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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/audio/PushPullFIFO.cpp

Issue 2549093009: Introduce PushPullFIFO class and remove other FIFOs (Closed)
Patch Set: Death test comparison string dropped after l-g-t-m Created 3 years, 10 months ago
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Index: third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/audio/PushPullFIFO.cpp
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/audio/PushPullFIFO.cpp b/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/audio/PushPullFIFO.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f464e9dc4a0ff24a610e4c5df8291ee5a87941ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/audio/PushPullFIFO.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "platform/audio/PushPullFIFO.h"
+#include <memory>
+#include "platform/audio/AudioUtilities.h"
+#include "wtf/PtrUtil.h"
+namespace blink {
+namespace {
+// Suppress the warning log if over/underflow happens more than 100 times.
+const unsigned kMaxMessagesToLog = 100;
+const size_t PushPullFIFO::kMaxFIFOLength = 65536;
+PushPullFIFO::PushPullFIFO(unsigned numberOfChannels, size_t fifoLength)
+ : m_fifoLength(fifoLength),
+ m_framesAvailable(0),
+ m_indexRead(0),
+ m_indexWrite(0),
+ m_overflowCount(0),
+ m_underflowCount(0) {
+ CHECK_LE(m_fifoLength, kMaxFIFOLength);
+ m_fifoBus = AudioBus::create(numberOfChannels, m_fifoLength);
+PushPullFIFO::~PushPullFIFO() {}
+// Push the data from |inputBus| to FIFO. The size of push is determined by
+// the length of |inputBus|.
+void PushPullFIFO::push(const AudioBus* inputBus) {
+ CHECK(inputBus);
+ CHECK_EQ(inputBus->length(), AudioUtilities::kRenderQuantumFrames);
+ SECURITY_CHECK(inputBus->length() <= m_fifoLength);
+ SECURITY_CHECK(m_indexWrite < m_fifoLength);
+ const size_t inputBusLength = inputBus->length();
+ const size_t remainder = m_fifoLength - m_indexWrite;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_fifoBus->numberOfChannels(); ++i) {
+ float* fifoBusChannel = m_fifoBus->channel(i)->mutableData();
+ const float* inputBusChannel = inputBus->channel(i)->data();
+ if (remainder >= inputBusLength) {
+ // The remainder is big enough for the input data.
+ memcpy(fifoBusChannel + m_indexWrite, inputBusChannel,
+ inputBusLength * sizeof(*fifoBusChannel));
+ } else {
+ // The input data overflows the remainder size. Wrap around the index.
+ memcpy(fifoBusChannel + m_indexWrite, inputBusChannel,
+ remainder * sizeof(*fifoBusChannel));
+ memcpy(fifoBusChannel, inputBusChannel + remainder,
+ (inputBusLength - remainder) * sizeof(*fifoBusChannel));
+ }
+ }
+ // Update the write index; wrap it around if necessary.
+ m_indexWrite = (m_indexWrite + inputBusLength) % m_fifoLength;
+ // In case of overflow, move the |indexRead| to the updated |indexWrite| to
+ // avoid reading overwritten frames by the next pull.
+ if (inputBusLength > m_fifoLength - m_framesAvailable) {
+ m_indexRead = m_indexWrite;
+ if (++m_overflowCount < kMaxMessagesToLog) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "PushPullFIFO: overflow while pushing ("
+ << "overflowCount=" << m_overflowCount
+ << ", availableFrames=" << m_framesAvailable
+ << ", inputFrames=" << inputBusLength
+ << ", fifoLength=" << m_fifoLength << ")";
+ }
+ }
+ // Update the number of frames available in FIFO.
+ m_framesAvailable =
+ std::min(m_framesAvailable + inputBusLength, m_fifoLength);
+ DCHECK_EQ((m_indexRead + m_framesAvailable) % m_fifoLength, m_indexWrite);
+// Pull the data out of FIFO to |outputBus|. If remaining frame in the FIFO
+// is less than the frames to pull, provides remaining frame plus the silence.
+void PushPullFIFO::pull(AudioBus* outputBus, size_t framesRequested) {
+ CHECK(outputBus);
+ SECURITY_CHECK(framesRequested <= outputBus->length());
+ SECURITY_CHECK(framesRequested <= m_fifoLength);
+ SECURITY_CHECK(m_indexRead < m_fifoLength);
+ const size_t remainder = m_fifoLength - m_indexRead;
+ const size_t framesToFill = std::min(m_framesAvailable, framesRequested);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_fifoBus->numberOfChannels(); ++i) {
+ const float* fifoBusChannel = m_fifoBus->channel(i)->data();
+ float* outputBusChannel = outputBus->channel(i)->mutableData();
+ // Fill up the output bus with the available frames first.
+ if (remainder >= framesToFill) {
+ // The remainder is big enough for the frames to pull.
+ memcpy(outputBusChannel, fifoBusChannel + m_indexRead,
+ framesToFill * sizeof(*fifoBusChannel));
+ } else {
+ // The frames to pull is bigger than the remainder size.
+ // Wrap around the index.
+ memcpy(outputBusChannel, fifoBusChannel + m_indexRead,
+ remainder * sizeof(*fifoBusChannel));
+ memcpy(outputBusChannel + remainder, fifoBusChannel,
+ (framesToFill - remainder) * sizeof(*fifoBusChannel));
+ }
+ // The frames available was not enough to fulfill the requested frames. Fill
+ // the rest of the channel with silence.
+ if (framesRequested > framesToFill) {
+ memset(outputBusChannel + framesToFill, 0,
+ (framesRequested - framesToFill) * sizeof(*outputBusChannel));
+ }
+ }
+ // Update the read index; wrap it around if necessary.
+ m_indexRead = (m_indexRead + framesToFill) % m_fifoLength;
+ // In case of underflow, move the |indexWrite| to the updated |indexRead|.
+ if (framesRequested > framesToFill) {
+ m_indexWrite = m_indexRead;
+ if (m_underflowCount++ < kMaxMessagesToLog) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "PushPullFIFO: underflow while pulling ("
+ << "underflowCount=" << m_underflowCount
+ << ", availableFrames=" << m_framesAvailable
+ << ", requestedFrames=" << framesRequested
+ << ", fifoLength=" << m_fifoLength << ")";
+ }
+ }
+ // Update the number of frames in FIFO.
+ m_framesAvailable -= framesToFill;
+ DCHECK_EQ((m_indexRead + m_framesAvailable) % m_fifoLength, m_indexWrite);
+const PushPullFIFOStateForTest PushPullFIFO::getStateForTest() const {
+ return {length(), numberOfChannels(), framesAvailable(), m_indexRead,
+ m_indexWrite, m_overflowCount, m_underflowCount};
+} // namespace blink
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