Index: src/messages.js |
diff --git a/src/messages.js b/src/messages.js |
index fcd7285ecfb769dd2590b7f468d4b0e0663c92f4..a1342f0279c2e4597e26d31b56b9491fdf6e7cb9 100644 |
--- a/src/messages.js |
+++ b/src/messages.js |
@@ -53,20 +53,22 @@ var kAddMessageAccessorsMarker = { }; |
var kMessages = 0; |
var kReplacementMarkers = |
- [ "%0", "%1", "%2", "%3", "%4", "%5", "%6", "%7", "%8", "%9", "%10" ]; |
+ [ "%0", "%1", "%2", "%3" ] |
function FormatString(format, args) { |
- var result = format; |
- for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { |
- var str; |
- try { |
- str = ToDetailString(args[i]); |
- } catch (e) { |
- str = "#<error>"; |
+ var result = ""; |
+ var arg_num = 0; |
+ for (var i = 0; i < format.length; i++) { |
+ var str = format[i]; |
+ for (arg_num = 0; arg_num < kReplacementMarkers.length; arg_num++) { |
+ if (format[i] !== kReplacementMarkers[arg_num]) continue; |
+ try { |
+ str = ToDetailString(args[arg_num]); |
+ } catch (e) { |
+ str = "#<error>"; |
+ } |
} |
- var replacement_marker = kReplacementMarkers[i]; |
- var split = %_CallFunction(result, replacement_marker, StringSplit); |
- result = %_CallFunction(split, str, ArrayJoin); |
+ result += str; |
} |
return result; |
} |
@@ -143,86 +145,86 @@ function FormatMessage(message) { |
if (kMessages === 0) { |
kMessages = { |
// Error |
- cyclic_proto: "Cyclic __proto__ value", |
+ cyclic_proto: ["Cyclic __proto__ value"], |
// TypeError |
- unexpected_token: "Unexpected token %0", |
- unexpected_token_number: "Unexpected number", |
- unexpected_token_string: "Unexpected string", |
- unexpected_token_identifier: "Unexpected identifier", |
- unexpected_eos: "Unexpected end of input", |
- malformed_regexp: "Invalid regular expression: /%0/: %1", |
- unterminated_regexp: "Invalid regular expression: missing /", |
- regexp_flags: "Cannot supply flags when constructing one RegExp from another", |
- incompatible_method_receiver: "Method %0 called on incompatible receiver %1", |
- invalid_lhs_in_assignment: "Invalid left-hand side in assignment", |
- invalid_lhs_in_for_in: "Invalid left-hand side in for-in", |
- invalid_lhs_in_postfix_op: "Invalid left-hand side expression in postfix operation", |
- invalid_lhs_in_prefix_op: "Invalid left-hand side expression in prefix operation", |
- multiple_defaults_in_switch: "More than one default clause in switch statement", |
- newline_after_throw: "Illegal newline after throw", |
- redeclaration: "%0 '%1' has already been declared", |
- no_catch_or_finally: "Missing catch or finally after try", |
- unknown_label: "Undefined label '%0'", |
- uncaught_exception: "Uncaught %0", |
- stack_trace: "Stack Trace:\n%0", |
- called_non_callable: "%0 is not a function", |
- undefined_method: "Object %1 has no method '%0'", |
- property_not_function: "Property '%0' of object %1 is not a function", |
- cannot_convert_to_primitive: "Cannot convert object to primitive value", |
- not_constructor: "%0 is not a constructor", |
- not_defined: "%0 is not defined", |
- non_object_property_load: "Cannot read property '%0' of %1", |
- non_object_property_store: "Cannot set property '%0' of %1", |
- non_object_property_call: "Cannot call method '%0' of %1", |
- with_expression: "%0 has no properties", |
- illegal_invocation: "Illegal invocation", |
- no_setter_in_callback: "Cannot set property %0 of %1 which has only a getter", |
- apply_non_function: "Function.prototype.apply was called on %0, which is a %1 and not a function", |
- apply_wrong_args: "Function.prototype.apply: Arguments list has wrong type", |
- invalid_in_operator_use: "Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '%0' in %1", |
- instanceof_function_expected: "Expecting a function in instanceof check, but got %0", |
- instanceof_nonobject_proto: "Function has non-object prototype '%0' in instanceof check", |
- null_to_object: "Cannot convert null to object", |
- reduce_no_initial: "Reduce of empty array with no initial value", |
- getter_must_be_callable: "Getter must be a function: %0", |
- setter_must_be_callable: "Setter must be a function: %0", |
- value_and_accessor: "Invalid property. A property cannot both have accessors and be writable or have a value: %0", |
- proto_object_or_null: "Object prototype may only be an Object or null", |
- property_desc_object: "Property description must be an object: %0", |
- redefine_disallowed: "Cannot redefine property: %0", |
- define_disallowed: "Cannot define property, object is not extensible: %0", |
+ unexpected_token: ["Unexpected token ", "%0"], |
+ unexpected_token_number: ["Unexpected number"], |
+ unexpected_token_string: ["Unexpected string"], |
+ unexpected_token_identifier: ["Unexpected identifier"], |
+ unexpected_eos: ["Unexpected end of input"], |
+ malformed_regexp: ["Invalid regular expression: /", "%0", "/: ", "%1"], |
+ unterminated_regexp: ["Invalid regular expression: missing /"], |
+ regexp_flags: ["Cannot supply flags when constructing one RegExp from another"], |
+ incompatible_method_receiver: ["Method ", "%0", " called on incompatible receiver ", "%1"], |
+ invalid_lhs_in_assignment: ["Invalid left-hand side in assignment"], |
+ invalid_lhs_in_for_in: ["Invalid left-hand side in for-in"], |
+ invalid_lhs_in_postfix_op: ["Invalid left-hand side expression in postfix operation"], |
+ invalid_lhs_in_prefix_op: ["Invalid left-hand side expression in prefix operation"], |
+ multiple_defaults_in_switch: ["More than one default clause in switch statement"], |
+ newline_after_throw: ["Illegal newline after throw"], |
+ redeclaration: ["%0", " '", "%1", "' has already been declared"], |
+ no_catch_or_finally: ["Missing catch or finally after try"], |
+ unknown_label: ["Undefined label '", "%0", "'"], |
+ uncaught_exception: ["Uncaught ", "%0"], |
+ stack_trace: ["Stack Trace:\n", "%0"], |
+ called_non_callable: ["%0", " is not a function"], |
+ undefined_method: ["Object ", "%1", " has no method '", "%0", "'"], |
+ property_not_function: ["Property '", "%0", "' of object ", "%1", " is not a function"], |
+ cannot_convert_to_primitive: ["Cannot convert object to primitive value"], |
+ not_constructor: ["%0", " is not a constructor"], |
+ not_defined: ["%0", " is not defined"], |
+ non_object_property_load: ["Cannot read property '", "%0", "' of ", "%1"], |
+ non_object_property_store: ["Cannot set property '", "%0", "' of ", "%1"], |
+ non_object_property_call: ["Cannot call method '", "%0", "' of ", "%1"], |
+ with_expression: ["%0", " has no properties"], |
+ illegal_invocation: ["Illegal invocation"], |
+ no_setter_in_callback: ["Cannot set property ", "%0", " of ", "%1", " which has only a getter"], |
+ apply_non_function: ["Function.prototype.apply was called on ", "%0", ", which is a ", "%1", " and not a function"], |
+ apply_wrong_args: ["Function.prototype.apply: Arguments list has wrong type"], |
+ invalid_in_operator_use: ["Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '", "%0", "' in ", "%1"], |
+ instanceof_function_expected: ["Expecting a function in instanceof check, but got ", "%0"], |
+ instanceof_nonobject_proto: ["Function has non-object prototype '", "%0", "' in instanceof check"], |
+ null_to_object: ["Cannot convert null to object"], |
+ reduce_no_initial: ["Reduce of empty array with no initial value"], |
+ getter_must_be_callable: ["Getter must be a function: ", "%0"], |
+ setter_must_be_callable: ["Setter must be a function: ", "%0"], |
+ value_and_accessor: ["Invalid property. A property cannot both have accessors and be writable or have a value: ", "%0"], |
+ proto_object_or_null: ["Object prototype may only be an Object or null"], |
+ property_desc_object: ["Property description must be an object: ", "%0"], |
+ redefine_disallowed: ["Cannot redefine property: ", "%0"], |
+ define_disallowed: ["Cannot define property, object is not extensible: ", "%0"], |
// RangeError |
- invalid_array_length: "Invalid array length", |
- stack_overflow: "Maximum call stack size exceeded", |
+ invalid_array_length: ["Invalid array length"], |
+ stack_overflow: ["Maximum call stack size exceeded"], |
// SyntaxError |
- unable_to_parse: "Parse error", |
- duplicate_regexp_flag: "Duplicate RegExp flag %0", |
- invalid_regexp: "Invalid RegExp pattern /%0/", |
- illegal_break: "Illegal break statement", |
- illegal_continue: "Illegal continue statement", |
- illegal_return: "Illegal return statement", |
- error_loading_debugger: "Error loading debugger", |
- no_input_to_regexp: "No input to %0", |
- invalid_json: "String '%0' is not valid JSON", |
- circular_structure: "Converting circular structure to JSON", |
- obj_ctor_property_non_object: "Object.%0 called on non-object", |
- array_indexof_not_defined: "Array.getIndexOf: Argument undefined", |
- object_not_extensible: "Can't add property %0, object is not extensible", |
- illegal_access: "Illegal access", |
- invalid_preparser_data: "Invalid preparser data for function %0", |
- strict_mode_with: "Strict mode code may not include a with statement", |
- strict_catch_variable: "Catch variable may not be eval or arguments in strict mode", |
- strict_param_name: "Parameter name eval or arguments is not allowed in strict mode", |
- strict_param_dupe: "Strict mode function may not have duplicate parameter names", |
- strict_var_name: "Variable name may not be eval or arguments in strict mode", |
- strict_function_name: "Function name may not be eval or arguments in strict mode", |
- strict_octal_literal: "Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode.", |
- strict_duplicate_property: "Duplicate data property in object literal not allowed in strict mode", |
- accessor_data_property: "Object literal may not have data and accessor property with the same name", |
- accessor_get_set: "Object literal may not have multiple get/set accessors with the same name", |
- strict_lhs_eval_assignment: "Assignment to eval or arguments is not allowed in strict mode", |
- strict_lhs_postfix: "Postfix increment/decrement may not have eval or arguments operand in strict mode", |
- strict_lhs_prefix: "Prefix increment/decrement may not have eval or arguments operand in strict mode", |
+ unable_to_parse: ["Parse error"], |
+ duplicate_regexp_flag: ["Duplicate RegExp flag ", "%0"], |
+ invalid_regexp: ["Invalid RegExp pattern /", "%0", "/"], |
+ illegal_break: ["Illegal break statement"], |
+ illegal_continue: ["Illegal continue statement"], |
+ illegal_return: ["Illegal return statement"], |
+ error_loading_debugger: ["Error loading debugger"], |
+ no_input_to_regexp: ["No input to ", "%0"], |
+ invalid_json: ["String '", "%0", "' is not valid JSON"], |
+ circular_structure: ["Converting circular structure to JSON"], |
+ obj_ctor_property_non_object: ["Object.", "%0", " called on non-object"], |
+ array_indexof_not_defined: ["Array.getIndexOf: Argument undefined"], |
+ object_not_extensible: ["Can't add property ", "%0", ", object is not extensible"], |
+ illegal_access: ["Illegal access"], |
+ invalid_preparser_data: ["Invalid preparser data for function ", "%0"], |
+ strict_mode_with: ["Strict mode code may not include a with statement"], |
+ strict_catch_variable: ["Catch variable may not be eval or arguments in strict mode"], |
+ strict_param_name: ["Parameter name eval or arguments is not allowed in strict mode"], |
+ strict_param_dupe: ["Strict mode function may not have duplicate parameter names"], |
+ strict_var_name: ["Variable name may not be eval or arguments in strict mode"], |
+ strict_function_name: ["Function name may not be eval or arguments in strict mode"], |
+ strict_octal_literal: ["Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode."], |
+ strict_duplicate_property: ["Duplicate data property in object literal not allowed in strict mode"], |
+ accessor_data_property: ["Object literal may not have data and accessor property with the same name"], |
+ accessor_get_set: ["Object literal may not have multiple get/set accessors with the same name"], |
+ strict_lhs_eval_assignment: ["Assignment to eval or arguments is not allowed in strict mode"], |
+ strict_lhs_postfix: ["Postfix increment/decrement may not have eval or arguments operand in strict mode"], |
+ strict_lhs_prefix: ["Prefix increment/decrement may not have eval or arguments operand in strict mode"], |
}; |
} |
var format = kMessages[message.type]; |
@@ -1038,14 +1040,16 @@ function errorToStringDetectCycle() { |
if (!%PushIfAbsent(visited_errors, this)) throw cyclic_error_marker; |
try { |
var type = this.type; |
- if (type && !this.hasOwnProperty("message")) { |
+ if (type && !%_CallFunction(this, "message", ObjectHasOwnProperty)) { |
var formatted = FormatMessage({ type: type, args: this.arguments }); |
return + ": " + formatted; |
} |
- var message = this.hasOwnProperty("message") ? (": " + this.message) : ""; |
+ var message = %_CallFunction(this, "message", ObjectHasOwnProperty) |
+ ? (": " + this.message) |
+ : ""; |
return + message; |
} finally { |
- visited_errors.pop(); |
+ visited_errors.length = visited_errors.length - 1; |
} |
} |