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Unified Diff: chrome/test/functional/ap_lab/

Issue 222873002: Remove pyauto tests. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: sync Created 6 years, 9 months ago
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Index: chrome/test/functional/ap_lab/
--- chrome/test/functional/ap_lab/ (revision 261231)
+++ chrome/test/functional/ap_lab/ (working copy)
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import unittest
-import ap_configurator_factory
-import dlink_ap_configurator
-import linksys_ap_configurator
-import pyauto_ap_configurator # must preceed pyauto
-import pyauto
-class ConfiguratorTest(pyauto.PyUITest):
- """This test needs to be run against the UI interface.
- The purpose of this test is to act as a basic acceptance test when developing
- a new AP configurator class. Use this to make sure all core functionality is
- implemented.
- This test does not verify that everything works.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- pyauto.PyUITest.setUp(self)
- factory = ap_configurator_factory.APConfiguratorFactory(self)
- # Set self.ap to the one you want to test against.
- self.ap = factory.GetAPConfiguratorByShortName('DAP-1522')
- def testMakeNoChanges(self):
- """Test saving with no changes doesn't throw an error."""
- # Set to a known state.
- self.ap.SetRadio(True)
- self.ap.ApplySettings()
- # Set the same setting again.
- self.ap.SetRadio(True)
- self.ap.ApplySettings()
- def testRadio(self):
- """Test we can adjust the radio setting."""
- self.ap.SetRadio(True)
- self.ap.ApplySettings()
- self.ap.SetRadio(False)
- self.ap.ApplySettings()
- def testChannel(self):
- """Test adjusting the channel."""
- self.ap.SetRadio(4)
- self.ap.ApplySettings()
- def testVisibility(self):
- """Test adjusting the visibility."""
- self.ap.SetVisibility(False)
- self.ap.ApplySettings()
- self.ap.SetVisibility(True)
- self.ap.ApplySettings()
- def testSSID(self):
- """Test setting the SSID."""
- self.ap.SetSSID('AP-automated-ssid')
- self.ap.ApplySettings()
- def testSecurityWEP(self):
- """Test configuring WEP security."""
- self.ap.SetSecurityWEP('45678', self.ap.wep_authentication_open)
- self.ap.ApplySettings()
- self.ap.SetSecurityWEP('90123', self.ap.wep_authentication_shared)
- self.ap.ApplySettings()
- def testPrioritySets(self):
- """Test that commands are run in the right priority."""
- self.ap.SetRadio(False)
- self.ap.SetVisibility(True)
- self.ap.SetSSID('priority_test')
- self.ap.ApplySettings()
- def testSecurityAndGeneralSettings(self):
- """Test updating settings that are general and security related."""
- self.ap.SetRadio(False)
- self.ap.SetVisibility(True)
- self.ap.SetSecurityWEP('88888', self.ap.wep_authentication_open)
- self.ap.SetSSID('sec&gen_test')
- self.ap.ApplySettings()
- def testModes(self):
- """Tests switching modes."""
- modes_info = self.ap.GetSupportedModes()
- self.assertFalse(not modes_info,
- msg='Returned an invalid mode list. Is this method'
- ' implemented?')
- for band_modes in modes_info:
- for mode in band_modes['modes']:
- self.ap.SetMode(mode)
- self.ap.ApplySettings()
- def testModesWithBand(self):
- """Tests switching modes that support adjusting the band."""
- # Check if we support self.kModeN across multiple bands
- modes_info = self.ap.GetSupportedModes()
- n_bands = []
- for band_modes in modes_info:
- if self.ap.mode_n in band_modes['modes']:
- n_bands.append(band_modes['band'])
- if len(n_bands) > 1:
- for n_band in n_bands:
- self.ap.SetMode(self.ap.mode_n, band=n_band)
- self.ap.ApplySettings()
- def testFastCycleSecurity(self):
- """Mini stress for changing security settings rapidly."""
- self.ap.SetRadio(True)
- self.ap.SetSecurityWEP('77777', self.ap.wep_authentication_open)
- self.ap.SetSecurityDisabled()
- self.ap.SetSecurityWPAPSK('qwertyuiolkjhgfsdfg')
- self.ap.ApplySettings()
- def testCycleSecurity(self):
- """Test switching between different security settings."""
- self.ap.SetRadio(True)
- self.ap.SetSecurityWEP('77777', self.ap.wep_authentication_open)
- self.ap.ApplySettings()
- self.ap.SetSecurityDisabled()
- self.ap.ApplySettings()
- self.ap.SetSecurityWPAPSK('qwertyuiolkjhgfsdfg')
- self.ap.ApplySettings()
- def testActionsWhenRadioDisabled(self):
- """Test making changes when the radio is diabled."""
- self.ap.SetRadio(False)
- self.ap.ApplySettings()
- self.ap.SetSecurityWEP('77777', self.ap.wep_authentication_open)
- self.ap.SetRadio(False)
- self.ap.ApplySettings()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- pyauto_ap_configurator.Main()
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