DescriptionRemoves references to ah.
AH is a thorn in the flesh for our X86-64 backend. The assembler was
designed to always encode the low 8-bit registers, so %ah would become
%spl. While it is true we **could** force %spl to always be encoded as
%ah, that would not work if the instruction has a rex prefix.
This CL removes references to %ah from TargetX86Base. There used to be
2 uses of ah in the target lowering:
1) To zero-extend %al before an unsigned div:
mov <<src0>>, %al
mov 0, %ah
div <<src1>>
This pattern has been changed to
xor %eax, %eax
mov <<src0>>, %al
div <<src1>>
2) To access the 8-bit remainder for 8-bit division:
mov %ah, <<dest>>
This pattern has been changed to
shr $8, %eax
mov %al, <<Dest>>
Patch Set 1 #
Total comments: 10
Patch Set 2 : Addresses comments. #Patch Set 3 : git pull #
Total messages: 11 (1 generated)