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Unified Diff: LayoutTests/fast/events/constructors/overflow-event-constructor.html

Issue 959643002: Remove the overflowchanged event with a runtime flag (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: tests Created 5 years, 10 months ago
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Index: LayoutTests/fast/events/constructors/overflow-event-constructor.html
diff --git a/LayoutTests/fast/events/constructors/overflow-event-constructor.html b/LayoutTests/fast/events/constructors/overflow-event-constructor.html
deleted file mode 100644
index da7744056fcb1b57e16378446b24b8bd35a60cb2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LayoutTests/fast/events/constructors/overflow-event-constructor.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<script src="../../../resources/js-test.js"></script>
-<p id="description"></p>
-<div id="console"></div>
-description("This tests the constructor for the OverflowEvent DOM class.");
-// No initializer is passed.
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType').bubbles", "false");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType').cancelable", "false");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType').horizontalOverflow", "false");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType').verticalOverflow", "false");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType').orient", "0");
-// bubbles, cancelable, horizontalOverflow, verticalOverflow are passed.
-["bubbles", "cancelable", "horizontalOverflow", "verticalOverflow"].forEach(function(attr) {
- shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { " + attr + ": false })." + attr, "false");
- shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { " + attr + ": true })." + attr, "true");
-// orient is passed.
-// Numbers within the unsigned short range.
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { orient: 0 }).orient", "0");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { orient: 1 }).orient", "1");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { orient: 65534 }).orient", "65534");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { orient: 65535 }).orient", "65535");
-// Numbers out of the unsigned short range.
-// 2^{53}-1, the largest number that can be exactly represented by double.
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { orient: 9007199254740991 }).orient", "65535");
-// 2^{64}-1
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { orient: 18446744073709551615 }).orient", "0");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { orient: 12345678901234567890 }).orient", "2048");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { orient: -1 }).orient", "65535");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { orient: 123.45 }).orient", "123");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { orient: NaN }).orient", "0");
-// Non-numeric values.
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { orient: undefined }).orient", "0");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { orient: null }).orient", "0");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { orient: '' }).orient", "0");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { orient: '12345' }).orient", "12345");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { orient: '12345a' }).orient", "0");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { orient: 'abc' }).orient", "0");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { orient: [] }).orient", "0");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { orient: [12345] }).orient", "12345");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { orient: [12345, 67890] }).orient", "0");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { orient: {} }).orient", "0");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { orient: {foo: 12345} }).orient", "0");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { orient: {valueOf: function () { return 12345; }} }).orient", "12345");
-// All initializers are passed.
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, horizontalOverflow: true, verticalOverflow: true, orient: 12345 }).bubbles", "true");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, horizontalOverflow: true, verticalOverflow: true, orient: 12345 }).cancelable", "true");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, horizontalOverflow: true, verticalOverflow: true, orient: 12345 }).horizontalOverflow", "true");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, horizontalOverflow: true, verticalOverflow: true, orient: 12345 }).verticalOverflow", "true");
-shouldBe("new OverflowEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, horizontalOverflow: true, verticalOverflow: true, orient: 12345 }).orient", "12345");

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