forEach((key, value) {
- for (Expression expr in (value.expression as Expressions).expressions) {
- mainStyleSheetVarDefs[key] =
- _findTerminalVarDefinition(_allVarDefinitions, value);
- }
- });
- }
-/** Build list of all var definitions in all includes. */
-class _VarDefinitionsIncludes extends Visitor {
- final Map<String, VarDefinition> varDefs;
- _VarDefinitionsIncludes(this.varDefs);
- void visitTree(StyleSheet tree) {
- visitStyleSheet(tree);
- }
- visitVarDefinition(VarDefinition node) {
- // Replace with latest variable definition.
- varDefs[node.definedName] = node;
- super.visitVarDefinition(node);
- }
- void visitVarDefinitionDirective(VarDefinitionDirective node) {
- visitVarDefinition(node.def);
- }
- * Find var- definitions in a style sheet.
- * [found] list of known definitions.
- */
-class _VarDefAndUsage extends Visitor {
- final Messages _messages;
- final Map<String, VarDefinition> _knownVarDefs;
- final Map<String, VarDefinition> varDefs = new Map<String, VarDefinition>();
- VarDefinition currVarDefinition;
- List<Expression> currentExpressions;
- _VarDefAndUsage(this._messages, this._knownVarDefs);
- void visitTree(StyleSheet tree) {
- visitStyleSheet(tree);
- }
- visitVarDefinition(VarDefinition node) {
- // Replace with latest variable definition.
- currVarDefinition = node;
- _knownVarDefs[node.definedName] = node;
- varDefs[node.definedName] = node;
- super.visitVarDefinition(node);
- currVarDefinition = null;
- }
- void visitVarDefinitionDirective(VarDefinitionDirective node) {
- visitVarDefinition(node.def);
- }
- void visitExpressions(Expressions node) {
- currentExpressions = node.expressions;
- super.visitExpressions(node);
- currentExpressions = null;
- }
- void visitVarUsage(VarUsage node) {
- if (currVarDefinition != null && currVarDefinition.badUsage) return;
- // Don't process other var() inside of a varUsage. That implies that the
- // default is a var() too. Also, don't process any var() inside of a
- // varDefinition (they're just place holders until we've resolved all real
- // usages.
- var expressions = currentExpressions;
- var index = expressions.indexOf(node);
- assert(index >= 0);
- var def = _knownVarDefs[];
- if (def != null) {
- if (def.badUsage) {
- // Remove any expressions pointing to a bad var definition.
- expressions.removeAt(index);
- return;
- }
- _resolveVarUsage(currentExpressions, index,
- _findTerminalVarDefinition(_knownVarDefs, def));
- } else if (node.defaultValues.any((e) => e is VarUsage)) {
- // Don't have a VarDefinition need to use default values resolve all
- // default values.
- var terminalDefaults = [];
- for (var defaultValue in node.defaultValues) {
- terminalDefaults.addAll(resolveUsageTerminal(defaultValue));
- }
- expressions.replaceRange(index, index + 1, terminalDefaults);
- } else if (node.defaultValues.isNotEmpty){
- // No VarDefinition but default value is a terminal expression; use it.
- expressions.replaceRange(index, index + 1, node.defaultValues);
- } else {
- if (currVarDefinition != null) {
- currVarDefinition.badUsage = true;
- var mainStyleSheetDef = varDefs[];
- if (mainStyleSheetDef != null) {
- varDefs.remove(;
- }
- }
- // Remove var usage that points at an undefined definition.
- expressions.removeAt(index);
- _messages.warning("Variable is not defined.", node.span);
- }
- var oldExpressions = currentExpressions;
- currentExpressions = node.defaultValues;
- super.visitVarUsage(node);
- currentExpressions = oldExpressions;
- }
- List<Expression> resolveUsageTerminal(VarUsage usage) {
- var result = [];
- var varDef = _knownVarDefs[];
- var expressions;
- if (varDef == null) {
- // VarDefinition not found try the defaultValues.
- expressions = usage.defaultValues;
- } else {
- // Use the VarDefinition found.
- expressions = (varDef.expression as Expressions).expressions;
- }
- for (var expr in expressions) {
- if (expr is VarUsage) {
- // Get terminal value.
- result.addAll(resolveUsageTerminal(expr));
- }
- }
- // We're at a terminal just return the VarDefinition expression.
- if (result.isEmpty && varDef != null) {
- result = (varDef.expression as Expressions).expressions;
- }
- return result;
- }
- _resolveVarUsage(List<Expressions> expressions, int index,
- VarDefinition def) {
- var defExpressions = (def.expression as Expressions).expressions;
- expressions.replaceRange(index, index + 1, defExpressions);
- }
-/** Remove all var definitions. */
-class _RemoveVarDefinitions extends Visitor {
- void visitTree(StyleSheet tree) {
- visitStyleSheet(tree);
- }
- void visitStyleSheet(StyleSheet ss) {
- ss.topLevels.removeWhere((e) => e is VarDefinitionDirective);
- super.visitStyleSheet(ss);
- }
- void visitDeclarationGroup(DeclarationGroup node) {
- node.declarations.removeWhere((e) => e is VarDefinition);
- super.visitDeclarationGroup(node);
- }
-/** Find terminal definition (non VarUsage implies real CSS value). */
-VarDefinition _findTerminalVarDefinition(Map<String, VarDefinition> varDefs,
- VarDefinition varDef) {
- var expressions = varDef.expression as Expressions;
- for (var expr in expressions.expressions) {
- if (expr is VarUsage) {
- var usageName = (expr as VarUsage).name;
- var foundDef = varDefs[usageName];
- // If foundDef is unknown check if defaultValues; if it exist then resolve
- // to terminal value.
- if (foundDef == null) {
- // We're either a VarUsage or terminal definition if in varDefs;
- // either way replace VarUsage with it's default value because the
- // VarDefinition isn't found.
- var defaultValues = (expr as VarUsage).defaultValues;
- var replaceExprs = expressions.expressions;
- assert(replaceExprs.length == 1);
- replaceExprs.replaceRange(0, 1, defaultValues);
- return varDef;
- }
- if (foundDef is VarDefinition) {
- return _findTerminalVarDefinition(varDefs, foundDef);
- }
- } else {
- // Return real CSS property.
- return varDef;
- }
- }
- // Didn't point to a var definition that existed.
- return varDef;
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