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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/webaudio/dom-exceptions-expected.txt

Issue 1493753003: Drop [LegacyInterfaceTypeChecking] for the Web Audio API (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: update tests Created 5 years ago
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Index: third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/webaudio/dom-exceptions-expected.txt
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/webaudio/dom-exceptions-expected.txt b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/webaudio/dom-exceptions-expected.txt
index f7892ccbbe8937cedb1809ed189c8e10ea4d2358..3aefb727eccce7bbc17ba1def5e0a5060b46f101 100644
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/webaudio/dom-exceptions-expected.txt
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/webaudio/dom-exceptions-expected.txt
@@ -52,6 +52,10 @@ PASS node.smoothingTimeConstant = -0.1 threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to
PASS node.smoothingTimeConstant is not -0.1
PASS node.smoothingTimeConstant = 1.5 threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to set the 'smoothingTimeConstant' property on 'AnalyserNode': The smoothing value provided (1.5) is outside the range [0, 1]..
PASS node.smoothingTimeConstant is not 1.5
+PASS node.getFloatFrequencyData(null) threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'getFloatFrequencyData' on 'AnalyserNode': parameter 1 is not of type 'Float32Array'..
+PASS node.getByteFrequencyData(null) threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'getByteFrequencyData' on 'AnalyserNode': parameter 1 is not of type 'Uint8Array'..
+PASS node.getFloatTimeDomainData(null) threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'getFloatTimeDomainData' on 'AnalyserNode': parameter 1 is not of type 'Float32Array'..
+PASS node.getByteTimeDomainData(null) threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'getByteTimeDomainData' on 'AnalyserNode': parameter 1 is not of type 'Uint8Array'..
PASS node.getChannelData(2) threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to execute 'getChannelData' on 'AudioBuffer': channel index (2) exceeds number of channels (1).
PASS node.connect(null, 0, 0) threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'connect' on 'AudioNode': parameter 1 is not of type 'AudioNode'..
PASS node.connect(context.destination, 100, 0) threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to execute 'connect' on 'AudioNode': output index (100) exceeds number of outputs (1)..
@@ -66,6 +70,11 @@ PASS Invalid channelCountMode value did not change mode
PASS node.channelInterpretation = mode did not throw exception.
PASS Invalid channelInterpration value did not change mode
PASS context.destination.channelCount = 99 threw IndexSizeError exception on invalid channel count.
+PASS param.setValueCurveAtTime(null, 0, 0) threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'setValueCurveAtTime' on 'AudioParam': parameter 1 is not of type 'Float32Array'..
+PASS node.getFrequencyResponse(new Float32Array(1), new Float32Array(1), new Float32Array(1)) did not throw exception.
+PASS node.getFrequencyResponse(null, new Float32Array(1), new Float32Array(1)) threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'getFrequencyResponse' on 'BiquadFilterNode': parameter 1 is not of type 'Float32Array'..
+PASS node.getFrequencyResponse(new Float32Array(1), null, new Float32Array(1)) threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'getFrequencyResponse' on 'BiquadFilterNode': parameter 2 is not of type 'Float32Array'..
+PASS node.getFrequencyResponse(new Float32Array(1), new Float32Array(1), null) threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'getFrequencyResponse' on 'BiquadFilterNode': parameter 3 is not of type 'Float32Array'..
PASS new OfflineAudioContext(32, 100, context.sampleRate) did not throw exception.
PASS new OfflineAudioContext(99, 100, context.sampleRate) threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to construct 'OfflineAudioContext': The number of channels provided (99) is outside the range [0, 32]..
PASS new OfflineAudioContext(1, 100, 1) threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed to construct 'OfflineAudioContext': The sampleRate provided (1) is outside the range [3000, 192000]..
@@ -73,6 +82,7 @@ PASS new OfflineAudioContext(1, 100, 1e6) threw exception IndexSizeError: Failed
PASS new OfflineAudioContext(1, -88200000000000, 44100) threw exception NotSupportedError: Failed to construct 'OfflineAudioContext': OfflineAudioContext(1, 1448390656, 44100).
PASS node.oversample = '9x' did not throw exception.
PASS Invalid oversample value did not change node.oversample
+PASS node.curve = {} threw exception TypeError: Failed to set the 'curve' property on 'WaveShaperNode': The provided value is not of type 'Float32Array'..
PASS node.curve = new Float32Array(1) threw exception InvalidAccessError: Failed to set the 'curve' property on 'WaveShaperNode': The curve length provided (1) is less than the minimum bound (2)..
PASS node.curve is null
PASS node.curve = new Float32Array(2) did not throw exception.
@@ -135,12 +145,14 @@ PASS osc.stop() threw exception InvalidStateError: Failed to execute 'stop' on '
PASS osc1 = context.createOscillator() did not throw exception.
PASS osc1.start() did not throw exception.
PASS osc1.stop() did not throw exception.
+PASS osc.setPeriodicWave(null) threw exception TypeError: Failed to execute 'setPeriodicWave' on 'OscillatorNode': parameter 1 is not of type 'PeriodicWave'..
PASS node.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(-1, 0.1) threw exception InvalidAccessError: Failed to execute 'exponentialRampToValueAtTime' on 'AudioParam': The float target value provided (-1) is outside the range [1.40130e-45, Infinity)..
PASS node.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(0, 0.1) threw exception InvalidAccessError: Failed to execute 'exponentialRampToValueAtTime' on 'AudioParam': The float target value provided (0) is outside the range [1.40130e-45, Infinity)..
PASS node.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(Math.pow(2, -149), 0.1) did not throw exception.
PASS node.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(Math.pow(2, -150), 0.1) threw exception InvalidAccessError: Failed to execute 'exponentialRampToValueAtTime' on 'AudioParam': The float target value provided (0) is outside the range [1.40130e-45, Infinity)..
PASS oc = new OfflineAudioContext(1, 44100, 44100) did not throw exception.
PASS conv = oc.createConvolver() did not throw exception.
+PASS conv.buffer = {} threw exception TypeError: Failed to set the 'buffer' property on 'ConvolverNode': The provided value is not of type 'AudioBuffer'..
PASS conv.buffer = oc.createBuffer(1, 100, 22050) threw exception NotSupportedError: Failed to set the 'buffer' property on 'ConvolverNode': The buffer sample rate of 22050 does not match the context rate of 44100 Hz..
PASS conv.buffer is null
PASS panner.channelCount = 1 did not throw exception.

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