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Unified Diff: components/html_viewer/

Issue 1677293002: Bye bye Mandoline (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: moar Created 4 years, 10 months ago
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diff --git a/components/html_viewer/ b/components/html_viewer/
deleted file mode 100644
index a52baad4b04cf46d5c561e3010d22bc9d77ec085..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/components/html_viewer/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <utility>
-#include "base/auto_reset.h"
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/callback.h"
-#include "base/command_line.h"
-#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/run_loop.h"
-#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-#include "base/test/test_timeouts.h"
-#include "base/time/time.h"
-#include "base/values.h"
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-#include "components/html_viewer/public/interfaces/test_html_viewer.mojom.h"
-#include "components/mus/public/cpp/tests/window_server_test_base.h"
-#include "components/mus/public/cpp/window.h"
-#include "components/mus/public/cpp/window_tree_connection.h"
-#include "components/web_view/frame.h"
-#include "components/web_view/frame_connection.h"
-#include "components/web_view/frame_tree.h"
-#include "components/web_view/public/interfaces/frame.mojom.h"
-#include "components/web_view/test_frame_tree_delegate.h"
-#include "mojo/services/accessibility/public/interfaces/accessibility.mojom.h"
-#include "net/test/embedded_test_server/embedded_test_server.h"
-using mus::mojom::WindowTreeClientPtr;
-using mus::WindowServerTestBase;
-using web_view::Frame;
-using web_view::FrameConnection;
-using web_view::FrameTree;
-using web_view::FrameTreeDelegate;
-using web_view::mojom::FrameClient;
-namespace mojo {
-namespace {
-const char kAddFrameWithEmptyPageScript[] =
- "var iframe = document.createElement(\"iframe\");"
- "iframe.src = \"\";"
- "document.body.appendChild(iframe);";
-void OnGotContentHandlerForRoot(bool* got_callback) {
- *got_callback = true;
- ignore_result(WindowServerTestBase::QuitRunLoop());
-mojo::Connection* ConnectionForFrame(Frame* frame) {
- return static_cast<FrameConnection*>(frame->user_data())->connection();
-std::string GetFrameText(Connection* connection) {
- html_viewer::TestHTMLViewerPtr test_html_viewer;
- connection->ConnectToService(&test_html_viewer);
- std::string result;
- test_html_viewer->GetContentAsText([&result](const String& mojo_string) {
- result = mojo_string;
- ASSERT_TRUE(WindowServerTestBase::QuitRunLoop());
- });
- if (!WindowServerTestBase::DoRunLoopWithTimeout())
- ADD_FAILURE() << "Timed out waiting for execute to complete";
- // test_html_viewer.WaitForIncomingResponse();
- return result;
-scoped_ptr<base::Value> ExecuteScript(Connection* connection,
- const std::string& script) {
- html_viewer::TestHTMLViewerPtr test_html_viewer;
- connection->ConnectToService(&test_html_viewer);
- scoped_ptr<base::Value> result;
- test_html_viewer->ExecuteScript(script, [&result](const String& json_string) {
- result = base::JSONReader::Read(json_string.To<std::string>());
- ASSERT_TRUE(WindowServerTestBase::QuitRunLoop());
- });
- if (!WindowServerTestBase::DoRunLoopWithTimeout())
- ADD_FAILURE() << "Timed out waiting for execute to complete";
- return result;
-// FrameTreeDelegate that can block waiting for navigation to start.
-class TestFrameTreeDelegateImpl : public web_view::TestFrameTreeDelegate {
- public:
- explicit TestFrameTreeDelegateImpl(mojo::Shell* shell)
- : TestFrameTreeDelegate(shell), frame_tree_(nullptr) {}
- ~TestFrameTreeDelegateImpl() override {}
- void set_frame_tree(FrameTree* frame_tree) { frame_tree_ = frame_tree; }
- // Resets the navigation state for |frame|.
- void ClearGotNavigate(Frame* frame) { frames_navigated_.erase(frame); }
- // Waits until |frame| has |count| children and the last child has navigated.
- bool WaitForChildFrameCount(Frame* frame, size_t count) {
- if (DidChildNavigate(frame, count))
- return true;
- waiting_for_frame_child_count_.reset(new FrameAndChildCount);
- waiting_for_frame_child_count_->frame = frame;
- waiting_for_frame_child_count_->count = count;
- return WindowServerTestBase::DoRunLoopWithTimeout();
- }
- // Returns true if |frame| has navigated. If |frame| hasn't navigated runs
- // a nested message loop until |frame| navigates.
- bool WaitForFrameNavigation(Frame* frame) {
- if (frames_navigated_.count(frame))
- return true;
- frames_waiting_for_navigate_.insert(frame);
- return WindowServerTestBase::DoRunLoopWithTimeout();
- }
- // TestFrameTreeDelegate:
- void DidStartNavigation(Frame* frame) override {
- frames_navigated_.insert(frame);
- if (waiting_for_frame_child_count_ &&
- DidChildNavigate(waiting_for_frame_child_count_->frame,
- waiting_for_frame_child_count_->count)) {
- waiting_for_frame_child_count_.reset();
- ASSERT_TRUE(WindowServerTestBase::QuitRunLoop());
- }
- if (frames_waiting_for_navigate_.count(frame)) {
- frames_waiting_for_navigate_.erase(frame);
- ignore_result(WindowServerTestBase::QuitRunLoop());
- }
- }
- private:
- struct FrameAndChildCount {
- Frame* frame;
- size_t count;
- };
- // Returns true if |frame| has |count| children and the last child frame
- // has navigated.
- bool DidChildNavigate(Frame* frame, size_t count) {
- return ((frame->children().size() == count) &&
- (frames_navigated_.count(frame->children()[count - 1])));
- }
- FrameTree* frame_tree_;
- // Any time DidStartNavigation() is invoked the frame is added here. Frames
- // are inserted as void* as this does not track destruction of the frames.
- std::set<void*> frames_navigated_;
- // The set of frames waiting for a navigation to occur.
- std::set<Frame*> frames_waiting_for_navigate_;
- // Set of frames waiting for a certain number of children and navigation.
- scoped_ptr<FrameAndChildCount> waiting_for_frame_child_count_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TestFrameTreeDelegateImpl);
-} // namespace
-class HTMLFrameTest : public WindowServerTestBase {
- public:
- HTMLFrameTest() {}
- ~HTMLFrameTest() override {}
- protected:
- // Creates the frame tree showing an empty page at the root and adds (via
- // script) a frame showing the same empty page.
- Frame* LoadEmptyPageAndCreateFrame() {
- mus::Window* embed_window = window_manager()->NewWindow();
- frame_tree_delegate_.reset(new TestFrameTreeDelegateImpl(shell()));
- FrameConnection* root_connection = InitFrameTree(
- embed_window, "");
- if (!root_connection) {
- ADD_FAILURE() << "unable to establish root connection";
- return nullptr;
- }
- const std::string frame_text = GetFrameText(root_connection->connection());
- if (frame_text != "child2") {
- ADD_FAILURE() << "unexpected text " << frame_text;
- return nullptr;
- }
- return CreateEmptyChildFrame(frame_tree_->root());
- }
- Frame* CreateEmptyChildFrame(Frame* parent) {
- const size_t initial_frame_count = parent->children().size();
- // Dynamically add a new frame.
- ExecuteScript(ConnectionForFrame(parent),
- AddPortToString(kAddFrameWithEmptyPageScript));
- frame_tree_delegate_->WaitForChildFrameCount(parent,
- initial_frame_count + 1);
- if (HasFatalFailure())
- return nullptr;
- return parent->FindFrame(parent->window()->children().back()->id());
- }
- std::string AddPortToString(const std::string& string) {
- const uint16_t assigned_port = http_server_->host_port_pair().port();
- return base::StringPrintf(string.c_str(), assigned_port);
- }
- mojo::URLRequestPtr BuildRequestForURL(const std::string& url_string) {
- mojo::URLRequestPtr request(mojo::URLRequest::New());
- request->url = mojo::String::From(AddPortToString(url_string));
- return request;
- }
- FrameConnection* InitFrameTree(mus::Window* view,
- const std::string& url_string) {
- frame_tree_delegate_.reset(new TestFrameTreeDelegateImpl(shell()));
- scoped_ptr<FrameConnection> frame_connection(new FrameConnection);
- bool got_callback = false;
- frame_connection->Init(
- shell(), BuildRequestForURL(url_string),
- base::Bind(&OnGotContentHandlerForRoot, &got_callback));
- ignore_result(WindowServerTestBase::DoRunLoopWithTimeout());
- if (!got_callback)
- return nullptr;
- FrameConnection* result = frame_connection.get();
- FrameClient* frame_client = frame_connection->frame_client();
- WindowTreeClientPtr tree_client = frame_connection->GetWindowTreeClient();
- frame_tree_.reset(new FrameTree(
- result->GetContentHandlerID(), view, std::move(tree_client),
- frame_tree_delegate_.get(), frame_client, std::move(frame_connection),
- Frame::ClientPropertyMap(), base::TimeTicks::Now()));
- frame_tree_delegate_->set_frame_tree(frame_tree_.get());
- return result;
- }
- // ViewManagerTest:
- void SetUp() override {
- WindowServerTestBase::SetUp();
- // Start a test server.
- http_server_.reset(new net::EmbeddedTestServer);
- http_server_->ServeFilesFromSourceDirectory(
- "components/test/data/html_viewer");
- ASSERT_TRUE(http_server_->Start());
- }
- void TearDown() override {
- frame_tree_.reset();
- http_server_.reset();
- WindowServerTestBase::TearDown();
- }
- scoped_ptr<net::EmbeddedTestServer> http_server_;
- scoped_ptr<FrameTree> frame_tree_;
- scoped_ptr<TestFrameTreeDelegateImpl> frame_tree_delegate_;
- private:
-// Crashes on linux_chromium_rel_ng only.
-#if defined(OS_LINUX)
-#define MAYBE_PageWithSingleFrame DISABLED_PageWithSingleFrame
-#define MAYBE_PageWithSingleFrame PageWithSingleFrame
-TEST_F(HTMLFrameTest, MAYBE_PageWithSingleFrame) {
- mus::Window* embed_window = window_manager()->NewWindow();
- FrameConnection* root_connection = InitFrameTree(
- embed_window, "");
- ASSERT_TRUE(root_connection);
- ASSERT_EQ("Page with single frame",
- GetFrameText(root_connection->connection()));
- frame_tree_delegate_->WaitForChildFrameCount(frame_tree_->root(), 1u));
- ASSERT_EQ(1u, embed_window->children().size());
- Frame* child_frame =
- frame_tree_->root()->FindFrame(embed_window->children()[0]->id());
- ASSERT_TRUE(child_frame);
- ASSERT_EQ("child",
- GetFrameText(static_cast<FrameConnection*>(child_frame->user_data())
- ->connection()));
-// Creates two frames. The parent navigates the child frame by way of changing
-// the location of the child frame.
-// Crashes on linux_chromium_rel_ng only.
-#if defined(OS_LINUX)
-#define MAYBE_ChangeLocationOfChildFrame DISABLED_ChangeLocationOfChildFrame
-#define MAYBE_ChangeLocationOfChildFrame ChangeLocationOfChildFrame
-TEST_F(HTMLFrameTest, MAYBE_ChangeLocationOfChildFrame) {
- mus::Window* embed_window = window_manager()->NewWindow();
- ASSERT_TRUE(InitFrameTree(
- embed_window, ""));
- // page_with_single_frame contains a child frame. The child frame should
- // create a new View and Frame.
- frame_tree_delegate_->WaitForChildFrameCount(frame_tree_->root(), 1u));
- Frame* child_frame = frame_tree_->root()->children().back();
- ASSERT_EQ("child",
- GetFrameText(static_cast<FrameConnection*>(child_frame->user_data())
- ->connection()));
- // Change the location and wait for the navigation to occur.
- const char kNavigateFrame[] =
- "window.frames[0].location = "
- "''";
- frame_tree_delegate_->ClearGotNavigate(child_frame);
- ExecuteScript(ConnectionForFrame(frame_tree_->root()),
- AddPortToString(kNavigateFrame));
- ASSERT_TRUE(frame_tree_delegate_->WaitForFrameNavigation(child_frame));
- // There should still only be one frame.
- ASSERT_EQ(1u, frame_tree_->root()->children().size());
- // The navigation should have changed the text of the frame.
- ASSERT_TRUE(child_frame->user_data());
- ASSERT_EQ("child2",
- GetFrameText(static_cast<FrameConnection*>(child_frame->user_data())
- ->connection()));
-TEST_F(HTMLFrameTest, DynamicallyAddFrameAndVerifyParent) {
- Frame* child_frame = LoadEmptyPageAndCreateFrame();
- ASSERT_TRUE(child_frame);
- mojo::Connection* child_frame_connection = ConnectionForFrame(child_frame);
- ASSERT_EQ("child", GetFrameText(child_frame_connection));
- // The child's parent should not be itself:
- const char kGetWindowParentNameScript[] =
- "window.parent == window ? 'parent is self' : 'parent not self';";
- scoped_ptr<base::Value> parent_value(
- ExecuteScript(child_frame_connection, kGetWindowParentNameScript));
- ASSERT_TRUE(parent_value->IsType(base::Value::TYPE_LIST));
- base::ListValue* parent_list;
- ASSERT_TRUE(parent_value->GetAsList(&parent_list));
- ASSERT_EQ(1u, parent_list->GetSize());
- std::string parent_name;
- ASSERT_TRUE(parent_list->GetString(0u, &parent_name));
- EXPECT_EQ("parent not self", parent_name);
-TEST_F(HTMLFrameTest, DynamicallyAddFrameAndSeeNameChange) {
- Frame* child_frame = LoadEmptyPageAndCreateFrame();
- ASSERT_TRUE(child_frame);
- mojo::Connection* child_frame_connection = ConnectionForFrame(child_frame);
- // Change the name of the child's window.
- ExecuteScript(child_frame_connection, " = 'new_child';");
- // Eventually the parent should see the change. There is no convenient way
- // to observe this change, so we repeatedly ask for it and timeout if we
- // never get the right value.
- const base::TimeTicks start_time(base::TimeTicks::Now());
- std::string find_window_result;
- do {
- find_window_result.clear();
- scoped_ptr<base::Value> script_value(
- ExecuteScript(ConnectionForFrame(frame_tree_->root()),
- "window.frames['new_child'] != null ? 'found frame' : "
- "'unable to find frame';"));
- if (script_value->IsType(base::Value::TYPE_LIST)) {
- base::ListValue* script_value_as_list;
- if (script_value->GetAsList(&script_value_as_list) &&
- script_value_as_list->GetSize() == 1) {
- script_value_as_list->GetString(0u, &find_window_result);
- }
- }
- } while (find_window_result != "found frame" &&
- base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time <
- TestTimeouts::action_timeout());
- EXPECT_EQ("found frame", find_window_result);
-// Triggers dynamic addition and removal of a frame.
-TEST_F(HTMLFrameTest, FrameTreeOfThreeLevels) {
- // Create a child frame, and in that child frame create another child frame.
- Frame* child_frame = LoadEmptyPageAndCreateFrame();
- ASSERT_TRUE(child_frame);
- ASSERT_TRUE(CreateEmptyChildFrame(child_frame));
- // Make sure the parent can see the child and child's child. There is no
- // convenient way to observe this change, so we repeatedly ask for it and
- // timeout if we never get the right value.
- const char kGetChildChildFrameCount[] =
- "if (window.frames.length > 0)"
- " window.frames[0].frames.length.toString();"
- "else"
- " '0';";
- const base::TimeTicks start_time(base::TimeTicks::Now());
- std::string child_child_frame_count;
- do {
- child_child_frame_count.clear();
- scoped_ptr<base::Value> script_value(
- ExecuteScript(ConnectionForFrame(frame_tree_->root()),
- kGetChildChildFrameCount));
- if (script_value->IsType(base::Value::TYPE_LIST)) {
- base::ListValue* script_value_as_list;
- if (script_value->GetAsList(&script_value_as_list) &&
- script_value_as_list->GetSize() == 1) {
- script_value_as_list->GetString(0u, &child_child_frame_count);
- }
- }
- } while (child_child_frame_count != "1" &&
- base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time <
- TestTimeouts::action_timeout());
- EXPECT_EQ("1", child_child_frame_count);
- // Remove the child's child and make sure the root doesn't see it anymore.
- const char kRemoveLastIFrame[] =
- "document.body.removeChild(document.body.lastChild);";
- ExecuteScript(ConnectionForFrame(child_frame), kRemoveLastIFrame);
- do {
- child_child_frame_count.clear();
- scoped_ptr<base::Value> script_value(
- ExecuteScript(ConnectionForFrame(frame_tree_->root()),
- kGetChildChildFrameCount));
- if (script_value->IsType(base::Value::TYPE_LIST)) {
- base::ListValue* script_value_as_list;
- if (script_value->GetAsList(&script_value_as_list) &&
- script_value_as_list->GetSize() == 1) {
- script_value_as_list->GetString(0u, &child_child_frame_count);
- }
- }
- } while (child_child_frame_count != "0" &&
- base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time <
- TestTimeouts::action_timeout());
- ASSERT_EQ("0", child_child_frame_count);
-// Verifies PostMessage() works across frames.
-TEST_F(HTMLFrameTest, PostMessage) {
- Frame* child_frame = LoadEmptyPageAndCreateFrame();
- ASSERT_TRUE(child_frame);
- mojo::Connection* child_frame_connection = ConnectionForFrame(child_frame);
- ASSERT_EQ("child", GetFrameText(child_frame_connection));
- // Register an event handler in the child frame.
- const char kRegisterPostMessageHandler[] =
- "window.messageData = null;"
- "function messageFunction(event) {"
- " window.messageData =;"
- "}"
- "window.addEventListener('message', messageFunction, false);";
- ExecuteScript(child_frame_connection, kRegisterPostMessageHandler);
- // Post a message from the parent to the child.
- const char kPostMessageFromParent[] =
- "window.frames[0].postMessage('hello from parent', '*');";
- ExecuteScript(ConnectionForFrame(frame_tree_->root()),
- kPostMessageFromParent);
- // Wait for the child frame to see the message.
- const base::TimeTicks start_time(base::TimeTicks::Now());
- std::string message_in_child;
- do {
- const char kGetMessageData[] = "window.messageData;";
- scoped_ptr<base::Value> script_value(
- ExecuteScript(child_frame_connection, kGetMessageData));
- if (script_value->IsType(base::Value::TYPE_LIST)) {
- base::ListValue* script_value_as_list;
- if (script_value->GetAsList(&script_value_as_list) &&
- script_value_as_list->GetSize() == 1) {
- script_value_as_list->GetString(0u, &message_in_child);
- }
- }
- } while (message_in_child != "hello from parent" &&
- base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time <
- TestTimeouts::action_timeout());
- EXPECT_EQ("hello from parent", message_in_child);
-} // namespace mojo
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