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Unified Diff: chrome/test/functional/webdriver_pages/

Issue 222873002: Remove pyauto tests. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: sync Created 6 years, 9 months ago
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Index: chrome/test/functional/webdriver_pages/
--- chrome/test/functional/webdriver_pages/ (revision 261231)
+++ chrome/test/functional/webdriver_pages/ (working copy)
@@ -1,699 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import types
-import selenium.common.exceptions
-from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
-from import WebDriverWait
-def _FocusField(driver, list_elem, field_elem):
- """Focuses a field in a dynamic list.
- Note, the item containing the field should not be focused already.
- Typing into a field is tricky because the js automatically focuses and
- selects the text field after 50ms after it first receives focus. This
- method focuses the field and waits for the timeout to occur.
- For more info, see inline_editable_list.js and search for setTimeout.
- See
- Args:
- list_elem: An element in the HTML list.
- field_elem: An element in the HTML text field.
- Raises:
- RuntimeError: If a timeout occurs when waiting for the focus event.
- """
- # To wait properly for the focus, we focus the last text field, and then
- # add a focus listener to it, so that we return when the element is focused
- # again after the timeout. We have to focus a different element in between
- # these steps, otherwise the focus event will not fire since the element
- # already has focus.
- # Ideally this should be fixed in the page.
- correct_focus_script = """
- (function(listElem, itemElem, callback) {
- if (document.activeElement == itemElem) {
- callback();
- return;
- }
- itemElem.focus();
- listElem.focus();
- itemElem.addEventListener("focus", callback);
- }).apply(null, arguments);
- """
- driver.set_script_timeout(5)
- try:
- driver.execute_async_script(correct_focus_script, list_elem, field_elem)
- except selenium.common.exceptions.TimeoutException:
- raise RuntimeError('Unable to focus list item ' + field_elem.tag_name)
-class Item(object):
- """A list item web element."""
- def __init__(self, elem):
- self._elem = elem
- def Remove(self, driver):
- button = self._elem.find_element_by_xpath('./button')
- ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(button).click().perform()
-class TextFieldsItem(Item):
- """An item consisting only of text fields."""
- def _GetFields(self):
- """Returns the text fields list."""
- return self._elem.find_elements_by_tag_name('input')
- def Set(self, values):
- """Sets the value(s) of the item's text field(s).
- Args:
- values: The new value or the list of the new values of the fields.
- """
- field_list = self._GetFields()
- if len(field_list) > 1:
- assert type(values) == types.ListType, \
- """The values must be a list for a HTML list that has multi-field
- items. '%s' should be in a list.""" % values
- value_list = values
- else:
- value_list = [values]
- assert len(field_list) == len(value_list), \
- """The item to be added must have the same number of fields as an item
- in the HTML list. Given item '%s' should have %s fields.""" % (
- value_list, len(field_list))
- for field, value in zip(field_list, value_list):
- field.clear()
- field.send_keys(value)
- field_list[-1].send_keys('\n') # press enter on the last field.
- def Get(self):
- """Returns the list of the text field values."""
- return map(lambda f: f.get_attribute('value'), self._GetFields())
-class TextField(object):
- """A text field web element."""
- def __init__(self, elem):
- self._elem = elem
- def Set(self, value):
- """Sets the value of the text field.
- Args:
- value: The new value of the field.
- """
- self._elem.clear()
- self._elem.send_keys(value)
- def Get(self):
- """Returns the value of the text field."""
- return self._elem.get_attribute('value')
-class List(object):
- """A web element that holds a list of items."""
- def __init__(self, driver, elem, item_class=Item):
- """item element is an element in the HTML list.
- item class is the class of item the list holds."""
- self._driver = driver
- self._elem = elem
- self._item_class = item_class
- def RemoveAll(self):
- """Removes all items from the list.
- In the loop the removal of an elem renders the remaining elems of the list
- invalid. After each item is removed, GetItems() is called.
- """
- for i in range(len(self.GetItems())):
- self.GetItems()[0].Remove(self._driver)
- def GetItems(self):
- """Returns all the items that are in the list."""
- items = self._GetItemElems()
- return map(lambda x: self._item_class(x), items)
- def GetSize(self):
- """Returns the number of items in the list."""
- return len(self._GetItemElems())
- def _GetItemElems(self):
- return self._elem.find_elements_by_xpath('.//*[@role="listitem"]')
-class DynamicList(List):
- """A web element that holds a dynamic list of items of text fields.
- Terminology:
- item element: an element in the HTML list item.
- item_class: the class of item the list holds
- placeholder: the last item element in the list, which is not committed yet
- The user can add new items to the list by typing in the placeholder item.
- When a user presses enter or focuses something else, the placeholder item
- is committed and a new placeholder is created. An item may contain 1 or
- more text fields.
- """
- def __init__(self, driver, elem, item_class=TextFieldsItem):
- return super(DynamicList, self).__init__(
- driver, elem, item_class=item_class)
- def GetPlaceholderItem(self):
- return self.GetItems()[-1]
- def GetCommittedItems(self):
- """Returns all the items that are in the list, except the placeholder."""
- return map(lambda x: self._item_class(x), self._GetCommittedItemElems())
- def GetSize(self):
- """Returns the number of items in the list, excluding the placeholder."""
- return len(self._GetCommittedItemElems())
- def _GetCommittedItemElems(self):
- return self._GetItemElems()[:-1]
- def _GetPlaceholderElem(self):
- return self._GetItemElems()[-1]
-class AutofillEditAddressDialog(object):
- """The overlay for editing an autofill address."""
- _URL = 'chrome://settings-frame/autofillEditAddress'
- @staticmethod
- def FromNavigation(driver):
- """Creates an instance of the dialog by navigating directly to it."""
- driver.get(AutofillEditAddressDialog._URL)
- return AutofillEditAddressDialog(driver)
- def __init__(self, driver):
- self.driver = driver
- assert self._URL == driver.current_url
- self.dialog_elem = driver.find_element_by_id(
- 'autofill-edit-address-overlay')
- def Fill(self, names=None, addr_line_1=None, city=None, state=None,
- postal_code=None, country_code=None, phones=None):
- """Fills in the given data into the appropriate fields.
- If filling into a text field, the given value will replace the current one.
- If filling into a list, the values will be added after all items are
- deleted.
- Note: 'names', in the new autofill UI, is an array of full names. A full
- name is an array of first, middle, last names. Example:
- names=[['Joe', '', 'King'], ['Fred', 'W', 'Michno']]
- Args:
- names: List of names; each name should be [first, middle, last].
- addr_line_1: First line in the address.
- city: City.
- state: State.
- postal_code: Postal code (zip code for US).
- country_code: Country code (e.g., US or FR).
- phones: List of phone numbers.
- """
- id_dict = {'addr-line-1': addr_line_1,
- 'city': city,
- 'state': state,
- 'postal-code': postal_code}
- for id, value in id_dict.items():
- if value is not None:
- TextField(self.dialog_elem.find_element_by_id(id)).Set(value)
- list_id_dict = {'full-name-list': names,
- 'phone-list': phones}
- for list_id, values in list_id_dict.items():
- if values is not None:
- list = DynamicList(self.driver,
- self.dialog_elem.find_element_by_id(list_id))
- list.RemoveAll()
- for value in values:
- list.GetPlaceholderItem().Set(value)
- if country_code is not None:
- self.dialog_elem.find_element_by_xpath(
- './/*[@id="country"]/*[@value="%s"]' % country_code).click()
- def GetStateLabel(self):
- """Returns the label used for the state text field."""
- return self.dialog_elem.find_element_by_id('state-label').text
- def GetPostalCodeLabel(self):
- """Returns the label used for the postal code text field."""
- return self.dialog_elem.find_element_by_id('postal-code-label').text
- def GetPhones(self):
- """Returns a list of the phone numbers in the phones list."""
- list = DynamicList(
- self.driver, self.dialog_elem.find_element_by_id('phone-list'))
- return [item.Get()[0] for item in list.GetCommittedItems()]
-class ContentTypes(object):
- COOKIES = 'cookies'
- IMAGES = 'images'
- JAVASCRIPT = 'javascript'
- HANDLERS = 'handlers'
- PLUGINS = 'plugins'
- POPUPS = 'popups'
- GEOLOCATION = 'location'
- NOTIFICATIONS = 'notifications'
- PASSWORDS = 'passwords'
-class Behaviors(object):
- ALLOW = 'allow'
- SESSION_ONLY = 'session_only'
- ASK = 'ask'
- BLOCK = 'block'
-class ContentSettingsPage(object):
- """The overlay for managing exceptions on the Content Settings page."""
- _URL = 'chrome://settings-frame/content'
- @staticmethod
- def FromNavigation(driver):
- """Creates an instance of the dialog by navigating directly to it."""
- driver.get(ContentSettingsPage._URL)
- return ContentSettingsPage(driver)
- def __init__(self, driver):
- assert self._URL == driver.current_url
- self.page_elem = driver.find_element_by_id(
- 'content-settings-page')
- def SetContentTypeOption(self, content_type, option):
- """Set the option for the specified content type.
- Args:
- content_type: The content type to manage.
- option: The option to allow, deny or ask.
- """
- self.page_elem.find_element_by_xpath(
- './/*[@name="%s"][@value="%s"]' % (content_type, option)).click()
-class ManageExceptionsPage(object):
- """The overlay for the content exceptions page."""
- @staticmethod
- def FromNavigation(driver, content_type):
- """Creates an instance of the dialog by navigating directly to it.
- Args:
- driver: The remote WebDriver instance to manage some content type.
- content_type: The content type to manage.
- """
- content_url = 'chrome://settings-frame/contentExceptions#%s' % content_type
- driver.get(content_url)
- return ManageExceptionsPage(driver, content_type)
- def __init__(self, driver, content_type):
- self._list_elem = driver.find_element_by_xpath(
- './/*[@id="content-settings-exceptions-area"]'
- '//*[@contenttype="%s"]//list[@role="list"]'
- '[@class="settings-list"]' % content_type)
- self._driver = driver
- self._content_type = content_type
- try:
- self._incognito_list_elem = driver.find_element_by_xpath(
- './/*[@id="content-settings-exceptions-area"]'
- '//*[@contenttype="%s"]//div[not(@hidden)]'
- '//list[@mode="otr"][@role="list"]'
- '[@class="settings-list"]' % content_type)
- except selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException:
- self._incognito_list_elem = None
- def _AssertIncognitoAvailable(self):
- if not self._incognito_list_elem:
- raise AssertionError(
- 'Incognito settings in "%s" content page not available'
- % self._content_type)
- def _GetExceptionList(self, incognito):
- if not incognito:
- list_elem = self._list_elem
- else:
- list_elem = self._incognito_list_elem
- return DynamicList(self._driver, list_elem)
- def _GetPatternList(self, incognito):
- if not incognito:
- list_elem = self._list_elem
- else:
- list_elem = self._incognito_list_elem
- pattern_list = [p.text for p in
- list_elem.find_elements_by_xpath(
- './/*[contains(@class, "exception-pattern")]'
- '//*[@class="static-text"]')]
- return pattern_list
- def AddNewException(self, pattern, behavior, incognito=False):
- """Add a new pattern and behavior to the Exceptions page.
- Args:
- pattern: Hostname pattern string.
- behavior: Setting for the hostname pattern (Allow, Block, Session Only).
- incognito: Incognito list box. Display to false.
- Raises:
- AssertionError when an exception cannot be added on the content page.
- """
- if incognito:
- self._AssertIncognitoAvailable()
- list_elem = self._incognito_list_elem
- else:
- list_elem = self._list_elem
- # Select behavior first.
- try:
- list_elem.find_element_by_xpath(
- './/*[@class="exception-setting"]'
- '[not(@displaymode)]//option[@value="%s"]'
- % behavior).click()
- except selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException:
- raise AssertionError(
- 'Adding new exception not allowed in "%s" content page'
- % self._content_type)
- # Set pattern now.
- self._GetExceptionList(incognito).GetPlaceholderItem().Set(pattern)
- def DeleteException(self, pattern, incognito=False):
- """Delete the exception for the selected hostname pattern.
- Args:
- pattern: Hostname pattern string.
- incognito: Incognito list box. Default to false.
- """
- if incognito:
- self._AssertIncognitoAvailable()
- list = self._GetExceptionList(incognito)
- items = filter(lambda item: item.Get()[0] == pattern,
- list.GetComittedItems())
- map(lambda item: item.Remove(self._driver), items)
- def GetExceptions(self, incognito=False):
- """Returns a dictionary of {pattern: behavior}.
- Example: {'file:///*': 'block'}
- Args:
- incognito: Incognito list box. Default to false.
- """
- if incognito:
- self._AssertIncognitoAvailable()
- list_elem = self._incognito_list_elem
- else:
- list_elem = self._list_elem
- pattern_list = self._GetPatternList(incognito)
- behavior_list = list_elem.find_elements_by_xpath(
- './/*[@role="listitem"][@class="deletable-item"]'
- '//*[@class="exception-setting"][@displaymode="static"]')
- assert len(pattern_list) == len(behavior_list), \
- 'Number of patterns does not match the behaviors.'
- return dict(zip(pattern_list, [b.text.lower() for b in behavior_list]))
- def GetBehaviorForPattern(self, pattern, incognito=False):
- """Returns the behavior for a given pattern on the Exceptions page.
- Args:
- pattern: Hostname pattern string.
- incognito: Incognito list box. Default to false.
- """
- if incognito:
- self._AssertIncognitoAvailable()
- assert self.GetExceptions(incognito).has_key(pattern), \
- 'No displayed host name matches pattern "%s"' % pattern
- return self.GetExceptions(incognito)[pattern]
- def SetBehaviorForPattern(self, pattern, behavior, incognito=False):
- """Set the behavior for the selected pattern on the Exceptions page.
- Args:
- pattern: Hostname pattern string.
- behavior: Setting for the hostname pattern (Allow, Block, Session Only).
- incognito: Incognito list box. Default to false.
- Raises:
- AssertionError when the behavior cannot be changed on the content page.
- """
- if incognito:
- self._AssertIncognitoAvailable()
- list_elem = self._incognito_list_elem
- else:
- list_elem = self._list_elem
- pattern_list = self._GetPatternList(incognito)
- listitem_list = list_elem.find_elements_by_xpath(
- './/*[@role="listitem"][@class="deletable-item"]')
- pattern_listitem_dict = dict(zip(pattern_list, listitem_list))
- # Set focus to appropriate listitem.
- listitem_elem = pattern_listitem_dict[pattern]
- # Set behavior.
- try:
- listitem_elem.find_element_by_xpath(
- './/option[@value="%s"]' % behavior).click()
- except selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotVisibleException:
- raise AssertionError(
- 'Changing the behavior is invalid for pattern '
- '"%s" in "%s" content page' % (behavior, self._content_type))
- # Send enter key.
- pattern_elem = listitem_elem.find_element_by_tag_name('input')
- pattern_elem.send_keys('\n')
-class RestoreOnStartupType(object):
-class BasicSettingsPage(object):
- """The basic settings page."""
- _URL = 'chrome://settings-frame/settings'
- @staticmethod
- def FromNavigation(driver):
- """Creates an instance of BasicSetting page by navigating to it."""
- driver.get(BasicSettingsPage._URL)
- return BasicSettingsPage(driver)
- def __init__(self, driver):
- self._driver = driver
- assert self._URL == driver.current_url
- def SetOnStartupOptions(self, on_startup_option):
- """Set on-startup options.
- Args:
- on_startup_option: option types for on start up settings.
- Raises:
- AssertionError when invalid startup option type is provided.
- """
- if on_startup_option == RestoreOnStartupType.NEW_TAB_PAGE:
- startup_option_elem = self._driver.find_element_by_id('startup-newtab')
- elif on_startup_option == RestoreOnStartupType.RESTORE_SESSION:
- startup_option_elem = self._driver.find_element_by_id(
- 'startup-restore-session')
- elif on_startup_option == RestoreOnStartupType.RESTORE_URLS:
- startup_option_elem = self._driver.find_element_by_id(
- 'startup-show-pages')
- else:
- raise AssertionError('Invalid value for restore start up option!')
- def _GoToStartupSetPages(self):
- self._driver.find_element_by_id('startup-set-pages').click()
- def _FillStartupURL(self, url):
- list = DynamicList(self._driver, self._driver.find_element_by_id(
- 'startupPagesList'))
- list.GetPlaceholderItem().Set(url + '\n')
- def AddStartupPage(self, url):
- """Add a startup URL.
- Args:
- url: A startup url.
- """
- self._GoToStartupSetPages()
- self._FillStartupURL(url)
- self._driver.find_element_by_id('startup-overlay-confirm').click()
- self._driver.get(self._URL)
- def UseCurrentPageForStartup(self, title_list):
- """Use current pages and verify page url show up in settings.
- Args:
- title_list: startup web page title list.
- """
- self._GoToStartupSetPages()
- self._driver.find_element_by_id('startupUseCurrentButton').click()
- self._driver.find_element_by_id('startup-overlay-confirm').click()
- def is_current_page_visible(driver):
- title_elem_list = driver.find_elements_by_xpath(
- '//*[contains(@class, "title")][text()="%s"]' % title_list[0])
- if len(title_elem_list) == 0:
- return False
- return True
- WebDriverWait(self._driver, 10).until(is_current_page_visible)
- self._driver.get(self._URL)
- def VerifyStartupURLs(self, title_list):
- """Verify saved startup URLs appear in set page UI.
- Args:
- title_list: A list of startup page title.
- Raises:
- AssertionError when start up URLs do not appear in set page UI.
- """
- self._GoToStartupSetPages()
- for i in range(len(title_list)):
- try:
- self._driver.find_element_by_xpath(
- '//*[contains(@class, "title")][text()="%s"]' % title_list[i])
- except selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException:
- raise AssertionError("Current page %s did not appear as startup page."
- % title_list[i])
- self._driver.find_element_by_id('startup-overlay-cancel').click()
- def CancelStartupURLSetting(self, url):
- """Cancel start up URL settings.
- Args:
- url: A startup url.
- """
- self._GoToStartupSetPages()
- self._FillStartupURL(url)
- self._driver.find_element_by_id('startup-overlay-cancel').click()
- self._driver.get(self._URL)
-class PasswordsSettings(object):
- """The overlay for managing passwords on the Content Settings page."""
- _URL = 'chrome://settings-frame/passwords'
- class PasswordsItem(Item):
- """A list of passwords item web element."""
- def _GetFields(self):
- """Returns the field list element."""
- return self._elem.find_elements_by_xpath('./div/*')
- def GetSite(self):
- """Returns the site field value."""
- return self._GetFields()[0].text
- def GetUsername(self):
- """Returns the username field value."""
- return self._GetFields()[1].text
- @staticmethod
- def FromNavigation(driver):
- """Creates an instance of the dialog by navigating directly to it.
- Args:
- driver: The remote WebDriver instance to manage some content type.
- """
- driver.get(PasswordsSettings._URL)
- return PasswordsSettings(driver)
- def __init__(self, driver):
- self._driver = driver
- assert self._URL == driver.current_url
- list_elem = driver.find_element_by_id('saved-passwords-list')
- self._items_list = List(self._driver, list_elem, self.PasswordsItem)
- def DeleteItem(self, url, username):
- """Deletes a line entry in Passwords Content Settings.
- Args:
- url: The URL string as it appears in the UI.
- username: The username string as it appears in the second column.
- """
- for password_item in self._items_list.GetItems():
- if (password_item.GetSite() == url and
- password_item.GetUsername() == username):
- password_item.Remove(self._driver)
-class CookiesAndSiteDataSettings(object):
- """The overlay for managing cookies on the Content Settings page."""
- _URL = 'chrome://settings-frame/cookies'
- @staticmethod
- def FromNavigation(driver):
- """Creates an instance of the dialog by navigating directly to it.
- Args:
- driver: The remote WebDriver instance for managing content type.
- """
- driver.get(CookiesAndSiteDataSettings._URL)
- return CookiesAndSiteDataSettings(driver)
- def __init__(self, driver):
- self._driver = driver
- assert self._URL == driver.current_url
- self._list_elem = driver.find_element_by_id('cookies-list')
- def GetSiteNameList(self):
- """Returns a list of the site names.
- This is a public function since the test needs to check if the site is
- deleted.
- """
- site_list = [p.text for p in
- self._list_elem.find_elements_by_xpath(
- './/*[contains(@class, "deletable-item")]'
- '//div[@class="cookie-site"]')]
- return site_list
- def _GetCookieNameList(self):
- """Returns a list where each item is the list of cookie names of each site.
- Example: site1 | cookie1 cookie2
- site2 | cookieA
- site3 | cookieA cookie1 cookieB
- Returns:
- A cookie names list such as:
- [ ['cookie1', 'cookie2'], ['cookieA'], ['cookieA', 'cookie1', 'cookieB'] ]
- """
- cookie_name_list = []
- for elem in self._list_elem.find_elements_by_xpath(
- './/*[@role="listitem"]'):
- cookie_name_list.append([c.text for c in
- elem.find_elements_by_xpath('.//div[@class="cookie-item"]')])
- return cookie_name_list
- def DeleteSiteData(self, site):
- """Delete a site entry with its cookies in cookies content settings.
- Args:
- site: The site string as it appears in the UI.
- """
- delete_button_list = self._list_elem.find_elements_by_class_name(
- 'row-delete-button')
- site_list = self.GetSiteNameList()
- for i in range(len(site_list)):
- if site_list[i] == site:
- # Highlight the item so the close button shows up, then delete button
- # shows up, then click on the delete button.
- ActionChains(self._driver).move_to_element(
- delete_button_list[i]).click().perform()
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