1 # Run these tests with under virtual/spv2 only. | 1 # Run these tests with under virtual/spv2 only. |
2 crbug.com/524134 paint/invalidation/spv2 [ Skip ] | 2 crbug.com/524134 paint/invalidation/spv2 [ Skip ] |
3 | 3 |
4 # TODO(wangxianzhu): Triage the failures | 4 # TODO(wangxianzhu): Triage the failures |
5 crbug.com/524134 virtual/spv2/paint/invalidation/invalidate-after-composited-scr
oll.html [ Failure ] | 5 crbug.com/524134 virtual/spv2/paint/invalidation/invalidate-after-composited-scr
oll.html [ Failure ] |
6 crbug.com/524134 crbug.com/539546 virtual/spv2/paint/selection/text-selection-dr
ag.html [ Pass Failure ] | 6 crbug.com/524134 crbug.com/539546 virtual/spv2/paint/selection/text-selection-dr
ag.html [ Pass Failure ] |
7 crbug.com/524134 virtual/spv2/paint/paintlayer/non-self-painting-layer-overrides
-visibility.html [ Crash Failure Timeout ] | 7 crbug.com/524134 virtual/spv2/paint/paintlayer/non-self-painting-layer-overrides
-visibility.html [ Crash Failure Timeout ] |
8 crbug.com/524134 virtual/spv2/paint/invalidation/spv2/focus-ring-on-continuation
-move.html [ Failure ] | 8 crbug.com/524134 virtual/spv2/paint/invalidation/spv2/focus-ring-on-continuation
-move.html [ Failure ] |
9 | 9 |
10 crbug.com/524236 virtual/spv2/paint/invalidation/spv2/clipping-should-not-repain
t-composited-descendants-as-text.html [ Failure ] | 10 crbug.com/524236 virtual/spv2/paint/invalidation/spv2/clipping-should-not-repain
t-composited-descendants-as-text.html [ Failure ] |
(...skipping 26 matching lines...) Expand all Loading... |
37 | 37 |
38 crbug.com/537172 [ SnowLeopard XP Win10 ] virtual/spv2/paint/invalidation/spv2/b
ackground-image-paint-invalidation.html [ Failure ] | 38 crbug.com/537172 [ SnowLeopard XP Win10 ] virtual/spv2/paint/invalidation/spv2/b
ackground-image-paint-invalidation.html [ Failure ] |
39 | 39 |
40 crbug.com/504613 crbug.com/524248 paint/images/image-backgrounds-not-antialiased
.html [ Skip ] | 40 crbug.com/504613 crbug.com/524248 paint/images/image-backgrounds-not-antialiased
.html [ Skip ] |
41 crbug.com/504613 crbug.com/524248 virtual/spv2/paint/images/image-backgrounds-no
t-antialiased.html [ Skip ] | 41 crbug.com/504613 crbug.com/524248 virtual/spv2/paint/images/image-backgrounds-no
t-antialiased.html [ Skip ] |
42 crbug.com/502531 fast/borders/border-antialiasing.html [ Failure ] | 42 crbug.com/502531 fast/borders/border-antialiasing.html [ Failure ] |
43 | 43 |
44 crbug.com/538697 [ Win7 Debug ] virtual/threaded/printing/webgl-oversized-printi
ng.html [ Crash ] | 44 crbug.com/538697 [ Win7 Debug ] virtual/threaded/printing/webgl-oversized-printi
ng.html [ Crash ] |
45 crbug.com/538697 [ Win7 Debug ] printing/webgl-oversized-printing.html [ Crash ] | 45 crbug.com/538697 [ Win7 Debug ] printing/webgl-oversized-printing.html [ Crash ] |
46 | 46 |
47 crbug.com/544786 compositing/squashing/squashing-print.html [ NeedsManualRebasel
ine ] | |
48 crbug.com/544786 printing/forced-break-tree-dump-only.html [ NeedsManualRebaseli
ne ] | |
49 crbug.com/544786 printing/iframe-print.html [ NeedsManualRebaseline ] | |
50 crbug.com/544786 printing/simultaneous-position-float-change.html [ NeedsManualR
ebaseline ] | |
51 crbug.com/544786 virtual/threaded/printing/forced-break-tree-dump-only.html [ Ne
edsManualRebaseline ] | |
52 crbug.com/544786 virtual/threaded/printing/iframe-print.html [ NeedsManualRebase
line ] | |
53 crbug.com/544786 virtual/threaded/printing/simultaneous-position-float-change.ht
ml [ NeedsManualRebaseline ] | |
54 | |
55 # Ref-tests that fail due to character based shaping/fallback. | 47 # Ref-tests that fail due to character based shaping/fallback. |
56 crbug.com/404597 fast/text/international/inline-plaintext-is-isolated.html [ Fai
lure ] | 48 crbug.com/404597 fast/text/international/inline-plaintext-is-isolated.html [ Fai
lure ] |
57 crbug.com/404597 fast/text/international/bdi-dir-default-to-auto.html [ Failure
] | 49 crbug.com/404597 fast/text/international/bdi-dir-default-to-auto.html [ Failure
] |
58 | 50 |
59 crbug.com/539226 [ Win7 ] http/tests/xmlhttprequest/open-in-body-onload-sync-to-
invalid-cross-origin-response-handling.html [ Timeout ] | 51 crbug.com/539226 [ Win7 ] http/tests/xmlhttprequest/open-in-body-onload-sync-to-
invalid-cross-origin-response-handling.html [ Timeout ] |
60 crbug.com/539226 [ Win7 ] http/tests/xmlhttprequest/open-in-body-onload-sync-to-
invalid-redirect-response-handling.html [ Timeout ] | 52 crbug.com/539226 [ Win7 ] http/tests/xmlhttprequest/open-in-body-onload-sync-to-
invalid-redirect-response-handling.html [ Timeout ] |
61 crbug.com/539226 [ Win7 ] http/tests/xmlhttprequest/open-in-body-onload-sync-to-
invalid-preflight-handling.html [ Timeout ] | 53 crbug.com/539226 [ Win7 ] http/tests/xmlhttprequest/open-in-body-onload-sync-to-
invalid-preflight-handling.html [ Timeout ] |
62 | 54 |
63 crbug.com/539247 [ Win10 ] http/tests/xmlhttprequest/open-in-body-onload-sync-to
-invalid-cross-origin-response-handling.html [ Timeout Failure ] | 55 crbug.com/539247 [ Win10 ] http/tests/xmlhttprequest/open-in-body-onload-sync-to
-invalid-cross-origin-response-handling.html [ Timeout Failure ] |
64 crbug.com/539247 [ Win10 ] http/tests/xmlhttprequest/open-in-body-onload-sync-to
-invalid-redirect-response-handling.html [ Timeout Failure ] | 56 crbug.com/539247 [ Win10 ] http/tests/xmlhttprequest/open-in-body-onload-sync-to
-invalid-redirect-response-handling.html [ Timeout Failure ] |
(...skipping 1147 matching lines...) Expand 10 before | Expand all | Expand 10 after Loading... |
1212 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] fast/writing-mode/vertical-font-fallback.html [ Failu
re Timeout ] | 1204 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] fast/writing-mode/vertical-font-fallback.html [ Failu
re Timeout ] |
1213 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] svg/W3C-I18N/text-dirLTR-ubNone.svg [ Failure Timeout
] | 1205 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] svg/W3C-I18N/text-dirLTR-ubNone.svg [ Failure Timeout
] |
1214 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] svg/W3C-I18N/text-dirLTR-ubOverride.svg [ Failure Tim
eout ] | 1206 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] svg/W3C-I18N/text-dirLTR-ubOverride.svg [ Failure Tim
eout ] |
1215 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] svg/W3C-I18N/tspan-dirLTR-ubOverride-in-ltr-context.s
vg [ Failure Timeout ] | 1207 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] svg/W3C-I18N/tspan-dirLTR-ubOverride-in-ltr-context.s
vg [ Failure Timeout ] |
1216 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] svg/W3C-I18N/tspan-dirRTL-ubEmbed-in-default-context.
svg [ Failure ] | 1208 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] svg/W3C-I18N/tspan-dirRTL-ubEmbed-in-default-context.
svg [ Failure ] |
1217 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] svg/W3C-I18N/tspan-dirRTL-ubNone-in-ltr-context.svg [
Failure Timeout ] | 1209 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] svg/W3C-I18N/tspan-dirRTL-ubNone-in-ltr-context.svg [
Failure Timeout ] |
1218 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] svg/W3C-SVG-1.1/text-intro-03-b.svg [ Failure Timeout
] | 1210 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] svg/W3C-SVG-1.1/text-intro-03-b.svg [ Failure Timeout
] |
1219 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] svg/carto.net/combobox.svg [ Failure Timeout ] | 1211 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] svg/carto.net/combobox.svg [ Failure Timeout ] |
1220 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] svg/css/text-gradient-shadow.svg [ Failure Timeout ] | 1212 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] svg/css/text-gradient-shadow.svg [ Failure Timeout ] |
1221 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] compositing/plugins/invalidate_rect.html [ Crash ] | 1213 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] compositing/plugins/invalidate_rect.html [ Crash ] |
1222 # crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] compositing/squashing/squashing-print.html [ Crash
Failure ] | 1214 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] compositing/squashing/squashing-print.html [ Crash Fa
ilure ] |
1223 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] fast/replaced/no-focus-ring-embed.html [ Crash ] | 1215 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] fast/replaced/no-focus-ring-embed.html [ Crash ] |
1224 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] fast/replaced/no-focus-ring-object.html [ Crash ] | 1216 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] fast/replaced/no-focus-ring-object.html [ Crash ] |
1225 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] fast/text-autosizing/print-autosizing.html [ Crash ] | 1217 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] fast/text-autosizing/print-autosizing.html [ Crash ] |
1226 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] plugins/focus.html [ Crash ] | 1218 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] plugins/focus.html [ Crash ] |
1227 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] plugins/keyboard-events.html [ Crash ] | 1219 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] plugins/keyboard-events.html [ Crash ] |
1228 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] plugins/mouse-click-plugin-clears-selection.html [ Cr
ash ] | 1220 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] plugins/mouse-click-plugin-clears-selection.html [ Cr
ash ] |
1229 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] plugins/mouse-events-fixedpos.html [ Crash ] | 1221 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] plugins/mouse-events-fixedpos.html [ Crash ] |
1230 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] plugins/mouse-events.html [ Crash ] | 1222 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] plugins/mouse-events.html [ Crash ] |
1231 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] plugins/plugin-initiate-popup-window.html [ Crash ] | 1223 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] plugins/plugin-initiate-popup-window.html [ Crash ] |
1232 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] plugins/tabindex.html [ Crash ] | 1224 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] plugins/tabindex.html [ Crash ] |
1233 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] plugins/windowless_plugin_paint_test.html [ Crash ] | 1225 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] plugins/windowless_plugin_paint_test.html [ Crash ] |
1234 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] printing/ellipsis-printing-style.html [ Crash ] | 1226 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] printing/ellipsis-printing-style.html [ Crash ] |
1235 # crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] printing/iframe-print.html [ Failure Crash ] | 1227 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] printing/iframe-print.html [ Failure Crash ] |
1236 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] printing/print-no-background.html [ Crash ] | 1228 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] printing/print-no-background.html [ Crash ] |
1237 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] printing/quirks-percentage-height-body.html [ Failure
Crash ] | 1229 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] printing/quirks-percentage-height-body.html [ Failure
Crash ] |
1238 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] printing/quirks-percentage-height.html [ Failure Cras
h ] | 1230 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] printing/quirks-percentage-height.html [ Failure Cras
h ] |
1239 # crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] printing/simultaneous-position-float-change.html [
Failure Crash ] | 1231 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] printing/simultaneous-position-float-change.html [ Fa
ilure Crash ] |
1240 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] printing/standards-percentage-heights.html [ Failure
Crash ] | 1232 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] printing/standards-percentage-heights.html [ Failure
Crash ] |
1241 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] printing/subframes-percentage-height.html [ Failure C
rash ] | 1233 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] printing/subframes-percentage-height.html [ Failure C
rash ] |
1242 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] virtual/threaded/printing/ellipsis-printing-style.htm
l [ Crash ] | 1234 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] virtual/threaded/printing/ellipsis-printing-style.htm
l [ Crash ] |
1243 # crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] virtual/threaded/printing/iframe-print.html [ Failu
re Crash ] | 1235 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] virtual/threaded/printing/iframe-print.html [ Failure
Crash ] |
1244 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] virtual/threaded/printing/print-no-background.html [
Crash ] | 1236 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] virtual/threaded/printing/print-no-background.html [
Crash ] |
1245 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] virtual/threaded/printing/quirks-percentage-height-bo
dy.html [ Failure Crash ] | 1237 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] virtual/threaded/printing/quirks-percentage-height-bo
dy.html [ Failure Crash ] |
1246 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] virtual/threaded/printing/quirks-percentage-height.ht
ml [ Failure Crash ] | 1238 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] virtual/threaded/printing/quirks-percentage-height.ht
ml [ Failure Crash ] |
1247 # crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] virtual/threaded/printing/simultaneous-position-flo
at-change.html [ Failure Crash ] | 1239 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] virtual/threaded/printing/simultaneous-position-float
-change.html [ Failure Crash ] |
1248 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] virtual/threaded/printing/standards-percentage-height
s.html [ Failure Crash ] | 1240 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] virtual/threaded/printing/standards-percentage-height
s.html [ Failure Crash ] |
1249 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] virtual/threaded/printing/subframes-percentage-height
.html [ Failure Crash ] | 1241 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] virtual/threaded/printing/subframes-percentage-height
.html [ Failure Crash ] |
1250 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] virtual/threaded/printing/webgl-repeated-printing-pre
servedrawingbuffer.html [ Crash Failure ] | 1242 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] virtual/threaded/printing/webgl-repeated-printing-pre
servedrawingbuffer.html [ Crash Failure ] |
1251 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] virtual/threaded/printing/webgl-repeated-printing.htm
l [ Crash Failure ] | 1243 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] virtual/threaded/printing/webgl-repeated-printing.htm
l [ Crash Failure ] |
1252 #crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] imported/web-platform-tests/screen-orientation/lock-
bad-argument.html [ Timeout ] | 1244 #crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] imported/web-platform-tests/screen-orientation/lock-
bad-argument.html [ Timeout ] |
1253 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] imported/web-platform-tests/screen-orientation/lock-s
andboxed-iframe.html [ Timeout ] | 1245 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] imported/web-platform-tests/screen-orientation/lock-s
andboxed-iframe.html [ Timeout ] |
1254 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] screen_orientation/lockOrientation-bad-argument.html
[ Timeout ] | 1246 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] screen_orientation/lockOrientation-bad-argument.html
[ Timeout ] |
1255 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] screen_orientation/lockOrientation-sandboxed-iframe.h
tml [ Timeout ] | 1247 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] screen_orientation/lockOrientation-sandboxed-iframe.h
tml [ Timeout ] |
1256 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] screen_orientation/orientationchange-event-subframe.h
tml [ Timeout ] | 1248 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] screen_orientation/orientationchange-event-subframe.h
tml [ Timeout ] |
1257 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] screen_orientation/orientationchange-event.html [ Tim
eout ] | 1249 crbug.com/521730 [ Win10 ] screen_orientation/orientationchange-event.html [ Tim
eout ] |
(...skipping 367 matching lines...) Expand 10 before | Expand all | Expand 10 after Loading... |
1625 crbug.com/404597 [ Yosemite ] fast/writing-mode/Kusa-Makura-background-canvas.ht
ml [ NeedsRebaseline ] | 1617 crbug.com/404597 [ Yosemite ] fast/writing-mode/Kusa-Makura-background-canvas.ht
ml [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
1626 crbug.com/404597 [ Yosemite ] fast/writing-mode/border-vertical-lr.html [ NeedsR
ebaseline ] | 1618 crbug.com/404597 [ Yosemite ] fast/writing-mode/border-vertical-lr.html [ NeedsR
ebaseline ] |
1627 crbug.com/404597 [ Yosemite ] fast/writing-mode/japanese-lr-selection.html [ Nee
dsRebaseline ] | 1619 crbug.com/404597 [ Yosemite ] fast/writing-mode/japanese-lr-selection.html [ Nee
dsRebaseline ] |
1628 crbug.com/404597 [ Yosemite ] fast/writing-mode/japanese-lr-text.html [ NeedsReb
aseline ] | 1620 crbug.com/404597 [ Yosemite ] fast/writing-mode/japanese-lr-text.html [ NeedsReb
aseline ] |
1629 crbug.com/404597 [ Yosemite ] fast/writing-mode/japanese-rl-selection.html [ Nee
dsRebaseline ] | 1621 crbug.com/404597 [ Yosemite ] fast/writing-mode/japanese-rl-selection.html [ Nee
dsRebaseline ] |
1630 crbug.com/404597 [ Yosemite ] fast/writing-mode/japanese-rl-text.html [ NeedsReb
aseline ] | 1622 crbug.com/404597 [ Yosemite ] fast/writing-mode/japanese-rl-text.html [ NeedsReb
aseline ] |
1631 | 1623 |
1632 crbug.com/543397 [ Win10 ] svg/batik/text/verticalText.svg [ NeedsRebaseline ] | 1624 crbug.com/543397 [ Win10 ] svg/batik/text/verticalText.svg [ NeedsRebaseline ] |
1633 | 1625 |
1634 crbug.com/546215 [ Android ] fast/inline-block/overflow-clip.html [ Failure ] | 1626 crbug.com/546215 [ Android ] fast/inline-block/overflow-clip.html [ Failure ] |