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Unified Diff: third_party/cld/bar/toolbar/cld/i18n/encodings/compact_lang_det/letterscript_enum.h

Issue 122007: [chromium-reviews] Add Compact Language Detection (CLD) library to Chrome. This works in Windows... (Closed) Base URL: svn://chrome-svn/chrome/trunk/src/
Patch Set: '' Created 11 years, 6 months ago
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Index: third_party/cld/bar/toolbar/cld/i18n/encodings/compact_lang_det/letterscript_enum.h
--- third_party/cld/bar/toolbar/cld/i18n/encodings/compact_lang_det/letterscript_enum.h (revision 0)
+++ third_party/cld/bar/toolbar/cld/i18n/encodings/compact_lang_det/letterscript_enum.h (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+enum UnicodeLScript {
+ ULScript_Common,
+ ULScript_Latin,
+ ULScript_Greek,
+ ULScript_Cyrillic,
+ ULScript_Armenian,
+ ULScript_Hebrew,
+ ULScript_Arabic,
+ ULScript_Syriac,
+ ULScript_Thaana,
+ ULScript_Devanagari,
+ ULScript_Bengali,
+ ULScript_Gurmukhi,
+ ULScript_Gujarati,
+ ULScript_Oriya,
+ ULScript_Tamil,
+ ULScript_Telugu,
+ ULScript_Kannada,
+ ULScript_Malayalam,
+ ULScript_Sinhala,
+ ULScript_Thai,
+ ULScript_Lao,
+ ULScript_Tibetan,
+ ULScript_Myanmar,
+ ULScript_Georgian,
+ ULScript_HanCJK,
+ ULScript_Ethiopic,
+ ULScript_Cherokee,
+ ULScript_Canadian_Aboriginal,
+ ULScript_Ogham,
+ ULScript_Runic,
+ ULScript_Khmer,
+ ULScript_Mongolian,
+ ULScript_Yi,
+ ULScript_Old_Italic,
+ ULScript_Gothic,
+ ULScript_Deseret,
+ ULScript_Inherited,
+ ULScript_Tagalog,
+ ULScript_Hanunoo,
+ ULScript_Buhid,
+ ULScript_Tagbanwa,
+ ULScript_Limbu,
+ ULScript_Tai_Le,
+ ULScript_Linear_B,
+ ULScript_Ugaritic,
+ ULScript_Shavian,
+ ULScript_Osmanya,
+ ULScript_Cypriot,
+ ULScript_Buginese,
+ ULScript_Coptic,
+ ULScript_New_Tai_Lue,
+ ULScript_Glagolitic,
+ ULScript_Tifinagh,
+ ULScript_Syloti_Nagri,
+ ULScript_Old_Persian,
+ ULScript_Kharoshthi,
+ ULScript_Balinese,
+ ULScript_Cuneiform,
+ ULScript_Phoenician,
+ ULScript_Phags_Pa,
+ ULScript_Nko,
+ // Unicode 5.1
+ ULScript_Sundanese,
+ ULScript_Lepcha,
+ ULScript_Ol_Chiki,
+ ULScript_Vai,
+ ULScript_Saurashtra,
+ ULScript_Kayah_Li,
+ ULScript_Rejang,
+ ULScript_Lycian,
+ ULScript_Carian,
+ ULScript_Lydian,
+ ULScript_Cham,
+static const UnicodeLScript UNKNOWN_LSCRIPT = ULScript_Common;
+// Return the name corresponding to the script ls, e.g. "Latin".
+// It is a fatal error if ls is not a valid UnicodeLScript.
+const char* UnicodeLScriptName(const UnicodeLScript ls);
+// Return the 4-letter code corresponding to the script ls, e.g. "Latn".
+// It is a fatal error if ls is not a valid UnicodeLScript.
+const char* UnicodeLScriptCode(const UnicodeLScript ls);
Property changes on: third_party\cld\bar\toolbar\cld\i18n\encodings\compact_lang_det\letterscript_enum.h
Added: svn:eol-style
+ LF

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