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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/audio/PushPullFIFOTest.cpp

Issue 2549093009: Introduce PushPullFIFO class and remove other FIFOs (Closed)
Patch Set: Death test comparison string dropped after l-g-t-m Created 3 years, 10 months ago
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Index: third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/audio/PushPullFIFOTest.cpp
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/audio/PushPullFIFOTest.cpp b/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/audio/PushPullFIFOTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cd442b9b131472a5a8258d8991125b74b0183d65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/audio/PushPullFIFOTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "platform/audio/PushPullFIFO.h"
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include "platform/audio/AudioUtilities.h"
+#include "platform/testing/TestingPlatformSupport.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "wtf/PtrUtil.h"
+namespace blink {
+namespace {
+// Check the basic contract of FIFO.
+TEST(PushPullFIFOBasicTest, BasicTests) {
+ // This suppresses the multi-thread warning for GTest. Potently it increases
+ // the test execution time, but this specific test is very short and simple.
+ ::testing::FLAGS_gtest_death_test_style = "threadsafe";
+ // FIFO length exceeding the maximum length allowed will cause crash.
+ // i.e.) m_fifoLength <= kMaxFIFOLength
+ EXPECT_DEATH(new PushPullFIFO(2, PushPullFIFO::kMaxFIFOLength + 1), "");
+ std::unique_ptr<PushPullFIFO> testFifo =
+ WTF::wrapUnique(new PushPullFIFO(2, 1024));
+ // The input bus length must be |AudioUtilities::kRenderQuantumFrames|.
+ // i.e.) inputBus->length() == kRenderQuantumFrames
+ RefPtr<AudioBus> inputBusOf129Frames =
+ AudioBus::create(2, AudioUtilities::kRenderQuantumFrames + 1);
+ EXPECT_DEATH(testFifo->push(inputBusOf129Frames.get()), "");
+ RefPtr<AudioBus> inputBusOf127Frames =
+ AudioBus::create(2, AudioUtilities::kRenderQuantumFrames - 1);
+ EXPECT_DEATH(testFifo->push(inputBusOf127Frames.get()), "");
+ // Pull request frames cannot exceed the length of output bus.
+ // i.e.) framesRequested <= outputBus->length()
+ RefPtr<AudioBus> outputBusOf512Frames = AudioBus::create(2, 512);
+ EXPECT_DEATH(testFifo->pull(outputBusOf512Frames.get(), 513), "");
+ // Pull request frames cannot exceed the length of FIFO.
+ // i.e.) framesRequested <= m_fifoLength
+ RefPtr<AudioBus> outputBusOf1025Frames = AudioBus::create(2, 1025);
+ EXPECT_DEATH(testFifo->pull(outputBusOf1025Frames.get(), 1025), "");
+// Fills each AudioChannel in an AudioBus with a series of linearly increasing
+// values starting from |startingValue| and incrementing by 1. Then return value
+// will be |startingValue| + |bus_length|.
+size_t fillBusWithLinearRamp(AudioBus* targetBus, size_t startingValue) {
+ for (unsigned c = 0; c < targetBus->numberOfChannels(); ++c) {
+ float* busChannel = targetBus->channel(c)->mutableData();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < targetBus->channel(c)->length(); ++i) {
+ busChannel[i] = static_cast<float>(startingValue + i);
+ }
+ }
+ return startingValue + targetBus->length();
+// Inspect the content of AudioBus with a given set of index and value across
+// channels.
+bool verifyBusValueAtIndex(AudioBus* targetBus,
+ int index,
+ float expectedValue) {
+ for (unsigned c = 0; c < targetBus->numberOfChannels(); ++c) {
+ float* busChannel = targetBus->channel(c)->mutableData();
+ if (busChannel[index] != expectedValue) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << ">> [FAIL] expected " << expectedValue << " at index "
+ << index << " but got " << busChannel[index] << ".";
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+struct FIFOAction {
+ // The type of action; "PUSH" or "PULL".
+ const char* action;
+ // Number of frames for the operation.
+ const size_t numberOfFrames;
+struct AudioBusSample {
+ // The frame index of a sample in the bus.
+ const size_t index;
+ // The value at the |index| above.
+ const float value;
+struct FIFOTestSetup {
+ // Length of FIFO to be created for test case.
+ const size_t fifoLength;
+ // Channel count of FIFO to be created for test case.
+ const unsigned numberOfChannels;
+ // A list of |FIFOAction| entries to be performed in test case.
+ const std::vector<FIFOAction> fifoActions;
+struct FIFOTestExpectedState {
+ // Expected read index in FIFO.
+ const size_t indexRead;
+ // Expected write index in FIFO.
+ const size_t indexWrite;
+ // Expected overflow count in FIFO.
+ const unsigned overflowCount;
+ // Expected underflow count in FIFO.
+ const unsigned underflowCount;
+ // A list of expected |AudioBusSample| entries for the FIFO bus.
+ const std::vector<AudioBusSample> fifoSamples;
+ // A list of expected |AudioBusSample| entries for the output bus.
+ const std::vector<AudioBusSample> outputSamples;
+// The data structure for the parameterized test cases.
+struct FIFOTestParam {
+ FIFOTestSetup setup;
+ FIFOTestExpectedState expectedState;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const FIFOTestParam& param) {
+ out << "fifoLength=" << param.setup.fifoLength
+ << " numberOfChannels=" << param.setup.numberOfChannels;
+ return out;
+class PushPullFIFOFeatureTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<FIFOTestParam> {
+TEST_P(PushPullFIFOFeatureTest, FeatureTests) {
+ const FIFOTestSetup setup = GetParam().setup;
+ const FIFOTestExpectedState expectedState = GetParam().expectedState;
+ // Create a FIFO with a specified configuration.
+ std::unique_ptr<PushPullFIFO> fifo = WTF::wrapUnique(
+ new PushPullFIFO(setup.numberOfChannels, setup.fifoLength));
+ RefPtr<AudioBus> outputBus;
+ // Iterate all the scheduled push/pull actions.
+ size_t frameCounter = 0;
+ for (const auto& action : setup.fifoActions) {
+ if (strcmp(action.action, "PUSH") == 0) {
+ RefPtr<AudioBus> inputBus =
+ AudioBus::create(setup.numberOfChannels, action.numberOfFrames);
+ frameCounter = fillBusWithLinearRamp(inputBus.get(), frameCounter);
+ fifo->push(inputBus.get());
+ LOG(INFO) << "PUSH " << action.numberOfFrames
+ << " frames (frameCounter=" << frameCounter << ")";
+ } else {
+ outputBus =
+ AudioBus::create(setup.numberOfChannels, action.numberOfFrames);
+ fifo->pull(outputBus.get(), action.numberOfFrames);
+ LOG(INFO) << "PULL " << action.numberOfFrames << " frames";
+ }
+ }
+ // Get FIFO config data.
+ const PushPullFIFOStateForTest actualState = fifo->getStateForTest();
+ // Verify the read/write indexes.
+ EXPECT_EQ(expectedState.indexRead, actualState.indexRead);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expectedState.indexWrite, actualState.indexWrite);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expectedState.overflowCount, actualState.overflowCount);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expectedState.underflowCount, actualState.underflowCount);
+ // Verify in-FIFO samples.
+ for (const auto& sample : expectedState.fifoSamples) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(verifyBusValueAtIndex(fifo->bus(), sample.index, sample.value));
+ }
+ // Verify samples from the most recent output bus.
+ for (const auto& sample : expectedState.outputSamples) {
+ verifyBusValueAtIndex(outputBus.get(), sample.index, sample.value));
+ }
+FIFOTestParam featureTestParams[] = {
+ // Test cases 0 ~ 3: Regular operation on various channel configuration.
+ // - Mono, Stereo, Quad, 5.1.
+ // - FIFO length and pull size are RQ-aligned.
+ {{512, 1, {{"PUSH", 128}, {"PUSH", 128}, {"PULL", 256}}},
+ {256, 256, 0, 0, {{0, 0}}, {{0, 0}, {255, 255}}}},
+ {{512, 2, {{"PUSH", 128}, {"PUSH", 128}, {"PULL", 256}}},
+ {256, 256, 0, 0, {{0, 0}}, {{0, 0}, {255, 255}}}},
+ {{512, 4, {{"PUSH", 128}, {"PUSH", 128}, {"PULL", 256}}},
+ {256, 256, 0, 0, {{0, 0}}, {{0, 0}, {255, 255}}}},
+ {{512, 6, {{"PUSH", 128}, {"PUSH", 128}, {"PULL", 256}}},
+ {256, 256, 0, 0, {{0, 0}}, {{0, 0}, {255, 255}}}},
+ // Test case 4: Pull size less than or equal to 128.
+ {{128, 2, {{"PUSH", 128}, {"PULL", 128}, {"PUSH", 128}, {"PULL", 64}}},
+ {64, 0, 0, 0, {{64, 192}, {0, 128}}, {{0, 128}, {63, 191}}}},
+ // Test case 5: Unusual FIFO and Pull length.
+ // - FIFO and pull length that are not aligned to render quantum.
+ // - Check if the indexes are wrapping around correctly.
+ // - Check if the output bus starts and ends with correct values.
+ {{997,
+ 1,
+ {
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PULL", 449},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PULL", 449},
+ }},
+ // - expectedIndexRead = 898, expectedIndexWrite = 27
+ // - overflowCount = 0, underflowCount = 0
+ // - FIFO samples (index, expectedValue) = (898, 898), (27, 27)
+ // - Output bus samples (index, expectedValue) = (0, 499), (448, 897)
+ {898, 27, 0, 0, {{898, 898}, {27, 27}}, {{0, 449}, {448, 897}}}},
+ // Test case 6: Overflow
+ // - Check overflow counter.
+ // - After the overflow occurs, the read index must be moved to the write
+ // index. Thus pulled frames must not contain overwritten data.
+ {{512,
+ 3,
+ {
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PULL", 256},
+ }},
+ // - expectedIndexRead = 384, expectedIndexWrite = 128
+ // - overflowCount = 1, underflowCount = 0
+ // - FIFO samples (index, expectedValue) = (384, 384), (128, 128)
+ // - Output bus samples (index, expectedValue) = (0, 128), (255, 383)
+ {384, 128, 1, 0, {{384, 384}, {128, 128}}, {{0, 128}, {255, 383}}}},
+ // Test case 7: Overflow in unusual FIFO and pull length.
+ // - Check overflow counter.
+ // - After the overflow occurs, the read index must be moved to the write
+ // index. Thus pulled frames must not contain overwritten data.
+ {{577,
+ 5,
+ {
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PULL", 227},
+ }},
+ // - expectedIndexRead = 290, expectedIndexWrite = 63
+ // - overflowCount = 1, underflowCount = 0
+ // - FIFO samples (index, expectedValue) = (63, 63), (290, 290)
+ // - Output bus samples (index, expectedValue) = (0, 63), (226, 289)
+ {290, 63, 1, 0, {{63, 63}, {290, 290}}, {{0, 63}, {226, 289}}}},
+ // Test case 8: Underflow
+ // - Check underflow counter.
+ // - After the underflow occurs, the write index must be moved to the read
+ // index. Frames pulled after FIFO underflows must be zeroed.
+ {{512,
+ 7,
+ {
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PULL", 384},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PULL", 384},
+ }},
+ // - expectedIndexRead = 128, expectedIndexWrite = 128
+ // - overflowCount = 0, underflowCount = 1
+ // - FIFO samples (index, expectedValue) = (128, 128)
+ // - Output bus samples (index, expectedValue) = (0, 384), (255, 639)
+ // (256, 0), (383, 0)
+ {128,
+ 128,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ {{128, 128}},
+ {{0, 384}, {255, 639}, {256, 0}, {383, 0}}}},
+ // Test case 9: Underflow in unusual FIFO and pull length.
+ // - Check underflow counter.
+ // - After the underflow occurs, the write index must be moved to the read
+ // index. Frames pulled after FIFO underflows must be zeroed.
+ {{523,
+ 11,
+ {
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PULL", 383},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PULL", 383},
+ }},
+ // - expectedIndexRead = 117, expectedIndexWrite = 117
+ // - overflowCount = 0, underflowCount = 1
+ // - FIFO samples (index, expectedValue) = (117, 117)
+ // - Output bus samples (index, expectedValue) = (0, 383), (256, 639)
+ // (257, 0), (382, 0)
+ {117,
+ 117,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ {{117, 117}},
+ {{0, 383}, {256, 639}, {257, 0}, {382, 0}}}},
+ // Test case 10: Multiple pull from an empty FIFO.
+ // - Check underflow counter.
+ // - After the underflow occurs, the write index must be moved to the read
+ // index. Frames pulled after FIFO underflows must be zeroed.
+ {{1024,
+ 11,
+ {
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PUSH", 128},
+ {"PULL", 440},
+ {"PULL", 440},
+ {"PULL", 440},
+ {"PULL", 440},
+ {"PULL", 440},
+ }},
+ // - expectedIndexRead = 117, expectedIndexWrite = 117
+ // - overflowCount = 0, underflowCount = 1
+ // - FIFO samples (index, expectedValue) = (117, 117)
+ // - Output bus samples (index, expectedValue) = (0, 383), (256, 639)
+ // (257, 0), (382, 0)
+ {256, 256, 0, 5, {{256, 0}}, {{0, 0}, {439, 0}}}},
+ // Test case 11: Multiple pull from an empty FIFO. (zero push)
+ {{1024,
+ 11,
+ {
+ {"PULL", 144},
+ {"PULL", 144},
+ {"PULL", 144},
+ {"PULL", 144},
+ }},
+ // - expectedIndexRead = 0, expectedIndexWrite = 0
+ // - overflowCount = 0, underflowCount = 4
+ // - FIFO samples (index, expectedValue) = (0, 0), (1023, 0)
+ // - Output bus samples (index, expectedValue) = (0, 0), (143, 0)
+ {0, 0, 0, 4, {{0, 0}, {1023, 0}}, {{0, 0}, {143, 0}}}}};
+ PushPullFIFOFeatureTest,
+ ::testing::ValuesIn(featureTestParams));
+} // namespace
+} // namespace blink
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