Index: chrome/renderer/media/ |
=================================================================== |
--- chrome/renderer/media/ (revision 10251) |
+++ chrome/renderer/media/ (working copy) |
@@ -3,308 +3,63 @@ |
// LICENSE file. |
#include "chrome/renderer/media/video_renderer_impl.h" |
-#include "media/base/buffers.h" |
-#include "media/base/filter_host.h" |
-#include "media/base/pipeline.h" |
-using media::MediaFormat; |
-using media::VideoFrame; |
- |
- |
-// The amount of time allowed to pre-submit a frame. If UpdateQueue is called |
-// with a time within this limit, it will skip to the next frame in the queue |
-// even though the value for time it is called with is not yet at the frame's |
-// timestamp. Time is specified in microseconds. |
-static const int64 kFrameSkipAheadLimit = 5000; |
- |
-// If there are no frames in the queue, then this value is used for the |
-// amount of time to sleep until the next time update callback. Time is |
-// specified in microseconds. |
-static const int64 kSleepIfNoFrame = 15000; |
- |
-// Number of reads to have pending. |
-// TODO(ralph): Re-examine the pull model -- perhaps I was wrong. I think |
-// that perhaps the demuxer is the point where pull becomes push. |
-static const size_t kDefaultNumberOfFrames = 4; |
- |
-// Value used for the current_frame_timestamp_ to indicate that the |
-// |current_frame_| member should be treated as invalid. |
-static const int64 kNoCurrentFrame = -1; |
- |
-//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
- |
VideoRendererImpl::VideoRendererImpl(WebMediaPlayerDelegateImpl* delegate) |
: delegate_(delegate), |
- submit_reads_task_(NULL), |
- number_of_reads_needed_(kDefaultNumberOfFrames), |
- current_frame_timestamp_( |
- base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(kNoCurrentFrame)), |
- preroll_complete_(false) { |
+ last_converted_frame_(NULL) { |
} |
-VideoRendererImpl::~VideoRendererImpl() { |
- Stop(); |
-} |
- |
-// static |
-bool VideoRendererImpl::IsMediaFormatSupported( |
- const media::MediaFormat* media_format) { |
- int width; |
- int height; |
- return ParseMediaFormat(media_format, &width, &height); |
-} |
- |
-// static |
-bool VideoRendererImpl::ParseMediaFormat(const media::MediaFormat* media_format, |
- int* width_out, |
- int* height_out) { |
- DCHECK(media_format && width_out && height_out); |
- std::string mime_type; |
- return (media_format->GetAsString(MediaFormat::kMimeType, &mime_type) && |
- == 0 && |
- media_format->GetAsInteger(MediaFormat::kWidth, width_out) && |
- media_format->GetAsInteger(MediaFormat::kHeight, height_out)); |
-} |
- |
-void VideoRendererImpl::Stop() { |
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); |
- DiscardAllFrames(); |
- if (submit_reads_task_) { |
- // The task is owned by the message loop, so we don't delete it here. We |
- // know the task won't call us because we canceled it, and we know we are |
- // on the pipeline thread, since we're in the filer's Stop method, so there |
- // is no threading problem. Just let the task be run by the message loop |
- // and then be killed |
- submit_reads_task_->Cancel(); |
- submit_reads_task_ = NULL; |
+bool VideoRendererImpl::OnInitialize(size_t width, size_t height) { |
+ video_size_.SetSize(width, height); |
+ bitmap_.setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, width, height); |
+ if (bitmap_.allocPixels(NULL, NULL)) { |
+ bitmap_.eraseRGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00); |
+ return true; |
} |
- delegate_ = NULL; // This indicates we're no longer running |
- decoder_ = NULL; // Release reference to the decoder |
+ return false; |
} |
-bool VideoRendererImpl::Initialize(media::VideoDecoder* decoder) { |
- int width; |
- int height; |
- if (!ParseMediaFormat(decoder_->GetMediaFormat(), &width, &height)) { |
- return false; |
- } |
- current_frame_.setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, width, height); |
- if (!current_frame_.allocPixels(NULL, NULL)) { |
- return false; |
- } |
- rect_.SetRect(0, 0, width, height); |
- delegate_->SetVideoRenderer(this); |
- host_->SetVideoSize(width, height); |
- host_->SetTimeUpdateCallback( |
- NewCallback(this, &VideoRendererImpl::TimeUpdateCallback)); |
- SubmitReads(); |
- return true; |
+void VideoRendererImpl::OnPaintNeeded() { |
+ delegate_->PostRepaintTask(); |
} |
-void VideoRendererImpl::SubmitReads() { |
- int number_to_read; |
- { |
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); |
- submit_reads_task_ = NULL; |
- number_to_read = number_of_reads_needed_; |
- number_of_reads_needed_ = 0; |
- } |
- while (number_to_read > 0) { |
- decoder_->Read(new media::AssignableBuffer<VideoRendererImpl, |
- media::VideoFrame>(this)); |
- --number_to_read; |
- } |
-} |
- |
-void VideoRendererImpl::SetRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) { |
- rect_ = rect; |
- // TODO(ralphl) What are all these rects??? |
-} |
- |
-// This method is always called on the renderer's thread, so it will not be |
-// reentered. However, it does maniuplate the queue and the current frame |
-// timestamp, so those manipulations need to happen with the lock held. |
+// This method is always called on the renderer's thread. |
void VideoRendererImpl::Paint(skia::PlatformCanvas *canvas, |
scherkus (not reviewing)
2009/02/24 21:00:19
pointer goes with the type
- const gfx::Rect& rect) { |
- VideoFrame* video_frame; |
- base::TimeDelta time_of_next_frame; |
- bool need_to_convert_frame = false; |
- { |
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); |
- UpdateQueue(host_->GetPipelineStatus()->GetTime(), NULL, &video_frame, |
- &time_of_next_frame); |
- if (video_frame) { |
- // if the |current_frame_| bitmap already has the RGB image of the |
- // front video_frame then there's on no need to call CopyToCurentFrame |
- // to convert the video_frame to RBG. If we do need to convert a new |
- // frame, then remember the time of the frame so we might be able to skip |
- // this step if asked to repaint multiple times. Note that the |
- // |current_frame_timestamp_| member needs to only be accessed with the |
- // |lock_| acquired, so we set the timestamp here even though the |
- // conversion won't take place until we call CopyToCurrentFrame. It's |
- // not a problem because this method is the only place where the current |
- // frame is updated, and it is always called on the renderer's thread. |
- const base::TimeDelta frame_timestamp = video_frame->GetTimestamp(); |
- need_to_convert_frame = (current_frame_timestamp_ != frame_timestamp); |
- if (need_to_convert_frame) { |
- current_frame_timestamp_ = frame_timestamp; |
- } |
- } |
+ const gfx::Rect& dest_rect) { |
+ scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> video_frame; |
+ GetCurrentFrame(&video_frame); |
+ if (video_frame.get()) { |
+ CopyToCurrentFrame(video_frame); |
+ video_frame = NULL; |
scherkus (not reviewing)
2009/02/24 21:00:19
This line isn't really needed due to scoped_refptr
} |
- |
- // We no longer hold the |lock_|. Don't access members other than |host_| and |
- // |current_frame_|. |
- if (video_frame) { |
- if (need_to_convert_frame) { |
- CopyToCurrentFrame(video_frame); |
- } |
- video_frame->Release(); |
- SkMatrix matrix; |
- matrix.setTranslate(static_cast<SkScalar>(rect.x()), |
- static_cast<SkScalar>(rect.y())); |
- // TODO(ralphl): I have no idea what's going on here. How are these |
- // rects related to eachother? What does SetRect() mean? |
- matrix.preScale(static_cast<SkScalar>(rect.width() / rect_.width()), |
- static_cast<SkScalar>(rect.height() / rect_.height())); |
- canvas->drawBitmapMatrix(current_frame_, matrix, NULL); |
+ SkMatrix matrix; |
+ matrix.setTranslate(static_cast<SkScalar>(dest_rect.x()), |
+ static_cast<SkScalar>(dest_rect.y())); |
+ if (dest_rect.width() != video_size_.width() || |
+ dest_rect.height() != video_size_.height()) { |
+ matrix.preScale( |
+ static_cast<SkScalar>(dest_rect.width() / video_size_.width()), |
+ static_cast<SkScalar>(dest_rect.height() / video_size_.height())); |
} |
- host_->ScheduleTimeUpdateCallback(time_of_next_frame); |
+ canvas->drawBitmapMatrix(bitmap_, matrix, NULL); |
} |
-void VideoRendererImpl::CopyToCurrentFrame(VideoFrame* video_frame) { |
- media::VideoSurface frame_in; |
- if (video_frame->Lock(&frame_in)) { |
- // TODO(ralphl): Actually do the color space conversion here! |
- // This is temporary code to set the bits of the current_frame_ to |
- // blue. |
- current_frame_.eraseRGB(0x00, 0x00, 0xFF); |
- video_frame->Unlock(); |
- } else { |
- } |
-} |
- |
-// Assumes |lock_| has been acquired! |
-bool VideoRendererImpl::UpdateQueue(base::TimeDelta time, |
- VideoFrame* new_frame, |
- VideoFrame** front_frame_out, |
- base::TimeDelta* time_of_next_frame) { |
- bool updated_front = false; |
- |
- // If a new frame is passed in then put it at the back of the queue. If the |
- // queue was empty, then we've updated the front too. |
- if (new_frame) { |
- updated_front = queue_.empty(); |
- new_frame->AddRef(); |
- queue_.push_back(new_frame); |
- } |
- |
- // Now make sure that the front of the queue is the correct frame to display |
- // right now. Discard any frames that are past the current time. If any |
- // frames are discarded then increment the |number_of_reads_needed_| member. |
- while (queue_.size() > 1 && |
- queue_.front()->GetTimestamp() + |
- base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(kFrameSkipAheadLimit) >= time) { |
- queue_.front()->Release(); |
- queue_.pop_front(); |
- updated_front = true; |
- ++number_of_reads_needed_; |
- } |
- |
- // If the caller wants the front frame then return it, with the reference |
- // count incremented. The caller must call Release() on the returned frame. |
- if (front_frame_out) { |
- if (queue_.empty()) { |
- *front_frame_out = NULL; |
+void VideoRendererImpl::CopyToCurrentFrame(media::VideoFrame* video_frame) { |
+ base::TimeDelta timestamp = video_frame->GetTimestamp(); |
+ if (video_frame != last_converted_frame_ || |
+ timestamp != last_converted_timestamp_) { |
+ last_converted_frame_ = video_frame; |
+ last_converted_timestamp_ = timestamp; |
+ media::VideoSurface frame_in; |
+ if (video_frame->Lock(&frame_in)) { |
+ // TODO(ralphl): Actually do the color space conversion here! |
+ // This is temporary code to set the bits of the current_frame_ to |
+ // blue. |
+ bitmap_.eraseRGB(0x00, 0x00, 0xFF); |
+ video_frame->Unlock(); |
} else { |
- *front_frame_out = queue_.front(); |
- (*front_frame_out)->AddRef(); |
} |
} |
- |
- // If the caller wants the time of the next frame, return our best guess: |
- // If no frame, then wait for a while |
- // If only one frame, then use the duration of the front frame |
- // If there is more than one frame, return the time of the next frame. |
- if (time_of_next_frame) { |
- if (queue_.empty()) { |
- *time_of_next_frame = host_->GetPipelineStatus()->GetInterpolatedTime() + |
- base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(kSleepIfNoFrame); |
- } else { |
- if (queue_.size() == 1) { |
- *time_of_next_frame = queue_.front()->GetTimestamp() + |
- queue_.front()->GetDuration(); |
- } else { |
- *time_of_next_frame = queue_[1]->GetTimestamp(); |
- } |
- } |
- } |
- |
- // If any frames have been removed we need to call the decoder again. Note |
- // that the PostSubmitReadsTask method will only post the task if there are |
- // pending reads. |
- PostSubmitReadsTask(); |
- |
- // True if the front of the queue is a new frame. |
- return updated_front; |
} |
- |
-// Assumes |lock_| has been acquired! |
-void VideoRendererImpl::DiscardAllFrames() { |
- while (!queue_.empty()) { |
- queue_.front()->Release(); |
- queue_.pop_front(); |
- ++number_of_reads_needed_; |
- } |
- current_frame_timestamp_ = base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(kNoCurrentFrame); |
-} |
- |
-// Assumes |lock_| has been acquired! |
-void VideoRendererImpl::PostSubmitReadsTask() { |
- if (number_of_reads_needed_ > 0 && !submit_reads_task_) { |
- submit_reads_task_ = NewRunnableMethod(this, |
- &VideoRendererImpl::SubmitReads); |
- host_->PostTask(submit_reads_task_); |
- } |
-} |
- |
-void VideoRendererImpl::TimeUpdateCallback(base::TimeDelta time) { |
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); |
- if (IsRunning() && UpdateQueue(time, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { |
- delegate_->PostRepaintTask(); |
- } |
-} |
- |
-void VideoRendererImpl::OnAssignment(VideoFrame* video_frame) { |
- bool call_initialized = false; |
- { |
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); |
- if (IsRunning()) { |
- // TODO(ralphl): if (!preroll_complete_ && EndOfStream) call_init = true |
- // and preroll_complete_ = true. |
- // TODO(ralphl): If(Seek()) then discard but we don't have SeekFrame(). |
- if (false) { |
- // TODO(ralphl): this is the seek() logic. |
- DiscardAllFrames(); |
- ++number_of_reads_needed_; |
- PostSubmitReadsTask(); |
- } else { |
- if (UpdateQueue(host_->GetPipelineStatus()->GetInterpolatedTime(), |
- video_frame, NULL, NULL)) { |
- delegate_->PostRepaintTask(); |
- } |
- if (!preroll_complete_ && queue_.size() == kDefaultNumberOfFrames) { |
- preroll_complete_ = true; |
- call_initialized = true; |
- } |
- } |
- } |
- } |
- // |lock_| no longer held. Call the pipeline if we've just entered a |
- // completed preroll state. |
- if (call_initialized) { |
- host_->InitializationComplete(); |
- } |
-} |
- |