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Unified Diff: tools/isolate/

Issue 11045023: Move src/tools/isolate to src/tools/swarm_client as a DEPS. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Use r159961 Created 8 years, 2 months ago
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diff --git a/tools/isolate/ b/tools/isolate/
deleted file mode 100755
index 57c8aee7f4bbf3e04d508e97ba9bedc2d901e703..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tools/isolate/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1923 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Front end tool to manage .isolate files and corresponding tests.
-Run ./ --help for more detailed information.
-See more information at
-import binascii
-import copy
-import hashlib
-import logging
-import optparse
-import os
-import posixpath
-import re
-import stat
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import time
-import urllib
-import urllib2
-import trace_inputs
-import run_test_from_archive
-from run_test_from_archive import get_flavor
-# Used by process_input().
-NO_INFO, STATS_ONLY, WITH_HASH = range(56, 59)
-SHA_1_NULL = hashlib.sha1().hexdigest()
-DEFAULT_OSES = ('linux', 'mac', 'win')
-# Files that should be 0-length when mapped.
-KEY_TOUCHED = 'isolate_dependency_touched'
-# Files that should be tracked by the build tool.
-KEY_TRACKED = 'isolate_dependency_tracked'
-# Files that should not be tracked by the build tool.
-KEY_UNTRACKED = 'isolate_dependency_untracked'
-_GIT_PATH = os.path.sep + '.git'
-_SVN_PATH = os.path.sep + '.svn'
-# The maximum number of upload attempts to try when uploading a single file.
-# The minimum size of files to upload directly to the blobstore.
-class ExecutionError(Exception):
- """A generic error occurred."""
- def __str__(self):
- return self.args[0]
-### Path handling code.
-def relpath(path, root):
- """os.path.relpath() that keeps trailing os.path.sep."""
- out = os.path.relpath(path, root)
- if path.endswith(os.path.sep):
- out += os.path.sep
- return out
-def normpath(path):
- """os.path.normpath() that keeps trailing os.path.sep."""
- out = os.path.normpath(path)
- if path.endswith(os.path.sep):
- out += os.path.sep
- return out
-def posix_relpath(path, root):
- """posix.relpath() that keeps trailing slash."""
- out = posixpath.relpath(path, root)
- if path.endswith('/'):
- out += '/'
- return out
-def cleanup_path(x):
- """Cleans up a relative path. Converts any os.path.sep to '/' on Windows."""
- if x:
- x = x.rstrip(os.path.sep).replace(os.path.sep, '/')
- if x == '.':
- x = ''
- if x:
- x += '/'
- return x
-def default_blacklist(f):
- """Filters unimportant files normally ignored."""
- return (
- f.endswith(('.pyc', '.run_test_cases', 'testserver.log')) or
- _GIT_PATH in f or
- _SVN_PATH in f or
- f in ('.git', '.svn'))
-def expand_directory_and_symlink(indir, relfile, blacklist):
- """Expands a single input. It can result in multiple outputs.
- This function is recursive when relfile is a directory or a symlink.
- Note: this code doesn't properly handle recursive symlink like one created
- with:
- ln -s .. foo
- """
- if os.path.isabs(relfile):
- raise run_test_from_archive.MappingError(
- 'Can\'t map absolute path %s' % relfile)
- infile = normpath(os.path.join(indir, relfile))
- if not infile.startswith(indir):
- raise run_test_from_archive.MappingError(
- 'Can\'t map file %s outside %s' % (infile, indir))
- if sys.platform != 'win32':
- # Look if any item in relfile is a symlink.
- base, symlink, rest = trace_inputs.split_at_symlink(indir, relfile)
- if symlink:
- # Append everything pointed by the symlink. If the symlink is recursive,
- # this code blows up.
- symlink_relfile = os.path.join(base, symlink)
- symlink_path = os.path.join(indir, symlink_relfile)
- pointed = os.readlink(symlink_path)
- dest_infile = normpath(
- os.path.join(os.path.dirname(symlink_path), pointed))
- if rest:
- dest_infile = trace_inputs.safe_join(dest_infile, rest)
- if not dest_infile.startswith(indir):
- raise run_test_from_archive.MappingError(
- 'Can\'t map symlink reference %s (from %s) ->%s outside of %s' %
- (symlink_relfile, relfile, dest_infile, indir))
- if infile.startswith(dest_infile):
- raise run_test_from_archive.MappingError(
- 'Can\'t map recursive symlink reference %s->%s' %
- (symlink_relfile, dest_infile))
- dest_relfile = dest_infile[len(indir)+1:]
-'Found symlink: %s -> %s' % (symlink_relfile, dest_relfile))
- out = expand_directory_and_symlink(indir, dest_relfile, blacklist)
- # Add the symlink itself.
- out.append(symlink_relfile)
- return out
- if relfile.endswith(os.path.sep):
- if not os.path.isdir(infile):
- raise run_test_from_archive.MappingError(
- '%s is not a directory but ends with "%s"' % (infile, os.path.sep))
- outfiles = []
- for filename in os.listdir(infile):
- inner_relfile = os.path.join(relfile, filename)
- if blacklist(inner_relfile):
- continue
- if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(indir, inner_relfile)):
- inner_relfile += os.path.sep
- outfiles.extend(
- expand_directory_and_symlink(indir, inner_relfile, blacklist))
- return outfiles
- else:
- # Always add individual files even if they were blacklisted.
- if os.path.isdir(infile):
- raise run_test_from_archive.MappingError(
- 'Input directory %s must have a trailing slash' % infile)
- if not os.path.isfile(infile):
- raise run_test_from_archive.MappingError(
- 'Input file %s doesn\'t exist' % infile)
- return [relfile]
-def expand_directories_and_symlinks(indir, infiles, blacklist):
- """Expands the directories and the symlinks, applies the blacklist and
- verifies files exist.
- Files are specified in os native path separator.
- """
- outfiles = []
- for relfile in infiles:
- outfiles.extend(expand_directory_and_symlink(indir, relfile, blacklist))
- return outfiles
-def recreate_tree(outdir, indir, infiles, action, as_sha1):
- """Creates a new tree with only the input files in it.
- Arguments:
- outdir: Output directory to create the files in.
- indir: Root directory the infiles are based in.
- infiles: dict of files to map from |indir| to |outdir|.
- action: See assert below.
- as_sha1: Output filename is the sha1 instead of relfile.
- """
- 'recreate_tree(outdir=%s, indir=%s, files=%d, action=%s, as_sha1=%s)' %
- (outdir, indir, len(infiles), action, as_sha1))
- assert action in (
- run_test_from_archive.HARDLINK,
- run_test_from_archive.SYMLINK,
- run_test_from_archive.COPY)
- outdir = os.path.normpath(outdir)
- if not os.path.isdir(outdir):
- ('Creating %s' % outdir)
- os.makedirs(outdir)
- # Do not call abspath until the directory exists.
- outdir = os.path.abspath(outdir)
- for relfile, metadata in infiles.iteritems():
- infile = os.path.join(indir, relfile)
- if as_sha1:
- # Do the hashtable specific checks.
- if 'link' in metadata:
- # Skip links when storing a hashtable.
- continue
- outfile = os.path.join(outdir, metadata['sha-1'])
- if os.path.isfile(outfile):
- # Just do a quick check that the file size matches. No need to stat()
- # again the input file, grab the value from the dict.
- if metadata['size'] == os.stat(outfile).st_size:
- continue
- else:
- logging.warn('Overwritting %s' % metadata['sha-1'])
- os.remove(outfile)
- else:
- outfile = os.path.join(outdir, relfile)
- outsubdir = os.path.dirname(outfile)
- if not os.path.isdir(outsubdir):
- os.makedirs(outsubdir)
- # TODO(csharp): Fix and enable the touched logic again.
- # if metadata.get('touched_only') == True:
- # open(outfile, 'ab').close()
- if 'link' in metadata:
- pointed = metadata['link']
- logging.debug('Symlink: %s -> %s' % (outfile, pointed))
- os.symlink(pointed, outfile)
- else:
- run_test_from_archive.link_file(outfile, infile, action)
-def encode_multipart_formdata(fields, files,
- mime_mapper=lambda _: 'application/octet-stream'):
- """Encodes a Multipart form data object.
- Args:
- fields: a sequence (name, value) elements for
- regular form fields.
- files: a sequence of (name, filename, value) elements for data to be
- uploaded as files.
- mime_mapper: function to return the mime type from the filename.
- Returns:
- content_type: for httplib.HTTP instance
- body: for httplib.HTTP instance
- """
- boundary = hashlib.md5(str(time.time())).hexdigest()
- body_list = []
- for (key, value) in fields:
- body_list.append('--' + boundary)
- body_list.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % key)
- body_list.append('')
- body_list.append(value)
- body_list.append('--' + boundary)
- body_list.append('')
- for (key, filename, value) in files:
- body_list.append('--' + boundary)
- body_list.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"; '
- 'filename="%s"' % (key, filename))
- body_list.append('Content-Type: %s' % mime_mapper(filename))
- body_list.append('')
- body_list.append(value)
- body_list.append('--' + boundary)
- body_list.append('')
- if body_list:
- body_list[-2] += '--'
- body = '\r\n'.join(body_list)
- content_type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % boundary
- return content_type, body
-def upload_hash_content(url, params=None, payload=None,
- content_type='application/octet-stream'):
- """Uploads the given hash contents.
- Arguments:
- url: The url to upload the hash contents to.
- params: The params to include with the upload.
- payload: The data to upload.
- content_type: The content_type of the data being uploaded.
- """
- if params:
- url = url + '?' + urllib.urlencode(params)
- request = urllib2.Request(url, data=payload)
- request.add_header('Content-Type', content_type)
- request.add_header('Content-Length', len(payload or ''))
- return urllib2.urlopen(request)
-def upload_hash_content_to_blobstore(generate_upload_url, params,
- hash_data):
- """Uploads the given hash contents directly to the blobsotre via a generated
- url.
- Arguments:
- generate_upload_url: The url to get the new upload url from.
- params: The params to include with the upload.
- hash_contents: The contents to upload.
- """
- content_type, body = encode_multipart_formdata(
- params.items(), [('hash_contents', 'hash_contest', hash_data)])
- logging.debug('Generating url to directly upload file to blobstore')
- response = urllib2.urlopen(generate_upload_url)
- upload_url =
- if not upload_url:
- logging.error('Unable to generate upload url')
- return
- return upload_hash_content(upload_url, payload=body,
- content_type=content_type)
-class UploadRemote(run_test_from_archive.Remote):
- @staticmethod
- def get_file_handler(base_url):
- def upload_file(hash_data, hash_key):
- params = {'hash_key': hash_key}
- if len(hash_data) > MIN_SIZE_FOR_DIRECT_BLOBSTORE:
- upload_hash_content_to_blobstore(
- base_url.rstrip('/') + '/content/generate_blobstore_url',
- params, hash_data)
- else:
- upload_hash_content(
- base_url.rstrip('/') + '/content/store', params, hash_data)
- return upload_file
-def url_open(url, data=None, max_retries=MAX_UPLOAD_ATTEMPTS):
- """Opens the given url with the given data, repeating up to max_retries
- times if it encounters an error.
- Arguments:
- url: The url to open.
- data: The data to send to the url.
- max_retries: The maximum number of times to try connecting to the url.
- Returns:
- The response from the url, or it raises an exception it it failed to get
- a response.
- """
- for _ in range(max_retries):
- try:
- response = urllib2.urlopen(url, data=data)
- except urllib2.URLError as e:
- logging.warning('Unable to connect to %s, error msg: %s', url, e)
- time.sleep(1)
- # If we get no response from the server after max_retries, assume it
- # is down and raise an exception
- if response is None:
- raise run_test_from_archive.MappingError('Unable to connect to server, %s, '
- 'to see which files are presents' %
- url)
- return response
-def update_files_to_upload(query_url, queries, files_to_upload):
- """Queries the server to see which files from this batch already exist there.
- Arguments:
- queries: The hash files to potential upload to the server.
- files_to_upload: Any new files that need to be upload are added to
- this list.
- """
- body = ''.join(
- (binascii.unhexlify(meta_data['sha-1']) for (_, meta_data) in queries))
- response = url_open(query_url, data=body).read()
- if len(queries) != len(response):
- raise run_test_from_archive.MappingError(
- 'Got an incorrect number of responses from the server. Expected %d, '
- 'but got %d' % (len(queries), len(response)))
- for i in range(len(response)):
- if response[i] == chr(0):
- files_to_upload.append(queries[i])
- else:
- logging.debug('Hash for %s already exists on the server, no need '
- 'to upload again', queries[i][0])
-def upload_sha1_tree(base_url, indir, infiles):
- """Uploads the given tree to the given url.
- Arguments:
- base_url: The base url, it is assume that |base_url|/has/ can be used to
- query if an element was already uploaded, and |base_url|/store/
- can be used to upload a new element.
- indir: Root directory the infiles are based in.
- infiles: dict of files to map from |indir| to |outdir|.
- """
-'upload tree(base_url=%s, indir=%s, files=%d)' %
- (base_url, indir, len(infiles)))
- # Generate the list of files that need to be uploaded (since some may already
- # be on the server.
- base_url = base_url.rstrip('/')
- contains_hash_url = base_url + '/content/contains'
- to_upload = []
- next_queries = []
- for relfile, metadata in infiles.iteritems():
- if 'link' in metadata:
- # Skip links when uploading.
- continue
- next_queries.append((relfile, metadata))
- if len(next_queries) == 1000:
- update_files_to_upload(contains_hash_url, next_queries, to_upload)
- next_queries = []
- if next_queries:
- update_files_to_upload(contains_hash_url, next_queries, to_upload)
- # Upload the required files.
- remote_uploader = UploadRemote(base_url)
- for relfile, metadata in to_upload:
- # TODO(csharp): Fix and enable the touched logic again.
- # if metadata.get('touched_only') == True:
- # hash_data = ''
- infile = os.path.join(indir, relfile)
- with open(infile, 'rb') as f:
- hash_data =
- remote_uploader.add_item(run_test_from_archive.Remote.MED,
- hash_data,
- metadata['sha-1'])
- remote_uploader.join()
- exception = remote_uploader.next_exception()
- if exception:
- while exception:
- logging.error('Error uploading file to server:\n%s', exception[1])
- exception = remote_uploader.next_exception()
- raise run_test_from_archive.MappingError(
- 'Encountered errors uploading hash contents to server. See logs for '
- 'exact failures')
-def process_input(filepath, prevdict, level, read_only):
- """Processes an input file, a dependency, and return meta data about it.
- Arguments:
- - filepath: File to act on.
- - prevdict: the previous dictionary. It is used to retrieve the cached sha-1
- to skip recalculating the hash.
- - level: determines the amount of information retrieved.
- - read_only: If True, the file mode is manipulated. In practice, only save
- one of 4 modes: 0755 (rwx), 0644 (rw), 0555 (rx), 0444 (r). On
- windows, mode is not set since all files are 'executable' by
- default.
- Behaviors:
- - NO_INFO retrieves no information.
- - STATS_ONLY retrieves the file mode, file size, file timestamp, file link
- destination if it is a file link.
- - WITH_HASH retrieves all of STATS_ONLY plus the sha-1 of the content of the
- file.
- """
- assert level in (NO_INFO, STATS_ONLY, WITH_HASH)
- out = {}
- # TODO(csharp): Fix and enable the touched logic again.
- # if prevdict.get('touched_only') == True:
- # # The file's content is ignored. Skip the time and hard code mode.
- # if get_flavor() != 'win':
- # out['mode'] = stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP
- # out['size'] = 0
- # out['sha-1'] = SHA_1_NULL
- # out['touched_only'] = True
- # return out
- if level >= STATS_ONLY:
- try:
- filestats = os.lstat(filepath)
- except OSError:
- # The file is not present.
- raise run_test_from_archive.MappingError('%s is missing' % filepath)
- is_link = stat.S_ISLNK(filestats.st_mode)
- if get_flavor() != 'win':
- # Ignore file mode on Windows since it's not really useful there.
- filemode = stat.S_IMODE(filestats.st_mode)
- # Remove write access for group and all access to 'others'.
- filemode &= ~(stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IRWXO)
- if read_only:
- filemode &= ~stat.S_IWUSR
- if filemode & stat.S_IXUSR:
- filemode |= stat.S_IXGRP
- else:
- filemode &= ~stat.S_IXGRP
- out['mode'] = filemode
- if not is_link:
- out['size'] = filestats.st_size
- # Used to skip recalculating the hash. Use the most recent update time.
- out['timestamp'] = int(round(filestats.st_mtime))
- # If the timestamp wasn't updated, carry on the sha-1.
- if prevdict.get('timestamp') == out['timestamp']:
- if 'sha-1' in prevdict:
- # Reuse the previous hash.
- out['sha-1'] = prevdict['sha-1']
- if 'link' in prevdict:
- # Reuse the previous link destination.
- out['link'] = prevdict['link']
- if is_link and not 'link' in out:
- # A symlink, store the link destination.
- out['link'] = os.readlink(filepath)
- if level >= WITH_HASH and not out.get('sha-1') and not out.get('link'):
- if not is_link:
- with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
- out['sha-1'] = hashlib.sha1(
- return out
-### Variable stuff.
-def result_to_state(filename):
- """Replaces the file's extension."""
- return filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.state'
-def determine_root_dir(relative_root, infiles):
- """For a list of infiles, determines the deepest root directory that is
- referenced indirectly.
- All arguments must be using os.path.sep.
- """
- # The trick used to determine the root directory is to look at "how far" back
- # up it is looking up.
- deepest_root = relative_root
- for i in infiles:
- x = relative_root
- while i.startswith('..' + os.path.sep):
- i = i[3:]
- assert not i.startswith(os.path.sep)
- x = os.path.dirname(x)
- if deepest_root.startswith(x):
- deepest_root = x
- logging.debug(
- 'determine_root_dir(%s, %d files) -> %s' % (
- relative_root, len(infiles), deepest_root))
- return deepest_root
-def replace_variable(part, variables):
- m = re.match(r'<\(([A-Z_]+)\)', part)
- if m:
- if not in variables:
- raise ExecutionError(
- 'Variable "%s" was not found in %s.\nDid you forget to specify '
- '--variable?' % (, variables))
- return variables[]
- return part
-def process_variables(variables, relative_base_dir):
- """Processes path variables as a special case and returns a copy of the dict.
- For each 'path' variable: first normalizes it, verifies it exists, converts it
- to an absolute path, then sets it as relative to relative_base_dir.
- """
- variables = variables.copy()
- for i in PATH_VARIABLES:
- if i not in variables:
- continue
- variable = os.path.normpath(variables[i])
- if not os.path.isdir(variable):
- raise ExecutionError('%s=%s is not a directory' % (i, variable))
- # Variables could contain / or \ on windows. Always normalize to
- # os.path.sep.
- variable = os.path.abspath(variable.replace('/', os.path.sep))
- # All variables are relative to the .isolate file.
- variables[i] = os.path.relpath(variable, relative_base_dir)
- return variables
-def eval_variables(item, variables):
- """Replaces the .isolate variables in a string item.
- Note that the .isolate format is a subset of the .gyp dialect.
- """
- return ''.join(
- replace_variable(p, variables) for p in re.split(r'(<\([A-Z_]+\))', item))
-def classify_files(root_dir, tracked, untracked):
- """Converts the list of files into a .isolate 'variables' dictionary.
- Arguments:
- - tracked: list of files names to generate a dictionary out of that should
- probably be tracked.
- - untracked: list of files names that must not be tracked.
- """
- # These directories are not guaranteed to be always present on every builder.
- 'test/data/plugin',
- 'third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests',
- )
- new_tracked = []
- new_untracked = list(untracked)
- def should_be_tracked(filepath):
- """Returns True if it is a file without whitespace in a non-optional
- directory that has no symlink in its path.
- """
- if filepath.endswith('/'):
- return False
- if ' ' in filepath:
- return False
- if any(i in filepath for i in OPTIONAL_DIRECTORIES):
- return False
- # Look if any element in the path is a symlink.
- split = filepath.split('/')
- for i in range(len(split)):
- if os.path.islink(os.path.join(root_dir, '/'.join(split[:i+1]))):
- return False
- return True
- for filepath in sorted(tracked):
- if should_be_tracked(filepath):
- new_tracked.append(filepath)
- else:
- # Anything else.
- new_untracked.append(filepath)
- variables = {}
- if new_tracked:
- variables[KEY_TRACKED] = sorted(new_tracked)
- if new_untracked:
- variables[KEY_UNTRACKED] = sorted(new_untracked)
- return variables
-def generate_simplified(
- tracked, untracked, touched, root_dir, variables, relative_cwd):
- """Generates a clean and complete .isolate 'variables' dictionary.
- Cleans up and extracts only files from within root_dir then processes
- variables and relative_cwd.
- """
- 'generate_simplified(%d files, %s, %s, %s)' %
- (len(tracked) + len(untracked) + len(touched),
- root_dir, variables, relative_cwd))
- # Constants.
- # Skip log in PRODUCT_DIR. Note that these are applied on '/' style path
- # separator.
- LOG_FILE = re.compile(r'^\<\(PRODUCT_DIR\)\/[^\/]+\.log$')
- EXECUTABLE = re.compile(
- r'^(\<\(PRODUCT_DIR\)\/[^\/\.]+)' +
- re.escape(variables.get('EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX', '')) +
- r'$')
- # Preparation work.
- relative_cwd = cleanup_path(relative_cwd)
- # Creates the right set of variables here. We only care about PATH_VARIABLES.
- variables = dict(
- ('<(%s)' % k, variables[k].replace(os.path.sep, '/'))
- for k in PATH_VARIABLES if k in variables)
- # Actual work: Process the files.
- # TODO(maruel): if all the files in a directory are in part tracked and in
- # part untracked, the directory will not be extracted. Tracked files should be
- # 'promoted' to be untracked as needed.
- tracked = trace_inputs.extract_directories(
- root_dir, tracked, default_blacklist)
- untracked = trace_inputs.extract_directories(
- root_dir, untracked, default_blacklist)
- # touched is not compressed, otherwise it would result in files to be archived
- # that we don't need.
- def fix(f):
- """Bases the file on the most restrictive variable."""
- logging.debug('fix(%s)' % f)
- # Important, GYP stores the files with / and not \.
- f = f.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
- # If it's not already a variable.
- if not f.startswith('<'):
- # relative_cwd is usually the directory containing the gyp file. It may be
- # empty if the whole directory containing the gyp file is needed.
- f = posix_relpath(f, relative_cwd) or './'
- for variable, root_path in variables.iteritems():
- if f.startswith(root_path):
- f = variable + f[len(root_path):]
- break
- # Now strips off known files we want to ignore and to any specific mangling
- # as necessary. It's easier to do it here than generate a blacklist.
- match = EXECUTABLE.match(f)
- if match:
- return + '<(EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX)'
- # Blacklist logs and 'First Run' in the PRODUCT_DIR. First Run is not
- # created by the compile, but by the test itself.
- if LOG_FILE.match(f) or f == '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/First Run':
- return None
- if sys.platform == 'darwin':
- # On OSX, the name of the output is dependent on gyp define, it can be
- # 'Google' or '', same for 'XXX
- # Framework.framework'. Furthermore, they are versioned with a gyp
- # variable. To lower the complexity of the .isolate file, remove all the
- # individual entries that show up under any of the 4 entries and replace
- # them with the directory itself. Overall, this results in a bit more
- # files than strictly necessary.
- '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/Chromium Framework.framework/',
- '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/',
- '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/Google Chrome Framework.framework/',
- '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/Google',
- )
- for prefix in OSX_BUNDLES:
- if f.startswith(prefix):
- # Note this result in duplicate values, so the a set() must be used to
- # remove duplicates.
- return prefix
- return f
- tracked = set(filter(None, (fix(f.path) for f in tracked)))
- untracked = set(filter(None, (fix(f.path) for f in untracked)))
- touched = set(filter(None, (fix(f.path) for f in touched)))
- out = classify_files(root_dir, tracked, untracked)
- if touched:
- out[KEY_TOUCHED] = sorted(touched)
- return out
-def generate_isolate(
- tracked, untracked, touched, root_dir, variables, relative_cwd):
- """Generates a clean and complete .isolate file."""
- result = generate_simplified(
- tracked, untracked, touched, root_dir, variables, relative_cwd)
- return {
- 'conditions': [
- ['OS=="%s"' % get_flavor(), {
- 'variables': result,
- }],
- ],
- }
-def split_touched(files):
- """Splits files that are touched vs files that are read."""
- tracked = []
- touched = []
- for f in files:
- if f.size:
- tracked.append(f)
- else:
- touched.append(f)
- return tracked, touched
-def pretty_print(variables, stdout):
- """Outputs a gyp compatible list from the decoded variables.
- Similar to pprint.print() but with NIH syndrome.
- """
- # Order the dictionary keys by these keys in priority.
- ORDER = (
- 'variables', 'condition', 'command', 'relative_cwd', 'read_only',
- def sorting_key(x):
- """Gives priority to 'most important' keys before the others."""
- if x in ORDER:
- return str(ORDER.index(x))
- return x
- def loop_list(indent, items):
- for item in items:
- if isinstance(item, basestring):
- stdout.write('%s\'%s\',\n' % (indent, item))
- elif isinstance(item, dict):
- stdout.write('%s{\n' % indent)
- loop_dict(indent + ' ', item)
- stdout.write('%s},\n' % indent)
- elif isinstance(item, list):
- # A list inside a list will write the first item embedded.
- stdout.write('%s[' % indent)
- for index, i in enumerate(item):
- if isinstance(i, basestring):
- stdout.write(
- '\'%s\', ' % i.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('\'', '\\\''))
- elif isinstance(i, dict):
- stdout.write('{\n')
- loop_dict(indent + ' ', i)
- if index != len(item) - 1:
- x = ', '
- else:
- x = ''
- stdout.write('%s}%s' % (indent, x))
- else:
- assert False
- stdout.write('],\n')
- else:
- assert False
- def loop_dict(indent, items):
- for key in sorted(items, key=sorting_key):
- item = items[key]
- stdout.write("%s'%s': " % (indent, key))
- if isinstance(item, dict):
- stdout.write('{\n')
- loop_dict(indent + ' ', item)
- stdout.write(indent + '},\n')
- elif isinstance(item, list):
- stdout.write('[\n')
- loop_list(indent + ' ', item)
- stdout.write(indent + '],\n')
- elif isinstance(item, basestring):
- stdout.write(
- '\'%s\',\n' % item.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('\'', '\\\''))
- elif item in (True, False, None):
- stdout.write('%s\n' % item)
- else:
- assert False, item
- stdout.write('{\n')
- loop_dict(' ', variables)
- stdout.write('}\n')
-def union(lhs, rhs):
- """Merges two compatible datastructures composed of dict/list/set."""
- assert lhs is not None or rhs is not None
- if lhs is None:
- return copy.deepcopy(rhs)
- if rhs is None:
- return copy.deepcopy(lhs)
- assert type(lhs) == type(rhs), (lhs, rhs)
- if hasattr(lhs, 'union'):
- # Includes set, OSSettings and Configs.
- return lhs.union(rhs)
- if isinstance(lhs, dict):
- return dict((k, union(lhs.get(k), rhs.get(k))) for k in set(lhs).union(rhs))
- elif isinstance(lhs, list):
- # Do not go inside the list.
- return lhs + rhs
- assert False, type(lhs)
-def extract_comment(content):
- """Extracts file level comment."""
- out = []
- for line in content.splitlines(True):
- if line.startswith('#'):
- out.append(line)
- else:
- break
- return ''.join(out)
-def eval_content(content):
- """Evaluates a python file and return the value defined in it.
- Used in practice for .isolate files.
- """
- globs = {'__builtins__': None}
- locs = {}
- value = eval(content, globs, locs)
- assert locs == {}, locs
- assert globs == {'__builtins__': None}, globs
- return value
-def verify_variables(variables):
- """Verifies the |variables| dictionary is in the expected format."""
- 'command',
- 'read_only',
- ]
- assert isinstance(variables, dict), variables
- assert set(VALID_VARIABLES).issuperset(set(variables)), variables.keys()
- for name, value in variables.iteritems():
- if name == 'read_only':
- assert value in (True, False, None), value
- else:
- assert isinstance(value, list), value
- assert all(isinstance(i, basestring) for i in value), value
-def verify_condition(condition):
- """Verifies the |condition| dictionary is in the expected format."""
- VALID_INSIDE_CONDITION = ['variables']
- assert isinstance(condition, list), condition
- assert 2 <= len(condition) <= 3, condition
- assert re.match(r'OS==\"([a-z]+)\"', condition[0]), condition[0]
- for c in condition[1:]:
- assert isinstance(c, dict), c
- assert set(VALID_INSIDE_CONDITION).issuperset(set(c)), c.keys()
- verify_variables(c.get('variables', {}))
-def verify_root(value):
- VALID_ROOTS = ['variables', 'conditions']
- assert isinstance(value, dict), value
- assert set(VALID_ROOTS).issuperset(set(value)), value.keys()
- verify_variables(value.get('variables', {}))
- conditions = value.get('conditions', [])
- assert isinstance(conditions, list), conditions
- for condition in conditions:
- verify_condition(condition)
-def remove_weak_dependencies(values, key, item, item_oses):
- """Remove any oses from this key if the item is already under a strong key."""
- if key == KEY_TOUCHED:
- for stronger_key in (KEY_TRACKED, KEY_UNTRACKED):
- oses = values.get(stronger_key, {}).get(item, None)
- if oses:
- item_oses -= oses
- return item_oses
-def invert_map(variables):
- """Converts a dict(OS, dict(deptype, list(dependencies)) to a flattened view.
- Returns a tuple of:
- 1. dict(deptype, dict(dependency, set(OSes)) for easier processing.
- 2. All the OSes found as a set.
- """
- KEYS = (
- 'command',
- 'read_only',
- )
- out = dict((key, {}) for key in KEYS)
- for os_name, values in variables.iteritems():
- for item in values.get(key, []):
- out[key].setdefault(item, set()).add(os_name)
- # command needs special handling.
- command = tuple(values.get('command', []))
- out['command'].setdefault(command, set()).add(os_name)
- # read_only needs special handling.
- out['read_only'].setdefault(values.get('read_only'), set()).add(os_name)
- return out, set(variables)
-def reduce_inputs(values, oses):
- """Reduces the invert_map() output to the strictest minimum list.
- 1. Construct the inverse map first.
- 2. Look at each individual file and directory, map where they are used and
- reconstruct the inverse dictionary.
- 3. Do not convert back to negative if only 2 OSes were merged.
- Returns a tuple of:
- 1. the minimized dictionary
- 2. oses passed through as-is.
- """
- KEYS = (
- 'command',
- 'read_only',
- )
- out = dict((key, {}) for key in KEYS)
- assert all(oses), oses
- if len(oses) > 2:
- for key in KEYS:
- for item, item_oses in values.get(key, {}).iteritems():
- item_oses = remove_weak_dependencies(values, key, item, item_oses)
- if not item_oses:
- continue
- # Converts all oses.difference('foo') to '!foo'.
- assert all(item_oses), item_oses
- missing = oses.difference(item_oses)
- if len(missing) == 1:
- # Replace it with a negative.
- out[key][item] = set(['!' + tuple(missing)[0]])
- elif not missing:
- out[key][item] = set([None])
- else:
- out[key][item] = set(item_oses)
- else:
- for key in KEYS:
- for item, item_oses in values.get(key, {}).iteritems():
- item_oses = remove_weak_dependencies(values, key, item, item_oses)
- if not item_oses:
- continue
- # Converts all oses.difference('foo') to '!foo'.
- assert None not in item_oses, item_oses
- out[key][item] = set(item_oses)
- return out, oses
-def convert_map_to_isolate_dict(values, oses):
- """Regenerates back a .isolate configuration dict from files and dirs
- mappings generated from reduce_inputs().
- """
- # First, inverse the mapping to make it dict first.
- config = {}
- for key in values:
- for item, oses in values[key].iteritems():
- if item is None:
- # For read_only default.
- continue
- for cond_os in oses:
- cond_key = None if cond_os is None else cond_os.lstrip('!')
- # Insert the if/else dicts.
- condition_values = config.setdefault(cond_key, [{}, {}])
- # If condition is negative, use index 1, else use index 0.
- cond_value = condition_values[int((cond_os or '').startswith('!'))]
- variables = cond_value.setdefault('variables', {})
- if item in (True, False):
- # One-off for read_only.
- variables[key] = item
- else:
- if isinstance(item, tuple) and item:
- # One-off for command.
- # Do not merge lists and do not sort!
- # Note that item is a tuple.
- assert key not in variables
- variables[key] = list(item)
- elif item:
- # The list of items (files or dirs). Append the new item and keep
- # the list sorted.
- l = variables.setdefault(key, [])
- l.append(item)
- l.sort()
- out = {}
- for o in sorted(config):
- d = config[o]
- if o is None:
- assert not d[1]
- out = union(out, d[0])
- else:
- c = out.setdefault('conditions', [])
- if d[1]:
- c.append(['OS=="%s"' % o] + d)
- else:
- c.append(['OS=="%s"' % o] + d[0:1])
- return out
-### Internal state files.
-class OSSettings(object):
- """Represents the dependencies for an OS. The structure is immutable.
- It's the .isolate settings for a specific file.
- """
- def __init__(self, name, values):
- = name
- verify_variables(values)
- self.touched = sorted(values.get(KEY_TOUCHED, []))
- self.tracked = sorted(values.get(KEY_TRACKED, []))
- self.untracked = sorted(values.get(KEY_UNTRACKED, []))
- self.command = values.get('command', [])[:]
- self.read_only = values.get('read_only')
- def union(self, rhs):
- assert ==
- assert not (self.command and rhs.command)
- var = {
- KEY_TOUCHED: sorted(self.touched + rhs.touched),
- KEY_TRACKED: sorted(self.tracked + rhs.tracked),
- KEY_UNTRACKED: sorted(self.untracked + rhs.untracked),
- 'command': self.command or rhs.command,
- 'read_only': rhs.read_only if self.read_only is None else self.read_only,
- }
- return OSSettings(, var)
- def flatten(self):
- out = {}
- if self.command:
- out['command'] = self.command
- if self.touched:
- out[KEY_TOUCHED] = self.touched
- if self.tracked:
- out[KEY_TRACKED] = self.tracked
- if self.untracked:
- out[KEY_UNTRACKED] = self.untracked
- if self.read_only is not None:
- out['read_only'] = self.read_only
- return out
-class Configs(object):
- """Represents a processed .isolate file.
- Stores the file in a processed way, split by each the OS-specific
- configurations.
- The self.per_os[None] member contains all the 'else' clauses plus the default
- values. It is not included in the flatten() result.
- """
- def __init__(self, oses, file_comment):
- self.file_comment = file_comment
- self.per_os = {
- None: OSSettings(None, {}),
- }
- self.per_os.update(dict((name, OSSettings(name, {})) for name in oses))
- def union(self, rhs):
- items = list(set(self.per_os.keys() + rhs.per_os.keys()))
- # Takes the first file comment, prefering lhs.
- out = Configs(items, self.file_comment or rhs.file_comment)
- for key in items:
- out.per_os[key] = union(self.per_os.get(key), rhs.per_os.get(key))
- return out
- def add_globals(self, values):
- for key in self.per_os:
- self.per_os[key] = self.per_os[key].union(OSSettings(key, values))
- def add_values(self, for_os, values):
- self.per_os[for_os] = self.per_os[for_os].union(OSSettings(for_os, values))
- def add_negative_values(self, for_os, values):
- """Includes the variables to all OSes except |for_os|.
- This includes 'None' so unknown OSes gets it too.
- """
- for key in self.per_os:
- if key != for_os:
- self.per_os[key] = self.per_os[key].union(OSSettings(key, values))
- def flatten(self):
- """Returns a flat dictionary representation of the configuration.
- Skips None pseudo-OS.
- """
- return dict(
- (k, v.flatten()) for k, v in self.per_os.iteritems() if k is not None)
-def load_isolate_as_config(value, file_comment, default_oses):
- """Parses one .isolate file and returns a Configs() instance.
- |value| is the loaded dictionary that was defined in the gyp file.
- The expected format is strict, anything diverting from the format below will
- throw an assert:
- {
- 'variables': {
- 'command': [
- ...
- ],
- 'isolate_dependency_tracked': [
- ...
- ],
- 'isolate_dependency_untracked': [
- ...
- ],
- 'read_only': False,
- },
- 'conditions': [
- ['OS=="<os>"', {
- 'variables': {
- ...
- },
- }, { # else
- 'variables': {
- ...
- },
- }],
- ...
- ],
- }
- """
- verify_root(value)
- # Scan to get the list of OSes.
- conditions = value.get('conditions', [])
- oses = set(re.match(r'OS==\"([a-z]+)\"', c[0]).group(1) for c in conditions)
- oses = oses.union(default_oses)
- configs = Configs(oses, file_comment)
- # Global level variables.
- configs.add_globals(value.get('variables', {}))
- # OS specific variables.
- for condition in conditions:
- condition_os = re.match(r'OS==\"([a-z]+)\"', condition[0]).group(1)
- configs.add_values(condition_os, condition[1].get('variables', {}))
- if len(condition) > 2:
- configs.add_negative_values(
- condition_os, condition[2].get('variables', {}))
- return configs
-def load_isolate_for_flavor(content, flavor):
- """Loads the .isolate file and returns the information unprocessed.
- Returns the command, dependencies and read_only flag. The dependencies are
- fixed to use os.path.sep.
- """
- # Load the .isolate file, process its conditions, retrieve the command and
- # dependencies.
- configs = load_isolate_as_config(eval_content(content), None, DEFAULT_OSES)
- config = configs.per_os.get(flavor) or configs.per_os.get(None)
- if not config:
- raise ExecutionError('Failed to load configuration for \'%s\'' % flavor)
- # Merge tracked and untracked dependencies, doesn't care about the
- # trackability of the dependencies, only the build tool does.
- dependencies = [
- f.replace('/', os.path.sep) for f in config.tracked + config.untracked
- ]
- touched = [f.replace('/', os.path.sep) for f in config.touched]
- return config.command, dependencies, touched, config.read_only
-class Flattenable(object):
- """Represents data that can be represented as a json file."""
- MEMBERS = ()
- def flatten(self):
- """Returns a json-serializable version of itself.
- Skips None entries.
- """
- items = ((member, getattr(self, member)) for member in self.MEMBERS)
- return dict((member, value) for member, value in items if value is not None)
- @classmethod
- def load(cls, data):
- """Loads a flattened version."""
- data = data.copy()
- out = cls()
- for member in out.MEMBERS:
- if member in data:
- # Access to a protected member XXX of a client class
- # pylint: disable=W0212
- out._load_member(member, data.pop(member))
- if data:
- raise ValueError(
- 'Found unexpected entry %s while constructing an object %s' %
- (data, cls.__name__), data, cls.__name__)
- return out
- def _load_member(self, member, value):
- """Loads a member into self."""
- setattr(self, member, value)
- @classmethod
- def load_file(cls, filename):
- """Loads the data from a file or return an empty instance."""
- out = cls()
- try:
- out = cls.load(trace_inputs.read_json(filename))
- logging.debug('Loaded %s(%s)' % (cls.__name__, filename))
- except (IOError, ValueError):
- logging.warn('Failed to load %s' % filename)
- return out
-class Result(Flattenable):
- """Describes the content of a .result file.
- This file is used by so its content is strictly only
- what is necessary to run the test outside of a checkout.
- It is important to note that the 'files' dict keys are using native OS path
- separator instead of '/' used in .isolate file.
- """
- 'command',
- 'files',
- 'os',
- 'read_only',
- 'relative_cwd',
- )
- os = get_flavor()
- def __init__(self):
- super(Result, self).__init__()
- self.command = []
- self.files = {}
- self.read_only = None
- self.relative_cwd = None
- def update(self, command, infiles, touched, read_only, relative_cwd):
- """Updates the result state with new information."""
- self.command = command
- # Add new files.
- for f in infiles:
- self.files.setdefault(f, {})
- for f in touched:
- self.files.setdefault(f, {})['touched_only'] = True
- # Prune extraneous files that are not a dependency anymore.
- for f in set(self.files).difference(set(infiles).union(touched)):
- del self.files[f]
- if read_only is not None:
- self.read_only = read_only
- self.relative_cwd = relative_cwd
- def _load_member(self, member, value):
- if member == 'os':
- if value != self.os:
- raise run_test_from_archive.ConfigError(
- 'The .results file was created on another platform')
- else:
- super(Result, self)._load_member(member, value)
- def __str__(self):
- out = '%s(\n' % self.__class__.__name__
- out += ' command: %s\n' % self.command
- out += ' files: %d\n' % len(self.files)
- out += ' read_only: %s\n' % self.read_only
- out += ' relative_cwd: %s)' % self.relative_cwd
- return out
-class SavedState(Flattenable):
- """Describes the content of a .state file.
- The items in this file are simply to improve the developer's life and aren't
- used by This file can always be safely removed.
- isolate_file permits to find back root_dir, variables are used for stateful
- rerun.
- """
- 'isolate_file',
- 'variables',
- )
- def __init__(self):
- super(SavedState, self).__init__()
- self.isolate_file = None
- self.variables = {}
- def update(self, isolate_file, variables):
- """Updates the saved state with new information."""
- self.isolate_file = isolate_file
- self.variables.update(variables)
- @classmethod
- def load(cls, data):
- out = super(SavedState, cls).load(data)
- if out.isolate_file:
- out.isolate_file = trace_inputs.get_native_path_case(out.isolate_file)
- return out
- def __str__(self):
- out = '%s(\n' % self.__class__.__name__
- out += ' isolate_file: %s\n' % self.isolate_file
- out += ' variables: %s' % ''.join(
- '\n %s=%s' % (k, self.variables[k]) for k in sorted(self.variables))
- out += ')'
- return out
-class CompleteState(object):
- """Contains all the state to run the task at hand."""
- def __init__(self, result_file, result, saved_state):
- super(CompleteState, self).__init__()
- self.result_file = result_file
- # Contains the data that will be used by
- self.result = result
- # Contains the data to ease developer's use-case but that is not strictly
- # necessary.
- self.saved_state = saved_state
- @classmethod
- def load_files(cls, result_file):
- """Loads state from disk."""
- assert os.path.isabs(result_file), result_file
- return cls(
- result_file,
- Result.load_file(result_file),
- SavedState.load_file(result_to_state(result_file)))
- def load_isolate(self, isolate_file, variables):
- """Updates self.result and self.saved_state with information loaded from a
- .isolate file.
- Processes the loaded data, deduce root_dir, relative_cwd.
- """
- # Make sure to not depend on os.getcwd().
- assert os.path.isabs(isolate_file), isolate_file
- 'CompleteState.load_isolate(%s, %s)' % (isolate_file, variables))
- relative_base_dir = os.path.dirname(isolate_file)
- # Processes the variables and update the saved state.
- variables = process_variables(variables, relative_base_dir)
- self.saved_state.update(isolate_file, variables)
- with open(isolate_file, 'r') as f:
- # At that point, variables are not replaced yet in command and infiles.
- # infiles may contain directory entries and is in posix style.
- command, infiles, touched, read_only = load_isolate_for_flavor(
-, get_flavor())
- command = [eval_variables(i, self.saved_state.variables) for i in command]
- infiles = [eval_variables(f, self.saved_state.variables) for f in infiles]
- touched = [eval_variables(f, self.saved_state.variables) for f in touched]
- # root_dir is automatically determined by the deepest root accessed with the
- # form '../../foo/bar'.
- root_dir = determine_root_dir(relative_base_dir, infiles + touched)
- # The relative directory is automatically determined by the relative path
- # between root_dir and the directory containing the .isolate file,
- # isolate_base_dir.
- relative_cwd = os.path.relpath(relative_base_dir, root_dir)
- # Normalize the files based to root_dir. It is important to keep the
- # trailing os.path.sep at that step.
- infiles = [
- relpath(normpath(os.path.join(relative_base_dir, f)), root_dir)
- for f in infiles
- ]
- touched = [
- relpath(normpath(os.path.join(relative_base_dir, f)), root_dir)
- for f in touched
- ]
- # Expand the directories by listing each file inside. Up to now, trailing
- # os.path.sep must be kept. Do not expand 'touched'.
- infiles = expand_directories_and_symlinks(
- root_dir,
- infiles,
- lambda x: re.match(r'.*\.(git|svn|pyc)$', x))
- # Finally, update the new stuff in the foo.result file, the file that is
- # used by
- self.result.update(command, infiles, touched, read_only, relative_cwd)
- logging.debug(self)
- def process_inputs(self, level):
- """Updates self.result.files with the files' mode and hash.
- See process_input() for more information.
- """
- for infile in sorted(self.result.files):
- filepath = os.path.join(self.root_dir, infile)
- self.result.files[infile] = process_input(
- filepath, self.result.files[infile], level, self.result.read_only)
- def save_files(self):
- """Saves both self.result and self.saved_state."""
- logging.debug('Dumping to %s' % self.result_file)
- trace_inputs.write_json(self.result_file, self.result.flatten(), True)
- total_bytes = sum(i.get('size', 0) for i in self.result.files.itervalues())
- if total_bytes:
- logging.debug('Total size: %d bytes' % total_bytes)
- saved_state_file = result_to_state(self.result_file)
- logging.debug('Dumping to %s' % saved_state_file)
- trace_inputs.write_json(saved_state_file, self.saved_state.flatten(), True)
- @property
- def root_dir(self):
- """isolate_file is always inside relative_cwd relative to root_dir."""
- isolate_dir = os.path.dirname(self.saved_state.isolate_file)
- # Special case '.'.
- if self.result.relative_cwd == '.':
- return isolate_dir
- assert isolate_dir.endswith(self.result.relative_cwd), (
- isolate_dir, self.result.relative_cwd)
- return isolate_dir[:-(len(self.result.relative_cwd) + 1)]
- @property
- def resultdir(self):
- """Directory containing the results, usually equivalent to the variable
- """
- return os.path.dirname(self.result_file)
- def __str__(self):
- def indent(data, indent_length):
- """Indents text."""
- spacing = ' ' * indent_length
- return ''.join(spacing + l for l in str(data).splitlines(True))
- out = '%s(\n' % self.__class__.__name__
- out += ' root_dir: %s\n' % self.root_dir
- out += ' result: %s\n' % indent(self.result, 2)
- out += ' saved_state: %s)' % indent(self.saved_state, 2)
- return out
-def load_complete_state(options, level):
- """Loads a CompleteState.
- This includes data from .isolate, .result and .state files.
- Arguments:
- options: Options instance generated with OptionParserIsolate.
- level: Amount of data to fetch.
- """
- if options.result:
- # Load the previous state if it was present. Namely, "foo.result" and
- # "foo.state".
- complete_state = CompleteState.load_files(options.result)
- else:
- # Constructs a dummy object that cannot be saved. Useful for temporary
- # commands like 'run'.
- complete_state = CompleteState(None, Result(), SavedState())
- options.isolate = options.isolate or complete_state.saved_state.isolate_file
- if not options.isolate:
- raise ExecutionError('A .isolate file is required.')
- if (complete_state.saved_state.isolate_file and
- options.isolate != complete_state.saved_state.isolate_file):
- raise ExecutionError(
- '%s and %s do not match.' % (
- options.isolate, complete_state.saved_state.isolate_file))
- # Then load the .isolate and expands directories.
- complete_state.load_isolate(options.isolate, options.variables)
- # Regenerate complete_state.result.files.
- complete_state.process_inputs(level)
- return complete_state
-def read_trace_as_isolate_dict(complete_state):
- """Reads a trace and returns the .isolate dictionary."""
- api = trace_inputs.get_api()
- logfile = complete_state.result_file + '.log'
- if not os.path.isfile(logfile):
- raise ExecutionError(
- 'No log file \'%s\' to read, did you forget to \'trace\'?' % logfile)
- try:
- results = trace_inputs.load_trace(
- logfile, complete_state.root_dir, api, default_blacklist)
- tracked, touched = split_touched(results.existent)
- value = generate_isolate(
- tracked,
- [],
- touched,
- complete_state.root_dir,
- complete_state.saved_state.variables,
- complete_state.result.relative_cwd)
- return value
- except trace_inputs.TracingFailure, e:
- raise ExecutionError(
- 'Reading traces failed for: %s\n%s' %
- (' '.join(complete_state.result.command), str(e)))
-def print_all(comment, data, stream):
- """Prints a complete .isolate file and its top-level file comment into a
- stream.
- """
- if comment:
- stream.write(comment)
- pretty_print(data, stream)
-def merge(complete_state):
- """Reads a trace and merges it back into the source .isolate file."""
- value = read_trace_as_isolate_dict(complete_state)
- # Now take that data and union it into the original .isolate file.
- with open(complete_state.saved_state.isolate_file, 'r') as f:
- prev_content =
- prev_config = load_isolate_as_config(
- eval_content(prev_content),
- extract_comment(prev_content),
- new_config = load_isolate_as_config(value, '', DEFAULT_OSES)
- config = union(prev_config, new_config)
- # pylint: disable=E1103
- data = convert_map_to_isolate_dict(
- *reduce_inputs(*invert_map(config.flatten())))
- print 'Updating %s' % complete_state.saved_state.isolate_file
- with open(complete_state.saved_state.isolate_file, 'wb') as f:
- print_all(config.file_comment, data, f)
-def CMDcheck(args):
- """Checks that all the inputs are present and update .result."""
- parser = OptionParserIsolate(command='check')
- options, _ = parser.parse_args(args)
- complete_state = load_complete_state(options, NO_INFO)
- # Nothing is done specifically. Just store the result and state.
- complete_state.save_files()
- return 0
-def CMDhashtable(args):
- """Creates a hash table content addressed object store.
- All the files listed in the .result file are put in the output directory with
- the file name being the sha-1 of the file's content.
- """
- parser = OptionParserIsolate(command='hashtable')
- options, _ = parser.parse_args(args)
- with run_test_from_archive.Profiler('GenerateHashtable'):
- success = False
- try:
- complete_state = load_complete_state(options, WITH_HASH)
- options.outdir = (
- options.outdir or os.path.join(complete_state.resultdir, 'hashtable'))
- # Make sure that complete_state isn't modified until save_files() is
- # called, because any changes made to it here will propagate to the files
- # created (which is probably not intended).
- complete_state.save_files()
-'Creating content addressed object store with %d item',
- len(complete_state.result.files))
- with open(complete_state.result_file, 'rb') as f:
- manifest_hash = hashlib.sha1(
- manifest_metadata = {'sha-1': manifest_hash}
- infiles = complete_state.result.files
- infiles[complete_state.result_file] = manifest_metadata
- if re.match(r'^https?://.+$', options.outdir):
- upload_sha1_tree(
- base_url=options.outdir,
- indir=complete_state.root_dir,
- infiles=infiles)
- else:
- recreate_tree(
- outdir=options.outdir,
- indir=complete_state.root_dir,
- infiles=infiles,
- action=run_test_from_archive.HARDLINK,
- as_sha1=True)
- success = True
- finally:
- # If the command failed, delete the .results file if it exists. This is
- # important so no stale swarm job is executed.
- if not success and os.path.isfile(options.result):
- os.remove(options.result)
-def CMDnoop(args):
- """Touches --result but does nothing else.
- This mode is to help transition since some builders do not have all the test
- data files checked out. Touch result_file and exit silently.
- """
- parser = OptionParserIsolate(command='noop')
- options, _ = parser.parse_args(args)
- # In particular, do not call load_complete_state().
- open(options.result, 'a').close()
- return 0
-def CMDmerge(args):
- """Reads and merges the data from the trace back into the original .isolate.
- Ignores --outdir.
- """
- parser = OptionParserIsolate(command='merge', require_result=False)
- options, _ = parser.parse_args(args)
- complete_state = load_complete_state(options, NO_INFO)
- merge(complete_state)
- return 0
-def CMDread(args):
- """Reads the trace file generated with command 'trace'.
- Ignores --outdir.
- """
- parser = OptionParserIsolate(command='read', require_result=False)
- options, _ = parser.parse_args(args)
- complete_state = load_complete_state(options, NO_INFO)
- value = read_trace_as_isolate_dict(complete_state)
- pretty_print(value, sys.stdout)
- return 0
-def CMDremap(args):
- """Creates a directory with all the dependencies mapped into it.
- Useful to test manually why a test is failing. The target executable is not
- run.
- """
- parser = OptionParserIsolate(command='remap', require_result=False)
- options, _ = parser.parse_args(args)
- complete_state = load_complete_state(options, STATS_ONLY)
- if not options.outdir:
- options.outdir = run_test_from_archive.make_temp_dir(
- 'isolate', complete_state.root_dir)
- else:
- if not os.path.isdir(options.outdir):
- os.makedirs(options.outdir)
- print 'Remapping into %s' % options.outdir
- if len(os.listdir(options.outdir)):
- raise ExecutionError('Can\'t remap in a non-empty directory')
- recreate_tree(
- outdir=options.outdir,
- indir=complete_state.root_dir,
- infiles=complete_state.result.files,
- action=run_test_from_archive.HARDLINK,
- as_sha1=False)
- if complete_state.result.read_only:
- run_test_from_archive.make_writable(options.outdir, True)
- if complete_state.result_file:
- complete_state.save_files()
- return 0
-def CMDrun(args):
- """Runs the test executable in an isolated (temporary) directory.
- All the dependencies are mapped into the temporary directory and the
- directory is cleaned up after the target exits. Warning: if -outdir is
- specified, it is deleted upon exit.
- Argument processing stops at the first non-recognized argument and these
- arguments are appended to the command line of the target to run. For example,
- use: -r foo.results -- --gtest_filter=Foo.Bar
- """
- parser = OptionParserIsolate(command='run', require_result=False)
- parser.enable_interspersed_args()
- options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
- complete_state = load_complete_state(options, STATS_ONLY)
- cmd = complete_state.result.command + args
- if not cmd:
- raise ExecutionError('No command to run')
- cmd = trace_inputs.fix_python_path(cmd)
- try:
- if not options.outdir:
- options.outdir = run_test_from_archive.make_temp_dir(
- 'isolate', complete_state.root_dir)
- else:
- if not os.path.isdir(options.outdir):
- os.makedirs(options.outdir)
- recreate_tree(
- outdir=options.outdir,
- indir=complete_state.root_dir,
- infiles=complete_state.result.files,
- action=run_test_from_archive.HARDLINK,
- as_sha1=False)
- cwd = os.path.normpath(
- os.path.join(options.outdir, complete_state.result.relative_cwd))
- if not os.path.isdir(cwd):
- # It can happen when no files are mapped from the directory containing the
- # .isolate file. But the directory must exist to be the current working
- # directory.
- os.makedirs(cwd)
- if complete_state.result.read_only:
- run_test_from_archive.make_writable(options.outdir, True)
-'Running %s, cwd=%s' % (cmd, cwd))
- result =, cwd=cwd)
- finally:
- if options.outdir:
- run_test_from_archive.rmtree(options.outdir)
- if complete_state.result_file:
- complete_state.save_files()
- return result
-def CMDtrace(args):
- """Traces the target using
- It runs the executable without remapping it, and traces all the files it and
- its child processes access. Then the 'read' command can be used to generate an
- updated .isolate file out of it.
- Argument processing stops at the first non-recognized argument and these
- arguments are appended to the command line of the target to run. For example,
- use: -r foo.results -- --gtest_filter=Foo.Bar
- """
- parser = OptionParserIsolate(command='trace')
- parser.enable_interspersed_args()
- parser.add_option(
- '-m', '--merge', action='store_true',
- help='After tracing, merge the results back in the .isolate file')
- options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
- complete_state = load_complete_state(options, STATS_ONLY)
- cmd = complete_state.result.command + args
- if not cmd:
- raise ExecutionError('No command to run')
- cmd = trace_inputs.fix_python_path(cmd)
- cwd = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(
- complete_state.root_dir, complete_state.result.relative_cwd))
-'Running %s, cwd=%s' % (cmd, cwd))
- api = trace_inputs.get_api()
- logfile = complete_state.result_file + '.log'
- api.clean_trace(logfile)
- try:
- with api.get_tracer(logfile) as tracer:
- result, _ = tracer.trace(
- cmd,
- cwd,
- 'default',
- True)
- except trace_inputs.TracingFailure, e:
- raise ExecutionError('Tracing failed for: %s\n%s' % (' '.join(cmd), str(e)))
- complete_state.save_files()
- if options.merge:
- merge(complete_state)
- return result
-class OptionParserIsolate(trace_inputs.OptionParserWithNiceDescription):
- """Adds automatic --isolate, --result, --out and --variables handling."""
- def __init__(self, require_result=True, **kwargs):
- trace_inputs.OptionParserWithNiceDescription.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- default_variables = [('OS', get_flavor())]
- if sys.platform in ('win32', 'cygwin'):
- default_variables.append(('EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX', '.exe'))
- else:
- default_variables.append(('EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX', ''))
- group = optparse.OptionGroup(self, "Common options")
- group.add_option(
- '-r', '--result',
- metavar='FILE',
- help='.result file to store the json manifest')
- group.add_option(
- '-i', '--isolate',
- metavar='FILE',
- help='.isolate file to load the dependency data from')
- group.add_option(
- '-V', '--variable',
- nargs=2,
- action='append',
- default=default_variables,
- dest='variables',
- metavar='FOO BAR',
- help='Variables to process in the .isolate file, default: %default. '
- 'Variables are persistent accross calls, they are saved inside '
- '<results>.state')
- group.add_option(
- '-o', '--outdir', metavar='DIR',
- help='Directory used to recreate the tree or store the hash table. '
- 'If the environment variable ISOLATE_HASH_TABLE_DIR exists, it '
- 'will be used. Otherwise, for run and remap, uses a /tmp '
- 'subdirectory. For the other modes, defaults to the directory '
- 'containing --result')
- self.add_option_group(group)
- self.require_result = require_result
- def parse_args(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Makes sure the paths make sense.
- On Windows, / and \ are often mixed together in a path.
- """
- options, args = trace_inputs.OptionParserWithNiceDescription.parse_args(
- self, *args, **kwargs)
- if not self.allow_interspersed_args and args:
- self.error('Unsupported argument: %s' % args)
- options.variables = dict(options.variables)
- if self.require_result and not options.result:
- self.error('--result is required.')
- if options.result and not options.result.endswith('.results'):
- self.error('--result value must end with \'.results\'')
- if options.result:
- options.result = os.path.abspath(options.result.replace('/', os.path.sep))
- if options.isolate:
- options.isolate = trace_inputs.get_native_path_case(
- os.path.abspath(
- options.isolate.replace('/', os.path.sep)))
- if options.outdir and not re.match(r'^https?://.+$', options.outdir):
- options.outdir = os.path.abspath(
- options.outdir.replace('/', os.path.sep))
- return options, args
-### Glue code to make all the commands works magically.
-CMDhelp = trace_inputs.CMDhelp
-def main(argv):
- try:
- return trace_inputs.main_impl(argv)
- except (
- ExecutionError,
- run_test_from_archive.MappingError,
- run_test_from_archive.ConfigError) as e:
- sys.stderr.write('\nError: ')
- sys.stderr.write(str(e))
- sys.stderr.write('\n')
- return 1
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
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