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Unified Diff: src/gpu/GrStencilSettings.cpp

Issue 1969693003: Revert of Separate user and raw stencil settings (Closed) Base URL:
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Index: src/gpu/GrStencilSettings.cpp
diff --git a/src/gpu/GrStencilSettings.cpp b/src/gpu/GrStencilSettings.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ae8b03b97687ca556adf05d16810da1cc21dbb5a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/gpu/GrStencilSettings.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,489 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
- *
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- * found in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#include "GrStencilSettings.h"
-#include "GrProcessor.h"
-constexpr const GrUserStencilSettings gUnused(
- GrUserStencilSettings::StaticInit<
- 0x0000,
- GrUserStencilTest::kAlwaysIfInClip,
- 0xffff,
- GrUserStencilOp::kKeep,
- GrUserStencilOp::kKeep,
- 0x0000>()
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(kAll_StencilFlags == (gUnused.fFrontFlags[0] & gUnused.fBackFlags[0]));
-const GrUserStencilSettings& GrUserStencilSettings::kUnused = gUnused;
-void GrStencilSettings::reset(const GrUserStencilSettings& user, bool hasStencilClip,
- int numStencilBits) {
- uint16_t frontFlags = user.fFrontFlags[hasStencilClip];
- if (frontFlags & kSingleSided_StencilFlag) {
- fFlags = frontFlags;
- if (!this->isDisabled()) {
- fFront.reset(user.fFront, hasStencilClip, numStencilBits);
- }
- return;
- }
- uint16_t backFlags = user.fBackFlags[hasStencilClip];
- fFlags = frontFlags & backFlags;
- if (this->isDisabled()) {
- return;
- }
- if (!(frontFlags & kDisabled_StencilFlag)) {
- fFront.reset(user.fFront, hasStencilClip, numStencilBits);
- } else {
- fFront.setDisabled();
- }
- if (!(backFlags & kDisabled_StencilFlag)) {
- fBack.reset(user.fBack, hasStencilClip, numStencilBits);
- } else {
- fBack.setDisabled();
- }
-void GrStencilSettings::reset(const GrStencilSettings& that) {
- fFlags = that.fFlags;
- if ((kInvalid_PrivateFlag | kDisabled_StencilFlag) & fFlags) {
- return;
- }
- if (!this->isTwoSided()) {
- memcpy(&fFront, &that.fFront, sizeof(Face));
- } else {
- memcpy(&fFront, &that.fFront, 2 * sizeof(Face));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Face) ==
- offsetof(GrStencilSettings, fBack) - offsetof(GrStencilSettings, fFront));
- }
-bool GrStencilSettings::operator==(const GrStencilSettings& that) const {
- if ((kInvalid_PrivateFlag | kDisabled_StencilFlag) & (fFlags | that.fFlags)) {
- // At least one is invalid and/or disabled.
- if (kInvalid_PrivateFlag & (fFlags | that.fFlags)) {
- return false; // We never allow invalid stencils to be equal.
- }
- // They're only equal if both are disabled.
- return kDisabled_StencilFlag & (fFlags & that.fFlags);
- }
- if (kSingleSided_StencilFlag & (fFlags & that.fFlags)) {
- return 0 == memcmp(&fFront, &that.fFront, sizeof(Face)); // Both are single sided.
- } else {
- return 0 == memcmp(&fFront, &that.fFront, 2 * sizeof(Face));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Face) ==
- offsetof(GrStencilSettings, fBack) - offsetof(GrStencilSettings, fFront));
- }
- // memcmp relies on GrStencilSettings::Face being tightly packed.
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(0 == offsetof(Face, fRef));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(2 == sizeof(Face::fRef));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(2 == offsetof(Face, fTest));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(2 == sizeof(Face::fTest));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(4 == offsetof(Face, fTestMask));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(2 == sizeof(Face::fTestMask));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(6 == offsetof(Face, fPassOp));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(1 == sizeof(Face::fPassOp));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(7 == offsetof(Face, fFailOp));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(1 == sizeof(Face::fFailOp));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(8 == offsetof(Face, fWriteMask));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(2 == sizeof(Face::fWriteMask));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(10 == sizeof(Face));
-static constexpr GrStencilTest gUserStencilTestToRaw[kGrUserStencilTestCount] = {
- // Tests that respect the clip.
- GrStencilTest::kAlways, // kAlwaysIfInClip (This is only for when there is not a stencil clip).
- GrStencilTest::kEqual, // kEqualIfInClip.
- GrStencilTest::kLess, // kLessIfInClip.
- GrStencilTest::kLEqual, // kLEqualIfInClip.
- // Tests that ignore the clip.
- GrStencilTest::kAlways,
- GrStencilTest::kNever,
- GrStencilTest::kGreater,
- GrStencilTest::kGEqual,
- GrStencilTest::kLess,
- GrStencilTest::kLEqual,
- GrStencilTest::kEqual,
- GrStencilTest::kNotEqual
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(0 == (int)GrUserStencilTest::kAlwaysIfInClip);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(1 == (int)GrUserStencilTest::kEqualIfInClip);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(2 == (int)GrUserStencilTest::kLessIfInClip);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(3 == (int)GrUserStencilTest::kLEqualIfInClip);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(4 == (int)GrUserStencilTest::kAlways);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(5 == (int)GrUserStencilTest::kNever);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(6 == (int)GrUserStencilTest::kGreater);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(7 == (int)GrUserStencilTest::kGEqual);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(8 == (int)GrUserStencilTest::kLess);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(9 == (int)GrUserStencilTest::kLEqual);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(10 == (int)GrUserStencilTest::kEqual);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(11 == (int)GrUserStencilTest::kNotEqual);
-static constexpr GrStencilOp gUserStencilOpToRaw[kGrUserStencilOpCount] = {
- GrStencilOp::kKeep,
- // Ops that only modify user bits.
- GrStencilOp::kZero,
- GrStencilOp::kReplace,
- GrStencilOp::kInvert,
- GrStencilOp::kIncWrap,
- GrStencilOp::kDecWrap,
- GrStencilOp::kIncClamp, // kIncMaybeClamp.
- GrStencilOp::kDecClamp, // kDecMaybeClamp.
- // Ops that only modify the clip bit.
- GrStencilOp::kZero, // kZeroClipBit.
- GrStencilOp::kReplace, // kSetClipBit.
- GrStencilOp::kInvert, // kInvertClipBit.
- // Ops that modify clip and user bits.
- GrStencilOp::kReplace, // kSetClipAndReplaceUserBits.
- GrStencilOp::kZero // kZeroClipAndUserBits.
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(0 == (int)GrUserStencilOp::kKeep);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(1 == (int)GrUserStencilOp::kZero);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(2 == (int)GrUserStencilOp::kReplace);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(3 == (int)GrUserStencilOp::kInvert);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(4 == (int)GrUserStencilOp::kIncWrap);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(5 == (int)GrUserStencilOp::kDecWrap);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(6 == (int)GrUserStencilOp::kIncMaybeClamp);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(7 == (int)GrUserStencilOp::kDecMaybeClamp);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(8 == (int)GrUserStencilOp::kZeroClipBit);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(9 == (int)GrUserStencilOp::kSetClipBit);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(10 == (int)GrUserStencilOp::kInvertClipBit);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(11 == (int)GrUserStencilOp::kSetClipAndReplaceUserBits);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(12 == (int)GrUserStencilOp::kZeroClipAndUserBits);
-void GrStencilSettings::Face::reset(const GrUserStencilSettings::Face& user, bool hasStencilClip,
- int numStencilBits) {
- SkASSERT(user.fTest < (GrUserStencilTest)kGrUserStencilTestCount);
- SkASSERT(user.fPassOp < (GrUserStencilOp)kGrUserStencilOpCount);
- SkASSERT(user.fFailOp < (GrUserStencilOp)kGrUserStencilOpCount);
- SkASSERT(numStencilBits <= 16);
- int clipBit = 1 << (numStencilBits - 1);
- int userMask = clipBit - 1;
- GrUserStencilOp maxOp = SkTMax(user.fPassOp, user.fFailOp);
- SkDEBUGCODE(GrUserStencilOp otherOp = SkTMin(user.fPassOp, user.fFailOp);)
- if (maxOp <= kLastUserOnlyStencilOp) {
- // Ops that only modify user bits.
- fWriteMask = user.fWriteMask & userMask;
- SkASSERT(otherOp <= kLastUserOnlyStencilOp);
- } else if (maxOp <= kLastClipOnlyStencilOp) {
- // Ops that only modify the clip bit.
- fWriteMask = clipBit;
- SkASSERT(GrUserStencilOp::kKeep == otherOp ||
- (otherOp > kLastUserOnlyStencilOp && otherOp <= kLastClipOnlyStencilOp));
- } else {
- // Ops that modify both clip and user bits.
- fWriteMask = clipBit | (user.fWriteMask & userMask);
- SkASSERT(GrUserStencilOp::kKeep == otherOp || otherOp > kLastClipOnlyStencilOp);
- }
- fFailOp = gUserStencilOpToRaw[(int)user.fFailOp];
- fPassOp = gUserStencilOpToRaw[(int)user.fPassOp];
- if (!hasStencilClip || user.fTest > kLastClippedStencilTest) {
- // Ignore the clip.
- fTestMask = user.fTestMask & userMask;
- fTest = gUserStencilTestToRaw[(int)user.fTest];
- } else if (GrUserStencilTest::kAlwaysIfInClip != user.fTest) {
- // Respect the clip.
- fTestMask = clipBit | (user.fTestMask & userMask);
- fTest = gUserStencilTestToRaw[(int)user.fTest];
- } else {
- // Test only for clip.
- fTestMask = clipBit;
- fTest = GrStencilTest::kEqual;
- }
- fRef = (clipBit | user.fRef) & (fTestMask | fWriteMask);
-void GrStencilSettings::Face::setDisabled() {
- memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(0 == (int)GrStencilTest::kAlways);
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(0 == (int)GrStencilOp::kKeep);
-// Stencil Rules for Merging user stencil space into clip
-// Replace
-static constexpr GrUserStencilSettings gUserToClipReplace(
- GrUserStencilSettings::StaticInit<
- 0x0000,
- GrUserStencilTest::kNotEqual,
- 0xffff,
- GrUserStencilOp::kSetClipAndReplaceUserBits,
- GrUserStencilOp::kZeroClipAndUserBits,
- 0xffff>()
-static constexpr GrUserStencilSettings gInvUserToClipReplace(
- GrUserStencilSettings::StaticInit<
- 0x0000,
- GrUserStencilTest::kEqual,
- 0xffff,
- GrUserStencilOp::kSetClipAndReplaceUserBits,
- GrUserStencilOp::kZeroClipAndUserBits,
- 0xffff>()
-// Intersect
-static constexpr GrUserStencilSettings gUserToClipIsect(
- GrUserStencilSettings::StaticInit<
- 0x0000,
- GrUserStencilTest::kLessIfInClip, // "0 < userBits" is equivalent to "0 != userBits".
- 0xffff,
- GrUserStencilOp::kSetClipAndReplaceUserBits,
- GrUserStencilOp::kZeroClipAndUserBits,
- 0xffff>()
-// Difference
-static constexpr GrUserStencilSettings gUserToClipDiff(
- GrUserStencilSettings::StaticInit<
- 0x0000,
- GrUserStencilTest::kEqualIfInClip,
- 0xffff,
- GrUserStencilOp::kSetClipAndReplaceUserBits,
- GrUserStencilOp::kZeroClipAndUserBits,
- 0xffff>()
-// Union
-static constexpr GrUserStencilSettings gUserToClipUnion(
- GrUserStencilSettings::StaticInit<
- 0x0000,
- GrUserStencilTest::kNotEqual,
- 0xffff,
- GrUserStencilOp::kSetClipAndReplaceUserBits,
- GrUserStencilOp::kKeep,
- 0xffff>()
-static constexpr GrUserStencilSettings gInvUserToClipUnionPass0( // Does not zero user bits.
- GrUserStencilSettings::StaticInit<
- 0x0000,
- GrUserStencilTest::kEqual,
- 0xffff,
- GrUserStencilOp::kSetClipBit,
- GrUserStencilOp::kKeep,
- 0x0000>()
-// Xor
-static constexpr GrUserStencilSettings gUserToClipXorPass0( // Does not zero user bits.
- GrUserStencilSettings::StaticInit<
- 0x0000,
- GrUserStencilTest::kNotEqual,
- 0xffff,
- GrUserStencilOp::kInvertClipBit,
- GrUserStencilOp::kKeep,
- 0x0000>()
-static constexpr GrUserStencilSettings gInvUserToClipXorPass0( // Does not zero user bits.
- GrUserStencilSettings::StaticInit<
- 0x0000,
- GrUserStencilTest::kEqual,
- 0xffff,
- GrUserStencilOp::kInvertClipBit,
- GrUserStencilOp::kKeep,
- 0x0000>()
-// Reverse Diff
-static constexpr GrUserStencilSettings gUserToClipRDiffPass0( // Does not zero user bits.
- GrUserStencilSettings::StaticInit<
- 0x0000,
- GrUserStencilTest::kNotEqual,
- 0xffff,
- GrUserStencilOp::kInvertClipBit,
- GrUserStencilOp::kZeroClipBit,
- 0x0000>()
-static constexpr GrUserStencilSettings gInvUserToClipRDiffPass0( // Does not zero user bits.
- GrUserStencilSettings::StaticInit<
- 0x0000,
- GrUserStencilTest::kEqual,
- 0xffff,
- GrUserStencilOp::kInvertClipBit,
- GrUserStencilOp::kZeroClipBit,
- 0x0000>()
-// Second pass to clear user bits (only needed sometimes)
-static constexpr GrUserStencilSettings gZeroUserBits(
- GrUserStencilSettings::StaticInit<
- 0x0000,
- GrUserStencilTest::kNotEqual,
- 0xffff,
- GrUserStencilOp::kZero,
- GrUserStencilOp::kKeep,
- 0xffff>()
-static constexpr const GrUserStencilSettings* gUserToClipTable[2][1 + SkRegion::kLastOp][3] = {
- { /* Normal fill. */
- {&gUserToClipDiff, nullptr, nullptr}, // kDifference_Op.
- {&gUserToClipIsect, nullptr, nullptr}, // kIntersect_Op.
- {&gUserToClipUnion, nullptr, nullptr}, // kUnion_Op.
- {&gUserToClipXorPass0, &gZeroUserBits, nullptr}, // kXOR_Op.
- {&gUserToClipRDiffPass0, &gZeroUserBits, nullptr}, // kReverseDifference_Op.
- {&gUserToClipReplace, nullptr, nullptr} // kReplace_Op.
- }, /* Inverse fill. */ {
- {&gUserToClipIsect, nullptr, nullptr}, // ~diff (aka isect).
- {&gUserToClipDiff, nullptr, nullptr}, // ~isect (aka diff).
- {&gInvUserToClipUnionPass0, &gZeroUserBits, nullptr}, // ~union.
- {&gInvUserToClipXorPass0, &gZeroUserBits, nullptr}, // ~xor.
- {&gInvUserToClipRDiffPass0, &gZeroUserBits, nullptr}, // ~reverse diff.
- {&gInvUserToClipReplace, nullptr, nullptr} // ~replace.
- }
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(0 == SkRegion::kDifference_Op);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(1 == SkRegion::kIntersect_Op);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(2 == SkRegion::kUnion_Op);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(3 == SkRegion::kXOR_Op);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(4 == SkRegion::kReverseDifference_Op);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(5 == SkRegion::kReplace_Op);
-// Direct to Stencil
-// We can render a clip element directly without first writing to the client
-// portion of the clip when the fill is not inverse and the set operation will
-// only modify the in/out status of samples covered by the clip element.
-// this one only works if used right after stencil clip was cleared.
-// Our clip mask creation code doesn't allow midstream replace ops.
-static constexpr GrUserStencilSettings gReplaceClip(
- GrUserStencilSettings::StaticInit<
- 0x0000,
- GrUserStencilTest::kAlways,
- 0xffff,
- GrUserStencilOp::kSetClipBit,
- GrUserStencilOp::kSetClipBit,
- 0x0000>()
-static constexpr GrUserStencilSettings gUnionClip(
- GrUserStencilSettings::StaticInit<
- 0x0000,
- GrUserStencilTest::kAlwaysIfInClip,
- 0xffff,
- GrUserStencilOp::kKeep,
- GrUserStencilOp::kSetClipBit,
- 0x0000>()
-static constexpr GrUserStencilSettings gXorClip(
- GrUserStencilSettings::StaticInit<
- 0x0000,
- GrUserStencilTest::kAlways,
- 0xffff,
- GrUserStencilOp::kInvertClipBit,
- GrUserStencilOp::kInvertClipBit,
- 0x0000>()
-static constexpr GrUserStencilSettings gDiffClip(
- GrUserStencilSettings::StaticInit<
- 0x0000,
- GrUserStencilTest::kAlwaysIfInClip,
- 0xffff,
- GrUserStencilOp::kZeroClipBit,
- GrUserStencilOp::kKeep,
- 0x0000>()
-static constexpr const GrUserStencilSettings* gDirectDrawTable[1 + SkRegion::kLastOp][2] = {
- {&gDiffClip, nullptr}, // kDifference_Op.
- {nullptr, nullptr}, // kIntersect_Op.
- {&gUnionClip, nullptr}, // kUnion_Op.
- {&gXorClip, nullptr}, // kXOR_Op.
- {nullptr, nullptr}, // kReverseDifference_Op.
- {&gReplaceClip, nullptr} // kReplace_Op.
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(0 == SkRegion::kDifference_Op);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(1 == SkRegion::kIntersect_Op);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(2 == SkRegion::kUnion_Op);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(3 == SkRegion::kXOR_Op);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(4 == SkRegion::kReverseDifference_Op);
-GR_STATIC_ASSERT(5 == SkRegion::kReplace_Op);
-GrUserStencilSettings const* const* GrStencilSettings::GetClipPasses(SkRegion::Op op,
- bool canBeDirect,
- bool invertedFill,
- bool* drawDirectToClip) {
- SkASSERT((unsigned)op <= SkRegion::kLastOp);
- if (canBeDirect && !invertedFill) { // TODO: inverse fill + intersect op can be direct.
- GrUserStencilSettings const* const* directPass = gDirectDrawTable[op];
- if (directPass[0]) {
- *drawDirectToClip = true;
- return directPass;
- }
- }
- *drawDirectToClip = false;
- return gUserToClipTable[invertedFill][op];
-void GrStencilSettings::genKey(GrProcessorKeyBuilder* b) const {
- b->add32(fFlags);
- if (this->isDisabled()) {
- return;
- }
- if (!this->isTwoSided()) {
- constexpr int kCount16 = sizeof(Face) / sizeof(uint16_t);
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(0 == sizeof(Face) % sizeof(uint16_t));
- uint16_t* key = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(b->add32n((kCount16 + 1) / 2));
- memcpy(key, &fFront, sizeof(Face));
- key[kCount16] = 0;
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(1 == kCount16 % 2);
- } else {
- constexpr int kCount32 = (2 * sizeof(Face)) / sizeof(uint32_t);
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(0 == (2 * sizeof(Face)) % sizeof(uint32_t));
- uint32_t* key = b->add32n(kCount32);
- memcpy(key, &fFront, 2 * sizeof(Face));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Face) ==
- offsetof(GrStencilSettings, fBack) - offsetof(GrStencilSettings, fFront));
- }
- // We rely on GrStencilSettings::Face being tightly packed for the key to be reliable.
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(0 == offsetof(Face, fRef));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(2 == sizeof(Face::fRef));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(2 == offsetof(Face, fTest));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(2 == sizeof(Face::fTest));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(4 == offsetof(Face, fTestMask));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(2 == sizeof(Face::fTestMask));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(6 == offsetof(Face, fPassOp));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(1 == sizeof(Face::fPassOp));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(7 == offsetof(Face, fFailOp));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(1 == sizeof(Face::fFailOp));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(8 == offsetof(Face, fWriteMask));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(2 == sizeof(Face::fWriteMask));
- GR_STATIC_ASSERT(10 == sizeof(Face));
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