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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/wpt/vr/idlharness-expected.txt

Issue 2590743002: Add WebVR IDL test (Closed)
Patch Set: Move expectation to imported/wpt Created 4 years ago
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Index: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/wpt/vr/idlharness-expected.txt
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/wpt/vr/idlharness-expected.txt b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/wpt/vr/idlharness-expected.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d925364b6077b4d785d61c65cbf28899c2620c91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/imported/wpt/vr/idlharness-expected.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+This is a testharness.js-based test.
+FAIL Window interface: attribute onvrdisplayconnect assert_own_property: The global object must have a property "onvrdisplayconnect" expected property "onvrdisplayconnect" missing
+FAIL Window interface: attribute onvrdisplaydisconnect assert_own_property: The global object must have a property "onvrdisplaydisconnect" expected property "onvrdisplaydisconnect" missing
+FAIL Window interface: attribute onvrdisplayactivate assert_own_property: The global object must have a property "onvrdisplayactivate" expected property "onvrdisplayactivate" missing
+FAIL Window interface: attribute onvrdisplaydeactivate assert_own_property: The global object must have a property "onvrdisplaydeactivate" expected property "onvrdisplaydeactivate" missing
+FAIL Window interface: attribute onvrdisplayblur assert_own_property: The global object must have a property "onvrdisplayblur" expected property "onvrdisplayblur" missing
+FAIL Window interface: attribute onvrdisplayfocus assert_own_property: The global object must have a property "onvrdisplayfocus" expected property "onvrdisplayfocus" missing
+FAIL Window interface: attribute onvrdisplaypresentchange assert_own_property: The global object must have a property "onvrdisplaypresentchange" expected property "onvrdisplaypresentchange" missing
+PASS Navigator interface: operation getVRDisplays()
+FAIL Navigator interface: attribute activeVRDisplays assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "activeVRDisplays" expected true got false
+FAIL Navigator interface: attribute vrEnabled assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "vrEnabled" expected true got false
+FAIL HTMLIFrameElement interface: attribute allowvr assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "allowvr" expected true got false
+PASS Gamepad interface: attribute displayId
+PASS VRDisplay interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS VRDisplay interface object length
+PASS VRDisplay interface object name
+FAIL VRDisplay interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of VRDisplay.prototype expected "[object VRDisplayPrototype]" but got "[object VRDisplay]"
+PASS VRDisplay interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS VRDisplay interface: attribute isConnected
+PASS VRDisplay interface: attribute isPresenting
+PASS VRDisplay interface: attribute capabilities
+PASS VRDisplay interface: attribute stageParameters
+PASS VRDisplay interface: operation getEyeParameters(VREye)
+PASS VRDisplay interface: attribute displayId
+PASS VRDisplay interface: attribute displayName
+PASS VRDisplay interface: operation getFrameData(VRFrameData)
+PASS VRDisplay interface: operation getPose()
+PASS VRDisplay interface: operation resetPose()
+PASS VRDisplay interface: attribute depthNear
+PASS VRDisplay interface: attribute depthFar
+PASS VRDisplay interface: operation requestAnimationFrame(FrameRequestCallback)
+PASS VRDisplay interface: operation cancelAnimationFrame(long)
+PASS VRDisplay interface: operation requestPresent([object Object])
+PASS VRDisplay interface: operation exitPresent()
+PASS VRDisplay interface: operation getLayers()
+PASS VRDisplay interface: operation submitFrame()
+PASS VRDisplayCapabilities interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS VRDisplayCapabilities interface object length
+PASS VRDisplayCapabilities interface object name
+FAIL VRDisplayCapabilities interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of VRDisplayCapabilities.prototype expected "[object VRDisplayCapabilitiesPrototype]" but got "[object VRDisplayCapabilities]"
+PASS VRDisplayCapabilities interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS VRDisplayCapabilities interface: attribute hasPosition
+PASS VRDisplayCapabilities interface: attribute hasOrientation
+PASS VRDisplayCapabilities interface: attribute hasExternalDisplay
+PASS VRDisplayCapabilities interface: attribute canPresent
+PASS VRDisplayCapabilities interface: attribute maxLayers
+PASS VRFieldOfView interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS VRFieldOfView interface object length
+PASS VRFieldOfView interface object name
+FAIL VRFieldOfView interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of VRFieldOfView.prototype expected "[object VRFieldOfViewPrototype]" but got "[object VRFieldOfView]"
+PASS VRFieldOfView interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+FAIL VRFieldOfView interface: attribute upDegrees assert_equals: setter must be undefined for readonly attributes expected (undefined) undefined but got (function) function "function () { [native code] }"
+FAIL VRFieldOfView interface: attribute rightDegrees assert_equals: setter must be undefined for readonly attributes expected (undefined) undefined but got (function) function "function () { [native code] }"
+FAIL VRFieldOfView interface: attribute downDegrees assert_equals: setter must be undefined for readonly attributes expected (undefined) undefined but got (function) function "function () { [native code] }"
+FAIL VRFieldOfView interface: attribute leftDegrees assert_equals: setter must be undefined for readonly attributes expected (undefined) undefined but got (function) function "function () { [native code] }"
+PASS VRPose interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS VRPose interface object length
+PASS VRPose interface object name
+FAIL VRPose interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of VRPose.prototype expected "[object VRPosePrototype]" but got "[object VRPose]"
+PASS VRPose interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS VRPose interface: attribute position
+PASS VRPose interface: attribute linearVelocity
+PASS VRPose interface: attribute linearAcceleration
+PASS VRPose interface: attribute orientation
+PASS VRPose interface: attribute angularVelocity
+PASS VRPose interface: attribute angularAcceleration
+PASS VRFrameData interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS VRFrameData interface object length
+PASS VRFrameData interface object name
+FAIL VRFrameData interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of VRFrameData.prototype expected "[object VRFrameDataPrototype]" but got "[object VRFrameData]"
+PASS VRFrameData interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS VRFrameData interface: attribute timestamp
+PASS VRFrameData interface: attribute leftProjectionMatrix
+PASS VRFrameData interface: attribute leftViewMatrix
+PASS VRFrameData interface: attribute rightProjectionMatrix
+PASS VRFrameData interface: attribute rightViewMatrix
+PASS VRFrameData interface: attribute pose
+PASS VREyeParameters interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS VREyeParameters interface object length
+PASS VREyeParameters interface object name
+FAIL VREyeParameters interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of VREyeParameters.prototype expected "[object VREyeParametersPrototype]" but got "[object VREyeParameters]"
+PASS VREyeParameters interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS VREyeParameters interface: attribute offset
+PASS VREyeParameters interface: attribute fieldOfView
+PASS VREyeParameters interface: attribute renderWidth
+PASS VREyeParameters interface: attribute renderHeight
+PASS VRStageParameters interface: existence and properties of interface object
+PASS VRStageParameters interface object length
+PASS VRStageParameters interface object name
+FAIL VRStageParameters interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of VRStageParameters.prototype expected "[object VRStageParametersPrototype]" but got "[object VRStageParameters]"
+PASS VRStageParameters interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS VRStageParameters interface: attribute sittingToStandingTransform
+PASS VRStageParameters interface: attribute sizeX
+PASS VRStageParameters interface: attribute sizeZ
+PASS VRDisplayEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object
+FAIL VRDisplayEvent interface object length assert_equals: wrong value for VRDisplayEvent.length expected 2 but got 1
+PASS VRDisplayEvent interface object name
+FAIL VRDisplayEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of VRDisplayEvent.prototype expected "[object VRDisplayEventPrototype]" but got "[object VRDisplayEvent]"
+PASS VRDisplayEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
+PASS VRDisplayEvent interface: attribute display
+PASS VRDisplayEvent interface: attribute reason
+Harness: the test ran to completion.
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