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Unified Diff: chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/page_info/

Issue 2737413004: Add a Certificate Viewer link to the Page Info dropdown (Closed)
Patch Set: Rebase, update tooltip Created 3 years, 8 months ago
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Index: chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/page_info/
diff --git a/chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/page_info/ b/chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/page_info/
index 4f50b6dacdb108c9616c69e78856bd9939a00038..271a45ed789b5758c164762b719fa9c565866626 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/page_info/
+++ b/chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/page_info/
@@ -139,6 +139,34 @@ NSPoint AnchorPointForWindow(NSWindow* parent) {
} // namespace
+@implementation InspectLinkView
+- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame {
+ if (self = [super initWithFrame:frame]) {
+ [self setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable];
+ [self setSubviews:[NSArray array]];
+ }
+ return self;
+- (void)setActionLink:(NSButton*)actionLink {
+ actionLink_ = actionLink;
+- (void)setLinkText:(NSString*)linkText {
+ [actionLink_ setTitle:linkText];
+ [GTMUILocalizerAndLayoutTweaker sizeToFitView:actionLink_];
+- (void)setLinkToolTip:(NSString*)linkToolTip {
+ [actionLink_ setToolTip:linkToolTip];
+- (void)setLinkTarget:(NSObject*)target withAction:(SEL)action {
+ [actionLink_ setTarget:target];
+ [actionLink_ setAction:action];
@interface ChosenObjectDeleteButton : HoverImageButton {
ChosenObjectInfoPtr objectInfo_;
@@ -369,15 +397,25 @@ bool IsInternalURL(const GURL& url) {
// Initialize the two containers that hold the controls. The initial frames
// are arbitrary, and will be adjusted after the controls are laid out.
- cookiesView_ =
- [[[FlippedView alloc] initWithFrame:[superview frame]] autorelease];
- [cookiesView_ setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable];
- [siteSettingsSectionView addSubview:cookiesView_];
+ PageInfoUI::PermissionInfo info;
+ info.setting = CONTENT_SETTING_ALLOW;
+ cookiesView_ = [self
+ addInspectLinkToView:siteSettingsSectionView
+ sectionIcon:PageInfoUI::GetPermissionIcon(info).ToNSImage()
+ sectionTitle:l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_PAGE_INFO_COOKIES)
+ linkText:l10n_util::GetPluralNSStringF(
+ [cookiesView_ setLinkTarget:self
+ withAction:@selector(showCookiesAndSiteData:)];
permissionsView_ =
[[[FlippedView alloc] initWithFrame:[superview frame]] autorelease];
[siteSettingsSectionView addSubview:permissionsView_];
+ // The certificate section is created on demand.
+ certificateView_ = nil;
// Create the link button to view site settings. Its position will be set in
// performLayout.
NSString* siteSettingsButtonText =
@@ -392,6 +430,78 @@ bool IsInternalURL(const GURL& url) {
return siteSettingsSectionView.get();
+- (InspectLinkView*)addInspectLinkToView:(NSView*)superview
+ sectionIcon:(NSImage*)imageIcon
+ sectionTitle:(const base::string16&)titleText
+ linkText:(NSString*)linkText {
+ // Create the subview.
+ base::scoped_nsobject<InspectLinkView> newView(
+ [[InspectLinkView alloc] initWithFrame:[superview frame]]);
+ [superview addSubview:newView];
+ bool isRTL = base::i18n::IsRTL();
+ NSPoint controlOrigin = NSMakePoint(kSectionHorizontalPadding, 0);
+ CGFloat viewWidth = NSWidth([newView frame]);
+ // Reset X for the icon.
+ if (isRTL) {
+ controlOrigin.x =
+ viewWidth - kPermissionImageSize - kSectionHorizontalPadding;
+ }
+ NSImageView* imageView = [self addImageWithSize:[imageIcon size]
+ toView:newView
+ atPoint:controlOrigin];
+ [imageView setImage:imageIcon];
+ NSButton* actionLink = [self addLinkButtonWithText:linkText toView:newView];
+ [newView setActionLink:actionLink];
+ if (isRTL) {
+ controlOrigin.x -= kPermissionImageSpacing;
+ NSTextField* sectionTitle = [self addText:titleText
+ withSize:[NSFont systemFontSize]
+ bold:NO
+ toView:newView
+ atPoint:controlOrigin];
+ [sectionTitle sizeToFit];
+ NSPoint sectionTitleOrigin = [sectionTitle frame].origin;
+ sectionTitleOrigin.x -= NSWidth([sectionTitle frame]);
+ [sectionTitle setFrameOrigin:sectionTitleOrigin];
+ // Align the icon with the text.
+ [self alignPermissionIcon:imageView withTextField:sectionTitle];
+ controlOrigin.y +=
+ NSHeight([sectionTitle frame]) + kPermissionLabelBottomPadding;
+ controlOrigin.x -= NSWidth([actionLink frame]) - kLinkButtonXAdjustment;
+ [actionLink setFrameOrigin:controlOrigin];
+ } else {
+ controlOrigin.x += kPermissionImageSize + kPermissionImageSpacing;
+ NSTextField* sectionTitle = [self addText:titleText
+ withSize:[NSFont systemFontSize]
+ bold:NO
+ toView:newView
+ atPoint:controlOrigin];
+ [sectionTitle sizeToFit];
+ // Align the icon with the text.
+ [self alignPermissionIcon:imageView withTextField:sectionTitle];
+ controlOrigin.y +=
+ NSHeight([sectionTitle frame]) + kPermissionLabelBottomPadding;
+ controlOrigin.x -= kLinkButtonXAdjustment;
+ [actionLink setFrameOrigin:controlOrigin];
+ }
+ controlOrigin.y += NSHeight([actionLink frame]);
+ [newView setFrameSize:NSMakeSize(NSWidth([newView frame]), controlOrigin.y)];
+ return newView.get();
// Handler for the link button below the list of cookies.
- (void)showCookiesAndSiteData:(id)sender {
@@ -530,10 +640,14 @@ bool IsInternalURL(const GURL& url) {
- (void)layoutSiteSettingsSection {
// Start the layout with the first element. Margins are handled by the caller.
- CGFloat yPos = 0;
+ CGFloat yPos = kSectionVerticalPadding;
- yPos =
- [self setYPositionOfView:cookiesView_ to:yPos + kSectionVerticalPadding];
+ if (certificateView_) {
+ yPos = [self setYPositionOfView:certificateView_ to:yPos] +
+ kPermissionsVerticalSpacing;
+ }
+ yPos = [self setYPositionOfView:cookiesView_ to:yPos];
if (permissionsPresent_) {
// Put the permission info just below the link button.
@@ -686,37 +800,64 @@ bool IsInternalURL(const GURL& url) {
return button.get();
-// Set the content of the identity and identity status fields.
+// Set the content of the identity and identity status fields, and add the
+// Certificate view if applicable.
- (void)setIdentityInfo:(const PageInfoUI::IdentityInfo&)identityInfo {
std::unique_ptr<PageInfoUI::SecurityDescription> security_description =
- setStringValue:base::SysUTF16ToNSString(security_description->summary)];
+ setStringValue:SysUTF16ToNSString(security_description->summary)];
certificate_ = identityInfo.certificate;
- if (certificate_ && identityInfo.show_ssl_decision_revoke_button) {
- resetDecisionsField_ =
- [self addText:base::string16()
- withSize:[NSFont smallSystemFontSize]
- bold:NO
- toView:securitySectionView_
- atPoint:NSMakePoint(kSectionHorizontalPadding, 0)];
- [resetDecisionsField_
- setStringValue:l10n_util::GetNSString(
- [self sizeTextFieldHeightToFit:resetDecisionsField_];
- resetDecisionsButton_ =
- [self addLinkButtonWithText:
- l10n_util::GetNSString(
- toView:securitySectionView_];
- [resetDecisionsButton_ setTarget:self];
- [resetDecisionsButton_ setAction:@selector(resetCertificateDecisions:)];
+ if (certificate_) {
+ if (identityInfo.show_ssl_decision_revoke_button) {
+ resetDecisionsField_ =
+ [self addText:base::string16()
+ withSize:[NSFont smallSystemFontSize]
+ bold:NO
+ toView:securitySectionView_
+ atPoint:NSMakePoint(kSectionHorizontalPadding, 0)];
+ [resetDecisionsField_
+ setStringValue:l10n_util::GetNSString(
+ [self sizeTextFieldHeightToFit:resetDecisionsField_];
+ resetDecisionsButton_ =
+ [self addLinkButtonWithText:
+ l10n_util::GetNSString(
+ toView:securitySectionView_];
+ [resetDecisionsButton_ setTarget:self];
+ [resetDecisionsButton_ setAction:@selector(resetCertificateDecisions:)];
+ }
+ if (PageInfoUI::ShouldShowCertificateLink()) {
+ bool isValid = (identityInfo.identity_status !=
+ NSString* linkText = l10n_util::GetNSString(
+ certificateView_ = [self
+ addInspectLinkToView:siteSettingsSectionView_
+ sectionIcon:PageInfoUI::GetCertificateIcon().ToNSImage()
+ sectionTitle:l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(
+ linkText:linkText];
+ if (isValid)
+ [certificateView_
+ setLinkToolTip:l10n_util::GetNSStringF(
+ base::UTF8ToUTF16(
+ certificate_->issuer().GetDisplayName()))];
+ [certificateView_ setLinkTarget:self
+ withAction:@selector(showCertificateInfo:)];
+ }
[self performLayout];
@@ -1013,10 +1154,6 @@ bool IsInternalURL(const GURL& url) {
- (void)setCookieInfo:(const CookieInfoList&)cookieInfoList {
- // A result of re-ordering of the permissions ( is
- // that sometimes permissions may not be displayed at all, so it's
- // incorrect to check they are set before the cookie info.
// |cookieInfoList| should only ever have 2 items: first- and third-party
// cookies.
DCHECK_EQ(cookieInfoList.size(), 2u);
@@ -1025,85 +1162,9 @@ bool IsInternalURL(const GURL& url) {
for (const auto& i : cookieInfoList) {
totalAllowed += i.allowed;
- base::string16 label_text =
- l10n_util::GetPluralStringFUTF16(IDS_PAGE_INFO_NUM_COOKIES, totalAllowed);
- base::string16 sectionTitle =
- l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_PAGE_INFO_TITLE_SITE_DATA);
- bool isRTL = base::i18n::IsRTL();
- [cookiesView_ setSubviews:[NSArray array]];
- NSPoint controlOrigin = NSMakePoint(kSectionHorizontalPadding, 0);
- CGFloat viewWidth = NSWidth([cookiesView_ frame]);
- // Reset X for the cookie image.
- if (isRTL) {
- controlOrigin.x = viewWidth - kPermissionImageSize -
- kPermissionImageSpacing - kSectionHorizontalPadding;
- }
- PageInfoUI::PermissionInfo info;
- info.setting = CONTENT_SETTING_ALLOW;
- // info.default_setting, info.source, and info.is_incognito have not been set,
- // but GetPermissionIcon doesn't use any of those.
- NSImage* image = PageInfoUI::GetPermissionIcon(info).ToNSImage();
- NSImageView* imageView = [self addImageWithSize:[image size]
- toView:cookiesView_
- atPoint:controlOrigin];
- [imageView setImage:image];
- NSButton* cookiesButton =
- [self addLinkButtonWithText:base::SysUTF16ToNSString(label_text)
- toView:cookiesView_];
- [cookiesButton setTarget:self];
- [cookiesButton setAction:@selector(showCookiesAndSiteData:)];
- if (isRTL) {
- controlOrigin.x -= kPermissionImageSpacing;
- NSTextField* cookiesLabel =
- [self addText:l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_PAGE_INFO_COOKIES)
- withSize:[NSFont systemFontSize]
- bold:NO
- toView:cookiesView_
- atPoint:controlOrigin];
- [cookiesLabel sizeToFit];
- NSPoint cookiesLabelOrigin = [cookiesLabel frame].origin;
- cookiesLabelOrigin.x -= NSWidth([cookiesLabel frame]);
- [cookiesLabel setFrameOrigin:cookiesLabelOrigin];
- // Align the icon with the text.
- [self alignPermissionIcon:imageView withTextField:cookiesLabel];
- controlOrigin.y +=
- NSHeight([cookiesLabel frame]) + kPermissionLabelBottomPadding;
- controlOrigin.x -= NSWidth([cookiesButton frame]) - kLinkButtonXAdjustment;
- [cookiesButton setFrameOrigin:controlOrigin];
- } else {
- controlOrigin.x += kPermissionImageSize + kPermissionImageSpacing;
- NSTextField* cookiesLabel =
- [self addText:l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_PAGE_INFO_COOKIES)
- withSize:[NSFont systemFontSize]
- bold:NO
- toView:cookiesView_
- atPoint:controlOrigin];
- [cookiesLabel sizeToFit];
- controlOrigin.y +=
- NSHeight([cookiesLabel frame]) + kPermissionLabelBottomPadding;
- controlOrigin.x -= kLinkButtonXAdjustment;
- [cookiesButton setFrameOrigin:controlOrigin];
- // Align the icon with the text.
- [self alignPermissionIcon:imageView withTextField:cookiesLabel];
- }
- controlOrigin.y += NSHeight([cookiesButton frame]);
- [cookiesView_
- setFrameSize:NSMakeSize(NSWidth([cookiesView_ frame]), controlOrigin.y)];
+ [cookiesView_ setLinkText:l10n_util::GetPluralNSStringF(
+ IDS_PAGE_INFO_NUM_COOKIES, totalAllowed)];
[self performLayout];
@@ -1115,9 +1176,6 @@ bool IsInternalURL(const GURL& url) {
permissionsPresent_ = YES;
if (permissionInfoList.size() > 0 || chosenObjectInfoList.size() > 0) {
- base::string16 sectionTitle =
for (const auto& permission : permissionInfoList) {
controlOrigin.y += kPermissionsVerticalSpacing;
NSPoint rowBottomRight = [self addPermission:permission
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