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Unified Diff: tools/isolate/

Issue 11045023: Move src/tools/isolate to src/tools/swarm_client as a DEPS. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Use r159961 Created 8 years, 2 months ago
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Index: tools/isolate/
diff --git a/tools/isolate/ b/tools/isolate/
deleted file mode 100755
index 98fcdbc905c41df018da2bec6ec18920a4486b55..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tools/isolate/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Runs a test, grab the failures and trace them."""
-import json
-import os
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import run_test_cases
-XVFB_PATH = os.path.join('..', '..', 'testing', '')
-if sys.platform == 'win32':
- import msvcrt # pylint: disable=F0401
- def get_keyboard():
- """Returns a letter from the keyboard if any.
- This function returns immediately.
- """
- if msvcrt.kbhit():
- return ord(msvcrt.getch())
- import select
- def get_keyboard():
- """Returns a letter from the keyboard if any, as soon as he pressed enter.
- This function returns (almost) immediately.
- The library doesn't give a way to just get the initial letter.
- """
- if[sys.stdin], [], [], 0.00001)[0]:
- return
-def trace_and_merge(result, test):
- """Traces a single test case and merges the result back into .isolate."""
- env = os.environ.copy()
- env['RUN_TEST_CASES_RUN_ALL'] = '1'
- print 'Starting trace of %s' % test
- [
- sys.executable, '', 'trace', '-r', result,
- '--', '--gtest_filter=' + test,
- ],
- env=env)
- print 'Starting merge of %s' % test
- return not
- [sys.executable, '', 'merge', '-r', result])
-def run_all(result, shard_index, shard_count):
- """Runs all the tests. Returns the tests that failed or None on failure.
- Assumes is implicitly called.
- """
- handle, result_file = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='run_test_cases')
- os.close(handle)
- env = os.environ.copy()
- env['RUN_TEST_CASES_RESULT_FILE'] = result_file
- env['RUN_TEST_CASES_RUN_ALL'] = '1'
- env['GTEST_SHARD_INDEX'] = str(shard_index)
- env['GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS'] = str(shard_count)
- cmd = [sys.executable, '', 'run', '-r', result]
-, env=env)
- if not os.path.isfile(result_file):
- print >> sys.stderr, 'Failed to find %s' % result_file
- return None
- with open(result_file) as f:
- try:
- data = json.load(f)
- except ValueError as e:
- print >> sys.stderr, ('Unable to load json file, %s: %s' %
- (result_file, str(e)))
- return None
- os.remove(result_file)
- return [
- test for test, runs in data.iteritems()
- if not any(not run['returncode'] for run in runs)
- ]
-def run(result, test):
- """Runs a single test case in an isolated environment.
- Returns True if the test passed.
- """
- return not[
- sys.executable, '', 'run', '-r', result,
- '--', '--gtest_filter=' + test,
- ])
-def run_normally(executable, test):
- return not[
- sys.executable, XVFB_PATH, os.path.dirname(executable), executable,
- '--gtest_filter=' + test])
-def diff_and_commit(test):
- """Prints the diff and commit."""
-['git', 'diff'])
-['git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', test])
-def trace_and_verify(result, test):
- """Traces a test case, updates .isolate and makes sure it passes afterward.
- Return None if the test was already passing, True on success.
- """
- trace_and_merge(result, test)
- diff_and_commit(test)
- print 'Verifying trace...'
- return run(result, test)
-def fix_all(result, shard_index, shard_count, executable):
- """Runs all the test cases in a gtest executable and trace the failing tests.
- Returns True on success.
- Makes sure the test passes afterward.
- """
- # These could have adverse side-effects.
- # TODO(maruel): Be more intelligent about it, for now be safe.
- for i in run_test_cases.KNOWN_GTEST_ENV_VARS + run_test_cases_env:
- if i in os.environ:
- print >> 'Please unset %s' % i
- return False
- test_cases = run_all(result, shard_index, shard_count)
- if test_cases is None:
- return False
- print '\nFound %d broken test cases.' % len(test_cases)
- if not test_cases:
- return True
- failed_alone = []
- failures = []
- fixed_tests = []
- try:
- for index, test_case in enumerate(test_cases):
- if get_keyboard():
- # Return early.
- return True
- try:
- # Check if the test passes normally, because otherwise there is no
- # reason to trace its failure.
- if not run_normally(executable, test_case):
- print '%s is broken when run alone, please fix the test.' % test_case
- failed_alone.append(test_case)
- continue
- if not trace_and_verify(result, test_case):
- failures.append(test_case)
- print 'Failed to fix %s' % test_case
- else:
- fixed_tests.append(test_case)
- except: # pylint: disable=W0702
- failures.append(test_case)
- print 'Failed to fix %s' % test_case
- print '%d/%d' % (index+1, len(test_cases))
- finally:
- print 'Test cases fixed (%d):' % len(fixed_tests)
- for fixed_test in fixed_tests:
- print ' %s' % fixed_test
- print ''
- print 'Test cases still failing (%d):' % len(failures)
- for failure in failures:
- print ' %s' % failure
- if failed_alone:
- print ('Test cases that failed normally when run alone (%d):' %
- len(failed_alone))
- for failed in failed_alone:
- print failed
- return not failures
-def main():
- parser = run_test_cases.OptionParserWithTestSharding(
- usage='%prog <option> [test]')
- parser.add_option('-d', '--dir', default='../../out/Release',
- help='The directory containing the the test executable and '
- 'result file. Defaults to %default')
- options, args = parser.parse_args()
- if len(args) != 1:
- parser.error('Use with the name of the test only, e.g. unit_tests')
- basename = args[0]
- executable = os.path.join(options.dir, basename)
- result = '%s.results' % executable
- if sys.platform in('win32', 'cygwin'):
- executable += '.exe'
- if not os.path.isfile(executable):
- print >> sys.stderr, (
- '%s doesn\'t exist, please build %s_run' % (executable, basename))
- return 1
- if not os.path.isfile(result):
- print >> sys.stderr, (
- '%s doesn\'t exist, please build %s_run' % (result, basename))
- return 1
- return not fix_all(result, options.index, options.shards, executable)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(main())
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