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Unified Diff: bindings/dart/scripts/

Issue 959933002: Move IDLs to 39 roll (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 5 years, 10 months ago
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diff --git a/bindings/dart/scripts/ b/bindings/dart/scripts/
index c6a5702b3a1828362811403de298b0131b6010c5..1ab889ba07d3d9a804e6c00b4c4fa588fd5fd739 100644
--- a/bindings/dart/scripts/
+++ b/bindings/dart/scripts/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# coding=utf-8
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
@@ -32,6 +33,8 @@ Design doc:
from collections import defaultdict
+import itertools
+from operator import itemgetter
import idl_types
from idl_types import IdlType, inherits_interface, IdlArrayOrSequenceType, IdlArrayType
@@ -40,6 +43,8 @@ import dart_methods
import dart_types
from dart_utilities import DartUtilities
from v8_globals import includes
+import v8_attributes
+import v8_interface
@@ -396,22 +401,12 @@ def _suppress_extended_attributes(extended_attributes):
return False
-def add_native_entries(interface, constructors, is_custom):
- for constructor in constructors:
- types = None
- if not is_custom:
- types = [arg['preprocessed_type']
- for arg in constructor['arguments']]
- argument_names = [arg['name'] for arg in constructor['arguments']]
- native_entry = \
- DartUtilities.generate_native_entry(, constructor,
- None, 'Constructor', None,
- argument_names, types)
- constructor.update({'native_entry': native_entry})
+# TODO(terry): Rename genenerate_interface to interface_context.
+def interface_context(interface):
+ context = v8_interface.interface_context(interface)
-def generate_interface(interface):
header_includes = set(INTERFACE_H_INCLUDES)
@@ -420,10 +415,6 @@ def generate_interface(interface):
extended_attributes = interface.extended_attributes
- is_audio_buffer = inherits_interface(, 'AudioBuffer')
- if is_audio_buffer:
- includes.add('modules/webaudio/AudioBuffer.h')
is_document = inherits_interface(, 'Document')
if is_document:
# FIXME(vsm): We probably need bindings/dart/DartController and
@@ -438,30 +429,6 @@ def generate_interface(interface):
if inherits_interface(, 'EventTarget'):
- # [ActiveDOMObject]
- is_active_dom_object = 'ActiveDOMObject' in extended_attributes
- # [CheckSecurity]
- is_check_security = 'CheckSecurity' in extended_attributes
- if is_check_security:
- includes.add('bindings/common/BindingSecurity.h')
- # [DependentLifetime]
- is_dependent_lifetime = 'DependentLifetime' in extended_attributes
- # [MeasureAs]
-# TODO(terry): Remove Me?
-# is_measure_as = 'MeasureAs' in extended_attributes
-# if is_measure_as:
-# includes.add('core/frame/UseCounter.h')
- # [SetWrapperReferenceFrom]
- reachable_node_function = extended_attributes.get('SetWrapperReferenceFrom')
- if reachable_node_function:
- # FIXME(vsm): We may need bindings/dart/DartGCController.h instead.
- includes.update(['bindings/core/v8/V8GCController.h',
- 'core/dom/Element.h'])
# [SetWrapperReferenceTo]
set_wrapper_reference_to_list = [{
@@ -476,127 +443,81 @@ def generate_interface(interface):
for set_wrapper_reference_to in set_wrapper_reference_to_list:
- # [SpecialWrapFor]
- if 'SpecialWrapFor' in extended_attributes:
- special_wrap_for = extended_attributes['SpecialWrapFor'].split('|')
- else:
- special_wrap_for = []
- for special_wrap_interface in special_wrap_for:
- dart_types.add_includes_for_interface(special_wrap_interface)
- # [Custom=Wrap], [SetWrapperReferenceFrom]
- has_visit_dom_wrapper = (
- DartUtilities.has_extended_attribute_value(interface, 'Custom', 'VisitDOMWrapper') or
- reachable_node_function or
- set_wrapper_reference_to_list)
- this_gc_type = DartUtilities.gc_type(interface)
- template_contents = {
+ context.update({
'conditional_string': DartUtilities.conditional_string(interface), # [Conditional]
'cpp_class': DartUtilities.cpp_name(interface),
- 'gc_type': this_gc_type,
- 'has_custom_legacy_call_as_function': DartUtilities.has_extended_attribute_value(interface, 'Custom', 'LegacyCallAsFunction'), # [Custom=LegacyCallAsFunction]
- 'has_custom_to_v8': DartUtilities.has_extended_attribute_value(interface, 'Custom', 'ToV8'), # [Custom=ToV8]
- 'has_custom_wrap': DartUtilities.has_extended_attribute_value(interface, 'Custom', 'Wrap'), # [Custom=Wrap]
- 'has_visit_dom_wrapper': has_visit_dom_wrapper,
'header_includes': header_includes,
- 'interface_name':,
- 'is_active_dom_object': is_active_dom_object,
- 'is_audio_buffer': is_audio_buffer,
- 'is_check_security': is_check_security,
- 'is_dependent_lifetime': is_dependent_lifetime,
- 'is_document': is_document,
- 'is_event_target': inherits_interface(, 'EventTarget'),
- 'is_exception': interface.is_exception,
- 'is_garbage_collected': this_gc_type == 'GarbageCollectedObject',
- 'is_will_be_garbage_collected': this_gc_type == 'WillBeGarbageCollectedObject',
- 'is_node': inherits_interface(, 'Node'),
+ 'is_garbage_collected': context['gc_type'] == 'GarbageCollectedObject',
+ 'is_will_be_garbage_collected': context['gc_type'] == 'WillBeGarbageCollectedObject',
'measure_as': DartUtilities.measure_as(interface), # [MeasureAs]
- 'parent_interface': parent_interface,
'pass_cpp_type': dart_types.cpp_template_type(
- dart_types.cpp_ptr_type('PassRefPtr', 'RawPtr', this_gc_type),
+ dart_types.cpp_ptr_type('PassRefPtr', 'RawPtr', context['gc_type']),
- 'reachable_node_function': reachable_node_function,
'runtime_enabled_function': DartUtilities.runtime_enabled_function_name(interface), # [RuntimeEnabled]
- 'set_wrapper_reference_to_list': set_wrapper_reference_to_list,
- 'special_wrap_for': special_wrap_for,
+ 'set_wrapper_reference_to_list': set_wrapper_reference_to_list,
'dart_class': dart_types.dart_type(,
'v8_class': DartUtilities.v8_class_name(interface),
- 'wrapper_configuration': 'WrapperConfiguration::Dependent'
- if (has_visit_dom_wrapper or
- is_active_dom_object or
- is_dependent_lifetime)
- else 'WrapperConfiguration::Independent',
- }
+ })
# Constructors
- constructors = [generate_constructor(interface, constructor)
+ constructors = [constructor_context(interface, constructor)
for constructor in interface.constructors
# FIXME: shouldn't put named constructors with constructors
# (currently needed for Perl compatibility)
# Handle named constructors separately
if == 'Constructor']
- generate_constructor_overloads(constructors)
+ if len(constructors) > 1:
+ context.update({'constructor_overloads': overloads_context(constructors)})
# [CustomConstructor]
- custom_constructors = [generate_custom_constructor(interface, constructor)
+ custom_constructors = [custom_constructor_context(interface, constructor)
for constructor in interface.custom_constructors]
- # [EventConstructor]
- has_event_constructor = 'EventConstructor' in extended_attributes
- any_type_attributes = [attribute for attribute in interface.attributes
- if == 'Any']
- if has_event_constructor:
- includes.add('bindings/core/v8/Dictionary.h')
- if any_type_attributes:
- includes.add('bindings/core/v8/SerializedScriptValue.h')
# [NamedConstructor]
named_constructor = generate_named_constructor(interface)
- add_native_entries(interface, constructors, bool(custom_constructors))
- add_native_entries(interface, custom_constructors, bool(custom_constructors))
+ generate_method_native_entries(interface, constructors, 'Constructor')
+ generate_method_native_entries(interface, custom_constructors, 'Constructor')
if named_constructor:
- add_native_entries(interface, [named_constructor], bool(custom_constructors))
+ generate_method_native_entries(interface, [named_constructor],
+ 'Constructor')
+ event_constructor = None
+ if context['has_event_constructor']:
+ event_constructor = {
+ 'native_entries': [
+ DartUtilities.generate_native_entry(
+, None, 'Constructor', False, 2)],
+ }
- if (constructors or custom_constructors or has_event_constructor or
+ if (context['constructors'] or custom_constructors or context['has_event_constructor'] or
- template_contents.update({
- 'any_type_attributes': any_type_attributes,
+ context.update({
'constructors': constructors,
'custom_constructors': custom_constructors,
+ 'event_constructor': event_constructor,
'has_custom_constructor': bool(custom_constructors),
- 'has_event_constructor': has_event_constructor,
- interface_length(interface, constructors + custom_constructors),
+ v8_interface.interface_length(interface, constructors + custom_constructors),
'is_constructor_call_with_document': DartUtilities.has_extended_attribute_value(
interface, 'ConstructorCallWith', 'Document'), # [ConstructorCallWith=Document]
'is_constructor_call_with_execution_context': DartUtilities.has_extended_attribute_value(
interface, 'ConstructorCallWith', 'ExecutionContext'), # [ConstructorCallWith=ExeuctionContext]
- 'is_constructor_raises_exception': extended_attributes.get('RaisesException') == 'Constructor', # [RaisesException=Constructor]
'named_constructor': named_constructor,
- # Constants
- template_contents.update({
- 'constants': [generate_constant(constant) for constant in interface.constants],
- 'do_not_check_constants': 'DoNotCheckConstants' in extended_attributes,
- })
# Attributes
- attributes = [dart_attributes.generate_attribute(interface, attribute)
+ attributes = [dart_attributes.attribute_context(interface, attribute)
for attribute in interface.attributes
# Skip attributes in the IGNORE_MEMBERS list or if an
# extended attribute is in the IGNORE_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES.
if (not _suppress_attribute(, and
- not dart_attributes.is_constructor_attribute(attribute) and
+ not v8_attributes.is_constructor_attribute(attribute) and
not _suppress_extended_attributes(attribute.extended_attributes) and
not ('DartSuppress' in attribute.extended_attributes and
attribute.extended_attributes.get('DartSuppress') == None))]
- template_contents.update({
+ context.update({
'attributes': attributes,
'has_accessors': any(attribute['is_expose_js_accessors'] for attribute in attributes),
'has_attribute_configuration': any(
@@ -611,17 +532,19 @@ def generate_interface(interface):
# Methods
- methods = [dart_methods.generate_method(interface, method)
+ methods = [dart_methods.method_context(interface, method)
for method in interface.operations
# Skip anonymous special operations (methods name empty).
# Skip methods in our IGNORE_MEMBERS list.
# Skip methods w/ extended attributes in IGNORE_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES list.
if ( and
+ # detect unnamed getters from v8_interface.
+ != 'anonymousNamedGetter' and
# TODO(terry): Eventual eliminate the IGNORE_MEMBERS in favor of DartSupress.
not _suppress_method(, and
not _suppress_extended_attributes(method.extended_attributes) and
not 'DartSuppress' in method.extended_attributes)]
- generate_overloads(methods)
+ compute_method_overloads_context(methods)
for method in methods:
method['do_generate_method_configuration'] = (
method['do_not_check_signature'] and
@@ -629,9 +552,9 @@ def generate_interface(interface):
# For overloaded methods, only generate one accessor
('overload_index' not in method or method['overload_index'] == 1))
- generate_method_native_entries(interface, methods)
+ generate_method_native_entries(interface, methods, 'Method')
- template_contents.update({
+ context.update({
'has_origin_safe_method_setter': any(
method['is_check_security_for_frame'] and not method['is_read_only']
for method in methods),
@@ -640,256 +563,346 @@ def generate_interface(interface):
'methods': methods,
- native_entries = generate_native_entries(interface, constructors,
- custom_constructors, attributes,
- methods, named_constructor)
- template_contents.update({
+ context.update({
'indexed_property_getter': indexed_property_getter(interface),
'indexed_property_setter': indexed_property_setter(interface),
- 'indexed_property_deleter': indexed_property_deleter(interface),
+ 'indexed_property_deleter': v8_interface.indexed_property_deleter(interface),
'is_override_builtins': 'OverrideBuiltins' in extended_attributes,
'named_property_getter': named_property_getter(interface),
'named_property_setter': named_property_setter(interface),
- 'named_property_deleter': named_property_deleter(interface),
- 'native_entries': native_entries,
+ 'named_property_deleter': v8_interface.named_property_deleter(interface),
- return template_contents
+ generate_native_entries_for_specials(interface, context)
+ native_entries = generate_interface_native_entries(context)
-def generate_native_entries(interface, constructors, custom_constructors,
- attributes, methods, named_constructor):
- entries = []
- for constructor in constructors:
- entries.append(constructor['native_entry'])
- for constructor in custom_constructors:
- entries.append(constructor['native_entry'])
- if named_constructor:
- entries.append(named_constructor['native_entry'])
- for method in methods:
- entries.extend(method['native_entries'])
- for attribute in attributes:
- entries.append(attribute['native_entry_getter'])
- entries.append(attribute['native_entry_setter'])
- return entries
-# [DeprecateAs], [Reflect], [RuntimeEnabled]
-def generate_constant(constant):
- # (Blink-only) string literals are unquoted in tokenizer, must be re-quoted
- # in C++.
- if == 'String':
- value = '"%s"' % constant.value
- else:
- value = constant.value
- extended_attributes = constant.extended_attributes
- return {
- 'cpp_class': extended_attributes.get('PartialInterfaceImplementedAs'),
- 'name':,
- # FIXME: use 'reflected_name' as correct 'name'
- 'reflected_name': extended_attributes.get('Reflect',,
- 'runtime_enabled_function': DartUtilities.runtime_enabled_function_name(constant),
- 'value': value,
- }
-# Overloads
+ context.update({
+ 'native_entries': native_entries,
+ })
-def generate_method_native_entry(interface, method, count, optional_index):
- types = None
- if not method['is_custom']:
- types = [arg['preprocessed_type'] for arg in method['arguments'][0:count]]
- if method['is_call_with_script_arguments']:
- types.append("object")
- argument_names = [arg['name'] for arg in method['arguments'][0:count]]
- name = method['name']
+ return context
+def generate_interface_native_entries(context):
+ entries = {}
+ def add(ne):
+ entries[ne['blink_entry']] = ne
+ def addAll(nes):
+ for ne in nes:
+ add(ne)
+ for constructor in context['constructors']:
+ addAll(constructor['native_entries'])
+ for constructor in context['custom_constructors']:
+ addAll(constructor['native_entries'])
+ if context['named_constructor']:
+ addAll(context['named_constructor']['native_entries'])
+ if context['event_constructor']:
+ addAll(context['event_constructor']['native_entries'])
+ for method in context['methods']:
+ addAll(method['native_entries'])
+ for attribute in context['attributes']:
+ add(attribute['native_entry_getter'])
+ if not attribute['is_read_only'] or attribute['put_forwards']:
+ add(attribute['native_entry_setter'])
+ if context['indexed_property_getter']:
+ addAll(context['indexed_property_getter']['native_entries'])
+ if context['indexed_property_setter']:
+ addAll(context['indexed_property_setter']['native_entries'])
+ if context['indexed_property_deleter']:
+ addAll(context['indexed_property_deleter']['native_entries'])
+ if context['named_property_getter']:
+ addAll(context['named_property_getter']['native_entries'])
+ if context['named_property_setter']:
+ addAll(context['named_property_setter']['native_entries'])
+ if context['named_property_deleter']:
+ addAll(context['named_property_deleter']['native_entries'])
+ return list(entries.values())
+def generate_method_native_entry(interface, method, count, kind):
+ name = method.get('name')
+ is_static = bool(method.get('is_static'))
native_entry = \
- DartUtilities.generate_native_entry(, method,
- name, 'Method',
- optional_index,
- argument_names, types)
+ DartUtilities.generate_native_entry(, name,
+ kind, is_static, count)
return native_entry
-def generate_method_native_entries(interface, methods):
+def generate_method_native_entries(interface, methods, kind):
for method in methods:
native_entries = []
- required_arg_count = method['number_of_required_arguments']
arg_count = method['number_of_arguments']
- if required_arg_count != arg_count:
- for x in range(required_arg_count, arg_count + 1):
- # This is really silly, but is here for now just to match up
- # the existing name generation in the old dart:html scripts
- index = arg_count - x + 1
- native_entry = \
- generate_method_native_entry(interface, method, x, index)
- native_entries.append(native_entry)
- else:
- # Eventually, we should probably always generate an unindexed
- # native entry, to handle cases like
- # addEventListener in which we suppress the optionality,
- # and in general to make us more robust against optional changes
+ min_arg_count = method['number_of_required_arguments']
+ lb = min_arg_count - 2 if min_arg_count > 2 else 0
+ for x in range(lb, arg_count + 3):
native_entry = \
- generate_method_native_entry(interface, method, arg_count, None)
+ generate_method_native_entry(interface, method, x, kind)
method.update({'native_entries': native_entries})
-def generate_overloads(methods):
- generate_overloads_by_type(methods, is_static=False) # Regular methods
- generate_overloads_by_type(methods, is_static=True)
+# Overloads
+def compute_method_overloads_context(methods):
+ # Regular methods
+ compute_method_overloads_context_by_type([method for method in methods
+ if not method['is_static']])
+ # Static methods
+ compute_method_overloads_context_by_type([method for method in methods
+ if method['is_static']])
-def generate_overloads_by_type(methods, is_static):
- # Generates |overloads| template values and modifies |methods| in place;
- # |is_static| flag used (instead of partitioning list in 2) because need to
- # iterate over original list of methods to modify in place
- method_counts = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
- for method in methods:
- if method['is_static'] != is_static:
- continue
- name = method['name']
- # FIXME(vsm): We don't seem to capture optional param
- # overloads here.
- method_counts[name] += 1
- # Filter to only methods that are actually overloaded
- overloaded_method_counts = dict((name, count)
- for name, count in method_counts.iteritems()
- if count > 1)
+def compute_method_overloads_context_by_type(methods):
+ """Computes |method.overload*| template values.
+ Called separately for static and non-static (regular) methods,
+ as these are overloaded separately.
+ Modifies |method| in place for |method| in |methods|.
+ Doesn't change the |methods| list itself (only the values, i.e. individual
+ methods), so ok to treat these separately.
+ """
# Add overload information only to overloaded methods, so template code can
# easily verify if a function is overloaded
- method_overloads = defaultdict(list)
- for method in methods:
- name = method['name']
- if (method['is_static'] != is_static or
- name not in overloaded_method_counts):
- continue
- # Overload index includes self, so first append, then compute index
- method_overloads[name].append(method)
- method.update({
- 'overload_index': len(method_overloads[name]),
- 'overload_resolution_expression': overload_resolution_expression(method),
- })
- # FIXME(vsm): Looks like we only handle optional parameters if
- # the method is already overloaded. For a non-overloaded method
- # with optional parameters, we never get here.
- # Resolution function is generated after last overloaded function;
- # package necessary information into |method.overloads| for that method.
- for method in methods:
- if (method['is_static'] != is_static or
- 'overload_index' not in method):
- continue
- name = method['name']
- if method['overload_index'] != overloaded_method_counts[name]:
- continue
- overloads = method_overloads[name]
- minimum_number_of_required_arguments = min(
- overload['number_of_required_arguments']
- for overload in overloads)
- method['overloads'] = {
- 'has_exception_state': bool(minimum_number_of_required_arguments),
- 'methods': overloads,
- 'minimum_number_of_required_arguments': minimum_number_of_required_arguments,
- 'name': name,
- }
+ for name, overloads in v8_interface.method_overloads_by_name(methods):
+ # Resolution function is generated after last overloaded function;
+ # package necessary information into |method.overloads| for that method.
+ overloads[-1]['overloads'] = overloads_context(overloads)
+ overloads[-1]['overloads']['name'] = name
+def overloads_context(overloads):
+ """Returns |overloads| template values for a single name.
+ Sets |method.overload_index| in place for |method| in |overloads|
+ and returns dict of overall overload template values.
+ """
+ assert len(overloads) > 1 # only apply to overloaded names
+ for index, method in enumerate(overloads, 1):
+ method['overload_index'] = index
+ effective_overloads_by_length = v8_interface.effective_overload_set_by_length(overloads)
+ lengths = [length for length, _ in effective_overloads_by_length]
+ name = overloads[0].get('name', '<constructor>')
+ # Check and fail if all overloads with the shortest acceptable arguments
+ # list are runtime enabled, since we would otherwise set 'length' on the
+ # function object to an incorrect value when none of those overloads were
+ # actually enabled at runtime. The exception is if all overloads are
+ # controlled by the same runtime enabled feature, in which case there would
+ # be no function object at all if it is not enabled.
+ shortest_overloads = effective_overloads_by_length[0][1]
+ if (all(method.get('runtime_enabled_function')
+ for method, _, _ in shortest_overloads) and
+ not v8_interface.common_value(overloads, 'runtime_enabled_function')):
+ raise ValueError('Function.length of %s depends on runtime enabled features' % name)
+ return {
+ 'deprecate_all_as': v8_interface.common_value(overloads, 'deprecate_as'), # [DeprecateAs]
+ 'exposed_test_all': v8_interface.common_value(overloads, 'exposed_test'), # [Exposed]
+ 'length_tests_methods': length_tests_methods(effective_overloads_by_length),
+ # 1. Let maxarg be the length of the longest type list of the
+ # entries in S.
+ 'maxarg': lengths[-1],
+ 'measure_all_as': v8_interface.common_value(overloads, 'measure_as'), # [MeasureAs]
+ 'minarg': lengths[0],
+ 'per_context_enabled_function_all': v8_interface.common_value(overloads, 'per_context_enabled_function'), # [PerContextEnabled]
+ 'runtime_enabled_function_all': v8_interface.common_value(overloads, 'runtime_enabled_function'), # [RuntimeEnabled]
+ 'valid_arities': lengths
+ # Only need to report valid arities if there is a gap in the
+ # sequence of possible lengths, otherwise invalid length means
+ # "not enough arguments".
+ if lengths[-1] - lengths[0] != len(lengths) - 1 else None,
+ }
-def overload_resolution_expression(method):
- # Expression is an OR of ANDs: each term in the OR corresponds to a
- # possible argument count for a given method, with type checks.
- # FIXME: Blink's overload resolution algorithm is incorrect, per:
- # Implement WebIDL overload resolution algorithm.
- #
- #
- # Currently if distinguishing non-primitive type from primitive type,
- # (e.g., sequence<DOMString> from DOMString or Dictionary from double)
- # the method with a non-primitive type argument must appear *first* in the
- # IDL file, since we're not adding a check to primitive types.
- # FIXME: Once fixed, check IDLs, as usually want methods with primitive
- # types to appear first (style-wise).
+def length_tests_methods(effective_overloads_by_length):
+ """Returns sorted list of resolution tests and associated methods, by length.
+ This builds the main data structure for the overload resolution loop.
+ For a given argument length, bindings test argument at distinguishing
+ argument index, in order given by spec: if it is compatible with
+ (optionality or) type required by an overloaded method, resolve to that
+ method.
+ Returns:
+ [(length, [(test, method)])]
+ """
+ return [(length, list(resolution_tests_methods(effective_overloads)))
+ for length, effective_overloads in effective_overloads_by_length]
+ 'ArrayBufferView': 'Dart_IsTypedData({cpp_value})',
+ 'ArrayBuffer': 'Dart_IsByteBuffer({cpp_value})',
+ 'Uint8Array': 'DartUtilities::isUint8Array({cpp_value})',
+ 'Uint8ClampedArray': 'DartUtilities::isUint8ClampedArray({cpp_value})',
+def resolution_tests_methods(effective_overloads):
+ """Yields resolution test and associated method, in resolution order, for effective overloads of a given length.
+ This is the heart of the resolution algorithm.
+ Note that a given method can be listed multiple times, with different tests!
+ This is to handle implicit type conversion.
+ Returns:
+ [(test, method)]
+ """
+ methods = [effective_overload[0]
+ for effective_overload in effective_overloads]
+ if len(methods) == 1:
+ # If only one method with a given length, no test needed
+ yield 'true', methods[0]
+ return
+ # 6. If there is more than one entry in S, then set d to be the
+ # distinguishing argument index for the entries of S.
+ index = v8_interface.distinguishing_argument_index(effective_overloads)
+ # (7-9 are for handling |undefined| values for optional arguments before
+ # the distinguishing argument (as "missing"), so you can specify only some
+ # optional arguments. We don't support this, so we skip these steps.)
+ # 10. If i = d, then:
+ # (d is the distinguishing argument index)
+ # 1. Let V be argi.
+ # Note: This is the argument that will be used to resolve which
+ # overload is selected.
+ cpp_value = 'Dart_GetNativeArgument(args, %s + argOffset)' % index
+ # Extract argument and IDL type to simplify accessing these in each loop.
+ arguments = [method['arguments'][index] for method in methods]
+ arguments_methods = zip(arguments, methods)
+ idl_types = [argument['idl_type_object'] for argument in arguments]
+ idl_types_methods = zip(idl_types, methods)
+ # We can't do a single loop through all methods or simply sort them, because
+ # a method may be listed in multiple steps of the resolution algorithm, and
+ # which test to apply differs depending on the step.
- # Properly:
- # 1. Compute effective overload set.
- # 2. First check type list length.
- # 3. If multiple entries for given length, compute distinguishing argument
- # index and have check for that type.
- arguments = method['arguments']
- overload_checks = [overload_check_expression(method, index)
- # check *omitting* optional arguments at |index| and up:
- # index 0 => argument_count 0 (no arguments)
- # index 1 => argument_count 1 (index 0 argument only)
- for index, argument in enumerate(arguments)
- if argument['is_optional']]
- # FIXME: this is wrong if a method has optional arguments and a variadic
- # one, though there are not yet any examples of this
- if not method['is_variadic']:
- # Includes all optional arguments (len = last index + 1)
- overload_checks.append(overload_check_expression(method, len(arguments)))
- return ' || '.join('(%s)' % check for check in overload_checks)
-def overload_check_expression(method, argument_count):
- overload_checks = ['info.Length() == %s' % argument_count]
- arguments = method['arguments'][:argument_count]
- overload_checks.extend(overload_check_argument(index, argument)
- for index, argument in
- enumerate(arguments))
- return ' && '.join('(%s)' % check for check in overload_checks if check)
-def overload_check_argument(index, argument):
- def null_or_optional_check():
- # If undefined is passed for an optional argument, the argument should
- # be treated as missing; otherwise undefined is not allowed.
- # FIXME(vsm): We need Dart specific checks here.
- if idl_type.is_nullable:
- if argument['is_optional']:
- return 'isUndefinedOrNull(%s)'
- return '%s->IsNull()'
- if argument['is_optional']:
- return '%s->IsUndefined()'
- return None
+ # Instead, we need to go through all methods at each step, either finding
+ # first match (if only one test is allowed) or filtering to matches (if
+ # multiple tests are allowed), and generating an appropriate tests.
+ # 2. If V is undefined, and there is an entry in S whose list of
+ # optionality values has "optional" at index i, then remove from S all
+ # other entries.
+ try:
+ method = next(method for argument, method in arguments_methods
+ if argument['is_optional'])
+ test = 'Dart_IsNull(%s)' % cpp_value
+ yield test, method
+ except StopIteration:
+ pass
- cpp_value = 'info[%s]' % index
- idl_type = argument['idl_type_object']
- # FIXME(vsm): We need Dart specific checks for the rest of this method.
- # FIXME: proper type checking, sharing code with attributes and methods
- # FIXME(terry): DartStrictTypeChecking no longer supported; TypeChecking is
- # new extended attribute.
- if == 'String' and argument['is_strict_type_checking']:
- return ' || '.join(['isUndefinedOrNull(%s)' % cpp_value,
- '%s->IsString()' % cpp_value,
- '%s->IsObject()' % cpp_value])
- if idl_type.native_array_element_type:
- return '%s->IsArray()' % cpp_value
- if idl_type.is_callback_interface:
- return ' || '.join(['%s->IsNull()' % cpp_value,
- '%s->IsFunction()' % cpp_value])
- if idl_type.is_wrapper_type:
- type_check = 'V8{idl_type}::hasInstance({cpp_value}, info.GetIsolate())'.format(idl_type=idl_type.base_type, cpp_value=cpp_value)
- if idl_type.is_nullable:
- type_check = ' || '.join(['%s->IsNull()' % cpp_value, type_check])
- return type_check
- if idl_type.is_interface_type:
- # Non-wrapper types are just objects: we don't distinguish type
- # We only allow undefined for non-wrapper types (notably Dictionary),
- # as we need it for optional Dictionary arguments, but we don't want to
- # change behavior of existing bindings for other types.
- type_check = '%s->IsObject()' % cpp_value
- added_check_template = null_or_optional_check()
- if added_check_template:
- type_check = ' || '.join([added_check_template % cpp_value,
- type_check])
- return type_check
- return None
+ # 3. Otherwise: if V is null or undefined, and there is an entry in S that
+ # has one of the following types at position i of its type list,
+ # - a nullable type
+ try:
+ method = next(method for idl_type, method in idl_types_methods
+ if idl_type.is_nullable)
+ test = 'Dart_IsNull(%s)' % cpp_value
+ yield test, method
+ except StopIteration:
+ pass
+ # 4. Otherwise: if V is a platform object - but not a platform array
+ # object - and there is an entry in S that has one of the following
+ # types at position i of its type list,
+ # - an interface type that V implements
+ # (Unlike most of these tests, this can return multiple methods, since we
+ # test if it implements an interface. Thus we need a for loop, not a next.)
+ # (We distinguish wrapper types from built-in interface types.)
+ for idl_type, method in ((idl_type, method)
+ for idl_type, method in idl_types_methods
+ if idl_type.is_wrapper_type):
+ fmtstr = 'Dart{idl_type}::hasInstance({cpp_value})'
+ if idl_type.base_type in DART_CHECK_TYPE:
+ fmtstr = DART_CHECK_TYPE[idl_type.base_type]
+ test = fmtstr.format(idl_type=idl_type.base_type, cpp_value=cpp_value)
+ yield test, method
+ # 8. Otherwise: if V is any kind of object except for a native Date object,
+ # a native RegExp object, and there is an entry in S that has one of the
+ # following types at position i of its type list,
+ # - an array type
+ # - a sequence type
+ # ...
+ # - a dictionary
+ try:
+ # FIXME: IDL dictionary not implemented, so use Blink Dictionary
+ #
+ idl_type, method = next((idl_type, method)
+ for idl_type, method in idl_types_methods
+ if (idl_type.native_array_element_type or
+ == 'Dictionary'))
+ if idl_type.native_array_element_type:
+ # (We test for Array instead of generic Object to type-check.)
+ # FIXME: test for Object during resolution, then have type check for
+ # Array in overloaded method:
+ test = 'Dart_IsList(%s)' % cpp_value
+ else:
+ # FIXME: should be '{1}->IsObject() && !{1}->IsDate() && !{1}->IsRegExp()'.format(cpp_value)
+ # FIXME: the IsDate and IsRegExp checks can be skipped if we've
+ # already generated tests for them.
+ test = 'Dart_IsInstance(%s)' % cpp_value
+ yield test, method
+ except StopIteration:
+ pass
+ # (Check for exact type matches before performing automatic type conversion;
+ # only needed if distinguishing between primitive types.)
+ if len([idl_type.is_primitive_type for idl_type in idl_types]) > 1:
+ # (Only needed if match in step 11, otherwise redundant.)
+ if any(idl_type.is_string_type or idl_type.is_enum
+ for idl_type in idl_types):
+ # 10. Otherwise: if V is a Number value, and there is an entry in S
+ # that has one of the following types at position i of its type
+ # list,
+ # - a numeric type
+ try:
+ method = next(method for idl_type, method in idl_types_methods
+ if idl_type.is_numeric_type)
+ test = 'Dart_IsNumber(%s)' % cpp_value
+ yield test, method
+ except StopIteration:
+ pass
+ # (Perform automatic type conversion, in order. If any of these match,
+ # that's the end, and no other tests are needed.) To keep this code simple,
+ # we rely on the C++ compiler's dead code elimination to deal with the
+ # redundancy if both cases below trigger.
+ # 11. Otherwise: if there is an entry in S that has one of the following
+ # types at position i of its type list,
+ # - DOMString
+ # - ByteString
+ # - ScalarValueString [a DOMString typedef, per definition.]
+ # - an enumeration type
+ try:
+ method = next(method for idl_type, method in idl_types_methods
+ if idl_type.is_string_type or idl_type.is_enum)
+ yield 'true', method
+ except StopIteration:
+ pass
+ # 12. Otherwise: if there is an entry in S that has one of the following
+ # types at position i of its type list,
+ # - a numeric type
+ try:
+ method = next(method for idl_type, method in idl_types_methods
+ if idl_type.is_numeric_type)
+ yield 'true', method
+ except StopIteration:
+ pass
@@ -897,15 +910,17 @@ def overload_check_argument(index, argument):
# [Constructor]
-def generate_custom_constructor(interface, constructor):
+def custom_constructor_context(interface, constructor):
return {
'arguments': [custom_constructor_argument(argument, index)
for index, argument in enumerate(constructor.arguments)],
'auto_scope': 'true',
'is_auto_scope': True,
+ 'is_call_with_script_arguments': False,
+ 'is_custom': True,
'number_of_arguments': len(constructor.arguments),
- number_of_required_arguments(constructor),
+ v8_interface.number_of_required_arguments(constructor),
@@ -920,96 +935,30 @@ def custom_constructor_argument(argument, index):
# [Constructor]
-def generate_constructor(interface, constructor):
+def constructor_context(interface, constructor):
return {
- 'argument_list': constructor_argument_list(interface, constructor),
- # TODO(terry): Use dart_methods.generate_argument instead constructor_argument.
- 'arguments': [constructor_argument(interface, argument, index)
+ 'arguments': [dart_methods.argument_context(interface, constructor, argument, index)
for index, argument in enumerate(constructor.arguments)],
+ 'auto_scope': 'true',
+ 'cpp_value': dart_methods.cpp_value(
+ interface, constructor, len(constructor.arguments)),
# [RaisesException=Constructor]
interface.extended_attributes.get('RaisesException') == 'Constructor' or
any(argument for argument in constructor.arguments
if == 'SerializedScriptValue' or
- 'is_constructor': True,
- 'auto_scope': 'true',
'is_auto_scope': True,
+ 'is_call_with_script_arguments': False,
+ 'is_constructor': True,
+ 'is_custom': False,
'is_variadic': False, # Required for overload resolution
- number_of_required_arguments(constructor),
+ v8_interface.number_of_required_arguments(constructor),
'number_of_arguments': len(constructor.arguments),
-def constructor_argument_list(interface, constructor):
- # FIXME: unify with dart_methods.cpp_argument.
- def cpp_argument(argument):
- argument_name = dart_types.check_reserved_name(
- idl_type = argument.idl_type
- # FIXMEDART: there has to be a cleaner way to check for arraylike
- # types such as Uint8ClampedArray.
- if isinstance(idl_type, IdlArrayType) or idl_type.preprocessed_type.is_typed_array_type:
- return '%s.get()' % argument_name
- return argument_name
- arguments = []
- # [ConstructorCallWith=ExecutionContext]
- if DartUtilities.has_extended_attribute_value(interface, 'ConstructorCallWith', 'ExecutionContext'):
- arguments.append('context')
- # [ConstructorCallWith=Document]
- if DartUtilities.has_extended_attribute_value(interface, 'ConstructorCallWith', 'Document'):
- arguments.append('document')
- arguments.extend([cpp_argument(argument) for argument in constructor.arguments])
- # [RaisesException=Constructor]
- if interface.extended_attributes.get('RaisesException') == 'Constructor':
- arguments.append('es')
- return arguments
-# TODO(terry): Eliminate this function use dart_methods.generate_argument instead
-# for all constructor arguments.
-def constructor_argument(interface, argument, index):
- idl_type = argument.idl_type
- default_value = str(argument.default_value) if argument.default_value else None
- argument_content = {
- 'cpp_type': idl_type.cpp_type_args(),
- 'local_cpp_type': idl_type.cpp_type_args(argument.extended_attributes, raw_type=True),
- # FIXME: check that the default value's type is compatible with the argument's
- 'default_value': default_value,
- # FIXME: remove once [Default] removed and just use argument.default_value
- 'has_default': 'Default' in argument.extended_attributes or default_value,
- 'idl_type_object': idl_type,
- 'preprocessed_type': str(idl_type.preprocessed_type),
- # Dictionary is special-cased, but arrays and sequences shouldn't be
- 'idl_type': idl_type.native_array_element_type,
- 'index': index,
- 'is_array_or_sequence_type': not not idl_type.native_array_element_type,
- 'is_optional': argument.is_optional,
- 'is_strict_type_checking': False, # Required for overload resolution
- 'name':,
- 'dart_value_to_local_cpp_value': dart_methods.dart_value_to_local_cpp_value(interface, argument, index),
- }
- return argument_content
-def generate_constructor_overloads(constructors):
- if len(constructors) <= 1:
- return
- for overload_index, constructor in enumerate(constructors):
- constructor.update({
- 'overload_index': overload_index + 1,
- 'overload_resolution_expression':
- overload_resolution_expression(constructor),
- })
# [NamedConstructor]
def generate_named_constructor(interface):
extended_attributes = interface.extended_attributes
@@ -1019,28 +968,13 @@ def generate_named_constructor(interface):
# included in constructors (and only name stored in extended attribute)
# for Perl compatibility
idl_constructor = interface.constructors[0]
- constructor = generate_constructor(interface, idl_constructor)
+ constructor = constructor_context(interface, idl_constructor)
# FIXME(vsm): We drop the name. We don't use this in Dart APIs right now.
# We probably need to encode this somehow to deal with conflicts.
# constructor['name'] = extended_attributes['NamedConstructor']
return constructor
-def number_of_required_arguments(constructor):
- return len([argument for argument in constructor.arguments
- if not (argument.is_optional and not (('Default' in argument.extended_attributes) or argument.default_value))])
-def interface_length(interface, constructors):
- # Docs:
- if 'EventConstructor' in interface.extended_attributes:
- return 1
- if not constructors:
- return 0
- return min(constructor['number_of_required_arguments']
- for constructor in constructors)
# Special operations (methods)
@@ -1058,6 +992,8 @@ def property_getter(getter, cpp_arguments):
return '!result'
return ''
+ context = v8_interface.property_getter(getter, [])
idl_type = getter.idl_type
extended_attributes = getter.extended_attributes
is_raises_exception = 'RaisesException' in extended_attributes
@@ -1069,22 +1005,14 @@ def property_getter(getter, cpp_arguments):
union_arguments = idl_type.union_arguments
if union_arguments:
- cpp_arguments.extend(union_arguments)
+ cpp_arguments.extend([member_argument['cpp_value']
+ for member_argument in union_arguments])
cpp_value = '%s(%s)' % (cpp_method_name, ', '.join(cpp_arguments))
- return {
+ context.update({
'cpp_type': idl_type.cpp_type,
'cpp_value': cpp_value,
- 'is_custom':
- 'Custom' in extended_attributes and
- (not extended_attributes['Custom'] or
- DartUtilities.has_extended_attribute_value(getter, 'Custom', 'PropertyGetter')),
- 'is_custom_property_enumerator': DartUtilities.has_extended_attribute_value(
- getter, 'Custom', 'PropertyEnumerator'),
- 'is_custom_property_query': DartUtilities.has_extended_attribute_value(
- getter, 'Custom', 'PropertyQuery'),
- 'is_enumerable': 'NotEnumerable' not in extended_attributes,
'is_null_expression': is_null_expression(idl_type),
'is_raises_exception': is_raises_exception,
'name': DartUtilities.cpp_name(getter),
@@ -1092,41 +1020,23 @@ def property_getter(getter, cpp_arguments):
'dart_set_return_value': idl_type.dart_set_return_value('result',
- release=idl_type.release)}
+ release=idl_type.release)})
+ return context
+def property_setter(setter):
+ context = v8_interface.property_setter(setter)
-def property_setter(interface, setter):
idl_type = setter.arguments[1].idl_type
extended_attributes = setter.extended_attributes
- interface_extended_attributes = interface.extended_attributes
- is_raises_exception = 'RaisesException' in extended_attributes
- return {
- 'has_strict_type_checking':
- 'DartStrictTypeChecking' in extended_attributes and
- idl_type.is_wrapper_type,
- 'idl_type': idl_type.base_type,
- 'is_custom': 'Custom' in extended_attributes,
- 'has_exception_state': is_raises_exception or
- idl_type.is_integer_type,
- 'is_raises_exception': is_raises_exception,
- 'name': DartUtilities.cpp_name(setter),
- 'dart_value_to_local_cpp_value': idl_type.dart_value_to_local_cpp_value(
- interface_extended_attributes, extended_attributes, 'propertyValue', False),
- }
+ context.update({
+ 'dart_value_to_local_cpp_value': idl_type.dart_value_to_local_cpp_value(
+ extended_attributes, 'propertyValue', False,
+ context['has_type_checking_interface']),
+ })
-def property_deleter(deleter):
- idl_type = deleter.idl_type
- if str(idl_type) != 'boolean':
- raise Exception(
- 'Only deleters with boolean type are allowed, but type is "%s"' %
- idl_type)
- extended_attributes = deleter.extended_attributes
- return {
- 'is_custom': 'Custom' in extended_attributes,
- 'is_raises_exception': 'RaisesException' in extended_attributes,
- 'name': DartUtilities.cpp_name(deleter),
- }
+ return context
@@ -1165,23 +1075,7 @@ def indexed_property_setter(interface):
except StopIteration:
return None
- return property_setter(interface, setter)
-def indexed_property_deleter(interface):
- try:
- # Find indexed property deleter, if present; has form:
- # deleter TYPE [OPTIONAL_IDENTIFIER](unsigned long ARG)
- deleter = next(
- method
- for method in interface.operations
- if ('deleter' in method.specials and
- len(method.arguments) == 1 and
- str(method.arguments[0].idl_type) == 'unsigned long'))
- except StopIteration:
- return None
- return property_deleter(deleter)
+ return property_setter(setter)
@@ -1203,6 +1097,7 @@ def named_property_getter(interface):
return None = or 'anonymousNamedGetter'
return property_getter(getter, ['propertyName'])
@@ -1219,20 +1114,29 @@ def named_property_setter(interface):
except StopIteration:
return None
- return property_setter(interface, setter)
-def named_property_deleter(interface):
- try:
- # Find named property deleter, if present; has form:
- deleter = next(
- method
- for method in interface.operations
- if ('deleter' in method.specials and
- len(method.arguments) == 1 and
- str(method.arguments[0].idl_type) == 'DOMString'))
- except StopIteration:
- return None
- return property_deleter(deleter)
+ return property_setter(setter)
+def generate_native_entries_for_specials(interface, context):
+ def add(prop, name, arity):
+ if context[prop]:
+ if 'native_entries' not in context[prop]:
+ context[prop].update({'native_entries': []})
+ context[prop]['native_entries'].append(
+ DartUtilities.generate_native_entry(
+, name, 'Method', False, arity))
+ pre = ['indexed_property', 'named_property']
+ post = [('setter', '__setter__', 2),
+ ('getter', '__getter__', 1),
+ ('deleter', '__delete__', 1),
+ ]
+ props = [(p1 + "_" + p2, name, arity)
+ for (p1, (p2, name, arity)) in itertools.product(pre, post)]
+ for t in props:
+ add(*t)
+ for (p, name, arity) in props:
+ if context[p]:
+ if context[p].get('is_custom_property_query'):
+ add(p, '__propertyQuery__', 1)
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