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Unified Diff: appengine/monorail/features/

Issue 1868553004: Open Source Monorail (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Rebase Created 4 years, 8 months ago
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diff --git a/appengine/monorail/features/ b/appengine/monorail/features/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ff37190419329899d56b3316ac67cbf5f6fefb42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appengine/monorail/features/
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is govered by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Helper functions for email notifications of issue changes."""
+import cgi
+import logging
+import re
+from django.utils.html import urlize
+from features import filterrules_helpers
+from features import savedqueries_helpers
+from framework import emailfmt
+from framework import framework_bizobj
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import framework_helpers
+from framework import monorailrequest
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import urls
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from search import query2ast
+from search import searchpipeline
+from tracker import component_helpers
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+# When sending change notification emails, choose the reply-to header and
+# footer message based on three levels of the the recipient's permissions
+# for that issue.
+# This HTML template adds mark up which enables Gmail/Inbox to display a
+# convenient link that takes users to the CL directly from the inbox without
+# having to click on the email.
+# Documentation for this markup is here:
+<script type="application/ld+json">
+ "@context": "",
+ "@type": "EmailMessage",
+ "potentialAction": {
+ "@type": "ViewAction",
+ "name": "View Issue",
+ "url": "%s"
+ },
+ "description": ""
+<div style="font-family: arial, sans-serif">%s</div>
+def ComputeIssueChangeAddressPermList(
+ cnxn, ids_to_consider, project, issue, services, omit_addrs,
+ users_by_id, pref_check_function=lambda u: u.notify_issue_change):
+ """Return a list of user email addresses to notify of an issue change.
+ User email addresses are determined by looking up the given user IDs
+ in the given users_by_id dict.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ ids_to_consider: list of user IDs for users interested in this issue.
+ project: Project PB for the project contianing containing this issue.
+ issue: Issue PB for the issue that was updated.
+ services: Services.
+ omit_addrs: set of strings for email addresses to not notify because
+ they already know.
+ users_by_id: dict {user_id: user_view} user info.
+ pref_check_function: optional function to use to check if a certain
+ User PB has a preference set to receive the email being sent. It
+ defaults to "If I am in the issue's owner or cc field", but it
+ can be set to check "If I starred the issue."
+ Returns:
+ A list of tuples: [(recipient_is_member, address, reply_perm), ...] where
+ reply_perm is one of REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED, REPLY_MAY_COMMENT,
+ """
+ memb_addr_perm_list = []
+ for user_id in ids_to_consider:
+ if user_id == framework_constants.NO_USER_SPECIFIED:
+ continue
+ user = services.user.GetUser(cnxn, user_id)
+ # Notify people who have a pref set, or if they have no User PB
+ # because the pref defaults to True.
+ if user and not pref_check_function(user):
+ continue
+ # TODO(jrobbins): doing a bulk operation would reduce DB load.
+ auth = monorailrequest.AuthData.FromUserID(cnxn, user_id, services)
+ perms = permissions.GetPermissions(user, auth.effective_ids, project)
+ config = services.config.GetProjectConfig(cnxn, project.project_id)
+ granted_perms = tracker_bizobj.GetGrantedPerms(
+ issue, auth.effective_ids, config)
+ if not permissions.CanViewIssue(
+ auth.effective_ids, perms, project, issue,
+ granted_perms=granted_perms):
+ continue
+ addr = users_by_id[user_id].email
+ if addr in omit_addrs:
+ continue
+ recipient_is_member = bool(framework_bizobj.UserIsInProject(
+ project, auth.effective_ids))
+ reply_perm = REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED
+ if project.process_inbound_email:
+ if permissions.CanEditIssue(auth.effective_ids, perms, project, issue):
+ reply_perm = REPLY_MAY_UPDATE
+ elif permissions.CanCommentIssue(
+ auth.effective_ids, perms, project, issue):
+ reply_perm = REPLY_MAY_COMMENT
+ memb_addr_perm_list.append((recipient_is_member, addr, reply_perm))
+'For %s %s, will notify: %r',
+ project.project_name, issue.local_id, memb_addr_perm_list)
+ return memb_addr_perm_list
+def ComputeProjectNotificationAddrList(
+ project, contributor_could_view, omit_addrs):
+ """Return a list of non-user addresses to notify of an issue change.
+ The non-user addresses are specified by email address strings, not
+ user IDs. One such address can be specified in the project PB.
+ It is not assumed to have permission to see all issues.
+ Args:
+ project: Project PB containing the issue that was updated.
+ contributor_could_view: True if any project contributor should be able to
+ see the notification email, e.g., in a mailing list archive or feed.
+ omit_addrs: set of strings for email addresses to not notify because
+ they already know.
+ Returns:
+ A list of tuples: [(False, email_address, reply_permission_level), ...],
+ where reply_permission_level is always REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED for now.
+ """
+ memb_addr_perm_list = []
+ if contributor_could_view:
+ ml_addr = project.issue_notify_address
+ if ml_addr and ml_addr not in omit_addrs:
+ memb_addr_perm_list.append((False, ml_addr, REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED))
+ return memb_addr_perm_list
+def ComputeIssueNotificationAddrList(issue, omit_addrs):
+ """Return a list of non-user addresses to notify of an issue change.
+ The non-user addresses are specified by email address strings, not
+ user IDs. They can be set by filter rules with the "Also notify" action.
+ "Also notify" addresses are assumed to have permission to see any issue,
+ even a restricted one.
+ Args:
+ issue: Issue PB for the issue that was updated.
+ omit_addrs: set of strings for email addresses to not notify because
+ they already know.
+ Returns:
+ A list of tuples: [(False, email_address, reply_permission_level), ...],
+ where reply_permission_level is always REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED for now.
+ """
+ addr_perm_list = []
+ for addr in issue.derived_notify_addrs:
+ if addr not in omit_addrs:
+ addr_perm_list.append((False, addr, REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED))
+ return addr_perm_list
+def MakeBulletedEmailWorkItems(
+ group_reason_list, subject, body_for_non_members, body_for_members,
+ project, hostport, commenter_view, seq_num=None, detail_url=None):
+ """Make a list of dicts describing email-sending tasks to notify users.
+ Args:
+ group_reason_list: list of (is_memb, addr_perm, reason) tuples.
+ subject: string email subject line.
+ body_for_non_members: string body of email to send to non-members.
+ body_for_members: string body of email to send to members.
+ project: Project that contains the issue.
+ hostport: string hostname and port number for links to the site.
+ commenter_view: UserView for the user who made the comment.
+ seq_num: optional int sequence number of the comment.
+ detail_url: optional str direct link to the issue.
+ Returns:
+ A list of dictionaries, each with all needed info to send an individual
+ email to one user. Each email contains a footer that lists all the
+ reasons why that user received the email.
+ """
+'group_reason_list is %r', group_reason_list)
+ addr_reasons_dict = {}
+ for group, reason in group_reason_list:
+ for memb_addr_perm in group:
+ addr_reasons_dict.setdefault(memb_addr_perm, []).append(reason)
+ email_tasks = []
+ for memb_addr_perm, reasons in addr_reasons_dict.iteritems():
+ email_tasks.append(_MakeEmailWorkItem(
+ memb_addr_perm, reasons, subject, body_for_non_members,
+ body_for_members, project, hostport, commenter_view, seq_num=seq_num,
+ detail_url=detail_url))
+ return email_tasks
+def _MakeEmailWorkItem(
+ (recipient_is_member, to_addr, reply_perm), reasons, subject,
+ body_for_non_members, body_for_members, project, hostport, commenter_view,
+ seq_num=None, detail_url=None):
+ """Make one email task dict for one user, includes a detailed reason."""
+ footer = _MakeNotificationFooter(reasons, reply_perm, hostport)
+ if isinstance(footer, unicode):
+ footer = footer.encode('utf-8')
+ if recipient_is_member:
+'got member %r', to_addr)
+ body = body_for_members
+ else:
+'got non-member %r', to_addr)
+ body = body_for_non_members
+'sending body + footer: %r', body + footer)
+ can_reply_to = (
+ reply_perm != REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED and project.process_inbound_email)
+ from_addr = emailfmt.FormatFromAddr(
+ project, commenter_view=commenter_view, reveal_addr=recipient_is_member,
+ can_reply_to=can_reply_to)
+ if can_reply_to:
+ reply_to = '%s@%s' % (project.project_name, emailfmt.MailDomain())
+ else:
+ reply_to = emailfmt.NoReplyAddress()
+ refs = emailfmt.GetReferences(
+ to_addr, subject, seq_num,
+ '%s@%s' % (project.project_name, emailfmt.MailDomain()))
+ # If detail_url is specified then we can use markup to display a convenient
+ # link that takes users directly to the issue without clicking on the email.
+ html_body = None
+ if detail_url:
+ # cgi.escape the body and additionally escape single quotes which are
+ # occassionally used to contain HTML attributes and event handler
+ # definitions.
+ html_escaped_body = cgi.escape(body + footer, quote=1).replace("'", '&#39;')
+ detail_url,
+ _AddHTMLTags(html_escaped_body.decode('utf-8')))
+ return dict(to=to_addr, subject=subject, body=body + footer,
+ html_body=html_body, from_addr=from_addr, reply_to=reply_to,
+ references=refs)
+def _AddHTMLTags(body):
+ """Adds HMTL tags in the specified email body.
+ Specifically does the following:
+ * Detects links and adds <a href>s around the links.
+ * Substitutes <br/> for all occurrences of "\n".
+ See for context.
+ """
+ # Convert all URLs into clickable links.
+ body = urlize(body)
+ # The above step converts
+ # '&lt;;' into '&lt;<a href=""></a>;' and
+ # '&lt;;' into '&lt;<a href=""></a>;'
+ # The below regex fixes this specific problem. See
+ # for more details.
+ body = re.sub(r'&lt;<a href="(|mailto:)(.*?)&gt">(.*?)&gt</a>;',
+ r'<a href="\1\2"><\3></a>', body)
+ # Convert all "\n"s into "<br/>"s.
+ body = body.replace("\n", "<br/>")
+ return body
+def _MakeNotificationFooter(reasons, reply_perm, hostport):
+ """Make an informative footer for a notification email.
+ Args:
+ reasons: a list of strings to be used as the explanation. Empty if no
+ reason is to be given.
+ reply_perm: string which is one of REPLY_NOT_ALLOWED, REPLY_MAY_COMMENT,
+ hostport: string with domain_name:port_number to be used in linking to
+ the user preferences page.
+ Returns:
+ A string to be used as the email footer.
+ """
+ if not reasons:
+ return ''
+ domain_port = hostport.split(':')
+ domain_port[0] = framework_helpers.GetPreferredDomain(domain_port[0])
+ hostport = ':'.join(domain_port)
+ prefs_url = 'https://%s%s' % (hostport, urls.USER_SETTINGS)
+ lines = ['-- ']
+ lines.append('You received this message because:')
+ lines.extend(' %d. %s' % (idx + 1, reason)
+ for idx, reason in enumerate(reasons))
+ lines.extend(['', 'You may adjust your notification preferences at:',
+ prefs_url])
+ if reply_perm == REPLY_MAY_COMMENT:
+ lines.extend(['', 'Reply to this email to add a comment.'])
+ elif reply_perm == REPLY_MAY_UPDATE:
+ lines.extend(['', 'Reply to this email to add a comment or make updates.'])
+ return '\n'.join(lines)
+def GetNonOmittedSubscriptions(cnxn, services, project_ids, omit_addrs):
+ """Get a dict of users w/ subscriptions in those projects."""
+ users_to_queries = services.features.GetSubscriptionsInProjects(
+ cnxn, project_ids)
+ user_emails = services.user.LookupUserEmails(cnxn, users_to_queries.keys())
+ for user_id, email in user_emails.iteritems():
+ if email in omit_addrs:
+ del users_to_queries[user_id]
+ return users_to_queries
+def EvaluateSubscriptions(
+ cnxn, issue, users_to_queries, services, config):
+ """Determine subscribers who have subs that match the given issue."""
+ # Note: unlike filter rule, subscriptions see explicit & derived values.
+ lower_labels = [lab.lower() for lab in tracker_bizobj.GetLabels(issue)]
+ label_set = set(lower_labels)
+ subscribers_to_notify = []
+ for uid, saved_queries in users_to_queries.iteritems():
+ for sq in saved_queries:
+ if sq.subscription_mode != 'immediate':
+ continue
+ if issue.project_id not in sq.executes_in_project_ids:
+ continue
+ cond = savedqueries_helpers.SavedQueryToCond(sq)
+'evaluating query %s: %r',, cond)
+ cond = searchpipeline.ReplaceKeywordsWithUserID(uid, cond)
+ cond_ast = query2ast.ParseUserQuery(
+ cond, '', query2ast.BUILTIN_ISSUE_FIELDS, config)
+ if filterrules_helpers.EvalPredicate(
+ cnxn, services, cond_ast, issue, label_set, config,
+ tracker_bizobj.GetOwnerId(issue), tracker_bizobj.GetCcIds(issue),
+ tracker_bizobj.GetStatus(issue)):
+ subscribers_to_notify.append(uid)
+ break # Don't bother looking at the user's other saved quereies.
+ return subscribers_to_notify
+def ComputeCustomFieldAddrPerms(
+ cnxn, config, issue, project, services, omit_addrs, users_by_id):
+ """Check the reasons to notify users named in custom fields."""
+ group_reason_list = []
+ for fd in config.field_defs:
+ named_user_ids = ComputeNamedUserIDsToNotify(issue, fd)
+ if named_user_ids:
+ named_addr_perms = ComputeIssueChangeAddressPermList(
+ cnxn, named_user_ids, project, issue, services, omit_addrs,
+ users_by_id, pref_check_function=lambda u: True)
+ group_reason_list.append(
+ (named_addr_perms, 'You are named in the %s field' % fd.field_name))
+ return group_reason_list
+def ComputeNamedUserIDsToNotify(issue, fd):
+ """Give a list of user IDs to notify because they're in a field."""
+ if (fd.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.USER_TYPE and
+ fd.notify_on == tracker_pb2.NotifyTriggers.ANY_COMMENT):
+ return [fv.user_id for fv in issue.field_values
+ if fv.field_id == fd.field_id]
+ return []
+def ComputeComponentFieldAddrPerms(
+ cnxn, config, issue, project, services, omit_addrs, users_by_id):
+ """Return [(addr_perm, reason), ...] for users auto-cc'd by components."""
+ component_ids = set(issue.component_ids)
+ group_reason_list = []
+ for cd in config.component_defs:
+ if cd.component_id in component_ids:
+ cc_ids = component_helpers.GetCcIDsForComponentAndAncestors(config, cd)
+ comp_addr_perms = ComputeIssueChangeAddressPermList(
+ cnxn, cc_ids, project, issue, services, omit_addrs,
+ users_by_id, pref_check_function=lambda u: True)
+ group_reason_list.append(
+ (comp_addr_perms,
+ 'You are auto-CC\'d on all issues in component %s' % cd.path))
+ return group_reason_list
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