DescriptionSimply download_from_google_storage --config
This does two noticable things:
* Prints a message when "download_from_google_storage --config" is run to
tell the user to enter "0" for the project ID prompt
* Removes the ".boto.depot_tools" boto file and defaults the boto file to
grant fullcontrol scopes.
Context: We restricted the depot_tools specific scopes to be readonly out of
concern that we would be forcing every developer to hold a set of non-expiring
write access credentials on their workstation. But this distinction has caused
a great deal of pain and anguish with confusing credentials (who would've thought
~/.boto.depot_tools would exist and might be broken?), and not for huge security
gains. Most people don't have write access to buckets, and the ones that do
definitely has a fullcontrol boto file already.
Patch Set 1 #
Total comments: 2
Patch Set 2 : keep os.devnull boto, don't use execv #
Total comments: 1
Total messages: 8 (2 generated)