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Unified Diff: third_party/cld/bar/toolbar/cld/i18n/encodings/compact_lang_det/

Issue 122007: [chromium-reviews] Add Compact Language Detection (CLD) library to Chrome. This works in Windows... (Closed) Base URL: svn://chrome-svn/chrome/trunk/src/
Patch Set: '' Created 11 years, 6 months ago
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Index: third_party/cld/bar/toolbar/cld/i18n/encodings/compact_lang_det/
--- third_party/cld/bar/toolbar/cld/i18n/encodings/compact_lang_det/ (revision 0)
+++ third_party/cld/bar/toolbar/cld/i18n/encodings/compact_lang_det/ (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "third_party/cld/bar/toolbar/cld/i18n/encodings/compact_lang_det/letterscript_enum.h"
+#include "third_party/cld/bar/toolbar/cld/i18n/encodings/compact_lang_det/win/cld_logging.h"
+static const char* kUnicodeLScriptNames[ULScript_NUM_SCRIPTS] = {
+ "Common",
+ "Latin",
+ "Greek",
+ "Cyrillic",
+ "Armenian",
+ "Hebrew",
+ "Arabic",
+ "Syriac",
+ "Thaana",
+ "Devanagari",
+ "Bengali",
+ "Gurmukhi",
+ "Gujarati",
+ "Oriya",
+ "Tamil",
+ "Telugu",
+ "Kannada",
+ "Malayalam",
+ "Sinhala",
+ "Thai",
+ "Lao",
+ "Tibetan",
+ "Myanmar",
+ "Georgian",
+ "HanCJK",
+ "Ethiopic",
+ "Cherokee",
+ "Canadian_Aboriginal",
+ "Ogham",
+ "Runic",
+ "Khmer",
+ "Mongolian",
+ "Yi",
+ "Old_Italic",
+ "Gothic",
+ "Deseret",
+ "Inherited",
+ "Tagalog",
+ "Hanunoo",
+ "Buhid",
+ "Tagbanwa",
+ "Limbu",
+ "Tai_Le",
+ "Linear_B",
+ "Ugaritic",
+ "Shavian",
+ "Osmanya",
+ "Cypriot",
+ "Buginese",
+ "Coptic",
+ "New_Tai_Lue",
+ "Glagolitic",
+ "Tifinagh",
+ "Syloti_Nagri",
+ "Old_Persian",
+ "Kharoshthi",
+ "Balinese",
+ "Cuneiform",
+ "Phoenician",
+ "Phags_Pa",
+ "Nko",
+ // Unicode 5.1 beta
+ "Sundanese",
+ "Lepcha",
+ "Ol_Chiki",
+ "Vai",
+ "Saurashtra",
+ "Kayah_Li",
+ "Rejang",
+ "Lycian",
+ "Carian",
+ "Lydian",
+ "Cham",
+// Unicode 5.1 beta script names from
+// NOTE: 'Vai ' => "Vaii" to make four letters, not three
+// see
+const char* const kLScriptName4[ULScript_NUM_SCRIPTS] = {
+ "Zyyy", "Latn", "Grek", "Cyrl", "Armn", "Hebr", "Arab", "Syrc",
+ "Thaa", "Deva", "Beng", "Guru", "Gujr", "Orya", "Taml", "Telu",
+ "Knda", "Mlym", "Sinh", "Thai", "Laoo", "Tibt", "Mymr", "Geor",
+ "Hani", "Ethi", "Cher", "Cans", "Ogam", "Runr", "Khmr", "Mong",
+ "Yiii", "Ital", "Goth", "Dsrt", "Zzzz", "Tglg", "Hano", "Buhd",
+ "Tagb", "Limb", "Tale", "Linb", "Ugar", "Shaw", "Osma", "Cprt",
+ "Bugi", "Copt", "Talu", "Glag", "Tfng", "Sylo", "Xpeo", "Khar",
+ "Bali", "Xsux", "Phnx", "Phag", "Nkoo",
+ // Unicode 5.1 beta
+ "Sund", "Lepc", "Olck", "Vaii", "Saur", "Kali", "Rjng", "Lyci",
+ "Cari", "Lydi", "Cham",
+const char* UnicodeLScriptName(const UnicodeLScript ls) {
+ CHECK(ls >= 0 && ls < ULScript_NUM_SCRIPTS);
+ return kUnicodeLScriptNames[ls];
+const char* UnicodeLScriptCode(const UnicodeLScript ls) {
+ CHECK(ls >= 0 && ls < ULScript_NUM_SCRIPTS);
+ return kLScriptName4[ls];
Property changes on: third_party\cld\bar\toolbar\cld\i18n\encodings\compact_lang_det\
Added: svn:eol-style
+ LF

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