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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/nodes/Document-createEvent-expected.txt

Issue 2874153003: Inherit [Unforgeable] attributes between components (Closed)
Patch Set: update Document-createEvent-expected.txt Created 3 years, 7 months ago
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Index: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/nodes/Document-createEvent-expected.txt
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/nodes/Document-createEvent-expected.txt b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/nodes/Document-createEvent-expected.txt
index e06f15a5095f68549015d1f1564febfac2f82e5a..80d5e597ef3762e9e2c7abc8d4dda987eb884c49 100644
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/nodes/Document-createEvent-expected.txt
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/nodes/Document-createEvent-expected.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
This is a testharness.js-based test.
-Found 329 tests; 305 PASS, 24 FAIL, 0 TIMEOUT, 0 NOTRUN.
+Found 329 tests; 323 PASS, 6 FAIL, 0 TIMEOUT, 0 NOTRUN.
PASS AnimationEvent should be an alias for AnimationEvent.
PASS createEvent('AnimationEvent') should be initialized correctly.
PASS animationevent should be an alias for AnimationEvent.
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ PASS BEFOREUNLOADEVENT should be an alias for BeforeUnloadEvent.
PASS createEvent('BEFOREUNLOADEVENT') should be initialized correctly.
PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized legacy event interface "BeforeUnloadEvents"
PASS CloseEvent should be an alias for CloseEvent.
-FAIL createEvent('CloseEvent') should be initialized correctly. assert_equals: isTrusted should be initialized to false expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
+PASS createEvent('CloseEvent') should be initialized correctly.
PASS closeevent should be an alias for CloseEvent.
-FAIL createEvent('closeevent') should be initialized correctly. assert_equals: isTrusted should be initialized to false expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
+PASS createEvent('closeevent') should be initialized correctly.
PASS CLOSEEVENT should be an alias for CloseEvent.
-FAIL createEvent('CLOSEEVENT') should be initialized correctly. assert_equals: isTrusted should be initialized to false expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
+PASS createEvent('CLOSEEVENT') should be initialized correctly.
PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized legacy event interface "CloseEvents"
PASS CompositionEvent should be an alias for CompositionEvent.
PASS createEvent('CompositionEvent') should be initialized correctly.
@@ -36,18 +36,18 @@ PASS CUSTOMEVENT should be an alias for CustomEvent.
PASS createEvent('CUSTOMEVENT') should be initialized correctly.
PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized legacy event interface "CustomEvents"
PASS DeviceMotionEvent should be an alias for DeviceMotionEvent.
-FAIL createEvent('DeviceMotionEvent') should be initialized correctly. assert_equals: isTrusted should be initialized to false expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
+PASS createEvent('DeviceMotionEvent') should be initialized correctly.
PASS devicemotionevent should be an alias for DeviceMotionEvent.
-FAIL createEvent('devicemotionevent') should be initialized correctly. assert_equals: isTrusted should be initialized to false expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
+PASS createEvent('devicemotionevent') should be initialized correctly.
PASS DEVICEMOTIONEVENT should be an alias for DeviceMotionEvent.
-FAIL createEvent('DEVICEMOTIONEVENT') should be initialized correctly. assert_equals: isTrusted should be initialized to false expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
+PASS createEvent('DEVICEMOTIONEVENT') should be initialized correctly.
PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized legacy event interface "DeviceMotionEvents"
PASS DeviceOrientationEvent should be an alias for DeviceOrientationEvent.
-FAIL createEvent('DeviceOrientationEvent') should be initialized correctly. assert_equals: isTrusted should be initialized to false expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
+PASS createEvent('DeviceOrientationEvent') should be initialized correctly.
PASS deviceorientationevent should be an alias for DeviceOrientationEvent.
-FAIL createEvent('deviceorientationevent') should be initialized correctly. assert_equals: isTrusted should be initialized to false expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
+PASS createEvent('deviceorientationevent') should be initialized correctly.
PASS DEVICEORIENTATIONEVENT should be an alias for DeviceOrientationEvent.
-FAIL createEvent('DEVICEORIENTATIONEVENT') should be initialized correctly. assert_equals: isTrusted should be initialized to false expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
+PASS createEvent('DEVICEORIENTATIONEVENT') should be initialized correctly.
PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized legacy event interface "DeviceOrientationEvents"
PASS DragEvent should be an alias for DragEvent.
PASS createEvent('DragEvent') should be initialized correctly.
@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ PASS createEvent('htmlevents') should be initialized correctly.
PASS HTMLEVENTS should be an alias for Event.
PASS createEvent('HTMLEVENTS') should be initialized correctly.
PASS IDBVersionChangeEvent should be an alias for IDBVersionChangeEvent.
-FAIL createEvent('IDBVersionChangeEvent') should be initialized correctly. assert_equals: isTrusted should be initialized to false expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
+PASS createEvent('IDBVersionChangeEvent') should be initialized correctly.
PASS idbversionchangeevent should be an alias for IDBVersionChangeEvent.
-FAIL createEvent('idbversionchangeevent') should be initialized correctly. assert_equals: isTrusted should be initialized to false expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
+PASS createEvent('idbversionchangeevent') should be initialized correctly.
PASS IDBVERSIONCHANGEEVENT should be an alias for IDBVersionChangeEvent.
-FAIL createEvent('IDBVERSIONCHANGEEVENT') should be initialized correctly. assert_equals: isTrusted should be initialized to false expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
+PASS createEvent('IDBVERSIONCHANGEEVENT') should be initialized correctly.
PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized legacy event interface "IDBVersionChangeEvents"
PASS KeyboardEvent should be an alias for KeyboardEvent.
PASS createEvent('KeyboardEvent') should be initialized correctly.
@@ -145,11 +145,11 @@ PASS POPSTATEEVENT should be an alias for PopStateEvent.
PASS createEvent('POPSTATEEVENT') should be initialized correctly.
PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized legacy event interface "PopStateEvents"
PASS StorageEvent should be an alias for StorageEvent.
-FAIL createEvent('StorageEvent') should be initialized correctly. assert_equals: isTrusted should be initialized to false expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
+PASS createEvent('StorageEvent') should be initialized correctly.
PASS storageevent should be an alias for StorageEvent.
-FAIL createEvent('storageevent') should be initialized correctly. assert_equals: isTrusted should be initialized to false expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
+PASS createEvent('storageevent') should be initialized correctly.
PASS STORAGEEVENT should be an alias for StorageEvent.
-FAIL createEvent('STORAGEEVENT') should be initialized correctly. assert_equals: isTrusted should be initialized to false expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
+PASS createEvent('STORAGEEVENT') should be initialized correctly.
PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized legacy event interface "StorageEvents"
PASS SVGEvents should be an alias for Event.
PASS createEvent('SVGEvents') should be initialized correctly.
@@ -198,11 +198,11 @@ PASS createEvent('uievents') should be initialized correctly.
PASS UIEVENTS should be an alias for UIEvent.
PASS createEvent('UIEVENTS') should be initialized correctly.
PASS WebGLContextEvent should be an alias for WebGLContextEvent.
-FAIL createEvent('WebGLContextEvent') should be initialized correctly. assert_equals: isTrusted should be initialized to false expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
+PASS createEvent('WebGLContextEvent') should be initialized correctly.
PASS webglcontextevent should be an alias for WebGLContextEvent.
-FAIL createEvent('webglcontextevent') should be initialized correctly. assert_equals: isTrusted should be initialized to false expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
+PASS createEvent('webglcontextevent') should be initialized correctly.
PASS WEBGLCONTEXTEVENT should be an alias for WebGLContextEvent.
-FAIL createEvent('WEBGLCONTEXTEVENT') should be initialized correctly. assert_equals: isTrusted should be initialized to false expected (boolean) false but got (undefined) undefined
+PASS createEvent('WEBGLCONTEXTEVENT') should be initialized correctly.
PASS Should throw NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR for pluralized legacy event interface "WebGLContextEvents"
PASS WheelEvent should be an alias for WheelEvent.
PASS createEvent('WheelEvent') should be initialized correctly.
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