(Empty) | |
| 1 This is a testharness.js-based test. |
| 2 FAIL Window interface: attribute onvrdisplayconnect assert_own_property: The glo
bal object must have a property "onvrdisplayconnect" expected property "onvrdisp
layconnect" missing |
| 3 FAIL Window interface: attribute onvrdisplaydisconnect assert_own_property: The
global object must have a property "onvrdisplaydisconnect" expected property "on
vrdisplaydisconnect" missing |
| 4 FAIL Window interface: attribute onvrdisplayactivate assert_own_property: The gl
obal object must have a property "onvrdisplayactivate" expected property "onvrdi
splayactivate" missing |
| 5 FAIL Window interface: attribute onvrdisplaydeactivate assert_own_property: The
global object must have a property "onvrdisplaydeactivate" expected property "on
vrdisplaydeactivate" missing |
| 6 FAIL Window interface: attribute onvrdisplayblur assert_own_property: The global
object must have a property "onvrdisplayblur" expected property "onvrdisplayblu
r" missing |
| 7 FAIL Window interface: attribute onvrdisplayfocus assert_own_property: The globa
l object must have a property "onvrdisplayfocus" expected property "onvrdisplayf
ocus" missing |
| 8 FAIL Window interface: attribute onvrdisplaypresentchange assert_own_property: T
he global object must have a property "onvrdisplaypresentchange" expected proper
ty "onvrdisplaypresentchange" missing |
| 9 PASS Navigator interface: operation getVRDisplays() |
| 10 FAIL Navigator interface: attribute activeVRDisplays assert_true: The prototype
object must have a property "activeVRDisplays" expected true got false |
| 11 FAIL Navigator interface: attribute vrEnabled assert_true: The prototype object
must have a property "vrEnabled" expected true got false |
| 12 FAIL HTMLIFrameElement interface: attribute allowvr assert_true: The prototype o
bject must have a property "allowvr" expected true got false |
| 13 PASS Gamepad interface: attribute displayId |
| 14 PASS VRDisplay interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| 15 PASS VRDisplay interface object length |
| 16 PASS VRDisplay interface object name |
| 17 FAIL VRDisplay interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
assert_equals: class string of VRDisplay.prototype expected "[object VRDisplayP
rototype]" but got "[object VRDisplay]" |
| 18 PASS VRDisplay interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
's "constructor" property |
| 19 PASS VRDisplay interface: attribute isConnected |
| 20 PASS VRDisplay interface: attribute isPresenting |
| 21 PASS VRDisplay interface: attribute capabilities |
| 22 PASS VRDisplay interface: attribute stageParameters |
| 23 PASS VRDisplay interface: operation getEyeParameters(VREye) |
| 24 PASS VRDisplay interface: attribute displayId |
| 25 PASS VRDisplay interface: attribute displayName |
| 26 PASS VRDisplay interface: operation getFrameData(VRFrameData) |
| 27 PASS VRDisplay interface: operation getPose() |
| 28 PASS VRDisplay interface: operation resetPose() |
| 29 PASS VRDisplay interface: attribute depthNear |
| 30 PASS VRDisplay interface: attribute depthFar |
| 31 PASS VRDisplay interface: operation requestAnimationFrame(FrameRequestCallback) |
| 32 PASS VRDisplay interface: operation cancelAnimationFrame(long) |
| 33 PASS VRDisplay interface: operation requestPresent([object Object]) |
| 34 PASS VRDisplay interface: operation exitPresent() |
| 35 PASS VRDisplay interface: operation getLayers() |
| 36 PASS VRDisplay interface: operation submitFrame() |
| 37 PASS VRDisplayCapabilities interface: existence and properties of interface obje
ct |
| 38 PASS VRDisplayCapabilities interface object length |
| 39 PASS VRDisplayCapabilities interface object name |
| 40 FAIL VRDisplayCapabilities interface: existence and properties of interface prot
otype object assert_equals: class string of VRDisplayCapabilities.prototype expe
cted "[object VRDisplayCapabilitiesPrototype]" but got "[object VRDisplayCapabil
ities]" |
| 41 PASS VRDisplayCapabilities interface: existence and properties of interface prot
otype object's "constructor" property |
| 42 PASS VRDisplayCapabilities interface: attribute hasPosition |
| 43 PASS VRDisplayCapabilities interface: attribute hasOrientation |
| 44 PASS VRDisplayCapabilities interface: attribute hasExternalDisplay |
| 45 PASS VRDisplayCapabilities interface: attribute canPresent |
| 46 PASS VRDisplayCapabilities interface: attribute maxLayers |
| 47 PASS VRFieldOfView interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| 48 PASS VRFieldOfView interface object length |
| 49 PASS VRFieldOfView interface object name |
| 50 FAIL VRFieldOfView interface: existence and properties of interface prototype ob
ject assert_equals: class string of VRFieldOfView.prototype expected "[object VR
FieldOfViewPrototype]" but got "[object VRFieldOfView]" |
| 51 PASS VRFieldOfView interface: existence and properties of interface prototype ob
ject's "constructor" property |
| 52 FAIL VRFieldOfView interface: attribute upDegrees assert_equals: setter must be
undefined for readonly attributes expected (undefined) undefined but got (functi
on) function "function () { [native code] }" |
| 53 FAIL VRFieldOfView interface: attribute rightDegrees assert_equals: setter must
be undefined for readonly attributes expected (undefined) undefined but got (fun
ction) function "function () { [native code] }" |
| 54 FAIL VRFieldOfView interface: attribute downDegrees assert_equals: setter must b
e undefined for readonly attributes expected (undefined) undefined but got (func
tion) function "function () { [native code] }" |
| 55 FAIL VRFieldOfView interface: attribute leftDegrees assert_equals: setter must b
e undefined for readonly attributes expected (undefined) undefined but got (func
tion) function "function () { [native code] }" |
| 56 PASS VRPose interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| 57 PASS VRPose interface object length |
| 58 PASS VRPose interface object name |
| 59 FAIL VRPose interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object as
sert_equals: class string of VRPose.prototype expected "[object VRPosePrototype]
" but got "[object VRPose]" |
| 60 PASS VRPose interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's
"constructor" property |
| 61 PASS VRPose interface: attribute position |
| 62 PASS VRPose interface: attribute linearVelocity |
| 63 PASS VRPose interface: attribute linearAcceleration |
| 64 PASS VRPose interface: attribute orientation |
| 65 PASS VRPose interface: attribute angularVelocity |
| 66 PASS VRPose interface: attribute angularAcceleration |
| 67 PASS VRFrameData interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| 68 PASS VRFrameData interface object length |
| 69 PASS VRFrameData interface object name |
| 70 FAIL VRFrameData interface: existence and properties of interface prototype obje
ct assert_equals: class string of VRFrameData.prototype expected "[object VRFram
eDataPrototype]" but got "[object VRFrameData]" |
| 71 PASS VRFrameData interface: existence and properties of interface prototype obje
ct's "constructor" property |
| 72 PASS VRFrameData interface: attribute timestamp |
| 73 PASS VRFrameData interface: attribute leftProjectionMatrix |
| 74 PASS VRFrameData interface: attribute leftViewMatrix |
| 75 PASS VRFrameData interface: attribute rightProjectionMatrix |
| 76 PASS VRFrameData interface: attribute rightViewMatrix |
| 77 PASS VRFrameData interface: attribute pose |
| 78 PASS VREyeParameters interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| 79 PASS VREyeParameters interface object length |
| 80 PASS VREyeParameters interface object name |
| 81 FAIL VREyeParameters interface: existence and properties of interface prototype
object assert_equals: class string of VREyeParameters.prototype expected "[objec
t VREyeParametersPrototype]" but got "[object VREyeParameters]" |
| 82 PASS VREyeParameters interface: existence and properties of interface prototype
object's "constructor" property |
| 83 PASS VREyeParameters interface: attribute offset |
| 84 PASS VREyeParameters interface: attribute fieldOfView |
| 85 PASS VREyeParameters interface: attribute renderWidth |
| 86 PASS VREyeParameters interface: attribute renderHeight |
| 87 PASS VRStageParameters interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| 88 PASS VRStageParameters interface object length |
| 89 PASS VRStageParameters interface object name |
| 90 FAIL VRStageParameters interface: existence and properties of interface prototyp
e object assert_equals: class string of VRStageParameters.prototype expected "[o
bject VRStageParametersPrototype]" but got "[object VRStageParameters]" |
| 91 PASS VRStageParameters interface: existence and properties of interface prototyp
e object's "constructor" property |
| 92 PASS VRStageParameters interface: attribute sittingToStandingTransform |
| 93 PASS VRStageParameters interface: attribute sizeX |
| 94 PASS VRStageParameters interface: attribute sizeZ |
| 95 PASS VRDisplayEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| 96 FAIL VRDisplayEvent interface object length assert_equals: wrong value for VRDis
playEvent.length expected 2 but got 1 |
| 97 PASS VRDisplayEvent interface object name |
| 98 FAIL VRDisplayEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype o
bject assert_equals: class string of VRDisplayEvent.prototype expected "[object
VRDisplayEventPrototype]" but got "[object VRDisplayEvent]" |
| 99 PASS VRDisplayEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype o
bject's "constructor" property |
| 100 PASS VRDisplayEvent interface: attribute display |
| 101 PASS VRDisplayEvent interface: attribute reason |
| 102 Harness: the test ran to completion. |
| 103 |