(Empty) | |
| 1 // Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| 2 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| 3 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| 4 |
| 5 import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart'; |
| 6 import 'package:unittest/src/backend/platform_selector/scanner.dart'; |
| 7 import 'package:unittest/src/backend/platform_selector/token.dart'; |
| 8 |
| 9 void main() { |
| 10 group("peek()", () { |
| 11 test("returns the next token without consuming it", () { |
| 12 var scanner = new Scanner("( )"); |
| 13 expect(scanner.peek().type, equals(TokenType.leftParen)); |
| 14 expect(scanner.peek().type, equals(TokenType.leftParen)); |
| 15 expect(scanner.peek().type, equals(TokenType.leftParen)); |
| 16 }); |
| 17 |
| 18 test("returns an end-of-file token at the end of a file", () { |
| 19 var scanner = new Scanner("( )"); |
| 20 scanner.next(); |
| 21 scanner.next(); |
| 22 |
| 23 var token = scanner.peek(); |
| 24 expect(token.type, equals(TokenType.endOfFile)); |
| 25 expect(token.span.start.offset, equals(3)); |
| 26 expect(token.span.end.offset, equals(3)); |
| 27 }); |
| 28 |
| 29 test("throws a StateError if called after end-of-file was consumed", () { |
| 30 var scanner = new Scanner("( )"); |
| 31 scanner.next(); |
| 32 scanner.next(); |
| 33 scanner.next(); |
| 34 expect(() => scanner.peek(), throwsStateError); |
| 35 }); |
| 36 }); |
| 37 |
| 38 group("next()", () { |
| 39 test("consumes and returns the next token", () { |
| 40 var scanner = new Scanner("( )"); |
| 41 expect(scanner.next().type, equals(TokenType.leftParen)); |
| 42 expect(scanner.peek().type, equals(TokenType.rightParen)); |
| 43 expect(scanner.next().type, equals(TokenType.rightParen)); |
| 44 }); |
| 45 |
| 46 test("returns an end-of-file token at the end of a file", () { |
| 47 var scanner = new Scanner("( )"); |
| 48 scanner.next(); |
| 49 scanner.next(); |
| 50 |
| 51 var token = scanner.next(); |
| 52 expect(token.type, equals(TokenType.endOfFile)); |
| 53 expect(token.span.start.offset, equals(3)); |
| 54 expect(token.span.end.offset, equals(3)); |
| 55 }); |
| 56 |
| 57 test("throws a StateError if called after end-of-file was consumed", () { |
| 58 var scanner = new Scanner("( )"); |
| 59 scanner.next(); |
| 60 scanner.next(); |
| 61 scanner.next(); |
| 62 expect(() => scanner.next(), throwsStateError); |
| 63 }); |
| 64 }); |
| 65 |
| 66 group("scan()", () { |
| 67 test("consumes a matching token and returns true", () { |
| 68 var scanner = new Scanner("( )"); |
| 69 expect(scanner.scan(TokenType.leftParen), isTrue); |
| 70 expect(scanner.peek().type, equals(TokenType.rightParen)); |
| 71 }); |
| 72 |
| 73 test("doesn't consume a matching token and returns false", () { |
| 74 var scanner = new Scanner("( )"); |
| 75 expect(scanner.scan(TokenType.questionMark), isFalse); |
| 76 expect(scanner.peek().type, equals(TokenType.leftParen)); |
| 77 }); |
| 78 |
| 79 test("throws a StateError called after end-of-file was consumed", () { |
| 80 var scanner = new Scanner("( )"); |
| 81 scanner.next(); |
| 82 scanner.next(); |
| 83 scanner.next(); |
| 84 expect(() => scanner.scan(TokenType.endOfFile), throwsStateError); |
| 85 }); |
| 86 }); |
| 87 |
| 88 group("scans a simple token:", () { |
| 89 test("left paren", () => _expectSimpleScan("(", TokenType.leftParen)); |
| 90 test("right paren", () => _expectSimpleScan(")", TokenType.rightParen)); |
| 91 test("or", () => _expectSimpleScan("||", TokenType.or)); |
| 92 test("and", () => _expectSimpleScan("&&", TokenType.and)); |
| 93 test("not", () => _expectSimpleScan("!", TokenType.not)); |
| 94 test("question mark", () => _expectSimpleScan("?", TokenType.questionMark)); |
| 95 test("colon", () => _expectSimpleScan(":", TokenType.colon)); |
| 96 }); |
| 97 |
| 98 group("scans an identifier that", () { |
| 99 test("is simple", () { |
| 100 var token = _scan(" foo "); |
| 101 expect(token.name, equals("foo")); |
| 102 expect(token.span.text, equals("foo")); |
| 103 expect(token.span.start.offset, equals(3)); |
| 104 expect(token.span.end.offset, equals(6)); |
| 105 }); |
| 106 |
| 107 test("is a single character", () { |
| 108 var token = _scan("f"); |
| 109 expect(token.name, equals("f")); |
| 110 }); |
| 111 |
| 112 test("has a leading underscore", () { |
| 113 var token = _scan("_foo"); |
| 114 expect(token.name, equals("_foo")); |
| 115 }); |
| 116 |
| 117 test("has a leading dash", () { |
| 118 var token = _scan("-foo"); |
| 119 expect(token.name, equals("-foo")); |
| 120 }); |
| 121 |
| 122 test("contains an underscore", () { |
| 123 var token = _scan("foo_bar"); |
| 124 expect(token.name, equals("foo_bar")); |
| 125 }); |
| 126 |
| 127 test("contains a dash", () { |
| 128 var token = _scan("foo-bar"); |
| 129 expect(token.name, equals("foo-bar")); |
| 130 }); |
| 131 |
| 132 test("is capitalized", () { |
| 133 var token = _scan("FOO"); |
| 134 expect(token.name, equals("FOO")); |
| 135 }); |
| 136 |
| 137 test("contains numbers", () { |
| 138 var token = _scan("foo123"); |
| 139 expect(token.name, equals("foo123")); |
| 140 }); |
| 141 }); |
| 142 |
| 143 test("scans an empty selector", () { |
| 144 expect(_scan("").type, equals(TokenType.endOfFile)); |
| 145 }); |
| 146 |
| 147 test("scans multiple tokens", () { |
| 148 var scanner = new Scanner("(foo && bar)"); |
| 149 |
| 150 var token = scanner.next(); |
| 151 expect(token.type, equals(TokenType.leftParen)); |
| 152 expect(token.span.start.offset, equals(0)); |
| 153 expect(token.span.end.offset, equals(1)); |
| 154 |
| 155 token = scanner.next(); |
| 156 expect(token.type, equals(TokenType.identifier)); |
| 157 expect(token.name, equals("foo")); |
| 158 expect(token.span.start.offset, equals(1)); |
| 159 expect(token.span.end.offset, equals(4)); |
| 160 |
| 161 token = scanner.next(); |
| 162 expect(token.type, equals(TokenType.and)); |
| 163 expect(token.span.start.offset, equals(5)); |
| 164 expect(token.span.end.offset, equals(7)); |
| 165 |
| 166 token = scanner.next(); |
| 167 expect(token.type, equals(TokenType.identifier)); |
| 168 expect(token.name, equals("bar")); |
| 169 expect(token.span.start.offset, equals(8)); |
| 170 expect(token.span.end.offset, equals(11)); |
| 171 |
| 172 token = scanner.next(); |
| 173 expect(token.type, equals(TokenType.rightParen)); |
| 174 expect(token.span.start.offset, equals(11)); |
| 175 expect(token.span.end.offset, equals(12)); |
| 176 |
| 177 token = scanner.next(); |
| 178 expect(token.type, equals(TokenType.endOfFile)); |
| 179 expect(token.span.start.offset, equals(12)); |
| 180 expect(token.span.end.offset, equals(12)); |
| 181 }); |
| 182 |
| 183 group("ignores", () { |
| 184 test("a single-line comment", () { |
| 185 var scanner = new Scanner("( // &&\n// ||\n)"); |
| 186 expect(scanner.next().type, equals(TokenType.leftParen)); |
| 187 expect(scanner.next().type, equals(TokenType.rightParen)); |
| 188 expect(scanner.next().type, equals(TokenType.endOfFile)); |
| 189 }); |
| 190 |
| 191 test("a single-line comment without a trailing newline", () { |
| 192 var scanner = new Scanner("( // &&"); |
| 193 expect(scanner.next().type, equals(TokenType.leftParen)); |
| 194 expect(scanner.next().type, equals(TokenType.endOfFile)); |
| 195 }); |
| 196 |
| 197 test("a multi-line comment", () { |
| 198 var scanner = new Scanner("( /* && * /\n|| */\n)"); |
| 199 expect(scanner.next().type, equals(TokenType.leftParen)); |
| 200 expect(scanner.next().type, equals(TokenType.rightParen)); |
| 201 expect(scanner.next().type, equals(TokenType.endOfFile)); |
| 202 }); |
| 203 |
| 204 test("a multi-line nested comment", () { |
| 205 var scanner = new Scanner("(/* && /* ? /* || */ : */ ! */)"); |
| 206 expect(scanner.next().type, equals(TokenType.leftParen)); |
| 207 expect(scanner.next().type, equals(TokenType.rightParen)); |
| 208 expect(scanner.next().type, equals(TokenType.endOfFile)); |
| 209 }); |
| 210 |
| 211 test("Dart's notion of whitespace", () { |
| 212 var scanner = new Scanner("( \t \n)"); |
| 213 expect(scanner.next().type, equals(TokenType.leftParen)); |
| 214 expect(scanner.next().type, equals(TokenType.rightParen)); |
| 215 expect(scanner.next().type, equals(TokenType.endOfFile)); |
| 216 }); |
| 217 }); |
| 218 |
| 219 group("disallows", () { |
| 220 test("a single |", () { |
| 221 expect(() => _scan("|"), throwsFormatException); |
| 222 }); |
| 223 |
| 224 test('"| |"', () { |
| 225 expect(() => _scan("| |"), throwsFormatException); |
| 226 }); |
| 227 |
| 228 test("a single &", () { |
| 229 expect(() => _scan("&"), throwsFormatException); |
| 230 }); |
| 231 |
| 232 test('"& &"', () { |
| 233 expect(() => _scan("& &"), throwsFormatException); |
| 234 }); |
| 235 |
| 236 test("an unknown operator", () { |
| 237 expect(() => _scan("=="), throwsFormatException); |
| 238 }); |
| 239 |
| 240 test("unicode", () { |
| 241 expect(() => _scan("öh"), throwsFormatException); |
| 242 }); |
| 243 |
| 244 test("an unclosed multi-line comment", () { |
| 245 expect(() => _scan("/*"), throwsFormatException); |
| 246 }); |
| 247 |
| 248 test("an unopened multi-line comment", () { |
| 249 expect(() => _scan("*/"), throwsFormatException); |
| 250 }); |
| 251 }); |
| 252 } |
| 253 |
| 254 /// Asserts that the first token scanned from [selector] has type [type], |
| 255 /// and that that token's span is exactly [selector]. |
| 256 void _expectSimpleScan(String selector, TokenType type) { |
| 257 // Complicate the selector to test that the span covers it correctly. |
| 258 var token = _scan(" $selector "); |
| 259 expect(token.type, equals(type)); |
| 260 expect(token.span.text, equals(selector)); |
| 261 expect(token.span.start.offset, equals(3)); |
| 262 expect(token.span.end.offset, equals(3 + selector.length)); |
| 263 } |
| 264 |
| 265 /// Scans a single token from [selector]. |
| 266 Token _scan(String selector) => new Scanner(selector).next(); |