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Unified Diff: chrome/test/functional/

Issue 222873002: Remove pyauto tests. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: sync Created 6 years, 9 months ago
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Index: chrome/test/functional/
--- chrome/test/functional/ (revision 261231)
+++ chrome/test/functional/ (working copy)
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Start and stop Web Page Replay.
-Of the public module names, the following one is key:
- ReplayServer: a class to start/stop Web Page Replay.
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import signal
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import time
-import urllib
-_CHROME_SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
- os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir))
-REPLAY_DIR = os.path.join(
- _CHROME_SRC_DIR, 'third_party', 'webpagereplay')
-LOG_PATH = os.path.join(
- _CHROME_SRC_DIR, 'webpagereplay_logs', 'logs.txt')
-# Chrome options to make it work with Web Page Replay.
-def GetChromeFlags(replay_host, http_port, https_port):
- assert replay_host and http_port and https_port, 'All arguments required'
- return [
- '--host-resolver-rules=MAP * %s,EXCLUDE localhost' % replay_host,
- '--testing-fixed-http-port=%s' % http_port,
- '--testing-fixed-https-port=%s' % https_port,
- '--ignore-certificate-errors',
- ]
-# Signal masks on Linux are inherited from parent processes. If anything
-# invoking us accidentally masks SIGINT (e.g. by putting a process in the
-# background from a shell script), sending a SIGINT to the child will fail
-# to terminate it. Running this signal handler before execing should fix that
-# problem.
-def ResetInterruptHandler():
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)
-class ReplayError(Exception):
- """Catch-all exception for the module."""
- pass
-class ReplayNotFoundError(ReplayError):
- def __init__(self, label, path):
- self.args = (label, path)
- def __str__(self):
- label, path = self.args
- return 'Path does not exist for %s: %s' % (label, path)
-class ReplayNotStartedError(ReplayError):
- pass
-class ReplayServer(object):
- """Start and Stop Web Page Replay.
- Web Page Replay is a proxy that can record and "replay" web pages with
- simulated network characteristics -- without having to edit the pages
- by hand. With WPR, tests can use "real" web content, and catch
- performance issues that may result from introducing network delays and
- bandwidth throttling.
- Example:
- with ReplayServer(archive_path):
- self.NavigateToURL(start_url)
- self.WaitUntil(...)
- Environment Variables (for development):
- WPR_ARCHIVE_PATH: path to alternate archive file (e.g. '/tmp/foo.wpr').
- WPR_RECORD: if set, puts Web Page Replay in record mode instead of replay.
- WPR_REPLAY_DIR: path to alternate Web Page Replay source.
- """
- def __init__(self, archive_path, replay_host, dns_port, http_port, https_port,
- replay_options=None, replay_dir=None,
- log_path=None):
- """Initialize ReplayServer.
- Args:
- archive_path: a path to a specific WPR archive (required).
- replay_host: the hostname to serve traffic.
- dns_port: an integer port on which to serve DNS traffic. May be zero
- to let the OS choose an available port. If None DNS forwarding is
- disabled.
- http_port: an integer port on which to serve HTTP traffic. May be zero
- to let the OS choose an available port.
- https_port: an integer port on which to serve HTTPS traffic. May be zero
- to let the OS choose an available port.
- replay_options: an iterable of options strings to forward to
- replay_dir: directory that has and related modules.
- log_path: a path to a log file.
- """
- self.archive_path = os.environ.get('WPR_ARCHIVE_PATH', archive_path)
- self.replay_options = list(replay_options or ())
- self.replay_dir = os.environ.get('WPR_REPLAY_DIR', replay_dir or REPLAY_DIR)
- self.log_path = log_path or LOG_PATH
- self.dns_port = dns_port
- self.http_port = http_port
- self.https_port = https_port
- self._replay_host = replay_host
- if 'WPR_RECORD' in os.environ and '--record' not in self.replay_options:
- self.replay_options.append('--record')
- self.is_record_mode = '--record' in self.replay_options
- self._AddDefaultReplayOptions()
- self.replay_py = os.path.join(self.replay_dir, '')
- if self.is_record_mode:
- self._CheckPath('archive directory', os.path.dirname(self.archive_path))
- elif not os.path.exists(self.archive_path):
- self._CheckPath('archive file', self.archive_path)
- self._CheckPath('replay script', self.replay_py)
- self.log_fh = None
- self.replay_process = None
- def _AddDefaultReplayOptions(self):
- """Set WPR command-line options. Can be overridden if needed."""
- self.replay_options = [
- '--host', str(self._replay_host),
- '--port', str(self.http_port),
- '--ssl_port', str(self.https_port),
- '--use_closest_match',
- '--no-dns_forwarding',
- '--log_level', 'warning'
- ] + self.replay_options
- if self.dns_port is not None:
- self.replay_options.extend(['--dns_port', str(self.dns_port)])
- def _CheckPath(self, label, path):
- if not os.path.exists(path):
- raise ReplayNotFoundError(label, path)
- def _OpenLogFile(self):
- log_dir = os.path.dirname(self.log_path)
- if not os.path.exists(log_dir):
- os.makedirs(log_dir)
- return open(self.log_path, 'w')
- def WaitForStart(self, timeout):
- """Checks to see if the server is up and running."""
- port_re = re.compile(
- '.*?(?P<protocol>[A-Z]+) server started on (?P<host>.*):(?P<port>\d+)')
- start_time = time.time()
- elapsed_time = 0
- while elapsed_time < timeout:
- if self.replay_process.poll() is not None:
- break # The process has exited.
- # Read the ports from the WPR log.
- if not self.http_port or not self.https_port or not self.dns_port:
- for line in open(self.log_path).readlines():
- m = port_re.match(line.strip())
- if m:
- if not self.http_port and'protocol') == 'HTTP':
- self.http_port = int('port'))
- elif not self.https_port and'protocol') == 'HTTPS':
- self.https_port = int('port'))
- elif not self.dns_port and'protocol') == 'DNS':
- self.dns_port = int('port'))
- # Try to connect to the WPR ports.
- if self.http_port and self.https_port:
- try:
- up_url = '%s://%s:%s/web-page-replay-generate-200'
- http_up_url = up_url % ('http', self._replay_host, self.http_port)
- https_up_url = up_url % ('https', self._replay_host, self.https_port)
- if (200 == urllib.urlopen(http_up_url, None, {}).getcode() and
- 200 == urllib.urlopen(https_up_url, None, {}).getcode()):
- return True
- except IOError:
- pass
- poll_interval = min(max(elapsed_time / 10., .1), 5)
- time.sleep(poll_interval)
- elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
- return False
- def StartServer(self):
- """Start Web Page Replay and verify that it started.
- Raises:
- ReplayNotStartedError: if Replay start-up fails.
- """
- cmd_line = [sys.executable, self.replay_py]
- cmd_line.extend(self.replay_options)
- cmd_line.append(self.archive_path)
- self.log_fh = self._OpenLogFile()
- logging.debug('Starting Web-Page-Replay: %s', cmd_line)
- kwargs = {'stdout': self.log_fh, 'stderr': subprocess.STDOUT}
- if sys.platform.startswith('linux') or sys.platform == 'darwin':
- kwargs['preexec_fn'] = ResetInterruptHandler
- self.replay_process = subprocess.Popen(cmd_line, **kwargs)
- if not self.WaitForStart(30):
- log = open(self.log_path).read()
- raise ReplayNotStartedError(
- 'Web Page Replay failed to start. Log output:\n%s' % log)
- def StopServer(self):
- """Stop Web Page Replay."""
- if self.replay_process:
- logging.debug('Trying to stop Web-Page-Replay gracefully')
- try:
- url = 'http://localhost:%s/web-page-replay-command-exit'
- urllib.urlopen(url % self.http_port, None, {})
- except IOError:
- # IOError is possible because the server might exit without response.
- pass
- start_time = time.time()
- while time.time() - start_time < 10: # Timeout after 10 seconds.
- if self.replay_process.poll() is not None:
- break
- time.sleep(1)
- else:
- try:
- # Use a SIGINT so that it can do graceful cleanup.
- self.replay_process.send_signal(signal.SIGINT)
- except: # pylint: disable=W0702
- # On Windows, we are left with no other option than terminate().
- if 'no-dns_forwarding' not in self.replay_options:
- logging.warning('DNS configuration might not be restored!')
- try:
- self.replay_process.terminate()
- except: # pylint: disable=W0702
- pass
- self.replay_process.wait()
- if self.log_fh:
- self.log_fh.close()
- def __enter__(self):
- """Add support for with-statement."""
- self.StartServer()
- return self
- def __exit__(self, unused_exc_type, unused_exc_val, unused_exc_tb):
- """Add support for with-statement."""
- self.StopServer()
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