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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageReader.h

Issue 2386453003: WIP: Implement APNG (Closed)
Patch Set: Fix feedback on previous patches Created 4 years ago
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Index: third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageReader.h
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageReader.h b/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageReader.h
index 4144201a9b66088d12704bdf2d64feb9eac6c822..62d53542789b964011c5cd2c2b79cb9aa4458ad1 100644
--- a/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageReader.h
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageReader.h
@@ -26,8 +26,28 @@
#ifndef PNGImageReader_h
#define PNGImageReader_h
-#include "platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.h"
+#include "platform/PlatformExport.h"
+#include "platform/geometry/IntRect.h"
#include "png.h"
+#include "wtf/Allocator.h"
+#include "wtf/Noncopyable.h"
+#include "wtf/PtrUtil.h"
+#include "wtf/Vector.h"
+namespace blink {
+// These constants map to the frame control parameters defined in fcTL chunks,
+// as specified at
+const uint8_t kAPNGAlphaBlendBgcolor = 0;
+const uint8_t kAPNGAlphaBlendPreviousFrame = 1;
+const uint8_t kAPNGDisposeKeep = 0;
+const uint8_t kAPNGDisposeBgcolor = 1;
+const uint8_t kAPNGDisposePrevious = 2;
+class SegmentReader;
+class PNGImageDecoder;
+class FastSharedBufferReader;
#if !defined(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_MAJOR) || !defined(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_MINOR)
#error version error: compile against a versioned libpng.
@@ -40,45 +60,123 @@
#define JMPBUF(png_ptr) png_ptr->jmpbuf
-namespace blink {
-class SegmentReader;
class PLATFORM_EXPORT PNGImageReader final {
- PNGImageReader(PNGImageDecoder*, size_t offset);
+ PNGImageReader(PNGImageDecoder*, size_t initialOffset);
- bool decode(const SegmentReader&, bool sizeOnly);
+ struct FrameInfo {
+ // The offset where the frame data of this frame starts.
+ size_t startOffset;
+ // The number of bytes that contain frame data, starting at startOffset.
+ size_t byteLength;
+ size_t duration;
+ IntRect frameRect;
+ uint8_t disposalMethod;
+ uint8_t alphaBlend;
+ };
+ enum class PNGParseQuery { PNGSizeQuery, PNGMetaDataQuery };
+ // This method tries to parse the data stream in the SegmentReader, up to
+ // the point where the PNGParseQuery can be answered.
+ // @return true when the query is fulfilled.
+ // false when:
+ // A) not enough data provided
+ // B) the data processing by libpng fails. In this case, it also
+ // calls setFailed() on m_decoder.
+ bool parse(SegmentReader&, PNGParseQuery);
+ void decode(SegmentReader&, size_t);
+ const FrameInfo& frameInfo(size_t) const;
+ // This will return the number of frames that have been detected in the
+ // stream so far. If an incomplete stream is provided, this number is not
+ // final. However, all frame info for the frames up to this number is
+ // available so it can be used by the client if it wants to.
+ size_t frameCount() const;
+ // This is called by the the libpng callback that handles unknown chunks.
+ void parseAnimationChunk(const char* tag,
+ const void* dataChunk,
+ size_t length);
+ // |m_parseCompleted| becomes true when
+ // a) the png is determined to be non-animated, if no acTL chunk is found
+ // before the IDAT chunk, or
+ // b) when the IEND chunk is seen for animated pngs.
+ bool parseCompleted() const { return m_parseCompleted; };
+ void setParseCompleted() { m_parseCompleted = true; };
+ // This method indicates for *animated* PNGs whether the first frame is fully
+ // received. That is, when the fcTL chunk of the next frame has been received.
+ bool firstFrameFullyReceived() const;
+ // This method is called when a frame with status ImageFrame::FramePartial
+ // gets cleared in PNGImageDecoder.
+ //
+ // For |frameIndex| > 0, no action is necessary, since each decode call will
+ // decode the frame completely from start to end.
+ //
+ // For |frameIndex| == 0, |m_progressiveDecodeOffset| will be set to 0, to
+ // make sure progressive decoding is started from the beginning of the frame.
+ void clearDecodeState(size_t frameIndex);
png_structp pngPtr() const { return m_png; }
png_infop infoPtr() const { return m_info; }
- size_t getReadOffset() const { return m_readOffset; }
- void setReadOffset(size_t offset) { m_readOffset = offset; }
- size_t currentBufferSize() const { return m_currentBufferSize; }
- bool decodingSizeOnly() const { return m_decodingSizeOnly; }
- void setHasAlpha(bool hasAlpha) { m_hasAlpha = hasAlpha; }
- bool hasAlpha() const { return m_hasAlpha; }
png_bytep interlaceBuffer() const { return m_interlaceBuffer.get(); }
void createInterlaceBuffer(int size) {
m_interlaceBuffer = wrapArrayUnique(new png_byte[size]);
+ void clearInterlaceBuffer() { m_interlaceBuffer.reset(); }
png_structp m_png;
png_infop m_info;
PNGImageDecoder* m_decoder;
+ // This indicates at what offset in the stream the PNG image starts.
+ const size_t m_initialOffset;
+ // This is used to keep track of how many bytes we've read during parsing.
size_t m_readOffset;
- size_t m_currentBufferSize;
- bool m_decodingSizeOnly;
- bool m_hasAlpha;
+ // This variable is used to do progressive decoding for the first frame. It
+ // keeps track of how many bytes have been processed so far.
+ size_t m_progressiveDecodeOffset;
+ // The offset where IDAT starts. This is used to re-use the complete set of
+ // info/header chunks when mimicking a png image for a frame.
+ size_t m_idatOffset;
+ // This flag is set to true when an fcTL chunk is encountered before the
+ // IDAT chunk(s). In that case, the IDAT data is the first frame. Otherwise,
+ // the IDAT is ignored for an animated image.
+ bool m_idatIsPartOfAnimation;
+ bool m_isAnimated;
+ bool m_parsedSignature;
+ bool m_parseCompleted;
std::unique_ptr<png_byte[]> m_interlaceBuffer;
-} // namespace blink
+ Vector<FrameInfo, 1> m_frameInfo;
+ // This is used to temporarily store frame information, until it is pushed to
+ // |m_frameInfo|, when all frame data has been seen in the stream.
+ FrameInfo m_newFrame;
+ size_t processData(const FastSharedBufferReader&,
+ size_t offset,
+ size_t length);
+ bool parseSize(const FastSharedBufferReader&);
+ void parseFrameInfo(const png_byte* data);
+ void resetPNGStruct();
+ void startFrameDecoding(const FastSharedBufferReader&, size_t);
+ // @return true if the complete frame has been decoded
+ // false otherwise
+ bool progressivelyDecodeFirstFrame(const FastSharedBufferReader&);
+ void decodeFrame(const FastSharedBufferReader&, size_t);
+ void endFrameDecoding();

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