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Unified Diff: appengine/monorail/features/

Issue 1868553004: Open Source Monorail (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Rebase Created 4 years, 8 months ago
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Index: appengine/monorail/features/
diff --git a/appengine/monorail/features/ b/appengine/monorail/features/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b6382b6ee5daad42eaf5981e1e74e5765fa21787
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appengine/monorail/features/
@@ -0,0 +1,928 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is govered by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Task handlers for email notifications of issue changes.
+Email notificatons are sent when an issue changes, an issue that is blocking
+another issue changes, or a bulk edit is done. The users notified include
+the project-wide mailing list, issue owners, cc'd users, starrers,
+also-notify addresses, and users who have saved queries with email notification
+import collections
+import logging
+from third_party import ezt
+from google.appengine.api import mail
+from google.appengine.api import taskqueue
+import settings
+from features import autolink
+from features import notify_helpers
+from framework import emailfmt
+from framework import framework_bizobj
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import framework_helpers
+from framework import framework_views
+from framework import jsonfeed
+from framework import monorailrequest
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import template_helpers
+from framework import urls
+from tracker import component_helpers
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+from tracker import tracker_helpers
+from tracker import tracker_views
+TEMPLATE_PATH = framework_constants.TEMPLATE_PATH
+def PrepareAndSendIssueChangeNotification(
+ project_id, local_id, hostport, commenter_id, seq_num, send_email=True,
+ old_owner_id=framework_constants.NO_USER_SPECIFIED):
+ """Create a task to notify users that an issue has changed.
+ Args:
+ project_id: int ID of the project containing the changed issue.
+ local_id: Issue number for the issue that was updated and saved.
+ hostport: string domain name and port number from the HTTP request.
+ commenter_id: int user ID of the user who made the comment.
+ seq_num: int index into the comments of the new comment.
+ send_email: True if email notifications should be sent.
+ old_owner_id: optional user ID of owner before the current change took
+ effect. He/she will also be notified.
+ Returns nothing.
+ """
+ params = dict(
+ project_id=project_id, id=local_id, commenter_id=commenter_id,
+ seq=seq_num, hostport=hostport,
+ old_owner_id=old_owner_id, send_email=int(send_email))
+'adding notify task with params %r', params)
+ taskqueue.add(url=urls.NOTIFY_ISSUE_CHANGE_TASK + '.do', params=params)
+def PrepareAndSendIssueBlockingNotification(
+ project_id, hostport, local_id, delta_blocker_iids,
+ commenter_id, send_email=True):
+ """Create a task to follow up on an issue blocked_on change."""
+ if not delta_blocker_iids:
+ return # No notification is needed
+ params = dict(
+ project_id=project_id, id=local_id, commenter_id=commenter_id,
+ hostport=hostport, send_email=int(send_email),
+ delta_blocker_iids=','.join(str(iid) for iid in delta_blocker_iids))
+'adding blocking task with params %r', params)
+ taskqueue.add(url=urls.NOTIFY_BLOCKING_CHANGE_TASK + '.do', params=params)
+def SendIssueBulkChangeNotification(
+ hostport, project_id, local_ids, old_owner_ids,
+ comment_text, commenter_id, amendments, send_email, users_by_id):
+ """Create a task to follow up on an issue blocked_on change."""
+ amendment_lines = []
+ for up in amendments:
+ line = ' %s: %s' % (
+ tracker_bizobj.GetAmendmentFieldName(up),
+ tracker_bizobj.AmendmentString(up, users_by_id))
+ if line not in amendment_lines:
+ amendment_lines.append(line)
+ params = dict(
+ project_id=project_id, commenter_id=commenter_id,
+ hostport=hostport, send_email=int(send_email),
+ ids=','.join(str(lid) for lid in local_ids),
+ old_owner_ids=','.join(str(uid) for uid in old_owner_ids),
+ comment_text=comment_text, amendments='\n'.join(amendment_lines))
+'adding bulk task with params %r', params)
+ taskqueue.add(url=urls.NOTIFY_BULK_CHANGE_TASK + '.do', params=params)
+def _EnqueueOutboundEmail(message_dict):
+ """Create a task to send one email message, all fields are in the dict.
+ We use a separate task for each outbound email to isolate errors.
+ Args:
+ message_dict: dict with all needed info for the task.
+ """
+'Queuing an email task with params %r', message_dict)
+ taskqueue.add(
+ url=urls.OUTBOUND_EMAIL_TASK + '.do', params=message_dict,
+ queue_name='outboundemail')
+def AddAllEmailTasks(tasks):
+ """Add one GAE task for each email to be sent."""
+ notified = []
+ for task in tasks:
+ _EnqueueOutboundEmail(task)
+ notified.append(task['to'])
+ return notified
+class NotifyTaskBase(jsonfeed.InternalTask):
+ """Abstract base class for notification task handler."""
+ _EMAIL_TEMPLATE = None # Subclasses must override this.
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(NotifyTaskBase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ if not self._EMAIL_TEMPLATE:
+ raise Exception('Subclasses must override _EMAIL_TEMPLATE.'
+ ' This class must not be called directly.')
+ # We use FORMAT_RAW for emails because they are plain text, not HTML.
+ # TODO(jrobbins): consider sending HTML formatted emails someday.
+ self.email_template = template_helpers.MonorailTemplate(
+ compress_whitespace=False, base_format=ezt.FORMAT_RAW)
+class NotifyIssueChangeTask(NotifyTaskBase):
+ """JSON servlet that notifies appropriate users after an issue change."""
+ _EMAIL_TEMPLATE = 'tracker/issue-change-notification-email.ezt'
+ def HandleRequest(self, mr):
+ """Process the task to notify users after an issue change.
+ Args:
+ mr: common information parsed from the HTTP request.
+ Returns:
+ Results dictionary in JSON format which is useful just for debugging.
+ The main goal is the side-effect of sending emails.
+ """
+ project_id = mr.specified_project_id
+ if project_id is None:
+ return {
+ 'params': {},
+ 'notified': [],
+ 'message': 'Cannot proceed without a valid project ID.',
+ }
+ commenter_id = mr.GetPositiveIntParam('commenter_id')
+ seq_num = mr.seq
+ omit_ids = [commenter_id]
+ hostport = mr.GetParam('hostport')
+ old_owner_id = mr.GetPositiveIntParam('old_owner_id')
+ send_email = bool(mr.GetIntParam('send_email'))
+ params = dict(
+ project_id=project_id, local_id=mr.local_id, commenter_id=commenter_id,
+ seq_num=seq_num, hostport=hostport, old_owner_id=old_owner_id,
+ omit_ids=omit_ids, send_email=send_email)
+'issue change params are %r', params)
+ project =, project_id)
+ config =, project_id)
+ issue =
+ mr.cnxn, project_id, mr.local_id)
+ if issue.is_spam:
+ # Don't send email for spam issues.
+ return {
+ 'params': params,
+ 'notified': [],
+ }
+ all_comments =
+ mr.cnxn, issue.issue_id)
+ comment = all_comments[seq_num]
+ # Only issues that any contributor could view sent to mailing lists.
+ contributor_could_view = permissions.CanViewIssue(
+ project, issue)
+ starrer_ids =
+ mr.cnxn, issue.issue_id)
+ users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+ mr.cnxn,,
+ tracker_bizobj.UsersInvolvedInIssues([issue]), [old_owner_id],
+ tracker_bizobj.UsersInvolvedInComment(comment),
+ issue.cc_ids, issue.derived_cc_ids, starrer_ids, omit_ids)
+ # Make followup tasks to send emails
+ tasks = []
+ if send_email:
+ tasks = self._MakeEmailTasks(
+ mr.cnxn, project, issue, config, old_owner_id, users_by_id,
+ all_comments, comment, starrer_ids, contributor_could_view,
+ hostport, omit_ids)
+ notified = AddAllEmailTasks(tasks)
+ return {
+ 'params': params,
+ 'notified': notified,
+ }
+ def _MakeEmailTasks(
+ self, cnxn, project, issue, config, old_owner_id,
+ users_by_id, all_comments, comment, starrer_ids,
+ contributor_could_view, hostport, omit_ids):
+ """Formulate emails to be sent."""
+ detail_url = framework_helpers.IssueCommentURL(
+ hostport, project, issue.local_id, seq_num=comment.sequence)
+ # TODO(jrobbins): avoid the need to make a MonorailRequest object.
+ mr = monorailrequest.MonorailRequest()
+ mr.project_name = project.project_name
+ mr.project = project
+ # We do not autolink in the emails, so just use an empty
+ # registry of autolink rules.
+ # TODO(jrobbins): offer users an HTML email option w/ autolinks.
+ autolinker = autolink.Autolink()
+ email_data = {
+ # Pass open_related and closed_related into this method and to
+ # the issue view so that we can show it on new issue email.
+ 'issue': tracker_views.IssueView(issue, users_by_id, config),
+ 'summary': issue.summary,
+ 'comment': tracker_views.IssueCommentView(
+ project.project_name, comment, users_by_id,
+ autolinker, {}, mr, issue),
+ 'comment_text': comment.content,
+ 'detail_url': detail_url,
+ }
+ # Generate two versions of email body: members version has all
+ # full email addresses exposed.
+ body_for_non_members = self.email_template.GetResponse(email_data)
+ framework_views.RevealAllEmails(users_by_id)
+ email_data['comment'] = tracker_views.IssueCommentView(
+ project.project_name, comment, users_by_id,
+ autolinker, {}, mr, issue)
+ body_for_members = self.email_template.GetResponse(email_data)
+ subject = 'Issue %d in %s: %s' % (
+ issue.local_id, project.project_name, issue.summary)
+ commenter_email = users_by_id[comment.user_id].email
+ omit_addrs = set([commenter_email] +
+ [users_by_id[omit_id].email for omit_id in omit_ids])
+ auth = monorailrequest.AuthData.FromUserID(
+ cnxn, comment.user_id,
+ commenter_in_project = framework_bizobj.UserIsInProject(
+ project, auth.effective_ids)
+ noisy = tracker_helpers.IsNoisy(len(all_comments) - 1, len(starrer_ids))
+ # Get the transitive set of owners and Cc'd users, and their proxies.
+ reporter = [issue.reporter_id] if issue.reporter_id in starrer_ids else []
+ old_direct_owners, old_transitive_owners = (
+, [old_owner_id]))
+ direct_owners, transitive_owners = (
+, [issue.owner_id]))
+ der_direct_owners, der_transitive_owners = (
+ cnxn, [issue.derived_owner_id]))
+ direct_comp, trans_comp =
+ cnxn, component_helpers.GetComponentCcIDs(issue, config))
+ direct_ccs, transitive_ccs =
+ cnxn, list(issue.cc_ids))
+ # TODO(jrobbins): This will say that the user was cc'd by a rule when it
+ # was really added to the derived_cc_ids by a component.
+ der_direct_ccs, der_transitive_ccs = (
+ cnxn, list(issue.derived_cc_ids)))
+ users_by_id.update(framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+ cnxn,, transitive_owners, der_transitive_owners,
+ direct_comp, trans_comp, transitive_ccs, der_transitive_ccs))
+ # Notify interested people according to the reason for their interest:
+ # owners, component auto-cc'd users, cc'd users, starrers, and
+ # other notification addresses.
+ reporter_addr_perm_list = notify_helpers.ComputeIssueChangeAddressPermList(
+ cnxn, reporter, project, issue,, omit_addrs, users_by_id)
+ owner_addr_perm_list = notify_helpers.ComputeIssueChangeAddressPermList(
+ cnxn, direct_owners + transitive_owners, project, issue,
+, omit_addrs, users_by_id)
+ old_owner_addr_perm_list = notify_helpers.ComputeIssueChangeAddressPermList(
+ cnxn, old_direct_owners + old_transitive_owners, project, issue,
+, omit_addrs, users_by_id)
+ owner_addr_perm_set = set(owner_addr_perm_list)
+ old_owner_addr_perm_list = [ap for ap in old_owner_addr_perm_list
+ if ap not in owner_addr_perm_set]
+ der_owner_addr_perm_list = notify_helpers.ComputeIssueChangeAddressPermList(
+ cnxn, der_direct_owners + der_transitive_owners, project, issue,
+, omit_addrs, users_by_id)
+ cc_addr_perm_list = notify_helpers.ComputeIssueChangeAddressPermList(
+ cnxn, direct_ccs + transitive_ccs, project, issue,
+, omit_addrs, users_by_id)
+ der_cc_addr_perm_list = notify_helpers.ComputeIssueChangeAddressPermList(
+ cnxn, der_direct_ccs + der_transitive_ccs, project, issue,
+, omit_addrs, users_by_id)
+ starrer_addr_perm_list = []
+ sub_addr_perm_list = []
+ if not noisy or commenter_in_project:
+ # Avoid an OOM by only notifying a number of starrers that we can handle.
+ # And, we really should limit the number of emails that we send anyway.
+ max_starrers = settings.max_starrers_to_notify
+ starrer_ids = starrer_ids[-max_starrers:]
+ # Note: starrers can never be user groups.
+ starrer_addr_perm_list = (
+ notify_helpers.ComputeIssueChangeAddressPermList(
+ cnxn, starrer_ids, project, issue,
+, omit_addrs, users_by_id,
+ pref_check_function=lambda u: u.notify_starred_issue_change))
+ sub_addr_perm_list = _GetSubscribersAddrPermList(
+ cnxn,, issue, project, config, omit_addrs,
+ users_by_id)
+ # Get the list of addresses to notify based on filter rules.
+ issue_notify_addr_list = notify_helpers.ComputeIssueNotificationAddrList(
+ issue, omit_addrs)
+ # Get the list of addresses to notify based on project settings.
+ proj_notify_addr_list = notify_helpers.ComputeProjectNotificationAddrList(
+ project, contributor_could_view, omit_addrs)
+ # Give each user a bullet-list of all the reasons that apply for that user.
+ group_reason_list = [
+ (reporter_addr_perm_list, 'You reported this issue'),
+ (owner_addr_perm_list, 'You are the owner of the issue'),
+ (old_owner_addr_perm_list,
+ 'You were the issue owner before this change'),
+ (der_owner_addr_perm_list, 'A rule made you owner of the issue'),
+ (cc_addr_perm_list, 'You were specifically CC\'d on the issue'),
+ (der_cc_addr_perm_list, 'A rule CC\'d you on the issue'),
+ ]
+ group_reason_list.extend(notify_helpers.ComputeComponentFieldAddrPerms(
+ cnxn, config, issue, project,, omit_addrs,
+ users_by_id))
+ group_reason_list.extend(notify_helpers.ComputeCustomFieldAddrPerms(
+ cnxn, config, issue, project,, omit_addrs,
+ users_by_id))
+ group_reason_list.extend([
+ (starrer_addr_perm_list, 'You starred the issue'),
+ (sub_addr_perm_list, 'Your saved query matched the issue'),
+ (issue_notify_addr_list,
+ 'A rule was set up to notify you'),
+ (proj_notify_addr_list,
+ 'The project was configured to send all issue notifications '
+ 'to this address'),
+ ])
+ commenter_view = users_by_id[comment.user_id]
+ detail_url = framework_helpers.FormatAbsoluteURLForDomain(
+ hostport, issue.project_name, urls.ISSUE_DETAIL,
+ id=issue.local_id)
+ email_tasks = notify_helpers.MakeBulletedEmailWorkItems(
+ group_reason_list, subject, body_for_non_members, body_for_members,
+ project, hostport, commenter_view, seq_num=comment.sequence,
+ detail_url=detail_url)
+ return email_tasks
+class NotifyBlockingChangeTask(NotifyTaskBase):
+ """JSON servlet that notifies appropriate users after a blocking change."""
+ _EMAIL_TEMPLATE = 'tracker/issue-blocking-change-notification-email.ezt'
+ def HandleRequest(self, mr):
+ """Process the task to notify users after an issue blocking change.
+ Args:
+ mr: common information parsed from the HTTP request.
+ Returns:
+ Results dictionary in JSON format which is useful just for debugging.
+ The main goal is the side-effect of sending emails.
+ """
+ project_id = mr.specified_project_id
+ if project_id is None:
+ return {
+ 'params': {},
+ 'notified': [],
+ 'message': 'Cannot proceed without a valid project ID.',
+ }
+ commenter_id = mr.GetPositiveIntParam('commenter_id')
+ omit_ids = [commenter_id]
+ hostport = mr.GetParam('hostport')
+ delta_blocker_iids = mr.GetIntListParam('delta_blocker_iids')
+ send_email = bool(mr.GetIntParam('send_email'))
+ params = dict(
+ project_id=project_id, local_id=mr.local_id, commenter_id=commenter_id,
+ hostport=hostport, delta_blocker_iids=delta_blocker_iids,
+ omit_ids=omit_ids, send_email=send_email)
+'blocking change params are %r', params)
+ issue =
+ mr.cnxn, project_id, mr.local_id)
+ if issue.is_spam:
+ return {
+ 'params': params,
+ 'notified': [],
+ }
+ upstream_issues =
+ mr.cnxn, delta_blocker_iids)
+'updating ids %r', [up.local_id for up in upstream_issues])
+ upstream_projects = tracker_helpers.GetAllIssueProjects(
+ mr.cnxn, upstream_issues,
+ upstream_configs =
+ mr.cnxn, upstream_projects.keys())
+ users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+ mr.cnxn,, [commenter_id])
+ commenter_view = users_by_id[commenter_id]
+ tasks = []
+ if send_email:
+ for upstream_issue in upstream_issues:
+ one_issue_email_tasks = self._ProcessUpstreamIssue(
+ mr.cnxn, upstream_issue,
+ upstream_projects[upstream_issue.project_id],
+ upstream_configs[upstream_issue.project_id],
+ issue, omit_ids, hostport, commenter_view)
+ tasks.extend(one_issue_email_tasks)
+ notified = AddAllEmailTasks(tasks)
+ return {
+ 'params': params,
+ 'notified': notified,
+ }
+ def _ProcessUpstreamIssue(
+ self, cnxn, upstream_issue, upstream_project, upstream_config,
+ issue, omit_ids, hostport, commenter_view):
+ """Compute notifications for one upstream issue that is now blocking."""
+ upstream_detail_url = framework_helpers.FormatAbsoluteURLForDomain(
+ hostport, upstream_issue.project_name, urls.ISSUE_DETAIL,
+ id=upstream_issue.local_id)
+'upstream_detail_url = %r', upstream_detail_url)
+ detail_url = framework_helpers.FormatAbsoluteURLForDomain(
+ hostport, issue.project_name, urls.ISSUE_DETAIL,
+ id=issue.local_id)
+ # Only issues that any contributor could view are sent to mailing lists.
+ contributor_could_view = permissions.CanViewIssue(
+ upstream_project, upstream_issue)
+ # Now construct the e-mail to send
+ # Note: we purposely do not notify users who starred an issue
+ # about changes in blocking.
+ users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+ cnxn,,
+ tracker_bizobj.UsersInvolvedInIssues([upstream_issue]), omit_ids)
+ is_blocking = upstream_issue.issue_id in issue.blocked_on_iids
+ email_data = {
+ 'issue': tracker_views.IssueView(
+ upstream_issue, users_by_id, upstream_config),
+ 'summary': upstream_issue.summary,
+ 'detail_url': upstream_detail_url,
+ 'is_blocking': ezt.boolean(is_blocking),
+ 'downstream_issue_ref': tracker_bizobj.FormatIssueRef(
+ (None, issue.local_id)),
+ 'downstream_issue_url': detail_url,
+ }
+ # TODO(jrobbins): Generate two versions of email body: members
+ # vesion has other member full email addresses exposed. But, don't
+ # expose too many as we iterate through upstream projects.
+ body = self.email_template.GetResponse(email_data)
+ # Just use "Re:", not Message-Id and References because a blocking
+ # notification is not a comment on the issue.
+ subject = 'Re: Issue %d in %s: %s' % (
+ upstream_issue.local_id, upstream_issue.project_name,
+ upstream_issue.summary)
+ omit_addrs = {users_by_id[omit_id].email for omit_id in omit_ids}
+ # Get the transitive set of owners and Cc'd users, and their UserView's.
+ direct_owners, trans_owners =
+ cnxn, [tracker_bizobj.GetOwnerId(upstream_issue)])
+ direct_ccs, trans_ccs =
+ cnxn, list(upstream_issue.cc_ids))
+ # TODO(jrobbins): This will say that the user was cc'd by a rule when it
+ # was really added to the derived_cc_ids by a component.
+ der_direct_ccs, der_transitive_ccs = (
+ cnxn, list(upstream_issue.derived_cc_ids)))
+ # direct owners and Ccs are already in users_by_id
+ users_by_id.update(framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+ cnxn,, trans_owners, trans_ccs, der_transitive_ccs))
+ owner_addr_perm_list = notify_helpers.ComputeIssueChangeAddressPermList(
+ cnxn, direct_owners + trans_owners, upstream_project, upstream_issue,
+, omit_addrs, users_by_id)
+ cc_addr_perm_list = notify_helpers.ComputeIssueChangeAddressPermList(
+ cnxn, direct_ccs + trans_ccs, upstream_project, upstream_issue,
+, omit_addrs, users_by_id)
+ der_cc_addr_perm_list = notify_helpers.ComputeIssueChangeAddressPermList(
+ cnxn, der_direct_ccs + der_transitive_ccs, upstream_project,
+ upstream_issue,, omit_addrs, users_by_id)
+ sub_addr_perm_list = _GetSubscribersAddrPermList(
+ cnxn,, upstream_issue, upstream_project, upstream_config,
+ omit_addrs, users_by_id)
+ issue_notify_addr_list = notify_helpers.ComputeIssueNotificationAddrList(
+ upstream_issue, omit_addrs)
+ proj_notify_addr_list = notify_helpers.ComputeProjectNotificationAddrList(
+ upstream_project, contributor_could_view, omit_addrs)
+ # Give each user a bullet-list of all the reasons that apply for that user.
+ group_reason_list = [
+ (owner_addr_perm_list, 'You are the owner of the issue'),
+ (cc_addr_perm_list, 'You were specifically CC\'d on the issue'),
+ (der_cc_addr_perm_list, 'A rule CC\'d you on the issue'),
+ ]
+ group_reason_list.extend(notify_helpers.ComputeComponentFieldAddrPerms(
+ cnxn, upstream_config, upstream_issue, upstream_project,,
+ omit_addrs, users_by_id))
+ group_reason_list.extend(notify_helpers.ComputeCustomFieldAddrPerms(
+ cnxn, upstream_config, upstream_issue, upstream_project,,
+ omit_addrs, users_by_id))
+ group_reason_list.extend([
+ # Starrers are not notified of blocking changes to reduce noise.
+ (sub_addr_perm_list, 'Your saved query matched the issue'),
+ (issue_notify_addr_list,
+ 'Project filter rules were setup to notify you'),
+ (proj_notify_addr_list,
+ 'The project was configured to send all issue notifications '
+ 'to this address'),
+ ])
+ one_issue_email_tasks = notify_helpers.MakeBulletedEmailWorkItems(
+ group_reason_list, subject, body, body, upstream_project, hostport,
+ commenter_view, detail_url=detail_url)
+ return one_issue_email_tasks
+class NotifyBulkChangeTask(NotifyTaskBase):
+ """JSON servlet that notifies appropriate users after a bulk edit."""
+ _EMAIL_TEMPLATE = 'tracker/issue-bulk-change-notification-email.ezt'
+ def HandleRequest(self, mr):
+ """Process the task to notify users after an issue blocking change.
+ Args:
+ mr: common information parsed from the HTTP request.
+ Returns:
+ Results dictionary in JSON format which is useful just for debugging.
+ The main goal is the side-effect of sending emails.
+ """
+ hostport = mr.GetParam('hostport')
+ project_id = mr.specified_project_id
+ if project_id is None:
+ return {
+ 'params': {},
+ 'notified': [],
+ 'message': 'Cannot proceed without a valid project ID.',
+ }
+ local_ids = mr.local_id_list
+ old_owner_ids = mr.GetIntListParam('old_owner_ids')
+ comment_text = mr.GetParam('comment_text')
+ commenter_id = mr.GetPositiveIntParam('commenter_id')
+ amendments = mr.GetParam('amendments')
+ send_email = bool(mr.GetIntParam('send_email'))
+ params = dict(
+ project_id=project_id, local_ids=mr.local_id_list,
+ commenter_id=commenter_id, hostport=hostport,
+ old_owner_ids=old_owner_ids, comment_text=comment_text,
+ send_email=send_email, amendments=amendments)
+'bulk edit params are %r', params)
+ # TODO(jrobbins): For cross-project bulk edits, prefetch all relevant
+ # projects and configs and pass a dict of them to subroutines.
+ project =, project_id)
+ config =, project_id)
+ issues =
+ mr.cnxn, project_id, local_ids)
+ issues = [issue for issue in issues if not issue.is_spam]
+ anon_perms = permissions.GetPermissions(None, set(), project)
+ users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+ mr.cnxn,, [commenter_id])
+ ids_in_issues = {}
+ starrers = {}
+ non_private_issues = []
+ for issue, old_owner_id in zip(issues, old_owner_ids):
+ # TODO(jrobbins): use issue_id consistently rather than local_id.
+ starrers[issue.local_id] =
+ mr.cnxn, issue.issue_id)
+ named_ids = set() # users named in user-value fields that notify.
+ for fd in config.field_defs:
+ named_ids.update(notify_helpers.ComputeNamedUserIDsToNotify(issue, fd))
+ direct, indirect =
+ mr.cnxn, list(issue.cc_ids) + list(issue.derived_cc_ids) +
+ [issue.owner_id, old_owner_id, issue.derived_owner_id] +
+ list(named_ids))
+ ids_in_issues[issue.local_id] = set(starrers[issue.local_id])
+ ids_in_issues[issue.local_id].update(direct)
+ ids_in_issues[issue.local_id].update(indirect)
+ ids_in_issue_needing_views = (
+ ids_in_issues[issue.local_id] |
+ tracker_bizobj.UsersInvolvedInIssues([issue]))
+ new_ids_in_issue = [user_id for user_id in ids_in_issue_needing_views
+ if user_id not in users_by_id]
+ users_by_id.update(
+ framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+ mr.cnxn,, new_ids_in_issue))
+ anon_can_view = permissions.CanViewIssue(
+ set(), anon_perms, project, issue)
+ if anon_can_view:
+ non_private_issues.append(issue)
+ commenter_view = users_by_id[commenter_id]
+ omit_addrs = {}
+ tasks = []
+ if send_email:
+ email_tasks = self._BulkEditEmailTasks(
+ mr.cnxn, issues, old_owner_ids, omit_addrs, project,
+ non_private_issues, users_by_id, ids_in_issues, starrers,
+ commenter_view, hostport, comment_text, amendments, config)
+ tasks = email_tasks
+ notified = AddAllEmailTasks(tasks)
+ return {
+ 'params': params,
+ 'notified': notified,
+ }
+ def _BulkEditEmailTasks(
+ self, cnxn, issues, old_owner_ids, omit_addrs, project,
+ non_private_issues, users_by_id, ids_in_issues, starrers,
+ commenter_view, hostport, comment_text, amendments, config):
+ """Generate Email PBs to notify interested users after a bulk edit."""
+ # 1. Get the user IDs of everyone who could be notified,
+ # and make all their user proxies. Also, build a dictionary
+ # of all the users to notify and the issues that they are
+ # interested in. Also, build a dictionary of additional email
+ # addresses to notify and the issues to notify them of.
+ users_by_id = {}
+ ids_to_notify_of_issue = {}
+ additional_addrs_to_notify_of_issue = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ users_to_queries = notify_helpers.GetNonOmittedSubscriptions(
+ cnxn,, [project.project_id], {})
+ config =
+ cnxn, project.project_id)
+ for issue, old_owner_id in zip(issues, old_owner_ids):
+ issue_participants = set(
+ [tracker_bizobj.GetOwnerId(issue), old_owner_id] +
+ tracker_bizobj.GetCcIds(issue))
+ # users named in user-value fields that notify.
+ for fd in config.field_defs:
+ issue_participants.update(
+ notify_helpers.ComputeNamedUserIDsToNotify(issue, fd))
+ for user_id in ids_in_issues[issue.local_id]:
+ # TODO(jrobbins): implement batch GetUser() for speed.
+ if not user_id:
+ continue
+ auth = monorailrequest.AuthData.FromUserID(
+ cnxn, user_id,
+ if (auth.user_pb.notify_issue_change and
+ not auth.effective_ids.isdisjoint(issue_participants)):
+ ids_to_notify_of_issue.setdefault(user_id, []).append(issue)
+ elif (auth.user_pb.notify_starred_issue_change and
+ user_id in starrers[issue.local_id]):
+ # Skip users who have starred issues that they can no longer view.
+ starrer_perms = permissions.GetPermissions(
+ auth.user_pb, auth.effective_ids, project)
+ granted_perms = tracker_bizobj.GetGrantedPerms(
+ issue, auth.effective_ids, config)
+ starrer_can_view = permissions.CanViewIssue(
+ auth.effective_ids, starrer_perms, project, issue,
+ granted_perms=granted_perms)
+ if starrer_can_view:
+ ids_to_notify_of_issue.setdefault(user_id, []).append(issue)
+ 'ids_to_notify_of_issue[%s] = %s',
+ user_id,
+ [i.local_id for i in ids_to_notify_of_issue.get(user_id, [])])
+ # Find all subscribers that should be notified.
+ subscribers_to_consider = notify_helpers.EvaluateSubscriptions(
+ cnxn, issue, users_to_queries,, config)
+ for sub_id in subscribers_to_consider:
+ auth = monorailrequest.AuthData.FromUserID(cnxn, sub_id,
+ sub_perms = permissions.GetPermissions(
+ auth.user_pb, auth.effective_ids, project)
+ granted_perms = tracker_bizobj.GetGrantedPerms(
+ issue, auth.effective_ids, config)
+ sub_can_view = permissions.CanViewIssue(
+ auth.effective_ids, sub_perms, project, issue,
+ granted_perms=granted_perms)
+ if sub_can_view:
+ ids_to_notify_of_issue.setdefault(sub_id, []).append(issue)
+ if issue in non_private_issues:
+ for notify_addr in issue.derived_notify_addrs:
+ additional_addrs_to_notify_of_issue[notify_addr].append(issue)
+ # 2. Compose an email specifically for each user.
+ email_tasks = []
+ needed_user_view_ids = [uid for uid in ids_to_notify_of_issue
+ if uid not in users_by_id]
+ users_by_id.update(framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+ cnxn,, needed_user_view_ids))
+ for user_id in ids_to_notify_of_issue:
+ if not user_id:
+ continue # Don't try to notify NO_USER_SPECIFIED
+ if users_by_id[user_id].email in omit_addrs:
+'Omitting %s', user_id)
+ continue
+ user_issues = ids_to_notify_of_issue[user_id]
+ if not user_issues:
+ continue # user's prefs indicate they don't want these notifications
+ email = self._FormatBulkIssuesEmail(
+ users_by_id[user_id].email, user_issues, users_by_id,
+ commenter_view, hostport, comment_text, amendments, config, project)
+ email_tasks.append(email)
+ omit_addrs.add(users_by_id[user_id].email)
+'about to bulk notify %s (%s) of %s',
+ users_by_id[user_id].email, user_id,
+ [issue.local_id for issue in user_issues])
+ # 3. Compose one email to each notify_addr with all the issues that it
+ # is supossed to be notified about.
+ for addr, addr_issues in additional_addrs_to_notify_of_issue.iteritems():
+ email = self._FormatBulkIssuesEmail(
+ addr, addr_issues, users_by_id, commenter_view, hostport,
+ comment_text, amendments, config, project)
+ email_tasks.append(email)
+ omit_addrs.add(addr)
+'about to bulk notify additional addr %s of %s',
+ addr, [addr_issue.local_id for addr_issue in addr_issues])
+ # 4. Add in the project's issue_notify_address. This happens even if it
+ # is the same as the commenter's email address (which would be an unusual
+ # but valid project configuration). Only issues that any contributor could
+ # view are included in emails to the all-issue-activity mailing lists.
+ if (project.issue_notify_address
+ and project.issue_notify_address not in omit_addrs):
+ non_private_issues_live = []
+ for issue in issues:
+ contributor_could_view = permissions.CanViewIssue(
+ project, issue)
+ if contributor_could_view:
+ non_private_issues_live.append(issue)
+ if non_private_issues_live:
+ email = self._FormatBulkIssuesEmail(
+ project.issue_notify_address, non_private_issues_live,
+ users_by_id, commenter_view, hostport, comment_text, amendments,
+ config, project)
+ email_tasks.append(email)
+ omit_addrs.add(project.issue_notify_address)
+'about to bulk notify all-issues %s of %s',
+ project.issue_notify_address,
+ [issue.local_id for issue in non_private_issues])
+ return email_tasks
+ def _FormatBulkIssuesEmail(
+ self, dest_email, issues, users_by_id, commenter_view,
+ hostport, comment_text, amendments, config, _project):
+ """Format an email to one user listing many issues."""
+ # TODO(jrobbins): Generate two versions of email body: members
+ # vesion has full email addresses exposed. And, use the full
+ # commenter email address in the From: line when sending to
+ # a member.
+ subject, body = self._FormatBulkIssues(
+ issues, users_by_id, commenter_view, hostport, comment_text,
+ amendments, config)
+ from_addr = emailfmt.NoReplyAddress(commenter_view=commenter_view)
+ return dict(from_addr=from_addr, to=dest_email, subject=subject, body=body)
+ def _FormatBulkIssues(
+ self, issues, users_by_id, commenter_view, hostport, comment_text,
+ amendments, config, body_type='email'):
+ """Format a subject and body for a bulk issue edit."""
+ assert body_type in ('email', 'feed')
+ project_name = issues[0].project_name
+ issue_views = []
+ for issue in issues:
+ # TODO(jrobbins): choose config from dict of prefetched configs.
+ issue_views.append(tracker_views.IssueView(issue, users_by_id, config))
+ email_data = {
+ 'hostport': hostport,
+ 'num_issues': len(issues),
+ 'issues': issue_views,
+ 'comment_text': comment_text,
+ 'commenter': commenter_view,
+ 'amendments': amendments,
+ 'body_type': body_type,
+ }
+ if len(issues) == 1:
+ subject = 'issue %s in %s: %s' % (
+ issues[0].local_id, project_name, issues[0].summary)
+ # TODO(jrobbins): Look up the sequence number instead and treat this
+ # more like an individual change for email threading. For now, just
+ # add "Re:" because bulk edits are always replies.
+ subject = 'Re: ' + subject
+ else:
+ subject = '%d issues changed in %s' % (len(issues), project_name)
+ body = self.email_template.GetResponse(email_data)
+ return subject, body
+class OutboundEmailTask(jsonfeed.InternalTask):
+ """JSON servlet that sends one email."""
+ def HandleRequest(self, mr):
+ """Process the task to send one email message.
+ Args:
+ mr: common information parsed from the HTTP request.
+ Returns:
+ Results dictionary in JSON format which is useful just for debugging.
+ The main goal is the side-effect of sending emails.
+ """
+ # If running on a GAFYD domain, you must define an app alias on the
+ # Application Settings admin web page.
+ sender = mr.GetParam('from_addr')
+ reply_to = mr.GetParam('reply_to')
+ to = mr.GetParam('to')
+ if not to:
+ # Cannot proceed if we cannot create a valid EmailMessage.
+ return
+ references = mr.GetParam('references')
+ subject = mr.GetParam('subject')
+ body = mr.GetParam('body')
+ html_body = mr.GetParam('html_body')
+ if settings.dev_mode:
+ to_format = settings.send_dev_email_to
+ else:
+ to_format = settings.send_all_email_to
+ if to_format:
+ to_user, to_domain = to.split('@')
+ to = to_format % {'user': to_user, 'domain': to_domain}
+ 'Email:\n sender: %s\n reply_to: %s\n to: %s\n references: %s\n '
+ 'subject: %s\n body: %s\n html body: %s',
+ sender, reply_to, to, references, subject, body, html_body)
+ message = mail.EmailMessage(
+ sender=sender, to=to, subject=subject, body=body)
+ if html_body:
+ message.html = html_body
+ if reply_to:
+ message.reply_to = reply_to
+ if references:
+ message.headers = {'References': references}
+ if settings.unit_test_mode:
+'Sending message "%s" in test mode.', message.subject)
+ else:
+ message.send()
+ return dict(
+ sender=sender, to=to, subject=subject, body=body, html_body=html_body,
+ reply_to=reply_to, references=references)
+def _GetSubscribersAddrPermList(
+ cnxn, services, issue, project, config, omit_addrs, users_by_id):
+ """Lookup subscribers, evaluate their saved queries, and decide to notify."""
+ users_to_queries = notify_helpers.GetNonOmittedSubscriptions(
+ cnxn, services, [project.project_id], omit_addrs)
+ # TODO(jrobbins): need to pass through the user_id to use for "me".
+ subscribers_to_notify = notify_helpers.EvaluateSubscriptions(
+ cnxn, issue, users_to_queries, services, config)
+ # TODO(jrobbins): expand any subscribers that are user groups.
+ subs_needing_user_views = [
+ uid for uid in subscribers_to_notify if uid not in users_by_id]
+ users_by_id.update(framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+ cnxn, services.user, subs_needing_user_views))
+ sub_addr_perm_list = notify_helpers.ComputeIssueChangeAddressPermList(
+ cnxn, subscribers_to_notify, project, issue, services, omit_addrs,
+ users_by_id, pref_check_function=lambda *args: True)
+ return sub_addr_perm_list
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