Descriptiongit hyper-blame: Added approx. line number translation.
Previously, when a commit was skipped, it would be blamed on the line
number the line had *after* the skipped commit. This could mean a
totally unrelated commit gets blamed. Now, a heuristic analyses the diff
of the skipped commit to discover approximately what line number the
line had *before* the skipped commit, so it can hopefully be blamed on
the right commit.
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : Update. #Patch Set 3 : Removed some unreachable code paths (fix coverage). #Patch Set 4 : Rebase. #Patch Set 5 : Rebase. #Patch Set 6 : Mostly rewrite approx_lineno, fixing and simplifying. Lots more tests. #
Total comments: 4
Patch Set 7 : Added Caveats section to man page. #
Total messages: 10 (5 generated)