DescriptionMac: Let out-of-process tests run in bundled mode for their whole lifetime.
Since out-of-process tests override the EXE path to look like the bundled app, it makes sense to override AmIBundled() as well.
This is important because the renderer process started from browser_tests runs as bundled, and if browser and renderer process don't agree on bundled-ness, the "load plugin" requests for internal plugins from the renderer have the wrong plugin path, causing the plugin load to fail.
Also add a DCHECK that makes sure that AmIBundled() doesn't flip-flop.
This makes PDFBrowserTest work on mac, so enable it.
It looks like even unit_tests uses the out-of-process test runner, so this change is a bit hairy :-/
BUG=61258, 63183
TEST=all existing tests still pass, PDFBrowserTest.* passes.
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : '' #Patch Set 3 : '' #Patch Set 4 : '' #
Total comments: 1
Patch Set 5 : test #
Total messages: 6 (0 generated)