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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.h

Issue 2386453003: WIP: Implement APNG (Closed)
Patch Set: Fix feedback on previous patches Created 4 years ago
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Index: third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.h
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.h b/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.h
index a2e3d6810f10712af7a482976a43efc3a9668c38..4c567cfa8e5ccf21a7a2b43f4d7c9cd622bad30d 100644
--- a/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.h
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.h
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#define PNGImageDecoder_h
#include "platform/image-decoders/ImageDecoder.h"
+#include "platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageReader.h"
#include <memory>
namespace blink {
@@ -45,24 +46,67 @@ class PLATFORM_EXPORT PNGImageDecoder final : public ImageDecoder {
// ImageDecoder:
String filenameExtension() const override { return "png"; }
+ int repetitionCount() const override;
+ bool frameIsCompleteAtIndex(size_t) const override;
+ float frameDurationAtIndex(size_t) const override;
+ // Failures are handled differently, based on the image and state of the
+ // decoder:
+ //
+ // 1) When a non-animated PNG or the first frame of an animated PNG can't be
+ // decoded or parsed, set the decoder to the failed state, because there
+ // are no frames we can show to the client. Also set the state to failed if
+ // a parse error occurs before any frames were received.
+ // 2) When a decoding failure occurs for non-first frames, we still want to
+ // show earlier frames. This means the frame count needs to be adjusted.
+ // 3) When a parsing failure occurs, the frame count is adjusted to the number
+ // of successfully parsed frames, since we can still show those.
+ //
+ // In cases 2 and 3, we have to prevent parse() from adjusting the frame
+ // count to pre-failure values by setting |m_failedWithCorrectFrames| to true.
+ bool setFailed() override;
// Callbacks from libpng
void headerAvailable();
void rowAvailable(unsigned char* row, unsigned rowIndex, int);
void complete();
+ // Additional methods used for APNG
+ void setRepetitionCount(size_t);
// ImageDecoder:
- void decodeSize() override { decode(true); }
- void decode(size_t) override { decode(false); }
+ void decodeSize() override {
+ parse(PNGImageReader::PNGParseQuery::PNGSizeQuery);
+ }
+ void decode(size_t) override;
+ size_t decodeFrameCount() override;
+ void initializeNewFrame(size_t) override;
+ void clearFrameBuffer(size_t) override;
+ // Create an interlacing buffer when the frame is encoded with interlacing.
+ void onInitFrameBuffer(size_t) override;
+ // When the disposal method of the frame is DisposeOverwritePrevious, the
+ // next frame will use the previous frame's buffer as its starting state, so
+ // we can't take over the data in that case. Before calling this method, the
+ // caller must verify that the frame exists.
+ bool canReusePreviousFrameBuffer(size_t index) const override;
+ void parse(PNGImageReader::PNGParseQuery);
- // Decodes the image. If |onlySize| is true, stops decoding after
- // calculating the image size. If decoding fails but there is no more
- // data coming, sets the "decode failure" flag.
- void decode(bool onlySize);
+ PNGImageReader m_reader;
+ size_t m_frameCount;
+ size_t m_currentFrame;
+ // m_repetitionCount is set to cAnimationLoopOnce by default, so the
+ // DeferredImageDecoder takes into account that this may be an animated
+ // image, but we don't know for sure yet.
+ int m_repetitionCount;
+ bool m_hasAlphaChannel;
+ bool m_currentBufferSawAlpha;
- std::unique_ptr<PNGImageReader> m_reader;
- const unsigned m_offset;
+ // This flag is set to true while PNGImageReader is parsing. This is used by
+ // setFailed() to determine how to handle a failure.
+ bool m_isParsing;
} // namespace blink

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