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Unified Diff: webkit/glue/

Issue 14304004: Convert a bunch of test_shell_tests to content_browsertests. These are tests that depend on loading… (Closed) Base URL: svn://chrome-svn/chrome/trunk/src/
Patch Set: sync Created 7 years, 8 months ago
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Index: webkit/glue/
--- webkit/glue/ (revision 195684)
+++ webkit/glue/ (working copy)
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "webkit/glue/resource_fetcher.h"
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
-#include "base/message_loop.h"
-#include "base/timer.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/Platform/chromium/public/WebURLResponse.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFrame.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebView.h"
-#include "webkit/glue/unittest_test_server.h"
-#include "webkit/tools/test_shell/simple_resource_loader_bridge.h"
-#include "webkit/tools/test_shell/test_shell_test.h"
-using WebKit::WebFrame;
-using WebKit::WebURLRequest;
-using WebKit::WebURLResponse;
-using webkit_glue::ResourceFetcher;
-using webkit_glue::ResourceFetcherWithTimeout;
-namespace {
-class ResourceFetcherTests : public TestShellTest {
- protected:
- UnittestTestServer test_server_;
-static const int kMaxWaitTimeMs = 5000;
-class FetcherDelegate {
- public:
- FetcherDelegate()
- : completed_(false),
- timed_out_(false) {
- // Start a repeating timer waiting for the download to complete. The
- // callback has to be a static function, so we hold on to our instance.
- FetcherDelegate::instance_ = this;
- StartTimer();
- }
- virtual ~FetcherDelegate() {}
- ResourceFetcher::Callback NewCallback() {
- return base::Bind(&FetcherDelegate::OnURLFetchComplete,
- base::Unretained(this));
- }
- virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const WebURLResponse& response,
- const std::string& data) {
- response_ = response;
- data_ = data;
- completed_ = true;
- timer_.Stop();
- MessageLoop::current()->Quit();
- }
- bool completed() const { return completed_; }
- bool timed_out() const { return timed_out_; }
- std::string data() const { return data_; }
- const WebURLResponse& response() const { return response_; }
- // Wait for the request to complete or timeout. We use a loop here b/c the
- // testing infrastructure (test_shell) can generate spurious calls to the
- // MessageLoop's Quit method.
- void WaitForResponse() {
- while (!completed() && !timed_out())
- MessageLoop::current()->Run();
- }
- void StartTimer() {
- timer_.Start(FROM_HERE,
- base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kMaxWaitTimeMs),
- this,
- &FetcherDelegate::TimerFired);
- }
- void TimerFired() {
- ASSERT_FALSE(completed_);
- timed_out_ = true;
- MessageLoop::current()->Quit();
- FAIL() << "fetch timed out";
- }
- static FetcherDelegate* instance_;
- private:
- base::OneShotTimer<FetcherDelegate> timer_;
- bool completed_;
- bool timed_out_;
- WebURLResponse response_;
- std::string data_;
-FetcherDelegate* FetcherDelegate::instance_ = NULL;
-// Test a fetch from the test server.
-// Flaky,
-TEST_F(ResourceFetcherTests, DISABLED_ResourceFetcherDownload) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(test_server_.Start());
- WebFrame* frame = test_shell_->webView()->mainFrame();
- GURL url(test_server_.GetURL("files/test_shell/index.html"));
- scoped_ptr<FetcherDelegate> delegate(new FetcherDelegate);
- scoped_ptr<ResourceFetcher> fetcher(new ResourceFetcher(
- url, frame, WebURLRequest::TargetIsMainFrame, delegate->NewCallback()));
- delegate->WaitForResponse();
- ASSERT_TRUE(delegate->completed());
- EXPECT_EQ(delegate->response().httpStatusCode(), 200);
- std::string text = delegate->data();
- EXPECT_TRUE(text.find("What is this page?") != std::string::npos);
- // Test 404 response.
- url = test_server_.GetURL("files/thisfiledoesntexist.html");
- delegate.reset(new FetcherDelegate);
- fetcher.reset(new ResourceFetcher(url, frame,
- WebURLRequest::TargetIsMainFrame,
- delegate->NewCallback()));
- delegate->WaitForResponse();
- ASSERT_TRUE(delegate->completed());
- EXPECT_EQ(delegate->response().httpStatusCode(), 404);
- EXPECT_TRUE(delegate->data().find("Not Found.") != std::string::npos);
-// Flaky,
-TEST_F(ResourceFetcherTests, DISABLED_ResourceFetcherDidFail) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(test_server_.Start());
- WebFrame* frame = test_shell_->webView()->mainFrame();
- // Try to fetch a page on a site that doesn't exist.
- GURL url("http://localhost:1339/doesnotexist");
- scoped_ptr<FetcherDelegate> delegate(new FetcherDelegate);
- scoped_ptr<ResourceFetcher> fetcher(new ResourceFetcher(
- url, frame, WebURLRequest::TargetIsMainFrame, delegate->NewCallback()));
- delegate->WaitForResponse();
- // When we fail, we still call the Delegate callback but we pass in empty
- // values.
- EXPECT_TRUE(delegate->completed());
- EXPECT_TRUE(delegate->response().isNull());
- EXPECT_EQ(delegate->data(), std::string());
- EXPECT_FALSE(delegate->timed_out());
-TEST_F(ResourceFetcherTests, ResourceFetcherTimeout) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(test_server_.Start());
- WebFrame* frame = test_shell_->webView()->mainFrame();
- // Grab a page that takes at least 1 sec to respond, but set the fetcher to
- // timeout in 0 sec.
- GURL url(test_server_.GetURL("slow?1"));
- scoped_ptr<FetcherDelegate> delegate(new FetcherDelegate);
- scoped_ptr<ResourceFetcher> fetcher(new ResourceFetcherWithTimeout(
- url, frame, WebURLRequest::TargetIsMainFrame,
- 0, delegate->NewCallback()));
- delegate->WaitForResponse();
- // When we timeout, we still call the Delegate callback but we pass in empty
- // values.
- EXPECT_TRUE(delegate->completed());
- EXPECT_TRUE(delegate->response().isNull());
- EXPECT_EQ(delegate->data(), std::string());
- EXPECT_FALSE(delegate->timed_out());
-class EvilFetcherDelegate : public FetcherDelegate {
- public:
- virtual ~EvilFetcherDelegate() {}
- void SetFetcher(ResourceFetcher* fetcher) {
- fetcher_.reset(fetcher);
- }
- virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const WebURLResponse& response,
- const std::string& data) OVERRIDE {
- // Destroy the ResourceFetcher here. We are testing that upon returning
- // to the ResourceFetcher that it does not crash.
- fetcher_.reset();
- FetcherDelegate::OnURLFetchComplete(response, data);
- }
- private:
- scoped_ptr<ResourceFetcher> fetcher_;
-TEST_F(ResourceFetcherTests, ResourceFetcherDeletedInCallback) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(test_server_.Start());
- WebFrame* frame = test_shell_->webView()->mainFrame();
- // Grab a page that takes at least 1 sec to respond, but set the fetcher to
- // timeout in 0 sec.
- GURL url(test_server_.GetURL("slow?1"));
- scoped_ptr<EvilFetcherDelegate> delegate(new EvilFetcherDelegate);
- scoped_ptr<ResourceFetcher> fetcher(new ResourceFetcherWithTimeout(
- url, frame, WebURLRequest::TargetIsMainFrame,
- 0, delegate->NewCallback()));
- delegate->SetFetcher(fetcher.release());
- delegate->WaitForResponse();
- EXPECT_FALSE(delegate->timed_out());
-} // namespace
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