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Unified Diff: chrome/test/functional/ap_lab/

Issue 222873002: Remove pyauto tests. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: sync Created 6 years, 9 months ago
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Index: chrome/test/functional/ap_lab/
--- chrome/test/functional/ap_lab/ (revision 261231)
+++ chrome/test/functional/ap_lab/ (working copy)
@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import logging
-import os
-import ap_configurator
-import selenium.common.exceptions
-class DLinkAPConfigurator(ap_configurator.APConfigurator):
- """Derived class to control the DLink DAP-1522."""
- def __init__(self, pyauto_instance, admin_interface_url):
- super(DLinkAPConfigurator, self).__init__(pyauto_instance)
- # Override constants
- self.security_disabled = 'Disable Wireless Security (not recommended)'
- self.security_wep = 'WEP'
- self.security_wpapsk = 'WPA-Personal'
- self.security_wpa2psk = 'WPA-Personal'
- self.security_wpa8021x = 'WPA-Enterprise'
- self.security_wpa28021x = 'WPA2-Enterprise'
- self.admin_interface_url = admin_interface_url
- def _OpenLandingPage(self):
- self.pyauto_instance.NavigateToURL('http://%s/index.php' %
- self.admin_interface_url)
- page_name = os.path.basename(self.pyauto_instance.GetActiveTabURL().spec())
- if page_name == 'login.php' or page_name == 'index.php':
- try:
- self._wait.until(lambda _: self._driver.find_element_by_xpath(
- '//*[@name="login"]'))
- except selenium.common.exceptions.TimeoutException, e:
- # Maybe we were re-routes to the configuration page
- if (os.path.basename(self.pyauto_instance.GetActiveTabURL().spec()) ==
- 'bsc_wizard.php'):
- return
- logging.exception('WebDriver exception: %s', str(e))
- login_button = self._driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@name="login"]')
- def _OpenConfigurationPage(self):
- self._OpenLandingPage()
- if (os.path.basename(self.pyauto_instance.GetActiveTabURL().spec()) !=
- 'bsc_wizard.php'):
-'Taken to an unknown page %s' %
- self.pyauto_instance.GetActiveTabURL().spec())
- # Else we are being logged in automatically to the landing page
- wlan = '//*[@name="wlan_wireless"]'
- try:
- self._wait.until(lambda _: self._driver.find_element_by_xpath(wlan))
- except selenium.common.exceptions.TimeoutException, e:
- logging.exception('WebDriver exception: %s', str(e))
- wlan_button = self._driver.find_element_by_xpath(wlan)
- # Wait for the main configuration page, look for the radio button
- try:
- self._wait.until(lambda _: self._driver.find_element_by_xpath(
- 'id("enable")'))
- except selenium.common.exceptions.TimeoutException, e:
- logging.exception('Unable to find the radio button on the main landing '
- 'page.\nWebDriver exception: %s', str(e))
- def GetRouterName(self):
- return 'Router Name: DAP-1522; Class: DLinkAPConfigurator'
- def GetRouterShortName(self):
- return 'DAP-1522'
- def GetNumberOfPages(self):
- return 1
- def GetSupportedBands(self):
- return [{'band': self.band_2ghz,
- 'channels': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]},
- {'band': self.band_5ghz,
- 'channels': [26, 40, 44, 48, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165]}]
- def GetSupportedModes(self):
- return [{'band': self.band_2ghz,
- 'modes': [self.mode_b, self.mode_g, self.mode_n,
- self.mode_b | self.mode_g, self.mode_g | self.mode_n]},
- {'band': self.band_5ghz,
- 'modes': [self.mode_a, self.mode_n, self.mode_a | self.mode_n]}]
- def NavigateToPage(self, page_number):
- # All settings are on the same page, so we always open the config page
- self._OpenConfigurationPage()
- return True
- def SavePage(self, page_number):
- # All settings are on the same page, we can ignore page_number
- button = self._driver.find_element_by_xpath('//input[@name="apply"]')
- # If we did not make changes so we are sent to the continue screen.
- continue_screen = True
- button_xpath = '//input[@name="bt"]'
- try:
- self._wait.until(lambda _:
- self._driver.find_element_by_xpath(button_xpath))
- except selenium.common.exceptions.TimeoutException, e:
- continue_screen = False
- if continue_screen:
- button = self._driver.find_element_by_xpath(button_xpath)
- # We will be returned to the landing page when complete
- try:
- self._wait.until(lambda _:
- self._driver.find_element_by_xpath('id("enable")'))
- except selenium.common.exceptions.TimeoutException, e:
- logging.exception('Unable to find the radio button on the main landing '
- 'page.\nWebDriver exception: %s', str(e))
- return False
- return True
- def SetMode(self, mode, band=None):
- # Mode overrides the band. So if a band change is made after a mode change
- # it may make an incompatible pairing.
- self.AddItemToCommandList(self._SetMode, (mode, band), 1, 800)
- def _SetMode(self, mode, band=None):
- # Create the mode to popup item mapping
- mode_mapping = {self.mode_b: '802.11b Only', self.mode_g: '802.11g Only',
- self.mode_n: '802.11n Only',
- self.mode_b | self.mode_g: 'Mixed 802.11g and 802.11b',
- self.mode_n | self.mode_g: 'Mixed 802.11n and 802.11g',
- self.mode_n | self.mode_g | self.mode_b:
- 'Mixed 802.11n, 802.11g, and 802.11b',
- self.mode_n | self.mode_g | self.mode_b:
- 'Mixed 802.11n, 802.11g, and 802.11b',
- self.mode_a: '802.11a Only',
- self.mode_n | self.mode_a: 'Mixed 802.11n and 802.11a'}
- band_value = self.band_2ghz
- if mode in mode_mapping.keys():
- popup_value = mode_mapping[mode]
- # If the mode contains 802.11a we use 5Ghz
- if mode & self.mode_a == self.mode_a:
- band_value = self.band_5ghz
- # If the mode is 802.11n mixed with 802.11a it must be 5Ghz
- elif mode & (self.mode_n | self.mode_a) == (self.mode_n | self.mode_a):
- band_value = self.band_5ghz
- # If the mode is 802.11n mixed with something other than 802.11a its 2Ghz
- elif mode & self.mode_n == self.mode_n and mode ^ self.mode_n > 0:
- band_value = self.band_2ghz
- # If the mode is 802.11n then we default to 5Ghz unless there is a band
- elif mode == self.mode_n:
- band_value = self.band_5ghz
- if band:
- band_value = band
- else:
- logging.exception('The mode selected %d is not supported by router %s.',
- hex(mode), self.getRouterName())
- # Set the band first
- self._SetBand(band_value)
- popup_id = 'mode_80211_11g'
- if band_value == self.band_5ghz:
- popup_id = 'mode_80211_11a'
- self.SelectItemFromPopupByID(popup_value, popup_id)
- def SetRadio(self, enabled=True):
- # If we are enabling we are activating all other UI components, do it first.
- # Otherwise we are turning everything off so do it last.
- if enabled:
- weight = 1
- else:
- weight = 1000
- # This disables all UI so it should be the last item to be changed
- self.AddItemToCommandList(self._SetRadio, (enabled,), 1, weight)
- def _SetRadio(self, enabled=True):
- # The radio checkbox for this router always has a value of 1. So we need to
- # use other methods to determine if the radio is on or not. Check if the
- # ssid textfield is disabled.
- ssid = self._driver.find_element_by_xpath('//input[@name="ssid"]')
- if ssid.get_attribute('disabled') == 'true':
- radio_enabled = False
- else:
- radio_enabled = True
- if radio_enabled == enabled:
- # Nothing to do
- return
- self.SetCheckBoxSelectedByID('enable', selected=False,
- wait_for_xpath='id("security_type_ap")')
- def SetSSID(self, ssid):
- # Can be done as long as it is enabled
- self.AddItemToCommandList(self._SetSSID, (ssid,), 1, 900)
- def _SetSSID(self, ssid):
- self._SetRadio(enabled=True)
- self.SetContentOfTextFieldByID(ssid, 'ssid')
- def SetChannel(self, channel):
- self.AddItemToCommandList(self._SetChannel, (channel,), 1, 900)
- def _SetChannel(self, channel):
- self._SetRadio(enabled=True)
- self.SetCheckBoxSelectedByID('autochann', selected=False)
- self.SelectItemFromPopupByID(str(channel), 'channel_g')
- # Experimental
- def GetBand(self):
- # The radio buttons do more than run a script that adjusts the possible
- # channels. We will just check the channel to popup.
- self.setRadioSetting(enabled=True)
- xpath = ('id("channel_g")')
- self._OpenConfigurationPage()
- try:
- self._wait.until(lambda _: self._driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath))
- except selenium.common.exceptions.TimeoutException, e:
- logging.exception('WebDriver exception: %s', str(e))
- element = self._driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath)
- if element.find_elements_by_tag_name('option')[0].text == '1':
- return self.band_2ghz
- return self.band_5ghz
- def SetBand(self, band):
- if band != self.band_2GHz or band != self.band_5ghz:
-'Invalid band sent %s' % band)
- self.AddItemToCommandList(self._SetBand, (band,), 1, 900)
- def _SetBand(self, band):
- self._SetRadio(enabled=True)
- if band == self.band_2ghz:
- int_value = 0
- wait_for_xpath = 'id("mode_80211_11g")'
- elif band == self.band_5ghz:
- int_value = 1
- wait_for_xpath = 'id("mode_80211_11a")'
- xpath = ('//*[contains(@class, "l_tb")]/input[@value="%d" and @name="band"]'
- % int_value)
- element = self._driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath)
- try:
- self._wait.until(lambda _:
- self._driver.find_element_by_xpath(wait_for_xpath))
- except selenium.common.exceptions.TimeoutException, e:
- logging.exception('The appropriate mode popup could not be found after '
- 'adjusting the band. WebDriver exception: %s', str(e))
- def SetSecurityDisabled(self):
- self.AddItemToCommandList(self._SetSecurityDisabled, (), 1, 900)
- def _SetSecurityDisabled(self):
- self._SetRadio(enabled=True)
- self.SelectItemFromPopupByID(self.security_disabled, 'security_type_ap')
- def SetSecurityWEP(self, key_value, authentication):
- self.AddItemToCommandList(self._SetSecurityWEP, (key_value, authentication),
- 1, 900)
- def _SetSecurityWEP(self, key_value, authentication):
- self._SetRadio(enabled=True)
- self.SelectItemFromPopupByID(self.security_wep, 'security_type_ap',
- wait_for_xpath='id("auth_type")')
- self.SelectItemFromPopupByID(authentication, 'auth_type',
- wait_for_xpath='id("wep_key_value")')
- self.SetContentOfTextFieldByID(key_value, 'wep_key_value')
- self.SetContentOfTextFieldByID(key_value, 'verify_wep_key_value')
- def SetSecurityWPAPSK(self, shared_key, update_interval=1800):
- self.AddItemToCommandList(self._SetSecurityWPAPSK,
- (shared_key, update_interval), 1, 900)
- def _SetSecurityWPAPSK(self, shared_key, update_interval=1800):
- self._SetRadio(enabled=True)
- self.SelectItemFromPopupByID(self.security_wpapsk, 'security_type_ap',
- wait_for_xpath='id("wpa_mode")')
- self.SelectItemFromPopupByID('WPA Only', 'wpa_mode',
- wait_for_xpath='id("grp_key_interval")')
- self.SetContentOfTextFieldByID(str(update_interval), 'grp_key_interval')
- self.SetContentOfTextFieldByID(shared_key, 'wpapsk1')
- def SetVisibility(self, visible=True):
- self.AddItemToCommandList(self._SetVisibility, (visible,), 1, 900)
- def _SetVisibility(self, visible=True):
- self._SetRadio(enabled=True)
- # value=0 is visible; value=1 is invisible
- int_value = 0
- if not visible:
- int_value = 1
- xpath = ('//*[contains(@class, "l_tb")]/input[@value="%d" '
- 'and @name="visibility_status"]' % int_value)
- element = self._driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath)
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