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Unified Diff: build/android/buildbot/

Issue 20210002: [Android] Sets up a coverage system for java using EMMA (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Cleans up temporary changes, fixes a few more small things Created 7 years, 4 months ago
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Index: build/android/buildbot/
diff --git a/build/android/buildbot/ b/build/android/buildbot/
index f020281bb7d751434151ee4f9f9d4c5ddfd4affc..df86bcc0582f318a169a203e32964f18c0e1871a 100755
--- a/build/android/buildbot/
+++ b/build/android/buildbot/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import multiprocessing
import os
import shutil
import sys
+import time
import bb_utils
import bb_annotations
@@ -24,8 +25,10 @@ sys.path.append(os.path.join(
import errors
+SLAVE_SCRIPTS_DIR = os.path.join(bb_utils.BB_BUILD_DIR, 'scripts', 'slave')
LOGCAT_DIR = os.path.join(CHROME_SRC, 'out', 'logcat')
# Describes an instrumation test suite:
# test: Name of test we're running.
@@ -37,13 +40,14 @@ LOGCAT_DIR = os.path.join(CHROME_SRC, 'out', 'logcat')
# annotation: Annotation of the tests to include.
# exclude_annotation: The annotation of the tests to exclude.
I_TEST = collections.namedtuple('InstrumentationTest', [
- 'name', 'apk', 'apk_package', 'test_apk', 'test_data', 'host_driven_root',
- 'annotation', 'exclude_annotation', 'extra_flags'])
+ 'name', 'apk', 'apk_package', 'test_apk', 'test_data', 'coverage',
+ 'host_driven_root', 'annotation', 'exclude_annotation', 'extra_flags'])
-def I(name, apk, apk_package, test_apk, test_data, host_driven_root=None,
- annotation=None, exclude_annotation=None, extra_flags=None):
- return I_TEST(name, apk, apk_package, test_apk, test_data, host_driven_root,
- annotation, exclude_annotation, extra_flags)
+def I(name, apk, apk_package, test_apk, test_data, coverage=True,
+ host_driven_root=None, annotation=None, exclude_annotation=None,
+ extra_flags=None):
+ return I_TEST(name, apk, apk_package, test_apk, test_data, coverage,
+ host_driven_root, annotation, exclude_annotation, extra_flags)
INSTRUMENTATION_TESTS = dict((, suite) for suite in [
@@ -56,7 +60,7 @@ INSTRUMENTATION_TESTS = dict((, suite) for suite in [
+ host_driven_root=constants.CHROMIUM_TEST_SHELL_HOST_DRIVEN_DIR),
@@ -165,6 +169,8 @@ def RunInstrumentationSuite(options, test, flunk_on_failure=True,
if options.flakiness_server:
args.append('--flakiness-dashboard-server=%s' %
+ if options.coverage_bucket and test.coverage:
+ args.append('--coverage-dir=%s' % constants.GetCoverageDir(
if test.host_driven_root:
args.append('--host-driven-root=%s' % test.host_driven_root)
if test.annotation:
@@ -271,9 +277,50 @@ def RunUnitTests(options):
def RunInstrumentationTests(options):
+ coverage_dir = constants.GetCoverageDir(
+ if options.coverage_bucket:
+ shutil.rmtree(coverage_dir, ignore_errors=True)
+ os.mkdir(coverage_dir)
for test in INSTRUMENTATION_TESTS.itervalues():
RunInstrumentationSuite(options, test)
+ if options.coverage_bucket:
+ bb_annotations.PrintNamedStep('coverage_report')
+ RunCmd(['build/android/',
+ '--coverage-dir', coverage_dir,
+ '--metadata-dir', os.path.join(constants.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT,
+ 'out',,
+ '--output', os.path.join(coverage_dir, 'coverage.html')])
+ revision_file = os.path.join(CHROME_SRC, 'out',,
+ # If the revision file doesn't exist, we're just testing the bot
+ if os.path.exists(revision_file):
+ with open(revision_file) as f:
+ revision =
+ else:
+ revision = 'testing'
+ bot_id = os.environ.get('BUILDBOT_ID')
+ if not bot_id:
+ print 'BUILDBOT_ID requried in the environment to upload coverage data.'
+ return
+ timehash = hash(time.time())
+ boto_config = os.path.join(bb_utils.BB_BUILD_DIR, 'site_config', '.boto')
+ os.environ['AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE'] = boto_config
+ os.environ['BOTO_CONFIG'] = boto_config
+ RunCmd([os.path.join(bb_utils.BB_BUILD_DIR, 'third_party',
+ 'gsutil', 'gsutil'), 'cp', '-R',
+ coverage_dir, 'gs://%s/%s/%s/%s' %
+ (options.coverage_bucket, bot_id, revision, timehash)])
+ bb_annotations.PrintLink(
+ 'Coverage report',
+ ''
+ % (options.coverage_bucket, bot_id, revision, timehash))
def RunWebkitTests(options):
RunTestSuites(options, ['webkit_unit_tests'])
@@ -355,6 +402,9 @@ def GetDeviceStepsOptParser():
help='Install an apk by name')
parser.add_option('--reboot', action='store_true',
help='Reboot devices before running tests')
+ parser.add_option('--coverage-bucket',
+ help=('Bucket name to store coverage results. Coverage is '
+ 'only run if this is set.'))
help='The flakiness dashboard server to which the results should be '

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