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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.cpp

Issue 2386453003: WIP: Implement APNG (Closed)
Patch Set: Fix feedback on previous patches Created 4 years ago
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Index: third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.cpp
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.cpp b/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.cpp
index ea896bd0370b078d13b7eb7b5563712d6da8fd1c..1028e9eb230750021f02a389717c1e8ae14d64e5 100644
--- a/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.cpp
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.cpp
@@ -38,9 +38,7 @@
#include "platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.h"
-#include "platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageReader.h"
#include "png.h"
-#include "wtf/PtrUtil.h"
#include <memory>
namespace blink {
@@ -50,10 +48,149 @@ PNGImageDecoder::PNGImageDecoder(AlphaOption alphaOption,
size_t maxDecodedBytes,
size_t offset)
: ImageDecoder(alphaOption, colorBehavior, maxDecodedBytes),
- m_offset(offset) {}
+ m_reader(this, offset),
+ m_frameCount(0),
+ m_currentFrame(0),
+ m_repetitionCount(cAnimationLoopOnce),
+ m_hasAlphaChannel(false),
+ m_currentBufferSawAlpha(false),
+ m_isParsing(false) {}
PNGImageDecoder::~PNGImageDecoder() {}
+bool PNGImageDecoder::setFailed() {
+ // Update the frame count to make sure it reflects the most up to date number
+ // of frames that were parsed. We don't want to set the decoder to the failed
+ // state if the reader was able to successfully parse some frames.
+ if (m_isParsing)
+ m_frameCount = m_reader.frameCount();
+ // There are three cases in which the decoder is invalidated:
+ // 1) No frames are received so far.
+ // 2) The image is not animated.
+ // 3) Decoding for the first frame fails.
+ if (m_frameCount == 0 || (m_reader.parseCompleted() && m_frameCount == 1) ||
+ (!m_isParsing && m_currentFrame == 0))
+ return ImageDecoder::setFailed();
+ // If decoding fails for later frames, we still want to show earlier frames,
+ // but the frame count needs to be adjusted. We do not want to shrink
+ // |m_frameBufferCache|, since clients may store pointers to later frames.
+ if (!m_isParsing) {
+ m_frameBufferCache[m_currentFrame].clearPixelData();
+ m_frameBufferCache[m_currentFrame].setStatus(ImageFrame::FrameEmpty);
+ m_frameCount = m_currentFrame;
+ }
+ // Set parseCompleted to true, so parse() returns early and thus won't update
+ // |m_frameCount| to the pre-failure value when it is called again.
+ m_reader.setParseCompleted();
+ return false;
+size_t PNGImageDecoder::decodeFrameCount() {
+ parse(PNGImageReader::PNGParseQuery::PNGMetaDataQuery);
+ return m_frameCount;
+void PNGImageDecoder::decode(size_t index) {
+ if (failed())
+ return;
+ updateAggressivePurging(index);
+ Vector<size_t> framesToDecode = findFramesToDecode(index);
+ for (auto i = framesToDecode.rbegin(); i != framesToDecode.rend(); i++) {
+ m_currentFrame = *i;
+ m_reader.decode(*m_data, *i);
+ if (failed() || !postDecodeProcessing(*i))
+ return;
+ }
+void PNGImageDecoder::clearFrameBuffer(size_t frameIndex) {
+ m_reader.clearDecodeState(frameIndex);
+ ImageDecoder::clearFrameBuffer(frameIndex);
+void PNGImageDecoder::onInitFrameBuffer(size_t index) {
+ unsigned colorChannels = m_hasAlphaChannel ? 4 : 3;
+ png_get_interlace_type(m_reader.pngPtr(), m_reader.infoPtr())) {
+ m_reader.createInterlaceBuffer(colorChannels * size().width() *
+ size().height());
+ if (!m_reader.interlaceBuffer())
+ setFailed();
+ }
+bool PNGImageDecoder::canReusePreviousFrameBuffer(size_t frameIndex) const {
+ DCHECK(frameIndex < m_frameBufferCache.size());
+ return m_frameBufferCache[frameIndex].getDisposalMethod() !=
+ ImageFrame::DisposeOverwritePrevious;
+void PNGImageDecoder::parse(PNGImageReader::PNGParseQuery query) {
+ if (failed() || m_reader.parseCompleted())
+ return;
+ m_isParsing = true;
+ if (!m_reader.parse(*m_data, query) && isAllDataReceived())
+ setFailed();
+ else if (query == PNGImageReader::PNGParseQuery::PNGMetaDataQuery)
+ m_frameCount = m_reader.frameCount();
+ m_isParsing = false;
+void PNGImageDecoder::setRepetitionCount(size_t repetitionCount) {
+ m_repetitionCount =
+ (repetitionCount == 0) ? cAnimationLoopInfinite : repetitionCount;
+// This matches the existing behavior to loop once if decoding fails, but this
+// should be changed to stick with m_repetitionCount to match other browsers.
+// See
+int PNGImageDecoder::repetitionCount() const {
+ if (m_reader.parseCompleted() && m_reader.frameCount() == 1)
+ return cAnimationNone;
+ return failed() ? cAnimationLoopOnce : m_repetitionCount;
+static inline ImageFrame::DisposalMethod getDisposalMethod(
+ uint8_t disposalMethod) {
+ switch (disposalMethod) {
+ case kAPNGDisposeKeep:
+ return ImageFrame::DisposalMethod::DisposeKeep;
+ case kAPNGDisposeBgcolor:
+ return ImageFrame::DisposalMethod::DisposeOverwriteBgcolor;
+ case kAPNGDisposePrevious:
+ return ImageFrame::DisposalMethod::DisposeOverwritePrevious;
+ default:
+ return ImageFrame::DisposalMethod::DisposeNotSpecified;
+ }
+static inline ImageFrame::AlphaBlendSource getAlphaBlend(uint8_t alphaBlend) {
+ if (alphaBlend == kAPNGAlphaBlendPreviousFrame)
+ return ImageFrame::AlphaBlendSource::BlendAtopPreviousFrame;
+ return ImageFrame::AlphaBlendSource::BlendAtopBgcolor;
+void PNGImageDecoder::initializeNewFrame(size_t index) {
+ const PNGImageReader::FrameInfo& frameInfo = m_reader.frameInfo(index);
+ ImageFrame* buffer = &m_frameBufferCache[index];
+ IntRect frameRectWithinSize =
+ intersection(frameInfo.frameRect, {IntPoint(), size()});
+ buffer->setOriginalFrameRect(frameRectWithinSize);
+ buffer->setDuration(frameInfo.duration);
+ buffer->setDisposalMethod(getDisposalMethod(frameInfo.disposalMethod));
+ buffer->setAlphaBlendSource(getAlphaBlend(frameInfo.alphaBlend));
+ buffer->setRequiredPreviousFrameIndex(
+ findRequiredPreviousFrame(index, false));
inline float pngFixedToFloat(png_fixed_point x) {
return ((float)x) * 0.00001f;
@@ -109,24 +246,10 @@ inline sk_sp<SkColorSpace> readColorSpace(png_structp png, png_infop info) {
void PNGImageDecoder::headerAvailable() {
- png_structp png = m_reader->pngPtr();
- png_infop info = m_reader->infoPtr();
- png_uint_32 width = png_get_image_width(png, info);
- png_uint_32 height = png_get_image_height(png, info);
- // Protect against large PNGs. See for more details.
- const unsigned long maxPNGSize = 1000000UL;
- if (width > maxPNGSize || height > maxPNGSize) {
- longjmp(JMPBUF(png), 1);
- return;
- }
- // Set the image size now that the image header is available.
- if (!setSize(width, height)) {
- longjmp(JMPBUF(png), 1);
- return;
- }
+ png_structp png = m_reader.pngPtr();
+ png_infop info = m_reader.infoPtr();
+ png_uint_32 width, height;
int bitDepth, colorType, interlaceType, compressionType, filterType, channels;
png_get_IHDR(png, info, &width, &height, &bitDepth, &colorType,
&interlaceType, &compressionType, &filterType);
@@ -152,16 +275,36 @@ void PNGImageDecoder::headerAvailable() {
- if ((colorType & PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR) && !ignoresColorSpace()) {
- // We only support color profiles for color PALETTE and RGB[A] PNG.
- // Supporting color profiles for gray-scale images is slightly tricky, at
- // least using the CoreGraphics ICC library, because we expand gray-scale
- // images to RGB but we do not similarly transform the color profile. We'd
- // either need to transform the color profile or we'd need to decode into a
- // gray-scale image buffer and hand that to CoreGraphics.
- sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace = readColorSpace(png, info);
- if (colorSpace) {
- setEmbeddedColorSpace(colorSpace);
+ // Only set the size and the color space of the image once. Since non-first
+ // frames also use this method, we don't want them to override the size of
+ // the image to the size of their frame rect. Frames also don't specify their
+ // own color space, so we need to set it only once.
+ if (!isDecodedSizeAvailable()) {
+ // Protect against large PNGs. See for more details.
+ const unsigned long maxPNGSize = 1000000UL;
+ if (width > maxPNGSize || height > maxPNGSize) {
+ longjmp(JMPBUF(png), 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Set the image size now that the image header is available.
+ if (!setSize(width, height)) {
+ longjmp(JMPBUF(png), 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((colorType & PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR) && !ignoresColorSpace()) {
+ // We only support color profiles for color PALETTE and RGB[A] PNG.
+ // Supporting color profiles for gray-scale images is slightly tricky, at
+ // least using the CoreGraphics ICC library, because we expand gray-scale
+ // images to RGB but we do not similarly transform the color profile. We'd
+ // either need to transform the color profile or we'd need to decode into
+ // a
+ // gray-scale image buffer and hand that to CoreGraphics.
+ sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace = readColorSpace(png, info);
+ if (colorSpace) {
+ setEmbeddedColorSpace(colorSpace);
+ }
@@ -199,20 +342,8 @@ void PNGImageDecoder::headerAvailable() {
channels = png_get_channels(png, info);
ASSERT(channels == 3 || channels == 4);
- m_reader->setHasAlpha(channels == 4);
- if (m_reader->decodingSizeOnly()) {
-// If we only needed the size, halt the reader.
-#if PNG_LIBPNG_VER_MAJOR > 1 || \
- // Passing '0' tells png_process_data_pause() not to cache unprocessed data.
- m_reader->setReadOffset(m_reader->currentBufferSize() -
- png_process_data_pause(png, 0));
- m_reader->setReadOffset(m_reader->currentBufferSize() - png->buffer_size);
- png->buffer_size = 0;
- }
+ m_hasAlphaChannel = (channels == 4);
+ m_currentBufferSawAlpha = false;
void PNGImageDecoder::rowAvailable(unsigned char* rowBuffer,
@@ -221,88 +352,82 @@ void PNGImageDecoder::rowAvailable(unsigned char* rowBuffer,
if (m_frameBufferCache.isEmpty())
- // Initialize the framebuffer if needed.
- ImageFrame& buffer = m_frameBufferCache[0];
- if (buffer.getStatus() == ImageFrame::FrameEmpty) {
- png_structp png = m_reader->pngPtr();
- if (!buffer.setSizeAndColorSpace(size().width(), size().height(),
- colorSpaceForSkImages())) {
- longjmp(JMPBUF(png), 1);
- return;
- }
- unsigned colorChannels = m_reader->hasAlpha() ? 4 : 3;
- png_get_interlace_type(png, m_reader->infoPtr())) {
- m_reader->createInterlaceBuffer(colorChannels * size().width() *
- size().height());
- if (!m_reader->interlaceBuffer()) {
- longjmp(JMPBUF(png), 1);
- return;
- }
- }
- buffer.setStatus(ImageFrame::FramePartial);
- buffer.setHasAlpha(false);
+ // When a client calls ImageDecoder::setMemoryAllocator *before* decoding the
+ // frame count, the first frame won't get initialized correctly. The call will
+ // resize |m_frameBufferCache| to 1, and therefore ImageDecoder::frameCount
+ // will *not* call initializeNewFrame for the first frame, whether it is a
+ // static image or the first frame of an animated image. Amongst others, the
+ // frame rect will not be set. If this is the case, initialize the frame here.
+ if (m_frameBufferCache[0].originalFrameRect().size() == IntSize(0, 0))
+ initializeNewFrame(0);
- // For PNGs, the frame always fills the entire image.
- buffer.setOriginalFrameRect(IntRect(IntPoint(), size()));
+ if (!initFrameBuffer(m_currentFrame)) {
+ setFailed();
+ return;
+ // This frameRect is already clipped, so that it fits within the size of the
+ // image. This is done in initializeNewFrame() after a frameCount() call.
+ ImageFrame& buffer = m_frameBufferCache[m_currentFrame];
+ const IntRect& frameRect = buffer.originalFrameRect();
/* libpng comments (here to explain what follows).
- *
- * this function is called for every row in the image. If the
- * image is interlacing, and you turned on the interlace handler,
- * this function will be called for every row in every pass.
- * Some of these rows will not be changed from the previous pass.
- * When the row is not changed, the new_row variable will be NULL.
- * The rows and passes are called in order, so you don't really
- * need the row_num and pass, but I'm supplying them because it
- * may make your life easier.
- */
- // Nothing to do if the row is unchanged, or the row is outside
- // the image bounds: libpng may send extra rows, ignore them to
- // make our lives easier.
+ *
+ * this function is called for every row in the image. If the
+ * image is interlacing, and you turned on the interlace handler,
+ * this function will be called for every row in every pass.
+ * Some of these rows will not be changed from the previous pass.
+ * When the row is not changed, the new_row variable will be NULL.
+ * The rows and passes are called in order, so you don't really
+ * need the row_num and pass, but I'm supplying them because it
+ * may make your life easier.
+ */
+ // Nothing to do if the row is unchanged, or the row is outside the image
+ // bounds. In the case that a frame presents more data than the indicated
+ // frame size, ignore the extra rows and thus use the frame size as the
+ // source of truth. libpng may also send extra rows. Ignore those as well.
+ // This prevents us from trying to write outside of the image bounds.
if (!rowBuffer)
- int y = rowIndex;
- if (y < 0 || y >= size().height())
+ int y = rowIndex + frameRect.y();
+ DCHECK_GE(y, 0);
+ if (y >= size().height())
/* libpng comments (continued).
- *
- * For the non-NULL rows of interlaced images, you must call
- * png_progressive_combine_row() passing in the row and the
- * old row. You can call this function for NULL rows (it will
- * just return) and for non-interlaced images (it just does the
- * memcpy for you) if it will make the code easier. Thus, you
- * can just do this for all cases:
- *
- * png_progressive_combine_row(png_ptr, old_row, new_row);
- *
- * where old_row is what was displayed for previous rows. Note
- * that the first pass (pass == 0 really) will completely cover
- * the old row, so the rows do not have to be initialized. After
- * the first pass (and only for interlaced images), you will have
- * to pass the current row, and the function will combine the
- * old row and the new row.
- */
- bool hasAlpha = m_reader->hasAlpha();
+ *
+ * For the non-NULL rows of interlaced images, you must call
+ * png_progressive_combine_row() passing in the row and the
+ * old row. You can call this function for NULL rows (it will
+ * just return) and for non-interlaced images (it just does the
+ * memcpy for you) if it will make the code easier. Thus, you
+ * can just do this for all cases:
+ *
+ * png_progressive_combine_row(png_ptr, old_row, new_row);
+ *
+ * where old_row is what was displayed for previous rows. Note
+ * that the first pass (pass == 0 really) will completely cover
+ * the old row, so the rows do not have to be initialized. After
+ * the first pass (and only for interlaced images), you will have
+ * to pass the current row, and the function will combine the
+ * old row and the new row.
+ */
+ bool hasAlpha = m_hasAlphaChannel;
png_bytep row = rowBuffer;
- if (png_bytep interlaceBuffer = m_reader->interlaceBuffer()) {
+ if (png_bytep interlaceBuffer = m_reader.interlaceBuffer()) {
unsigned colorChannels = hasAlpha ? 4 : 3;
row = interlaceBuffer + (rowIndex * colorChannels * size().width());
- png_progressive_combine_row(m_reader->pngPtr(), row, rowBuffer);
+ png_progressive_combine_row(m_reader.pngPtr(), row, rowBuffer);
// Write the decoded row pixels to the frame buffer. The repetitive
// form of the row write loops is for speed.
- ImageFrame::PixelData* const dstRow = buffer.getAddr(0, y);
+ ImageFrame::PixelData* const dstRow = buffer.getAddr(frameRect.x(), y);
unsigned alphaMask = 255;
- int width = size().width();
+ int width = frameRect.width();
png_bytep srcPtr = row;
if (hasAlpha) {
@@ -324,20 +449,48 @@ void PNGImageDecoder::rowAvailable(unsigned char* rowBuffer,
srcPtr = (png_bytep)dstRow;
- if (buffer.premultiplyAlpha()) {
- for (auto *dstPixel = dstRow; dstPixel < dstRow + width;
- dstPixel++, srcPtr += 4) {
- buffer.setRGBAPremultiply(dstPixel, srcPtr[0], srcPtr[1], srcPtr[2],
- srcPtr[3]);
- alphaMask &= srcPtr[3];
+ if (m_frameBufferCache[m_currentFrame].getAlphaBlendSource() ==
+ ImageFrame::BlendAtopBgcolor) {
+ if (buffer.premultiplyAlpha()) {
+ for (auto *dstPixel = dstRow; dstPixel < dstRow + width;
+ dstPixel++, srcPtr += 4) {
+ buffer.setRGBAPremultiply(dstPixel, srcPtr[0], srcPtr[1], srcPtr[2],
+ srcPtr[3]);
+ alphaMask &= srcPtr[3];
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (auto *dstPixel = dstRow; dstPixel < dstRow + width;
+ dstPixel++, srcPtr += 4) {
+ buffer.setRGBARaw(dstPixel, srcPtr[0], srcPtr[1], srcPtr[2],
+ srcPtr[3]);
+ alphaMask &= srcPtr[3];
+ }
} else {
- for (auto *dstPixel = dstRow; dstPixel < dstRow + width;
- dstPixel++, srcPtr += 4) {
- buffer.setRGBARaw(dstPixel, srcPtr[0], srcPtr[1], srcPtr[2], srcPtr[3]);
- alphaMask &= srcPtr[3];
+ // Now, the blend method is ImageFrame::BlendAtopPreviousFrame. Since the
+ // frame data of the previous frame is copied at initFrameBuffer, we can
+ // blend the pixel of this frame, stored in |srcPtr|, over the previous
+ // pixel stored in |dstPixel|.
+ if (buffer.premultiplyAlpha()) {
+ for (auto *dstPixel = dstRow; dstPixel < dstRow + width;
+ dstPixel++, srcPtr += 4) {
+ buffer.blendRGBAPremultiplied(dstPixel, srcPtr[0], srcPtr[1],
+ srcPtr[2], srcPtr[3]);
+ alphaMask &= srcPtr[3];
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (auto *dstPixel = dstRow; dstPixel < dstRow + width;
+ dstPixel++, srcPtr += 4) {
+ buffer.blendRGBARaw(dstPixel, srcPtr[0], srcPtr[1], srcPtr[2],
+ srcPtr[3]);
+ alphaMask &= srcPtr[3];
+ }
+ if (alphaMask != 255 && !m_currentBufferSawAlpha)
+ m_currentBufferSawAlpha = true;
} else {
for (auto *dstPixel = dstRow; dstPixel < dstRow + width;
dstPixel++, srcPtr += 3) {
@@ -353,38 +506,64 @@ void PNGImageDecoder::rowAvailable(unsigned char* rowBuffer,
- if (alphaMask != 255 && !buffer.hasAlpha())
- buffer.setHasAlpha(true);
-void PNGImageDecoder::complete() {
- if (m_frameBufferCache.isEmpty())
- return;
- m_frameBufferCache[0].setStatus(ImageFrame::FrameComplete);
+bool PNGImageDecoder::frameIsCompleteAtIndex(size_t index) const {
+ // For non-animated images, return whether the status of the frame is
+ // ImageFrame::FrameComplete through ImageDecoder::frameIsCompleteAtIndex.
+ // We only know that the frame is fully received when it is successfully
+ // decoded, since there is no explicit check whether the IEND chunk has been
+ // received.
+ if (index == 0 && m_reader.parseCompleted() && m_frameCount == 1)
+ return ImageDecoder::frameIsCompleteAtIndex(index);
+ // For first frames of animated images, PNGImageReader exposes whether it is
+ // fully received through firstFrameFullyReceived(). Non-first frames are
+ // reported by |m_reader| once it has parsed all data for that frame, so we
+ // can simply return if the index is below the reported frame count. We have
+ // to use |m_frameCount| here, and not |m_frameBufferCache|.size(), since
+ // |m_frameCount| gets adjusted when decoding or parsing fails, but
+ // |m_frameBufferCache| does not, as explained above at
+ // PNGImageDecoder::setFailed().
+ if (index == 0)
+ return m_reader.firstFrameFullyReceived();
+ return (index < m_frameCount);
-inline bool isComplete(const PNGImageDecoder* decoder) {
- return decoder->frameIsCompleteAtIndex(0);
+float PNGImageDecoder::frameDurationAtIndex(size_t index) const {
+ return (index < m_frameCount ? m_frameBufferCache[index].duration() : 0);
-void PNGImageDecoder::decode(bool onlySize) {
- if (failed())
+void PNGImageDecoder::complete() {
+ if (m_frameBufferCache.isEmpty())
- if (!m_reader)
- m_reader = WTF::makeUnique<PNGImageReader>(this, m_offset);
- // If we couldn't decode the image but have received all the data, decoding
- // has failed.
- if (!m_reader->decode(*m_data, onlySize) && isAllDataReceived())
- setFailed();
- // If decoding is done or failed, we don't need the PNGImageReader anymore.
- if (isComplete(this) || failed())
- m_reader.reset();
+ // We don't know for sure at this point if we've received enough pixels to
+ // completely fill the frame. This is not taken into account. The error could
+ // be in the indicated frame size, or in the frame data chunks.
+ //
+ // If the frame size is wrong, we could correct for that, but later frames
+ // may depend on this frame's size when they're initialized in
+ // initFrameBuffer(), in the case the disposal method of this frame is
+ // DisposeOverwriteBgColor. There is no informed decision that can be made
+ // about what the author intended, so we stay with the indicated frame size.
+ //
+ // In the case the data chunk is too small, there's not much we can do. This
+ // method only gets called when the frame end has been received, so the
+ // encoder indicated that all frame data is received. It could be an encoding
+ // error, or it may be an intentional file size reduction.
+ //
+ // Therefore, the frame size and pixels that aren't decoded are left as-is.
+ if (m_reader.interlaceBuffer())
+ m_reader.clearInterlaceBuffer();
+ ImageFrame& buffer = m_frameBufferCache[m_currentFrame];
+ buffer.setStatus(ImageFrame::FrameComplete);
+ if (!m_currentBufferSawAlpha)
+ correctAlphaWhenFrameBufferSawNoAlpha(m_currentFrame);
} // namespace blink

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