Index: chrome/renderer/media/video_renderer_impl.h |
=================================================================== |
--- chrome/renderer/media/video_renderer_impl.h (revision 10251) |
+++ chrome/renderer/media/video_renderer_impl.h (working copy) |
@@ -14,35 +14,30 @@ |
-#include <deque> |
- |
-#include "base/lock.h" |
-#include "base/task.h" |
#include "base/gfx/platform_canvas.h" |
-#include "chrome/renderer/webmediaplayer_delegate_impl.h" |
#include "base/gfx/rect.h" |
+#include "base/gfx/size.h" |
+#include "chrome/renderer/webmediaplayer_delegate_impl.h" |
+#include "media/base/buffers.h" |
#include "media/base/factory.h" |
#include "media/base/filters.h" |
+#include "media/filters/video_renderer_base.h" |
#include "webkit/glue/webmediaplayer_delegate.h" |
-class SubmitReadsTask; |
- |
-class VideoRendererImpl : public media::VideoRenderer { |
+class VideoRendererImpl : public media::VideoRendererBase { |
public: |
- // media::MediaFilter implementation. |
- virtual void Stop(); |
- |
- // media::VideoRenderer implementation. |
- virtual bool Initialize(media::VideoDecoder* decoder); |
- |
// Methods for painting called by the WebMediaPlayerDelegateImpl |
- // TODO(ralphl): What the *$*%##@ is this? What does it mean? How do we |
- // treat the "rect"? Is is clipping? |
- virtual void SetRect(const gfx::Rect& rect); |
- // TODO(ralphl): What is this rect? Is it relative to the canvas? |
- virtual void Paint(skia::PlatformCanvas* canvas, const gfx::Rect& rect); |
+ // This method is called with the same rect as the Paint method and could |
+ // be used by future implementations to implement an improved color space + |
+ // scale code on a seperate thread. Since we always do the streach on the |
+ // same thread as the Paint method, we just ignore the call for now. |
+ virtual void SetRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) {} |
+ // Paint the current front frame on the |canvas| streaching it to fit the |
+ // |dest_rect| |
+ virtual void Paint(skia::PlatformCanvas* canvas, const gfx::Rect& dest_rect); |
+ |
// Static method for creating factory for this object. |
static media::FilterFactory* CreateFactory( |
WebMediaPlayerDelegateImpl* delegate) { |
@@ -50,132 +45,44 @@ |
VideoRendererImpl, WebMediaPlayerDelegateImpl*>(delegate); |
} |
- // Implementation of AssignableBuffer<this>::OnAssignment method. |
- void OnAssignment(media::VideoFrame* video_frame); |
- |
private: |
- friend class SubmitReadsTask; |
+ // Method called by base class during initialization. |
+ virtual bool OnInitialize(size_t width, size_t height); |
+ |
+ // Method called by the VideoRendererBase when a repaint is needed. |
+ virtual void OnPaintNeeded(); |
+ |
friend class media::FilterFactoryImpl1<VideoRendererImpl, |
WebMediaPlayerDelegateImpl*>; |
// Constructor and destructor are private. Only the filter factory is |
// allowed to create instances. |
explicit VideoRendererImpl(WebMediaPlayerDelegateImpl* delegate); |
- virtual ~VideoRendererImpl(); |
+ virtual ~VideoRendererImpl() {} |
- // Answers question from the factory to see if we accept |format|. |
- static bool IsMediaFormatSupported(const media::MediaFormat* format); |
- |
- // Used by the IsMediaFormatSupported and Initialize methods. Examines the |
- // |media_format| and returns true if the format is supported. Both output |
- // parameters, |width_out| and |height_out| are required and must not be NULL. |
- static bool ParseMediaFormat(const media::MediaFormat* media_format, |
- int* width_out, |
- int* height_out); |
- |
- // Used internally to post a task that will call the SubmitReads() method. |
- // The |lock_| must be acquired before calling this method. If the value of |
- // |number_of_reads_needed_| is 0 or if there is already a pending task then |
- // this method simply returns and does not post a new task. |
- void PostSubmitReadsTask(); |
- |
- // Examines the |number_of_reads_needed_| member and calls the decoder to |
- // read the necessary number of frames. |
- void SubmitReads(); |
- |
- // For simplicity, we use the |delegate_| member to indicate if we have been |
- // stopped or not. |
- bool IsRunning() const { return (delegate_ != NULL); } |
- |
- // Throw away all frames in the queue. The |lock_| must have been acquired |
- // before calling this method. |
- void DiscardAllFrames(); |
- |
- // This method is always called with the object's |lock_| acquired.. |
- // The bool return value indicates weather or not the front of the queue has |
- // been updated. If this method returns true, then the front of the queue |
- // is a new video frame, otherwise, the front is the same as the last call. |
- // Given the current |time|, this method updates the state of the video frame |
- // queue. The caller may pass in a |new_frame| which will be added to the |
- // queue in the appropriate position based on the frame's timestamp. The |
- // |front_frame_out| and |time_next_frame_out| parameters are both optional |
- // and can be NULL. If |front_frame_out| is non-NULL, then it is returned as |
- // either NULL, which indicates that there are no frames in the queue, or |
- // it will be a pointer to the frame at the front of the queue. NOTE: THIS |
- // CALLING FUNCTION MUST CALL |front_frame_out|->Release(); |
- // If the |time_next_frame_out| parameter is non-NULL then it will be assigned |
- // the stream time of the next frame in the queue. This is used by the Paint |
- // method to schedule a time update callback at the appropriate presentation |
- // time for the next frame. |
- bool UpdateQueue(base::TimeDelta time, |
- media::VideoFrame* new_frame, |
- media::VideoFrame** front_frame_out, |
- base::TimeDelta* time_next_frame_out); |
- |
// Internal method used by the Paint method to convert the specified video |
// frame to RGB, placing the converted pixels in the |current_frame_| bitmap. |
void CopyToCurrentFrame(media::VideoFrame* video_frame); |
- // Called when the clock is updated by the audio renderer of when a scheduled |
- // callback is called based on the interpolated current position of the media |
- // stream. |
- void TimeUpdateCallback(base::TimeDelta time); |
- |
- // Critical section. There is only one for this object. Used to serialize |
- // access to the following members: |
- // |queue_| for obvious reasons |
- // |delegate_| because it is used by methods that can be called from random |
- // threads to determine if the render has been stopped (it will |
- // be NULL if stopped) |
- // |submit_reads_task_| to prevent multiple scheduling of the task and to |
- // allow for safe cancelation of the task. |
- // |current_frame_timestamp_| because member is used by the render |
- // thread in the Paint method and by DiscardAllFrames which can be |
- // called on the decoder's thread when a seek occurs. |
- // |number_of_reads_needed_| is modified by UpdateQueue from the decoder |
- // thread, the renderer thread, and the pipeline thread. |
- // |preroll_complete_| has a very small potential race condition if the |
- // OnAssignment method were reentered for the last frame in the queue |
- // and an end-of-stream frame. |
- Lock lock_; |
- |
// Pointer to our parent object that is called to request repaints. |
WebMediaPlayerDelegateImpl* delegate_; |
- // Pointer to the decoder that will feed us with video frames. |
- scoped_refptr<media::VideoDecoder> decoder_; |
+ // An RGB bitmap used to convert the video frames. |
+ SkBitmap bitmap_; |
- // If non-NULL then a task has been scheduled to submit read requests to the |
- // video decoder. |
- CancelableTask* submit_reads_task_; |
+ // These two members are used to determine if the |bitmap_| contains |
+ // an already converted image of the current frame. IMPORTANT NOTE: The |
+ // value of |last_converted_frame_| must only be used for comparison purposes, |
+ // and it should be assumed that the value of the pointer is INVALID unless |
+ // it matches the pointer returned from GetCurrentFrame(). Even then, just |
+ // to make sure, we compare the timestamp to be sure the bits in the |
+ // |current_frame_bitmap_| are valid. |
+ media::VideoFrame* last_converted_frame_; |
+ base::TimeDelta last_converted_timestamp_; |
- // The number of buffers we need to request. This member is updated by any |
- // method that removes frames from the queue, such as UpdateQueue and |
- // DiscardAllFrames. |
- int number_of_reads_needed_; |
+ // The size of the video. |
+ gfx::Size video_size_; |
- // An RGB bitmap of the current frame. Note that we use the timestamp to |
- // determine if the frame contents need to be color space converted, or if the |
- // |current_frame_| member contains the correct image for the queue front. |
- SkBitmap current_frame_; |
- base::TimeDelta current_frame_timestamp_; |
- |
- // TODO(ralphl): Try to understand all of the various "rect" and dimension |
- // aspects of the renderer and document it so that other people can understand |
- // it too. I can not accurately describe what the role of this member is now. |
- gfx::Rect rect_; |
- |
- // The queue of video frames. The front of the queue is the frame that should |
- // be displayed. |
- typedef std::deque<media::VideoFrame*> VideoFrameQueue; |
- VideoFrameQueue queue_; |
- |
- // True if we have received a full queue of video frames from the decoder. |
- // We don't call FilterHost::InitializationComplete() until the the queue |
- // is full. |
- bool preroll_complete_; |
- |
}; |