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Unified Diff: content/public/android/java/src/org/chromium/content/browser/input/

Issue 133943002: Gamepad API support for chrome on android (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 6 years, 7 months ago
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Index: content/public/android/java/src/org/chromium/content/browser/input/
diff --git a/content/public/android/java/src/org/chromium/content/browser/input/ b/content/public/android/java/src/org/chromium/content/browser/input/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..034839c317cb0cb681f240c8d3b3f09cf11ddabf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/public/android/java/src/org/chromium/content/browser/input/
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+package org.chromium.content.browser.input;
+import android.content.Context;
+import android.hardware.input.InputManager;
+import android.hardware.input.InputManager.InputDeviceListener;
+import android.os.Build;
+import android.view.InputDevice;
+import android.view.InputEvent;
+import android.view.KeyEvent;
+import android.view.MotionEvent;
+import org.chromium.base.CalledByNative;
+import org.chromium.base.JNINamespace;
+import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
+ * Class to manage connected gamepad devices list.
+ *
+ * It is a Java counterpart of GamepadPlatformDataFetcherAndroid and feeds Gamepad API with input
+ * data.
+ */
+public class GamepadList {
+ private static final int MAX_GAMEPADS = 4;
+ private final Object mLock = new Object();
+ private final GamepadDevice[] mGamepadDevices = new GamepadDevice[MAX_GAMEPADS];
+ private InputManager mInputManager;
+ private int mAttachedToWindowCounter;
+ private boolean mIsGamepadAccessed;
+ private InputDeviceListener mInputDeviceListener;
+ private GamepadList() {
+ mInputDeviceListener = new InputDeviceListener() {
+ // Override InputDeviceListener methods
+ @Override
+ public void onInputDeviceChanged(int deviceId) {
+ onInputDeviceChangedImpl(deviceId);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onInputDeviceRemoved(int deviceId) {
+ onInputDeviceRemovedImpl(deviceId);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onInputDeviceAdded(int deviceId) {
+ onInputDeviceAddedImpl(deviceId);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ private void initializeDevices() {
+ // Get list of all the attached input devices.
+ int[] deviceIds = mInputManager.getInputDeviceIds();
+ for (int i = 0; i < deviceIds.length; i++) {
+ InputDevice inputDevice = InputDevice.getDevice(deviceIds[i]);
+ // Check for gamepad device
+ if (isGamepadDevice(inputDevice)) {
+ // Register a new gamepad device.
+ registerGamepad(inputDevice);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Notifies the GamepadList that a {@link ContentView} is attached to a window and it should
+ * prepare itself for gamepad input. It must be called before {@link onGenericMotionEvent} and
+ * {@link dispatchKeyEvent}.
+ */
+ public static void onAttachedToWindow(Context context) {
+ assert ThreadUtils.runningOnUiThread();
+ if (!isGamepadSupported()) return;
+ getInstance().attachedToWindow(context);
+ }
+ private void attachedToWindow(Context context) {
+ if (mAttachedToWindowCounter++ == 0) {
+ mInputManager = (InputManager) context.getSystemService(Context.INPUT_SERVICE);
+ synchronized (mLock) {
+ initializeDevices();
+ }
+ // Register an input device listener.
+ mInputManager.registerInputDeviceListener(mInputDeviceListener, null);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Notifies the GamepadList that a {@link ContentView} is detached from it's window.
+ */
+ public static void onDetachedFromWindow() {
+ assert ThreadUtils.runningOnUiThread();
+ if (!isGamepadSupported()) return;
+ getInstance().detachedFromWindow();
+ }
+ private void detachedFromWindow() {
+ if (--mAttachedToWindowCounter == 0) {
+ synchronized (mLock) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GAMEPADS; ++i) {
+ mGamepadDevices[i] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ mInputManager.unregisterInputDeviceListener(mInputDeviceListener);
+ mInputManager = null;
+ }
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------
+ private void onInputDeviceChangedImpl(int deviceId) {}
+ private void onInputDeviceRemovedImpl(int deviceId) {
+ synchronized (mLock) {
+ unregisterGamepad(deviceId);
+ }
+ }
+ private void onInputDeviceAddedImpl(int deviceId) {
+ InputDevice inputDevice = InputDevice.getDevice(deviceId);
+ if (!isGamepadDevice(inputDevice)) return;
+ synchronized (mLock) {
+ registerGamepad(inputDevice);
+ }
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------
+ private static GamepadList getInstance() {
+ assert isGamepadSupported();
+ return LazyHolder.INSTANCE;
+ }
+ private int getDeviceCount() {
+ int count = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GAMEPADS; i++) {
+ if (getDevice(i) != null) {
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ private boolean isDeviceConnected(int index) {
+ if (index < MAX_GAMEPADS && getDevice(index) != null) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private GamepadDevice getDeviceById(int deviceId) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GAMEPADS; i++) {
+ GamepadDevice gamepad = mGamepadDevices[i];
+ if (gamepad != null && gamepad.getId() == deviceId) {
+ return gamepad;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ private GamepadDevice getDevice(int index) {
+ // Maximum 4 Gamepads can be connected at a time starting at index zero.
+ assert index >= 0 && index < MAX_GAMEPADS;
+ return mGamepadDevices[index];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles key events from the gamepad devices.
+ * @return True if the event has been consumed.
+ */
+ public static boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {
+ if (!isGamepadSupported()) return false;
+ if (!isGamepadEvent(event)) return false;
+ return getInstance().handleKeyEvent(event);
+ }
+ private boolean handleKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {
+ synchronized (mLock) {
+ if (!mIsGamepadAccessed) return false;
+ GamepadDevice gamepad = getGamepadForEvent(event);
+ if (gamepad == null) return false;
+ return gamepad.handleKeyEvent(event);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles motion events from the gamepad devices.
+ * @return True if the event has been consumed.
+ */
+ public static boolean onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent event) {
+ if (!isGamepadSupported()) return false;
+ if (!isGamepadEvent(event)) return false;
+ return getInstance().handleMotionEvent(event);
+ }
+ private boolean handleMotionEvent(MotionEvent event) {
+ synchronized (mLock) {
+ if (!mIsGamepadAccessed) return false;
+ GamepadDevice gamepad = getGamepadForEvent(event);
+ if (gamepad == null) return false;
+ return gamepad.handleMotionEvent(event);
+ }
+ }
+ private int getNextAvailableIndex() {
+ // When multiple gamepads are connected to a user agent, indices must be assigned on a
+ // first-come first-serve basis, starting at zero. If a gamepad is disconnected, previously
+ // assigned indices must not be reassigned to gamepads that continue to be connected.
+ // However, if a gamepad is disconnected, and subsequently the same or a different
+ // gamepad is then connected, index entries must be reused.
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GAMEPADS; ++i) {
+ if (getDevice(i) == null) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ // Reached maximum gamepads limit.
+ return -1;
+ }
+ private boolean registerGamepad(InputDevice inputDevice) {
+ int index = getNextAvailableIndex();
+ if (index == -1) return false; // invalid index
+ GamepadDevice gamepad = new GamepadDevice(index, inputDevice);
+ mGamepadDevices[index] = gamepad;
+ return true;
+ }
+ private void unregisterGamepad(int deviceId) {
+ GamepadDevice gamepadDevice = getDeviceById(deviceId);
+ if (gamepadDevice == null) return; // Not a registered device.
+ int index = gamepadDevice.getIndex();
+ mGamepadDevices[index] = null;
+ }
+ private static boolean isGamepadDevice(InputDevice inputDevice) {
+ return ((inputDevice.getSources() & InputDevice.SOURCE_JOYSTICK) ==
Feng Qian 2014/10/09 21:49:15 inputDevice could be null, see
+ }
+ private GamepadDevice getGamepadForEvent(InputEvent event) {
+ return getDeviceById(event.getDeviceId());
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return True if the motion event corresponds to a gamepad event.
+ */
+ public static boolean isGamepadEvent(MotionEvent event) {
+ return ((event.getSource() & InputDevice.SOURCE_JOYSTICK) == InputDevice.SOURCE_JOYSTICK);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return True if event's keycode corresponds to a gamepad key.
+ */
+ public static boolean isGamepadEvent(KeyEvent event) {
+ int keyCode = event.getKeyCode();
+ switch (keyCode) {
+ // Specific handling for dpad keys is required because
+ // KeyEvent.isGamepadButton doesn't consider dpad keys.
+ case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP:
+ case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN:
+ case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return KeyEvent.isGamepadButton(keyCode);
+ }
+ }
+ private static boolean isGamepadSupported() {
+ }
+ @CalledByNative
+ static void updateGamepadData(long webGamepadsPtr) {
+ if (!isGamepadSupported()) return;
+ getInstance().grabGamepadData(webGamepadsPtr);
+ }
+ private void grabGamepadData(long webGamepadsPtr) {
+ synchronized (mLock) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GAMEPADS; i++) {
+ final GamepadDevice device = getDevice(i);
+ if (device != null) {
+ device.updateButtonsAndAxesMapping();
+ nativeSetGamepadData(webGamepadsPtr, i, device.isStandardGamepad(), true,
+ device.getName(), device.getTimestamp(), device.getAxes(),
+ device.getButtons());
+ } else {
+ nativeSetGamepadData(webGamepadsPtr, i, false, false, null, 0, null, null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @CalledByNative
+ static void notifyForGamepadsAccess(boolean isAccessPaused) {
+ if (!isGamepadSupported()) return;
+ getInstance().setIsGamepadAccessed(!isAccessPaused);
+ }
+ private void setIsGamepadAccessed(boolean isGamepadAccessed) {
+ synchronized (mLock) {
+ mIsGamepadAccessed = isGamepadAccessed;
+ if (isGamepadAccessed) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GAMEPADS; i++) {
+ GamepadDevice gamepadDevice = getDevice(i);
+ if (gamepadDevice == null) continue;
+ gamepadDevice.clearData();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private native void nativeSetGamepadData(long webGamepadsPtr, int index, boolean mapping,
+ boolean connected, String devicename, long timestamp, float[] axes, float[] buttons);
+ private static class LazyHolder {
+ private static final GamepadList INSTANCE = new GamepadList();
+ }

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