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Side by Side Diff: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/inspector-protocol/emulation/device-emulation-dw-2x-expected.txt

Issue 2989793003: Revert of [Bindings] Create and use V8 context snapshots (Closed)
Patch Set: Created 3 years, 4 months ago
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1 Tests that device emulation affects media rules, viewport meta tag, body dimensi ons and window.screen. 1 Tests that device emulation affects media rules, viewport meta tag, body dimensi ons and window.screen.
2 Emulating device: 1200x1000x2 2 Emulating device: 1200x1000x2
3 Loading page with viewport=w=dw 3 Loading page with viewport=w=dw
4 Device: 4 Device:
5 window.screenX = 0px 5 window.screenX = 0px
6 window.screenY = 0px 6 window.screenY = 0px
7 Viewport: = ?w=dw 7 Viewport: = ?w=dw
8 @media orientation = landscape 8 @media orientation = landscape
9 window.orientation = 0 9 window.orientation
10 @media resolution = 192dpi 10 @media resolution = 192dpi
11 @media device-pixel-ratio = 2 11 @media device-pixel-ratio = 2
12 window.devicePixelRatio = 2 12 window.devicePixelRatio = 2
13 Widths: 13 Widths:
14 @media device-width = 1200px 14 @media device-width = 1200px
15 screen.width = 1200px 15 screen.width = 1200px
16 screen.availWidth = 1200px 16 screen.availWidth = 1200px
17 window.outerWidth = 1200px 17 window.outerWidth = 1200px
18 window.innerWidth = 1200px 18 window.innerWidth = 1200px
19 @media width = 1200px 19 @media width = 1200px
(...skipping 10 matching lines...) Expand all
30 window.outerHeight = 1000px 30 window.outerHeight = 1000px
31 window.innerHeight = 1000px 31 window.innerHeight = 1000px
32 @media height = 1000px 32 @media height = 1000px
33 doc.docElem.clientHeight = 1000px 33 doc.docElem.clientHeight = 1000px
34 doc.docElem.offsetHeight = 1000px 34 doc.docElem.offsetHeight = 1000px
35 doc.docElem.scrollHeight = 1000px 35 doc.docElem.scrollHeight = 1000px
36 doc.body.clientHeight = 1000px 36 doc.body.clientHeight = 1000px
37 doc.body.offsetHeight = 1000px 37 doc.body.offsetHeight = 1000px
38 doc.body.scrollHeight = 1000px 38 doc.body.scrollHeight = 1000px
39 39

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