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Unified Diff: webkit/glue/

Issue 14304004: Convert a bunch of test_shell_tests to content_browsertests. These are tests that depend on loading… (Closed) Base URL: svn://chrome-svn/chrome/trunk/src/
Patch Set: sync Created 7 years, 8 months ago
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Index: webkit/glue/
--- webkit/glue/ (revision 195684)
+++ webkit/glue/ (working copy)
@@ -1,876 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
-#include "base/file_util.h"
-#include "base/files/file_path.h"
-#include "base/hash_tables.h"
-#include "base/string_util.h"
-#include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
-#include "net/base/net_util.h"
-#include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/Platform/chromium/public/WebCString.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/Platform/chromium/public/WebData.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/Platform/chromium/public/WebString.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/Platform/chromium/public/WebURL.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/Platform/chromium/public/WebVector.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebDocument.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebElement.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFrame.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebNode.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebNodeCollection.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebNodeList.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebPageSerializer.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebPageSerializerClient.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebView.h"
-#include "webkit/base/file_path_string_conversions.h"
-#include "webkit/glue/dom_operations.h"
-#include "webkit/tools/test_shell/simple_resource_loader_bridge.h"
-#include "webkit/tools/test_shell/test_shell_test.h"
-using WebKit::WebCString;
-using WebKit::WebData;
-using WebKit::WebDocument;
-using WebKit::WebElement;
-using WebKit::WebFrame;
-using WebKit::WebNode;
-using WebKit::WebNodeCollection;
-using WebKit::WebNodeList;
-using WebKit::WebPageSerializer;
-using WebKit::WebPageSerializerClient;
-using WebKit::WebNode;
-using WebKit::WebString;
-using WebKit::WebURL;
-using WebKit::WebView;
-using WebKit::WebVector;
-namespace {
-// Iterate recursively over sub-frames to find one with with a given url.
-WebFrame* FindSubFrameByURL(WebView* web_view, const GURL& url) {
- if (!web_view->mainFrame())
- return NULL;
- std::vector<WebFrame*> stack;
- stack.push_back(web_view->mainFrame());
- while (!stack.empty()) {
- WebFrame* current_frame = stack.back();
- stack.pop_back();
- if (GURL(current_frame->document().url()) == url)
- return current_frame;
- WebNodeCollection all = current_frame->document().all();
- for (WebNode node = all.firstItem();
- !node.isNull(); node = all.nextItem()) {
- if (!node.isElementNode())
- continue;
- // Check frame tag and iframe tag
- WebElement element =<WebElement>();
- if (!element.hasTagName("frame") && !element.hasTagName("iframe"))
- continue;
- WebFrame* sub_frame = WebFrame::fromFrameOwnerElement(element);
- if (sub_frame)
- stack.push_back(sub_frame);
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-class DomSerializerTests : public TestShellTest,
- public WebPageSerializerClient {
- public:
- DomSerializerTests()
- : local_directory_name_(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("./dummy_files/")) { }
- // DomSerializerDelegate.
- virtual void didSerializeDataForFrame(const WebURL& frame_web_url,
- const WebCString& data,
- PageSerializationStatus status) {
- GURL frame_url(frame_web_url);
- // If the all frames are finished saving, check all finish status
- if (status == WebPageSerializerClient::AllFramesAreFinished) {
- SerializationFinishStatusMap::iterator it =
- serialization_finish_status_.begin();
- for (; it != serialization_finish_status_.end(); ++it)
- ASSERT_TRUE(it->second);
- serialized_ = true;
- return;
- }
- // Check finish status of current frame.
- SerializationFinishStatusMap::iterator it =
- serialization_finish_status_.find(frame_url.spec());
- // New frame, set initial status as false.
- if (it == serialization_finish_status_.end())
- serialization_finish_status_[frame_url.spec()] = false;
- it = serialization_finish_status_.find(frame_url.spec());
- ASSERT_TRUE(it != serialization_finish_status_.end());
- // In process frame, finish status should be false.
- ASSERT_FALSE(it->second);
- // Add data to corresponding frame's content.
- serialized_frame_map_[frame_url.spec()] +=;
- // Current frame is completed saving, change the finish status.
- if (status == WebPageSerializerClient::CurrentFrameIsFinished)
- it->second = true;
- }
- bool HasSerializedFrame(const GURL& frame_url) {
- return serialized_frame_map_.find(frame_url.spec()) !=
- serialized_frame_map_.end();
- }
- const std::string& GetSerializedContentForFrame(
- const GURL& frame_url) {
- return serialized_frame_map_[frame_url.spec()];
- }
- // Load web page according to specific URL.
- void LoadPageFromURL(const GURL& page_url) {
- // Load the test file.
- test_shell_->ResetTestController();
- test_shell_->LoadURL(page_url);
- test_shell_->WaitTestFinished();
- }
- // Load web page according to input content and relative URLs within
- // the document.
- void LoadContents(const std::string& contents,
- const GURL& base_url,
- const WebString encoding_info) {
- test_shell_->ResetTestController();
- // If input encoding is empty, use UTF-8 as default encoding.
- if (encoding_info.isEmpty()) {
- test_shell_->webView()->mainFrame()->loadHTMLString(contents, base_url);
- } else {
- WebData data(, contents.length());
- // Do not use WebFrame.LoadHTMLString because it assumes that input
- // html contents use UTF-8 encoding.
- // TODO(darin): This should use WebFrame::loadData.
- WebFrame* web_frame =
- test_shell_->webView()->mainFrame();
- ASSERT_TRUE(web_frame != NULL);
- web_frame->loadData(data, "text/html", encoding_info, base_url);
- }
- test_shell_->WaitTestFinished();
- }
- // Serialize page DOM according to specific page URL. The parameter
- // recursive_serialization indicates whether we will serialize all
- // sub-frames.
- void SerializeDomForURL(const GURL& page_url,
- bool recursive_serialization) {
- // Find corresponding WebFrame according to page_url.
- WebFrame* web_frame = FindSubFrameByURL(test_shell_->webView(),
- page_url);
- ASSERT_TRUE(web_frame != NULL);
- // Add input file URl to links_.
- links_.assign(&page_url,1);
- // Add dummy file path to local_path_.
- WebString file_path = webkit_base::FilePathStringToWebString(
- FILE_PATH_LITERAL("c:\\dummy.htm"));
- local_paths_.assign(&file_path, 1);
- // Start serializing DOM.
- bool result = WebPageSerializer::serialize(web_frame,
- recursive_serialization,
- static_cast<WebPageSerializerClient*>(this),
- links_,
- local_paths_,
- webkit_base::FilePathToWebString(local_directory_name_));
- ASSERT_TRUE(result);
- ASSERT_TRUE(serialized_);
- }
- private:
- // Map frame_url to corresponding serialized_content.
- typedef base::hash_map<std::string, std::string> SerializedFrameContentMap;
- SerializedFrameContentMap serialized_frame_map_;
- // Map frame_url to corresponding status of serialization finish.
- typedef base::hash_map<std::string, bool> SerializationFinishStatusMap;
- SerializationFinishStatusMap serialization_finish_status_;
- // Flag indicates whether the process of serializing DOM is finished or not.
- bool serialized_;
- // The links_ contain dummy original URLs of all saved links.
- WebVector<WebURL> links_;
- // The local_paths_ contain dummy corresponding local file paths of all saved
- // links, which matched links_ one by one.
- WebVector<WebString> local_paths_;
- // The local_directory_name_ is dummy relative path of directory which
- // contain all saved auxiliary files included all sub frames and resources.
- const base::FilePath local_directory_name_;
- protected:
- // testing::Test
- virtual void SetUp() {
- TestShellTest::SetUp();
- serialized_ = false;
- }
- virtual void TearDown() {
- TestShellTest::TearDown();
- }
-// Helper function that test whether the first node in the doc is a doc type
-// node.
-bool HasDocType(const WebDocument& doc) {
- WebNode node = doc.firstChild();
- if (node.isNull())
- return false;
- return node.nodeType() == WebNode::DocumentTypeNode;
-// Helper function for checking whether input node is META tag. Return true
-// means it is META element, otherwise return false. The parameter charset_info
-// return actual charset info if the META tag has charset declaration.
-bool IsMetaElement(const WebNode& node, std::string& charset_info) {
- if (!node.isElementNode())
- return false;
- const WebElement meta = node.toConst<WebElement>();
- if (!meta.hasTagName("meta"))
- return false;
- charset_info.erase(0, charset_info.length());
- // Check the META charset declaration.
- WebString httpEquiv = meta.getAttribute("http-equiv");
- if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(httpEquiv, "content-type")) {
- std::string content = meta.getAttribute("content").utf8();
- int pos = content.find("charset", 0);
- if (pos > -1) {
- // Add a dummy charset declaration to charset_info, which indicates this
- // META tag has charset declaration although we do not get correct value
- // yet.
- charset_info.append("has-charset-declaration");
- int remaining_length = content.length() - pos - 7;
- if (!remaining_length)
- return true;
- int start_pos = pos + 7;
- // Find "=" symbol.
- while (remaining_length--)
- if (content[start_pos++] == L'=')
- break;
- // Skip beginning space.
- while (remaining_length) {
- if (content[start_pos] > 0x0020)
- break;
- ++start_pos;
- --remaining_length;
- }
- if (!remaining_length)
- return true;
- int end_pos = start_pos;
- // Now we find out the start point of charset info. Search the end point.
- while (remaining_length--) {
- if (content[end_pos] <= 0x0020 || content[end_pos] == L';')
- break;
- ++end_pos;
- }
- // Get actual charset info.
- charset_info = content.substr(start_pos, end_pos - start_pos);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return true;
-// If original contents have document type, the serialized contents also have
-// document type.
-TEST_F(DomSerializerTests, SerializeHTMLDOMWithDocType) {
- base::FilePath page_file_path = data_dir_;
- page_file_path = page_file_path.AppendASCII("dom_serializer");
- page_file_path = page_file_path.AppendASCII("youtube_1.htm");
- GURL file_url = net::FilePathToFileURL(page_file_path);
- ASSERT_TRUE(file_url.SchemeIsFile());
- // Load the test file.
- LoadPageFromURL(file_url);
- // Make sure original contents have document type.
- WebFrame* web_frame = FindSubFrameByURL(test_shell_->webView(), file_url);
- ASSERT_TRUE(web_frame != NULL);
- WebDocument doc = web_frame->document();
- ASSERT_TRUE(HasDocType(doc));
- // Do serialization.
- SerializeDomForURL(file_url, false);
- // Load the serialized contents.
- ASSERT_TRUE(HasSerializedFrame(file_url));
- const std::string& serialized_contents =
- GetSerializedContentForFrame(file_url);
- LoadContents(serialized_contents, file_url,
- web_frame->document().encoding());
- // Make sure serialized contents still have document type.
- web_frame = test_shell_->webView()->mainFrame();
- doc = web_frame->document();
- ASSERT_TRUE(HasDocType(doc));
-// If original contents do not have document type, the serialized contents
-// also do not have document type.
-TEST_F(DomSerializerTests, SerializeHTMLDOMWithoutDocType) {
- base::FilePath page_file_path = data_dir_;
- page_file_path = page_file_path.AppendASCII("dom_serializer");
- page_file_path = page_file_path.AppendASCII("youtube_2.htm");
- GURL file_url = net::FilePathToFileURL(page_file_path);
- ASSERT_TRUE(file_url.SchemeIsFile());
- // Load the test file.
- LoadPageFromURL(file_url);
- // Make sure original contents do not have document type.
- WebFrame* web_frame = FindSubFrameByURL(test_shell_->webView(), file_url);
- ASSERT_TRUE(web_frame != NULL);
- WebDocument doc = web_frame->document();
- ASSERT_TRUE(!HasDocType(doc));
- // Do serialization.
- SerializeDomForURL(file_url, false);
- // Load the serialized contents.
- ASSERT_TRUE(HasSerializedFrame(file_url));
- const std::string& serialized_contents =
- GetSerializedContentForFrame(file_url);
- LoadContents(serialized_contents, file_url,
- web_frame->document().encoding());
- // Make sure serialized contents do not have document type.
- web_frame = test_shell_->webView()->mainFrame();
- doc = web_frame->document();
- ASSERT_TRUE(!HasDocType(doc));
-// Serialize XML document which has all 5 built-in entities. After
-// finishing serialization, the serialized contents should be same
-// with original XML document.
-TEST_F(DomSerializerTests, SerializeXMLDocWithBuiltInEntities) {
- base::FilePath page_file_path = data_dir_;
- page_file_path = page_file_path.AppendASCII("dom_serializer");
- page_file_path = page_file_path.AppendASCII("note.html");
- base::FilePath xml_file_path = data_dir_;
- xml_file_path = xml_file_path.AppendASCII("dom_serializer");
- xml_file_path = xml_file_path.AppendASCII("note.xml");
- // Read original contents for later comparison.
- std::string original_contents;
- ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::ReadFileToString(xml_file_path, &original_contents));
- // Get file URL.
- GURL file_url = net::FilePathToFileURL(page_file_path);
- GURL xml_file_url = net::FilePathToFileURL(xml_file_path);
- ASSERT_TRUE(file_url.SchemeIsFile());
- // Load the test file.
- LoadPageFromURL(file_url);
- // Do serialization.
- SerializeDomForURL(xml_file_url, false);
- // Compare the serialized contents with original contents.
- ASSERT_TRUE(HasSerializedFrame(xml_file_url));
- const std::string& serialized_contents =
- GetSerializedContentForFrame(xml_file_url);
- ASSERT_EQ(original_contents, serialized_contents);
-// When serializing DOM, we add MOTW declaration before html tag.
-TEST_F(DomSerializerTests, SerializeHTMLDOMWithAddingMOTW) {
- base::FilePath page_file_path = data_dir_;
- page_file_path = page_file_path.AppendASCII("dom_serializer");
- page_file_path = page_file_path.AppendASCII("youtube_2.htm");
- // Read original contents for later comparison .
- std::string original_contents;
- ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::ReadFileToString(page_file_path, &original_contents));
- // Get file URL.
- GURL file_url = net::FilePathToFileURL(page_file_path);
- ASSERT_TRUE(file_url.SchemeIsFile());
- // Make sure original contents does not have MOTW;
- std::string motw_declaration =
- WebPageSerializer::generateMarkOfTheWebDeclaration(file_url).utf8();
- ASSERT_FALSE(motw_declaration.empty());
- // The encoding of original contents is ISO-8859-1, so we convert the MOTW
- // declaration to ASCII and search whether original contents has it or not.
- ASSERT_TRUE(std::string::npos ==
- original_contents.find(motw_declaration));
- // Load the test file.
- LoadPageFromURL(file_url);
- // Do serialization.
- SerializeDomForURL(file_url, false);
- // Make sure the serialized contents have MOTW ;
- ASSERT_TRUE(HasSerializedFrame(file_url));
- const std::string& serialized_contents =
- GetSerializedContentForFrame(file_url);
- ASSERT_FALSE(std::string::npos ==
- serialized_contents.find(motw_declaration));
-// When serializing DOM, we will add the META which have correct charset
-// declaration as first child of HEAD element for resolving WebKit bug:
-// even the original document
-// does not have META charset declaration.
-TEST_F(DomSerializerTests, SerializeHTMLDOMWithNoMetaCharsetInOriginalDoc) {
- base::FilePath page_file_path = data_dir_;
- page_file_path = page_file_path.AppendASCII("dom_serializer");
- page_file_path = page_file_path.AppendASCII("youtube_1.htm");
- // Get file URL.
- GURL file_url = net::FilePathToFileURL(page_file_path);
- ASSERT_TRUE(file_url.SchemeIsFile());
- // Load the test file.
- LoadPageFromURL(file_url);
- // Make sure there is no META charset declaration in original document.
- WebFrame* web_frame = FindSubFrameByURL(test_shell_->webView(), file_url);
- ASSERT_TRUE(web_frame != NULL);
- WebDocument doc = web_frame->document();
- ASSERT_TRUE(doc.isHTMLDocument());
- WebElement head_element = doc.head();
- ASSERT_TRUE(!head_element.isNull());
- // Go through all children of HEAD element.
- for (WebNode child = head_element.firstChild(); !child.isNull();
- child = child.nextSibling()) {
- std::string charset_info;
- if (IsMetaElement(child, charset_info))
- ASSERT_TRUE(charset_info.empty());
- }
- // Do serialization.
- SerializeDomForURL(file_url, false);
- // Load the serialized contents.
- ASSERT_TRUE(HasSerializedFrame(file_url));
- const std::string& serialized_contents =
- GetSerializedContentForFrame(file_url);
- LoadContents(serialized_contents, file_url,
- web_frame->document().encoding());
- // Make sure the first child of HEAD element is META which has charset
- // declaration in serialized contents.
- web_frame = test_shell_->webView()->mainFrame();
- ASSERT_TRUE(web_frame != NULL);
- doc = web_frame->document();
- ASSERT_TRUE(doc.isHTMLDocument());
- head_element = doc.head();
- ASSERT_TRUE(!head_element.isNull());
- WebNode meta_node = head_element.firstChild();
- ASSERT_TRUE(!meta_node.isNull());
- // Get meta charset info.
- std::string charset_info2;
- ASSERT_TRUE(IsMetaElement(meta_node, charset_info2));
- ASSERT_TRUE(!charset_info2.empty());
- ASSERT_EQ(charset_info2,
- std::string(web_frame->document().encoding().utf8()));
- // Make sure no more additional META tags which have charset declaration.
- for (WebNode child = meta_node.nextSibling(); !child.isNull();
- child = child.nextSibling()) {
- std::string charset_info;
- if (IsMetaElement(child, charset_info))
- ASSERT_TRUE(charset_info.empty());
- }
-// When serializing DOM, if the original document has multiple META charset
-// declaration, we will add the META which have correct charset declaration
-// as first child of HEAD element and remove all original META charset
-// declarations.
- SerializeHTMLDOMWithMultipleMetaCharsetInOriginalDoc) {
- base::FilePath page_file_path = data_dir_;
- page_file_path = page_file_path.AppendASCII("dom_serializer");
- page_file_path = page_file_path.AppendASCII("youtube_2.htm");
- // Get file URL.
- GURL file_url = net::FilePathToFileURL(page_file_path);
- ASSERT_TRUE(file_url.SchemeIsFile());
- // Load the test file.
- LoadPageFromURL(file_url);
- // Make sure there are multiple META charset declarations in original
- // document.
- WebFrame* web_frame = FindSubFrameByURL(test_shell_->webView(), file_url);
- ASSERT_TRUE(web_frame != NULL);
- WebDocument doc = web_frame->document();
- ASSERT_TRUE(doc.isHTMLDocument());
- WebElement head_ele = doc.head();
- ASSERT_TRUE(!head_ele.isNull());
- // Go through all children of HEAD element.
- int charset_declaration_count = 0;
- for (WebNode child = head_ele.firstChild(); !child.isNull();
- child = child.nextSibling()) {
- std::string charset_info;
- if (IsMetaElement(child, charset_info) && !charset_info.empty())
- charset_declaration_count++;
- }
- // The original doc has more than META tags which have charset declaration.
- ASSERT_TRUE(charset_declaration_count > 1);
- // Do serialization.
- SerializeDomForURL(file_url, false);
- // Load the serialized contents.
- ASSERT_TRUE(HasSerializedFrame(file_url));
- const std::string& serialized_contents =
- GetSerializedContentForFrame(file_url);
- LoadContents(serialized_contents, file_url,
- web_frame->document().encoding());
- // Make sure only first child of HEAD element is META which has charset
- // declaration in serialized contents.
- web_frame = test_shell_->webView()->mainFrame();
- ASSERT_TRUE(web_frame != NULL);
- doc = web_frame->document();
- ASSERT_TRUE(doc.isHTMLDocument());
- head_ele = doc.head();
- ASSERT_TRUE(!head_ele.isNull());
- WebNode meta_node = head_ele.firstChild();
- ASSERT_TRUE(!meta_node.isNull());
- // Get meta charset info.
- std::string charset_info2;
- ASSERT_TRUE(IsMetaElement(meta_node, charset_info2));
- ASSERT_TRUE(!charset_info2.empty());
- ASSERT_EQ(charset_info2,
- std::string(web_frame->document().encoding().utf8()));
- // Make sure no more additional META tags which have charset declaration.
- for (WebNode child = meta_node.nextSibling(); !child.isNull();
- child = child.nextSibling()) {
- std::string charset_info;
- if (IsMetaElement(child, charset_info))
- ASSERT_TRUE(charset_info.empty());
- }
-// Test situation of html entities in text when serializing HTML DOM.
-TEST_F(DomSerializerTests, SerializeHTMLDOMWithEntitiesInText) {
- base::FilePath page_file_path = data_dir_;
- page_file_path = page_file_path.AppendASCII(
- "dom_serializer/htmlentities_in_text.htm");
- // Get file URL. The URL is dummy URL to identify the following loading
- // actions. The test content is in constant:original_contents.
- GURL file_url = net::FilePathToFileURL(page_file_path);
- ASSERT_TRUE(file_url.SchemeIsFile());
- // Test contents.
- static const char* const original_contents =
- "<html><body>&amp;&lt;&gt;\"\'</body></html>";
- // Load the test contents.
- LoadContents(original_contents, file_url, WebString());
- // Get BODY's text content in DOM.
- WebFrame* web_frame = FindSubFrameByURL(test_shell_->webView(), file_url);
- ASSERT_TRUE(web_frame != NULL);
- WebDocument doc = web_frame->document();
- ASSERT_TRUE(doc.isHTMLDocument());
- WebElement body_ele = doc.body();
- ASSERT_TRUE(!body_ele.isNull());
- WebNode text_node = body_ele.firstChild();
- ASSERT_TRUE(text_node.isTextNode());
- ASSERT_TRUE(std::string(text_node.createMarkup().utf8()) ==
- "&amp;&lt;&gt;\"\'");
- // Do serialization.
- SerializeDomForURL(file_url, false);
- // Compare the serialized contents with original contents.
- ASSERT_TRUE(HasSerializedFrame(file_url));
- const std::string& serialized_contents =
- GetSerializedContentForFrame(file_url);
- // Compare the serialized contents with original contents to make sure
- // they are same.
- // Because we add MOTW when serializing DOM, so before comparison, we also
- // need to add MOTW to original_contents.
- std::string original_str =
- WebPageSerializer::generateMarkOfTheWebDeclaration(file_url).utf8();
- original_str += original_contents;
- // Since WebCore now inserts a new HEAD element if there is no HEAD element
- // when creating BODY element. (Please see HTMLParser::bodyCreateErrorCheck.)
- // We need to append the HEAD content and corresponding META content if we
- // find WebCore-generated HEAD element.
- if (!doc.head().isNull()) {
- WebString encoding = web_frame->document().encoding();
- std::string htmlTag("<html>");
- std::string::size_type pos = original_str.find(htmlTag);
- ASSERT_NE(std::string::npos, pos);
- pos += htmlTag.length();
- std::string head_part("<head>");
- head_part +=
- WebPageSerializer::generateMetaCharsetDeclaration(encoding).utf8();
- head_part += "</head>";
- original_str.insert(pos, head_part);
- }
- ASSERT_EQ(original_str, serialized_contents);
-// Test situation of html entities in attribute value when serializing
-// This test started to fail at WebKit r65388. See
-TEST_F(DomSerializerTests, SerializeHTMLDOMWithEntitiesInAttributeValue) {
- base::FilePath page_file_path = data_dir_;
- page_file_path = page_file_path.AppendASCII(
- "dom_serializer/htmlentities_in_attribute_value.htm");
- // Get file URL. The URL is dummy URL to identify the following loading
- // actions. The test content is in constant:original_contents.
- GURL file_url = net::FilePathToFileURL(page_file_path);
- ASSERT_TRUE(file_url.SchemeIsFile());
- // Test contents.
- static const char* const original_contents =
- "<html><body title=\"&amp;&lt;&gt;&quot;&#39;\"></body></html>";
- // Load the test contents.
- LoadContents(original_contents, file_url, WebString());
- // Get value of BODY's title attribute in DOM.
- WebFrame* web_frame = FindSubFrameByURL(test_shell_->webView(), file_url);
- ASSERT_TRUE(web_frame != NULL);
- WebDocument doc = web_frame->document();
- ASSERT_TRUE(doc.isHTMLDocument());
- WebElement body_ele = doc.body();
- ASSERT_TRUE(!body_ele.isNull());
- WebString value = body_ele.getAttribute("title");
- ASSERT_TRUE(std::string(value.utf8()) == "&<>\"\'");
- // Do serialization.
- SerializeDomForURL(file_url, false);
- // Compare the serialized contents with original contents.
- ASSERT_TRUE(HasSerializedFrame(file_url));
- const std::string& serialized_contents =
- GetSerializedContentForFrame(file_url);
- // Compare the serialized contents with original contents to make sure
- // they are same.
- std::string original_str =
- WebPageSerializer::generateMarkOfTheWebDeclaration(file_url).utf8();
- original_str += original_contents;
- if (!doc.isNull()) {
- WebString encoding = web_frame->document().encoding();
- std::string htmlTag("<html>");
- std::string::size_type pos = original_str.find(htmlTag);
- ASSERT_NE(std::string::npos, pos);
- pos += htmlTag.length();
- std::string head_part("<head>");
- head_part +=
- WebPageSerializer::generateMetaCharsetDeclaration(encoding).utf8();
- head_part += "</head>";
- original_str.insert(pos, head_part);
- }
- ASSERT_EQ(original_str, serialized_contents);
-// Test situation of non-standard HTML entities when serializing HTML DOM.
-// This test started to fail at WebKit r65351. See
-TEST_F(DomSerializerTests, SerializeHTMLDOMWithNonStandardEntities) {
- // Make a test file URL and load it.
- base::FilePath page_file_path = data_dir_;
- page_file_path = page_file_path.AppendASCII("dom_serializer");
- page_file_path = page_file_path.AppendASCII("nonstandard_htmlentities.htm");
- GURL file_url = net::FilePathToFileURL(page_file_path);
- LoadPageFromURL(file_url);
- // Get value of BODY's title attribute in DOM.
- WebFrame* web_frame = FindSubFrameByURL(test_shell_->webView(), file_url);
- WebDocument doc = web_frame->document();
- ASSERT_TRUE(doc.isHTMLDocument());
- WebElement body_element = doc.body();
- // Unescaped string for "&percnt;&nsup;&sup1;&apos;".
- static const wchar_t parsed_value[] = {
- '%', 0x2285, 0x00b9, '\'', 0
- };
- WebString value = body_element.getAttribute("title");
- ASSERT_TRUE(UTF16ToWide(value) == parsed_value);
- ASSERT_TRUE(UTF16ToWide(body_element.innerText()) == parsed_value);
- // Do serialization.
- SerializeDomForURL(file_url, false);
- // Check the serialized string.
- ASSERT_TRUE(HasSerializedFrame(file_url));
- const std::string& serialized_contents =
- GetSerializedContentForFrame(file_url);
- // Confirm that the serialized string has no non-standard HTML entities.
- ASSERT_EQ(std::string::npos, serialized_contents.find("&percnt;"));
- ASSERT_EQ(std::string::npos, serialized_contents.find("&nsup;"));
- ASSERT_EQ(std::string::npos, serialized_contents.find("&sup1;"));
- ASSERT_EQ(std::string::npos, serialized_contents.find("&apos;"));
-// Test situation of BASE tag in original document when serializing HTML DOM.
-// When serializing, we should comment the BASE tag, append a new BASE tag.
-// rewrite all the savable URLs to relative local path, and change other URLs
-// to absolute URLs.
-TEST_F(DomSerializerTests, SerializeHTMLDOMWithBaseTag) {
- // There are total 2 available base tags in this test file.
- const int kTotalBaseTagCountInTestFile = 2;
- base::FilePath page_file_path =
- data_dir_.AppendASCII("dom_serializer").AsEndingWithSeparator();
- // Get page dir URL which is base URL of this file.
- GURL path_dir_url = net::FilePathToFileURL(page_file_path);
- // Get file path.
- page_file_path =
- page_file_path.AppendASCII("html_doc_has_base_tag.htm");
- // Get file URL.
- GURL file_url = net::FilePathToFileURL(page_file_path);
- ASSERT_TRUE(file_url.SchemeIsFile());
- // Load the test file.
- LoadPageFromURL(file_url);
- // Since for this test, we assume there is no savable sub-resource links for
- // this test file, also all links are relative URLs in this test file, so we
- // need to check those relative URLs and make sure document has BASE tag.
- WebFrame* web_frame = FindSubFrameByURL(test_shell_->webView(), file_url);
- ASSERT_TRUE(web_frame != NULL);
- WebDocument doc = web_frame->document();
- ASSERT_TRUE(doc.isHTMLDocument());
- // Go through all descent nodes.
- WebNodeCollection all = doc.all();
- int original_base_tag_count = 0;
- for (WebNode node = all.firstItem(); !node.isNull();
- node = all.nextItem()) {
- if (!node.isElementNode())
- continue;
- WebElement element =<WebElement>();
- if (element.hasTagName("base")) {
- original_base_tag_count++;
- } else {
- // Get link.
- WebString value =
- webkit_glue::GetSubResourceLinkFromElement(element);
- if (value.isNull() && element.hasTagName("a")) {
- value = element.getAttribute("href");
- if (value.isEmpty())
- value = WebString();
- }
- // Each link is relative link.
- if (!value.isNull()) {
- GURL link(value.utf8());
- ASSERT_TRUE(link.scheme().empty());
- }
- }
- }
- ASSERT_EQ(original_base_tag_count, kTotalBaseTagCountInTestFile);
- // Make sure in original document, the base URL is not equal with the
- // |path_dir_url|.
- GURL original_base_url(doc.baseURL());
- ASSERT_NE(original_base_url, path_dir_url);
- // Do serialization.
- SerializeDomForURL(file_url, false);
- // Load the serialized contents.
- ASSERT_TRUE(HasSerializedFrame(file_url));
- const std::string& serialized_contents =
- GetSerializedContentForFrame(file_url);
- LoadContents(serialized_contents, file_url,
- web_frame->document().encoding());
- // Make sure all links are absolute URLs and doc there are some number of
- // BASE tags in serialized HTML data. Each of those BASE tags have same base
- // URL which is as same as URL of current test file.
- web_frame = test_shell_->webView()->mainFrame();
- ASSERT_TRUE(web_frame != NULL);
- doc = web_frame->document();
- ASSERT_TRUE(doc.isHTMLDocument());
- // Go through all descent nodes.
- all = doc.all();
- int new_base_tag_count = 0;
- for (WebNode node = all.firstItem(); !node.isNull();
- node = all.nextItem()) {
- if (!node.isElementNode())
- continue;
- WebElement element =<WebElement>();
- if (element.hasTagName("base")) {
- new_base_tag_count++;
- } else {
- // Get link.
- WebString value =
- webkit_glue::GetSubResourceLinkFromElement(element);
- if (value.isNull() && element.hasTagName("a")) {
- value = element.getAttribute("href");
- if (value.isEmpty())
- value = WebString();
- }
- // Each link is absolute link.
- if (!value.isNull()) {
- GURL link(std::string(value.utf8()));
- ASSERT_FALSE(link.scheme().empty());
- }
- }
- }
- // We have one more added BASE tag which is generated by JavaScript.
- ASSERT_EQ(new_base_tag_count, original_base_tag_count + 1);
- // Make sure in new document, the base URL is equal with the |path_dir_url|.
- GURL new_base_url(doc.baseURL());
- ASSERT_EQ(new_base_url, path_dir_url);
-// Serializing page which has an empty HEAD tag.
-TEST_F(DomSerializerTests, SerializeHTMLDOMWithEmptyHead) {
- base::FilePath page_file_path = data_dir_;
- page_file_path = page_file_path.AppendASCII("dom_serializer");
- page_file_path = page_file_path.AppendASCII("empty_head.htm");
- GURL file_url = net::FilePathToFileURL(page_file_path);
- ASSERT_TRUE(file_url.SchemeIsFile());
- // Load the test html content.
- static const char* const empty_head_contents =
- "<html><head></head><body>hello world</body></html>";
- LoadContents(empty_head_contents, file_url, WebString());
- // Make sure the head tag is empty.
- WebFrame* web_frame = test_shell_->webView()->mainFrame();
- ASSERT_TRUE(web_frame != NULL);
- WebDocument doc = web_frame->document();
- ASSERT_TRUE(doc.isHTMLDocument());
- WebElement head_element = doc.head();
- ASSERT_TRUE(!head_element.isNull());
- ASSERT_TRUE(!head_element.hasChildNodes());
- ASSERT_TRUE(head_element.childNodes().length() == 0);
- // Do serialization.
- SerializeDomForURL(file_url, false);
- // Make sure the serialized contents have META ;
- ASSERT_TRUE(HasSerializedFrame(file_url));
- const std::string& serialized_contents =
- GetSerializedContentForFrame(file_url);
- // Reload serialized contents and make sure there is only one META tag.
- LoadContents(serialized_contents, file_url, web_frame->document().encoding());
- web_frame = test_shell_->webView()->mainFrame();
- ASSERT_TRUE(web_frame != NULL);
- doc = web_frame->document();
- ASSERT_TRUE(doc.isHTMLDocument());
- head_element = doc.head();
- ASSERT_TRUE(!head_element.isNull());
- ASSERT_TRUE(head_element.hasChildNodes());
- ASSERT_TRUE(head_element.childNodes().length() == 1);
- WebNode meta_node = head_element.firstChild();
- ASSERT_TRUE(!meta_node.isNull());
- // Get meta charset info.
- std::string charset_info;
- ASSERT_TRUE(IsMetaElement(meta_node, charset_info));
- ASSERT_TRUE(!charset_info.empty());
- ASSERT_EQ(charset_info,
- std::string(web_frame->document().encoding().utf8()));
- // Check the body's first node is text node and its contents are
- // "hello world"
- WebElement body_element = doc.body();
- ASSERT_TRUE(!body_element.isNull());
- WebNode text_node = body_element.firstChild();
- ASSERT_TRUE(text_node.isTextNode());
- WebString text_node_contents = text_node.nodeValue();
- ASSERT_TRUE(std::string(text_node_contents.utf8()) == "hello world");
-// Test that we don't crash when the page contains an iframe that
-// was handled as a download (
-TEST_F(DomSerializerTests, SerializeDocumentWithDownloadedIFrame) {
- base::FilePath page_file_path = data_dir_;
- page_file_path = page_file_path.AppendASCII("dom_serializer");
- page_file_path = page_file_path.AppendASCII("iframe-src-is-exe.htm");
- GURL file_url = net::FilePathToFileURL(page_file_path);
- ASSERT_TRUE(file_url.SchemeIsFile());
- // Load the test file.
- LoadPageFromURL(file_url);
- // Do a recursive serialization. We pass if we don't crash.
- SerializeDomForURL(file_url, true);
-TEST_F(DomSerializerTests, SubResourceForElementsInNonHTMLNamespace) {
- base::FilePath page_file_path = data_dir_;
- page_file_path = page_file_path.AppendASCII("dom_serializer");
- page_file_path = page_file_path.AppendASCII("non_html_namespace.htm");
- GURL file_url = net::FilePathToFileURL(page_file_path);
- LoadPageFromURL(file_url);
- WebFrame* web_frame = FindSubFrameByURL(test_shell_->webView(), file_url);
- ASSERT_TRUE(web_frame != NULL);
- WebDocument doc = web_frame->document();
- WebNode lastNodeInBody = doc.body().lastChild();
- ASSERT_EQ(WebNode::ElementNode, lastNodeInBody.nodeType());
- WebString uri = webkit_glue::GetSubResourceLinkFromElement(
- EXPECT_TRUE(uri.isNull());
-} // namespace
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